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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Etherealxx

  1. http://gyazo.com/57e9116a549496d6998027a03f24ae31 10 year old elf is pregnant with a orc
    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Pinochet


      WHAT THE ****

    3. Z3r05t4r


      I don't even...

    4. Pinochet


      im going to burn all of this in the name of our lord and saviour jesus christ. this is truly disgusting

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Harri


      that character seems completely centered, the opposite of edgy!!!

    3. Kaun


      That pic, Skippy, is why people assume Gays are weird in some way.

    4. Skippy


      he's not actually edge unlike zoro or mihawk

  2. All the defensives and traps at the front gate for them just to go walk around and tnt another. Well played =^(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dreek


      yeah guys death to the ooc traitors rp = ooc!

    3. Salvo


      death to the traitors

    4. Katiesc


      Well then, such in-character views mixed into out-of-character views, lovely outlook.

  3. Got a few questions for some woodelf experts out there.. Could I have a beard as a woodelf? and does my skin have to be that ugly shade of brown.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Space


      Yeah, beards OK.

    3. ski_king3


      It should be darker skinned though, although idk why one would call it ugly

    4. DrakeHaze.


      Can't be half elf and have elf racials thats bannable there is an elf race for when you are half... pmsl..........

  4. Banned for saying 'Alright, Friend.' k.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      I'm sure thats all it was and there were no other deciding factors or build up at all, lol

    3. Katiesc
    4. Onslaughted


      how insulting, *******...

  5. tfw you have to wait for someone to /accept/ your VA application so you can RP.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      The system doesn't go into affect until next week.

    3. Etherealxx


      you guys are life savers <3

    4. Ser Paul Ryan

      Ser Paul Ryan

      You can stop this horrid system from even being enacting by voting "no" on the poll. The community voice so far is outstanding - if it is put in place, especially if it's not first drastically edited, it's a sure sign the staff care not an ounce for the community's whim.

  6. Why can't I put gifs into my signature? :C

    1. Sythan


      Right click gif, open in new tab. Copy that link and put in as an image.

    2. Sythan


      I just tried it. Do you get redirected to a page like this when you press save? http://gyazo.com/86d7cd01209ad5f084e23c539690647a If not, maybe turn off anything that might be blocking it.

    3. Etherealxx


      I found it out! :) thank you a ton.

  7. lol wait you need a 'raid pass' to be able to raid? wut

    1. TeaLulu


      Its like a ticket to the amusement park.if u get speed hacks you can call it a fastpass!

    2. Robae
    3. Potts244


      It's literally just agreeing to all of the questions there. Which I thought were already agreed to upon everyone being accepted to the server. It really is just there to be there.

  8. https://gyazo.com/d9c5c2d29fcb0e07a812c8b023d275f0

    Oh what is this in the BR? lets just ignore it, means nothing.

    1. AlmondTree


      Cause it's irrelevant to the referred ban report and happened ten days ago. Grow up and don't spam forums with toxicity.

    2. Skippy


      shut up gm sympathizer

    3. Mizu/Uzim


      hey stfu Pess who are you

  9. hi fix server pls am want play

    1. Waibiao


      you unable to join as well?

    2. Etherealxx
  10. Of all people on vikings to die... Why siggy? WHY?

    1. Urasept


      To be fair I though she should have died when they killed her husband. However it appears you are one episode behind. Unless your that distraught over Siggy's death.

    2. Etherealxx


      I mean, I just finished the episode that came out today and rollo is like SOOOO ******* sad it's killing me :(

  11. Nothing is more needed then being able to check who +Rep'd your post.. I wan't to know who took their time to +rep me, It makes me feel very special.

    1. Etherealxx


      Sigh.. I put want as wan't. gg

    2. cmack1028


      honestly didn't notice until you pointed it out :p i agree though, would be nice

  12. http://gyazo.com/f4047fad52544f7ddc4755744c1a36d2 I'm going to fliiippp, how do I fix this crap
    1. Rassidic


      Have you tried...

      Direct Connect?

    2. Nug


      i know the problem, on your server listing for lotc, disable server texture packs

  13. Seems like 90% of the people I know cannot get on the server, a quick fix for now is to just connect to the server by using direct connect and press no for the server recourse pack. x-x

    1. Rassidic


      'no atoa , that won't work' you said literally a day ago wtf ethereal : (

    2. Etherealxx


      I was talking about a different issue!

  14. Please rollback or give me my **** this restart no joke made me lose everything I was holding.

    1. TarreBear


      Please rollback. I lost all of my stuff ;-;

    2. Savoyard


      Ayyyyyyyyyyyyy. Feels bad man

  15. ready? 5 4 3 2 1, GO

    1. Destroyer_Bravo


      >puts on khergit mask

      >starts bowkiting


    2. Etherealxx


      > dclaw rush into an ags

  16. Idek why I'm still up.

    1. Trinn


      Because you are a lotc addicted man.

    2. Mizu/Uzim


      go fkin sleep Ant



      2-4 weeks on each. f u c k i n  b u l l s h i t  t h a t ' s  w h a t

    2. lemontide331


      hit by an ice barrage and gmaul spec my frend

  17. well rip my modreqs are not gonna be done anymore

    1. lordsheen


      do you wish to acquire assistance from your friendly neighborhood robot?

    2. Slic3man


      I skip over your modreqs everytime I see them tbh

  18. Broccoli Guy is my life.

  19. Really floki, you had to kill athelstan I just cant I CANT I CANT EVEN OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    1. lawnmowerman


      It'd be nice if you wouldn't spoil the series for others that aren't up to date with the episodes. Thanks.

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