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[✗] [Magic Lore] Vexes of the Vein


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Just feels like a really fun and thought-out piece to indeed tackle the whole 'faerie' part of lore that until now hasn't been much explored beyond event-related activities.

The liberty of aesthetic and sub-thematics for each court can also allow for a lot of diversity within the lore (maybe a Court can be closer to Hags, other one can be like a Band of Leprechaun, etc), which is something imo a good lore should have. 

It's also great how it isn't "alignment locked", allowing it for both good and evil usage alike

after all

with great powers. . .

 comes great irresponsibility (and mischief). +1

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I don't know what any of this means because I'm not a druid but the formatting eats so clearly you know what you're talking about

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I really like this, would love to see a fae magic that isn't druidism. I've always been a sucker for cool mystical fae genres, jim henson films like the dark crystal and labyrinth pulled a lot of that off really well. I think my only critique is that it's kind of lacking ability/combat-wise and could definitely be more than what it currently is, but I also understand not wanting to go crazy due to this being a brand new magic system

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2 hours ago, Fleur___ said:

The Liege will also use this ability to seemingly ‘manifest’ in the vision of the Vex in their own preferred form in order to communicate with them.

10+] Johnny Silverhand Wallpapers
Wake the **** up, Vexer. We have a city to burn.

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terrible, to be frank.

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Wow! this sounds like it would be great to rp with. It opens up a whole nother side of flavor text that is driven by intention past just dark-side light-side roleplay we've seen with other magics. Not to mention backing up more of the fae lore with actual rp application for descendants.

I'm in the same boat as Unwillingly where I've been a sucker for fantasy like Grimm's Fairy Tales and fantasy horror, so having a way to apply something like this in more a terrifying and fantastic manner would be great to see on the server!


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This cant work with the Haruspexy or lutaumancy feat. I’d say fix that in the ‘working with all deific feats’ part.

( shamanism)

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@peachcooland I were literally talking about how the server needed more faerie-oriented magic and opportunity for the Fae to be explored as a potential culture/roleplay niche. This looks incredible!

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I get the using of Tayna to describe the mana, but as an elf player practicing voidal magic I feel an instinctive calling to oppose it. This might be entirely illogical.

Seems off that lesser souls CAs (Musin, Hou'zi) can learn this magic.

Wyldburst seems incredible powerful, I feel it would be more inline if it was 3 emotes: recurve/longbow 4 emotes: Crank Crossbow 5 emotes arbelest, meaning if connected you do still outperform the mundane counterpart, untill the 5'th spell as then you would have no more 'ammo'. 

Boomvoice, makes sense to add Atronachs to the immune list I guess?

Trickery I feel as if it shouldn't affect voidal conjurations, as to disrupt a dependent summon is practicly the same as disrupting an evocationist's spells, as they are not given commands, they are being directly manipulated. Can't comment on other dependent/independent creature sources with my lack of knowledge on how they are controlled/bound.

Didn't read the rituals, all in all the magic seems very neat. 

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