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  1. [!] Before you, a picture was drawn upon on a scroll, a fine and lenient framing would complement the ancient scenery, which invited the beholder to what the artist depicts Arcadia as. Upon the back of the drawing a letter was attached... ልዪርልዕጎል ?? ???????? ?? ?? ?? ??????? ????????? ????????????? ???? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?? ?????, ??? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ????? ?? ???????? ??????, ???? ?????? ??? ??????????? ???????? ???? ????? ????. ??? ???? ?? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ?????????? ??? ???? ????? ??. ???, ????? ?????????? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ?? ????? ????? ?? ??????? ?? ? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?????????. ?? ???????? ?? ???? ????????? ??????, ????????? ??? ??? ???????? ?????? ?? ????, ???? ???? ?? ?????????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ????, ?? ??? ??????????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ???????. ????????? ?????????? ???? ???? ??? ?????????? ?? ??? ???????? ????????? ?? ??????, ???? ???? ??????????? ?? ???????? ??? & ???, ??????? ??? ???????? ???? ??? ???? ????, ?? ?????? ????? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ???? ????. ???? ???? ? ???? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ?? ?????? ????? ??????????, ?? ?????????? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ?????????? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ???????? ??? ?????????. ??????? 1703 ԹՐƙԾՏ [OOC-Info] This is the final part of the naval eventline that I’ve run on Arkas, which means giving back to the you guys. Every player that participated, has a crew or is interested in other naval related activities, is invited to join the ocean-hub (Ancient Sea Ruin). One can think of it as a sort of event-charter, where there will be objectives, specialized bounties, and lore to discover and be written, all while having the freedom to do so on your own. As mentioned, the only requirement is involvement in the naval storyline, which will net you a spot to ‘freely’ decorate and live with your persona in the event-charter, while also staying at a close pulse with the storyline itself. I invite you to do DIY Events or make this your new favourite fishing spot... For further information message me on the Forums, Discord or your leave your Nickname & Persona’s Name in the thread (perhaps with a nice roleplay text to accompany it)
  2. Mattiii

    Comedy Night

    Seeing as how the previous Comedy Night was so successful, Henry Clericus is proud to host it again at Westmarches, Eagle’s Beak! No sign-up or form to fill, just jump on stage and joke away. Info: Snow’s Maiden, 1731. ((Wednesday, 28th of August, 2019)) at Westmarches, Eagle’s Beak. Directions: From Helena: Turn right, when approaching the three-way, turn right again and head straight, crossing over the wooden bridge. Continue on the road towards Haelun’or. Soon enough you will turn left, and finally you will arrive at Laanhold, Westmarch! (( XYZ: -872 // 62 // -1723 )) A map is attached to the post with a red dot labeled as Helena and a green dot, presumably Westmarch.
  3. The Wedding of Rathamalion & Kardi The Bells are ringing. Turtledoves fly around. People come in masses to watch the feast.Severeal Doves would spread this Letter to all of the allied Nations of Renatus . My dear Allies of the world i am so proud to finally announce my Wedding to all of you I am going to marry at the 3 Elvenday of this week and me and my Fiance wanted to invite all of you to our Wedding afterwards our closest friends will be able to join us to a little party afterwards. Food and drinks will served from me. Some Infos would be down there When : The 3rd Elvenday this year 7 pm CET Where : Capital of the Khardasi Who : All allied Nations of the Empire ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ ____________
  4. Put screenshots from the brutal Swamp event that killed a bajillion people in the comments. I personally only got screenshots from the beginning and end of the event, but I’ll include them all regardless. Massive rally on the Spicy Shrimp ship in the docks of Brandybrook Heading out towards the swamps Swimming across a river on our way to the swamp Forming a shield-wall with Scorpions and mages in the front waiting for the infantry to advance See that circle of dwarves? They all died mere moments after we arrived The mist disabiling a good portion of the army (I forgot to emote putting on my mask) Getting dragged to safety while the brutal battle begins in the background After a while, the fighting kills half of the army and injures many more. My character’s just barely clinging to life in this screenshot ((I had to eat lunch, so I missed a lot of the battle)) Being dragged out of the swamp by retreating soldiers. We’ll get ‘em next time folks! Now we know that it’s VERY IMPORTANT to put on a mask, and we know to avoid friendly fire and have new ideas on how to fight the faceless. There’s no doubt that the next rally will face a much less grisly fate. If you guys have any more screenshots, please put them in the comments. Thank you, and have a good night!
