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  1. You have waken up this morning with a buck news issue on your face. If you have a partner in bed, they also have their own on their face. Your window has been broken into with mud footprints in your house. Also, your cookie supply is gone.
  2. babyluxx

    Lacies music.

    “SHEET MUSIC” Lacie Lyons This isn't the ‘actual music’, this is what Lacie is envisioning. This is what she hears inside her brain, the textures of instruments. Synths aren't actually synths, they're written as strings. The drums are written as orchestral drum sections, but this is just what she hears when she's composing the music.100 Percent original songs. Written, recorded, and produced by my roommate and I. I play doublebass, he plays violin, we both play piano. this is inspired by a roleplay experience in lotc. Est-ce une erreur https://www.indiesound.com/index.php?a=track&id=84564 Journey to Helena, First movement. https://www.indiesound.com/index.php?a=track&id=84565
  3. a crinkled up “news” paper as been thrown at your door
  4. Scribed in remembrance of those fallen in the defensive effort against the Scyfling forces. Geast I Ve Fitsker As the smoke clears and the casualties are counted, a lone fighter hangs high in the sky. His comrades gather their wounded and rest their lost, trekking along a beaten path to their home of New Reza. As they venture through the lush and lively Haeseni countryside the fighter follows along, shortly behind his brothers as they return to the walls of the city. The fighter hangs his head as he knows his time is up and he no longer can walk with his men, with one final look over New Reza he nods and makes his leave. The fighter retreats over the sky scraping Steel Hills and into the dense and quiet Wick Wood. He is at peace with what has come of him and knows it was for the better of his country and people. As the fighter slowly closes his eyes looking over the land he called home, one final thought fled his mind and escaped his lips in a soft mutter “Krusae Zwy Kongzem”. With this he was ready, his soul being claimed and returned to the Seven Skies. But behind he left, a single mortal possession. One he could not take with him and was forced to leave behind. Sojoernaal I Ve Fitsker The shouting begins and the screaming is heard, as the Haeseni holds their ground strong and true. A flood of Scyfling scum rushing out towards the stout walls of the Fort at Metterden, this would be the true test of strength. Javelin quickly flew overhead, shattering shields of the Crows one by one, sending ballista fire back in response. Their motive to take this land remains unclear to most, but this will not stop the men of gold and black as we fight until our last breath, and in response “Krause Zwy Kongzem” we shout until our voice cannot be heard any longer. We fight for the spirit of Haense and the protection of our heritage, this land gifted to us by Godani and protected by the soldiers of those who inherited it. It was not long though until the Scyfling horde began creeping in on the ravine that held our brave cavalrymen. They through everything at us, but we prevailed even lost in a daze of confusion and pain simply because the fight was not over. As javelin continued to fly towards the proud Haeseni men, we gave a constant fight back until the moment we break. Our men falling one by one and there was no telling how this would end, so what could we do but fight. My life before theres, I will not not this kingdom fall under some barbarian claiming this is his land. Bralt I pity you, thinking we will fall so easily. So hear this in fear “Krusae Zwy Kongzem”. Ser Siegmund Wick
  5. Hangman’s promise “Big Tony, Big Money.” - Big Tony My figureheads have grown quite the liking of the people of Haense, I even allowed them to teach the HRA a couple of things on the fields of war. I’ve been sending my prayers to up above ever since I got word about the war, blessing the blades of the Haensemen and cursing the arrows of the Suticans, hoping their projectiles would miss the throats of my comrades. Sadly enough, the leadership of the Orenian Empire did not have the sufficient funds to buy us out of the Sutican war. May my brothers coated in green watch my back as I take up the mantle of a leader in this war, may my friends from Haense toss their weapons to the side when I face them on the battlefield, for then they will be spared. Gold and glory, my comrades… gold and glory Once this contract is signed, my men will raise their blades alongside the poor folk of Sutica, who just want to protect their land. It saddens me, the biggest fish going after one of the weakest fish. The Agreement The Suticans: -The Sutican leadership will hand 70 000 minas to The Hangmen. (50% up front) -The Sutican leadership will hand The Hangmen a simple plot of land for when they are forced to move out of this realm. -If there is any way to spare The King of Haense and his people, an effort must be made to make sure that there will always be an option for the Haensemen to get out of the war, safely. The Hangmen: -The Hangmen will aid Sutica and their allies in any militairy exercises against the Holy Orenian Empire. -The Hangmen Keep will serve as an outpost for the forces of Sutica and their allies. -The Overseers of The Hangmen will lend Sutica all of their knowledge regarding waging war, becoming a part of the core of the leadership of the conflict. “I’m sorry, comrades of my people. coin comes first. May our paths never cross during these troubling times.” Signed,
  6. Geast I Ve Fitsker As the smoke clears and the casualties are counted, a lone fighter hangs high in the sky. His comrades gather their wounded and rest their lost, trekking along a beaten path to their home of New Reza. As they venture through the lush and lively Haeseni countryside the fighter follows along, shortly behind his brothers as they return to the walls of the city. The fighter hangs his head as he knows his time is up and he no longer can walk with his men, with one final look over New Reza he nods and makes his leave. The fighter retreats over the sky scraping Steel Hills and into the dense and quiet Wick Wood. He is at peace with what has come of him and knows it was for the better of his country and people. As the fighter slowly closes his eyes looking over the land he called home, one final thought fled his mind and escaped his lips in a soft mutter “Krusae zwy Kongzem”. With this he was ready, his soul being claimed and returned to the Seven Skies. Ser Siegmund Wick
  7. Master Thieves Guild Written by Raptor and Racker INTRO The Master Thieves guild was one of the first and oldest organisations of criminals, brigands and thieves, banding together with one common goal; to become wealthier. Members of the guild use each other’s talents to help each other out to steal all they can steal, pooling their wide range of skills and talents to accomplish even the most impossible tasks. The guild is the very embodiment of “Honor among Thieves”, backing each other up and bringing their resources, skills and wealth together to strive to greater the guild’s wealth, power and infamy. Every member is expected to have the other’s back and every member is expected to treat their partners in crime as brothers. The guild is not an army, but an independent family and brotherhood of thieves, all working towards the same thing. Disclaimer: All the information on this post is entirely secret. This is not open or public knowledge. It is known to the guild members and the guild members only (with some exceptions). GUILD HISTORY The Master Thieves Guild is one of the oldest organizations in known history, with the founding of the guild occurring over 500 years ago. At the height of it’s powers the guild housed some of the most infamous thieves and criminals of all time. These people include Red Raven and the Upright Man, the founders of the guild, who undertook one of the first heists in recorded history, alongside Dune Walker, another original member. Other members included thieves such as The Faceless Man, Lucas Black and Freema Grenedad. The guild can be attributed to heists that include the theft of the priceless portrait of the Wandering Wizard, the break in of the Salvus Vaults, and the robbery of General Gabriel’s Breastplate. After 150 years of the guild's existence throughout Aegis, Asulon and Anthos, the guild disbanded as many of its members died or disappeared. It was not until a former member of the guild's last sect of members decided to rebuild the guild so thieves and vagabonds could once again make their mark upon the world, and enrich themselves in whatever infamy and fortune awaited them as a result. RANKS Guildmaster The elected leader of the Master Thieves Guild. Technically, the Guildmaster is still a Master Thief and not above them in rank, however he is the chosen head to make the final call and final decisions e.g. Master Thief promotions, benefactors, large heists and alliances. He is the Master of the guild and head of our band of thieves. Master Thief Master Thief is the highest rank in the guild. The Master Thieves must be knowledgeable in all the arts of thievery, stealth and deception. Their job is to teach the lower ranks the necessary skills needed to become a Master Thief themselves. They are in charge of organizing jobs, heists, collecting and setting up dead drops, making contact with new recruits, making contact with benefactors and contacts. All other ranks answer to the Master Thieves. Shadow The elite of the guild. The best of the best. The most skilled and stealthiest thieves among the ranks. The Shadow is the role model for Burglars and Thieves, being the prime example of how they should act. They are unseen, they are swift and they never miss their mark. The Shadows are to assist the Master Thieves in the training and supervision of the Brigands and are also able to orchestrate jobs and heists. Thief You now have free reign over the jobs you pull. You are now permitted to do jobs for the guild stated on the job board, suggest and take part in heists, inform the guild of targets and perform your own jobs without supervision. The Thieves represent the guild now and will act accordingly. Burglar The Burglars are now allowed to start going on certain jobs. Burglars will be under the guidance of a qualified thief who will teach them how to use the skills they studied in practical use. Burglars must follow the directions of their superior, while working on their skills to be promoted. To rank up to Thief, one will be tested by pulling a job where they will take the lead. If they succeed, they will be promoted. If not, then they must do another term (length decided by their superior) of study until they will be tested again. Unbranded The fresh meat, the new bloods, the brand new recruits, fresh off the streets and ready to be turned into professional thieves. The guild has expressed interest in your talents and has decided to induct you into it. You are not permitted to do anything, nor take part in any jobs. At this point, you are not considered part of the guild, nor privy to any information at all. Once we have expressed interest, you will be taken by a Shadow or a Master Thief on a minor job to prove your worth and skill. Should you succeed, you will be branded with the guild mark upon your forearm and made to take the Oath. After this, you will have officially become part of the guild. GUILD LAW Guild Rules Do not betray the Master Thieves Guild. If you are caught, do not reveal that you are a part of the Master Thieves Guild. Do not act above your rank i.e. a Brigand may not orchestrate heists and jobs and a Thief may not command a Shadow or a Master Thief. Do not act against the guild and it’s members. This includes theft, acts of violence and insubordination. Keep business with the Master Thieves Guild and your personal life separate. This includes involving other guilds you may be a part of, in jobs and heists for the Master Thieves Guild. Secrets are secrets for a reason, take them with you to your grave. Guild Expected Standards Thieves are expected to show a certain amount of finesse when performing a job. Killing is restricted unless absolutely 100% necessary and is frowned upon even then. Thieves are expected to leave their guild coin behind as a “calling card”. The guild’s reach has no limits and people must be reminded of this. Thieves are expected not to act against allies and/or contacts of the guild without express permission from a Master Thief. OOC SECTION OOC DISCLAIMER/RULES Understand that you may be ejected from the guild at any time for whatever reason, be it rule breaking (IC or OOC) or we feel you are no longer suitable for the guild, etc. Once ejected from the guild, you may return only if the Master Thieves deem it fit that you should return. Should you choose to leave the guild of your own accord, the guild will grant you free pardons to roam the world without the guild by your side, provided you keep to your oath of secrecy. Should you break this oath whilst not being a part of the guild, you will be treated the same way as if you were ejected from the guild. Understand that if you are forcefully removed from the guild for a serious offense (deemed by us), you will be hunted down RPly until the ends of the earth. If you are caught, understand that you may be tortured, beaten and/or repeatedly killed. DO NOT APPLY FOR THE MASTER THIEVES GUILD IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS. APPLICATION AND THREAD RULES THREAD RULES The guild has been recreated to try and innovate thievery roleplay within the server. The aim of the guild is to provide quality RP for both thieves and their victims and anyone applying should want to create RP that is fun for both sides. We hope to fill the guild with quality roleplayers and not a quantity of roleplayers. However anyone and everyone is welcome to apply and will be given equal opportunity within the guild, whether they are an old player with lots of roleplay experience or a new player with little roleplay experience, provided they want to create fun RP for everyone. With that, here are some simple rules you need to keep in mind when posting on this thread. Do not post your application on this thread, please PM it to the OP (myself) via a PM on the forums or message me on Discord, Lefty#7206 The only posts to be made on this thread are that of an RP nature, please PM me if you have any OOC questions. If you do have any OOC comments to make, please put them in a spoiler beneath an RP post. Failure to abide by these simple rules will result in your post being removed (if you do not fix it upon request) and a possible instant denial from the guild. APPLICATION The application is not the only form of joining the guild, however it is the most practical. It is for you to express your interest in joining and for us to determine whether or not we would take interest in your character. Sometimes members will be inducted purely based on RP experiences and will not be required to fill out the application. SEND YOUR APPLICATION TO THE OP (MYSELF) VIA A PM ON THE FORUMS OR MESSAGE ME ON DISCORD, Lefty#7206 OOC MC Name: Why do you want to join?: How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience?: Have you read and agreed to the OOC Disclaimers and warnings?: Discord Name: RP Info RP Name: Race: Age: Personality (A paragraph will suffice): Aspirations and Motives for joining:
  8. Although it would be incredible; I’d just like to say now that I’m NOT expecting this to be accepted. I just had the idea not too long ago and wanted to share it. Basically a throng of lunatics led by Mr. Beautiful completely take over the city of Helena. The guards are imprisoned; criminals are set free. The gates are shut; no one comes in and no one gets out. The town will be in a state of unqualified pandemonium; everyone is on their own. Trapped in this engirdled mobocracy swayed by a psychopathic begetter who will be sitting in his chair; laughing his ass off until somebody stops him. Discord me if you’d like to hear more.
  9. So i am getting ready to put together an application for this server and i wan’t sure what forum to field this question in. What i would like to do is have a Human that was raised by a dwarf Redstone smith due to a horrible event that befell his family when he was a child. Is this a valid background? I didn’t notice anything about human/Dwarf relations in the lore per say, though i might have missed it. Thanks for any information and responses. V/R, Blaznhurricane/Volkan#0226
  10. The Flying Orrir [[This is a transformative work of “Enchanter” from “Dragon Age: Inquisition”]] As Siol sits in his room, the elf takes up his handcrafted lute. His eyes close and a soft melody starts playing. The soft melody progresses during the next hours as the bard comes up with the instrumentals for his new song. Picking up a scrape paper, Siol makes to write on it, putting down the words of his next ballad. As his mind is converted into words, the elf makes to get up once more, leaning on his cane as he remains still unrecovered from his injuries during his last adventure... which he narrates into his new song. Moving the lyrics into a proper book, the elf writes: “The tale you are about to read or perform speaks of the adventures of the Order of the Orrir’Ullral, beast slayers. This particular adventure takes place up in the sky, on what appeared to be a floating island, resting atop air as if it was ground. Siol ‘the Orrir’, Vyasaldris ‘the Lioness’, Uhtred ‘the Bear’, Zodd Callibal, Otto Wittenbach, and Zozanulia are the key figures to be mentioned, all monster slayers of different ranks. However, there were indeed more units of the Order to have taken part in this expedition, adventure and contract... who are most likely to remember of their first time flying into an sky island to balloons, discovering ancient ruins and defeating two beasts... and Hyfowl and a Shredwing” The Orignal Song: Male Cover (This one doesn’t go perfectly with the lyrics): ((Simply start the video and follow with these lyrics)) [Verse 1] Orrir now, It is nigh time to go to hunt, In the floating island up where we shall land, As we all fly. [Verse 2] Orrir now prepare, That weapons you keep clenched. Like Otto cut the ropes flying up with him into the sky. The balloon goes up, departing him away, While the rope will not retreat as it clings ‘round, his stucken legs. [Verse 3] Orrir now - Nigh time, has come to go up high, Form formations come and stand beside The lines of your Shield Wall. [Chorus] Orrir you come to me! Orrir you come to me! Orrir you come to see! Can you, see what, we shall end [Verse 4] As it stands up high, In the sky now we can see.. In the floating land, Retrieve what is unseen to rest of thee [Chorus] Orrir you come to me! Orrir you come to me! Orrir you come to see! Can you, see what, we shall end [Verse 5] As the chick before, In the light it stands below. In the crooked mouth of ruins, It chips the old rocks commonly [Verse 6] Orrir now beware, The hen is uncommon! For it opens beaks and force follow it on... Like it’s magic! [Verse 7] Orrir now it pu-ushes, and throws you aground The Hyfowl crooked howl Shall be stopped, not be summoned forth [Verse 8] What a screech, It screams, when Zodd thrashes with force Pinning down the foul beast Fore’ it comes forth, chipping Siol’s neck. [Verse 9] Zozanulia forth, Approaches and her sword. She thrusts down the body of the chick, ‘Fore t’screams and throws us off! [Chorus] Orrir you, come to me! Orrir you, come to me! Orrir now, can you see! Uhtred... saving... Vya now! [Verse 10] As the Shredwing bat, Forth approaches with quick haste, Towards Ducem Vya, she’s covered By Uhtred, Armored Bear! [Chorus] “Shredwing comes to me! Shredwing comes to me! Shredwing comes to me!” Uhtred... sees it... luckily! [Verse 11] Bat with razor wings, In the dark where she can’t see! On the Bear, Vya relies And he protects her bravely!
