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  1. The Codex on Vikela Law · · ───────༺ ·୨୧· ༻─────── · · Foreword, The Kingdom of Vikela in all of its various appendages and holdings are bound by this codex of law. These laws are derived from the rule of the King or Queen and their lineage. The Kingdom is in practice of the law and the codex of all documented decrees of the Monarch. No exception or alteration to this Codex is to be made by any other than the reigning Monarch and their representatives to this Codex of law. This Codex overrules all current and previous laws held in effect over The Kingdom of Vikela. Ignorance of the law does not exempt one from the enforcement of the law. Rights of Vikela, All rights shall fall to any person within the sovereign grounds of the Kingdom of Vikela and are inalienable in nature, never to be infringed upon, so long as they are exercised in good faith to the Sovereign and its people. The Sovereign shall forever make every effort to uphold these rights as is their obligation to the people they serve. Acting in opposition to these rights shall not be tolerated by the people, shall not be Allowed by their leaders or contradicted by future authors of the law. Right to Trial All people shall be guaranteed the right to fair trial for all crimes not deemed Heinous or despicable in nature as defined by the Sovereign. Right to Privacy All people shall be guaranteed reasonable privacy of their own affairs which shall not be infringed upon without reasonable certainty of dangerous, seditious, or illegal practice. Right to Peace People residing peacefully within our sovereign land shall pass unmolested and unharmed by any other person without due cause. Right to Voice Citizens reserve the right to voice their complaints, ideas and suggestions to the King or Queen, as well as their agents or representatives, without fear of retribution so long as the words remain honest, honorable and bring no harm to Vikela. Right to Defend The right to defend oneself shall be retained indefinitely as well as all means to do so in order to protect home, family, the weak or Vikela should the call ever arise to do so. Table of Contents Legally Important Terms Defining Reasonable Punishments General Laws of Vikela Pertaining Acts of Theft Burglary Robbery Other Pertaining Acts of Violence Assault Murder Pertaining Acts of Malicious Intent Fraud Espionage Vandalism Kidnapping Aiding an Outlaw Undermining Authority & Defenses Poaching and Hunting Poaching Animals Dark Arts Darkspawn practices and Necromancy General Policy Littering Drug Use Taxes Pertaining Vassals of Vikela Pertaining to The Military Definitions of Legally Important Terms Citizen A citizen is defined as someone who legally physically inhabits some part of The Kingdom of Vikela. Citizenship is lost once someone permanently leaves Vikela land or The Kingdom of Vikela. For citizenship to be proven a record must be present in the Vikelan Registry, a document held by the Sovereign Government. Stewards Stewards are tasked with watching over the citizens of Vikela, they manage the basic day to day tasks of the city. This includes making sure citizens have housing, the city registry is updated and that empty houses don't have unapproved people living in them. Stewards can solve most citizens' problems or direct them to the proper people. Military Military Personnel are the citizens of Vikela that have taken the extra step in protecting the Kingdom and City. Led by the Warfare Ministry, the Military Branch of Vikela stands and defends the city's streets, walls, and gates. Tradesmen A tradesmen is any citizen of Vikela that sells goods from a named shop or enterprise, be it in a storefront, caravan, or from within their own home. Inalienable In the context of Vikela law means that if you are a citizen you retain whatever rights are granted for as long as you are in fact a citizen. Criminal A criminal is defined as anyone who breaks any law found within this Codex. Foreign Crimes do not automatically constitute someone's criminality in Vikela, but may be considered in context of one's citizenship in Vikela or a trial. Property An area of land in which one is allocated ownership under the crown's jurisdiction, paid for via mina or other means of labour. Defining Reasonable Punishments The Following Definition serves as a rubric on punishments which may be sentenced to those people who have been deemed to have committed a crime. No entity [Magistrate] shall issue a Punishment or Penalty greater than Listed below aside from The Lord Magistrate or ruling Sovereign. Those sentencing shall use a prudent hand in doling out all punishments, never meeting the maximum punishment without overwhelming evidence of heinous intent, disrespect, or lack of remorse. Those who fail to provide reasonable punishment may face charges equal to that which qualify. Class D Crimes Class D (Petty Crime): Fine of no more than 150 Mina, delivery of no less than 50 iron ingots or bread loaves, written and signed statement of apology. Class C Crimes Class C (Minor Crime): Fine of no more than 500 Mina, banishment of no longer than 2 years, delivery of no less than 100 iron ingots/bread loaves or 25 leather, up to 20 lashes by whip upon the back. Class B Crimes Class B (General Crime): Fine of no more than 1,000 Mina, banishment of no longer than 10 years, delivery of no less than 150 iron ingots/bread loaves or 50 leather. Up to 30 lashes by whip upon the back, branding of a limb or other part of the body. Class A Crimes Class A (Major Crime): Fine of no more than 2,000 Mina, banishment for no less than 10 years, delivery of no less than 200 iron ingots/bread loaves or 100 leather. Pillory for no less than 24 hours, no less than 50 lashes by whip upon the back, branding of the body, loss of one’s limb or extremity, execution by firing squad or being hung by the neck until dead. Evading Punishment In the instance of a convicted criminal fleeing before their punishment is enacted, a manhunt will ensue in which a bounty is placed upon the head of said criminal for the people of Aevos to seek. Said bounty will be in correspondence to the mina fine owed, and the mina fine will double to compensate the Kingdom. Laws of Vikela Lands 01. Pertaining Acts of Theft 01.01 Burglary; defined as the stealing of goods from one’s property. 01.01.01 Minor Burglary (Class D) The theft of 200 Mina or less, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.01.02 Burglary (Class C) The theft of 500 Mina or less, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.01.02 Major Burglary (Class B) The theft of 700 Mina or less, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.01.02 Grand Burglary (Class A) The theft of greater than 700 Mina, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.02 Robbery; defined as the stealing of goods from one’s person. 01.02.01 Minor Robbery (Class D) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of less than 200 Mina, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.02.02 Robbery (Class C) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of less than 350 Mina, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.02.03 Grand Robbery (Class B) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of greater than 500 Mina, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.03 Other Theft; defined as the theft of other goods, services, time ect. 01.03.01 Breaking Contracts (Class C) Violating a previously agreed upon contract (that has been registered and sealed by the King and/or Queen) between two parties, in order to boost profits or deprive the other of their labors. 01.03.02 Animal Theft (Class B) The theft or slaughter of any animal(s) belonging to anyone other than yourself. 01.03.03 Donation Theft (Class B) The misuse of any donated supplies meant for the city or the practise of conning into supporting false or misleading charitable causes. This includes and is not limited to anyone found accepting donations on behalf of House de Astrea and The Kingdom of Vikela without the approval of the King and/or Queen or their representatives. 02. Pertaining Acts of Violence 02.01 Assault; defined as physical attacks upon another. 02.01.01 Third-degree (Class D) An unplanned attack upon another causing minor injury, such as drunken brawls or bouts of passion. 02.01.02 Second-degree (Class C) An unplanned attack upon another causing minor injury. 02.01.03 First-degree (Class B) A planned attack of any form or upon an unplanned attack causing grievous or debilitating injury. 02.01.04 Assault Against The Crown (Class A) Any form of attack or attempted attack made against the Crown or direct heir to the crown. 02.01.06 Torture The Unlawful and purposeful harming of descendants be they a captured prisoner or layman with the intention of causing suffering or extracting information. 02.02. Murder; defined as the unlawful killing of one. 02.02.01 Attempted Murder (Class B) The unplanned attempt of taking another’s life and failing in doing so. 02.02.02 Second-degree (Class B) The unplanned killing of anyone's life within Vikela territory. 02.02.03 First-degree (Class A) The planned killing of anyone's life within Vikela territory. 02.02.04 Raiding (Class A) The attacking of Vikela forces, Citizens or lands in force regardless of justification. 03. Pertaining Acts of Malicious Intent 03.01 Slander; defined as spreading of false and damaging information 03.01.01 Defamation of Character (Class D/C) Actively harming one’s reputation with baseless claims. Usually only brought up if drastic. 03.02 Fraud; defined as deception for unlawful gain. 03.02.01 Petty Impersonation (Class D) Impersonation of a citizen, a guard, or a noble with petty intention. Outcomes of such are not severe, and do not result in the harm of others. 03.02.02 Impersonation (Class C) The impersonation of a citizen, a guard, or a noble with harmful intention. Outcomes of such are that in which result in harm of others, either physically or emotionally. See to defamation additionally if ones character comes to be harmed. 03.02.03 Petty Impersonation (Class D) 03.02.02 General Fraud (Class C) Purposely deceiving another for unlawful gain. (Does not include signed contracts) 03.03 Espionage; defined as the unwarranted spying upon another citizen 03.03.01 Peeping (Class D) Purposefully pressing oneself against or looking through the window of a property to peep inside their residence and spy on the inhabitants with no harmful intent 03.03.02 Minor Espionage (Class C) Spying upon a citizen to achieve unlawful gain or knowledge. 03.03.03 State Espionage (Class A) Spying upon a state appointed official to achieve unlawful gain or knowledge. 03.03.04 Trade Espionage (Class B) The unlawful gain of Vikela trade secrets. 03.04 Vandalism; the unlawful destruction of property 03.04.01 Minor Vandalism (Class C) Destruction of property totalling equal to or less than 200 Mina in damages. 03.04.02 Major Vandalism (Class B) Destruction of property equal to or less than 350 Mina in damages. 03.04.03 Grand Vandalism (Class A) Destruction of property totaling more than 500 Mina in damage 03.05 Kidnapping; the unlawful seizure or holding of another in one’s custody. 03.05.01 Kidnapping (Class B) Capturing/ holding one against their will unlawfully. 03.05.02 Grand Napping (Class A) Capturing/ Holding of any member of the House de Astrea Bloodline or Members of the High Council against their will unlawfully. 03.05.03 Slavery (Class A) The Keeping of slaves within The Kingdom of Vikela. Registration of visiting slaves. At discretion of the King and/or Queen for purposes of diplomatic negotiation an exception to article c is for foreign visitors from a land in which slavery is legal to register their slaves. Any and all slaves must be properly registered with city authority, a Steward or High Council member. Registered slaves will be compensated for services rendered while in the bounds of Vikela at current rates for any services rendered. Registered slaves will be granted legal protections of citizens even from their masters while in Vikela. Time limit on protections for owners of registered slaves. Registered slaves remaining in Vikela for over one week’s time will be considered freed, the protections of registration no longer applying. The same visitors may re-register slaves after an absence from the city of at least one week from Vikela lands 03.05.03 Slave Hunting/Capturing (Class A) The hunting or capturing of members of sentient races for the purpose of slave trading.. 03.06 Aiding an Outlaw; defined as granting aid or shelter to a fugitive of House de Astrea. 03.06.01 Petty Aid (Class C) Providing a fugitive sustenance or any means to escape capture. 03.06.02 Aiding (Class B) Providing a fugitive shelter or knowingly aiding them in escaping capture. 03.06.03 Accomplice (Class B) Knowingly helping a fugitive further commit crimes within Vikela or against House de Astrea before their escape. 03.07 Undermining Authority & Defenses; defined as knowingly acting against Vikela Interests interests 03.07.01 Circumventing defenses (Class A) Any act intended to or seen to diminish, divert or damage resources of the Military and the static defences of the city. 03.07.02 Undermining Authority (Class B) Undermining the authority of any member of House de Astrea hierarchy or the Vikela government through malicious acts or words in the aim of harming citizens. 03.07.03 Undermining the de Astrea Bloodline (Class X) Undermining the authority or any attacks or hostile action taken against members of the House de Astrea bloodline are an immediate life in prison sentence, or the death penalty as decided by the King and/or Queen. 03.07.04 Disobedience of Authority (Class C) Purposely disobeying instructions from the King and/or Queen or their agents and representatives within the Vikela Government or ranking a member of the Vikela Military. 03.07.05 Violating Restricted Area (Class B) Entering or being in or on any military Installation of Vikela without the authority to be in the area without an Authorized Escort. 03.07.06 Violation of Treaties (Class A) The Act of any Resident, Citizen or Visitor of Vikela that purposefully acts in a way that can jeopardize or conflicts with any Treaty signed and agreed upon by the Vikela Governance. 03.08 Acts of Discrimination; defined as purposefully Treating another unfavourable or poorly based upon an aspect of themself being different 03.08.01 Religion (Class C) Any act of Discrimination aimed at demeening or hurting someone based upon their chosen set of beliefs. Note: This does not entitle the use of religion as an defence against charges of Malicious Intent. Religion is not a justifiable excuse to harm other innocent civilians, residents or visitors to Vikela. Acts of sacrifice, harm, or chaos in the name of a religious figure is strictly prohibited. 03.08.02 Race (Class C) Any act of Discrimination aimed at demeening or hurting someone based upon their Race 03.08.03 Gender (Class C) Any act of Discrimination based and aimed upon and at their Gender 03.08.04 Sexual Preference (Class C) Any act of Discrimination based upon an Individuals sexual preference 03.08.05 Hate Crime (Class X) Any act that breaks a law within this Codex that is motivated by a Discriminative purpose such as Assault due to someone's beliefs or Race will be treated as having been committed at a Higher than Normal Class of Punishment. 