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Everything posted by grnappa

  1. @ChumpChump is the realest of all the people I've met on LOTC. If it wasn't for you, I doubt I'd have made it past Pink Tag Status. Imperial Wardens never die.

    1. _Sug


      Petrus watch gang. No king but Tuvya

  2. 1. @Ark

    2. @Eddywilson2

    3. @JuliusAakerlund

    4. @yopplwasupxxx

    5. @Birdnerdy

    6. @giambro 


    This ain't a ranking. Y'all just the homies.

    1. Ark


      still #1 tho


    2. Dogged


      damn where am i?


  3. Alright Ark, this is for Siegrad. Hit me with it.
  4. Thank you for clarifying the definition of a coup. It is well known that coups have never resulted in the violent takeover of any nation in history.
  5. Shit man, one of my most formative RP experiences on this server was watching the Imperial Wardens (Which I was one of em) get butchered by Maric's Rebellion like 7-8 years ago (time flies). 

    Can't keep coddling newer players. Successful leaders are forged from beneficial and bad RP. Let them get steamrolled by another entity so that they callous up and branch out on their own. Don't ban people who are epicenters for conflict RP.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Aehkaj


      Places die, big deal

    3. rukio


      Or maybe small playerbases should bend the knee to stronger more powerful groups to ensure their survival, as makes sense from an IRP standpoint 

    4. Aehkaj


      Yuh, mongols wouldn't have found some smaller place and been like "Yeah we'll let you be all by yourself free" nah they woulda taken them over anyway.

  6. Who knew that the biggest RP antagonist would be the Admin Team?

    1. SimplySeo


      Coulda told u that one three years ago mate

  7. Wow, wouldn't it be weird if I was a princess?

    1. Borin


      u can be my princess gnappa.


    2. grnappa


      Aren't I always?

  8. Here's a fun fact I found out today! Did you know,

    -people click on your profile if you have more than two lines in your update?
    Btw welcome to my profile, enjoy your stay.

    1. Viraj Dobrial

      Viraj Dobrial

      nappa post music reviews plz!!!!


    1st: @Bawg


    3rd: @ErikAzog

    4th: @BobBox

    1. Taketheshot


      the 2nd brigade is a ******* trap, always has been

    2. grnappa


      2nd Brigade was chad, don't even deny it

  10. Y'all mad at admins? I'm mad cause I need more Silver Lions in WT. 

  11. So it's that time of the year where the "[INSERT STAFF TEAM], do better" and "Rule #37.564.31 sucks and how this small list of 100 amendments can fix it" posts come rolling out all at once.


    I'm gonna sit this one out, chief. I enjoy my sanity more.

  12. Sir Erik Othaman looked about the scattered dead as he felled one such stout atop the wooden pillbox. As the flames of war subsided, he let out a breath of fresh air as he sighed of relief. He survived yet another battle, but would there be more to come. "Vy have given me wings, Tiberius @Eddywilson2. Guide me to the next fight."
  13. 1v1 Minesweeper. Who's down?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Borin


      wanna go sign up to play minesweeper in ukraine nappa...
      warclaim date undecided tho

    3. rukio
    4. TryaxReck


      so this is why you called yourself grnappa 

  14. I call the black checkers!

  15. Poo always wins.

  16. Pee vs Poo. Who wins?

    1. DrakeHaze.


      cant poo without pee, but can you poo poo without pee pee?

    2. Lickspittle
    3. Melpomenne
  17. Felt bored. Looked at the forums. Spent 5 hours reading posts and replies. Bored again...

    1. Asutto


      wanna play checkers?

    2. Shmeepicus


      wanna play chess?

    3. grnappa


      Can I play both at the same time?

  18. Sir Erik Othaman smiled as this bit of good news made its way on his desk. "So they have made their decision and opened hostilities against the Empire. GOD only knows that if vy are going to make war on us, at least be decent and win the first battle, hmm?" he'd set the missive aside as he goes to polish his beard-collecting case.
  19. "Hmm?" Major Erik Othaman raise an eyebrow as he came across a poorly scribbled missive along the road. "They're living in fantasy land. Didn't they already lose the first fight?" The aging Count of Valles sighed as he shakes his head, kneeling down to pray "Sergei... I only wish vy were alive to see this fight through. Vy would have been a fine warrior." Sighing, the Count ripped the missive down as he would use it for toilet paper.
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