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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Updates posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. Do you think PVP default has been around for so long to the point where people are PVPing more often than actually attempting to Roleplay?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      That would be best, but would also be so easily abused that I doubt it would work correctly.

    3. Rissing


      ^ would be quite nice tbh...

    4. GavinTheViking


      @Native Good luck to them. -Orcs

  2. Name one or two games that you have played the longest (in hours)

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Minecraft and Skyrim

    3. Pum!


      Minecraft, Sims 2, every LoZ game ever made.

    4. shiftnative


      Everquest and Warcraft 3

  3. If your character was put into a Pokemon episode, what pokemon would your character have?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Birdwhisperer
    3. Dreek


      Those are perfect for getting miners out of their caves, sharku

    4. A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

      A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

      For Loche - Dusknoir

      For Irene - Lucario

  4. What if there was a plugin that made your attacks miss more and more the better armor you wear, as it gets heavier, you swing slower, as well as dodge slower, so you get hit more as well.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Vaq gave me headaches with his plugins.

    3. Mankaar


      Vaq was in no way horrible with plugins his Aegis/early Asu stuff was fantastic. We havent had great plugins like his in a while ( combat and skills, we have had great rpish plugins ). I hope nexus skills is as fun as it looks!

    4. Cola one 1

      Cola one 1

      I liked Vaquxine's armor plugin aswell, don't really know what made everyone complain about it.

  5. What's the first online game that you ever played? I can tell you, I was happily surprised when I figured out that Runescape connects you with people all over the world.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Bucky_24


      City of Heroes/World of Warcraft.

    3. Major Dom
    4. Katherine1


      Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, played on the MSDN Gaming Zone. Those were the days~

  6. Imagine if real life had a difficulty setting...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      Hardest achievement is to acquire a HUD, I still hate that I can't see my health-bar

    3. Cooonie


      Where are the ***** walkthroughs?

    4. everblue2er101
  7. Perhaps the reason PVP-default gets so much support is because there are so many villains. Villains want loot, and the fastest way to get the loot is through PVP. Not a very RP reason to want it, but they will come up with convincing reasons ;)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. shiftnative


      The nations & surrounding settlements need to refuse entry, trade and exile these types of characters if they want them to not be so impulsive.

    3. Dyrr
    4. Merkaken


      Easier said than done, Shift. People try. People still get in .-.

  8. Would you rather have an army of sheep led by a lion, or an army of lions led by a sheep? (leader: weak army: strong? OR Leader: Strong army: weak)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Shorsand


      It'd honestly depends what I was going against. And I wouldn't take either, anyway, because pacifist.

    3. Evilbanana5757


      The lion leading the sheep.

    4. SparehoeCakes


      Sheep heading the lions, since eventually they would murder the sheep and overturn it.

  9. There's got to be a way to handle arguments in RP without PVP default. PVP related things have been suggested before, and they never have looked like a good idea, so why does it now?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. mmat


      I look back with rose tinted glasses on a time that I never experienced? No. I use reason to decide my opinions.

    3. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      I just don't see how it's fair for it to default to one player over another. Rolling I think would be a good one in the middle

    4. 3VN


      PVP < RP

  10. Would it be wrong of a player to create a character with the exact same name as a historical character, but have them be a different person?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Demotheus


      Osama Bin Bagins

    3. everblue2er101


      Well, I mean, we've had a Gaius Marius, so clearly the precedent exists...

  11. The nicest thing someone's character has done for you, or the nicest thing yours has done.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      Got permabanned :3

    3. Joe_Blackman


      Goes out with a potential psychopath.

    4. domainoft


      Donated months of work, and nearly 500,000k minas worth of goods to the temple.

  12. What would you say is one thing you should never say during your date with someone?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lykos


      Want to come home with me? We can rip off each other's clothing, slather each other in Vaseline, and we can roll around in my mother's kitchen and pretend we're slugs.

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Show me them titties :3

    4. Mephistophelian


      "Baby, my d*** goes from A to Z!"

  13. I think I've seen enough Sims, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo, and really any game that has had a long history for the next... Forever. I want originality! Anyone got something good? Not something I've seen 1000 times.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      Many of the people on Metro made STALKER as well.