03.08.05 Harassment (Class C) Any harmful actions taken with the intent to annoy, alarm, or alert another person in a negative manner. This includes, but is not limited to - Physical contact, tailing a person in a public place, communicating by message anonymously or through a third party, repeated communications at inconvenient hours that interferes with a person's private life or property, AND/OR repeated taunts, insults, challenges, obscene comments, and words spoken in any manner to provoke a violent or otherwise disorderly response. 03.08.06 Stalking (Class C) The repetitive actions of following, targeting, garnering information regarding, and otherwise tracking and spying on an individual without legal cause or justification, in a manner that is meant to be harmful or sway control of said individual. This includes sending malicious content to an individual by anonymous or third party means, with the intent to intimidate after discovery, as well as loitering and otherwise entering their property in regards to levying manipulation and fear. This covers targeted attacks against a citizen of both 03.09 Poaching; defined as the hunting of animals in House de Astrea territory without permission granted by the King or Queen 03.09.01 Petty Poaching (Class C) Unlawfully hunting & slaughtering any animal in amounts no more than 200 Mina. 03.09.02 Grand Poaching (Class B) Unlawfully hunting & slaughtering of any animal totalling more than 200 Mina. 04. General Crime 04.01 Littering; defined as making any public place untidy with rubbish or a large number of objects left lying about. 04.01.01 General Littering (class D) The throwing of any non hazardous goods on the ground or into the waters around Vikela. 04.01.02 Hazardous Littering (class B) The throwing of any hazardous goods that can affect the lives of citizens on to the ground or into the waters around Vikela. 04.02 Drug Use 04.02.01 Public Drug Use (Class D) The usage of any non medicinal drugs within public grounds or non designated areas is prohibited. 04.02.02 Public Drug Dealing (Class D) The Public selling or advertising of drug sales. 04.03 Trespassing; Defined as entering a location unlawfully without permission given explicitly or implicitly 04.03.01 House Squatting (Class D) The moving into any open or used house without the permission of a steward, the King and/or Queen or the rightful owner(s) of the house. 04.03.02 Trespassing (Class D) Entering or being on or in someone's property without their express permission or after being asked to leave. 04.03.03 Trespassing on Clan property (Class B) Entering or being on private property owned by the major clans and families in Vikela without express permission. 04.03.04 Breaking and Entering (Class C) Purposefully trespassing and breaking or causing damage to property in an effort to enter a property within Vikela. 04.03.06 Reckless Magical use (Class C) The Use of Deific, Voidal or Neutral magics in public in a way that could bring harm to other citizens and visitors of Vikela. 04.03.07 Threats and Intimidation (Class C) The use of actions or words in a manner that is meant to scare, intimidate or threaten an individual. This includes verbal threats of harm as well as acts of intimidation such as the unlawful brandishing of weapons. 04.04 On recruitment; Defined by the recruitment of Vikela’s Citizens 04.04.01 Foreign Recruitment (Class C) In which a foreign entity, not approved by the crown enters, without permission, in order to recruit members to a group or organization without any ill intent or national affiliation 04.04.02 Malicious Foreign Recruitment (Class A) In which a foreign entity, not approved by the crown enters, without permission, in order to recruit members to a harmful group, an outside military force or when any group targets children or other vulnerable groups 05. Dark Acts and Creatures 05.01 Dark Worship; defined as the unlawful worship of the Dark Gods, Undead or dark magic creatures 05.01.01 Worship (Class A) Conducting any cult activities related to or to empower Dark Gods, Undead, Voidal entities, or powers that belong to them, Or the aiding of those that do. 05.02 Dark Arts Practice; defined as the unlawful use or Practice of dark arts related to the Dark Gods, Necromancy or other forms of Dark Magic. 05.02.01 Practice (Class A) The practice of any Dark Magic’s within Vikela such as Mysticism, and the summoning or creating of dark powers that may pose a threat to the city or its citizens. 05.02.02 Public Summoning (Class A) The Public summoning and use of any form of dark or demonic creatures within the Kingdom of Vikela is forbidden. 05.02.03 Mental Assault pertaining to Dark Arts (Class A) Any mental injury or assault caused by the committing of Dark arts in any way shape or form will be treated the same as if the assault had been physically performed upon the victim whether intentional or not. As such the class of Crime is determined as per the classes of each tier of assault. Furthermore any fines that were to be levied are to be paid directly to the victim to help finance their recovery. 05.03 Dark and Dangerous Creatures; defined as creatures of Undead, Dark, Demonic or Voidal Nature. 05.03.01 Dark Creature (Class A) Any creatures that are considered dark in nature or Darkspawn. This can include Dark mages that have transformed beyond their mortal form or any other being corrupted by dark forces. This includes things such as Draconic/Drakkar and Mystics. 05.03.02 Voidal Creature(Class A) Any creature that is deemed a threat to Vikela or its people that has been summoned from or simply originates from the void. Also includes creatures that are voidal in nature. 05.03.03 Undead Creature (Class A) Any Person if they can still be considered that, found to be one of the many kinds of undead found throughout the world. Including but not limited to Vampires, Zombies, Liches and Ghosts. 05.03.04 Assisting dark creatures (Class A) Knowingly keeping or assisting any dark magic creatures, undead or Voidal creatures that pose a threat to the city or it’s citizens by any means. Includes housing, feeding, sympathizing, 06. On the Application of Punishments 06.01 Imprisonment; As defined by the constant imprisonment of a person with minimal interaction with the outside world. 06.01.01 Jail Time may consist of interrogations by any agent of the Military or Crown Government in order to gain any additional information 06.01.02 The use of Torture in Interrogations shall only be Approved by the Sovreign, Heir, Lord Commander or Minister of Defence failure to receive proper permissions by leave agent open to prosecution under 02.01.06 On Torture 06.02 On the Criminal Registry; as defined by the list of persons tried and sentenced of crimes in varying degrees 06.02.01 Those who are charged for any crime of class C or Higher will be registered within the Criminal Registry 06.02.02 Those Charged with Class B or higher and remain registered within the Criminal Registry may be searched at any time by a member of the Military 06.02.03 Those Convicted of a Class A crime shall have the right to bear arms or armor revoked, shall submit to regular searches of person and property and shall face increased scrutiny when dealing within Vikela at the discretion of any particular government official 06.02.04 Any person Registered within the Criminal Registry shall have any future crimes increased by 1 class and shall face charges of that particular class regardless of crime committed 06.02.05 A name may be removed from the offenders list at the discretion of the Sovereign of Vikela. 06.03 On Forced Labour; As defined by the requirements of those persons sentenced to Forced Labour and the quality of life provided to them 06.03.01 The Sovereign and the Council of Vikela have decided upon a list of minimum requirements those sentenced to forced labour must be entitled to during their imprisonment.which shall be the following -Beds or Stretchers to Sleep in. -Shelter from the elements. -6 hrs Rest a day. -18 hrs of forced labour per day max. -Food and Water -2 substantial meals per day (Breakfast and Dinner), 15 minute breaks per meal. -Tools to do the Labour -Access to Medical services -Bathing Facilities 06.04 On Prisoners of War; As defined by the requirements of those persons Captured as prisoners of war and the quality of life provided to them. 06.05.01 The Sovereign and the Council of Vikela have decided upon a list of minimum requirements those sentenced captured and judged Prisoners of war must be entitled to during their imprisonment: -Barracks and Bunks to sleep in. -Decent Bathroom facilities. -Decent Food and Water. -Meals a day (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner), 20 minutes break to eat each. -8 hrs rest a day. -Right to Not be Physically abused. -Right to be Ransomed back. -14hrs of labour a day MAX. -Tools for any labour required of them. -Access to Spiritual services. -Access to Medical Aid. -Release back to their Faction of Origin Upon the Conclusion of Hostilities 07. On Taxation and matters of the Interior 07.01 On Taxation; As defined by the collection of Currency from the common populus in order to maintain lands and salaries of the nation and its populus 07.01.01 Minor Tax Fraud (Class C) The act of unlawfully evading the payment of taxes of no more than 200 mina 07.01.02 Tax Fraud (Class B) The act of unlawfully evading the payment of taxes Totaling 201 mina or more Taxes must be paid as specified and failure to pay taxes on a property may result in eviction or seizure of the property and/or goods or services equating to the amount owed 07.01.03 Theft of funds (Class A) The Act of purposefully and maliciously taking of Money from any account, receptacle or payment of the Vikela people 07.01.04 All surplus taxes will be immediately deposited into the national treasury for future use by the Kingdom of Vikela. Else be prosecuted under Theft of Funds 07.01.05 Taxes will be levied at discretion of the Sovereign and its appointed government Officials 07.01.06 Taxes will be collected on a per property basis. 07.01.07 Raw Materials and goods may be used in place of Mina at discretion of the Sovereign or its Appointed Government Officials 07.01.08 Taxes will be collected by the Vikela Treasury whom shall provide clear and effective methods of payment failure to do so shall result in immunity to Minor Tax Fraud 07.02 Building Modification; defined as the unapproved construction or modifications to any building Owned by House de Astrea and modifications made to any building within Vikela. 07.02.01 Government Owned Building Modification (Class B) The unapproved changes to buildings owned by the government and run by citizens. (Ex. Library, Farms, Tavern, Infirmary, Temple, Guard posts) 07.02.02 House Modification (Class B) The unapproved changes or modifications to a citizens house. (Ex. Basements, Extra floors, Exits, Entrances, passages, layout changes) 08. On Vassals of Vikela 08.01 On Vassals; Those whom are deemed fit by the Sovereign to lead and govern a group of people 08.01.01 Vassals, Retainers and the Codex must follow all laws of this Codex within their own territories and shall not establish within their domains any laws that act in contrary to this Codex. 08.01.02 Vassals are entrusted by the King and/or Queen and the High Council of Vikela to govern their people and report any acts of sedition 08.01.03 Vassals are expected to levy taxes or manpower in times of dire need, at the discretion of the King and/or Queen and the High Council. 08.01.04 Vassals reserve the right for their designated leader to sit upon the High Council of Vikela. 08.01.05 Vassals reserve the right to pick their own leader in the manner they see fit without outside interference 08.01.06 Vassals status of Nobility may be revoked by their sovereign 09. On The Military of Vikela 09.01 The Military; The Guard force of Vikela constituted by a body established by this section known as The Order of the Boreal Forest or The Military of Vikela or The Military. 09.01.01 The Military of Vikela shall Consist of the following persons: The King/Queen of Vikela The Prince/Princess Consort The Heir Apparent The Minister of Warfare The Council of Warfare The Crystal Court Generals Sargents Ensigns Captains Masters at Arms Men at Arms Mercenaries on Contract with Vikela on an as needed basis. 09.01.02 Role of the Military of Vikela. The role of the Military is to serve House de Astrea and the peoples of Vikela and uphold the law so as to promote a safe, secure and orderly society. 09.01.03 The functions of The Military of Vikela include the following; -Preserving the peace -Protecting life and property -Preventing the commission of offenses; -Detecting and apprehending offenders; -Helping those in need of assistance -Defending House de Astrea and the de Astrean bloodline -Defending the Kingdom of Vikela 09.02 Rights afforded the to Military of Vikela; additional rights that are afforded to the Military of Vikela in order to pursue peace and order within the Sovereigns lands 09.02.01 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to bear and use any arms within the city and Kingdom of Vikela. 09.02.02 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to wear any armour within the city and Kingdom of Vikela 09.02.03 The Military of Vikela exclusively reserve the right to wear The Military of Vikela Uniform 09.02.04 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to search any citizen with consent or if they suspect the citizen has broken a law covered within the codex. 09.02.05 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to use lethal force in defense of House de Astrea, The Kingdom of Vikela, Kingdom of Vikela, themselves or others, and in upholding the laws of this codex without the fear of repercussions under the laws of this codex. 09.02.06 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to deny entrance into the city or Kingdom of Vikela to anyone bar the King and/or Kingdom and their agents and representatives. 09.02.07 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to remove from the city any individuals they deem mal-contents or see as a danger to House de Astrea or The Kingdom of Vikela. 09.02.08 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to levy fines for crimes committed in The Kingdom of Vikela, Kingdom of Vikela in accordance with the punishment class of the crime committed. 09.02.09 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to arrest any criminal or those suspected of committing a crime. 09.02.10 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to search any home suspected of affiliation with a criminal with a stewards or Ranger Officers permission. 09.02.11 The Military of Vikela are bestowed the right to enforce Vikela Law on behalf of the King and/or Queen and the High Council of Vikela acting as their agents and representatives throughout all of The Kingdom of Vikela, The Kingdom of Vikela and it's Vassals. 09.02.12 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to deny entry to any individual within reason. 09.02.13 The Military of Vikela found in breach of any of the laws they are tasked with enforcing as per this codex will find themselves charged at a level higher than what would be considered usual for the crime. (Ex, Class D becomes a Class B) 09.02.14 The Military of Vikela are granted all the rights normally granted to Citizens in addition to the rights outlined in this section of the codex.