  5. What the absolute **** is up, it’s me Dingo, the NEW ST Event manager and here to make some bounds and leaps onto the server. I’m going to be personally pursuing some changes in how events are done and removing the former stigma that the team was associated with. This will be a short and sweet announcement, I’m here to simply advertise that the ST Event Sect are looking for more members, specifically two or three depending on the quality of the candidates (you can apply here: click me). If you were denied in the most recent run, please do not apply again. Otherwise, I’m really excited to see those who have wanted to make a true impact on the server come over and help with the plans I have in store. A rough gist of what I’m aiming to have roll out over the next few months are - - Bounty Board Reforms - Ambient Event Chains (It’s obscure for a reason) - The beginning of world/narrative events written and driven by @Xarkly himself. With this in mind, feel free to shame me if I don’t deliver on at least one of these promises. I’m really looking forward to doing some hopefully good **** on this server. Once the team is completely operational, we’ll be expanding into other areas to make the world seem more alive. A big objective for my management. Also welcome the first wave of new ST-Actors. Most are veteran ETs and will do great. @Werew0lf @TheGayGuardian2 @Cracker@Temp @SpodoKaiba @Treshure
  6. First ‘proper’ ship seen on the expedition. Circa 1715 “The smallest landlubbers, callin’ themselves the halflins received a bounty that would lead them to the shipwreck, as they ventured out from brandybrook’s decks they would quickly find out the shipwreck was no fluke and that another ship had been shattered to pieces there while trying to retrieve the much acclaimed treasure… Was it the aggression of other ocean-travelling folk or just another casualty of the forceful tides that often brought a wet demise to unsuspecting sailors… ? The warning remained, but with the demise of the other ships a lucky group of landlubbers have taken the opportunity to check out what sweet loot these remains had to offer. They were greeted with relics of long past lives and the unwelcoming otherworldly presence of an apparition that had formed from the many lost souls that drowned or died any other horrible death upon the ocean. Seeing that everything eventually sinks down to the ocean floor to ultimately rot away, the shipwreck preserved itself as a warning to all those who are foolish enough to venture out into the unknown seas unprepared. A storm was coming... Luckily the Pirates were giving the landlubbers who received the bounty missive instructions and cared for their safe travel across the seas. Although with the whole population of ocean-dwellers on the line they had no other way but to cooperate with the main-land centric descandants, who were currently in the turmoils of war. Cap’n Octatre’ was send out with a small but dedicated crew to establish contact with the crews that were able to sail out far into the ocean. Far behind the high tides, where rocky formations would carve the floor beneath the surface, a menace would slowly inch closer. It was a sinister creature that would devour everything in its vicinity. As the creature was a very slow organism, the ocean-dwellers & descendants alike wouldn’t know about it at all until its large unsaturated hunger would mess with the whole eco-system. of the uncharted seas Large amounts of flat, marbly bone substance would wash up from the depths of the sea. It was completely dead material, preserved in form, but devoid of life. Once a living organism was turned to dry bones, the salvaged lifeforce would be absorbed by the creature. With the now established contacts to the mainland the pirates hope to salvage the ancient remains of the precursors of the Arkos seas to put an end to this terrible creature, and hopefully free the ancient civilisation trapped beneath a blanket of bones….” *The old man would sign the book, on the last page was a drawing of the shipwrecks at sea. He went to the library of dragur to publish his observation upon sea.*
  7. Gathering by the docks, awaiting the beginning of the Tournament. The first shogging match between Rollo Applefoot and Apollo (Rollo wins!). The shogging match between Daisy Applefoot and Liesl Applefoot (Daisy wins!). The match between the losers of the first two matches (Liesl wins!). The arrival of the Forest Dwarves. The match between the winners of the first two matches (Rollo is disqualified for cheating!). The match between Daisy and Liesl that determines the winner! (Liesl wins!). Giving Liesl Applefoot the prize! Fishing in Dinkle River! The arrival of Arugula, the Squid Lord! Fighting the squid with the power of fishing hooks! Shogging with the Squid Lord. Kerraline must face the squid alone!
  8. Players/Group Requesting: Dunshire, the home of the halflings What kind of Event are you looking for?: A Truffle Hunt in Dunshire Forest, where all the festival goers try to harvest as many truffles as they possibly can ((Basically just this suggestion I made a while back, but in Dunshire: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/174539-event-idea-truffle-hunt/?tab=comments#comment-1643958 )) Approximately, what time/date you want the Event to take place?: Around 3: 40 PM EST on December 16th, although it could happen earlier or later (The festival goes from 3-5 PM EST* Organizer's Discord: NotEvilAtAll#2321, dkink14#7136, Mystery#1104.
  9. The Encounter Aldonza Castelo takes a tentative sip of the wine, eyes glimmering in delight as the decadent liquid passes her lips. The woman leans back in her chair, swirling the wine as she looks up towards the evening sky, “Ah, yes. The story of my scar.” Her gaze drops back to the inquisitor. “I suppose it all began with a Grand Marshal and the King’s quest.” This was no simple errant quest. The far Southern reaches of Atlas is a cold and unforgiving wasteland of death. It is far too easy for the common man to fall prey to frostbite, starvation, or worse. However, if the King wanted the Southern region of Atlas mapped, then by the Seven Skies Roland Castelo would see it done. Four other brave souls would come to accompany him on this endeavour. The Sergeants Aldonza Cervantes and Vittore Stefano Volaire- both seasoned warriors of the Legion- help form the backbone of the group. Then, of course, there was the recruit. Bringing Jack along was clearly a mistake, but this was merely a mapping expedition and there were other soldiers of experience to call upon if necessary. The final member of the team would be a man by the name of Louis. A scholar of questionable scholarly attributes that was itching for a bit of adventure. Unbeknownst to them just what fate had in store, the five packed their bags and headed off towards the snowy mountains. The sky would soon grow dark as skies often do and crystal-esque snowflakes began to fall softly about the travelers. Five weary travellers came to a halt in a field of white. For you who might never have dared the forbidding Southern reaches, night is not a pleasant time to traverse the land. Three stayed behind to prepare tents and the yearned for embrace of a fire while the Sergeants split off, moving several yards out in separate directions to scout the region they had settled. Sergeant Aldonza was the first to return followed shortly by Sergeant Vittore. Each soldier announced their own discovery of ruins and edifices to the Grand Marshal. Over the crest of a small hill a few mere steps away, the other two followed the Cervantes to her findings. The ruins of a wall connecting two snowy hilltops loomed over them, too refined to be that of the ice wall that keeps the people of Atlas confined to that which they call home. Not to mention that this particular wall had a sizable archway within the center of it, guarded by cracking statues taller than any uruk could hope to stand. These desolate ruins posed no foreseeable threat, so a mark on the map and promises to return to investigate in the sun’s light were made as the group continued on to what the Sergeant Vittore had observed. Trudging over the flurry brushed hills- struggling to maintain their balance with the sporadic trembles of the ground- the trio came in sight of a Keep. Hopeful walls glowing