    3. tnoy23


      I want the STALKER games, but I don't have money I can transfer electronically to steam :c

    4. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Metro does looks pretty good.

  14. What is a nickname someone has called you?

  15. What is one sad ending in a movie/TV show that at least came close to making you cry?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fid


      When I saw Ashton Kucher in Two and a Half Men. I never liked it in the first place, but that really did it for me.

    3. _SteelMemes_


      Where the Red Fern Grows.

    4. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Grave Of The Fireflies is the saddest ending to a movie I've watched. Akira's ending is pretty messed up as well, but GOTF is a lot sadder.

  16. So... Who is THE lord of the craft?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      No Rose can withstand THE lord of the craft!

    3. Watyll


      Chivay and Coaster? UH NO.

    4. DelaneyG
  17. Childish... Simply childish...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. 5678


      I still have no idea what's going on...

    3. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Cookie drama, can't you see it?

    4. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      And it's quite needed, thank you very much >:)

  18. So what has everyone been doing without LOTC?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kaiser


      stalking people on the forums

    3. Shadeleaf


      Stalkin forums, mainly

      applications. fun stuff there

    4. Fid


      Clicking ads, mostly. I eat sometimes, too.

  19. *randomly offers a cookie... Do you DARE take the cookie... ?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MonkeyCoffee


      *takes cookie and instantly eats it, enjoying whatever taste it is*

    3. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      no thanks i have my own.

    4. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      monkeycoffe, your cookie is... made of something you do not want to know of, but is fine to eat

  20. We should have a werewolf event of some sort

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lago


      Where's the connection between werewolves and Twilight?

    3. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Where isn't the connection anymore?

    4. Kaiser


      If you kept the amount of PGing down so it would be fun RP, I'd love it

  21. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I would think most people regret killing off their first character.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raptorious
    3. ImpinAintEZ


      Lol, I be smart. I just say he went on a "journey."

    4. Redbaron™


      I don't regret it since his time was up. But I just felt sad it was over.

  22. So, what do people think of the Xbox One so far? I wasn't too impressed personally

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      ^ Well they are, it's all revolving around television.

    3. Viscen



    4. Vulkin Frostbeard

      Vulkin Frostbeard

      You have to understand of course its hardware update. Every time a new console or version comes out it will be hardware. Just like the ps4 which I think was bad. I was very impressed with what they did with the xbox and I think it will be much better although they could of done something better for the look of the system. I think it looks kinda odd to me

  23. I never understood some players problem with rolling. Especially when there is a 50, 50 chance in some situations. For example: Throwing a knife has a chance of landing on it's handle. A rough example I know. But I just never understood it when I heard someone say "I don't roll" What do you mean you "don't roll"?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      ^^ That's not my point XD

    3. Bucky_24


      My only problem is when people want to roll a crossbow bolt, shot at the persons back from 10 blocks away...

    4. Demotheus


      Shooting any sort of bow from 10 meters away from your target with any sort of skill it's going to be there neigh instantly. There's no rolling involved, other than perhaps rolling for the chance the wind might knock it off ever so slightly and NOT take the person's head off. Maybe their ear, instead! Though, most people don't have the chance to RP fight with a bow because 10 meters is still far too close. YOu gotta load it, then you gotta aim, then you gotta fire. And if...

  24. If LOTC were a movie, what actor or actress would play your character? Who do you think would have the lead roll?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aislin


      James Earl Jones, but like the old fat JEJ. I think he looks and sounds like Gronkk would.

    3. Lee Scorsby

      Lee Scorsby

      Christopher Lee

    4. NomadGaia


      Jennifer Lawrence

  25. Leaving Threads are the most pointless thing. I understand it for staff, but aside from staff, it's pointless. People will notice you are gone if they care :/ I mean it doesn't hurt to make one, but it's pointless to say goodbye to people who don't know who you even are as a player.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      @EMERIIK No, I'm saying I would prefer seeing threads that are actually relevant to everyone. If it is relevant to specific players, then they should msg THOSE PLAYERS. Not everyone. Are you still missing my point???

    3. monkeypoacher


      pls pay attention 2 me I want to leave and am sad

    4. cruzazul


      Leaving posts are even pointless for staff. Just tell your leaders and get on with life. You look like a fool when you try to get people to feel bad for you.

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