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  1. An oath to remember The vows of Kugduhm At the 11th date of the Kaldithrhun 162th year in the 2nd age, a great day is to be known. A new patron was sworn into the clan of Jorik so that he may never wander alone in life and in death. Kugduhm Bronzemane is now to be known as Kugduhm Irgard, patron of the lineage of Irgen and patron son of Jorik Braveaxe. He has vowed to be honorable and dutiful in the eyes of the Brathmordakin as well as Khorok’ardann. Let it be known that he vowed to join said clan for honor and not for gain. Kugduhm Irgard at the next Khron’nozkrom will have to make his patronage known for all of clan Irgard to state that he will fulfill his duties to kin, clan and hold. May Yemekar bless his creation, may Anbella bless his life and may Dunngrim guide him to an honorable death. Signed by: Grelu Irgard, son of Greldyn, son of Jorik Kugduhm Irgard, patron son of Irgen, patron son of Jorik
  2. The first Khron’nozkrom of memory The edicts of the Khron’nozkrom On the 10th of Daruth - Dharguthr - Grimdugan’s Shroud 2A Year 160 the first Khron’nozkrom of memory was held in the home of Grelu. At this meeting the following Irgards were present: Grelu Kovidar Yemer Dregdhad Borgur On the agenda of this clan gathering are the following topics. ᚬ The world war ᚬ Clan homesteading ᚬ Clan hall location ᚬ Jorgur’und ᚬ Clan artifacts ᚬ Grelu’s trials ᚬ The Aengul in the north The edict of war The Khron’nozkrom’s edict on the current war is that it is a war of man and not of dwarf kinds survival. It was also agreed that the clan is ill fit to fully commit to the war due to the lack of resources and equipment but it shall be said that Grelu will rally any volunteers to the legion to fight alongside him. The edict of homesteading The Khron’nozkrom’s edict on clan homesteading is that the clan for the time will live in Urguan but in time will be going to settle in the Gotrek Union in order to populate, defend and expand the colony. The edict of clanhall The Khron’nozkrom after intense debate has settled that the clan hall of Irgard shall be within the lands of Urguan as to show their allegiance to the capital and the ancestral hold. The edict of Jorgur’und The Khron’nozkrom fully agreed to assemble an expedition to find and reclaim the lost fortress of Jorgur’s lineage as the fortress abandonment is seen as a great loss not only for the clan of Irgard but for all dwarfs. Therefore Jorgur’und shall be reclaimed and restored. The edict of artifacts The Khron’nozkrom fully agreed that the artifacts of the Irgards may only be reclaimed once the end of the current war is announced as then the clan will assemble expeditions across the realms to search for the lost heirlooms of old. The edict of Grelu’s trials The Khron’nozkrom has agreed that upon the truthful word and service of Grelu within the Legion of Dunngrim and the provided eyewitness sources it has been deemed that Grelu’s trial of battle is completed. Due to the lack of a Edhekalfund’in it was deemed that only a majority of a summoned Khron’nozkrom may approval of a Kangur’s/Bogur’s trials until a Edhekalfund’in is announced. The edict of the Northern Aengul The Northern Aengul near the Gotrek Union has been deemed by the full Khron’nozkrom a enemy of all dwarves as it stands in the way for the expansion of the northern dwarven realm. The Irgards shall assemble a force that will wait upon the summon of Ulfar Starbreaker to help slay the Aengul as it is a pretender of false Gods and heresy upon the Brathmordakin. Signed by: Grelu Irgard, son of Greldyn, son of Jorik Kovidar Irgard, daughter of Grelu, daughter of Greldyn, daughter of Jorik Yemer Irgard, son of Yemegur, son of Greldyn, son of Jorik Dregdhad Irgard, son of Irgen, son of Jorik Borgur Irgard, Patron of the clan of Jorik.