of candlelight stood firm, beckoning to the soldiers. The remaining comrades were quickly summoned from the camp and together they all stood before the closed gates of solace. Their calls for the master of the house- or anyone willing to open its gates- were answered only by their own voices, echoing into the night. The darkness of forsaken hope cast its veil upon the union. Biting cold kissed them with icy lips and the wind seemed to howl only louder. It was nay over for the group, but the thought of returning to their little fire when compared to the comfort of shielding walls and warm food wrought everything in despair. Even the faint trembles of the ground seemed to grow in strength and number. For so they did. The howls of the wind were mere whispers in light of the thundering roar that made even the gargoyles adorning the Keep tremble at its might. A new chill- that which had little to do with the snow and wind- passed over our heroes. Five travellers of forgotten weary plow onwards through the snow, further up the mountainside to a surface of stone. The foundation of some structure lost to time. Moonlight glistens off soldiers’ blades and arrow tips alike as suspense plays its cruel tricks, catching breaths and warping time to a dreamlike halt. Even the gale waits silently, reverently, for the beast to make its debut. Now matter how the wind blows, the mountain does not bow before it- so say some. But this creature of fury and frost makes trembling cowards of the mountains. Thump. Thump. Thump. The sounds of night and rumbling ground applaud the warrior of the Southern reaches. Its icy gaze, peering around a snow-capped mountain peak, strike the group unlike any sword. This creature was surely one of the Seven Skies. Scales formed of the stars themself glisten. And from the wyvern of ice and frost so booms its powerful roar. “To arms! Stand your ground!” The voice of the Grand Marshal battles for dominance over the beast’s. Two arrows whistle through the air, each meeting its mark. Bows hold favor over the sword wielders as the creature pushes up into the sky. For a moment, the language barrier between man and wyvern is undistinguishable. All its rage is encompassed in a powerful breath of ice and wind. Those with shields raise them high before their comrades as more arrows are knocked at the ready by those with a bow to release them. These weapons of war are but toys to the beast. It’s roar replicates that of a merciless laugh as it swoops forward, claws outstretched to ****** up its nearest prey. Soldiers leap into action to no avail. Sergeant Vittore is raised briefly into the night sky for a mere few feet before the creature loses hold on its stubborn victim. Nonetheless, he is momentarily left winded by the cracked stone that greets him. The notion that the layer of ice protecting the wyvern is impenetrable begins to settle in their mind. Their arrows are practically useless against its natural shield. Fear shrouds them for but a moment when the Grand Marshal calls out once more “Down the mountain men and to the North!” Without question, the group hastens down the mountainside. Though they run in fear, do not take this act in cowardice. Soldiers and scholar alike career onwards to an awaiting forest. Snow begrudgingly gives way to forest floor, leaving frosted puddles here and there. Within the woods embrace, the five each take to the cover of a tree and await the approach of their predator. It’s cry announces its presence before the shaking of the ground as it lands ever could. The soldiers whirl around from behind the decent safety of their respective trees all at once. Arrows are knocked into place once more by Sergeant Vittore and Footman Jack as the other two soldiers begin their charge unto the beast. The Sergeant Aldonza fuels her charge with a mighty warcry only to receive a roar in return. The barrier of tongues is meaningless once more as the two foes cry out to one another, each one mightier than the last. Before any real winner can be determined, blades and arrows descend at once upon the beast. The weapon that were once useless strike the beast, its armor of ice melting away in the warmer air of the woods. Blood and sweat taints the air. The moon casts shadows of the battle upon the trees- the sole audience to the scene. Man and beast alike stir up the mud of the earth in their struggle. Blade and arrow upon scales. Claws and icy breath upon shield and armor. With a sickening squelch, the Grand Marshal’s blade is thrust into his foe once more in a substantial blow. The wyvern launches into the sky with a cry of agony, the action ripping the weapon from the officer’s grasp. Sergeant Aldonza is quick enough to leap back as their foe quickly descends, but the same cannot be said for the Castelo soldier. Five yells of varying intensity ring out. Bows are replaced in haste with swords and two sergeants, a recruit, and a scholar move with newfound rage to the aid of their Grand Marshal. Its victim still mangled beneath its claws, the wyvern spreads the once beautiful wings of icy crystals out. The air whistles from the sheer force of the motion as its wings arc forward, dangerously sharp claws upon each like that of a bats reaching to strike at its oncoming enemies. Another powerful blow is delivered, a claw catching the face of Sergeant Aldonza- the wyvern’s nearest opponent. The woman is sent flying back, leaving the remaining three to see a losing battle won. But their wrath holds no meaning to the foe, satisfied with the chaos it has wrought. The magnificent creature takes to the sky. And so the wyvern flies off, tracing its path of flight in a trail of blood. The trees look upon what remains of the group mercilessly. Two soldiers kneel beside their officer, looking unto the lethal damage done as the scholar moves to see to the wounds of the Cervantes. “Help the Grand Marshal,” the woman pushes Louis away, crawling forward towards the others as one hand clutched to the blood that pools from her face. It is evident that time will not be kind unto our five hopeless heros. Roland does no more than groan as the life slips from his weary form. Aldonza clutches the wound dealt to her face, pleading for someone to save him, damnit! Vittore looks over the wounds of his fallen friend and leader with a hopeless stare. Louis digs through what little supplies they still had on them in a desperate attempts to find something of medical value. Jack goes back and forth between Louis and Roland, as unsure as the rest of them as what was left to be done. And all of them slowly feel the weight of the night’s battle and the wretched nightmare they bore witness to bear down upon their shoulders. Aye, the story could end here. You who comes to know of this forlorn tale must surely now weep for our fallen heroes. But do not let yourself despair, for the trees themselves must have whispered of their state to passing wanderers. Three beings emerge from the foliage, surely Aenguls come to lift their sorrows and heal their wounds. And they do. One of the three embodiments of hope steps forth, enacting miracles of medicine unto the wounded soldiers. The three beings leave almost as quickly as they came, leaving no more than whispered words of advice and healing wounds. Those of us the wiser know the trio to nay truly be Aenguls, but for such light to pierce the veil of despair, they may have as well been. Five comrades sit in the woods. A Grand Marshal, two Sergeants, a recruit, and a scholar. Tonight they rest and give thanks for their life’s. But the time may come- the time will come- when five comrades seek out their foe once more. ((A few quick notes! This story is based an actual event that occured within LOTC. A huge thanks to Unwillingly who was the ET member who ran the event and later on also ran the revenge event. Also a huge thanks to Zac Clay who happened to have been streaming LOTC at the time and dropped by to stream a bit of the tail end of this event. And of course, a huge thanks to all those that were participants in the event and got to experience this with me! This forum post has been a long time coming and I’m really glad to be able to have finally finished this so that I might share it with all of you. Please let me know if you would like me to write a part two for this that entails the revenge story.)