  2. [!] This missive would be hung around as many nations’ board as this writer could go to Vikelian Military Recruitment As The Queendom of Vikela continues to strive for peace and prosperity, we continue to encounter a variety of dangers ranging from evil-doers and forces of the dark. Thus, Queendom of Vikela invites all that strive for the same goal of living in prosperity and slaying evil-doers to her military force: Chimaera Military. Join a tradition steeped in bravery, sacrifice, and unwavering loyalty, where you'll embrace the legacy of those who've paved the way before you. Uphold Vikela's honor with every breath and step on the battlefield. As you ascend the ranks of Vikela's military, your dedication, prowess, and leadership will be duly acknowledged, propelling you toward greatness. Forge bonds of camaraderie that transcend mere duty; within the company of your fellow soldiers, discover strength, support, and an unwavering solidarity that defines us as a unified force against adversity. Safeguard Vikela and its people with unwavering vigilance and dedication, and in return, reap the rewards of competitive compensation, healthcare provisions, and abundant opportunities for personal and professional growth. Recruitments In this pivotal hour, we summon forth those who possess the indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve that wish to learn the art of defending The Queendom of Vikela against any threat that dare to cast a shadow upon our land. Learn the Call, and soar high. If you wish to be enlisted, send a bird to 'Father Raven' @PhilosopherBear , Walter Blanc @6Dark , or Dame Mayan Avern @TheGayGuardian2 or step forth to the gates of The Queendom of Vikela and enlist in our ranks. Guilds of Adventurers are encouraged to enlist. Benefits If one joins, there will be guaranteed benefits. These benefits are: - A place to reside in. - Special Military Training that ranges from Combative to Magical. - Alchemical Tools and Potions at disposal (Custom Requests are allowed). - Specialized Equipment and Weapons for each soldier. - Free Healthcare from the Clinic - Free Food for all empty stomachs - Discount on Tavern Drinks (3 mina) For Vikela We Soar Signed, Son Altesse Éminente, Tèt Medic Ofisyè, Konso Walter Blanc de Vikela Tèt Chevalye nun Réyal Chevalye "The Order of The Crimson Raven" l'honnête Hemasteron ,Aserath Hemasteron Tèt Chevalye nun Chimaera Military Dame Mayan Avern
  3. [!] This missive would be hung around as many nations’ board as this writer could go to Vikela Boxing Championship 004 Results: Fierce Warriors of Aevos, This missive is written to announce the results of the Vikela Boxing Champioship 004 (VBC). After these long, friendly, and competitive bouts, there was a new winner crowned: Cerrick of Kamees @Pancho After his bouts, he has made an interview addressing the fighters of Aevos and the citizens of Vikela: “Another Xan W” We would like to thank all who has made the event possible, especially our guests from Celia’nor, which was made possible by Fali’dra Glanaeri @Piper Until we fight in the ring again! For Vikela We Soar Signed, Son Altesse Éminente, Tèt Medic Ofisyè, Konso Walter Blanc de Vikela
  4. The Union Flame & Frost We are delighted to invite you to celebrate the union of Andria Aldin and Nepir Rosalis in matrimony. The joyous occasion will be held at Vikela’s Palace halls, where we will exchange vows and begin our journey together as partners in life. Your presence on this special day will mean the world to us. Please join us for the ceremony and stay for the reception filled with laughter, love, and cherished memories. List of Invitations: The remainder of the Aldin Family, With the exception of 11. @JuliusAakerlund @Seuss The remainder of The Rosalis Family. Any Student of The Wolfguard tree, are welcome to attend & a plus one. Sovrèn Majesté, Reine Medea Amaranta Viola De Astrea & and The De Viola Family @JTMedea Son Altesse Éminente, Consort Walter Blanc de Vikela & The Blanc family @6Dark ARISTOCRACY OF VIKELA Ses Gras, Arch Dyòk Cyprien De Astrea & His pedigree @HogoBojo Ses Gras, Dyòk Walter Blanc & His pedigree @6Dark Ses Gras, Dyòk Xavier adlier & His pedigree @MockingbirdArt Ses Mecyril , Viskont Gregious Roa and his Pedigree @Me_llamo... Ses Mecyril , Cyril Ahmanu Chaephyra and their House. The Vel’yul Clan and their Pedigree @Kumoko600 Tèt Magistrate Ofisyèl Anastatsya Þér Heskynne & Their pedigree @Periphonics Tet Chevalye premye Mayan Avern & her pedigree @Therainbowroyal Tèt Steward Ofisyèl Illyana @Kayleigh_P Vikela citizens and The Chimera Military are all welcome to come! Special invitations Mika Uialben @mika1278 Emperor King Cyris Collingwood I II & His Pedigree @Hearth Theveus Sythaerin Sohaer of Haelun’or & His Pedigree @MailC3p The free City of Hohkmat and all who wish to come @Minuvas Lumia The Silver Lubba & Lurin @Snow1770
  5. [!] This missive would be hung around as many nations’ board as this writer could go to Vikela Caden Beswen Pra Batals! (Vikela needs fighters for Fighting!) Fierce Warriors of Aevos, I am Walter Blanc, Tèt Medic Ofisyè nun Vikela. This time, I am writing in the same manner, but with a different approach. Instead of inviting descendants to obtain information, I will be inviting the fierce warriors, adrenaline junkies, hungry for power and dominance over the opposition, and the bravest fighters of Aevos for a clash of pugilism. The tournament, Vikela Boxing Championship (VBC), shall crown the newest champion of the City of Crystals, and the new champion will be rewarded with their custom championship belt forged by our own smiths with a special twist to it, and receive free service in the tavern for an Amethysta week. will have to defend their title every Amethysta week against new challengers. Join us, in an event of pugilism sponsored by Heisethbergen Tea Company™️ accompanied by homemade food, and drinks from the Viola Household. If interested, send a bird to yours truly or come to Queendom of Vikela and get ready to rumble! Signed, Son Altesse Éminente, Tèt Medic Ofisyè, Blanc nun Ahmanu, Konso Walter Blanc de Vikela
  6. [!] This missive would be hung around as many nations’ board as this writer could go to Vikela Traiteur Beswen! (Vikela needs Doctors!) Esteemed Practitioners of Aevos, I am Walter Blanc, Tèt Medic Ofisyè nun Vikela. I write this missive to all in hopes of finding fellow practitioners who fancy a new location, or another location on their list where they can work as a doctor. The categories of the experts of medicine that are needed are as follows: - Medic nun Caden: This subcategory of medic solely focuses on the combat, high-risk scenarios. Critical thinking, sharp reactions and steady hands are necessary for this field. As one can speculate, this branch will be in close contact with the Military of Vikela. - Medic nun Mundane: This subcategory focuses on mundane medicine. Anything that does not require more than falling under the intermediate competence scale of medicine. As a bonus, they may work with herbs, salves, and etc. Essentially anything that is not alchemical, or of arcane origin. - Medic nun Magi/Arcane: This category solely focuses on injuries/treatment that involve elements of arcane. Beginner/Intermediate Fire Evocationists are a great example for this category as they are able to cauterize wounds. They will be in close contact with the Minister of Magic. - La Traiteur: This category is mainly for the doctors who fall under the expert/advanced competence level. From alchemical salvation, to maximizing their equipment to the fullest of potential. If interested, do send a bird to yours truly, or come by Vikela and find me in the clinic. Signed, Son Altesse Éminente, Tèt Medic Ofisyè, Konso Walter Blanc de Vikela
  7. In anticipation of Vikela’s continued prosperity, the esteemed OFFICE OF MAYOR is reinstated, marking a moment of pride and jubilation within THE KINGDOM OF VIKELA THE MAYOR holds significant responsibilities, including the facilitation of events and celebrations, overseeing guilds and craftsmen to ensure adherence to regulations, & mediating disputes. Additionally, during council meetings (excluding those pertaining to warfare), they can propose new laws. At the end of their term, they have the opportunity to pursue governmental roles. To participate in these elections, citizens must meet specific criteria: - Minimum age of eighteen - Citizenship in Vikela - Absence of no more than two charges from the Justice Office - Ministers may not run, and the Heir of Vikela may not run. Candidates are encouraged to showcase their candidacy through small events and the hanging of informative missives to the public. The candidate with the highest number of votes will assume the esteemed position of MAYOR for a ten-year term, after which a new election cycle commences. A designated box at THE BOJO BANK will serve as the platform for citizens to officially declare their candidacy. Once their name is deposited within the box, they are granted the freedom to campaign openly and engage with fellow citizens to garner support for their bid.
  8. [!] A notice is posted around the Kingdom of Vikela, and other random locations. Seeking Bartender for Stir It Up Tavern within Vikela Are you celebrated for your skill in crafting drinks that delight, and your calm demeanor, even in the liveliest tavern nights? If so, an exciting opportunity awaits you at Stir It Up Tavern! Position Available: Bartender Location: Stir It Up Tavern, nestled within the heart of Vikela, Job Requirements: As the lifeblood of our tavern, your primary duty will be to serve drinks with flair and charm. If you need help learning how to make said drinks, the past barkeeper Andria will teach you how to do so. You'll take home 50% of your earnings, ensuring that your efforts are duly rewarded. How to Apply: Send a letter or come in person to meet any of these people, Queen Medea, Consort Walter Blanc, or Minister Andria. Additional Notes: While your main focus will be on tending the bar, if you possess the flair for event hosting, we welcome you to speak up!. Whether it's a night of merry music or a storytelling session to enchant our guests, your contributions will be appreciated.
  9. Vikelian Culture "In the cocoon of adversity, one finds the strength to emerge, embodying the delicate resilience of a butterfly. Like a crystal reflecting the myriad facets of liberation, our journey through rebirth unveils the dazzling spectrum of freedom within our wings." Introduction to Culture A vibrant blend of Wood Elf and Farfolk influences, Vikelian culture is characterized by rich traditions of art, fashion, jewelry, dance and architecture. Acknowledging nature, Vikelian customs and celebrations reflect a harmonious fusion of Wood Elf and Farfolk cultures. Culinary flavors reflect a combination of different ingredients. Decorated with intricate patterns, traditional clothing symbolizes cultural pride and the combined heritage of the Wood Elf and Farfolk. Amidst the challenges, the rich culture of the Vikela is sustained by a seamless blend of ancient traditions and modern influences. The Butterfly Vikela chose the butterfly as a symbol because of its powerful symbolism of change, maturity and beauty. Butterflies metamorphosis coincides with Vikela’s journey of resilience and rebirth, rising from challenges to become a thriving community. This symbol represents not only physical change, but also the constant renewal of the soul, the fleeting but beautiful nature of life. The butterfly has universal significance for the Vikela people, emphasizing change, beauty and enduring spirit. Silachian (Vikelian Language) Silachian, the language of the protected people, stems from the founding couple of Vikela, one Auvergne & Farfolk woman and one Wood Elf. These phrases, fluid as a swing and sharp to the tongue, reflect a unique linguistic blend. Originally, the founders seamlessly transitioned between these influences, and a serendipitous mistake by a human observer cemented this linguistic fusion. Today, Silachian resonates through Vikela's streets, passed down through generations, embodying a lasting fusion of linguistic traditions. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/233282-the-language-of-vikela-silachian/ Vikelian Myth (Vikelian Deities) In the realm of Vikela, there’s a myth that the people believe in. Three deities weave complex webs of existence and maintain cosmic harmony. Aeloria, the butterfly goddess, dances with ethereal wings, a symbol of freedom and the cycle of life. Luminara, the Crystal Guardian, shows clarity and sustainability in crystal systems. Completing the divine trinity, Sylvanara, the Goddess of Nature, unveils the energies and interconnectedness of the natural world. Aeloria guides the Vikelians on transformative journeys, embracing freedom and rebirth. Luminara weaves clarity into the tapestry of life, providing wisdom and change. With her green touch, Sylvanara balances the Vikelian community with the natural world, ensuring that the dance of life and growth is in harmony Vikela celebrates these three deities, and devotees honor the complementary powers of Aeloria, Luminara, and Sylvanara through crystal ceremonies, butterfly symbolism, and partnerships with nature. The Vikelians are intimately connected to freedom, resilience, and the ever-present web of energy of the natural world. Vikelian people are accepting of other cultures and traditions, letting everyone freely practice their own beliefs, as long as it does not cause harm. Family Structure In Vikela, family structures are built on principles of equality, irrespective of gender or age. Sons and daughters are treated with equal respect and consideration. The family dynamic emphasizes collaboration, shared responsibilities, and mutual support, fostering an environment where individual strengths and contributions are valued regardless of traditional gender roles or birth order. This approach aims to create a harmonious and inclusive family unit where each member is encouraged to pursue their interests and aspirations freely. Marriage Engagement Ceremony: A proposal ceremony is held at the bride's home, where the groom's family presents symbolic gifts. The engagement ceremony features blessings by family and an engagement gift from the suitor made from a hunted animal of their choice. Pre-Wedding Ceremony: Bridal Hunt transforms the classic hide and seek into a lively pre-wedding game, pitting the groom and