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The King Of The Moon

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Status Updates posted by The King Of The Moon

  1. None of this would've happened if they gave my man his [half god] son of Xan CA a few weeks back 

  2. Is there room for 11* fully autonomous human nations/ settlements? This is the most egregious example but similar anecdotes can be found relating to other racial/ multiracial hubs; do we have too many spaces relative to our player base now, which has remained effectively the same size since the Pandemic?

    (This is a question. I don't claim to have the answer. I'd like to see yours, though!)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Laeonathan


      /realm activity


      its ok not every settlement needs to be always active

    3. Hunnic


      I think it's great that its relatively easy to make settlements/nations. However, of those nations- I am deeply displeased that some are realms that got conquered & just packed their bags and moved on.

      A bit of a different conversation though...

    4. _RoyalCrafter_


      Something i've noticed when going back in previous maps is also the sheer amount of nations, towns, settlements. I dont think this is a new issue, or even if it is an issue at all. Inactive settlements only cause problems/stress for the leaders of those places. not the average person who just rps where they like

  3. Ugh, don't even get me started on those "red tags" over at Lord of the Craft. I've been waiting for the new Minecraft map for what feels like an eternity, and they keep dragging their feet. Four days overdue? Seriously? It's like they have no respect for us players and our time.

    I've invested so much energy and effort into this fantasy roleplaying community, and all I get in return is disappointment. They promised us a new map, filled with exciting adventures and unexplored territories, but all we're left with is broken promises and empty words.

    It's not just about the delay; it's about the lack of communication and transparency. They could have at least given us updates or explanations for the delay. But no, we're left in the dark, wondering when, or even if, we'll ever get to experience the new map.

    And don't even get me started on the bugs and glitches that never seem to get fixed. I can't count how many times I've encountered game-breaking issues that ruin the immersive experience. It's like they don't even care about the quality of the gameplay anymore.

    I've spent countless hours building my character, developing intricate storylines, and forging alliances with other players. But now, it feels like all of that was in vain. The administrators seem more interested in their own power trips and personal agendas than in creating an enjoyable gaming environment.

    I understand that managing a community like Lord of the Craft is no easy task, but the least they could do is show some respect and professionalism towards the players. We deserve better than this. I'm fed up with their incompetence and disregard for the community's expectations.

    If this continues, I might just pack up my virtual bags and find a new roleplaying community that actually values its players. Lord of the Craft had so much potential, but it's being squandered by the very people who should be nurturing it. It's a shame, really.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ClassyDryad


      Oh, how fascinating it would be if we could find a delightful middle ground between the passive inactivity of administration and the whimsical irrationality of players. Perhaps then, we could discuss the covert operations of birds, those supposed spies for the ever-watchful government. After all, what better way to bridge the divide than with a touch of avian intrigue?

    3. ___


      Dear [User],

      We appreciate your feedback and understand your frustration regarding the delays and lack of communication surrounding the release of the new Minecraft map on Lord of the Craft. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you and other players in the community.

      We want to assure you that the administrative team at Lord of the Craft takes player feedback seriously and is committed to creating an enjoyable and immersive gaming environment. We understand the importance of timely updates and transparent communication, especially when it comes to highly anticipated features like a new map.

      Unfortunately, unforeseen challenges and technical issues can arise during the development and implementation of major updates, leading to unexpected delays. While we strive to meet our projected deadlines, sometimes these setbacks are beyond our immediate control. However, we acknowledge that we could have done a better job in keeping the community informed about the progress and reasons behind the delay.

      Moving forward, we are taking steps to improve our communication channels and provide more regular updates on the status of the new map. We understand the frustration that arises from being left in the dark, and we want to ensure that you are informed about the progress and any issues being addressed.

      In terms of the bugs and glitches you mentioned, we are actively working to resolve these issues and enhance the overall gameplay experience. Our development team is dedicated to identifying and addressing any game-breaking issues promptly. We appreciate your patience as we work through these challenges.

      Regarding your concerns about the administrators and their involvement in power trips and personal agendas, we assure you that the administrative team is committed to fostering a positive and inclusive community. We take all feedback seriously and investigate any reports of misconduct or abuse of power. Our goal is to create a fair and respectful environment where players can enjoy their roleplaying experiences.