  10. Eight souls upon a vessel with crimson sails milled about the deck of the Red Dawn. The wood beneath their feet, a too-pale color for the work they sought to carry through, but bright enough that the blistering heat of the sunlight was less agonizing for those with bare feet. Out here, hours away from any shore, the craft was a bright and red spot in the open sea: a target. These elves were here not for fishing, but revenge, and hunting. It was but a year ago they had been assailed on a meager fishing trip. A small boat, made bent and broken by the mother-serpent they had offended. The crew, six then, had assaulted its child and drew its mother out. The beasts returned to sea as quickly as they had come, though not without damage to the small boat and to one crew member, Leyne. The crew returned to the Isles, and now they were at sea, with a vessel thrice as large and bearing small ballistae, and a larger crew. Hours away from land and their bait was warmed and soon ready to spoil. The captain of the vessel took note of this, and hailed the crewman who secured their bait: Annil. The proud hunter had secured a most vile bin of wolf’s innards, primarily the gut. Out at sea, this was a scent rank enough to cause the weakest of constitutions sickness over the side of the craft. "Annil, have you chummed waters before?" Fëanor Sylvaeri hails. By now, the elf was much a portrait of his ancestor Eleron, once a shipwright. It was a plain thing to see for elves who knew the fallen prince, but to the crew of the vessel, this was no new thing. Always, those elves of Sylvaeri blood took well to the sea. “Oh, uh, don't you just chuck it over?” Annil, the hunter of the wolf’s guts. An elf older than half the crew, but whose appearance suggested elsewise. “You just chuck a **** ton of meat and blood over the surface.” Elros of the Silma, here to accompany young elf Damien and in part oversee the success of the trialing elf Annil. One of the veteran crewman, too. “Aye, pick a side,” the Sylvaeri called again. The gore was prepared, and Annil took to the port-side railing of the vessel, just beside the center mast. Annil rose his voice, urging the crew to be prepared. The elves assumed the wait would be short, for they were likely to attract the ire of their prey. Be it the heat of the sun, the impatience of Annil or the weight of the wolf-guts, the elf delivered the chum out across the railing and into the sea, bloodying the waters. They would wait. At first a few minutes, but the heat soon boiled their tempers. One of the crewmen nearly sparked a fight, insisting the youngest of the elves, a lad of fifteen years take to smoke from his pipe. The crew and captain’s attention were set upon the argument, and this they would regret, for they had forgotten the speed of the creature. A great fin broke the surface of the water some fifty meters out. The elves were quick to notice, but less so to act. Before the crew and captain had fully prepared, the mother-serpent had struck the starboard-side of the Red Dawn, and revealed her unpleasant visage. She was met, not with tears and meager arrows, but harpoons carved with runes, carrying upon their speartips the wrath of the elements. Yet the serpent-mother’s wrath was great and terrible, for these elves had attacked her child and invited her to these waters with a bloody promise of food. She would have her fill, a way or another. A harpoon struck her flank, and sent the large beast wailing, thrashing between the rigging and railing. The vessel tipped with her great weight, tossing the elves who sought to take aim upon her. Bloodied sea water stained and filled the deck from starboard side. The sun, blinding as the glimmering scales reflected light upon the crew only served to contribute to the bolts and arrows which flung off course, deflecting off the thick scales of the beast. She would not avoid the clerical light of Delmira which exposed flesh on her neck, blasting scales free. Bloody desperation, attempts to gouge the young elf Damien and too Turge and Elros sent the thrashing serpent-mother to the deck of the Red Dawn, further towards the port-side of the boat. Any elf within her path was certain to be felled or torn apart by horns or teeth. For her thrashing, Elros had gouged the sea-mother’s left eye, thus hurrying her escape towards the sea, Elros certain to tumble over. Leyne, narrowly avoiding the hungry beast’s wrathful maw, was sent to the deck of the ship, certain to be dragged off after the beast, for her rope was still leading to it. Already her vigor for sea-serpent blood had dazed her. It would take the efforts of the cleric to free her from the rope, which soon was scooped up by the captain. In the chaos, Damien narrowly avoided the wrathful mother’s horns and for it received a long gash, though not without wounding the creature in her escape, where scales had been torn apart by Delmira. Damien was saved then by Turge, but as for Elros, he and Fëanor tumbled into the rigging of the boat. A great snap was heard, the mast and rigging soon beginning to tumble seawards. Gore and scales littered the deck in the beast’s death-throes. A bolt from Annil upon a port-side ballista struck true into the beast. The crew and Elros, safe upon the deck, reeled back as the boat flung back to starboard side. The serpent-mother tumbled over, gravely wounded, and after her followed the elf captain. Fëanor arced one arm above, a mace with four hooked flanges in one hand and delivered the mortal blow to the serpent-mother in their descent to the waters. He would not recount his fight with death to the crew just yet, but this he said later to a denizen of the Isle. "I tumbled o'er into the sea and plunged my mace into its flank. I felt and saw it bled and die, and I tumbled, over and over into the bloody froth and foam beside the boat. Dark, corrosive, bloody. Pain in my lungs from lack of air, in my side from the lightning that struck me... I live, yet. The taste does not come out yet. I can still smell the blood." Leyne took it upon herself to tear the captain free of the rigging as the crew panicked in their bloodied state. Annil, against his own fear of the sea, experienced bravery if only to save this elf. It was difficult to spot the elf beneath the corpse of the serpent-mother, and he had not counted upon Leyne’s assistance. Either way, the crew and captain were whole, and ever quickly tiring. Just as swiftly as it had come, the creature now would float dead beside the craft. It would take hours to be prepared for a return trip home, in large part to Kharris’s devotion to the steering, but ultimately they were victorious: the lubba mother was dead, and its child an orphan at sea.