groomsmen against the bride and bridesmaids. Dressed in disguises with clever codenames, the groom's team aims to identify the real bride among decoys. Once found, they embark on a mission to bring her back to the groom's house, while the bridesmaids attempt to impede their progress. The streets become a playful battleground, turning pre-wedding jitters into a laughter-filled adventure and creating lasting memories for the entire bridal party. Wedding Ceremony: The enduring tradition of marriage in Vikela includes passing down cherished bridal gowns, often sewn with symbolic fabrics. Preceding the wedding day, there's a hair-cutting ceremony symbolizing a fresh start and a cleansing ritual with sacred water, along with the exchanging of vows and wedding bands that can be jewelry or tattoos. The festivities culminate in a joyous reception with traditional Vikelian food, music, and dance. Funeral Ritual In Vikela, burying loved ones and planting a sapling atop their graves is a sacred ritual tied to the deities, Butterfly, Crystal, and Nature. Symbolizing transformation, the Butterfly Goddess inspires new life with the sapling, reflecting the enduring spirit. The Crystal Goddess's strength is represented by burying the departed in crystal-infused soil, connecting them to the earth. The Nature Goddess emphasizes the cycle of life, making the sapling a tribute to nature's harmony. This ritual intertwines the goddesses' symbols, fostering a sacred bond between the departed, the earth, and the divine forces that govern life's cycles in Vikela. Funeral Rites “Wand, chucki anba l'Talis Amebwa, no’poze en'dormi. Ou'Swènn-tali, enteli la Aveos. no'kache, en'ehya puies sézon. l'Amebwa Lapr, le'peintiyes nun Viv'danse.” Translation: “Here, beneath the tender boughs, we lay to rest a kindred spirit. Into the earth, we tuck our farewells, and with each passing season, may this arboreal ballet unveil the tapestry of a life well-danced.” “Le'nylu nu'Zehp ofrann, nu'mete. Ou'santiman, ka leh'chichot nun Bientu Pote, ehyal Simoni nan ri pataje nun chitcot sekrè nun la aveos bèl” Translation: “With these dainty offerings, we adorn the narrative. May the whispers of the wind carry our sentiments, and may the earth cradle the symphony of shared laughter and water your whispered secrets.” Festivities Vikelia has a wide variety of festivals that take many diverse forms, despite the fact that the way things are done may appear standard and unremarkable on the surface. Triunity Day A Festival to celebrate the harmonious balance and collaboration of the Crystal, Butterfly, and Nature Goddesses in Vikela. This day can be marked by various festivities, ceremonies, and acts of kindness that reflect the interconnectedness of nature, the beauty of crystals, and the transformative spirit of butterflies. Festival of the Fox: In the heart of the crystal lit kingdom of Vikela. The people come together annually to celebrate the revered Festival of the Fox. This whimsical and lively event serves as a tribute to the first queen, the beloved Queen Leika De Astrea, who was fondly known for her kinship with foxes and her wise rule. Dandelion Festival In Vikela, the annual Dandelion Festival unfolds as a dazzling tribute to the second queen, the esteemed Queen Larissa De Astrea. Known for her love of nature and commitment to unity, this festival has become a cherished tradition that captivates the hearts of Vikela's inhabitants. Festival of the Gems In Vikela, the annual "Festival of the Gems" is a dazzling spectacle that pays homage to the virtues embodied by different gemstones. As the kingdom's citizens come together to celebrate, each gem represents a distinct aspect of leadership, wisdom, and resilience. Festival of the Rabbit In Vikela, nestled amidst rolling hills and blooming meadows, the annual "Festival of the Rabbit'' emerges as a heartwarming celebration of luck, prosperity, fertility, and the cherished bonds of family. This lively event brings together Vikelians, young and old, to revel in the spirit of togetherness and the promise of abundant blessings. THE RIVER FEST A vital aspect is the nourishing water flowing through the city and its surroundings, providing fresh water, beverages, pastries, and bread to everyone in the vicinity, sustaining life. The festivities include traditional games and a prominent boat race as the main event. SOCIAL SEASON As it flows, Ahiuw le fleuve serves as more than just a river - it is a journey of self-discovery and the transition into adulthood. Leaving behind the innocence of childhood, crossing the river signifies the establishment of a strong foundation for the future. In Vikela's bustling social scene, where there is an imbalance of women and men, this season plays a crucial role. It is a time of gatherings and courtship, with grand balls featuring men in deep blues and ladies in delicate hues. The highly anticipated Madris Ras Ball, organized by the esteemed Court of River Gems, marks the end of the season, celebrating gemstones in all their splendor. Ahiuw le fleuve is not merely about romantic pursuits, but also a chance to form bonds of sisterhood and brotherhood. Traditionally, older women take on the role of hosting lavish balls, while younger women partake in dances to capture the attention of potential partners. Vikelian Cuisine Vikelian cuisine is a diverse culinary tradition characterized by balanced flavors, fresh herbs, and a reliance on rice as a staple. With a strong emphasis on fish and seafood, dishes like fish amok and lok lak showcase the nation’s proximity to water sources. Offering a variety of affordable and flavorful options. Vikelian desserts often feature sticky rice, coconut milk, and tropical fruits. The cuisine reflects a rich culinary heritage that delights with its creativity and diversity. Vikela’s Crafts Vikela excels in the art of jewelry-making, creating exquisite pieces that mirror their diverse cultural influences. Their vibrant fashion seamlessly blends colors and intricate designs, while the tradition of silk weaving produces visually captivating fabrics. In cuisine, Vikela's unique gastronomic identity fuses diverse influences, resulting in a delightful array of flavors. From expertly spiced dishes to delectable desserts, Vikela's culinary artistry showcases their commitment to preserving and evolving their distinctive heritage. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/231377-jewels-of-vikela / Social Classes In Vikela, the social class system is characterized by a nuanced hierarchy that takes into account various factors beyond wealth alone. The society is divided into distinct classes, each with its own roles and privileges. Paramount Class: At the pinnacle of the social structure is the Paramount class, consisting of leaders and influential figures responsible for governing Vikela. Paramounts are chosen through a tanistry, considering noble families and their contributions to the community. Noble Class: Below the Paramounts, the Noble class comprises aristocratic families with significant influence and wealth. They may hold positions of leadership in various sectors, contributing to the prosperity of Vikela. Artisan Class: The Artisan class includes skilled craftsmen, artists, and professionals who contribute to the cultural and economic development of Vikela. Their expertise is highly valued, and they enjoy a comfortable standard of living. Merchant Class: The Merchant class consists of traders and entrepreneurs engaged in commerce and trade. They play a crucial role in connecting Vikela with other regions and contribute to economic growth. Commoner Class: The Commoner class encompasses the majority of the population, including farmers, guards and individuals engaged in various occupations. They form the backbone of Vikela's workforce, contributing to its daily functioning. It's essential to note that mobility between classes is possible based on merit, achievements, and contributions to the community. Vikela places value on individual skills, talents, and dedication, fostering a society where social mobility is encouraged. Fashion Vikelian fashion is a vibrant tapestry that weaves together elements of tradition and modernity. Rooted in rich cultural heritage, it reflects a harmonious blend of Farfolk influences and Wood Elf aesthetics. The clothing often features designs that allow exposure of shoulders, arms, and belly, showcasing a balance between modesty and expression. Traditional clothing, often adorned with intricate embroidery and beading, coexists seamlessly with contemporary styles. Beadwork, layering, and the use of vivid patterns characterize Vikela fashion, creating a unique and visually captivating aesthetic. The incorporation of gold, gems, and silk further elevates the overall appeal, symbolizing not just adornment but also resilience and triumph over life's challenges. In Vikela, adorning oneself with gold and various gems is a profound expression of self-love and appreciation for one's body. Each gem worn tells a story, symbolizing the hardships endured and the resilience displayed in rising from the ashes. The intricate patterns and vibrant colors of the gems serve as a testament to the individual's journey, showcasing the beauty that emerged from challenges. This tradition not only adds a touch of opulence to personal style but also serves as a powerful reminder of strength and triumph over adversity. Archetype Vikela's archetype blends the charm of cottagecore with vibrant colors, creating a picturesque landscape immersed in nature. Quaint cottages, adorned with ivy and flowers, are surrounded by lush greenery, and mystical crystals sprout from the earth, casting a radiant glow. The residents embrace a cottagecore lifestyle, weaving handcrafted textiles in hues inspired by the vibrant flora. It's a harmonious haven where simplicity, warmth, and a deep connection with nature define the idyllic atmosphere of Vikela.
  10. The Treaty of the Wildflower Issued: Year 21st of Snow's Maiden, SA 168 Article I: Non-Aggression Pact This non-aggression pact is entered into by the Kingdom of Vikela and the Kingdom of Balian, hereafter referred to as "the Parties," to promote peace, stability, and mutual respect between their respective realms. Article II: Declaration of Peace I. The Parties hereby declare their commitment to maintaining peaceful relations with each other. II. They pledge not to engage in any acts of aggression, hostility, or military conflict against one another, whether directly or indirectly. This pledge includes, but is not limited to, offering financial or trade assistance to an opposing nation and military aid against the other party in this treaty. Article III: Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity I. The Parties affirm the sovereignty and territorial integrity of each other. II. They agree to respect their respective kingdoms' borders and boundaries and refrain from any actions that may infringe upon them. Article IV: Diplomatic Relations I. The Parties agree to establish and maintain diplomatic channels for communication and dialogue. II. They will endeavor to resolve any dispute or disagreement through peaceful means, such as negotiation, mediation, or arbitration. Article V: Duration I. Both parties agree to a fifteen-year duration for this pact. In case of a breach of the non-aggression terms, the current Sovereigns will consult one another immediately before any further action is taken. Signed, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera SOVRÈN MAJESTÉ, Reine Medea Amaranta Viola De Astrea, The Queen of Vikela, La Violetta
  11. Year 166 of the Second Age 03/02/2024 ISSUED BY: THE OBSIDIAN THRONE ᛞᛖᛗᚨᚾᛞᛊ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛟᛒᛊᛁᛞᛁᚨᚾ ᛏᚺᚱᛟᚾᛖ ᛞᛖᛗᚨᚾᛞᛊ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛟᛒᛊᛁᛞᛁᚨᚾ ᛏᚺᚱᛟᚾᛖ YOTH BRATHMORDAKIN NA YOTH URGUAN ᛁᛟᚦ ᛒᚱᚨᚦᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚲᛁᚾ ᚾᚨ ᛁᛟᚦ ᚢᚱᚷᚢᚨᚾ Preamble The Kingdom of Vikela has settled within claimed Urguani territory without consent from the Obsidian Throne. In an act of wisdom and a desire for peace, Grand King Sigrun ‘Undeadslayer’ Stonehammer offered the Vikelan leadership the opportunity to pay a moderate sum of 848 mina’s to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, in order to rectify this distasteful action by the Vikela leadership. However, this generous offer was refused. Therefore the Obsidian throne puts forth these renewed demands to the Kingdom of Vikela Demands The Kingdom of Vikela shall remove itself entirely from the Highlands The Kingdom of Vikela shall not move within proximity to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. This Proximity shall be determined by the Grand Kingdom of Urguan upon selection of land. The Kingdom of Vikela shall pay a sum of 1,000 mina’s to rectify this dishonorable act towards the Grand Kingdom of Urguan If the Kingdom of Vikela fails to meet these demands or does not respond in one stone-day, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan shall unleash the full might of its war machine to expel the Kingdom of Vikela from its claimed land. The Choice is yours. Choose wisely Signed, Sigrun ‘Undeadslayer’ Stonehammer Grand King of Urguan, Clan Father of The Stonehammers, Priest of Dungrimm, Hero of Dungrimm, Three-Time Grand Champion of Urguan