  11. A Map of The Sovereign Realms of The Arcasian Peninsula Compiled and created primarily by Abram Stalistena, with the support of the Northern Geographic Society. – – – The creation of a comprehensive map of the sovereign realms of Arcas has truly been a collaborative effort. This project never would have approached completion if it were not for the contributions and aid given by the various stewards, local cartographers, travellers, traders, and government officials from all the sovereign lands of our realm. The purpose of this work is to reflect the real authorities over lands throughout Arcas, along with those territorial claims laid by nations and states claiming sovereignty as equals. Though there may be inaccuracies in the initial release of this map, future versions will reflect both changes in the de-facto control of various lands, and increased accuracy of existing claims. The process for submitting such claims will be outlined below. Other versions are available below, for use in any kind of geographic and ethnographic study and use. The process for requesting an amendment to this map is outlined below Credits and acknowledgements are contained below
  12. A Wedding Announcement 9th of Snow's Maiden, 1769 [!] A strikingly embellished missive is tacked into the walls of Al-Faiz. With a flourishing golden border and clean, elegant writing, the notice announces the following: The Al-Nabeel family graciously invites you to attend the wedding between our beloved Amir Fahad Al-Nabeel and his partner, Emily Delaney. This joyous ceremony has been foreseen for many years, and it is our pleasure to finally announce it to the public. The Al-Nabeel family will be holding the wedding and following reception, which will be open to all attendees. An assortment of foods will be available at the courtesy of the Thousand Stars Restaurant, and fun activities will take place to occupy the guests. The Thousand Stars Restaurant will be open to all - it will host events, food, and general merrymaking. Events that will take place include dancing, games of chess, and ‘guess the correct block’. Even those who have two left feet or little faith in their intellectual capabilities are invited to partake in the festivities without reserve or shame. The wedding ceremony itself will also be open to the public--all who wish to attend may attend. We look forward to a large turnout and hope that the following celebrations can help all denizens appreciate the blessed union of the bride and groom! Signed, Fahad Al-Nabeel With the help of his cousin, Layla Al-Nabeel [OOC Note: The Wedding will be on Thursday 5/21/2020 @ 1:30 PM EST] [Coords:XYZ -717 58 633] Credits to @Amelica] Take the southern road from ct and continue past sutica until reaching a bridge that links to korvassa then take a left from the crossroads and continue the road until you see Al-Faiz!
  13. ((SPOILERS ARE WONKY)) ~Pravum~ CHARACTERIZATION There are two subspecies of Pravum: the original beasts, known as the Harried, and their “perfected” successors, the Shikari. Both the Harried and Shikari were created from Descendants that have undergone an extreme alchemical transformation to their body and Soul. This augmentation grants the Pravum a slew of enhancements at the cost of the “Normality” of Descendant life. Credits: @Dymase @Cyprian1034 @NikoNiko @BoyWonderr @JaxonBlues @Archipelego @Ztrog @Temporal @AtrexPieren [Lucy-Lisett -- DeviantArt] A pair of adventurers caught wind of an abandoned town in the middle of the wilds of Atlas. Upon arriving, they were met with a thick mist throughout the surrounding forest. Once they entered the settlement, the group found the entire place in complete disrepair. Caved-in roofs, doors torn from their hinges, windows were broken, and the entire town covered in a thin layer of ivy and vines. The wind was blowing softly, adding an extra layer of discomfort to the damp and chilled air. The pair made their way down the muddied streets, their footsteps squelching loudly as the men looking for any signs of life. As they neared the outskirts of the village, one noticed an abundance of herbs in an overgrown garden in front of a small house. Deciding that it would be wise to search for anything medicinal, he strode over to the patch and surveyed the overgrowth for anything useful. The other moved cautiously into the house, with his blade drawn. “Oi! C’mere. Now,” the man in the house called out. The other man would let out a short grunt as he pushed himself to his feet. Stepping into the threshold of the abandoned cottage, the second man let out a sigh, saying, “What’s wrong?” The first man raised his arm and pointed to a darkened, far corner of the small lodge, where a skeleton lay, an arm extended towards a blood-stained book. The second man would stoop down once more, this time picking up the book as opposed to flowers. The man would flip through the pages before saying, “Seems like a sort of diary.” “Not much use for it, then. Better to leave it. Don’t want to upset his spirit, eh?” the first man responded, giving his companion a playful punch in the arm. “Right,” the second said with a short scoff. Nevertheless, he found himself placing the diary into his satchel with the plants he had picked earlier. The pair then made their way out of the lodge in search of new adventure and treasure... Origin: [!] The journal would be pawned off to a cloaked figure several days after the pair of adventurers returned to their city. ~The Transformation Elixir~ Description: Effects: Ingredients: Preparation: Mechanics: Redlines: ~Serum Ingredients~ Muscle and Bone enhancement Minor Regeneration Metabolic increase Sense enhancement (Vision, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch) Cardiac Enhancement Respiratory enhancement Serum Creation Brewing ~THE ALTERATION~ OOC: Please keep in mind this will be a very painful and mentally taxing procedure for the soon-to-be new Shikari. Give the patient time to roleplay out their pain. Also remember, for the performer, this isn’t an easy task either. They must be careful to keep the right order or they run the risk of killing the patient. The person creating a Shikari or Harried must have an accepted teacher application in order to do the procedure. The person being turned into a Shikari must be a preexisting character beforehand, you can’t just be brought into the world as a Shikari as they’re not born and must be created through roleplay. Preparations The Procedures Redlines ~The Harried (Event Creature)~ Appearance: Mentality: Muscle and bone Enhancement (Combat / Non-combat ability) Metabolic Increase (Combat / Non-combat ability) Sense Enhancements (Combat / Non-combat ability) Respiratory Enhancement (Combat/Non-combat ability) Major Regeneration (Combat/ Non-combat ability) Cardiac Enhancement (Combat / Non-combat ability) Mimic (Non-Combat ability) ~The Shikari (Playable CA)~ [Monolith Productions: Shadow of War] Appearance Strengths and Weaknesses PK Clause Mentality ~Abilities~ Muscle and Bone Enhancement (Combat / Non-combat ability) Metabolic Augmentation (Combat / Non-combat ability) Senses Enhancement (Combat / Non-combat ability Tracking (Non-combat ability) (EVENTS ONLY) Cardiac Enhancement (Combat / Non-combat ability) Minor Regeneration (Non-combat ability) Respiratory Enhancement (Non-combat ability) Reverie (Non-Combat Ability)
  14. A Pact of Silver Lining » La Musica « Signed the 7th of Malin’s Welcome, 1768 [!] Brawn, robust, and solidity are but a few synonyms that denote the heeding intellect of two knowledge conjoining entities. ElSohaer of the precious, sanctified Silver State of Haelun’or and his council meet with a youthful member who once embellished their society to discuss a missive that conveys tranquility through legitimate law and order. In the decade past, Elcihi’thilln has made known the intent of working together to promote knowledge above all. As it appears, amongst the smaller institutions and settlements in Arcas is the prime source of enthusiasm for such endeavors in the pursuit of knowledge. The Haelun of Vaelya takes a seat at a awe-imposing table inhabited inside of Haelun’or. She scribes diligently to report what had been discussed with the Vaelian council. All but three days it took to document their formalities of the concurrence and set such into an honorable pact. Thereby, in light of our newfound allies, we have convened on the following terms: The Silver State of Haelun’or and The Union of Vaelya shall agree to adhere to a strict non-aggression pact, under all circumstances. This treaty will stay in effect for a duration of 10 years. Both parties are in accordance to respect each other's territories. The Union of Vaelya with its respective University of Vael that extends the bountiful land of their vineyard Vina del Mar, and The Silver State of Haelun’or stretching from the Sohaer’s Glade to the Northern Mountains, encompassing the entirety of the Silver Forests. The parties commit to a mutual agreement of extradition for any individuals from their respective territories deemed to have commited a legal transgression in the other signatory state. Signed, Sulraell Visaj, ElSohaer of Haelun’or Ka’lani Elibar’acal Valarieth, Haelun of Vaelya, Headmistress of the University of Vael Aerendyl Lor’demar Okarir’san
  15. Pep Leparda looked around her surroundings, taking them all in for perhaps the last time. She wandered about Talons Grotto, the city she has called home for many years, and has worked for during most of her time there. She wandered aimlessly about the city taking everything in. The trees, the birds, the strong smell of the salt that lingered among the city air. She looked throughout the many houses, her eyes stopping on many of her friends' abodes. Many of them were just regulars at the tavern, or even just some of the workers. She stopped, debating if she truly wanted to leave everyone so soon. She shook her head, many other thoughts soon taking over, clouding her mind. She soon went back to her home, deciding her choice once and for all. She arrived, looking around the small room one last time, taking a deep breath. Pep grabbed up a paper and bit of charcoal, beginning to write a note. Once finished, she placed the note onto her desk, making sure to keep it neat, as the scene soon to be shown would be quite the opposite. Pep took out one of her knives, eyeing it closely, looking at the sharp, bright glisten it had in the light of the lanterns. She glanced at the note, knowing there was still time to drop her weapon, and rip up the note, just to go back to the way life was before. The thoughts came back, clouding her mind and judgement, and she shook it off, figuring this was the right thing to do. She sat down on the floor, attempting to get comfortable, yet couldn’t with the fur on the back stood up straight. She knew what she was doing was wrong, yet she couldn’t easily stop herself from doing it. She sat there, knife in hand, and put it up to her neck, taking in a sharp breath. She paused for one last second, fear and regret in her eyes, before she moved the knife, slitting her own throat. __________________________________________ The note she had left on her desk read as the following: “Friends, family, all this one may have ever talked to at all, she would like to say she is deeply sorry. She has regrets, many, and they have simply become too much. The details and memories cloud her mind. Muuna, this one is sorry for whatever she may have done to ruin their relationship. Xinan, this one cannot show how much she will miss you, and hopes you have a happy life with your Metz’al. Onyx, please do not be too upset, continue with your life as it was. Anybody else, please, do not be too upset. -Pep”
  16. Yule Onfroi, a noble under the Highland Realm, has been found dead in her home. The banner next to the door of her home was ripped to shreds, barely recognizable, and the door was wide open, the lock broken. Once entering, the house would hold quite the scene. Small amounts of blood was on the floor, and there was an obvious sign of struggle based on the disheveled surroundings. Blood stained the ground, and a dark ferrum dagger lay nearby, only a small amount of blood on it. A fire was still alight in the fireplace, showing it can’t have been too long since any of this occured. If one were to go downstairs, they would see the body of Yule Onfroi, slumped against the wall, blood pooled around her. It seems the woman has finally died, with many she shall be leaving behind.