  11. EVENT REQUEST FORMAT Players/Group Requesting: The Empire of Man, Order of the Red Dragon What kind of Event are you looking for?: I seek to establish a bounty board of monsters that people in the Empire can kill for prestige without us having to break the rules and play them. Approximately, what time/date you want the Event to take place?: To be discussed. Organizer's Discord: Zhulik#7438 NOTES: If this works Temp and Grim get all the credit.
  12. Players/Group Requesting: Kaz’Ulrah dwarves + Any other dwarves/people interested in participating What kind of Event are you looking for?: We are looking for a series of events that pertain to the dwarven clergy and cults/heretics within Kaz’Ulrah and the surrounding lands. I’ve written material that ET can base the events off of that can be found on the forums and given if requested. Old school dungeon / Monster killing preferred. Actors may fill in the roles of fanatics and heretics if wanted. Event areas can be built by me in SP if needed and placed on the server in game by staff. Approximately, what time/date you want the Event to take place?: Starting November 3rd – 4th and progressing every weekend after. Organizer's Discord: Cindervein#1790
  13. EVENT REQUEST FORMAT Players/Group Requesting: The Halflings of Dunshire What kind of Event are you looking for?: The staff who wish to participate disguising themselves as animals and running a race through Dunshire so that the Festival-goers may place bets on them. Real quick, real simple. Approximately, what time/date you want the Event to take place?: Around 4:30 PM EST today, although the time could vary a bit depending on how the Festival goes. Organizer's Discord: https://discord.gg/BRhJrHM For Reference: Also, it might be nice to get a little Event Message broadcast to Atlas about the Festival beginning.
  14. EVENT REQUEST FORMAT Players/Group Requesting: The Empire of Man and the Order of the Red Dragon What kind of Event are you looking for?: The Empire is looking for an overarching quest-line of sorts, to give Knights some quests to do. The Empire would also prefer it to be related to Human lore in some capacity (I can help with the provision of such). Events can be anything, really, from one-on-one interactions and dungeons to massive group PVE battles. The main goal is just that there's an overarching plot or interactions, if possible, so that we get more bang for our buck. A possible event line that may be interesting to the ET at-least is the Vaeyl Order since apparently they were former servants of Horen, which would naturally make the Imperium Septimus their enemy not because we're poaching their land, but because we would think them to be impostors and not real humans. Approximately, what time/date you want the Event to take place?: Can be disccused. If it's multiple events, then a single time may be fruitless to describe. Organizer's Discord: Zhulik#7438
  15. Players/Group Requesting: Kaz'Ulrah dwarves What kind of Event are you looking for?: Old school dungeon / monster killing. There general area & antagonists are set, and there are some details to include. Other than that, the ET member taking it has full freedom. Approximately, what time/date you want the Event to take place?: Next Weekend (14th, 15th or 16th) Organizer's Discord: Ronald Reagan#9284
  16. Hey I'm putting all my LotC videos as unlisted and wanted to make this post so that the links could be found without asking me. These videos start in 2013 when I joined and the last one I uploaded was last year in 2017. Green = Better quality / recommended videos. Red = Boring videos that I put in just for the record. Harbinger Fight (Anthos, 2013) Battle of the Nation's Crossing (Thorin's War, Anthos 2013) Battle of Shadowcastle (Pre-Trench War, Anthos 2013) Fall of the Cloud Temple (Anthos, 2013) Deeproads Breach (Ondnarch, Anthos, 2013) Battle of Thoringrad (Trench War, Anthos, 2014) Battle of Indagolaf End (Trench War, Anthos, 2014) Dwarves Help the Conclave (Anthos, 2014) Battle for Kal'Azgoth (Ondnarch, Anthos 2014) The Last Ice Morph (Ondnarch, Anthos 2014) Battle of the Dreadfort (Anthos, 2014) Welcome to the Fringe (Anthos - Fringe, 2014) Skirmish in Kaldonia (The Fringe, 2014) The Battle of Kal'Agnar (Athera, 2014) Battle of Hiebenhall (Athera, 2015) Battle of the Withering Woods Battle of the Melting Frost (1st Frostbeard Rebellion, Vailor, 2015) Dwarf vs Orc Wargames (Vailor, 2015) Battle of Khro'Nagaak (Vailor, 2015) Battle of Kal'Ordholm (Vailor, 2016) Battle of the Gorge (Dwarves & Courland vs Oren War, Axios, 2017) Battle of Goldfield (Dwarves & Courland vs Oren War, Axios, 2017) Skirmish of Johannesburg (Dwarves & Courland vs Oren War, Axios, 2017) Skirmish by Curon (Courland-Haense War, Axios, 2017) Mordring Attacks Bastion (Axios, 2017) Skirmish Outside the Krag (Dwarves vs Norland War, Axios, 2017) Battle in the Cultist's Lair (Axios, 2017)