  12. Vikelain or Silachian Silachian is a mixture of Elvish and Auvergian. It has a sort of southern flare on top of that. For a more OOc dive, Silchian is a mixture of Lotc Eleven mixed with Lousiana Creole. From deep avuergene roots as well as wood elven ties to the community With this base, it creates a softer, more elegant sounding language with a tone that sounds like water rushing. Rather than more earthy tones, there should be hardly any guttural or rough words used within Silachian. History and Synopsis The words of the sword are translated as Silachin in the language of the protected people. From its founding family, one auvergne & Farfolk woman and one Wood elf, these phrases are both fluid like a swing and sharp to the tongue.. It is interesting to note that the founding couple frequently transitioned between these linguistic influences, which led to a momentous event when a human observer inadvertently interchanged the two terms. This serendipitous mistake has endured through the passage of time. Today, Silachian has become an integral part of the linguistic heritage of Vikela. It can be heard echoing through the streets of Vikela, where it is cherished as a language that is not only well-known but also passed down through generations, embodying a unique and enduring fusion of linguistic traditions. Definition: Auvergnian, interchangeably known as Auvergnat by those who are fluent in it, is a well-known human language. The dialect is famous throughout the various realms of Oren and Aeldin for being crowned the "Language of Love". Auvergnian is a soft, melodic, and yet arguably very complex dialect. Auvergnian is the same as real-life French. Definition: Elvish This language, known as Ancient Elven, was developed by the children of Malin after their establishment in Aegis and was used widely in the ancient world. Grammar For those of you want to fully immerse yourselves. Sentence Order: The common order of elvish sentences is Subject-Object-Verb. The apostrophe-’ : Used in certain cases and possibly dictates a certain pronunciation. Current known uses are: Denoting certain honorifics (such as sainted) Between a modifier and a verb Between a word and its suffixes (more on this below). With the word 'eyha' (and) to connect sentences and in terms of a list. -n makes such a word a noun -an plural AFFIXES & SUFFIXES Use of affixes: This has been shown to be a very important factor in Elven language. Elves tend to use multiple affixes to further define their nouns and verbs, rather than using separate words. For these, the following rules exist: Most affixes seem to have two forms, depending on whether or not the word it relates to ends or begins with a vowel. Suffixes often get added with an apostrophe between it and the word. If a word has multiple suffixes, there will only be an apostrophe between the full word and its last suffix. The priority for ordering the suffixes is least important to most important. So your root word is closer to the most important suffix. If a suffix is separated by an apostrophe, it inflects as if the last letter of the word it relates to was a consonant. -é Makes it past tense, for example: burn - bril / burnt - brilé -s makes it present continuous, -s is followed by the Simple Present word’s vowel, for example: Pèdi - miss / Pedé - missing / Pèdis - Missing Adding “Will - Te” will make the sentence future tense, as the verb does not need a special addition. For example:“Mo te anwo twa ne’pleure…zusna.” - “I will not cry over you...*******.” :) “Burn *****!” “Sluzes Bril!” FAMILY AND PEOPLE Mamon: Mom Malda: Dad Sèsa: Sister Bresen: Brother Tonton: Uncle Tant: Aunt Nès: Niece Nef: Nephew Gra’Malda: Grandpa Gra'Mama: Grandma Numbers un, in - one Dé - two trò, trwa - three Kat - four Sink - five Sis - six Sèt - seven Wit - eight Nèf - nine Dis - ten mu'dis - 100 te'ludis-1000 Much like the grammatical structure, numbers are structured similarly to elvish for double digits and beyond (i.e three-onehundred-five-ten-four). ' is used to link a number with its value for 10, 100 and 1000. Adding the Mu- (very) to add to the beginning of a number to make it ma-single point value. ( Values of Ten). Example Mukat'dis (40,) Musis'dis (60) MuNèf'dis (80). Examples So 14 (fourteen) is Dis'kat [10.4] 40 (forty) is Mukat'dis [10.4] 174 is Mudis'musetdis'kat [100.70.4] COMMON PHRASES & SENTENCES Bonayla! - Hello Heyalez afær? - How are things? heya ça va? - How are you doing? Çé ayla , byin. - I’m good, thanks. Mo byin. - Thank you / Thanks. Ou’Venle - You’re Welcome Twa plitar. - See you later. Svenayla - Goodbye Sven - Bye Mo Mayli twa. - I love you. Swènn-tali. - Take care. Bonayla. - Good Morning Bonker. - Good night avyonii - Little fighter Ti - Yes Ne - No Une gueule de Vallitier - A mouth like holy water fountain (used to describe an ugly man) Une figure lenpomme cuite - A face like a baked apple (used to describe an attractive woman) Pauvres diables - poor devils (used to mock poor people) Un berrbleur - a hot air shooter Un tonnerre a la voile - an unruly person Frou-frou - giddy/ Over dramatic/snobby Menterlien - a lie/liar valllo toujou couri vallhiuw. - The water always goes to the river Coupé zoré milet fait pas faesu. - Cutting off the mule’s ears doesn’t make it a horse Compé Torti va doucement, mais li rivé coté bite pendant Compé Chivreil apé dormi. - Tortoise goes slowly, but he arrives at the barrel while Roe Deer is sleeping. beloun conné sir qui bois l'apé frotté. - The pig knows well on which wood it will rub. Chirr jappô li pas morde. - The barking dog doesn’t bite. Charre brilé pair di feu. - The burnt cat is afraid of fire. Bouki fait gombo; lapin mangé li. - The goat makes the gumbo; the rabbit eats it. Cila qui rit Un lensuloem va pleuré a liewy’ento: . - Whoever laughs on Friday will cry on Sunday. Craché nen laire, li va tombé enhaut vou nez. - Spit in the air, and it will fall on your nose. Vikela an coime en ito - There is a problem in Vikela OBSENTIES (even though LOTC forums will censor this ) ****(Fword): Vexna Shit(poop) : Bix *****(female dog): Sluzes Damn: Acke Ass / ******* (butt) : Zusna Idiot: Ich'me Mother Fucker (mfo): Vex’ma A- Z UNSORTED WORDS. Pronouns: You -mo’ /twa Your - mou’ / Twu We - no’ Which - ki Her - L’leh She - L’ He - Li’ Him -Li’leh I / Me - o This - Thes Who / What / Where - heya’ Our - min Adjectives: Strong - Ceru Weak - Cerune Good - ayla Bad- dyab Later - plitar Old: Ulde Young - Yeune Happy - alèz Confused - ailmathé Sad - melte Angry - furêrion Dainty - Zehp Adverbs: Only - unsel Not - ne’ Out - soti There - Ito Slowly - doucement Very - Mu Nouns / plural Nouns: Action - Aksyon Boat - Amonn’narn Bread - Wehn'tehral Books - Indora Devils/Evil - Diables Expertise - Ekspètiz Forest - Amebwa Fountain - Vallitier Hunter - Lovi Keeper - Gadyem Knowledge - Konesans Mail - Kouryèl Magic - Maji Melody - Ayl’lenniel Midnight - Lin Milk - Valein Moon - Minwi Problem - Coime / Problems - Coimes Red Rose - Wouj’Miruel River - Vallhiuw Side - Coté Sugar - Suika Time - Enet Troubles- Resahnae Vallitier - Fountain - Water- Vallo Milk- Valein - Wind - Bientu Offerings - ofrann Sentiments - santiman Season - sézon Branch - galadh Verbs: Present Simple Tense Past Tense Present Progressive — -é -s Is - di Was - Pranvan (An exception) — Do -fe Did - fé Doing - fes Have - Par Had - Paré Having - Pares Say - psan Said - psané Saying - psans Arrive - riv Arrived - rivé Arriving - rives Stumble - b’ite Stumbled - b’ité Stumbling - b’ites Bite- morde Bit - mordé Biting - mordes Eat - mange Ate - mangé Eating - manges Cry - pleure Cried - pleuré Crying - pleures Hate - Haite Hated - haité Hating - haites Love - mayli Loved - maylé Loving - maylis Like - Mayte Liked - mayté Liking - maytes Know - conne Knew - conné Knowing - connes Burn - brile Burnt - brilé Burning -Briles Care- Tali Cared- Talé Caring - Talis Blossom (flower)-Lapr Blossomed- Laprès Blossoming Lapres miss - Pèdi Missed-Pedé Missing-Pèdis Confuse - ailmahta Confused- ailmathé Confusing - ailmathas Send - alta Sent - alté Sending - altas Go - couri Went - couré Going - couris Talk - goulren talked - goulré Talking - goulres Wave - Anuh'Hiuw Waved - Anuh’Hiuwé Waving - Anuh’Hiuwes Blow - iheiuh Blowed - iheiuhé Blowing - iheiuhes Will - te Would - té Willing - tes Go - couri Went - couré Going - couris Sleep - dormi Slept - dormé Sleeping - dormis Tuck - kach Tucked - kaché Tucking - kaches Dance - danse Danced - dansé Dancing - danses Wear - mete Wore - meté Wearing - metes Carry - pote (To carry something.) cradle-bèl) Carried - poté Carrying - potes Whisper - chitchot Whispered - chitchoté Whispering - chitchotes Pass- pui Passed - pué Passing - puis Paint- peintiye Painted - peintiyé Painting - peintiyes Lay - pose Laid - pozé Laying - poses Bark- jappô Barked - jappé Barking - jappôs Spit - crach (Spit out - Crachoti) Spat - craché (Spat out - Crachéti) Spitting - craches (Spitting out - Crachotis) (In poker) Going all in - Mog Modal Verbs: Should - Dwe Can - Ka Could - Ké Will - Te / Would - Té May - Cen Determiners / Pre-Determiners: The- le / La Such/More - ma- All - ‘tuva Some - kèk Each / Every - ilye Preposition: Of - nun Up - anoh For - pra By - Pa- On - sou’ ( on the- so’le) Like - tankou (“I feel like …..”) About - larenn In - en Over - anwo To - u- (For example: “Me u-couri minwi” - I go to the moon) Beneath - anba With - gavec Down- nadbas Under - neledh Conjunction: And - ehya But - mais Idiom Tali- (infront of a word is part of Derived from elvish) Government Titles / Ranks etc: Government - Gouvènman Council - Conseil Internal - Zefen Internal affairs (internal time) - Zefen’enten Minister - Minstie Knight - Chevalye The Keeper of Books better known as the librarian - Gadyem Indoran Lawmaker - Magi’se House mafia - Mennaj Noble - Noblesse Official - Ofisyèl Writer - Puerith Warrior - lwa Healer - Traiteur Queen - Reîne King - Kondé Princess - Prinsès Prince - Prins Regent- Rejant Heir - Eritye Grand Duke - Gran Dyòk Duke - Dyok Duchès-duchess Count -count countess- Counte Baron- Baron Baroness- L’Baronès Lordship Mesir Ladyship-Mesiris Majesty -Majeste Citizen - sityen When addressing individuals of nobility or higher social status: Grace -Gras [ Your grace- Mou’Gras] Majesty - Majeste (Your majesty- Mou’Majeste) Animals: Deer -Chivreil Rabbit - Lappin Sheep - dòmi Pig - Beloun Goat -Bouki Horse - roch wolf/dog-Chirr Panda-Talibulous Cat -Charre Turtle - Torti Llama- lama Bird - aiweau Days- Following lotc calendar days Sunday - Dimanch Monday - Lendi Tuesday - Madi Wednesday - Mèkredi Thursday - Jedi Friday - Vandredi Saturday - Samdi Next Saturday- Samdi’ento Colours: Red - Mirouj Blue - Blevall Yellow - Aurijòn Purple - Valvyol Pink - Belssezrou Black - Nwa White - Iwan Green - Vèttaynei Orange - Orayl Brown - Caros MALE & FEMALE NAMES Female Names Adeline - Noble Aeliana - Sunlight Amaia - High Place Amara - Immortal Amethysta - Jewel/amethyst Anais - Grace Arcadia - Paradise Astridelle - Beautiful Star Azura - Sky Blue Belphoebe - Fae princess Blythe- Carefree Calista - Most Beautiful Caelia - Heavenly Celestia - Heavenly Chantal - Song Cosette - Little Thing Danica - Morning Star Delphine - Dolphin Eirwen - White Snow Elestria - Starlight Elaria - Enchanting Song Elowen - Elm Tree Evadne - Pleasing One Fiora - Flower Flora- floral Genevieve - Tribe Woman Gwidhiel - Of the Light Heloise - Famous Warrior Hithiel - Running water Isabeau - My oath Isabelette - Devoted Isoluna - Moonlight Jalindë - Beauty Jolie - Pretty Katriel - Crown of gold Khanyisile - Illuminated Kelindra- Leika - Warrior of peace Leza - Joyful Lilithia - Night Demon Lirael - Song of Gold Medea - Clever Melusine - Enchanting Water Mignon - Cute, Darling Mireille - To admire Mwari - Goddess Naiara - Radiant Nymeria - Lady of the Water Nyxira - Night Goddess Oseye - Noble Olwethu - Our Own Phumelele - Achieve Perdita - Lost Qondiswa - Understand Quenmirë - Elf of Jewels Rilindë - The Songs we Sing Ravenna -Raven Roshaera - bright like the sun. Rhianwen - maiden Seraphite - Fiery Angel Serenelle - Starry Sylvara - Nymph Solange - Solemn Solara - Solar, Sunlike Tindra - Sparkle Thalassa - Sea Urania - Muse Uzuri- Splendor Valkyrie - Chooser of the Slain Vespera - Evening Star Violette - Purple Vivienne - Life within Wyneth - Fair Wande - Family grows Winslet - victorious Wynonia - Xiomara - Ready for Battle Xolile - Forgiving Yveline - Yew Wood Yávië - Sprouted from unknown Zafira - Victorious Zarina - Golden Queen Zephyra - Gentle Breeze Zephyrine - West Wind Zenobia - Force of Nature Male names Ahmanu - Notable leader Akuni - Brave Babptise - Baptized Bakari - Promise Bayo - Crown Bilal - Born during the day Chuki - Spirit Cyprian - From Cyprus Cyprin - Cyprus Caden: "Spirit of Battle" or "Fighter" Cyril: "Lordly" or "Masterful" Cassius: "Empty" or "Vain" Calixte: "Most Beautiful" or "Very Beautiful" Celestin: "Heavenly" or "Of the Sky" Coltrane: Possibly a combination of "Coal" and "Strong" Chevalier: "Knight" or "Horseman" Chavez: "Hawk" Corentin:or "Hurricane" Darian - Upholder of the good Edwige - Battle warrior Endymion - Man of the east Estel - Hope Elario - Noble one Folarin - Walk with wealth Faelan - Little wolf Guylian - Variant of Julien Gareth - Gentle Halim - Patient Hadrian - Dark-haired Idris - Interpreter or studious one Ignatius - Fiery Ikechu - God's strength Iniko - Born during troubled times Jafari: - Stream or creek Jareth - Blend of Jared and Gareth Kaev - Life Kael - Mighty warrior Kofi - Born on Friday Loike - Delightful - devirved from Luke Luthando - Love Mael - Chief or prince Nkosi - King or ruler Nyarai - Be humble Olanrewaju - My wealth is moving forward Orpheus - Darkness (mythological figure) Osiris - Egyptian god of the afterlife and rebirth Pemba - White Paka - Cat Panya - Mouse (Swahili) Pascal - Easter Patrice - Noble Porthos - Musinteers Peregrin - Traveler Prospero - Successful Quddus - Holy Quenten - Variant of Quentin Quillon - The best of the swords Quirin - warlike Quillan - Cub Remy - Oarsman Rudo - Love Razi - Secret Raoul - Wolf council, strong as a wolf René - Reborn Rylan - Island meadow Samwise - Half-wise Sebastien - Revered or venerable Tariro - Hope Thandolwethu - Our love Thierry: "ruler of the people." Teo: A short form of Theodore, meaning "gift of God." Tariq "morning star" or "he who knocks at the door." Theron: Chase Tevin Thaddeus:courageous." T'vian Toulouse Tarien Ulysse: "to be angry" or "to hate." Uriel: Fire of spirit Urbain: "city dweller" Ugo: form of Hugh, meaning "heart, mind, spirit." Urianthé: "Enchanting Star" Ulysarion: "Seeker of Wisdom" Ulfarine: "Noble Forest Guardian" Umbrelleth: "Veiled Luminescence" Urendelle: "Radiant Blossom" Ullianthé: "Luminous Dreamer" Umbrosien: "Shadowy Sage" Ullianthilde: "Starlit Grace" Umbertien: "Regal Enchanter" Uzoma - Good road or way Vuyo - Happiness or joy Winslet - Joyful victory Wulfric - Wolf power Xandriel - Elf of splendor Xolani - Peace Yannick - Variant of Jean, meaning God is gracious Yves - Yew wood Yannael - Combination of Yann Yorick - Variant of George Yarrow - A flowering plant often associated with healing Yrian - Variant of Brian Zephyr - West wind Zaire - River in Lurin Zuberi - Strong Zephyr - West wind Zenon - Variant of Zenos, Zethana This language is subject to change and be updated. This was such a fun project to head with the lovely people of Vikela. We orgianzied this is a way we thought made more sense. We recommend you have your sentence, and then move it to subject object verb so you have a clear understanding. Most Vikelian will only be using common phrases rather then full sentences.