  17. OLD WOUNDS REOPENED “And the uruk carcass gathered in a wretched mound beneath the snowy precipice, no match for Igor Ireheart and the Hammer of Barradin, which quivered in his left hand.” The Chronicles of Igor Ireheart Volume II, Wulfgar Grandaxe circa 1642. The drums of war sound from deep within Kal’Evraal, calling the dwed to arms once more. Utak watches atop the obsidian throne as his kinsfolk swell in the hall before him, a reunion of dwed in defence of their country. Feuds forgotten, a kinship reforged in common cause, the dwed once again rally to defend Urguan from the Uruk locusts. The scourge in the east is a threat that grows ever stronger; Krugmar have sanctioned attacks against dwed, and prevented any peaceful resolution to the situation from happening. A Dwed has turned up beardless, tortured and savaged by Krughai bandits - an act celebrated by the Krugmar Rex. This is a betrayal that must be avenged, and a grudge that must be resolved. The greenskins will be dealt with once and for all, as old foes meet again. Utak raises his hand, quieting the room as he begins to address the audience below him. “I have given this moment much thought, and wondered what I might say to this congregation of my kin. I concluded that there is no wisdom that I can bestow upon this crowd, so rich with experience and knowledge, that it will not already possess. There is also no advice that can be offered by myself to a band of veterans such as this, so hardened by the trials of war, and so familiar with situations such as this. Instead I will remind you of one thing - The axes and hammers of Urguan have grown restless, and savages threaten our kingdom and livelihood. You know what must be done to right this wrong and deal justice to those that offer us harm; bloody our weapons with our eastern enemy. There is only one outcome that to be realised in this conflict, Dungrimm with us we shall ensure it.” The King sits, as a raucous orchestra of roars and cries erupt around the hall. He offers a faint smile, readying himself to lead his Kingdom into war. Type of War : Conquest CBs : Discussed in Private. Attackers : Urguan and Allies Defenders : Krugmar and Allies Wargoals : Conquest Location & Proposed : Time : TBD Contact Information : ?????????#1445
  18. History Birth of the Seas With the birth of seafaring ships, there came a new class of people. Men were no longer bound to the social classes that nations had followed, for the seas were now a freedom gifted unto the men who dared to face the treacherous bodies of water. Many men found themselves seeking out the freedoms of life at sea. Massive ships were being constructed to fulfill the ambitions of men who dared to face the open seas. The creation of these ships would lead to the discovery of many fortunes that would go beyond the commoner’s grasp of reality. However, fortunes such as these hardly ever come without a hefty price. The possibility of untold riches and fame tends to create a highly insatiable greed for man’s dreams to come true. The first men to steal from others on the seas were the bandits, but as soon as word got out of how great battles at sea led to pure profit for the victor, even the commoners chose to toss their lot to the seas. The romantic idea of being self-led, living a self-determined life with a crew to back you led to these kinds of ideas being ingrained in the minds of the soon to be pirates. People who thought they deserved what others have led to the very creation of early pirates. Pirates are the bandits of the seas, believing THEY should have the glorious fortunes of the seas, as well as the fortunes of others. Shortly after seafaring began, the greatest enemy of the seas became the seafarers themselves. Rise of the Seas There were Twelve ambitious men; the first admirals: a highlander, two heartlanders, four elves, two dwarves, an orc, a farfolk, and an easterner. Each man ambitiously sought to become the greatest scourge of the seas. They amassed fleets that shook the very waters they laid claim over. Each Admiral held a portion of the seas under their command as they settled their territories. The first few years consisted of skirmishes and small scale battles, as the admirals tested their fleets against each other. However, the fleets seemed to be of equal match with very few admirals being capable of claiming more territory from the others. The Great Ocean War An empire of old found the seas as part of their claim. Seeing the ambitious pirate fleets as an act of terror upon their lands, they birthed a great navy, which would black out the distant horizon with its imperial ships. It has been said that even the most vile and brutal men trembled before the sight of these ships scouring the waters. Pirate captains of unaffiliated ships were the first to face the full brunt of the navy. The navy slaughtered anyone who dared enter the newly claimed imperial waters. The reaches of the imperial navy started to spread into the territories claimed by the Pelagian fleets. The first battle was settled between the farlander fleet; they rallied forty ships to their cause. At daybreak, the imperial fleet arrived with twice the amount of ships, each manned with imperial loyalists. They fought like feral dogs, leaving no man quarter. The imperials had declared any ship that refuses to fly under imperial colors must be given no quarter. The brave fleet admiral was the first to sally forth, leading the charge against the imperials. The sounds of cracking wood and dying men lasted for ten hours as the Pelagian men refused to lay in wait for their deaths. Stories and songs were later made, signifying the ferocity and will of a Pelagian Sailor. The Council is Born The war waged on as the imperials slowly stripped the Pelagian fleets of their territories. They were pushed back into the darkest corners of the seas, retaining singular coves just large enough to hold their fleets. Desperate fleets with dwindling numbers sought out other fleets to form alliances with, causing factions of Pelagians to form. The first to call all the factions together was Robert Fletch of the Adrolan Fleet. The heartlander contacted the eleven other Pelagian admirals to a meeting on open waters. The meeting was set on a crisp and low wind morning. The boats arrived with an uneasiness unlike any other, the Admirals halted and hoisted their sails as they waited for someone to make the first move. Rothland Malone of the Red Fleet and Takehiko Jun’ichi of the Black Sun Fleet were the first to throw hooks against each other and form a pathway to each other's ships. The two leaders have had past dealings with each other, allowing them to become examples to the other fleet admirals to follow their steps. It took around ten minutes before the chain reaction began to set, allowing the first meeting to be successfully held. Robert Fletch led the talks as they argued about the current status of the empire pushing upon all the fleet's territory. Six hours of arguing had passed to no avail, for the admirals couldn’t trust each other. The idea of a united fleet seemed to be more grim as time passed. So, Robert Fletch used the only thing that these men would follow. A Gold Coin, he engraved his name upon the gilded coin as a sign to the gods. Bounding his soul to the coin, he handed it over to the Admiral beside him. Seeing his trust, the others eventually followed suit. Each held a coin of another fleet, giving them enough leverage over each other to face the imperial fleet as one. The Retaliation On a windy morning, the united Pelagian fleets sailed forth to the Imperial waters. They hoisted red flags, chanting sea shanties as they crossed the waters. Then, the twelfth hour struck, and the two massive fleets met each other on the open seas. Nearly three hundred ships on either side had been rallied for this day. Any sane man would feel the tension at the sight before them, but something came over the Pelagians. Something... inhuman. They continued to sing as they sailed onto their early graves. Fearing nothing, they clashed with the imperials, fire and ballista bolts blinded the men as they fought. The haze filled with wooden shrapnel covered their eyes as they crossed boarding bridges. It was pure hell - hell that lasted fourteen hours, only to leave the waters soaked in blood and covered in the remains of once-great ships. The remaining Pelagian ships could only offer a solemn cheer for their close victory as they sailed away. The Fall of the Six The returning shell of a fleet held its second meeting to determine how they would divide the reclaimed territory. Unfortunately, all greedy men want more than what they are owed. Six of the Admirals including the Malones and Jun’ichi’s organized a plan to kill the other captains and take their coins back. On a cold crisp night, the six Admirals gathered to the meeting hall with the others. At first, the meeting seemed normal and went smoothly, until the first man struck out. Each Admiral turned to the man on their right side and proceeded to stab them in the back with their blades. They tossed the coins of the dead admirals off the side of the ship, which they would come to regret later. It has been said that a curse was set that day, that the betrayed returned as the damned; that they would take up arms in revenge, as the pact was broken. Haunted by their misdeeds, the remaining admirals swore to never again break the pact. The New Order Shortly after the event of killing the six other admirals, they divided their territories between each other. The men claimed themselves as the first Pirate Lords of the seas, setting a meeting time every fifty years to discuss the nature of the seas. It is said that men and their descendants are still haunted to this day by the men they betrayed. Superstitions and Religion Afterlife The afterlife generally thought to house the dead Pelagians, is that of a large island, with taverns and drinks plentiful. The Pelagian never starving, or thirsting. The water around the island is always calm and easy. The winds are never brash or harmful. The Coin Pelagians who join a crew are given a coin specifically designed by that crew. It’s a marker of who they are with essentially. They engrave their initials into the coin, thus sealing their soul onto the coin. This act seals the sailor’s fate for a life on the seas, but there’s a sense of severity as it’s considered that the coin holds the soul. Captains are given their crew members coins to resemble a pact of trust and loyalty to the crew. It’s the captain's duty to bury their dead with their coin, otherwise they’re considered to be sent to the damned to seek revenge and their coin. Coinless are seen as soulless beings on the sea, to whom many Pelagians either pity or feel disgust towards. Coins have also been seen being used as currency for a life. Each coin is worth one soul of a new pelagian, so some captains respect it as payment for certain jobs. The Six Patrons It is said that the admirals that were betrayed became the Six patrons of the seas, as they lacked their coins to move on. This left many Pelagians scared of the consequences of breaking the oaths of the coin. It’s said that these patrons watch over Pelagians and punish the ones that break the customs and rules. Patron of the Damned An Orc Admiral by the name of Xurrukk the Red was the first to fall. He was the only Orc Admiral in the Pelagian Fleets, and was the most feared of all. It has been said that his men could fight long after being “killed”, brutally fighting without fear. After his betrayal, a rumor had been spread around of a ship of undead scouring the seas, hunting those who betrayed other Pelagians and himself. Those who are betrayed during a pirate lord meeting or lose their coin are sent to the fleet of the damned to serve in it. Many Pelagians fear the tales of running into the ships of the damned, and naming ships after them is considered taboo. Patron of Wind The Fastest Admiral of the seas was an Elven man by the name of Kyraatar the Cutter. He was well known for his speeds and luck with wind, or what most thought was luck. He tracked the winds and used them to his advantage. Ironically, he was killed by pure luck of the draw, as he held a coin of one of the betrayers. Sailmasters tend to look towards his example, and often call upon his name for wind. Patron of the Waves Ragnik the small was the first dwarven admiral to make his name upon the oceans. Many called him small, but never neglected his strength and skill to survive the storms. He was known to sail through storms without fear and always coming out on top. Unfortunately, his skill with sea storms didn’t save him from the storm of betrayal. Many Pelagians call out his name for guidance through storms. Patron of Death The brave and loved Admiral Robert Fletch was killed during the betrayal, sending his soul to an unsatisfied afterlife. It’s said that he ferries the souls of the Pelagians to the afterlife in his life of purgatory, feeding the coinless souls to the damned fleet or sending them to the next life. It’s said that many Pelagians offer a solemn prayer to him before their deaths if they’re lucky enough. Unfortunately, most Pelgians don’t get the chance before their untimely end. Patron of Battle An Elven Admiral by the name of Althrin the wise was known as the most clever Pelagian to ever sail the seas. Many men respected him for his skill in maneuvering ships around during combat. Althrin's men were highly trained and disciplined, more than the average Pelagian fleet. It is said that the admirals gave him respect after they murdered him, seeing it as a shameful thing that they’ve done to such a brilliant man. Many Pelagian Captains and officers call upon his wisdom even to this day, almost as a good luck charm before a battle. Patron of Treasure Abdulkareem the Greedy, was the richest Pelagian admiral of them all. It’s been said that his flagship was lined with pure gold! The Admiral always found a way to find riches from the deep sea or islands he’d come across. He was also the prime target of jealousy, making him one of the first names mentioned during the planning of the betrayal. Needless to say, the superstitious Pelagians call upon his name every so often in hopes of bettering their chances at striking it rich. Flags Pure Black Flag It’s known throughout the Pelagian people that ships that fly the black flag mean no harm and are simply passing through. It’s a relief for merchants that wander too close to these ships, or for other Pelagians crossing contested waters. It’s very rare that ships that fly this flag attack other ships, though it’s not entirely unheard of. Those who do attack using this flag are outcasts from society and seen as men who are soon to be damned. Jolly Roger Each crew has their own jolly roger flag, usually on a black or red flag, this is a signal of a true pelagian crew. White Flag The White flag isn’t a sign of surrender, more of a sign of willingness to talk. Ships that fly this flag intend to negotiate terms that both parties can equally walk away from. Though, it’s also seen that larger fleets that fly this flag are wishing to speak to smaller ships and induct them into the fleet. Red Flag/Sails The Red sails are a testament to Xurrukk the Red and his fearsome men. Ships that fly the red flag or sails are sending a message that they don’t take prisoners. All men that dare face them will be given no quarter or mercy. There have been rare cases that some men are given mercy if they gain the respect of the crew during their battle. Torn Flags Typically red torn flags are flown above a ship vertically as a sign of “No Surrender”. Ships that fly this flag are desperate and plan on dying with their ship. Their men expect to die in the upcoming or rise victorious, which can scare some captains away as they don’t want to lose men to death determined men. This flag is rarely flown without the consent of every crew member. Universal Rules and Expectations Pelagians can be seen as a lawless people that have no sense of morality, but contrary to popular belief, they have a strong sense of codes that all Pelagians follow. Equal Vote Every crewmate, man or woman, shall have an equal vote in affairs of moment and shall have an equal title to the fresh provisions or strong liquors at any time seized. Until rationing is required for the ship's survival. Don’t Steal from Crew Members Every crewmate is owed a proper share of the plunder or pay that the crew earns, only varying by their rank within the crew. Any man caught stealing or hiding plunder of value shall be marooned. This includes crew members who died in combat. It is still expected that they will be given their share, by simply being buried with it. Those who take that buried shares are outcast and seen as men heading to join the Damned. Battle Readiness Every crew member is expected to keep their equipment well maintained. Those who fail to keep some sort of standard of readiness are subject to punishment. The severity varies by how the captain feels. No Intercourse on the Boat The act of procreating on any boat is punishable by death by hanging, using the perpetrators’ entrails. All activities of that nature are done off the boat and typically far away. Desertion Running away from battle or abandoning the crew is a one-way ticket to becoming coinless. Men who abandon their crews are typically casted out and often even killed if they’re ever caught. Disputes are Settled off the Boat It’s expected for crew members to become irritable with each other as they’re stuck with each other for long periods of time. Fighting on the boat is not allowed and can call for punishment if the captain chooses to do so. All fights are brought onto shore, but any injuries that the other man gives to the other has to make up for the lack of work. This means their chores and required work is doubled if they damage the other crew member too much. Pay for Wounded Crew members that lose limbs are subjected to compensation. They’re given three times their share as compensation. Captains who fail to do this are typically thrown out by the crew and casted out by other Pelagians. Negotiations All are allowed to invoke the action of ‘Parley’. Once a parley is called, either with the white flag or through shouting, all engagement will stop, and the Captain will be escorted to the enemy Captain's quarters to negotiate surrender or other terms. During this time, the Captain nor their crew shall come into harm by the opposing crew. Docked Ships Attacking a fellow Pelagian ship that is docked is extremely frowned upon. This includes any of the crew that are in port at the time. All battles must be taken either to the seas or away from the port you or they are docked at. Social Customs Navy Ships Navy Men are considered slaves to the rule of land lovers. They’re seen as invaders to the free open seas and any navy ship that a pelagian comes across is typically shot down instantly. There's no quarter for navy men as their vicious dogs that are ripping the seas apart. Privateer It’s not unheard of for Pelagian crews to be hired by nations to attack or defend places. However, there are unspoken rules to how a Pelagian may take on these jobs. This is because they end up riding a fine line between Navyman and Privateer. A Privateer should not wear the nation's uniform while conducting the job, nor receive any kind of rank within that nation's military. Otherwise, they’re nothing more than a navy-dog who’s abandoned his very culture and life. Children’s Life Children who find themselves “lucky enough” to join a Pelagian crew are nicknamed ‘barrel monkeys’. They typically wash the decks and clean weaponry while aboard the ship, completing chores as their way to earn their keep. During battle they’re not spared the time to hide as there’s nowhere really for them to go, so instead they're typically ammo carriers for the ship's armaments. Parenting This is very rare! Most Pelagian men don’t stick around long enough to even name their children! It’s culturally normal for them to simply abandon their children with the women they were with. The rare cases in which a male Pelagian decides to do some parenting, they typically are harsh and dismissive of their children. They’ll treat them just like the other barrel monkeys. If the parent dies for any circumstance the crew typically takes on the role of raising the child as a group effort unless the parent originally abandoned the child. Marriage This may be rare, but it happens every so often. Marriages are sanctified by the captain of the ship, typically melting the two soul coins together. There’s an exchange of rings in some cases, using unique metals found from the ocean. It’s not typically taboo to step out of the bounds of marriage when sailing, as Pelagians tend to find the ‘interactions’ as a natural thing just like eating or drinking. However, it’s left up to the two that are wed to decide. Pirate Coves The Pirates spend most of their time aboard a ship living the life of the sea, but there have always been those who retire to the land. Pirate Coves are typically controlled by the fleets that they’re aligned with. Thus, the Admiral of the fleet is typically the head of the cove. Since they’re often gone out at sea, they leave a leader of sorts in charge of the cove in their absence. It’s a lawless land simply held together by the honor and codes of the Pelagian people. Most outsiders can find some sort of safety there, but once they’ve overstayed their welcome, the locals typically get aggressive. The coves are always constructed near water as they’re constantly getting ships coming in and out of their lands. Language Pirate Speak The language that the Pelagians follow shifts around quite a bit. There’s no set language that every Pelagian understands and follows, but as individual groups, they tend to develop their slang. This ‘Pirate Speak’ is entirely derived from their native language and jargon that they’ve picked up over time. Each fleet and sometimes even crews will develop their version of Pirate Speak. OOC Each Fleet/bloodline that is created can and should develop their own jargon. It’s suggested to fully use your native tongue and create jargon that you think would be used to some extent. If your bloodline is a similar race to another bloodline, please ask permission to use their version of pirates speak. Malone Bloodline History The Malone bloodline was started by a heartlander commoner by the name of Rollan Malone. He was a simple man that followed a life of thievery and robbery. He wasn’t the most educated man, but what he lacked in schooling he made up for in wit. When he first heard about the seas and its untold riches he decided to dress up as a nobleman who was going to buy a ship. He and a few members of his bandit group played their parts perfectly as they were talking to the local shipwright. They climbed aboard the ship with the invitation of the shipwright and received a full tour and lesson on how the boat worked. Shortly after they found themselves sailing off with the boat and tossing the shipwright off the side. The Red Fleet Under the time of Pelagian fleets rising from the seas, Rothland Malone had already spent most of his time in the southern hemisphere and tropical islands. Many of the locals found him and his crew quality company, as he tended to help the small fishing villages he visited. He had one singular village that had a “special place in his heart.” Malone enjoyed visiting for its rum and a particular woman. Many of the local village lads joined his fleet as they wanted to see the life that he was living: Pure Freedom. Unfortunately for him and the many young men that came from these villages, once the Empire started to push the Pelagians back, they targeted their villages as Pelagian hideouts. The Imperials didn’t hesitate to kill anyone who stayed in their homes, showing no mercy for women or children. Upon hearing this, the Malone Fleet took their transgressions personally and painted their sails red in navy men's blood after every victory. Late into the war with the empire, the entire fleet’s sails were red with blood. Ever since, the fleet has hoisted red sails as a tribute to their ancestor’s anger and vengeance, giving themselves the name “The Red Fleet”. Ship Designs The Red Fleet uses Caribbean style ships in their arsenal. They typically can rise around 90 blocks long for their frigates and as small as 45 blocks long for their sloops. They’re well crafted for tropical and rainy climates and sometimes customized with heavy rams that can break into the sides of ships or break up the ice. Their sails are typically red and consist of a mix of jackknife sails and heavy masts. They are typically armed with Xbows and sometimes ballista as their main armament. Blacksmithing The Red Fleet uses a variety of weaponry that’s similar to your classic pirates. European style blades and hard steel. They typically embroider them with symbols of their Jolly Roger. There are some rare cases that they’ll find ores from the ocean and make fine pieces of weaponry and rings with it. They specialize in close combat, so most weaponry is built with that in mind. Siege weaponry isn’t their strong suit, but they do specialize in ship weaponry such as ballistas for naval battles. Pirate Speak They use common tongue mixed with a variety of slang. A more formal list of the language will be set at a later date once proper rp is set and made with the language. OOC Blood Line Info If anyone wishes to make a bloodline they’ll have to contact cypriancyberniskos#3032 or Mistel#5521. Anyone who makes a bloodline (Six Total) will have to design a culture post within reference to this post, allowing a more unique look to their fleet/bloodline. If anyone wishes to use this culture we’re open to letting people join and thrive as a Pelagian crew. If you’re wanting to talk to us about anything confusing we have a discord for this culture. https://discord.gg/aWJJatg
  19. To the Citizenry of Arcas, Events shift quickly in the world, and many times we miss important matters and proceedings without knowing. Due to this, the Principality of Vira Bay extends to you a humble and personal invitation to the coronation of Zaos Val'Ullr-Puerir, first High Prince of Vira Bay. Proceedings will begin the 17th of Malin’s Welcome, 1763, and followed by a celebration in the local bar and eatery, the Drunken Sailor Tavern. [OOC NOTE: Time: 4pm EST, Thursday April 9, 2020] Signed, Advisor to the High Prince of Vira Bay, Miray Palmer.