  17. The Atlasian Naval Guild was founded within the realm of Atlas, after the old Sutican City was nearly abandoned by it’s citizens and the leaving of the Trading Princess Lily, allowing those without a place to stay to find a new home to rest and to life at. Unlike most other nations the founders of the Atlasian Naval Guild were known as fairly good sailors and interested scientists, trying to explore the oceans of Atlas and it’s surroundings. While their ideal was it to explore the oceans they also became home to many people around them, steadily growing and expanding their research fleet. Purpose of the Guild While many Guilds are focusing on trading, giving the opportunity to learn a form of magic or just to offer some work the purpose of the Atlasian Naval Guild is different and unique in it’s own. The main purpose of the guild is it to explore the oceans of atlas and to find possible new lands to stay at. While doing so the guild is also trying to do their research of the currents, which are flowing through the oceans of the new realm, finding the fastest one to use for future traveling and sailing. Another big part of the guilds daily work is the research of new organisms, including plants and animals alike. New species can often help understand the current situations in certain regions and can also be used as materials for all kind of stuff, examples being medicine, smithing materials and far more. This is afterward leading to experiments to test possible new tools and to conclude further research on the different topics. Safety Safety is a rather important aspect for each member in the Atlasian Naval Guild, especially due to their dangerous missions. As such everyone is warned that the Guild isn’t having peaceful missions at all, but also rather dangerous ones. Due to those circumstances every member of the crew should be able to fight and be steady on a rough sea. Living Space/Base MS Vaile - The MS Vaile is a strong, nimble and fast Gallion Grade Vessel, housing around twenty crew members. The Vessel is build under the Captain and co Captain Vahryu Daluon, and Julia Abernathy. The MS Vaile can travel at the speed of 27 knots, able to withstand the Weather of the cold Arctic and hot summer winds of the equator. The mast would be made of a strong oak with Iron fittings and the sails would be made of a thin material dyed with grays and greens, the crews quarters holds around twenty eight bunks and the captains quarters holds two bunks, excluding the medical bay and area for livestock. Jobs/Tasks While many different roles are existing each member of the group is trying to help each other by handling main tasks, such as cooking or just cleaning the ship. As such most tasks are the following ones: Cook - Preparing dinner/food for the crew, while keeping a close eye on rations and drinkable water. The cook should be able to handle a knife even in the roughest of seas...and hopefully not lose a finger or too! Cartographer - Creating maps for the guild is an important job, since the guild is always trying to find and explore new lands. However, without creating a map of the new landmass and the surrounding waters such explorations are rather useless, since no one else may be able to find the land again. As such the cartographer needs to create fairly good maps, allowing the crew to find the islands once again. Secretary - The secretary is in charge of the general documentary of the expeditions and tasks fulfilled by the crew. Recording every single day on the sea is of importance, mostly to keep a fine grip on time, date and other important factors. As such the secretary should be able to write and have a talent for organizing. Steerman - Steering the ship with confidence and experience as the steerman guides the crew through the waves to their predetermined destination! A good eye is needed to see through the currents and shallow waters, sailing the ship to new lands to explore. As such the steerman should have some experiences in sailing and how currents are normally acting. Sailor - The sailors of the ship are helping wherever they can, either by hissing the sails or by cleaning the deck. Normally this job isn’t requiring a lot of talent to do, yet, it is one of the more important jobs, since everything is depending on the sailors. Medic - Healing the wounded and sick is the work of the medic, often saving many lives in dangerous situations. As such the medic should have a great knowledge in medicine and should be able to operate in a rather small medical area. Goals The Atlasian Naval Guild has several important goals to achieve, mostly focusing around explorations and experimentation on different naval-related topics. As such the most common goals for the guild are: Finding new land Finding new plants and animals Completing research on different topics, mostly the synergy of different species Preserving the ocean life Discovering ancient sea structures Finding treasures Application MC-Name: Character Name: Age: Race: Hometown: Possible Goals to achieve: Wanted Role/Job: Discord: Member List Captain Vahryu Daluon (@Ragnio) Julia Abernathy(@Space_Gene) Steerman Gilondir Oronar Frostbeard (@SanderGamerNL) Cartographer Jakhatir Kegbrew Grandaxe (@iAssey) Son'ya Sparrow (@MoonsWolf_) Secretary Quillian Caerme’onn (@Torkoal_Tom) Sonya(@EagleEyeKK) Medic Balin Anvilaxe Grandaxe (@TheDarkAngel2308) Makisu Aiichi (@LilBlueMaki) Cook Hekkaes ‘Anvilaxe’ Goldhand (@JokerLow) Sailor Kraggomi Anvilaxe (@Leomits) Eledar Haler'thilln (@Aythinae) Ben Ethil (@HurferDurfe1) Bolon Stormtaker (@DarkElfs) Abdul Mubdee (@Booklight12) Ravondir Torena (@Ravondir) Cassian (@Svaknir) Mith (@TeaSpoon) Ned Anker (@MrForesteroni) Amias Carter Jonesaeus (@Jerome Jonesaeus) Robin David (@SkullMasterRO) Luthais (@IceWalker0) Allied Forces Vizmak Brigade
