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Status Updates posted by Elennanore

  1. What happened to the Cancerous Noble PvP thing :(

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. zaezae


      When is my hate crime trial?

    3. mitto


      There's no trial attacking Oren intergrity is death

    4. zaezae


      I thought it was pvp 54321 go?

  2. Why was 1.9 PvP bad again?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. seannie


      minecraft 1.9 pvp is extremely bland 

    3. LatzMomo


      It’s boring and slow, you do not get the same rush from whooping someones ass in it.



      removes required skill elements and dumbs down some others while also grinding combat pace to a boring crawl – never ask this again

  3. Stepping down from GM. Pretty jaded with most of LoTC tbh and I'd rather leave the moderation department and just work on LT/WD stuff. I didn't make much of a major contribution, just gave some insight on rules n' stuff. Later folks.

  4. I'll be arriving at Basic Training shortly. Peace.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rukio
    3. Kaelan


      cya you ginger nerd 

    4. Skylez


      Look forward to calling you my brother in arms.
      Get it done o7

  5. I'll be gone for the next week or so likely. I'll be down at meps today and friday for my enlistment into the National Guard and after that I'll be heading to the reception for my Grandfather's funeral. I hope everyone has a good time. Iron from ice.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Elennanore



    3. Skylez


      Which one did you go to? I went to Montgomery 

    4. Elennanore
  6. Working on Void rewrite, mainly its creatures/inhabitants/etc. Throw me a DM if you are interested in participating in such. o7


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sorcerio


      How many rewrites will we have... ?

    3. Elennanore


      Shut the **** up LT shill @Sorcerio. It won’t retcon a lot, but there will be some changes, clarifications, and expansions @Adelaide Douglas.

    4. Arafel


      Personally I would strongly suggest steering away from retroactive changes to the established canon, even for something that might not so directly impact the setting. The revisions make sense though.

  7. Intelligence is a variable 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. James


      @Elennanorestating obvious things without context gives me nothing to be argumentative about 

    3. gamer124


      a variable with a constant negative value in your case 

    4. Elennanore


      a negative times a negative is a positive 

  8. If you spell ‘Elrith’ backwards, its Htirle. Then we realized that Elrith is an anagram for Hitler.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      can you please chhange your name now its offensive... ain’t nothing like eath’lur...

    3. saint swag
    4. drfate786


      Now we know who will lead Haelun’or into the glory years.

  9. How do I get to do peasant RP with you?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. thesaintjaleel
    3. AGiantPie


      I had a notice up but it got removed :(

    4. Elennanore


      This is mega unfortunate, how will I do my peasant RP now!

  10. This man just followed me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elennanore


      I only have a copious amount of brewing materials and the second most skilled Alchemist(through level) on the server! What could go wrong?

    3. Doug


      "second most skilled Alchemist"

      Brew me wine Grapes.

    4. Elennanore


      I will brew the best Wine! I must buy diamond VIP and rename all of my mulled wine to "Searethin Brew".

  11. What Japanese cartoon is your profile wall’s picture?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elennanore
    3. Heero


      @TitanOfTheDepths Yeah, @Man of Respect got it. It’s a really good animuu that isn’t hyper gay about things. It offers a cute future with a wholesome plot. 10/10 the animation aged really well too

    4. Elennanore


      yeah I'm already watching it, p cool

  12. Graduating basic combat training tomorrow. See y'all soon.

  13. God damn there are some terrible takes on this freebuild thread. I build for free, donations are welcome. Stop by my DMs if you want something and I'll look into it. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      it wasn't supposed to be a freebuild thread but it sorta got turned into one anyways

    3. Elennanore


      I would call myself the most liberal judge when it comes to building on LotC back when the World Team existed. 'Build Supremacy' is by far the dumbest ******* concept for frothing monkeys on LotC to conjure, and its actually revolting to an extent. I'd rather give out builds for free than watch newbs get pwned on by some cringe LotCer.

    4. excited


      i dont see why having an isolated map badlands area for people to actually play the game would infringe on the cringe serial rpers and their sigmatrillionaire grindset for playing minecraft

      i agree with concerns that you don't wanna be in a nice neighborhood and then see a mudhut tho

  14. Who necro-repd my comment on a 2018 atlas coalition war mod/toxicity bashing post 

    1. ClassyDryad


      Careful, someone might do it again 

    2. UnusualBrit
    3. Mannamannaa
  15. Just got out of meps. I ship out for basic training in july, and I have a 45 week AIT that I ship out for in september. Fort Sil, Oklahoma and Fort Sam Houston. 68A.

    1. LatzMomo
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      BASIC TRAINING? WHAT A BASIC GUY..........................

  16. Do you want horses that break the sound barrier and are still affordable? For a simple 7.5k, you can acquire a Rosenyr stead that has the quality of most competitors! 

    1. Temp


      Cheap knock-offs cost lives.

    2. ScreamingDingo


      These French people will steal your money and integrity

  17. How is the forum ban my good friend?

    1. rukio
    2. ferdaboy


      all he can do is plus one

  18. Reminder that the Axios Map Trailer had 1.3k views, Atlas had 5k, and Arcas has 1.4k. We should put the Arcas trailer on the front page of the forums.

    1. Lukariatias


      Feedback noted.




      But seriously yes, noted. I’ll bring it up in the front-page rework chat.

    2. Chimp


      it doesnt do anything because all the views are generated from lotc people you want outsiders to view it.

  19. God has not forgiven the Novellens.

    1. SimplySeo


      Nor should he ever

    2. TeawithFrisket


      Novellens should just change their name, it’s so simple kek, there are more powerful names out there. Mb this is why the stassion hired the fairymen

  20. Kill Paladins..

    1. rukio


      ur shorter than me irl how u gonna kill me blud

    2. Elennanore



  21. Well I'm heading out to Europe this morning for two weeks. Hope all of you have a well time being with your friends and/or chilling.


    p.s. PM me your opinions on how toxicity should be dealt with on LoTC, I'll read them when I get back. 



    1. D4NNA


      Have Fun! Are you having a stop at cologne germany? ^^

  22. The LT seeks those who can't read, apply today!

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