  13. Be it known that, Leh’Reîne , in the exercise of Her sovereign right and authority, and in recognition of exceptional merit and dedication, do hereby confer and grant unto GREGORIUS ROA @Me_llamo... the noble title of Viscount, with all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities thereto appertaining. This title is hereby declared hereditary, passing to the chosen heir of Gregorius Roa, in perpetuity, should he not designate a successor. The Viscountcy shall endure and flourish so long as the titleholder or their designated heir maintains residence within the bounds of Vikela. Furthermore, in acknowledgment of the invaluable contributions of Viscount Gregorius Roa, the House of Roa is hereby enfeoffed with the titular Viscounty of Pavia—an honor they, alongside their consort and children, will cherish in exchange for leal service to the Kingdom of Vikela. Recognizing Gregorius Roa as the rightful owner of Pavia, this land is bestowed upon him, that he may let it flourish away from weeds. May this grant be documented in perpetuity, subject to the laws and governance of Vikela. In witness whereof, we have set our hand and seal this 6th day of The Amber Cold, 163 SA. VALLLO TOUJOU COURI VALLHIUW L’leh’Majeste, Medea Amaranta Astrea De Viola, Queen Of Vikela, Duchess of Vinovia,La Renarde of Uhie,Leh Violetta Li’leh Majeste, Walter Blanc de Vikela, Son Altesse Éminente,Tèt Medic Ofisyè
  14. A Melody Must Have an End How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. The flood of memories rushes by, giving one last adieu “Oh! My little butterfly!” a Voice came, my dearest aunt “Come give Aunty a hug” My earliest memory by far, the woman always came running over with that big childish grin of hers and would swoop me into her arms just as she did now but as she got to me the scene changed. “Grandmama?...” My grandmother passed away and my mother was struck by grief. I had stayed with my aunt for a long time, so long, and my mother followed not long after, my father was never around. I was left alone, or so I thought. “Look what I've brought for you! It's your favourite, but don't tell your mother” Sweets were held in front of me by my dearest aunt, a woman who never let her smile fall in front of me, it was infectious indeed, I was not much of a people person at all, but looking back at it I missed out on a lot, and now all I have is regrets on not trying to do more with my life while I had the chance “It's alright, you alright, things will get better soon” My last memory came to play, my aunt hugging me while we were in our darkest hours. Falling into complete utter oblivion, My eyes slowly fell due to my attacker's actions, but it wasn't all bad, I got to see the birds fly one last time before nothingness. Greyed skin and life taken by force, a body was found under the gate arch of Vikela, this body was unfamiliar to most, but to those who knew the woman, to Medea who found the young woman she was almost unrecognisable Melody de Astrea, she was drained of all blood, with two puncture wounds upon her neck an obvious attacker. However, that did not seem to be the killing blow. Whether or not this was the work of one person or if there was someone else to give the final kill would never be known, From the look of her dissected body it seemed as if someone had studied it like she was someone's science project, she did not at all look like her former self anymore, and the only thing left behind by the sick attacker was a note simply saying. “Thank you for participating” As if it had been all but a game to them, maybe to taunt the deceased loved ones more Melody de Astrea had not lived a long fulfilling life, before this horrid day, she had already been withering away from poor health, her time had already been approaching but it seemed someone had plans to bring her demise much, much sooner. For she had been expecting her demise due to her health a singular letter had already been written to whom she cared for most, to who had looked after her, but sadly this letter had never been finished Dearest aunt Medea You looked after me like I was your own, and for such I can't thank you enough, our fates intertwined from my birth, I would have felt so lost if you had left me alone, being born as your niece had been the greatest treasure to me, to be able to grow and follow you, you shaped my life, but if my time does come to pass by, I wish you to know to look to the skies in hopes a bird flies by, I watched from the window as the birds flew by gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky, I've laid my memories and dreams upon their wings, and in my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me, and if I should leave this lonely world behind I hope for you to only carry on and remember that… [!] the letter incomplete one would never know what the dying woman had been trying to say at the end of her letter to her aunt. [!] With her Body now buried Melodies of life now gilded forever more amongst the winds of time. Sleep well little butterfly, Melody de Astrea
  15. JEWELS OF VIKELA In continuation of Vikela’s Fashion Guide Gold takes center stage in Vikela, and with the abundant richness in our mines, it's essential to highlight it. Gold bands and headpieces, a common sight in "Avonlea" and royal headdresses, are a staple. In Vikela, there's a tradition where every newborn is adorned with hand-carved gold beads. These beads, created by the mother, are etched with runic qualities, symbolizing the desired qualities for the child – a clear head and a pure heart. Among the accessories, you'll find gold necklaces, earrings, and bangles worn by both men and women. Scarves and sashes play a crucial role in adding vivid, glinting colors to adorn the body from head to foot. In Vikela, our jewelry tells stories and carries traditions, reflecting the richness of our culture. In addition to the plentiful gold and silver, the grounds where Vikelians reside are graced with a bounty of crystals. Whether it's sheer luck or a blessing from the gods, these gems seem to sparkle abundantly and are easily found by those who seek them. This abundance of crystals has given rise to a thriving industry in jewelry-making within the city. Tiaras, necklaces, earrings, and the occasional experimental piece for weddings are common creations. Vikela has become a renowned destination for those seeking to purchase wedding rings or even coronation crowns, with each piece carrying a touch of the city's unique charm and the beauty of its natural treasures. In Vikela, gems assume distinct ranks and statuses, serving as reflections of the intricate social structure ingrained in the community. Among the river people, amethyst stands as a common gem, easily accessible to many. The verdant emerald signifies a higher societal status, while the crest, a rare and cherished gem, forms the basis of their crystal jewelry. The paramount figure in Vikela, the highest-ranking individual in the monarchy, dons a symbol of their esteemed position: a crystal butterfly. This butterfly gains its uniqueness from the gemstones embellishing its wings, each symbolizing a different rank within the people's society. Beyond being mere adornments, these gems serve as emblems of honor and privilege. The selection of gemstones for the butterfly's wings holds profound cultural significance, with each gemstone carrying specific meanings and responsibilities within the monarchy: Amethyst: The most common gemstone among the river people, amethyst signifies the foundation of their society, representing unity and community. Emerald: Reserved for individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and service to the kingdom, the emerald symbolizes growth, prosperity, and leadership. Sapphire: This deep blue gemstone represents wisdom, knowledge, and intellect. Those adorned with sapphires on the crystal butterfly are the scholars and advisors to the monarch, valued for their insight and guidance. Ruby: The vibrant red of the ruby signifies courage, passion, and leadership. Those wearing rubies on the butterfly's wings are the brave warriors and defenders of the kingdom. Diamond: The sparkling diamond epitomizes purity, transparency, and integrity. Those granted the diamond gem are the keepers of justice and law, ensuring fairness and honesty in the monarchy. Pearl: Pearls, with their lustrous, iridescent beauty, symbolize diplomacy and grace. Those who wear pearls are the diplomats and negotiators responsible for maintaining peaceful relations with neighboring kingdoms. Opal: Opals, known for their shifting colors, represent adaptability, creativity, and innovation. Those adorned with opals are the artists, inventors, and visionaries contributing to the kingdom's cultural and magical advancements. Topaz: Topaz, with its warm golden hue, signifies generosity, prosperity, and philanthropy. Those with topaz gems are the benefactors and patrons of the kingdom, supporting social causes and charitable endeavors. Amber: Amber, with its orange glow, embodies health, vitality, and rejuvenation. Those with amber prioritize the kingdom's well-being, overseeing healthcare, and promoting healthy living. In conclusion, the ranking system within Vikela not only comprises the Vikelian's Crystal Court but also facilitates easy identification and communication with the appropriate individuals. Lady Andria Aldin
  16. Amethyst Garden Gala House in Bloom You are cordially invited to the Amethyst Garden Gala, which will be held on the Vikela grounds. An evening of dancing beneath the canopy awaits as we celebrate the splendors of young love and the love yet to come. We respectfully suggest that you dress in purple to complement our gorgeous purple theme for House de Viola. As the evening unfolds, should dancing not be your forte, fret not, for we have diversions aplenty. Participate in our raffle, where you could win a beautiful amethyst brooch or a fortnight free of tax at a market stall, with each ticket valued at one mina. At the night's end, we shall tally the raffle tickets and set the wheel of fortune spinning. Valllo toujou couri Vallhiuw Leh’Gras, Medea Amaranta Viola De Astrea, The Baroness of Vikela, Unbuntu, Vinovia & Uherie , The Violet of Vikela Mesiris, Lady Ilyana Elgeiros, Minstie of Housing & Stewardship Mesiris, Andria Aldin, Ministie of Finances & Matchmaker List of Invitations ARISTOCRACY OF VIKELA Her Grace, Medea Amaranta Viola De Astrea & House De Viola @JTMedea Grand Duke Cyprien De Astrea and House De Astrea @HogoBojo Lord Chaephyra and House Chaephyra, @PhilosopherBear Lord Wolfguard And Any of His company @nepir Lady Andria Aldin and any of her company @Tigergiri Lady Beatrice Ishe and House Ishe @JuniperSeason Lord Volfe Serge and House Serge @YourParalysis Lady Ilyana Elgeiros & House Elgeiros @Kayleigh_P Anerian Thulun Va'eylul & Clan Va'eylul @Kumoko600 Regent Estel Blanc & House Blanc @Aw_0ken @6Dark Undying pipsqueak Ser Do’Spuds Loa’chil @Turbo_Dog All citizens of Vikela The Crimson Raven Corp @PhilosopherBear FOREIGN DELEGATIONS & SPECIAL INVITATIONS Grand-Magister, Razad the 'Fatebinder' & His Magizens @Minuvas Viscount Gregorious Roa & Their Peerage @Me_llamo... Viscount Xavier Adiler & The Adiler Talonnii @MockingbirdArt Cheif Grimhildr & Their Tribe@__WaterFox__ Silrus Daesmon & His Peerage, @Pancho Lord Artorius Silva & Their Peerage @Athonir Lady Nadja Leticia Bathory @mothsthetic Lady, Niccy Elia Geseir & Their peerage, @Niccy Sir Dante Rudius @Kaitotheknight Miss Otellia Maiheiuh @MokoMochi
  17. [!] A missive was hung in any nation and barony notice board that this writer could go to Vikelian Crystal Clash 22nd of the First Seed 153. Karin'ayla, People of Aevos! We, the leading family of Vikela, extend a grand and honorable summons to one and all, irrespective of thy lineage or race, to gather together and witness an eagerly awaited event: The Vikelian Crystal Clash: The Jewel in the Boxing Crown. Vikela, with its storied history and vibrant melting pot of races, shall serve as the backdrop for this magnificent spectacle. As precious gems emerge from the crucible of pressure, so do our combatants illuminate the arena with their courage and skill. Prepare to be enthralled by the wonders awaiting you at the Vikelian Crystal Clash: - Intense fist fights amongst adventurers from near and far vie for honour. - A venue adorned with the resplendent opulence of crystalline adornments. - Witness history in the making as fighters pursue their path of honing their skills and strive to attain the Vikelian Boxing Championship Belt. - An opportunity to partake in the camaraderie of a diverse and passionate assembly. Our inaugural champion is Estel Blanc, hailing from the esteemed Blanc Household. He bested the undersigned in the tournament finals to claim the title of the first champion. In the forthcoming event, he shall embark upon his maiden defense of the coveted championship belt. Join us, to revel in the valor that lies within the realm of pugilism, just as it exists within our own hearts. Event Particulars: Date: Once Every Year [OOC: Every Saturday] Time: 2 PM EST Location: Vikela Send forth thy bird to Thaedas Viola with inquiries and desires. [OOC: Discord = 6darkj] With great anticipation, we await thy presence at the Vikelian Crystal Clash. Let us come together to celebrate the unity of all fierce competitors in our medieval realm. His Lordship, Thaedas Koa Viola De Astrea, Hunter prince of Vikela [OOC PS: The event will be a PvP, and it will be held every Saturday. If a new champion is crowned, they are forced to defend their belt and title every week.] *Visual representation of Estel Blanc becoming the inaugural champion*