  18. Event Planners, MC Names: Slothtastic85, FamousSloth Event Type: Long term event line, no enforced PKs. Your Timezone: EST Affected Groups: Gallics, Druids, Fae Event Location: Across Atlas, starting in Sleetfells and then continuously going around the world’s forests until all forests have been cleansed. Summation: Nature is beautiful, providing, self-preserving, but it is also wild, untamed, destructive, and unforgiving. An unknown disease is spreading across the land, changing nature itself. The grass became purple, or dead. Tree leaves became dead, the very life sucked out of them. Only a single tree, standing out from the rest was spared this. The center of the blight on the land, the place it called home. Giant thorn branches emerged from the ground, the animals in the tainted forests changed as well. (The now corrupted Sleetfells) They became corrupted, with bone and boils jutting from their skin. Teeth growing sharper, horns becoming longer. The wildlife was no longer safe to hunt, water no longer safe to drink. Not even Nature’s guardians were spared the corruption. Fae, of all kinds from Cervitaurs to Satyrs became terribly deformed. No longer did they resemble men and mer, their bodies and minds changed. They grew fur on their upper bodies, where Cervitaurs grew horns and antlers with deadly points, Satyr’s horns became only sharper and larger. The Fae’s teeth became narrow points for ripping and tearing. They grew claws and less resembled those of which were first made. It was nonetheless a painful transformation, but to them it was worth the price. (A corrupted Fae) The corrupted Fae only had one goal. Destroy the Descendants, let blood flow from the rivers. No longer would nature provide the Descendants. Now it would destroy them. The Fae became more and more feral, arming themselves with crude and deadly weapons with jagged edges. Building from the remnants of destroyed villages and buildings, chariots and war machines. (A warchariot being pulled by two corrupted Boar) Giant wooden balls with spikes set aflame and sent towards their foes. The taint, in both land, animal, and Fae, has a weakness. Druids could heal the blight, provided they have enough time to before they are cut down by the Corrupt beings whose home is in the forest. They’d also have to heal the center tree in order to truly remove the blight in each forest. ‘A few examples of transformation emotes (3-5 emotes): (Fae name here) began to hold their head slightly. A mild headache, it seems. (Fae name here) ’s headache seemed to worsen, before they collapsed doubling over in pain. Excess fur began to grow from all over, even their upper body’. (Fae name here)’s teeth began to thin, but became sharper like a shark’s. Where the gaps were of the now thin teeth, there grew more. All the while they groaned and screeched in pain. (Fae name here)’s eyes turned yellow, their nails becoming claws. Horns (grew sharper ((if a Satyr* (grew from their head, becoming sharp and distinct ((if Cervitaur* (Fae name here)’s screams of pain came to a close. After a few minutes they stood, now changed with a mind fixed on one thing. Concept Images/Screenshots They are in the summation above. What help do you require from the ET Actors or Builders? I’d need ET builders create some of the corrupted forests, and for Actors to play some of the Corrupted Fae. Despite some of them being Fae players themselves. -- Note: Sloth can't format forum posts atm, so he asked me to post this for him. All credit goes to him for this
  19. Event Planners, MC Names: jumperhand3 (me), and perhaps Revolutionaries or Natalac. All the halflings could pitch in. Event Type: Minor famine/crop failure, long term event instead of a one off thing. Your Timezone: American Central Time, but for the rest of the halflings EST works just fine Affected Groups: The halflings of Dunshire Event Location: Dunshire Summation: When Dunshire was settled, seeds from the previous halfling village of Mapleshire were used to plant the fields. These crops were used to the warm climate of Mapleshire, and didn't ever have to deal with cold, snow, or any of those extremes at all! However, after having settled Dunshire, a problem would begin to arise in those Dunshire fields, SNOW! Unlike Mapleshire and all of the halfling villages previously, Dunshire's climate snows every winter, damaging the precious roots of the crops with it's relative cold. The crops would get more and more stressed out by the difference in climate, and soon the halfling food supply would dwindle. With no other options, the halflings of Dunshire would be forced to ration what they have left, or adapt to the new climate by using different types of crops in order to save their village! Concept Images/Screenshots What help do you require from the ET Actors or Builders?: ET builders could be used to add snow in places around the village during wintertime to add to the immersion, but other than that this event would consist of roleplaying the lower amounts of food available, and many meetings among the halflings as to what should be done. ET actors would not be needed, unless it's revealed that some grain monster is actually what's causing the crop failures or something like that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, what do you think? I want everyone's input on this idea! Is this unnecessary and un-fun? Or will it be a fun little bit of change in Dunshire's atmosphere and roleplay?
  20. Event Planners, MC Names: Th3_11th, Old_Man_Darklore Event Type: Mystical creature hunt Your Timezone: EST Affected Groups: Curdingham, Allies Event Location: Summation: Lord Tosali looked over the view from Curdingham, when three of his soldiers came running screaming and terrified. He ordered his men to open the gates, get them inside. Marian'a quickly helped their wounds, and hand them some food and water. Baldrick walked over and pulled up a chair, he coughed as he asked what happened. They shook as they spoke of the creature, "Dragon." That's all they spoke. Baldrick knew this could cause trouble, so he stood up and grabbed a map and a quill. He handed it to the men, and told them to circle the location. As they did so, he sent a raven to his old friend Hareven. Soon he arrived, and a hunt began. Concept Images/Screenshots What help do you require from the ET Actors or Builders? I need an ET Actor to play the beast, and to lead the event. I might also require ET Builders, if there is any damage done to terrain.
