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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Crevel

  1. Screenshot_6.png.5c05d619bb1d96268efc63f3fc039692.png
    What is the actual point of there being an age requirement of 13 when it isn’t actually enforced in any way. There are people who clearly underage that are able to continue playing the server. But why? What’s stopping them from just claiming to be 13 (or some other close number) despite in reality being a preteen. LotC has had issue with pedophiles in the past that take advantage of this problem that plagues LotC. In fact, the pedophilia problem is one of the biggest reasons why people who used to play aren’t anymore. The age requirement, from my understanding, is to prevent younger people from graphic roleplay and on the darker side being under the influence of nefarious neckbeard predators that are attracted to roleplay servers like LotC while also filtering and keeping the more mature players in and kicking the immature players out if they don’t seem LotC-roleplay ready (which honestly doesn’t mean a lot these days). So with this in mind, why isn’t much been done to prevent incidents that result because of obvious preteens still playing. This could be prevented to some extent by raising the age requirement a few years higher (to 16 or 17 even) and temporarily banning younger players to ensure that the average maturity among players is higher and to prevent (or at least discourage those) who try to take advantage of young players. Of course, I think removing child predators is a much preferable alternative but unfortunately we can’t get them all until they do something wrong to show that they are one..


    tl;dr Increase age requirement to discourage child predators and increase average maturity levels.


    Yes, I acknowledge it isn’t 100% effective but I know it would be better than what we have now.

    Edited by Crevel
    Adding a disclaimer so people don't think I'm pro-pedophile.
    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. argonian


      when you join a server and demand half of it be banned because the rp isn’t up to your standards 



    3. Crevel



      Uh.. no.. I think you’re missing the whole point entirely. I don’t want people banned because of how they roleplay, you’re reading with an eye shut and hoping you nail exactly what I’m saying when you’re far from it.

    4. argonian


      “demonstrate quality of roleplay that is allowed on LotC”

      Yes you were lol keep shifting those goalposts bud 

  2. Does anyone know where I can find the graphic chart on the max height of the races? It would be much appreciated if it was sent to me.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Crevel


      @SquakHawk That’s the one, big thanks.

    3. _Jandy_
    4. BipolarMk2


      >humans peak at 6’4” bruh thats offensive

  3. Who wins in a popping contest? Petra or Quavinir?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Borin



    3. tilly


      It honestly depends on what we're poppin'. Activity? POPPIN'! Heads? Not so much.

    4. rukio


      Bellyburster... Alien....

  4. Self-Proclaimed Based Take

    Just because someone is a girl and semi-attractive, it doesn't mean you need to simp over them. Prostitution and fetish roleplay classify as ERP and are both strictly against the rules. Furthermore, they are expected to learn that when they read the rules before they start playing or right after. Defending someone who participates in that sort of roleplay puts you on the same level as the same people you mock for ERP. Most, if not all, of the people defending her were simping over her in the Orenian Ministry of Justice discord before she was banned anyway so it's pretty yikes. I'm prepared to get blacklisted from the MoJ discord now.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Laeonathan


      love each other <3 but pls don't simp

    3. Crevel


      I wouldn't say that I'm on the side of sexism. I'm on the side of the rules. There's no problem with someone being in the adult entertainment industry OOC, but if they break the roleplay rules regarding sexual content they're going to be punished accordingly the same as anyone else. If people want to simp, all power to them. Simps become a problem when the person they worship breaks rules and the simps rally in their support which in this case is spreading misinformation and setting up strawman arguments like players in the adult industry being targeted.

    4. DrakeHaze.


      sir im not a sexist, im a feminist

  5. If you reply to this, you’re pretty cool

  6. Happy Australia Day to any Australian lurking the forums today. Sausage sizzle at my house tonight.

  7. There are two types of people in LotC. People who can take down an Olog single-handedly while having torn off arms and legs, and people who sub to T-Series.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Crevel


      No, it’s another way of saying there are intellectuals and low IQ brainlets

    3. ForeverGinger


      You either die a Ugandan Knuckles, or live long enough to see yourself become a Big Chungus.

    4. Crevel


      A truly smart individual

  8. I first met you in 2019 while I was trying to experience Rosenyr where you happened to be active in at the time. When I first heard you in a VC, I knew immediately you were a toxic whiny *****. Over the years from my occasional sight of you, it only seemed to become more clear that I was right in my judgement. I do have a question for you though. Did you play elves with horns to symbolise how horny you are for children?

  9. you really like changing your username, don't you?