  20. Hey everyone, hope you and your loved ones are well amidst this quarantine. I'm looking to spit ball ideas for a DnD campaign to run for my friends that takes place in Anthos. A few of them are past players, and a few of them aren't. For those of you who played Anthos, what are some story hooks you think would translate well to DnD. For those who didn't play back then, do you have any ideas for a smaller campaign to start, that would then lead into a larger world ending type arche. Also, any DMs in here that have advice for writing compelling, non railroady campaigns? I want them to interact and build there own story similar to what makes the server so great. But I also need things for them to do. I'm familiar with my source material here, and I want the first campaign to take place predominantly in the human realm. I have a good cast of characters I'm familiar with, and location wise I already have a lot written down. If I ever get this ambitious thing done and it goes over well with my players, I'll be sure to share it here for you to run with your friends, imaginary or otherwise. Cheers, love you.
  21. [!] The scroll was sent out to the libraries of Irrinor and Talus, as well as some specific druii. A collection of writings from Sister Orison on the Emerald Way On the Nature of the Tayna Tayna. The soul of life. It is the living energy that contains all. I speak of the balance, of the living, breathing, growing, changing soul, one alive just as you are. You are part of the tayna- connected and one with every living thing on this world. With every moment, ripples and changes cascade outwards as time goes on. Just as any living being, it can be harmed just as you can. But it also can heal, and grow just as you. One can hear these ripples, these... cadences if one tunes themselves into the world around them. The tayna sings these changes constantly, and with a trained ear, one can sense and notice this song. To do this, a disciple must be sensitive to all of the living beings around them, to each and every one, no matter how insignificant they may seem on the surface. Once you do this, you will hear the song of the tayna, and you will know its will. By being in tune with the balance, you will be guided. It will influence your feelings, your instincts, and it will bring you where you are needed most. Follow your instincts, and your feelings, and the balance will show you its will. It will become your own. And now a question we face, a question answered in different ways by the creeds. Are the Aspects like water, formless spirits of nature? Or beings such as you and I, living, breathing, talking? The answer is not so simple, I think. I believe them to be both. They exist within the balance, and I know that the balance is but one living and growing energy within the world. It holds but one soul, in which is held every life as we know it. It makes its presence solid through its various forms. A blade of grass, a boar, a tree, and even the mani themselves. And within this soul, I believe the Aspects dwell as well. Their spirit formless as ours all are, but omnipresent as the tayna. But still, beings that live and breath just as you and I. Must the two be mutually exclusive when dealing with forces as universal and powerful as the tayna and the Aspects? To Strengthen the Three Your body is your tool for your will, and the tayna’s. Your instrument with which to tune the world. It is both your sword and shield that you must use to defend yourself and the balance that we hold so dearly. It is the arrow that reaches its target, and the home that protects you from the biting winter rains. What use is a broken tool? Would you fight with a blunt blade, or a shattered shield? Would you seek shelter inside of a rundown shack? I would think not. As one would sharpen their blade, so too must we sharpen ourselves. And just as one would survey a fortress’ walls, we can leave no part of ourselves unable to withstand the coming battles. This process does not come without pain. To build yourself up in such a way is to undertake great suffering. A necessary suffering to build a fortress from crude beings such as we. This hardiness sits at the core of the Emerald Way. Endurance through all things. In order to become as emerald, the mind, body, and spirit must be trained and hardened to withstand all that a disciple of the Aspects may come across. To become a guardian of the Emerald Way, one must undergo this rigorous conditioning, that they may uphold the balance in the face of the countless threats this world offers the balance. Mind - To be sharp and alert. Aware of the world around you, and of the world within you. To remain calm when confronted with great tragedy and terrible loss. To stand unflinching against unimaginable horrors. Do not let adversity shake you, even when faced with overwhelming odds. Find the calm which keeps your serenity through the darkest of times. A calm, steady mind brings strength, and through strength you will endure. This is what it means to follow the Emerald Way. Body - Let not the frost bite, nor the flame burn. Let not the blade sting, nor the arrow pierce. Make your skin as an ironwood shield, your breath deep and cavernous! Know thy body, and wield it as you would a quill. From now forward, you pen a letter to those above with your life. Spirit - Live in tune with the tayna- the living energy that runs through the veins of the world, and within the veins of every creature that walks it. The energy that both contains us, and that we contain within. For those that live at one with the tayna will be able to bring the Eternal Forest to the earth. Open your eyes, and look within the balance to show you the path ahead. Trust in the will of the tayna, and allow it to guide your actions within the world. To Be in Tune with the Tayna Bring yourself to the present moment. The song does not exist within the past, nor the future. Do not allow your mind to bring you to these places. Do not dwell on the events of the past, nor on what has yet to come. Be mindful of them, but do not allow them to tear you from the present. Do not allow your worries, or your shame to distract you. Focus. It will determine where you are. If you live within the past, then within the past you shall live. If you seek to reach into the future, the moment you are in will slip by without notice. Be now. Keep your serenity. A calm mind brings strength, and through strength you will endure. When you are in tune with the tayna, you will become one with it. It will make its will known to you, deep in your heart. When you are in tune with the tayna, your feelings will guide you towards its will. You will be able to sense its cadences, its ripples. You will be able to read them as one reads a book. Trust in your feelings and in your instincts when you are at peace. It may be the will of the balance making itself known to you. To Fight for Harmony Cities of stone are great wounds upon the earth. Great wounds within the tayna- within the Balance. Picture this place, the bustling roads full of people. Picture the great towers of cut stone that threaten to pierce the sky. Now picture a ruin. A fallen fortress within your mind’s eye. It is overgrown, reclaimed by the life around it. Between the stones in the walls, life stretches between, breaking even the tallest of walls into piles of rubble. Water floods once busy causeways, washing away even the memories of the past into the rivers and into the oceans. This is the power of the tayna when it is allowed to heal. Life reclaims all in due time. These stone palaces can know no permanence when left at peace. When the bustling roads become barren, and the constant fight against the balance ends, the tayna reclaims. As adherents of the tayna, our fight must be to bring this peace to fruition- to end the constant fight against nature, that these wounds may heal on their own. By this, I do not mean to fight against those within cities. I do not intend to end the city as we know it. No, our path lies in teaching harmony to those within cities and stone. Look to Irrinor. Look to Talus, though it is not a city of its own- many people live within its borders. These places are examples of how we may live in harmony and peace with nature. See how the streets themselves are bountiful with life, and the places in which they live provide bounty of their own. In return, they provide protection for the land upon which they rest. The tayna need not fear wounds within their bounds. They work in tandem for mutual benefit. Bring this harmony to the world, and fight against those that would seek to upset it. Fight against those that would have discord and chaos.
  22. [CA Race Lore] - Kharajyr Kharajyr Origin The creation story of the Kharajyr is one not bound to the tomes and tales of old, nor found on any shelves known to the world. It is held within the minds of those scholars who are considered madmen, those who are denounced and forbidden to speak. These men are the wisest and yet they suffer the worst fates. It is one of these scholars who bravely defied his peers and came forth to impart the story of the Kharajyr to the Aelkos, and it has since then been passed down generation-by-generation. The legend tells that in the dark times of old, during the world’s infancy -- a time few people believe existed where powerful Aenguls & Daemons roamed freely -- a time before Iblees’ War, there was an old wives’ tale whispered from the tongues of ancient storytellers. They spoke of a Daemon, one who kidnapped elven babies in the shadows of nightfall from their very homes. Metztli in her humanoid form However, it wasn't an isolated tale and was commonly known to many in their afflicted areas. Despite this, few knew the truth of these tall tales -- a reality unheard in this world: under the cover of silver starlight, the Daemon Metztli would visit lonely farmsteads and hovels in the forests. Called by the cries of infant elves, she would arrive with an intent to steal the children away, even before their parents, brothers, and sisters. Legend has it that Metztli’s form was so beautiful those adults who looked upon her were driven mad. Manic, their parents would tear free their eyes to blind themselves from such an enchanting appearance. Fearing and denying the truth, elders would attribute this phenomenon to the intense grief the parents experienced from their child’s kidnapping rather than an otherworldly being’s influence. However, the reality behind the disappearances unfortunately does not end with the vanishment of children. What followed is the birth of the Kharajyr race -- a race of elves, and a race of feral cats mixed as one. A magical science experiment, one carefully conducted to produce the ultimate result Metztli could manufacture. These elven children were taken far away to a paradise within the blue expanse of ocean waters. Amidst the waves stood an island of extraordinary beauty, giving life to an incredible variety of fauna and flora that stood as a bastion to Metztli’s incredible power, beauty, and control in this world. All that was missing was sentience; Metztli needed a master race. Feral felines that called the island their home were collected by Metztli, and in a series of horrifying magic-ridden experiments, they were crossed with the infants. It took centuries of perfection and genetic tweaking, hundreds of hideous failures discarded into the ocean as vile homunculi, monsters and disgusting atrocities incapable of being considered sentient. Metztli at last created a single white, humanoid feline. This was the first of the Kharajyr, the father; he of the Purest blood. Overwhelmed with joy, Metztli immediately adopted a maternal desire to protect this child of her’s, to nurture him, and to bring forth from him a new race of his kind to this world. After all, she had created what she deemed to be perfection. Desperation overtook her desires to recreate her perfect design, and in spite of countless more failures, Metztli managed to create a hand full of Kharajyr. Just enough for them to spawn an entire race. When her children had matured, she knew that it was time to depart the island paradise and leave her children to thrive alone, to exist and advance as any race in this world would. Although the Daemon’s true intentions for the creation of these people were never revealed, it has been speculated that she wished to recreate a long-lost lover who was stolen away from her in times past. Others say she wished to grant the world a race of beings in her own ultimate image, and still, others suggest Metztli wished only to play the vain game of God and nurture over beings beneath her. Time may tell her true intentions, but for now, the Kharajyr grows. The origin story has been tweaked in order to fit this lore rewrite. Physical Description Kharajyr, often referred to as Metztli’s children are a race created by the Daemon Metztli. Their form is that of a humanoid feline, with their subraces taking on the appearance of different types commonly seen. Their heights vary according to the subrace they belong to. They retain their feline appearance with their tail, pointed and jointed ears, an elongated snout or maw, retractable claws in the toes and hands, and palms in the shape of paws. However, they retained the trait of opposable thumbs from the elves, allowing them the ability to manipulate objects articulately like other humanoids. The feet more closely resemble their feline counterparts and at the ankle, the Kharajyr retain their feline predecessor’s dewclaw, which can become an issue when fitting shoes or socks. Kharajyr receive another boon from their unnatural origin -- the ability to eat nigh anything, including flesh to slight carrion from the bone. Kha’ possess some degree of heightened senses regarding their big cat counterparts, including moderately enhanced hearing, along with more capable photoreceptors within their eyes, enabling a Kharajyr to take a somewhat significant advantage in a darkened environment over any other race. Pelts, Hair, & Eyes: The Kha race retains their feline appearance with their fur coat, appearing with the texture of a real-world cheetah, tiger, panther or leopard, depending on the sub-race they belong to and that of their parents. Head fur as it is called, is a unique thing for kharajyr. While women can grow hair as normal Descendants, males typically can’t and instead grow manes. Kharajyr can braid their manes and hair in order to personalize it, with the addition of non-permanent colorations such as war paint being allowed. Eye color ranges in the colors of normal human eyes along with the coppery yellow, green or orange of cats. Kha’Tigrasi The largest of Metztli’s children and often the strongest. These tend to be the hard workforce of the kharajyr or the common warrior; though they are not limited to such. Tigrasi are adorned with an orange coat accented with black stripes. The Tigrasi, being one of the largest sub-races, reaches between 6.4ft - 7.5ft in height. Kha’Pantera The most cunning of Metztli’s offspring. Almost always, the pelt of a pantera is jet-black, though can be dark grey or might ascend to a dusty grey, either with age or just by an anomaly. Often, due to the coloring of a Pantera’s fur, it can be rather difficult to read their emotions through the subtle movement of their eyebrows or the shaping of their mouths. Following the Tigrasi closely the Pantera reach between 4.5ft - 7ft in height. Kha’Cheetrah The fastest and in turn historically the shortest of Metztli’s children. Those of this sub-race are commonly found to hold jobs such as merchants or the production of daily goods for the Kharajyr. Typically, their fur is a bright to dusted yellow along with brown patches or spots. Being one of the smallest sub-races of Kha’, the Cheetrah reach between 3.6ft - 5.2ft in height. Kha’Leparda The fourth child of the Goddess stands as Her creation for balance, standing near the middle of the four in height and build. While they originally were known for being priests they now branch out to many professions. Their pelts normally are a light tan to darker and medium yellows. The Leparda reaches between 3ft - 6.2ft in height. Red Lines: - A Kharajyr’s coat is thick, allowing them to stay warm; however, this is also a detriment in the war-torn world of LoTC. Armor is difficult to wear, and may cause overheating. - Additionally, a Kharajyr’s dewclaw and digitigrade leg anatomy prevents the wear of common footwear. Any footwear must be specifically created for the Kharajyr. - A Kha’ with a removed or ‘docked’ tail retain minimal ability to balance. All agility is lost should this occur, and the Kharajyr will commonly fall even while standing still without their tail. - A non-Kha’Tigrasi submerged in water retains an incredible water weight given their fur coat. This slows them, and causes great loss of agility after drenched unless dried. - All Kharajyr regardless of age or knowledge will speak with an accent. This is required due to their anatomy of a maw/snout and small incisor teeth alongside large canines. - Kharajyr do not possess manipulable lips like other humanoids and can not easily articulate words regardless of age or knowledge. - A Kha’Cheetrah will never run as fast as their real-life counterpart. It is better comparable to an Olympic sprinter. - Kha’ are incapable of reproduction with other races. No mixed-race offspring are permissible. - Armor, particularly heavy armor, is impossible to come by in Kharajyr culture. Lamellar is an option although it is highly uncommon and, despite its purpose to reduce overheating and maintain agility, it still induces heat stroke with ease. Life Cycle 0-1 years old – Kitten 1'2" - 1'8" In this age range, the Kha’ cannot talk and can only walk on all fours. 