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The Followers of Aeriel -- Now Recruiting!


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Calinders apllication to join the Followers of Areiel.

Brief Character History:

Calinder always knew that he was destined for something great. As he progressed further through his life he began to look to the north with a growing sense of fear. He knew, or rather sensed, that some great perturbation of nature was taking place. He knew that if he did nothing to help, eventually the darkness would come to his doorstep. This attitude solidified after the death of the elfish maiden he loved at the hands of an early necromancer. Soon after he joined the lost ones in an effort to have a greater role to play in the fight against the undead. He rose through the ranks to become third in command, and was the one that the lost guardian forced to assist in his suicide after his possession by a daemon. He now looks to join the army of the ascended.

Character Name (I.C.):


Character name (O.C.)



Elf [Dark Elf]

IC Age:

105 [quite young for an elf]

Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus):

I aim to become one of the greatest and noble soldiers throughout the land.

Goals in the FOA?:

I wish to join the fight against the undead, rise through the ranks and become one of the most renowned figures to stand against the darkness in all of Ageis. I also wish to climb the ladder and become a key figure in the F.O.A so as to secure a sturdy foundation for the future generations.

Good deeds you have done?:

• Served in the lost ones in their fight against the undead.

• Fought in several small-medium scale skirmishs against the undead

• Saved a number of people from bandits and highwaymen

• Helped purge a mine and house of evil creatures

Have you done any bad deeds?:

I don’t belive that I have done anything truly evil, but there are a few events that still haunt me…decisions of mine that where I choose wrong

• Assisted in the suicide of lost guardian Frozenblade, whose mind had been tainted by a daemon...It still huants me.

• When I found the necromancer that killed the love of my life, I beat him to death…I’m still ashamed of that…

How did you hear of us?:

The followers of Areiel are one of the most renowned, respected organisation in all of Ageis, as well as the Angeul Areiel herself being one of the most loved figures known today.

Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.:

I have always felt, or rather sensed of the disturbance to the north and when the undead emerged I realized that I needed to fight them, to stop them. When one of their acolytes in the early days of Aegeis killed my beloved my fate was set. I was to war against the undead until death and to champion the idea of purity and life.

What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.):

My prefered weapon is the bow, a noble weapon of grace and strength. I am, however, also accomplishe with the sword [level 18] and have some basic skill with an axe-although I find it to be a barbaric, clumsey weapon.

Are you a capable builder?:

Yes I am a highly capable builder and I have had experience in the construction and design of both stone and wooden construction.

Can you wield any other weapons?:

[see above: Primary weapon]

Any special skills?:

I am an accomplished miner, which can be considered unusual for an elf [level 31], and I have experience in excavation and woodmanship.

Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.:

As a child I knew of Areiel and she was often a figure in my dreams as I aged I cannot deny that I began to pay less attention to her and the others than they deserved. But after the death of my love by the necromancer and of his death by my own hand-I was left a broken man. It was Areiel that saved me, that guided me, that shielded me from the darkness of my own mind and soul. I would do anything for Areiel. I would die for Areiel.

Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel:

I will be your shield, I will be your sword, I will be your walls and I will be your eyes. I will watch the north and defend the darkness. I will fight against the evil of the north, as well as the evil of our hearts and minds. I will be sure to spread the word of Areiel, the lessons of the ascended and the righteousness of our hearts.

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I am no longer a Lieutenant, since I have Ascended.

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Wall o' Honor:

Martin Benedict(Deceased), founder of the UAC, honorary Acolyte of the Ascended.

Sornof(Deceased), former Governor of the UAC and Colonel of the FOA.

The Wall o' Dishonor and Shame

Chris Ford (Dishonorably banished for Iblees worshippin', assault on a dwarven council member, threats ta the King, treason, betrayal)

Mor'Gunt (Dishonorably banished by Sage Arcadius for betrayal, disrespectin' the people and troops, and looking for a necromnicron, as well as other suspected villainous acts.)

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((First off, sorry for the slow response to the post here! Ive been pretty busy the past few days and will do better in the next coming days on this))

i am interested in establishing an alliance between my order and the FOA. I can provide you with very large facilitys, free rooming and safe chests, and the aid of my men. Perhaps it can be discussed in a council? ((here are a few screens of the builds))

((I would be perfectly fine with establishing an alliance with you, please PM me in game so we can discuss in RP detail. As for the screens, thanks for showing me what you were talking about, although we would not have use for the buildings, having Aeriel's Keep and all. Thank you for the offer, though! I look forward to our RP))

Calinder has been accepted ta the FoA, as fer Leon, please refill out yer app with mo' detail.

((To Sornof: It really isn't ironic, just how it worked out. As I said, the father is not the son, and the son not the father.))

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Proud to serve.

What is my ranking and where do i report to, i am currently in the ascended fort after saving a recruit of yours, Krashiun.

Please report to the north fort call Aeriels Keep
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((The Undead are being removed in LOTC 2.0 so the Ascended might be removed too. What would happen to the FOA if the Ascended were removed?))

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[[They would continue to do Aeriel's work, in a way taking over the role of the Ascended, I'd guess. But, being led by mortals, they could 'stray from the light', as it were]]

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((The Undead are being removed in LOTC 2.0 so the Ascended might be removed too. What would happen to the FOA if the Ascended were removed?))

((I want to read more about this can you show me the link?))
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We will be removed but it could be months from now. There is still alot of rp that can happen until then. And the FOA can still survive.

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oh...but i like the ascended...oh well as has been said the FOA will live on, still fighting evil regardless of the foes nature. Still it was cool that we, all the races, had a common enemy rather then the assorted bandits we used to face.

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oh...but i like the ascended...oh well as has been said the FOA will live on, still fighting evil regardless of the foes nature. Still it was cool that we, all the races, had a common enemy rather then the assorted bandits we used to face.

((I think I'll prefer wars between the races. Fighting Undead gets boring after a while.))

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