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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. so we can’t have shitty flintlocks but we’re allowed giant bear companions that teleport to people

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Temp


      I don’t think many people did get the point, Grim.

    3. James


      My point still stands for the latter as well ?

    4. WuHanXianShi14


      guns that shoot bears

  2. When will this server not be a den of degeneracy. I genuinely wish for it

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mitto


      says you...

    3. Boomzerang


      play that question back in your mind while remembering this is virtual lego roleplay.
      the answer is never.

    4. saint swag
  3. @Burnsy__ I don't like the silence, it's deafening.

  4. Who wants a vamp character, they won't get shelved so everyone who wants one will get one. Just reply to this status to get infected ~~

  5. It's 2018 why would you actually stream LOTC

  6. GMs and people on this server still continue to disgust me

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MunaZaldrizoti
    3. Narthok


      Let him without sin cast the first stone my guy.


    4. ScreamingDingo


      **** FMs really out here protecting these degenerates smfh

  7. feeling like a minority not having my druid recognised for his true accomplishments...

  8. good to see that the FMs did use to try and get me permanently banned quite consistently.

    thanks kaboom 2!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      how do I get to see these : ((

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      but this doesn't gives staff the right to **** on us too because we're also human beings

      the rule 33 is clear: fling **** get hit

    4. Narthok


      So call out that flame which you believe is unacceptable. Both sides flame each other just as much, I don't understand why players are so surprised. There is nothing quite as irritating as a problem player or a dumb player consistently doing something wrong and you having to correct them. So I think that some release of steam behind closed doors is fine. 

  9. It's 2018 and the LT are saying that a tube with an engine is less lore compatible than floating steam fortresses



    no wonder no-one listens to them

    1. Chimp


      neither should be compatible. We cant even have basic shitty gunpowder cannons from the 13th century but we can have steam boats and robots, kinda bullshit tbh.

    2. Chimp


      damn dsdevil going ham

  10. lmfao poor narthok about to get fucked for wording stuff wrong. While we're here can we ban most of the ascended and the runelords for poor RP and oocly abusing rules to escape consequences ?

  11. this Dwarven spectacle is the sole reason why enforced PKs need to be a thing for political entities

  12. daily reminder its 2018 and people still think charles the bald isn't braindead

    1. D4NNA


      woah there

    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      the worst part is that there's still people who think he's funny for being a feral retard.

    3. Unwillingly


      thats how it  be tho

  13. was gonna make a big post and do an official leaving thing but everyone's done it and I don't want to look like an attention ***** because everything I want to say has already been pointed out.


    you guys just need to get better at RP genuinely and take a step back from the hatred that lies within RP conflict. Also, all this **** aint 501's fault. He's trying, even if its failing and continues to fail. He is having a good go and its better than most of other people on lotc.


    Just one thing before I go, this predatory protection **** has lasted on LotC for the past 5 years, it needs to ******* stop. A lot more predators need to be put on blast and people who are affected by them shouldn't be dismissed as 'egirls and trolls'. ****'s fucked.


    Thanks people, hope those who did ever take part in my events enjoyed themselves and I apologise for being an *******. The server just constantly made me frustrated seeing its squashed potential constantly and with me not being able to do anything about it. Made me feel useless among a server I genuinely wanted to help.


    goodbye, discord and ****'s on my profile if you ever wanna keep in touch. I'll occasionally lurk on the forums because its ******* hilarious sometimes.

  14. Personally want to kneecap every pedophile

    1. Elennanore


      Look at ET Chat

    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      I'll throw the chanclas at them grim

  15. Daily reminder, magic will fall soon. 


    destroy it all



    1. WuHanXianShi14


      i wouldnt care tbh as long as all magic was equitably culled i just care about the culture

  16. step 1 to being a good roleplayer

    if you're an elf dont emote your ears twitching PLEASE

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Raomir


      its kinda cute tho :3

    3. Medvekoma


      @Raomir Ow0 *snuggles up to you "What is this?" Nudges at your bulge. :3

    4. Harri


      what if a fly lands on them and you reflexively twitch them to get it off

  17. daily reminder:


    i hate you all and if i ever see a taming event request i'm going to drop a writhing god cock on you

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. D4NNA


      Demigry are original and balanced lore, perfect to tame

    3. Lark


      Beware Twigless, The Tamed Tree

    4. Kim


      yes drop that writhing god cock on me

  18. Anyone who has an object that specifies to contact ScreamingDingo should add my discord, cleaning up some old event items.



  19. when we all wig splitting druid magic huh.

  20. I feel quite sorry for the orcs that are watching this absolute dark age of their quality and RP. This is just a 'burkester' phase it'll be restored to greatness eventually

  21.  can't recommend this guide enough, treshure really hits the nail on the head.

    1. Treshure


      High praise coming from you grim, appreciate it

  22. ya'll gay check out my event posts that may eventually become full-fledged things in lotc


  23. hey can i get all the et pex but without the responsibility to do events or the tag so I can just simply wrap up some of the events i have dangling


    thanks, joel.

    1. Skylez
    2. garentoft


      @Xarkly give the aussie what he wants

  24. wolfkite becomes GM and now the orcs are probably going to be completely killed and turned into an extinct race


    lotc is fuckin wild atm

  25. hey give me factions/nations to join so ill either enjoy roleplay or hate myself and leave

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Algoda


      Genderbender elves

    3. Xarkly


      Event elves

    4. Unwillingly


      Sutica, your local completely neutral nation! ? 

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