1-5 years old -- Kitten 1’8" - 3'0" This is the progression of minor physical maturity. Walking and talking will be very hard, but they still vaguely capable of doing so with some effort. Their teeth will be grown in. 5-16 years old -- Cub 3ft+ During this time they are fully maturing (full maturity reached at 18). 16-450 years old -- Adult At this age, the Kharajyr would continue to grow and are now able to speak fluently, most commonly with a thick Kha’ accent. It is not possible for a Kha’ to speak without one given their anatomy. 451-600 years old -- Old Age After passing the age of 450 they will now begin to age considerably and their movements would begin to slow. They grow physically weak. Once 500 is reached, the kharajyr would now either by very frail or weak, primarily due to the fact the Kharajyr is now entering the last years of its life. Age affects the subraces slightly different depending on the features of the particular individual. For example, larger kha are susceptible to heart and back issues while smaller tend to be joint-related. It is common to see that the members of a pride that have reached this age are taken care of and fed by the younger members of said pride, often living in cots decorated according to their status in their pride. 600 y/o is the natural capacity that the Kha’ can live unless magically assisted. Red Lines: - FTB is only permissible for 20+ Kha’. - Kha’ may not age beyond 600 y/o. This is their biological limit. - Kha’ aged 0-5 must walk on all fours as a typical cat. They may not speak and do not progress the same as elven counterparts would as a child. Progression begins at the age of 10. Crossbreeding Crossbreeding in the Kharajyr race happens only amongst the sub-races of Kharajyr. It, in general, does not change much Kharajyr anatomy other than their fur and the range at which their healthy height and weight can maximize or minimize it. (IE: A half-Tigrasi/half-Cheetrah would be taller and larger built, though typically they will maintain lesser agility to a typical Cheetrah). Crossbreeding does not signal impurity in the race. Mental Description Fanatically religious tribalists, the Kharajyr have a great affinity for the Muun and the greater advancement of their people -- despite the technological plateauing of their entire society at a basic level. This is to the extent of all kharajyr performing a faith trial where they nearly kill themselves in faith that Muuna will allow them to live, by putting their lives in her hands. They also have a great desire to learn about their position in the world, though use little of their knowledge to impact their work. Despite their fanatic point of view, the Kharajyr have minimal interest in indoctrinating other races. The only exception to this has to be approved by a priest to allow a non-kha to be considered a soul kha. The soul kha are honorary kha that observe all Kharajyr beliefs within reason considering their physical race. The reasoning for this allowance is that the kharajyr believes that it is possible that their siblings may have been born in the wrong body, and as such, they wish to have their soul-kin as close to Metztli as possible by allowing them into their society. To receive this recognition is of the highest honor and should this honor be sullied by the actions of this individual, a mercy killing may be performed by a priest. Kharajyr are sometimes innately precarious, similar to their feline counterparts -- however, this is not required and differs between individuals. Precarious Kha’ are careful in all they do, often causing overthinking and the complexification of rather ordinary situations. However, this allows the Kharajyr to prepare for the best and worst of any situation. This sense of caution has also been the effect of the constant persecution made by other races in order to acquire their pelts. Red Lines: - Kharajyr hate loud noises. Their acute sense of hearing causes your typical shout to be almost painfully loud if in close proximity, and are sometimes brought to anger in these instances. - Wealth is not desirable by the Kharajyr, especially their priests. Kharajyr have no purpose in holding material wealth other than for cosmetic appearance, and it is frowned upon by the Kharajyr to hoard massive amounts of riches for little purpose other than to gloat. - Any knowledge obtained by the curious Kharajyr is rarely utilized to advance any methods in Kharajyr culture. Abiding by tradition is law, and it is heavily frowned upon to tinker and attempt to abandon the old ways. - Kharajyr must be taught to enjoy the water. It is a learned concept, bathing with water instead of by the tongue; it is considered rude to clean themselves with their tongue in the company of others, as well. Abilities Despite their divine origin, the Kharajyr have not been granted any unnatural abilities or magical ones. All abilities stem from their natural anatomy. Nightsight A Kharajyr is equipped with the advanced photoreceptors of a feline and therefore have the natural ability to maintain visibility in low light. Total darkness in an enclosed space does not allow vision, however, under the cover of starlight alone, a Kharajyr can see clearly in the dark. - A Kharajyr, if presented with intense light whilst the eyes are focused for nightsight, will be temporarily blinded. - Nightsight incredibly reduces the range of vision. Only nearby light reflected from surfaces will be easily visible unless a higher level light source is distanced. Mechanically, a 16 block distance is visible. - This is a passive ability. Acute Hearing A Kharajyr is equipped with acute hearing and jointed ears, allowing them to turn towards the direction of the desired focus. When rotated in the proper direction, a Kharajyr is capable of superior hearing and can hear #quite chat more easily, including #whispers. - A Kharajyr can be temporarily deafened if a loud noise, such as a firework explosion, occurs within 10 blocks of their person. A shout within 5 blocks will cause pain, but not deafness. - A Kharajyr may only hear #quiet within 12 blocks distance. - A Kharajyr may only hear #whisper within 4 blocks distance. - This is a passive ability. General Red lines/ Restrictions - CA application is required to rp as a Kharajyr of any subrace - Do not actually run as fast as their real-life counterparts. A Kha’Cheetrah is not going to run 60 mph. - Their strength would not surpass that of an olog - The Kharajyr can’t reproduce with other races - Between the ages of 0-29, kha can’t walk or talk properly. - A kha can’t walk properly if its tail has been cut off, thus serving the purpose of allowing them to keep their balance.
  23. Feat - Golemancy Background/Origin Before the Braveaxe, Firemane and Irongut’s first rediscovered the ancient art of soulbound golemancy, it was first practiced and used by the Scriberfolk, an ancient civilization that existed in Kal’Karik. The Scriberfolk had a much greater understanding of golemancy than those of the present-day Golemancers, knowing golemancy beyond a fundamental level. This knowledge was then lost to the Scriberfolk when the Ironborn took power, as they then caused the blood age and the purging of a great many dwarven secrets, most damaging to past and present Golemancers; how golem cores function. Hope, however, was not lost entirely, with the aforementioned family of Braveaxe spending generations to rediscover some of the secrets of the Anvil of Urguan, leading to the cooperation of Thorik Braveaxe (then to become Thorik Grandaxe), Gotrek Firemane and Hiebe Irongut through experimentation and failure eventually leading to the creation of Grey Vigil, the first soulbound golem of King of Urguan. Following the destruction of Aegis, the descendants arrived in Asulon, it would be in this land that one of the Scriberfolks many secrets would be rediscovered as golemancers learned of lightning-bound golemancy from ancient texts, tablets and more importantly, a functioning lightning-bound golem to whom greeted the dwarves on the discovery of Karik. Over time, Golemancers began to experiment with the idea of applying golems limbs to descendants. While this sort of work did lean more to the macabre, it worked. Those unlucky few that had lost their limbs in battle or otherwise were gifted with one more chance to live a normal life. As with most things, this did come at a cost. Those with golem limbs began to die sooner than expected, or rather before the lifespan of their race suggested. Puzzled, golemancers of the time began to study this, though it may seem morally wrong to use descendants like guinea pigs, it did lead to a better understanding of golem limbs in the future. The golem limbs draw from the soul blueprint of the user, thusly shortening their lifespan. In the realms that followed, Golemancers would slowly begin to get a firmer grasp of the art form, learning many long lost secrets such as the creation of the first thanhic golem; a golem similar to the lightning-bound would make use of a power source that wasn’t a descendants soul, revolutionizing the way golems were made. The thanhic golem was essential as the past repeated itself, Golemancers following in the steps of the Scriberfolk as many of those who knew how to create lightning-bound would pass, their secrets lost to all but a rare few, becoming a lost creation process with thanhic replacing it. Further experimentation led to the development of the first multi-core golems to which were superior to the ones that had come before them. Also came the swift & brawn golems; the swift golem matching the size and stature of a dwarf and able to perform tasks more suited to something of a less cumbersome size, whereas with the brawn golem this led to a creature of massive size, slow and lacking in finesse but able to perform feats of strength akin to Ologs. Later discoveries included the development of anti golem technologies to which would be used by Golemancers to finally have a way to combat their creations should they turn red, or have one of their own go rogue. These technologies were developed from the study and research into the Hammer of Ardol, leading to the creation of poor replicas that would become known as disruption cores that could disable the control of various parts of a Golem. Another revolutionary piece of dwarven ingenuity would be the creation of disrupter spikes, designed to target Golemancers to which could sever their ability to create Golems. Magic Explanation Golemancy is the art of turning inanimate stone into a sentient construct capable of performing tasks commanded by the golem’s Impera. The constant pursuit of the perfect golem, one that will not and cannot disobey its master. While not easy, to learn Golemancy one must seek out an advanced and learned Golemancer, with the ability to teach. To learn the full extent of the art, one may need to learn from different teachers, as not every Golemancer knows every possibility available. The only requirement to begin learning Golemancy is that the prospective student has an undamaged soul and is physically capable of crafting golems. Golemancy is a tedious feat, requiring many hours of practice, pursuing unattainable perfection. Golemancy is not powered by any diety or specific place, but rather by the craft. The runes are powered by the core, which is powered by the soul or thanhium within the core. Golemancy can be learned from anyone with a valid TA, though, if a teacher has not learnt something in the advanced section, they may not teach it. Golemancy users must have a valid MA. While the creation of the mundane, materialistic parts of a golem may be done using magic, such as transfiguration or runesmithing, the golem itself may not be charged or have any magic other than Golemancy bound to it. Abilities/Spells Name: The Body Name: Golemancy Runes Name: Golem Anvils Name: Golem Core Name: Golem Limbs Name: The Soulbound Golem Name: The Thanhic Golem Name: The Swift Golem Name: The Brawn Golem Name: The Multi-Core Golem Name: The Disrupter Spike Name: The Disrupter Core Red Lines While golemancers may be perfectionists, they are not perfect. Golemancy is not only a feat but a pursuit after the perfect servant, the perfect golem. Golemancers will make mistakes and golems will become red. Golemancers ought to roleplay failing more often than succeeding. This concept should be applied to everything in Golemancy, from the sculpting of the torso to the carving of the runes on the core, to the creation of the disrupter spike. Golemancy itself has no restrictions regarding other magics the users have or can have. Teaching It must be understood that everything in Golemancy is taught or experimented. One cannot simply role-play for a bit and say they figured out, on their own, how to craft a Disrupter Spike. Such things must either be taught or sufficiently experimented to learn. Golemancy is the sort of feat where one may learn things out of turn, it is truly up to the teacher and as such there are no tiers, but rather a suggested ‘curriculum’ if you will. Carving and the construction of the mundane parts of the golem. The body and limbs. The runes of the golem, the way that the golem functions and how to apply the runes correctly onto the golem’s surface. Teaching protocols for future use for golemantic constructs. Learning how to make the core, carve the runes, and install the thanhic core into a golem followed by the activation of the golem. Proper installations of a command followed by piloting said golem. How to carve a golem limb for a descendant, lessons on various tools, limb/eye surgery, and measurements. How to then install the small core and various runes onto the limb The attachment of a golemantic limb/optic to a person. Advanced Lessons - This part of golemancy needs to be taught by someone who knows it or experimented to find it. Proper usage of a golem anvil, how it functions. Lessons on manipulating the cores. After several IRL years of practice (2 weeks), they may begin implementing the cores into golem bodies. Understanding the fundamentals of disruptor runes. Learning to carve disruptor runes and craft disruptor cores Imbuing items with disruptor cores before finally capable of crafting disruptor spike Purpose (OOC) This section is where you describe what purpose your lore is serving, what it is bringing to the table that other lore pieces aren’t, and why it fits into LotC’s canon. Golemancy serves as an excellent example of the greed and desire that dwarves have for the most efficient way to achieve their goals. The feat in and of itself is incredibly useful in roleplay when applied in labour and sometimes in combat. Additionally, it adds another dimension to dwarven roleplay that allows for a darker and more mysterious way to play a dwarf. Within Aegis’ society, the soulbound golem became a key way to handle capital punishment for the most horrific of crimes, not only ending the existence of the criminal but forcing them into indentured servitude until the soul is drained or it turns red from damage or age. Citation Spoiler This lore piece draws heavily from Dizzy771’s post on golemancy. Here. Link to the LoTC Wiki on Golemancy. Here. Link to the LoTC Wiki on Golems. Here. Link to the LoTC Wiki on Arcaurum. Here. Link to the LoTC Wiki on Arcaurum/Mage Gold. Here. Link to the forum post on Arcaurum/Mage Gold. Here. Link to the LoTC Wiki on Thanhium. Here. Big thanks to DrHope and Kirrekith for helping with writing and ideas on several topics in the lore.
