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Story Management
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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. might have to make a good shitpost about the conflict rules

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      pvpers are literally smooth brain 99% of the time but so are the "hardcore" slice of life rpers that make victim RP **** so I'm torn

    3. Kanadensare


      dont think about the pvpers then, think about the system


      would you rather be forced into 9 person edgy magic CRP or settle it with some quick PvP that gives every1 a perfectly equal chance?


      would you rather be forced into 3 person raids (dynamic RP btw...) that can happen at any time or 10 person raids that can happen once every 3 days?


      think about the big questions, formulate a system around that, and then beta test it


      if it’s abused horribly, patch the holes


      if it’s just straight up ****, redo it with a different mindset

    4. osumanduas


      PVP or RP, that is the question.

  2. Brace for impact

  3. No better time to genuinely try to join the LT than now. On the eve of the lore games, you'll be able to contribute to probably one of the biggest lore projects the server has ever undertaken. You will make a massive impact on the server if you apply.


    1. TrendE


      Hope I’ve still got that open invite, Joel! :-)

  4. hi please dont look at unread content or have follow post notifications on for me thanks

    1. excited
    2. SubscriptShark2


      881 notifcations, thanks xd

  5. giving NLs the ability to dictate if they'd rather protect their playerbase or encourage RP is probably one of the most overlooked things in these rules.




    1. argonian


      yeh like even if they wanna encourage rp they dont wanna be known as the guy who let their nation take the fall for it 

    2. WuHanXianShi14


      Maybe we need to create an environment where NLs dont think the only way to prevent the total destruction of their RP hub is to avoid all international conflict alltogether then. What percentage of wars IRL ended in wiping an entire nation off the map, vs how many do on LOTC?

  6. Going to be doing another rotation of ET recruitment very soon, so if you're interested get an application up by the end of this week!

    1. Skyrunner


      Me and the boys can always get Apples back.

  7. If anyone wants to do a part of this bounty in the next few hours, lmk. I’m free and don’t have any actual requests for today. Contact me over MC or otherwise.


  8. telanir is an unironic accelerationist

  9. The next few weeks are going to be so exciting!!

    If you thought the forums were rowdy now it's gonna be AMAZING soon :3 :3 :3

    1. Ford


      You’re such a ******* ho, I love it

    2. DahStalker
  10. I’m the real baratheon idiot

    1. Callistus



    2. Emenzi


      we will fight this to the death in boar hunting

    3. monkeypoacher


      no thats me actually

  11. didn’t know the war team was actually D&D

    1. InfamousGerman


      todd howard you’ve done it again


  12. may aswell just macro bird emotes tbh. 12 seconds is a decent turn around for three emotes

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Elennanore


      If you think I don't have macro emotes then you aren't playing lotc

    3. Keening


      i’ve made a macro of every emote i’ve ever done, and i’ll make a macro for every emote i will ever do

    4. Callistus


      what a fine way to sustain a constant flow of convulted emotes without effort.

      selling big brain emotes hmu

  13. @Archbishop

    You want a warzone then you gotta get both leaders of the factions to agree to it without ****-flinging.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Harri


      let warzones die


      they aren’t fun without nexus gear anymore

    3. ScreamingDingo


      @Harrison you’re not wrong but people gotta get their frustrations out somewhere lol

    4. Medvekoma


      @ScreamingDingo That is what feedback threads are for ...

  14. Last day or so until I start reviewing applications for the Event Sect of the Story Team. If you’re interested, I would recommend putting an app up ASAP so you’ll be considered during this intake.

  15. Oh yeah guess this is where I officially mention that I'm one of the ET managers for the current ST sect. A reminder to please apply if you're interested. We'll be reviewing applications in the next week or so and I'm ready to start rebuilding the team as a whole.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JokerLow


      @Aesopian @Malgonious this is your chance guys.

    3. Harri


      great the et is now run by australians -___- another failure for the server

    4. ScreamingDingo



      **** you've seen through my plot hunter

  16. is there any interesting rp groups that are ideal with late night Australian times, pretty much ready to just try anything to see if I truly just hate RP or it’s because I lost my old group

    1. Trinn


      make a tarot card reader with me o .o 

    2. Volutional


      Kharajyr are picking up numbers recently, common knowledge in RP that they are around Sutica ?

    3. Nowak


      Dingo come join me buddy up north. Got some mates around with similar hrs and im on daily for rp and whatnot. you got my discord if interested

  17. jajajajajajjajajajajjajajajja

    1. Thornz


      Better change those j’s to h’s, only English on this good server.

    2. Publius


      absurd drunkard

    3. TrendE


      shut the **** up

  18. Sink or Swim.


    No-one escapes the lore games

    1. Trinn


      are you okay joel

    2. Elennanore


      He is not okay

  19. we gonna get a repeat of the fall of snorland again? :L


    the system was rigged from the start kids

  20. free

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Riftblade
    3. Ford


      little ***** ass ****** ******* ***** ass blue boy with your wack ******* ginger ass writing fingers and not sucking the **** of the community ***** ass ****** 



    4. Sporadic


      congrats. They really should make it possible to leave the Mod team without getting 3 strikes :thinkfish:

  21. @bigcrazy


    at least your legacy isn't menocress in heat anymore it's the immortalisation of xionism

    1. Space


      good one grim, keep ‘em coming!

    2. ScreamingDingo


      the most painful thing is actually approving your posts

    3. Swqrclan


      my mark will never leave this place. i am... the lord of the craft.

  22. lf demons to stay shelved

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      are striga hard shelved yet

    2. ScreamingDingo
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