  21. Legends say that a blade of immense power was forged within the great blazing fire of Krug’s volcano, they say that this blade was folded over 10,000 times; its handle carved of an ancient tree that dates back to the time of Krug himself; it has seen countless battles, and tasted the blood of over a thousand elves… This sword was once said to have held up a mountain, and was wielded by Krug as he fought back Iblees and was said to have almost cut him in half. It's said in an ancient scroll that this sword is only one of a legendary set of weapons known as the ‘Kuhtlerry’ and is known as the strongest weapon of the bunch; it was said that it once deflected a meteor back at the Sun… After a thousand years this mighty blade has reappeared in the Nub Clan's lair, presenting itself to the Leader of the clan, Schnub'nub. The spirit of fire, Skathach, blesses this blade and chooses the most worthy member of the Nub clan to lead the clan and wield the blade. When in the hands of the chosen owner, the blade would glow with brilliant heat and be able to cut through most organic materials like butter. This is the first of many Nub Clan relics. a fearless Nub Clan leader readying himself for a duel, Dah BuTtUhr Knyfe sheathed
  22. The Mor'tish Ent Introduction The Mor'tish Ent was created by a necromancer using a form of dark magic, the necromancer was said to be creating a creature that would bring an end to all the residents living on the Isles. Although, something went wrong in the experiment and it had turned what he was summoning into a giant living tree, which we call Ents. Although, it really isn't an Ent besides it's a tree and it's.. well.. living. It is rather a corrupted version of an Ent infused with a dark magic essence of some sort, a very compressed dark energy. The creature was first discovered when Willowsguard were on patrol in The Blackwald swamps, upon investigation they found the necromancer's body, not corroded away oddly. They also found his spell book and all it stated was he was planning to make a creature so powerful it would overcome the isles. Obviously, that was a failed experiment, but the necromancer did create something.. The Mor'tish Ent. What is the Mor'tish Ent? The Mor'tish Ent is a corrupted swamp ent, infused with some form of dark magic it would technically be a very aggressive living tree. The Mor'tish Ent would concealed until someone or something would come near to it. Only then would it reveal itself and it's glowing red eyes that emit smoke. It's eyes are like that because the Mor'tish Ent is not what the necromancer had planned, it is simply a failed experiment in the necromancer's eyes, or would've been in the necromancer was still alive. The eye glow is simply trapped dark magic and energy. However it revealing itself is a very rare occasion because it only does that when it needs a feeding or the someone or something has something the Mor'tish Ent wants, it is very hostile. In theory, it could live an eternity. Appearance It would be a very dark wood shade, the wood would be crusting away because of how old the Ent is supposed to be. It would have large wooden spikes of different lengths growing out of his back. It would have two horn-like spikes on opposite sides of it's head. It wouldn't have a neck as it's whole body would be connected like a very large and bulky tree would be. It would have giant root arms that could extent 18 feet out, his 'hands' would look like they were very large and bulky roots. It's mouth would gape 10 feet out and out have very large spike-like teeth, you could not see the back of his mouth because of how dark it would be. even in broad day. It's eyes would be it's most visible feature as it would be emitting a red smoke-like mist at all times. It's eyes would be a bright red and they would emit a light that could be seen from a mile away in the dark. It would not be known to have any legs as it always is in a body of water. If it did have legs of any sort it could be concealed by the body of water. It's body would be roughly 28 feet high and 15 feet long it would be covered in dark green vines and moss. Habitat and Temperament The Mor'tish Ent would live in a pond or body of murky water at all times. It would live in a location that always would have many bodies of water, small or large. Moss, Vines, and other forms of cover would be important so it could be hidden well. It would also need to live in a mostly-dark area, i.e a lot of leaves or vines blocking the sunlight, though a little sunlight would be needed. It could go years and years without eating a single thing, it would simply survive off of water, but with the wonderful things that come with dark magic it would need to eat a meat of some sort every once and a while. It would usually find an alligator or crocodile to eat. Occasionally a deer would also wonder into it's deadly path. Death? There is no known way of killing the beast but it is said if you take away the essence it's eyes display it would simply lose all it's magical properties of life, yet it wouldn't die it would just lose the energy it needs to stay 'awake' or 'alive'. If you could find where that essence is coming from, you could kill the beast. That is the only known theory of killing it. Purpose If this were to be used or implemented in any way, i'd would be an event for the Willowguard. Example: The Willowguard would be on patrol in the Blackwald because of a suspected thief on the run. The Mor'tish Ent after many years of 'hibernation' it would be due again to feast on something living, it happens to be the Willowguard would be right in it's path.. I think it would be a cool fight to roleplay and it would add another story to tell for LotC. On top of that it would add more lore to Mor'tish and Blackwald, because as of now, they are very unknown areas and I think that this would add a new aspect to the area and give a little meaning to it. All in all, it would add a very unique and cool creature to the LotC Lore and it would add a very cool event for anyone who wishes to do an event on this creature, it would bring a ton of LotC players together to defeat this beast. Thank you for reading this :) -Talavok (In-game: Valor)
  23. Wanted: A Male Wyvern Threat level: High Description of beast(s): A rather large male Wyvern, being such is it twice the size of its female counterpart. The draconid's scales are ashen coloured with red tipped wings, it also has rows of sharp spines running down its spine. This particular Wyvern is distinguished by its two large horns protruding from its cranium. Location: A cave south of the Druid's grove. Rewards: 1,000 minas.
  24. Event Planners, MC Names: i don't know please ET do help me Event Type: adventure Event Date: may 1st-30th Factions/Nations effected by the event: humans and dwarfs and elfs Event Location: under the island Summary: we go under the island to find out about the odd rumble Concept Images/Screenshots none yet Other Information: long event Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: yes a lot I mean it! If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: actors and builders and npc to! a farmer boy was looking at his sheep when to ground rumbled he fell on the ground and was so scared that when the guards got there all he could say was "no the ground boom weee!" the guards took him to town and next day all the good races went down in the ground!!
  25. Event Planners, MC Names: TheCreatorzWink Event Type: Global Event. Event Date: Any time you wish. Factions/Nations effected by the event: Potentially any if they are close enough to the ocean. Event Location: Potentially anywhere if they are close enough to the ocean. Summary: Another peaceful day in Athera. Another fun time. Soon that it when it starts. A day on the beach seems nice but no. Slowly the tides rise and rise and rise slowly. They may say it's a coincidence that it's a little higher but no. The water won't go lower. Every day it keeps going higher and higher and higher. That is when is gets suspicious. The water is never that high. Slowly the water starts going away from the ocean and onto the land. By the time people feel as if they are in danger, it is too late, the water has already reached at a state of no return. The water shall keep rising until the end off the flood. Concept Images/Screenshots: http://i.guim.co.uk/static/w-620/h--/q-95/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2014/2/13/1392311465842/Flooding-In-England-008.jpg http://prntscr.com/6x3ras Other Information: Basically what is happening is the water is slowly coming from the ocean and rising. Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Of course. If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: Perhaps some builders to help pour the water to make the water rise.
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