  24. House Stafyr Table of Contents Known Living Stafyrs Prelude Line of Hanethor Line of Galtor Line of Sybilla History The Birth of House Stafyr The Rise of Saint Godwein Clash of Brothers The Golden Age of Stafyr Falcons Fall Stafyrian Renaissance The Modern Era Family Tree Heirlooms Lords of Stafyr I - Known Living Stafyrs Prelude Any living Stafyr not mentioned in the document below is urged to contact the patriarch of House Stafyr, his heir or any castellan serving the house in order to adjust the document accordingly. All living Stafyrs can be categorized into the three primary lines of Stafyr. That being the line of Hanethor, Galtor and Sybilla. From these three children of Beorn multiple successor lines can be drawn out. Most notably the successor lines of Hanethor such as Thondorus which Saint Godwein was born into. Now presumed extinct. Other lines is that of the current lords of Stafyr who can trace lineage to the 3rd son of Hanethor, Servakin. Throughout history most lords of Stafyr belonged to the line of Hanethor with exception for a time when the house was primarily lorded by the line of Galtor after the fall of the Imperium Tertius to the death of Eadwulf Stafyr after the Greyspine Rebellion when Kristoff Ludvic Stafyr was granted the title Lord of Stafyr. The infighting between Lord Eadwulf and Lord Kristoff caused a rift in the house where the family of Eadwulf was called the Stafyr-Thurants whilst the family of Kristoff was titled Stafyr-Grauspins. After the disownment of Godwein III. son of Eadwulf the Stafyr-Thurants had gone fully extinct and Stafyr-Grauspin was the only remaining surviving line of this rift, declaring themselves lords of all Stafyr. Line of Hanethor - Lord Alaric Leopold Stafyr, Son of Erich Stafyr ((Pureimp10) Hektor Frederik Stafyr, Son of Alaric Leopold Stafyr ((Nathanbarnett36)) Viktoria Andrea Stafyr, Daughter of Alaric Leopold Stafyr ((TheIchorDruid)) Lady Katherine Marie Ruthern, Née Stafyr, Daughter of Leopold Kristoff Stafyr ((sirenscall_)) Line of Galtor – Symon Stafyr, Son of Ser Gerard II. Stafyr Line of Sybilla – Sir Konrad Arthur Stafyr KM, Son of Cedric II. Stafyr ((AndrewTech)) Georg Ulric Stafyr, Son of Konrad Arthur Stafyr Lady Isabel Josephine Stafyr, Daughter of Konrad Arthur Stafyr ((RaynaStar)) Lady Johanna Milena Amador, Née Stafyr, Daughter of Konrad Arthur Stafyr ((Dovely_) Alberich Stafyr, Son of Albert Stafyr II - History The Birth of House Stafyr, 1250-1360 It is unknown from where exactly Beorn the first known Stafyr was born. However as the language written by later Stafyrs resembles that of old hansetian it is commonly assumed that he was a descendant of a proto-hansetian tribespeople called the Almannir. Almannir were a horse faring people that established small hamlets and wooden villages that could be easily be abandoned and migrated. They had trade relations with what would later be the early modern human kingdoms but mostly kept to themselves and what has been written down could more be interpreted as fables and stories rather then history itself. Most of what is known of the Almannir has been passed on by father to son. *Assumed fresco of Almannir horsemen* It is said in the Book of Tales translated from old Almannir by Isobar Kurben that Beorn had committed a terrible sin by killing his own mother and being forced out of his home stealing all of value from his family such as the crown of Almannir but no other account found other than this states this fact making it very unclear what actually happened. What is known is that he abandoned his family name and adopted the name Stafyr. Beorn had two sons Hanethor and Galtor and a daughter Sybilla who founded the three primary-lines of Stafyr, named after them.The lines were known for the Hanethorians strong sense of honour, Galtorians loyalty to its house and the Sybillan lawfulness and just ways. It can be assumed that Hanethor the First and Galtor fought in Aegis in order to protect their families and to let them move on to the new world and Sybilla has since the journey from Aegis been missing in any known records of Stafyrian history and with their deaths Thondorus son of Hanethor took the reins to usher Stafyr into the Asulonian era. It is noted that the homestead of Rivacheg was founded by the remaining survivors of House Stafyr at the coast of the wastelands of Hanseti, led by Thondorus Stafyr together with other Almannir and Hansetians. After a couple of years, Thondorus passed away due to an illness combined with his growing age and his son Graveth assumed the seat as the head of House Stafyr and was elected by the villagers as master and bailiff of Rivacheg. Graveth's reign continued the peace in Rivacheg and let the family grow again. His three sons, of which the last one was named Hanethor II., brought new hope to the House Stafyr as the sons and daughters of Galtor and Sybilla were nowhere to be seen. Graveth’s oldest son Theor was from early aged groomed to lead the house into the future whilst his other sons Uldorzil and Hanethor II. were raised to be a scholar and warrior as to aid the homestead in the future. Rivacheg attracted plenty of trade and attention from other Hansetic villages spread around the southern wastes of Asulon and its strong wooden supplies were shipped all around the kingdoms of mankind such as Renatus, Salvus and Seventis. The men of House Stafyr got a reputation for being strong craftsmen and skilled lumberjacks a trait and mark that has been passed down in generation after generation. The Rise of Saint Godwein, 1360-1426 Godwein was born as the first grandson of Graveth and showed at a very young age a strong aptitude for learning and hunger for knowledge. Graveth personally took Godwein into his care and made him his pupil. Soon after Godweins sisters birth his mother Ravenna fell ill and shortly perished followed by her husband soon after who with a broken heart died of grief. Nevertheless Godwein and his uncles Uldorzil and Hanethor II. stood strong and kept House Stafyr up together with the now elderly Graveth. Not much else is known of Godwein’s youth. Unfortunately when Godwein was away hunting a band of marauding knights destroyed Rivacheg and killed all villagers and family of Stafyr. Godwein who had been out on a hunting trip came back to find his entire family slaughtered and home burnt down. He’d leave to never look back and after a woodsman had found the body of Graveth in the forests surrounding Rivacheg. He had the godliness in him to track down Godwein and hand him his will and the artifacts of Beorn were recovered by him. Godwein took the odd work around the sprawling kingdoms of man eventually settling himself in Arethor for a while working as a lumberjack for the construction of the new capitol and a humbling friendship began between him and the young Saint Godfrey. *Construction of Arethor* After the construction of Arethor, Godwein travelled to the Adunian settlement of Ildon where he navigated the Adunian politics and was by ducal and imperial decree granted the title of Baron and promised a fief of his own but with the internal infighting that brew during the reign of Artorus Elendil led to the fiefdom never being realized until much later after the Taurus rebellion and the brief ascension of Torrhen Elendil as lord of the Adunians. Godwein led the house for a long time and had two sons with his wife Alesira, Graveth II. and Theor II., During his leadership the family grew in size as Stafyrs from all of Oren started to come back and it was discovered that all lines of Hanethor, Galtor and Sybilla were all flourishing. Some Stafyrs that reunited with the house at the time were people such as the later Lord Edmund, Ser Farley, Emmanuel the Guardian of Stafyr and Lady Leana, wife of the last White Rose, Edmond Brunswick. The house established its first hold in Elysium in the small fortified village of Huntshill overlooking New Arethor, where the life of House Stafyr flourished and the house gained more political influence in the Holy Oren Empire as Godwein was named Lord Privy Seal by the emperor Godfrey and was promised a march under House Silverblade when more permanent lands were settled. *The Barony of Huntshill* During these times House Stafyr participated in many of the diplomatic dealings of the empire and Edmund Stafyr was knighted for his bravery in a skirmish outside New Arethor where he according to reports saved Godwein’s life During the blissful life of the Huntshill Stafyrs the primary heir of the house, Graveth II. the first son of Godwein committed a terrible sin and made a dark elven woman pregnant out of wedlock. Godwein was furious and had Graveth disinherited for his sinful behaviour and due to this Graveth went into a self imposed exile in the citystate of Eyveror. Oren’s influence grew and both Ser Edmund and his brother Farley were sworn to the knightly chapter of the Lion and Farley was personally squired by the later Jonathan of House Black later known as King John of Hanseti. Eyveror was seen as a bastion of sin and ungodly behaviour and when it became known that they were harboring wanted Adunian rebels from the Tarus rebellion Oren declared war on Eyveror and raised all its banners. Godwein who had never been a warrior sent Edmund to lead the Stafyrian retinue and as Eyveror could not resist the onslaught the city was sacked and burnt to the ground. Edmund spent the entire sack looking for his cousin Graveth but he was nowhere to be found. Shortly after the sack Graveth would return to Huntshill and was allowed back as a family member however no longer as the heir as that had now passed on to his brother, Theor II. *Sack of Eyveror* When the island group of Kalos was discovered House Stafyr together with House Valois led by Duchess Chrestienne Valois built a large manor on top of a mountain, overlooking the island claimed by Oren and the house prospered together with the Auverginians and the manor was an impressive landmark overlooking the Orenian settlement and a staple to visit whilst wandering the Kalosian mountains. It was on this island Godweins two sons both in short succession disappeared without notice. It is believed that Graveth still felt to much shame for what he had done and could not raise his half-breed bastards in Oren. It is by many accounts known that Graveth would eventually sire at least ten other bastards throughout his life. Theor would many years later return to the house and explained his long absence to the pressure of being made heir and that he was overwhelmed by the task and did not want it. Leaving it to what he felt was more competent kinsmen. However he would soon after be killed by a boar whilst hunting in Salvus. In Anthos House Stafyr was given the southeastern shores of Oren, the land was named Schattenburg and the house were made vassals of the ducal House Silverblade. Stafyr continued to prosper, Godwein was named Lord Treasurer and Grand Justice by the emperor Saint Godfrey. But one morning Godwein was found dead. Laying on the steps of the throne room of the Shadowcastle. His life ended peacefully with his heart succumbing. After his death people noticed strange events occur after praying in the church of Feldkirch and when his grave was opened it was noticed that he had barely any signs of his death and his shield and axe had not begun to rot. After this was examined by the church Godwein was sanctified and named the patron Saint of honesty, woodworkers, fungi and skin afflictions. Due to the fungi affliction he had been cursed by in the caves of the Mori’quess that was covering half his body. Clash of Brothers, 1426-1435 Saint Godwein’s great nephew Ser Edmund was now made to rule House Stafyr as he was next in the line of succession. Edmund being a very content man in life had no aim to seek glory or power, his main wish was to keep the legacy of Godwein and House Stafyr safe from the growing unrest in Oren. He had for some years been a knight in the Chapter of the Lion and his main duty was to that, fighting the enemies of Oren and protecting the empire and the imperial family. Edmund managed to keep House Stafyr out of most internal conflicts, mainly the Teuton - Blackmont war where House Stafyr stayed neutral, sending no men to fight for either side. Godwein had shortly before his passing arranged so that Edmund was married to the last known living member of House Geminine, Angelika Geminine and with her titleage he was bestowed by her the lordship of her House as well. Thus in theory making it so that House Geminine was merged into House Stafyr. However this merge was brief as male members of Geminine would years later resurface and reclaim the title peacefully. *Edmund holding court in Schattenburg* The death of Godwein had created a purpose for both brothers of Brenton. Edmund and Farley. They both worked diligently to preserve the legacy of Godwein but they both saw it as different ideas. Whilst Edmund as a lord wished to maintain the prominence of the house and its status as a peaceful and loyal house, Farley saw it most important to protect the house from sinfulness and disloyalty as he was appointed Guardian of Stafyr. Farley would often spend times trying to groom the unruly young man Alistier Stafyr who would later serve as the personal squire of Prince Pertinax Horen. Alistier reminded many older members of the house of Graveth II. especially Farley who would do what he saw fit to ensure that such a disgraceful action like that of Graveth didn’t take place once again. During these times Ser Farley’s marriage to the adultress and sinner Kinra Stark was absolved by the church and he began a courtship with Lady Emily of House Baelish after being granted permission to do so by Lord Adorellan Baelish. According to a journal written by Farley he was given permission to this after he made a jest so hilarious that Adorellan could not refuse his request. The everyday life of Stafyr would soon be shattered as Edmund and Farley got into a fight. According to the journals of Edmund the fight began due to Alistier having being beaten by Farley. Edmund had ordered his brother to stop such actions and that it was not his duty to attack kinsmen in order to groom them. Farley argued otherwise and was once more ordered to never lay a hand on a kinsman and if so would be punished. Farley’s reaction was swift as he once more assaulted Alistier and Edmund out of rage ordered his brother’s disownment and banishment. They both rushed outside into the courtyard of Schattenburg and into a cold autumn storm. Whilst they were shouting at each other Farley would charge towards Edmund and unfortunately blinded by rage, Edmund instinctively drew his sword and slashed it upwards as Farley lunged towards him. There on the mud covered grounds of the Schattenburg courtyard it was that Ser Farley Stafyr drew his last breaths before Lord Daniel Baelish who’d witnessed it all plunged his sword into Farley, ending his misery and sending him to the seven skies. *Edmund killing his brother, Farley* Edmund who had in the end always loved his brother would after this lock himself in his study for days. Only allowing his closest family and a few select servants inside. The servants would be seen coming and going with plates of food. They were always full. Edmund would not sleep, eat or rest and many say that even though he was only in his late thirties he would look like he was an aged old man. The exhaustion of this sent him into a heavy fever and he became delirious. According to Edmund’s journals during this fever he had a terrible nightmare whilst sleeping, in his dream he saw Farley surrounded by fire. He saw this a sign from the creator that the sins of Edmund kept Farley in purgatory and that he could not join the seven skies until Edmund had been absolved of his sin. When his fever was gone Edmund departed to the holy lands, to fight in the crusades to redeem himself in the eyes of the creator, leaving his wife, his daughter and his entire family at home whilst he fought for the creator and Oren. Naming Alistier as lord-regent in his absence. With him joined the entire chapter of the Lion now led by his imperial highness Prince Pertinax of Horen and they fought valiantly in orcish lands and Edmund was granted the title of Grand Ser and Knight-Lieutenant of the Chapter of the Lion. A year later after the holy relics had been recovered he would return home to his family, resuming lordship of the house. The house would remain stable for a few years and a son would be born to Lord Edmund and Lady Angelika of House Geminine, they named him Farley after his late brother. House Stafyr would carry on serving the empire under Saint Godfrey and his son Horen V and fought in many battles such as the Sack of Malinor and the astonishing victory at the Battle of the Crossing where the Orenians and high elves stood alone against all other races and crushed them in a swift blow. A display of the true might of Oren. *The Battle of the Crossing* The now Ser Alistier would go on to sire a bastard child. Edmund who was a godly man was furious at his cousin’s adultery and to escape his rage Alistier ran away to hide with House Valois. Edmund assumed this and asked Countess Rose Valois to hand him over to Stafyr but she claimed he was not there. During his stay with Valois, Alistier discovered that Rose Valois was involved in a plot to try and kidnap the daughter to the late Farley and to raise her under Kinra Stark instead of Stafyr. He returned to Schattenburg and told Edmund of this who immediately informed his liege lord Uthor Silverblade. Silverblade ordered all their vassals to raise levies and keep them such until further notice. He also issued a command to the Count of Riven, Daniel Baelish whose fort immediately bordered the Valois manor in Auvergne to construct siege equipment. A ballista was built directly aimed into Rose Valois’s bedroom window and Ser Alexander Valois settled in Schattenburg with the reason of being a claimant against Rose Valois in case of a war. However no war broke out and the conflict ebbed out into nothing. Shortly after the great exodus of Oren, Edmund was named Lord Privy Seal of the faltering empire by the newly crowned Emperor William III. and he was also declared Noble Ser to replace Pertinax Horen as Commander of the Chapter of the Lion. With the new arrangement of knights established by the new Grand Knight Daniel Baelish, Edmund was also given the title of