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Story Management
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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. biggest regret as a manager was not shooting mystery when I had the chance


    look at the chaos that ensued when I didn't follow my gut

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lsuvsfar


      Go away D4NNA, don’t bring you plague to my server.

    3. CanadianKiwiFlight


      Im still waiting for the meteor site interaction

    4. ScreamingDingo



      plan to do it on the new server, see you then?

  2. verify me on discord or a hostage dies every hour this demand isn't met

    1. SoulReapingWolf


      They don’t “touch” Freja roles. Even if they know you are a whitelisted player. I think they are afraid of Freja.

    2. SoulReapingWolf


      Maybe try one of those minechat applications to run the command?


    3. Sorcerio


      Can I be a hostage please?

  3. @SquakHawk


    at least as a manager you don't sign stupid items anymore. I thought brick shield was bad, but Ur influence is eternal from this ban report

    1. Elennanore


      squak is a sham 

    2. squakhawk


      bro that **** was in may WITH brick shield how was i not stopped

      how will i ever be stopped..

    3. lemonke
  4. unsound – more like unaccepted for it getting removed for abuse in the next month

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CanadianKiwiFlight


      firearm lore – more like keep dreaming Joel

      Lt manager that accepted Shade despite the multiple balancing issues btw

    3. ScreamingDingo



      only reason it got accepted is because managers didn't pick up my slack when I had my break and I couldn't retroactively deny their 'balancing' requests because of a stuff up on our end

    4. CanadianKiwiFlight


      Im very aware of the reasoning and complete miscommunication that happened with Shade. It was a manager wide mistake that shoulda got nipped but its getting nipped now so its fine. I’m mostly ******* with you though Joel haha.

  5. @GodEmperorFlam


    u keep on living up to the prophecy. oh great tyrant, bestow us with the work of others which you will claim as your own


    guess this post is technically yours since I just wrote about you

    1. monkeypoacher


      god damn dude drag him

    2. Banned


      through the mud


  6. you all realise that you can just ignore telanir and tythus and restructure the techlock


    lore is always a guideline, never a defining rule



    1. Callistus


      the matter’s hardly that simple. sure, you can ignore the admins, but these are creatures of dark and ancient breeding. they’d come back in a few years time, and I doubt they would be very happy with you.

    2. Knox


      they probably wouldn’t even know tbf

  7. just a bit of advice for people wanting to make lore



    when thinking of concepts, make it as simple and easily transferable as possible. Don’t try to re-invent the wheel for the sheer sake that players who get their hands on the lore will pervert those expectations


    also consider not trying to make things that are big baddies and ‘absolute’ powers. With how LotC functions, antagonists are insanely flawed concepts which lose their purpose in narratives to this experience. Don’t try to use tropes that seem cool in novels, they /will/ fall flat on LotC.


    other than that, just aim to enable the potential for interesting RP. Don’t try to have nefarious intentions of trying to boost some power or gain some extra stats to use in a ‘combat’ scenario. That’s all lore and all interactions on LotC should be about in their foundation, creating good roleplay.


    1. _Jandy_


      also be ready to wait forever for a verdict ?

  8. breaking news – PvE in events is catered to those that have the attention span of a goldfish and should be thrown aside

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Aidoro
    3. Aidoro




      ‘whilst still working and making events that cater to and uplift the community.’


      Great work there.


    4. ScreamingDingo




      Big agree, just requires some actual thought to plan those out. Wouldn't trust any of the server to be able to make something that's coherent and enjoyable for PvE currently that isn't just glorified slugfests

  9. U fellas really gonna try to martyr ggt like come on



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 1_Language_1


      I still don’t understand what happened to ggt if you could fill me in

    3. Harri


      can u turn ur words the other way around so i can understand they’re upside down -_-


    watching old warclaim videos makes me wonder where did we go absolutely wrong. being able to mimic this in modern day would be ******* amazing. people spamming shout, rallies coming from their own cities.


    This is what we need to return to

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. lev


      Warclaims now just feel disconnected from rp, purely functioning oocly very sad. Siege of the Dreadfort was great, bcz we all just started rp’ing inside as T/O were shelling us. Ostromir Carrion was born during the WC irp. 

    3. Fireheart


      I’m sorry you do not have sufficient casus bellis for this status update.