  18. My Dearest Ladies and Gentlemen, I trust this missive finds you in the most auspicious of spirits and in the best of health. In the midst of our society, I, Lady Andria Aldin, humbly extend my warmest invitation to you, esteemed divorcees, to partake in an elegant and inclusive gathering of kindred spirits. In these times of societal transformation, it has come to my attention that there is a growing need for a sanctuary—not in the spiritual sense, but a sanctuary of understanding and camaraderie, for those whose hearts have weathered the tempestuous seas of matrimonial separation. It is with this in mind that I have conceived of the notion of "The Divorcee Club." Allow me to introduce myself, for those who may not yet have had the pleasure of our acquaintance. I am Lady Andria Aldin I have ventured through the intricate pathways of wedlock myself, experiencing the departure of my first husband under mysterious circumstances and the subsequent dissolution of my second marriage, which, I assure you, was conducted with all the decorum and respect befitting our station. Though I cannot say the same for the crotchfruit that fell quite far from the tree. "The Divorcee Club" shall provide a setting in which those of us who have trodden the path less traveled may gather. Our evenings shall be characterized by refinement and intellectual pursuits. The art of conversation shall reign supreme, and the essence of our gatherings will be an ode to the exchange of ideas, the appreciation of literature, and the celebration of fine wines. Picture, if you will, a gathering where we assemble to discuss the most exquisite works of literature, those that have offered solace in our hours of need and enlightenment in our moments of reflection. Let our tomes serve as the gateways to intellectual exchange and shared experiences. With that, our evenings shall be graced by the gentle clinking of crystal goblets filled with the finest wines. These nectars shall be our companions, and they shall whisper tales of lands near and far, carrying our souls to places as enchanting as the tales we shall peruse. I extend this invitation to each and every one of you, from those who have experienced the sting of heartache to those who have borne the burden of disappointment. In the heart of Vikela we shall come together, bringing solace and mirth into each other's lives. For while our circumstances may differ, our shared experiences will unite us in the most profound of ways. It is with utmost sincerity that I entreat you to grace us with your presence at "The Divorcee Club." A gathering of the heart, of the mind, and of the soul, where wine flows and knowledge blooms, as surely as the buds on the vine in spring. Should you be moved to accept this invitation, kindly respond at your earliest convenience so that we may anticipate your presence and prepare for your arrival. I eagerly await the privilege of your company and the opportunity to forge new connections amidst the pages of literature and the clinking of glasses. Yours with the deepest regard, Lady Andria Aldin
  19. The birth of a new Generation Issued by the The Starling Kaeronin branch (art by unibearse) 5th of the Deep Cold 146 As the sun rose and sun streak came through the windows of homes, birds chirping in song, this morning seemed different somehow from other mornings, especially in the Kaeronin Songbird household, a tiring night, friends and family waiting in anticipation, news finally given, letters sent out a new baby boy was born on the 5th of the Deep Cold 146 The new-born's features looked identical to that of his mothers, pale porcelain skin, bright snow white hair, and doe-like eyes somewhat darker than the mothers matching more of that of his fathers. It is with great pride and joy that the Kaeronin’s and the Songbirds announce the birth of their son Nevio Kaeronin Songbird. Floria Kaeronin with her son Nevio Kaeronin Below a letter the mother had written to her new-born, and a letter thrown out to sea. Her ladyship, Floria Antwinette Vanari iller’leyu, Aldin Kaeronin Lady of justice and truth, serene mother of Kaeronin His Lordship Syvis Songbird, the serene father of Kaeronin Songbird
  20. THE INQUISITION PREVAILS Issued at Year 145 of the Second Age Tensions rose, Lurin denied by their very own vassal of Vikela to conduct spook tests upon them, though the inquisition did not yield. Eshtael graced us with the balance we sought and plenty of allies to aid us while Vikela fortified themselves. The last men and women from Talar’nor and various surrounding nations arrived to aid in our most holy goal to rid our lands of the dark, a cry was sounded by The Silver Lubba, offering mercy to those who come out the gate and allow themselves to be tested. None came out. The inquisition commenced. The varying groups in a coordinated fashion advanced to their positions, shooting arrows back and forth before a ladder was erected against the Vikelan walls where the forces gained access to their most fortified positions, mercenaries fleeing the site to the floodplains. All was dealt with rather swiftly inside the city itself to knock the defenders out. After this, we missed one important Vikelan by the name of Orn who followed the mercenaries, a prolonged skirmish on the floodplains followed. The mercenaries were not spared due to their questionable affiliation, however, Orn was spared after the spook test came out negative, proving he is not a vampire or darkspawn. After all was done and dusted, all headed back to Lurin and minor repairs were made and wounds treated. Negotiations with the allied forces commenced to strengthen bonds and keep our morale up high. THE INQUISITION IS VICTORIOUS ETERNAL WE STAND, ESHTAEL KEEPS BALANCE signed, The Silver Lubba
  21. Gouvènman an Vikela As issued and confirmed, 19th of the Sun's Smile, SA 145 Table of Content I. Gouvènman II. The Conseil des Ministres III. Terms and Vocabulary Hierarchy of the Gouvènman The Paramount Her Ladyship, Medea Amaranta Viola De Astrea, The Baroness of Vikela, Unbuntu, Vinovia, Uherie, and The Deserted Salted Lands of Elysium. The Violet Queen of Vikela. Representing house Viola. @JTMedea The Crystal Court The council of ministers was established with the concept that an amazing government would emerge through the collaboration of the working talents of the city and the people. Each ministry has its own leaders, but there is no single individual in command; rather, decisions are made collectively, with the Paramount having the last word. Minister of Justice Her ladyship, Floria Kaeronin Floria Antwinette Vanari iller’leyu Aldin Kaeronin, The minister of justice, Lady of justice and truth, the high judge, the Blue iris, doe mother of the Vikelian Citizens, the Nightingale of Vikela. To Represent House Kaeronin, The Serene Mother. @Pixicat Minister of Warfare His Lordship, Ahmanu Chaephyra, The minister of Warfare, Sword of Vikela, Father of ravens To Represent House Chaephyra. @THEKINGOFPIRATS Minister of Health and Welfare His Lordship, Walter Blanc, The Minister of Health and Welfare, traiteur of The Crimson Raven Corps, Chief Advisor to The Paramount, the needle of Vikela. To Represent House Blanc. @6Dark Minister of Knowledge His Lordship, Elliphas Daesmon, The Minister of Knowledge, with a mind as his blade, The Eternal Scholar. To Represent House Daesmon. @Kanapes Minister of Housing Her ladyship Astaea de Clorance, The minister of housing, The starry watcher, Head steward of Vikela To represent House de Clorance. @Pixicat Minister of Foreign Affairs His Lordship Volfe Segre, The minister of foreign affairs, The bridge between allies, Sword and shield of that which is good, The connector of Vikela. To represent house Surge. @YourParalysis Minister of Finance Lady Andria Aldin, The minister of Finance & Treasury To represent House Aldin. @Tigergiri Alchemy Councilor Ser Do’Spuds Loa’chil, Alchemical councilor, Wisdom hoarder, Undying Pipsqueak. @Turbo_Dog The Royal Family: Viola Prince Orn Viola De Astrea His Lordship, Prince Orn Viola De Astrea, of Vikela. @Chrisoulis777 Princess Luthien Linde Viola De Astrea Her ladyship, Princess Luthien Linde Viola De Astrea, The Blossom Princess of Vikela, All with her charismatic charm those around her will be drawn to energetic charm. @UniBearse Prince Thaedas Koa Viola De Astrea His lordship, Prince Thaedas Koa Viola De Astrea, The Hunter Prince of Vikela. With skillful smarts in what he does. @6Dark Prince Fernando Zander Viola De Astrea His lordship, Prince Fernando Zander Viola De Astrea, The Warrior Prince of Vikela, Fear struck to those that meet his icy stare, but fortune to those that gain his loyal favour. @THEKINGOFPIRATS Princess Raeliana Kamari Viola De Astrea Her ladyship, Princess Raeliana Kamari Viola De Astrea, The Midnight Moon Princess of Vikela. The everlasting moonpearl, Graceful in all she does, and everyone around her will be gifted her love. @Pixicat Vikela Government Terms: Chevalye : The word for Knight Gadyem Indoran : The Keeper of Books better known as the librarian Gouvènman : The word for Government Ekspetiz: Expertise a word used in sparse terms, only for the most knowledgeable ad experts. Konesans - The word for Knowledge Koudyay: Festivals, events, and other activities designed to keep people active are the main sources of social attention. Impôt du sang "blood tax": Nobles are required to serve the sovereign.. They are required to go to war and fight and die in the service of the people l'honnête : Families of military value that have fought or have fought within the service of Vikela. Given A nobility Title as a good faith, and retirement plan. Magistrate: The lawmakers of Vikela, they are able to pass judgment as well as amend laws for any sort of official case. Mennaj : If you don't pay your taxes, there is no guarantee for your safety, according to the housekeeper or, more accurately, the assistant to the housekeeper, the all-powerful tax collector. Minstie’zafè entèn : The ministry of Internal affairs Noblesse de robe: Government Officials with nobility titles from acts of service to the kingdom Their rankings: Naelu’Gado : The book teacher, a teacher in their own right. Being able to fill in for the Gadyem Indoran. Ofisyèl : The word of Official Tèt :The phrase employed by the district's department head. Traiteur :The word for healer or medical personnel
  22. A Mother’s Final Straw [!] This missive is posted throughout the land (art done by @UniBearse A once pure of heart As all babies are as they are born, Ithil Kaeronin was once pure of heart and was one of the prides and joys of his mother’s clan. One winter's day, a dreadful night to be out, I found a child bundled up yet left out in the wilderness to fend for himself, he was a newborn at this time, a ‘ker baby with brilliant white hair and jewel violet eyes, I took him home and gave him the name Ithil meaning moon, for that was what let me find him, the moon light shining down on him I thought it must be a blessing to have found such a sweet darling child. From the moment I found and raised this young ‘ker, watching his first steps hearing his first words I lived through them all, and they were my precious memories to keep, I loved him just as I loved all his siblings with every fibre of my being, I believed all my children were for greatness I always will, but that being said as their mother I can’t control their lives and determine which kind of person they will turn to be. And as their mother I must know when to let them go. When I look into his eyes and I think back to that sunrise where I held him in my arms, these actions I will make, they will haunt my days, but is the price I pay, an endless pain, I know what I must do but how could I hurt you?, deep down I would trade the world to see you safe and sound, forever in my arms, just like we did before, as a mother I know I must let you go. But, when did my boy become a Villain, like how a candle becomes a blaze? Or a ripple a tidal wave? When this man becomes a monster. Please forgive me. With my heart so filled with sorrow and Woe, this Missive that has taken so long to gather the courage to write that is long overdue, I Floria Kaeronin here by decree Ithil Kaeronin one of my eldest sons to be disowned Revoking his Kaeronin name and ties to the family for he has caused some heinous crimes which will be known throughout the land for those to safeguard themselves and keep watch for this man, Ithil Kaeronin receives this punishment for the following crimes, the only crimes known to his mother. First degree attempted murder -an act of which was committed against a young child of Nor’asath, in which had happened on two occasions which led to the second crime. First degree attempted kidnapping An act in which the attacker lured the unsuspecting victim to a remote place and proceeded to attack this victim. "I failed as a haelun and for that I pay the price of losing one of my oem'ii" For these crimes committed by a Kaeronin, Ithil is here by disowned from the family of Kaeronin and banished from both Family and Vikela, and i pray for your safety and your good health in life from here on out, and I hope you find yourself, redeem from your actions and maybe one day, in my fondness dreams you are to reunite to those that have always loved you. Her ladyship, Floria Antwinette Vanari iller’leyu, Aldin Kaeronin Lady of justice and truth, The Serene Mother. His Lordship, Syvis Songbird, the serene father of Kaeronin Songbird Her Ladyship, Medea Amaranta Viola De Astrea, The Baroness of Vikela, Unbuntu, Vinovia, Uherie, and The Deserted Salted Lands of Elysium. The Violet of Vikela.