Knight Commander of Renatus. Edmund did however not last long with his new titles. For some time he had been hiding his sickness from family and friends but it had caught up with him. He had been stricken with consumption and was getting worse by the day. His last remaining life he spent in bedrest, saying his farewells to his family until he suddenly passed away. The Golden Age of Stafyr, 1435-1464 Edmund’s son Farley, who was only four years old inherited the lordship and his aunt Leana was named lady regent to rule together with Ser Alistier Stafyr until Farley’s coming of age. Oren was in chaos, the empire collapsed as war ravaged the lands whilst different noble houses grasped for power and land. To protect the house from the wars of man Lady Leana sealed the gates of Schattenburg and the only people allowed entrance was the farmers from Feldkirch and there isn’t any definitive writing what occured between the sealed walls of Stafyr. At sixteen years old Lord Farley II. took over House Stafyr and the house returned from it's self imposed exile and was once again ready to return into the political game that is Oren. Farley quickly rearranged and had his titles adjusted into the common tongue as to not be affiliated with the Hansetic Teutonic order who were considered traitors and from this point Schattenburg and Feldkirch was referred to as Shadowcastle and Fieldchuch. After the brief rule of King Silius Horen, Farley quickly swore his allegiance to House Carrion and the 2nd empire was formed by Saint Siegmund. But the Carrions had many enemies. In an incident with the church, the firstborn son of Lady Leana, named Godwein was lashed by the church without a seemingly just cause. The High-Ecclesiarch of the church was Franz Carrion and this had the young lord Farley angered. He had a meeting arranged to discuss terms with Sophia Horen who was in an open claim against the Carrion hegemony but Walter Stafyr and the bastard of Godwein, Beron Sturm interceded and arranged a meeting with the emperor. There the matter was settled and Stafyr abandoned all ties to Sophia Horen leaving her a landless and weak claimant. Farley who had seen the lies and incompetence of his cousin Godwein asked the emperor to legitimise Beron to ensure that Godwein would not become lord of Stafyr in case of Farley’s early death without a son. Not long after Sophia Horen had laid down her claim the exiled house Tarus, allied with the dwarves and Teutons issued a declaration of war on the Orenian empire and its armies marched towards Shadowcastle. Farley raised his levies and rallied old allies to House Stafyr that had lived in exile since the reign of William the Weak. Such as Amador, Baelish and Pascal all came to aid Stafyr. Together with the armies of Oren the invading rebels, traitors and dwarves were defeated in a tough and gruesome battle. However Shadowcastle was damaged beyond repair and the castle was torn down and in its place a large village was constructed with a wall to act as defenses against any potential invaders. *Siege of Shadowcastle* During the preparations to the battle. Farley had befriended the Lord Marshal Heinrik of Roy and the two had fought side to side during the battle. Not long after, the emperor Siegmund died and instead of a new emperor being elected the empire was reformed into the Holy Kingdom of Oren after an agreement was made with House Winter and Heinrik of Roy was crowned King Heinrik Carrion and under Heinrik the armies of Oren turned their attention south and marched against the dwarven aggressors. Farley was made warden of the south and Lord Privy Seal of the kingdom by King Heinrik. It was also arranged so that his sister Cecilia was swiftly married to the archduke of Herendul his grace Lord Edward Winter and he himself married a cousin to the king, princess Milena Carrion. Aligning the three largest houses of Oren at the time by blood. The now county of Shadowcastle was flourishing and Farley had the houses of Amador and Frost elevated to noble status as barons under him and took in a mercenary company led by the former exiled house of Pascal to assist him in keeping order in return of lodging. Whilst fighting the wars against the dwarves Stafyr would form the rearguard and due to their history of woodworkers they constructed and manned the siege equipment used. During the battle of Thoringrad the Stafyrs broke down all dwarven defenses with great precision and lead Oren into a great victory. For the battle of Indograd, House Stafyr had rallied around four thousand men to fight. A combination of knights, guardsmen and militia House Stafyr made up the second largest military force of Oren during the battle. However this battle ended in a stalemate as the dwarves retreated into a large underground fort and the trench war begun After years of trench warfare an uneasy peace was settled between Oren and its enemies as the draakar Setherien was growing in strength, his cultists spreading havoc around the lands of all mortal races. House Stafyr rallied its men to fight in the northern conflicts and fought hard in the battle of Castle Greywyn. During the battle the army had been divided in two by Setherien with many men trapped north of Grewyn. Setherien destroyed the siege equipment of Stafyr personally and the Stafyrs instead charged. They charged straight through the gates of Greywyn, many men died but the valiant bravery of the Young Lord changed the tide of the battle and the rest of the army charged with them. Shortly after crushing Setherien’s army. It is said that not a single Stafyr soldier who survived in Greywyn left the battle without a scar. *Battle of Greywyn* When the flood of Anthos occured Stafyr settled in a fort by the mountainside called New Huntshill and the house continued to flourish until the Zion wars broke out. In the Zion wars King Heinrik was killed in battle and Franz was declared heir of Oren and was to be crowned king. The same Franz that had in earlier years gotten into a conflict with Stafyr and he was not a forgiving man. For briefly aligning themselves with Sophia Horen, Farley was allowed to retain all his titles, privy council positions but Franz had three fingers on Farley’s left hand cut off in punishment. The Order of Saint Lucien opposed King Franz however due the earlier schism wars that had been between the two. Under the order of Bishop John of Darfey the Decterum were manipulated into murdering their own king and Farley swore fealty to the newly formed Imperium Tertius under Emperor Peter Chivay. During this turbulent times his cousin Godwein denounced the creator in the court of New Huntshill. Furious Farley disowned Godwein from House Stafyr and had him banished from Oren with the promise of death if he ever returned. After seeing Godwein in the capitol just a few weeks later, Farley had his men arrested Godwein and he himself beheaded him on a log outside the city gates. According to the journal of Moris Stafyr, Farley was cold and distant for days after. Farley had been weakened by the death of his friend Heinrik and loss of his fingers and realized if he was to live a full life he could not be lord or he would suffer the same fate as Saint Godwein or his father Lord Edmund. Farley abdicated his titles and designated Symon Stafyr as Lord of Stafyr and Regent until his son Athelstan was of age. Lord Symon Stafyr was not the same man that Farley was. Whilst Farley had been raised his entire life to rule Symon was a shy and awkward man who much more preferred to stand in the back of the room then in the center. However Farley lended as much advise as he could to Symon and Stafyr continued to stand strong as Symon with the establishment of the new capitol settled what would be known as Eastgate. However Roy Carrion, son of the late King Heinrik had been furious with Stafyr for not aligning themselves with the Carrion claimant after the death of Franz and wished for vengeance. In a duel for honour on the isle of Thales, Farley was cut down and killed by the young crow Roy Carrion. However by accounts of the battle it would appear that Farley went into the duel knowing that he would die. That he could not harm the son of his friend. *Dance of the Crow and Faclon* The Falcons Fall, 1464-1521 At the arrival to Athera, Symon settled the coastline of Oren and constructed the village of Werdenberg. There he laid the foundations of some of the largest wheatfields ever seen by man and was jokingly nicknamed “The Bread Count” by his peers due to the fact that Stafyr had enough grain in its storage to supply the entire empire ten times over. The years went on and Stafyr lived quietly in the county of Werdenberg until that of Athelstan son of Farley came of age and was given rule of the county. During Symons rule Stafyr had with the assistance of Amador maintained a strong cavalry force to roam its lands and was considered still a strong house by its numbers but the unstable politics of Oren had left Symons rule tainted with missteps, however in a time where many old noble houses went extinct House Stafyr persevered. Symon was glad to step back and enjoyed a quiet life as a councillor to his former lord’s son until he would many years later die as a content old man married to a woman whom he loved and children that cared for him. Athelstan was in many ways similar to his father, Farley II. He was humble, decisive and a good commander but lacked the ambition and motivation that pushed Farley forward. During the rule of Athelstan he married of plenty of his cousins to other noble houses of higher standings maintaining the strong noble prestige built up by his father but his own idleness and lack of ambition had begun to cost the house prominence. Stafyrs once strong military that had been reformed under Symon and levied by House Amador was whittled down making Werdenberg vulnerable to House Vydra’s rapid expansion. A few years into Athelstan’s rule Werdenberg was without his acceptance absorbed into the realm but also without any defiance. One thing to note is that during Athelstans reign, Stafyr purchased the land of Fursten and there built a fortress named Katzbutg to defend its wheat field. *The Barony of Katzburg* Athelstan himself had early on been betrothed to a young Rovin woman, a match arranged by his close friend Gorn. But the match quickly turned sour. Athelstan supported the failed invasion of Roy Carrion and his betrothed, having her family fight on one side and beloved on the other was to much. She took her own life. The defeat of Roy’s forces and the death of his future wife drove Athelstan to accept vassalisation under Adria. Athelstan shortly after abdicated to the son of Symon, Thomas and vanished into a self imposed exile for the remainder of his life. With the abandonment of Athera and the arrival at Vailor, Thomas established his new fief called Waldstadt in the northern forests of Adria. Shortly after he too abdicated with no heir, leaving the fief and the house under regency for a brief moment before his younger brother Jakob came of age and assumed the lordship. But being a minor lord of Adria during the Dukes’ War there was nothing to be done. He was stripped of the small keep after the surrender of the duchy and the end of the civil war. For the first time in about a century and a half, House Stafyr was unlanded and Jakob died shortly after. *Lord Thomas and Jakob Stafyr* Thomas and Jakob’s reigns were both brief and with the death of Jakob no lord of Stafyr were to be found. Thus with no clear successor many believed that his had been the death of Stafyr and the end of a house stretching from the early beginnings of the Imperial annals causing a interregnum of Stafyr until the ascension of Altaron Stafyr almost thirty years later. Stafyrian Renaissance, 1549-1712 Many noble houses throughout the lands could trace lineage to Stafyr but no trueborn Stafyrs were to be found for many years. Until the son of a distant Galtorian line Altaron made himself known and with his diligence and name established the barony of Arnault under the service of the Archduke of Lorraine. Altaron re-established a competent Stafyr military and had a bustling village. Together with this he was named master of coin of Lorraine and served the archduke diligently for many years. More Stafyr descendants resurfaced from exile and the house was slowly regaining its footing in the politics of man. Altaron was in some ways a mixture of Saint Godwein of Huntshill and Lord Athelstan. He had the diligence and vocabulary of Saint Godwein but lacked ambition and a clear sense of political manoeuvring such as Athelstan. Leaving Altaron as a very humble and content man in life and he ruled as lord of Stafyr for many years as Baron of Arnaut. *Lord Altaron II. Stafyr* But Altarons long reign had him old and with this age came negligence of his barony and duties as master of coin and Altaron was eventually stripped of his titles with the abolition of Lorraine and died as a landless nobleman at the age of seventy. Leaving the title as lord of House Stafyr to his cousin Eadwulf. Eadwulf maneuvered the politics of man much more eloquently than Altaron and quickly gained himself the title of Baron of Thurant and with hostilities brewing after a prince of Staunton had murdered the eight year old count of Joren of House Ruthern. A boy. Stafyr declared allegiance with House Ruthern in the Greyspine Rebellion to reclaim Haense from the Courlandic forces. Stafyr joined with House Barbanov and fought with the armies of Haense against the Courlanders in the Second Battle of the Rothswood, where the Stauntons were humiliated. After the war House Stafyr now a vassal of the Horenian kingdom of Mardon were issued a royal decree for the duchy of Raetia and Stafyr had for the first time in its history risen above the ranks of counts and barons to the title of Duke. Eadwulf begun a military reformation called “The Green Banners Company” to rebuild Stafyrs military from the Golden Age. During these times the sixth empire was declared and Stafyr swore fealty to the new emperor. But at the same time as Eadwulf was rising in ranks, a Hanethorian cousin. The primary line of Stafyr. Called Kristoff Ludvic had risen in ranks within the Kingdom of Haense and had been given the title of Viscount of Grauspin for his service to the King. This created a rift where the Galtorian Stafyrs would under Eadwulf would be called formally the Stafyr-Thurants and the Hanethorians under Kristoff would be called the Stafyr-Grauspins. Both claiming Lordship of all Stafyrs. Someone at this time viciously attack Eadwulf. Slitting his throat but through the sheer luck someone managed to find Eadwulf on the brink of death and brought him to a Cloud Temple Monk that mended his wounds. Leaving a hideous scar along his neck as a reminder. Eadwulf continued to rule Raetia for a few more years but after his assassination attempt he lived in fear and neglected his duties and was stripped of the title of duke. Eventually he peacefully abdicated the Lordship of Stafyr to Kristoff and not long after that he passed away. Kristoff was now made Lord of Stafyr and had a long and peaceful reign under the more common Heartlandic name “Christopher Louis”. One of the agreements made with Eadwulf before his death was that Kristoff would take on Eadwulf’s only son Godwein III. but after his death, the late wife of Eadwulf, Aurelia. Refused to hand over Godwein to the rightful Lord Stafyr and thus he was disowned by order of his lordship and the crown of Haense. Thus mending the Thurant – Grauspin rift, leaving Stafyr-Grauspin as the only true rightful heirs of Stafyr. Kristoff later served under the governments of the Platines Henrik Bihar and Josef Van Alban as ambassador and emissary. He was an avid writer and wrote many treatises on diplomacy and state affairs, the most famous work being Vayrkilar and was an avid critic of the imperial economical systems. He passed away peacefully leaving his lordship and titles to his oldest son Sergei Heinrik Stafyr who for a long time served as Lord of Stafyr and Lord Marshal of Haense. However in a drunken stupor he’d attack his own son Leopold, attempting to murder him. However Leo, being surrounded by loyal Stafyr men was saved by the Hans of Sybilla shooting a crossbow bolt into Sergei. Leopold was made lord of Stafyr after his fathers death and Hans was pardoned as the act was seen as an act of righteous self-defence. Sergei tainting his legacy and being mostly written out of the history books as his son rose to lordship. The Modern Era, 1712-Present Leopold quickly rose through the ranks, establishing the County of Nenzing in the far north once more elevating Stafyr to a committal status. He quickly married Lady Valeria of Baruch whilst his cousin Ser Gerard married the King's sister, Princess Nataya. His diligence in the Haeseni politics quickly granted him the title of Lord Kastellan and assisted the Houses of Vanir and Baruch to establish the counties of Ayr and Vasiland. After the abdication of Konstantin Var Ruthern, Leopold was given the position of Lord Palatine. Together with Marius II of Haense Leopold took part in the Nenzing conspiracy where the lords of Haense and Ves swore fealty to Joseph I, Holy Orenian Emperor after Antonius I, Emperor of Man had dissolved the Empire of Man. During the War of the Two Emperors, House Stafyr fought alongside the armies of Oren in several battles including the Battle of Upper Rodenburg and the Siege of Helena, during the siege the Lord of Stafyr directly commanded the Haeseni men together with Godfric of Alimar. Leopold continued to lead the house through the war becoming a more bitter, blunt and resentful man after seeing his men die. However loyal to their cause he kept fighting. Receiving plenty of scars on his body and losing one eye, Leopold would perhaps be the Stafyr lord in history to have seen the most war and combat. In 1718 the Orenian and Renatian forces would clash once more in what would be known as the Second Battle of Leuven which ended as a Renatian victory after the Orenian army got disorganized and scattered by the Renatians chock tactics. During the battle Leopold received a wound to his side but due to the continued risk of remaining outside of Reza he ordered his men to begin the march north to Nenzing. After about one day and a half the lord collapsed, an infection had gripped his body and after another fourteen hours of bedrest. Leopold