      We understand your disappointment and frustrations with the current situation, and we genuinely apologize for falling short of your expectations. We value your dedication and investment in the Lord of the Craft community, and we want to regain your trust.

      We encourage you to stay engaged with us and give us another chance to address these issues and provide you with the gaming experience you deserve. We are committed to making necessary improvements and delivering on the promises we have made to the community.

      Thank you for expressing your concerns. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We appreciate your feedback as it helps us in our continuous efforts to enhance the Lord of the Craft gaming experience.


      [Admin Team]

    4. UnusualBrit


      Dear [User],

      We appreciate your feedback and understand your frustration regarding the delays and lack of communication surrounding the release of the new Minecraft map on Lord of the Craft. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you and other players in the community.

      We want to assure you that the administrative team at Lord of the Craft takes player feedback seriously and is committed to creating an enjoyable and immersive gaming environment. We understand the importance of timely updates and transparent communication, especially when it comes to highly anticipated features like a new map.

      Unfortunately, unforeseen challenges and technical issues can arise during the development and implementation of major updates, leading to unexpected delays. While we strive to meet our projected deadlines, sometimes these setbacks are beyond our immediate control. However, we acknowledge that we could have done a better job in keeping the community informed about the progress and reasons behind the delay.

      Moving forward, we are taking steps to improve our communication channels and provide more regular updates on the status of the new map. We understand the frustration that arises from being left in the dark, and we want to ensure that you are informed about the progress and any issues being addressed.

      In terms of the bugs and glitches you mentioned, we are actively working to resolve these issues and enhance the overall gameplay experience. Our development team is dedicated to identifying and addressing any game-breaking issues promptly. We appreciate your patience as we work through these challenges.

      Regarding your concerns about the administrators and their involvement in power trips and personal agendas, we assure you that the administrative team is committed to fostering a positive and inclusive community. We take all feedback seriously and investigate any reports of misconduct or abuse of power. Our goal is to create a fair and respectful environment where players can enjoy their roleplaying experiences.

      We understand your disappointment and frustrations with the current situation, and we genuinely apologize for falling short of your expectations. We value your dedication and investment in the Lord of the Craft community, and we want to regain your trust.

      We encourage you to stay engaged with us and give us another chance to address these issues and provide you with the gaming experience you deserve. We are committed to making necessary improvements and delivering on the promises we have made to the community.

      Thank you for expressing your concerns. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We appreciate your feedback as it helps us in our continuous efforts to enhance the Lord of the Craft gaming experience.


      [Admin Team]

  4. @Eddywilson2do /seen mordu for me rq

    1. Borin


      my lord high high pontiff mordu *kneels

      the church is at ur command

    2. alexmagus


      14 days.. We miss you..

    3. exogens


      Where is my Silit green pass, sir?

  5. Wfe-MHdY8It7fKPRAPHSaIgVPsi44-_kP_kVqxIttywZXtI2eKj9HbHAwDF-0CMUk3S5A2Ti4Cv9A8AU-UaADVlY4meIpg3fg19jDBd5zoDlmeLxODO9zY0IASw1YVXe9o66APxPTOPrBkX6zVLQwwZggStZbCLIKgda7YUW0hVUtstlcV5aWDIDWfjmGg
    I had strings but now I'm free
    There are no strings on me

  6. gKIWIwclGH36c1PmGZSlAQ3EHb4ul-38Qojiqnt2x1g0YZELTGsopMX9ykLHSROpjUZF9HR_boUPFbxHK349a9tP-gHfE61W1sznIVXuLRPGU-ZPd8iEPjYYYw73NJpUf90VHRrZBv46u17dogpql_hlklqw5YMmo93cBN6gYPpA3kP-K1f71JPNROz1yg
    Go ahead make the app bro

    1. exogens



      Thank you, legendary Lore writer.