    4. CosmicWhaleShark


      The world was smaller and the playerbase was more divided in the past, this kept OOC out of the equation on the grand scale. People fail to play their characters as well when it comes to warclaims recently, as in the last three years. It becomes a question of a player’s skill or ability to lead and how many connections they can exploit. As a result they’ll contort RP to what is their best chance OOCly, because many feel it’s their OOC reputation at stake. If they feel they’re going to lose they’ll cheese pvp build techniques and take advantage of OOC delays and use information gained OOCly to make necessary preparations for the ideal outcome. If they lose it was due to staff corruption, normally. Warclaims were originally made for the sake of participation, and they evolved as players became less and less capable of agreeing on terms or outcomes themselves. Compensation for player behavior and lack of sportsmanship is ironically what lead to the current state. We went from interesting battles like Wrath’s Clutch and Das Boot – Orc/Dwarf honor wars - to players literally burning their city down to avoid a warclaim, or demanding a warclaim be made and then not showing up to it so they have time to evacuate their loot or important RP items during the OOC buffer due to this babying. Rather than being part of the game they became a way to avoid consequences for playing the game the ‘wrong’ way – as in being in a position to lose.


      Damn warclaims, they ruined warclaims.


  11. https://prnt.sc/pnzywy


    everything started going wrong when i hit 8 years on here



    it’s honestly an omen

    1. TrendE


      You hyped for LunarRP?

  12. think the only thing more annoying than these ads are my signature and print screen links not working properly

  13. I spit on you, toxic individual

    1. sophiaa


      oh my god be nice *******

    2. Narthok


      my brother in arms, I see you as well have been freed from your green tag chains

  14. you all got what you wanted...




    we live in a society.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      @Jaeden got removed from management for disagreeing with Caleb's direction with the event team he wishes to push. When he has absolutely no experience with it, so me and Xarkly got hit with the removal of management.


      Then I said some very nice words to people in staff discord and got booted because apparently what I said to tofu was too upsetting ?


      all while flam basically denied all involvement of projects I started while his inactive ass kept on dragging the team down. But flams the best story admin ever and totally hasn't fucked the ST by giving them months of extra work with the lore games by having it ran so poorly.



    3. J


      Ah the classic. It seems that whenever critiques are raised about how anyone in the administration is taking a direction for a team, it results in either the critique being ignored or individuals being removed. Speaking from experience haha

    4. Werew0lf


      lol might as well remove the story team now tbf 

  15. baffles me how somehow kha are still relevant in the current political climate when its just five players doing cutesy cub rp

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wrynn


      it’s like how turtles are relevant in the real world by making everyone use paper straws

    3. Porkgasm


      More then five. More then Kittens. If all you see what you want to see, then you'll be blind to anything else.

    4. monkeypoacher


      maybe don’t kill kittens fool

  16. i as an LT endorse elven genocide as a true option of this war

  17. hello i have chaotic evil idea


    please list the current faiths on lotc for me, (if they’re ‘canon’ or not doesn’t matter to me)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SimplySeo
    3. saint swag

      saint swag


      Edited by _Hexe_
    4. Your Stepdad

      Your Stepdad

      Imam’Rashidun (Lotc Islam)

  18. Congratulations! Very proud of what you’ve accomplished recently, you deserve it! ?

  19. just got interviewed for admin

  20. once again, recruiting for the ET. I’m happy for anyone and everyone to apply if you think you have what it takes.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ford


      rift is indian

    3. FreeHongKong


      that means its extra diverse

    4. Harri


      its called the story team ? remmeber guys its the story team ? 

  21. I apologise for preaching and asking this through statuses. I expect the usual shitposting on this status.


    But I'm genuinely looking for great rpers who want to actually raise the quality of roleplay on the server for the ET. People driven by the wish to create arching narratives that help improve the quality of the server for everyone. All while exposing them to new experiences that defy the expectations of most and help me create a team I'm proud to spearhead. It's a big ask, but I'm hoping at least a few people see this and apply to help me continue to make the server better. I've been a pretty shitty manager as of recent with my computer breaking for a few months, so the quality has slipped and the events I've wanted pushed haven't happened. Doesn't excuse the "lack" of events, but I'm trying to create a system where events are more than shitty loot drops. I want people to go to events and go, "wow, I really didn't think I could experience that quality on here", or having people reflect on their own rp mentalities and changing accordingly.


    Also for shitty lore side of the server, we need some masochistic people who like reviewing lore to apply


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ixli


      Maybe peep your discord !

    3. Mavromino


      I would if I could get good but Maths is going to steal my soul in a few weeks.

    4. Banned
  22. selling my soul to dedicated rp naval groups or groups in general that want events



    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      we don't do player requests. Sorry! :))

    3. func_Soap


      Westmarch pls

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      Brandybrook will be trying to get the ol’ Spicy Shrimp crew back together and run some naval events ‘n stuff.

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