  23. The Knights of Len’velulaei The Blossoming knights of the Barony of Vikela the Crest of Len'Velulaei (art done by @UniBearse) Morals and Duty of Len’velulaei Founded by Floria Kaeronin, Sister branch off that of which is called the Crimson Ravens of Vikela, Len’velulaei was created to be guardians of the people, protectors of that which is good, to protect their home and the citizens that reside within it, it is the blade of which is behind and protects the crown instructed and trained by its Ceru'Vuln and the Ibar'Athri lead by the Ceru'Vuln the knight of Len’velulaei is devoted to upholding Loyalty, courage, discipline and Justice. Len’velulaei was created for the soul purpose for the protection of the royal family and the people of those within the walls of Vikela, Floria Kaeronin Formally known as Floria Vanari had been a ranger in prior years starting out as a young age and following in her step siblings footsteps whom she had grown attached to, be in her thirties the elfess became a Chevalier meaning she had taken her own squad whom she lead however this did not last long for the chevalier rank was overruled and distinguished turning them back into rangers, but this too did not last long, the rangers was disbanded, Floria Kaeronin, retired she mindlessly wondered, the elfess had left her home for a few years going from place to place but in the end, she was lead back to where she had grown up, at the time they already had the ravens, for some time she thought about joining the group, but something was amiss, it was something the elfess just couldn't get used to, it then came the time where the elfess found her old drafts for when she had been planning her own guard group, she had been working on it for many years and had always waited for it to come afloat but it never did however, seeing an opportunity arise the elfess stepped fourth and she had been knighted her group officialised and has since been going strong for a few generations. Floria Kaeronin with her Luonto Lilly watching over her (art done by @UniBearse) The Duties all soldiers Implemented by Floria Kaeronin the Ceru'Vuln of Len’velulaei every warrior is expected to follow as such: I Keep the crowns peace Those that live within the peaceful walls of Vikela are reminded that no threats of any kind shall be tolerated, if disturbance is made Len’velulaei will step in. II Protect the citizens When the bell is rung the Len’velulaei knights step fourth, from any kind of threat the knights see to the people's aid, they stand strong and form a wall between any threat and the people they seek to protect. III Defend that which they call home When danger comes to face those within Vikela, the first they meet will be the knights, Len’velulaei stands to defend and protect or they’ll go down trying. IV Daily Trainings These knights can not do anything unless they are trained and ready, those that wish to stand and fight must also be ready to do the required training. V No man left behind The knights form a strong bond, their a team and as such must work together, when one falls behind others must help them catch back up. Ceru’Vuln Floria Kaeronin and and Ibar'Athri Rosalyn Dafir standing guard at their paramount's coronation. Salary and lodgings Those that serve under the Len’velulaei knights do not go unpaid for their efforts, the Ceru’vuln Floria Kaeronin pay each knight every other elven week, if the guards do in fact need lodgings or food, the Ceru’vuln will make sure they are provided for, those that warrant it may if the Ceru’vuln deems fit get a promotion earning them higher salary, but with such promotion comes more responsibility. Guard uniforms Thillin’turr The Duties of the Thillin’turr These soldiers are to follow in the footsteps of those walking ahead of them, to attend trainings listen to the Asul’chirr these individuals are but sheep waiting to come out of their wool to become wolves, saplings still yet to blossom but within time when the Ceru’Vuln thinks it's time they will move up and follow their brethren side by side. Asul’chirr The Duties of the Asul’chiir These individuals have been granted their roles, graduated from recruitment and are the swords and shields of Vikela they stand to ground keep the wall and patrol the areas to safeguard against threats. Synalli’tahorran The Dutoes of the Synalli’Tahorran Whilst these Soldiers have the same job as the Asul’chirr these individuals had shown great promise to those of the higher up, they had been promoted to hold train sessions, lead their own groups of the guard and do more special jobs for the leaders. Ibar’athri The Duties of the Ibar’athri The ones second highest from the Ceru’Vuln these select few are handpicked by the Ceru’Vuln they are the head figures of the guards when the Ceru’Vuln is not able they stand in until the Ceru’Vuln has returned. Ceru’Vuln The Duties of the Ceru’Vuln This particular Soldier the Ceru’Vuln also known as the Lord Commander they run the specific part of the military the Len’velulaei are a part of, they are in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly, handing out the payments every other week and that everyone is attended to. Recruiting To join the knights of Len'velulaei, contact the Ceru'Vuln (yoursdearly_pixiedearest) or fill out the form ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾Recruitment form☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ Discord: Minecraft username: Time zone: Persona name: race: age:
  24. art by afterblossom_art Welcome, to the mesmerizing year of Ahiuw le fleuve, an extraordinary season where friendships blossom, love ignites, and souls embark on the transformative journey from youth to adulthood. As the river weaves its way through the city, so do the aspirations of our young debutantes and gallant suitors. Amidst the splendor and grandeur, a coveted prize awaits—the illustrious titles of River Gems, a testament to the pinnacle of grace, charm, and allure. But beyond the pursuit of honor, let us revel in the profound connections and heartfelt emotions that intertwine, for Ahiuw le fleuve is a realm where dreams converge, and the magic of companionship lights the path to everlasting memories. -Mademoiselle Fleur DeLis, the Curator of Whispers Located Outside of Lurin within Vikela TIME TABLE DAY UN PRELUDE INTRODUCTIONS PRACTICE Welcome to the captivating "Prelude Introductions Practice"! Ladies and gentlemen, come together to refine the art of dance and presentation in anticipation of the grand ball. Expert tutors shall guide both females and males, ensuring every participant's grace and confidence enchant the dance floor. Afterward, join us at the tavern for a delightful, informal gathering, where laughter and camaraderie shall flourish. Embrace this enchanting prelude, setting the stage for an unforgettable night of elegance and revelry. TIME 3PM EST DAY DÉ AHIUW LE FLEUVE BALL Welcome to the grand Introduction Ball and presentations! Join us as bachelors and debutantes unite in a splendid celebration, mingling amidst a tapestry of enchantment. Debutes shall don exquisite gowns in resplendent River colors. Embrace the allure of formal attire, adorning oneself for this remarkable affair. Step into a world of refined enchantment and embark on an evening destined for cherished memories. TIME 4:30 PM EST DAY TRWA AMOUR AFLOAT: THE CHARMING BOAT RACE Embark on a thrilling race of lover boats, where passion and skill collide on the shimmering waters! Join us for an exhilarating competition as participants navigate their elegantly adorned boats to victory. Feel the rush of the wind and the beating of your heart as you steer towards the finish line. The winner shall be rewarded with a cherished prize, symbolizing their triumph and adoration. Let the race begin, igniting a playful spirit of friendly competition and unforgettable moments of romance on this enchanting day. TIME 1PM EST DAY KAT SECRET GARDEN SOIRÉE A captivating event that transforms a hidden garden into a realm of romance and intrigue. Bathed in the soft glow of floating lanterns, participants are encouraged to engage in secret trysts, whispered conversations, and stolen glances. Embark on a treasure hunt, where small floating lanterns hold clues, fostering teamwork and excitement. As you navigate the garden's mysteries, unravel hidden secrets, and embrace the allure of the night, let the floating lanterns guide your path toward unforgettable moments of connection and discovery. TIME 3PM LOVE LETTER EXCHANGE Join us for an event where participants can share heartfelt letters expressing their thoughts and intentions. Embrace the intrigue and anticipation as these letters find their way to a collection of charming chests, each labeled with its recipient's name. Discover the power of written words and thoughtful gestures, fostering connections and creating moments to be treasured. Step into this enchanting occasion, where expressions of genuine emotion and meaningful exchanges take center stage. TIME ALL DAY DAY SINK RACE OF GENTLE GIANTS! Gather 'round as these charming capybaras showcase their laid-back yet determined nature in a delightful race. Bet on your favorite capybara and give them a ship name to show your support! Legend has it that if a capybara from your chosen team crosses the finish line, it signifies everlasting love. Let the excitement and anticipation fill the air as these adorable creatures capture our hearts with their lovable antics. Join us for a day of laughter, cheers, and heartwarming moments as we celebrate the unique spirit of the capybara in this unforgettable race. TIME 1PM TRIYONF KÈ KONTINYÈL: TOURNEY Brace yourself for a spirited competition where chivalry and valor meet on the battlefield of love. Participants shall showcase their prowess and dedication as they engage in captivating duels to win the title of the ultimate champion of hearts. Witness the clash of swords, the twinkle of determination in their eyes, and the unwavering passion that drives them forward. May the bravest and most gallant warrior emerge victorious, winning not only the tournament but also the admiration of all. TIME 4 PM DAY SIS MARDIS GRAS BALL Immerse yourself in the pinnacle of elegance at the Madris Ras Ball, hosted by the esteemed Court of River Gems. This illustrious event honors the gems of Chalcedony, Jasper, and Sapphire in ascending order of distinction. The Court of River Gems, with their discerning taste, curates a captivating theme for this grand celebration. Prepare to be enchanted as you step into a world brought to life by their imaginative vision. As a symbol of unity and potential matches, couples are encouraged to enter the ballroom together, presenting themselves as a harmonious pairing amidst the opulent splendor of the evening. With each gem representing a unique facet of beauty and grace, the Madris Ras Ball promises an evening of refined revelry, where elegance and creativity intertwine to create an unforgettable experience. TIME 4:30 PM HOST YOUR OWN EXCLUSIVE FUNCTION If you wish to host your own function please contact Lady Larissa and her council for all inquiries. For those who need help with the ongoing of this new and exciting by all means please seek out a council member as well as pursue through this handheld (Ahiuw Le Fleuve Guide for Debutes) ALL GUESTS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND ANY THE EVENTS. Sign up will officially close before the events of Day Two. To sign up please open the attached letter.
  25. Written by the Late Paramount Leika de Astrea Found By Lady Brasca. Contents | I |Proper Etiquette & Expectations II | Debuting & Presentations Etiquette and Expectations: Fashion: For proper reading please read “Vikela fashion” Remember, dear attendees, that the essence of fashion lies in embodying grace, sophistication, and cultural respect. Let your sartorial choices be a reflection of your impeccable taste and appreciation for the occasion at hand. Fashion choices should reflect cultural sensitivity, honoring the traditions and customs of Vikela and its guests. For those that need a reminder here are some rules and regulations. Footwear should be comfortable and suitable for the event, ensuring ease of movement without compromising on elegance. Adornments, such as jewelry and accessories, should complement and enhance the overall ensemble without overpowering it. Choose wisely, considering the harmony of the outfit. Gentlemen are expected to dress in tailored outfits, formal attire , displaying a sense of sartorial sophistication. All attendees, regardless of gender or race, are expected to wear attire that fully covers their chest during all events. Men with robes and half shirts, Translucent fabric is your friend, and it can show your Tattoos. For females, showing the abs or belly is permissible, but it should be done tastefully and with moderation. Excessive nudity is discouraged; choose outfits that exude sensibility and grace. On the note of Tiaras, circlets & sashes: Tiaras are grand ornamental headpieces worn by women on formal occasions, featuring intricate designs and gemstones. Circlets are delicate headbands adorning the forehead or top of the head, with minimal embellishments. Tiara: Reserved for royal bloodlines showcasing heirloom treasures. Circlet: Available for all, worn uniquely and without imitating others' tiaras. Royals may wear house sashes at formal events, symbolizing their lineage. Foreign guests (Outside Lurin and Vikela) may wear sashes in their city/settlement/nation's colors during the initial two days of the ball. On armor and weaponry: Regarding Armor and Weapons: In consideration of the council's understanding and appreciation for guards and knights, we kindly request that armor not be fully donned during the event. However, if one can creatively incorporate armor pieces while maintaining formal attire, exceptions may be granted. Weapons of any kind must remain fully sheathed unless an immediate threat arises or specific event permissions allow otherwise. We prioritize the serenity and balance of the occasion. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated as we strive to maintain an atmosphere of elegance and tranquility throughout the event. Expectations: Ladies and Gentlemen, as we embark upon this social season, let us be reminded of its purpose: the pursuit of lifelong companionship. While romance between different age groups is not encouraged, let friendships flourish and the guidance of chaperones prevail. Should an exception be sought, frowned upon but nevertheless, direct their plea to the Paramount, for their wisdom shall decide your fate. In the realm of social graces, kindness and respect should flow like a gentle river, regardless of social standing or past affiliations. Engage in meaningful conversations that uplift and avoid the murky waters of gossip. Let decorum and intellectual stimulation guide us, so our reputations remain pure like sparkling gems. On the dance floor, let us embrace a different waltz along the riverbanks of Vikela. Ladies, with the strength of flowing waters, self-advocate and invite gentlemen to dance. Gentlemen, be open to the invitation and dance with grace and harmony. Remember, the joy of the dance matters more than perfection. When the heart's desires do not align, gracefully decline with honesty and respect. Navigate these conversations with clarity and diplomacy, treating each other's feelings tenderly. Let us handle matters of the heart with the grace of a river's current. So, dear companions of the social season, let us embrace the guiding rivers of courtesy, respect, and graceful interactions. Like shining gems adorning the riverbed, may our words and actions illuminate the path to a joyous and memorable social season. Debutante and Presentations Presentations are an intimate expression of oneself, meant to be shared with the inner world. As you enter the ballroom, whisper your last name or share it discreetly with the attendant, who will announce it proudly to the gathered assembly. The first presentation holds both a touch of trepidation and immense significance, as you stand before the Paramount and her council. After your introduction to the crowd, gracefully curtsy or bow, signifying your reverence. From there, you may choose your path, guided by your own desires, before the dance commences. In the spirit of unity, all debutantes, regardless of gender, shall don colors inspired by the river and the ocean, symbolizing their journey across the flowing river of life. The ensembles and poses of both debutantees and debutants (Male & Female) shall be assessed by the esteemed River Gems Court, bestowing upon them the coveted title that shall adorn them throughout the remainder of the season. Introducing the Exquisite Court of River Gems: Within the vibrant tapestry of Ahiuw le fleuve social season, the Court of River Gems emerges as a beacon of elegance and distinction. Honoring the captivating allure of Chalcedony, Jasper, and Sapphire, this esteemed court encapsulates the essence of timeless beauty and enchantment. Chalcedony, the first gem of the court, emanates a soft and ethereal glow, captivating all who behold its delicate charm. Representing grace and serenity, those bestowed with the honor of Chalcedony possess an irresistible Friendly appeal that leaves a lasting impression. The Chalcedony is generally given to the younger generation, though this is not always the case. Jasper, the steadfast gem of the court, exudes strength and resilience. Like the mighty river carving its path through rugged terrain, those graced with Jasper's distinction display unwavering determination and a commanding presence that captivates the hearts of many. The Jasper Title is mainly given to a male or gender neutral, though this is not always the case. Sapphire, the pinnacle gem of the court, radiates brilliance and magnificence, captivating all with its captivating hue. Symbolizing wisdom and nobility, those adorned with Sapphire's brilliance shine as beacons of refinement and grace, commanding admiration from all corners. The Sapphire title is mainly given to the older age status, though this is not always the case. Throughout the social season, the Court of River Gems selects individuals who embody the essence of these precious gems. With each exquisite debutant and debutante adorned with the honor of Chalcedony, Jasper, or Sapphire, the social landscape is adorned with unparalleled splendor. Just as the Paramount allows the water to flow to uncover the Court of River Gems, they reign alluring illuminating the path to an unforgettable and extraordinary social season. These Gems will Either be announced at the end of the ball or at the end of the first dance. These selected few keep their titles until the next social season which should be hosted every 8 years. Document signed off by Her Ladyship, Paramount Larissa De Astrea Found and revisited by Lady Brasca & Lady Medea De Astrea. Click the spoiler for signups :)
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