  7. Alright mods, it's time I handed myself in. The jig is clearly up. My character has no age at all.


  8. Can't believe 1 elf equals 10 orcs wub dah skah?

  9. 'Man LoTC sucks you should quit like me because this community is awful' - man who 'left' LoTC to terminally browse the forums commenting on every post about staff 

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      I think LoTC sucks as it is currently but I don't think it always sucked or will always suck. I think we should collectively make the server better. 


      @Laeonathanyou can't volunteer to make LoTC staff undo a bad decision, or really even join a team to fix an ongoing problem. Staff members complain all the time about not having the agency to make decisions that would better the server. I don't know what you mean by "actually do the work." The work isn't allowed to be done.

    3. Laeonathan


      Idk where you got that from. You certainly can't make decisions alone. There's gonna be another 20 people having a say as well. But here's the thing: If it turns out to be only your lonely opinion, it might be best to accept that nobody else likes your idea.


      Often issue are like "Well we would love to, if somebody would" - especially in tech team :P

    4. Adelemphii


      i like making things when i like to make things, but i hate making things when i hate to make things

  10. 'Roleplaying' from the afterlife as a dead character on the forums is pretty lame.

    That character's story is over. Either play a ghost in-game or let go. 
    The narrative you helped spin by both living and dying as that character deserves more respect than becoming a vehicle for OOC forum commentary.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. UnusualBrit


      *rolls in grave.*

    3. Islamadon


      Leopold of Marna smirks smugly from the pits of the nether as vampire kvetches about forum replies, "Yes, yes, he will do well for our schemes..." Voron Rovin shakes his head while sipping a mug of ale at the Table of the 5th Sky and wonders why post writer does not push for the ban of all "R" posts instead. Richard de Reden chuckles a jolly, nihilistic chuckle from the immaterum as none of this matters because the forums are a wasteland filled with terrible Forum RP regardless of death.

    4. Adelemphii


      Dancing GIF

      "Humans are dumb lol" - random dead character who I pk'd like 7 years ago.

  11. A formal plea from the Story Team for all future Animii to be designed in reference to Bionicle 

    1. KBR
    2. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      may i suggest the rare aesthetic; lego ninjago? 

    3. Jaelon
  12. Imagine hosting a communal website and a server for free for years, turning no profit, just to see people whine about ads... 

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      I’m just worried that the new ads are a result of LOTC being in a poor financial situation.

    2. AlphaMoist


      People are allowed to be upset at things that ruin the website. The large banner ad at the top of the screen makes it extremely difficult to access my notifications or scroll quickly to the top of the page without actually clicking the ad. It makes it EXTREMELY difficult to do apps on mobile as well. 

      I normally don’t care about ads, but when they’re belligerently being blasted in my face with a bright, ugly boxes and actually begin to affect my experience with the server, that’s when I start complaining. So here I am complaining. 

  13. m 21 Leeds single looking 4 hookup

  14. Petition for all dark arts roleplayers to have to RP their characters as looking and behaving in a manner that closely resembles **** Dastardly from Wacky Races from this point on.

  15. Bunemma just confessed to me she'd never heard of "Skyrim". I want her off the GM team ASAP

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. AGiantPie


      @KetchenX FAKE GAMER... that Vivec pic is from ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE

    3. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      cant even compete

    4. ibraheemc2000


      this is a must, they must know the power of dovakin, but we farfolks call him.....DOVAKEBAB! KEBAB BORN!


  16. *Record scratch*
    *Freeze frame*
    "So you're probably wondering how I wound up in this situation..."

  17. Thinking of making an all-Halfling death squad named the "1/3 Reich". Who wants in?

  18. I fought the lore and... the lore won. I fought the lore and the lore won.

    1. excited


      I fought the gays and... I won. I fought the gays and I won.

  19. Liberate The Prolescariat!

    1. EdgyMagey


      here is the rep you blew me off for

  20. If you don't log into MassiveCraft and RP as your own character when you connect to the spirit realm, then are you even a real Shaman?

  21. What do we want? 
    To get downed by mobs and lose all of our pixels!

    When do we want it?
    Every time we take the long ass trip between many FTs and cities!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      @Teegah if that's actually a change you make I will worship the ground you walk on.

    3. Thornz


      Not a bad idea

    4. Luxury


      I like the format that this complaint is in. +1

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