    1. Lenaia


      ya bro i do why u still stalking me its been 2 months XD

    2. Crevel


      Ask yourself mate, you're the one peering at my profile. That's how I found that you changed your name.

    3. Lenaia
  10. Initially, I was very hesitant to read the appeal after seeing how long it was. A part of me thought that it surely had to be some sort of drawn-out joke that had the joke placed on whoever read it. However, I took the time to read the appeal and I have to say that this is the most heartfelt appeal that I've ever seen for any community in any game. I don't think there's any doubting frill's sincerity. It's been more than long enough. Unban frill.



    1. DrakeHaze.


      whats he banned for tho

    2. Crevel


      Spreading information about the predatory wrongdoings of KP in a time when nobody else spoke out. Say what you will about his methodology, but you can't deny that he's always cared for safety concerns on the server.

    3. ClassyDryad


      Kind of weird to threaten punishment for interacting with someone if that's the cause of the ban. its not like a TOS ban or anything.

  11. blue tag? nani?

    1. Honourary


      roll lotc end credits

    2. Statherian
  12. happy birthday



    1. Harri


      happy birthday! @Luminaire

    2. Statherian


      omg omg omg thanks guys!!!

  13. Is the new meta including screenshots or copypastes of roleplay chat logs in forum posts? It goes against a free-flowing RP narrative of potential deceit and confusion when you try to gain RP support or credibility by using OOC evidence of an event happening or something being said IRP. As someone who used to do it in the past when I was a newer player seeing it now, it just comes off as not respecting how roleplay is meant to work.

    1. rukio


      How else will I inspire metagame 

    2. Heero


      its just a resurgence of old skool shitposting. give it a month

  14. I love seeing the new public report system at work. It's refreshing to see how repugnant people and their behaviours can be put on display for the greater community to see. Looking forward to seeing more public reports in the coming months.

    1. Tabby64


      What report? I heard about one on harassment but I only see one for stealing skins. The tabby must know

    2. MeteorDragon


      Mine was meant to be private, it was hidden to make it so

  15. If Jihnyny's thread still remains in a few hours, I will be making a response to it with my input given my involvement. It's nothing groundbreaking but I feel like I should give a response. I need to recover from a migraine and run some errands first so I can think about it coherently.

    1. Eldritch Lagomoprha

      Eldritch Lagomoprha

      Is your input the screenshot i have of him telling me you sent him links to NSFW content and not just my Steam like you claimed?

    2. Cloakedsphere


      46 minutes ago, Ali Renegade said:

      Is your input the screenshot i have of him telling me you sent him links to NSFW content and not just my Steam like you claimed?

      Fighting fire with fire gets you nowhere.

  16. My_time_has_come.jpg

    1. Beowulf


      what ur idiot dude lol like this makes no sense


    2. Crevel




      It references the recent attack from the Empire on Man on Rosenyr. Admittedly, it probably could’ve been “Common” instead of “Renatian” but it was the only way at the time I could see about making a direct reference to the Empire for those who didn’t understand.

  17. mmm yes...




    1. JokerLow


      rply wise, it totally maeks sense!

    2. Crevel


      Off coarse, maeks t0tall sense!!! 

  18. congrats my guy!

    1. Kaelan


      dude thanks!

    2. Crevel


      No problem dude!!! 

  19. Say nothing if you diddle kids.

    1. tasty_cheesecake


      still got no clue how he was let to slide like i thought every mfer knew abt this dude already like cmon he was benevolent fuckin manacles on the forums for 3 years

    2. Borin


      how could a guy called benevolentmanacles or happyshackles be an evil sex pest! not like he'd already been banned for it but just told to change his name...

  20. At what point will Story Team implement an eventline of evil industrialists that salt the occupied wheat / double drop resource tiles, making them unusable, so that they can begin building factories?

    1. ScreamingDingo


      smogger mega factories that double mining output but poison all tiles adjacent and remove farming bonuses from them

    2. Adelemphii


      salt the roads of aevos and make the undercarriage of my carriage rusty....

  21. Post coming soon 🙂

    1. ApplePieKathy



  22. According to all known imperial laws of aviation, there is no way that an Olog should be able to fly. Its flabs are too big to get its fat large body off the ground. The Olog, of course, flies anyway. Because Ologs don't care what LotC thinks is possible.

    1. Crevel


      kinda disappointed they arent ologs but it gets a pass from me

  23. Yo guys, I found my next persona

    Image result for orc meme

  24. Today I'm learning that people do not know how to use the section of the website that shows the staff members and what teams they're in

    1. Statherian


      Thank you Crevel, I appreciate you being a man of reason

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