died of his wounds. A combination of septic shock and blood loss. His young son Erich was now elevated to lordship with Ser Gerard "The Bear" assuming the mantle of regent until the young boy would come of age. Ser Gerard would go on to distinguish himself as the Lord Justicar of Hanseti-Ruska, implementing his cousin Leopold’s judicial reforms and overhauling the legal system of Haense during his long tenure in the position. During this time, a distant cousin of Lord Leopold’s from the Sybillan line began to distinguish himself, a knight errant of the Kingdom of Haense by the name of Ser Konrad “The Wolfsbane”. A skilled politician and administrator that was mentored by the famed Lord-Palatine and Regent Georg Stanimar, Konrad quickly distinguished himself as the Stafyr representative in the Royal Duma of Haense. After his appointment to the Speakership of the Duma by the Lord-Palatine Lerald Vyronov, Ser Konrad pioneered the institution of a more formalized structure for the Duma and implemented many reforms, shaping the institution into a modernized legislative body. His hard work, determination, and competence caught the eye of King Andrik III of Haense, who summoned him to form a Government in his name as Lord-Palatine and Chancellor of the realm after the resignation of Lord-Palatine Terrence May. Thus, Konrad followed in his cousin Leopold’s footsteps. Overseeing an unprecedented economic boom and leading the Haeseni armies during both the kidnapping of Grand Prince Andrik Petyr Barbanov and the Great Fire of Reza, Ser Konrad would be remembered fondly as a competent bureaucrat and administrator who governed in King Andrik’s name up through the first days of the Ruber War. Together, Ser Gerard and Ser Konrad would go to distinguish the House within the Kingdom of Haense and further bring honor to the Almannir legacy. Upon his coming of age, Lord Erich too began to distinguish himself within the kingdom, becoming both Andrik III of Haense’s Royal Envoy and a cavalry commandant in the Brotherhood of St. Karl. Ser Konrad’s wife, Kamilla of House Baruch, would also go on become the Lady Maer of the Royal City of Reza, working alongside her husband to strengthen the Kingdom’s prosperity. Years would pass, and the Stafyrs would continue to maintain a strong presence in Haeseni politics. Following Lord Erich’s untimely death during the Ruber War, Lord Alaric Stafyr would inherit the House’s lordship with Ser Konrad serving as regent for a short period of time. After a period of retirement, an aging Ser Konrad was also elected to the position of Imperial Senator. Lord Alaric’s wife, the Princess Aleksandra of House Alimar, would also be elected to the position of Lady Maer of the Royal City of Reza. Eventually, King Andrik IV of Haense would request as his final wish that the young Lord Stafyr, alongside his own brother Prince Otto Rupert Barbanov and his cousin Prince Godfric Alimar, lead an expedition into the ancient land of Athera in his name in the hope of recovering a set of ancient Barbanov heirlooms. During the expedition, several Stafyr heirlooms were also recovered by Lord Alaric and Ser Konrad, including the ancient helmet of Saint Godwein, as well as his sword. With the expedition now having returned to the Kingdom of Haense, the young Lord of Stafyr and his wife would continue to make headway in the world of Haeseni politics, becoming as beloved as Leopold, Gerard, and Konrad before them. III- Family Tree https://familyecho.com/?p=XJAQ2&c=zr1zztpjhy&f=896154350852731268 IV - Heirlooms The Crown of the Almannir- a copper crown, ringed with slots where lost jewels would have sat. To be worn by the fabled king of the Almannir. The Helmet of Saint Godwein - The iron and chainmail helmet worn by Saint Godwein into battle during Exalted Godfrey’s first Holy Orenian Empire. Recovered during the Athera Expedition of 1756 by Lord Alaric Stafyr. The Sword of Saint Godwein - The blade used by Saint Godwein during the many wars of the First Empire. Recovered during the Athera Expedition of 1756 by Lord Alaric Stafyr. The Axe of Saint Godwein - The axe of Saint Godwein which he used as a lumberjack to assist in the construction of Arethor. The Emerald Circlet. - A circlet designed by the finest goldsmiths of Abresi to replace the crown of the Almannir by Lord Farley II. The Golden Armour of Beorn Stafyr- A suit of iron armour gilded with gold. To be worn by the historical sworn guardians of House Stafyr. Tindle - Sword of Lord Edmund I. named by the bastard grandson of Saint Godwein. Its hilt forged with the claw of a Wyrm and blessed by the clerical order during the war against the Scourge. Shield of Saint Godwein - The shield of Saint Godwein that he used when fighting for the prophet Saint Godfrey in the days of the First Empire. V - Lords of Stafyr Beorn Stafyr Born - Unkown Death - Unkown Titles: 1st Lord of Stafyr and Guardian of House Stafyr. Hanethor I. Stafyr Born - Unkown Death - 1349 Titles: 2nd Lord of Stafyr and Guardian of House Stafyr. Master Thondorus Stafyr Born ~ 1300-1305 Death - 1355 Titles: 3rd Lord of Stafyr, Founder, Master and Bailiff of Rivacheg Master Graveth I. Stafyr Born ~ 1320-1323 Death ~1380-1390 Titles: 4th Lord of Stafyr, Master and Bailiff of Rivacheg Saint Godwein the Honest of Huntshill Born ~ 1360-1365 Death - 1426 Titles: 5th Lord of Stafyr, Marquis of Schattenburg, Baron of Feldkirch, Baron of Huntshill, Lord High Treasurer and Grand Justice of the Holy Oren Empire. After his death sanctified as the Patron Saint of Honesty, Woodworkers, Fungi and Skin-afflictions. Lord Edmund I. Stafyr Born - 1392 Death - 1435 Titles: 6th Lord of Stafyr, Lord of Geminine, Marquis of Schattenburg, Baron of Feldkirch, Lord Privy Seal of the Holy Oren Empire, Noble Ser of the chapter of the Lion, Knight Commander of Renatus. Lord Farley II. “The Young Lord” Stafyr Born - 1431 Death - 1464 Titles: 7th Lord of Stafyr, Count of Shadowcastle, Baron of New Huntshill and Fieldchurch, Lord Privy Seal of the Holy Kingdom of Oren, Warden of the South. Lord Symon “The Bread Count” Stafyr Born - 1445 Death - 1509 Titles: 8th Lord of Stafyr, Count of Werdenberg and Shadowcastle, Baron of New Huntshill, Fieldchurch, Commander of Eastgate and Master Keeper of the Imperium Tertius. Lord Athelstan II. Stafyr Born - 1460 Death - 1535 Titles: 9th Lord of Stafyr, Count of Werdenberg and Baron of Katzburg. Lord Thomas Stafyr Born - 1474 Death - 1515 Titles: 10th Lord of Stafyr, Count of Werdenberg, Baron of Katzburg and Waldstadt Lord Jakob II. Stafyr Born - 1477 Death - 1521 Titles: 11th Lord of Stafyr, Baron of Waldstadt. Lord Altaron II. Stafyr Born - 1529 Death - 1599 Titles: 12th Lord of Stafyr, Baron of Arnaut and Master of Coin for the Archduchy of Lorraine. Lord Eadwulf Stafyr-Thurant Born - 1579 Death -1622 Titles: 13th Lord of Stafyr, Duke of Raetia and Baron of Thurant Lord Kristoff Ludvic Stafyr-Grauspin Born - 1588 Death - 1669 Titles: 14th Lord of Stafyr, Viscount of Grauspin, Ambassador and Emissary of Haense Lord Sergei Heindrik Stafyr-Grauspin Born - 1645 Death -1706 Titles: 15th Lord of Stafyr, Viscount of Grauspin, Baron of Thurant and Lord-Marshal of Haense. Lord Leopold Kristoff Stafyr-Grauspin Born 1688 Death 1718 Titles: 16th Lord of Stafyr, Count of Nenzing, Viscount of Grauspin, Baron of Thurant, Lord-Palatine and Chancellor of Haense Lord Erich Stafyr-Grauspin Born 1712 Death 1744 Titles: 17th Lord of Stafyr, Count of Nenzing, Viscount of Grauspin, Baron of Thurant, Royal Envoy of Haense, Commandant of the Brotherhood of St. Karl Lord Alaric Leopold Stafyr-Grauspin Born 1735 Death - Titles: 18th Lord of Stafyr, Count of Nenzing, Viscount of Grauspin, Baron of Thurant, Commander of the Royal Expedition to Athera (1756) ((Big thanks to AndrewTech and Emenzi who helped write most of this, couldn’t have done it without you guys))
  25. Korna-Lin Tree Reference Minecraft Korna-Lin Tree (VERY MUCH WIP) Material Name and Description (Raw form) The Korna-Lin tree unlike most natural flora contains a unique, illuminescent sap that often forms bubbles upon its branches. Once a Konra-Lin tree reaches full maturity these excess bubbles of sap will fall gently to the forest floor as new bubbles will slowly begin to grow. These illuminescent bubbles of sap are often buoyant, and if not harvested may simply float away. Though its wood may be useless in harvest, due to the large veins of sap within, the tree has another purpose for its Wonk inhabitants. These tree’s would appear rather tall, with a twisted trunk. The leaves grow upon many layers, with vines slowly descending upon its branches the older it becomes. In some settlements Traditional wonks, and on occasion reformed wonks have also long since incorporated the Korna-Lin within the construction of their everyday homes. Upon the creation of a Tuma-Tuma (A mud hut) Wonks will often plant a Korna-Lin upon its peak. Over time and with great care the tree will eventually overgrow the Tuma-Tuma itself. Within the center of a Tuma-Tuma or at least somewhere notable within the home can be found a large pool of water that the wonk’s themselves work actively to maintain. This pool of water feeds the Korna-Lin, and in return the Korna-Lin purifies this water in order for the Wonk’s to scatter their eggs. This pool also works as an easy to access place for the wonks to hydrate themselves. This symbiotic relationship between Wonk’s and Korna-Lin Tree’s benefits both species, and has become a stable of wonk life. Applications (Raw Form) These tree’s somehow produce a purifying effect upon the waters that surround them. Scholars believe this has something to do with the Konra-Lins unique sap, that may work as an organic filter, that quality controls the waters upon which the unharvested sap floats upon. Because of this unique trait, Wonks often scatter their eggs around the Korna-Lins tree’s base. Red Lines (Raw Form) The Illuminescent sap even when processed will not glow any brighter than a flickering candle. In its raw farm this sap will glow slightly brighter than a simple camp fire, however by no means can this be used to blind, or negatively effect someone. The Sap cannot be suddenly placed on an ocean to purify its waters, these tree’s only purify the direct space around them due to the sheer amount of sap being naturally released by the tree. The tree may not be any larger than your typical oak. usually these tree’s stand anywhere between 20-30 feet before maturing, after the maturing process begins they will reach a typical height of 60-70 feet. These tree’s can grow no taller than 140 feet. If these tree’s grow too tall due the veins of sap flowing through the wood the tree would simply fall apart due to sheer mass. Harvesting Method When harvesting the sap you must wait till the tree is ripe, and the excess bubbles of sap simply float to the ground. These hardened and well ages bubbles of sap may then be taken to a smith, melted down at a low temperature, before being cast into sheets. The tree will drop these naturally but only once or twice a year. Attempting to remove the bubbles prematurely will cause them to burst, and in doing so will released a poisonous gas from within the bubble. This gas will often leave the victim struggling for air, induce vomiting, disorientation, and make the victim extremely light headed. The gas is not fatal, but attempting this too many times may result in a lower form of brain damage. The item in MC that represents these sap bubbles is a honey bottles, and glowstone powder which both come from the tree. Cooked Sap (Honey bottles) will to add to a tea, or brew. This sap can be melted fully into sheets. These sheets can create sap windows (honey blocks). When dealing with raw unrefined sap (Glowstone Dust) represents the Illuminescent sap that hasn’t been melted into sheets. Once the sap has been cast into sheets it looses its glow. (Glowstone powder) represents jewelry made from this raw sap. This unrefined sap still retains its glow. Harvesting Red Lines The sap bubbles that falls naturally from the tree is what may be harvested. This is in the form of honey bottles, and glowstone dust. There are rules in order to using this sap. For a starter the tree’s will only produce this excess sap every so often, maybe even once or twice a year. Taking the sap directly from the tree would render it to shatter and be useless. Only the hardened, dropped excess sap is study enough for harvesting. Material Name and Description (Refined Form) (OPTIONAL) Honey Bottles: Korna-Lin Heated Sap Desc: “This harvested sap from a Korna-Lin Tree has a rather pleasant smell. Upon adding it to a warm brew, the consumer will find their mind at ease as the relaxing texture takes over.” Honey Blocks: Korna-Lin Sap Sheets Desc: “These sheets of hardened Korna-Lin Sap are quite brittle, as if silver glass they must be handled with care. Upon inspecting the sheets one would find that they are rather transparent, and make a perfect window.” Glowstone Dust: Korna-Lin Sap Desc: “This unrefined sap may be used in order to create jewelry, It is highly sought after, and glows dimly in the darkness.” Applications (Refined Form) (OPTIONAL) Traditional Wonks often gather this excess sap, melting it into long, often flat sheets. The now dried sheets of sap are then used to create windows. My carving into the raw, harvested sap one can easily create jewelry, and a whole assortment of decorative items, used by both traditional and reformed Wonks for the aforementioned beauty purposes. If one was to heat the gathered sap at a mildly warm temperature they will be left with a runny, gooey substance that can easily be added to a tea, or warm brew. This sap is extremely relaxing once consumed, and has no negative effects. Red Lines (Refined Form) (OPTIONAL) This sap when hardened into sheets cannot create a blade. At the most at the very far extreme it could be used for arrows. The sap is just too brittle and would easily shatter under and meaningful impact. The sap if raw and carved into jewelry will not glow any brighter than a flickering candle. It must be handled with extreme care, forging the raw sap will cause it to lose its signature glow. When it comes to consumption the sap will not hide the taste of a poison. It simply relaxed the mind, and in taste is just a little sweet. Refining Technique (OPTIONAL) Honey Bottles: Korna-Lin Heated Sap: It is commonly known that stirring Korna-Lin sap in a pot of boiling water will cause it to slowly liquefy into a creamy substance. If over heated, or heated to quickly the sap will quickly turn into a pure liquid and cannot be consumed. Honey Blocks: Korna-Lin Sap Sheets: If Korna-Lin sap is heated quickly in a forge, upon fully liquefying it may be poured into a cast. Once cooled the Sheets of Korna-Lin Sap may be used for windows, or in the creation of art. This sap has no other practical use. Glowstone Dust: Korna-Lin Sap: With a steady hand, and great patience this glowing raw sap may be used to create jewelry. This sap may not be forged into ingots, and cannot endure extreme heat otherwise it will simply turn into a Sheet. Once heated this raw sap will quickly begin to lose its nutral glow if left unchecked. Refining Red Lines (OPTIONAL) When making jewelry the sap is often quite delicate, and cannot be forged into any form of ingot. It can however be carved, but only if great care is taken. The tree may also not be used to make houses. It’s wood is too brittle for construction, and its sap will never be hard enough to create an effective blade. This sap is about as hard as untreated, thin glass once processed Repeat (OPTIONAL) Honey Bottles: Korna-Lin Heated Sap Desc: “This harvested sap from a Korna-Lin Tree has a rather pleasant smell. Upon adding it to a warm brew, the consumer will find their mind at ease as the relaxing texture takes over.” Honey Blocks: Korna-Lin Sap Sheets Desc: “These sheets of hardened Korna-Lin Sap are quite brittle, as if silver glass they must be handled with care. Upon inspecting the sheets one would find that they are rather transparent, and make a perfect window.” Glowstone Dust: Korna-Lin Sap Desc: “This unrefined sap may be used in order to create jewelry, It is highly sought after, and glows dimly in the darkness.” Purpose (OOC) My intent is simple. With wonks starting to create their own buildings, cities, and culture I wish to simply provide a meaningful, good spirited flora that will create positive RP, and may encourage wonks to start using this to help with their professions, and traditional building. I think it would be rather interesting if the wonks villages and cities had such a signature item within them, and would be a great way for the community to have more unique interactions with the wonks. Currently wonks do the following few things. 1: Go to water and moisturize. 2: Screetch at people. 3: Do basically what anyone else does. In my eyes there aren’t many tools in which wonks can use to sell their own natural resources, or create their own cultural RP. They basically do what any other average joe would do with the exception of skreetching and sitting in hot springs all day. Some have even gone into drug dealing because they is literally nothing else unique they can do. My goal with this tree is to incorporate it into an already being built settlement and upon the map itself. I want to full heatedly give the wonks unique things to do. They are such an amazing race, written by such talented writers. They are a blank slate, with only a few fundamental rules to help guide them. With the creation of this species of tree it may very well increase the positive roleplay. I have already been told by a good portion of the wonk player base that there isn’t much to do. They often just walk to different water pools, and wait for RP to happen. They want something unique. This will at least provide that without being a determent the already established wonk culture. After all I think it would be extremely fun if wonks had their own special jewelry that hey they could teach a jewelry to know! Anyone can use this tree, and in hindsight it might very well help establish in character relationships. After all the purpose of the world itself it to help create roleplay. If lore team wishes to make any changes I am more than open to that. This is my first time suggesting lore for the server, and I am bound to have made mistakes.
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