  3. A reunion of Iron The best gift At the 11th date of the Thorok’aindar 160th year in the 2nd age, a great gift was given to Grelu Irgard, son of Greldyn, son of Jorik. At the gate some days after the wedding of Lurdoic Irongut and Crera Mossborn a familiar face was seen and welcomed. Kovidar Irgard, daughter of Grelu, daughter of Greldyn, daughter of Jorik was embraced by her father Grelu who was performing his duties. Grelu had prayed day and night for his daughter's return. He denied Balor Irehearts command to ride out months before which Grelu rejected with these words “Oi’m waiteng on meh daug’ter lad, oi do be a soldier but am not gonna leave meh station ‘ere in meh kinland as oi’m expecting meh daug’ter’s return aye! Oi know meh oaths to Keng and hold but Oi ‘ave duties to famileh, yer nay gonna drag a father into some battle w’en ‘e’s nae seen ‘e’s daug’ter in years are yeh? Oi know meh oaths an duties, an meh duty is too famileh first.” Finally months later Kovidar did return, where even the stoic Grelu could be seen to be emotional. The Khorok’ardann watched her path and the black ram let her safely pass with life back to her father. A blessing to be sure as Grelu has dutifully honored his oaths and duties. Taken the lives of enemies in the field to bless his kin with life. The Irgard clan is gathering and soon may their banners wave in the wind. Together they will stand and fall at the gates. Signed by: Grelu Irgard, son of Greldyn, son of Jorik Kovidar Irgard, daughter of Grelu, daughter of Greldyn, daughter of Jorik
  4. 3 eron DHARGUTHR, 159 S.A 18/12/2023 ISSUED BY: SIGRUN ‘UNDEADSLAYER’ STONEHAMMER ᚲᚨᚱᛞᛒᛟᚨᚱᛞ ᚲᚱᛟᚹᚾ ᛋᛁᚷᚱᚢᚾ'ᛋ ᛋᛏᛖᛈ ᚢᛈ YOTH BRATHMORDAKIN NA YOTH URGUAN Recently our Grand King has fallen injured. Thus it is up to me to lead the dwarves through time of conflict. THE CARDBOARD CROWN REGENCY. ᚲᚱᛟᚹᚾ ᚠᚢᚾᚾᚤ As per the decree of our Grand King Garedyn The Emerald I was named Grand Regent of Urguan. Per my first act I shall name the time I am occupying this position The Cardboard Crown Regency. THE LEATHER & FEATHER ACQUIRING ACT. ᚹᛖ ᚾᛖᛖᛞ ᛏᚨᚾᚾᛖᚱᛋ Per my second act I shall call upon the dwedmar of Urguan to donate any and all leather they can towards the war effort. The one that donates the most leather shall be given a fitting title and a feast in their name. The one that donates the most feathers towards the war effort shall be given a hundred mina and a title fitting for their deeds. Signed, Sigrun ‘Undeadslayer’ Stonehammer Grand Regent of Urguan, Clan Father of The Stonehammers, Grand Marshal of Urguan, Priest of Dungrimm, Hero of Dungrimm, Three-Time Grand Champion of Urguan
  5. “Good riddance!” Tuzic calls as he tosses his hand-hewn crutches off the cliffs of Hefrumm - They clatter against the rocks, smashing to bits before they ever reach the bottom… He sighs and sits back on the bench nearby. “Let’s see ‘ere…” he muttered, his hand feeling over his bench for the lunch sack he had brought with him to his Cliffside spot… though it wasn’t there! “Hrm?... wot en tha..” he turns back towards the village to see a flash of something… something small and silver had dashed off around the corner. “Wot en Anbella’s name…” Tuzic thought to himself as he hoisted himself from his seat - he quickly followed after, he was suspicious… with a war going on afterall. He trailed that flash of silver along the paths that lead up the cliffs in the home of the Forest Dwarves. The trail of the small being was easy to follow - it’s tiny feet left clear marks for the seasoned hunter to track “Silleh buggers… Just loike ah read.” he mutters to himself. Tuzic paused then, his head filled with thoughts as he tailed the small thief. The light filters down through the high treetops of the village, the silhouettes of leaves cast on the food storage. “Maybe..” he thinks aloud to himself as he digs into a store barrel nearby - he grabs a sack and fills it with carrots from Hefrumm’s stores, and off he is again up the path towards the top of the cliffs. Following the tiny trail up the path led the forest chief to a small burrow… dug under the roots of an oak tree. A Silvernip was there, a tiny gnome-like creature covered in silver hair - who was trying his absolute hardest to stuff Tuzic’s lunch sack into his burrow, though the opening was clearly too wide… The chief frowned as he saw the silly little creature struggling to secure his loot, he grabbed the sack he had filled with carrots in one hand as he approached. “‘Ere… bit o’ carrots ‘and oi get me lunch back lad?” He asks the creature in his thick dwarven accent. The gnomish Silvernip lets out a squeal of fear as he sees his victim has caught up to him, and he runs behind the stump of his oak tree to hide. “Ahh… yer ah pest but don’t fret, nah mean ye ‘arm… no point.” the Chief mutters as he traded his lunch sack for the one filled with carrots… he didn’t want to starve the tiny guy. He chose then to leave the silvernip to his hovel alone, and as he shuffled away - the creature peaked around it’s oak cover - sneaking a confused glance at the Forest Dwarf before returning to it’s sad attempt at shoving the sack into it’s burrow. Tuzic laughed at the sight, quite pleased with the small little “friend” he had made in the silvernip as he walked back to his cliffside bench. He sat once again in his spot - snacking on the various breads and dried meats he had prepared for himself, he let out a sigh of relief… Though quickly his mind was back to the fighting - the cannons rang out in his ears and the “THWACK” of the trebuchets along with them… the clanging of armor and blade striking together - the screams of the wounded. “Will weh watch t’eir ‘ome fall to blade and spell as t’ey threatened ours?..” he wonders aloud, and a frown goes over his face as he pauses to think “If weh must.”
  6. The Golden Accords Issued by the Viceroyalty of Hyspia and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan 24th of the Sun's Smile, Year 153 of the Second Age Preamble The Viceroyalty of Hyspia and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, hereinafter known as the Signatories, to establish stronger bonds and friendship amongst themselves, hereby officialize this pact in good faith. So It Follows: Article I: Sovereignty I. The Signatories hereby acknowledge each other's claims and sovereignty to the lands they respectively hold within their jurisdiction. II. The Signatories agree to respect and acknowledge each other's laws, culture, as well as religion when inside each other's jurisdiction in their respective lands. They both recognize that citizens and occupants are subject to the laws in effect during visitation. III. The Signatories hereby agree that free passage of civilians between each other nations is to be granted. Article II: Defense I. The Signatories agree that no military action will be taken against any of their listed counterparts by any of their forces; this includes vassals and all endorsed factions under their jurisdiction. II. The Signatories will enforce a partnership between their domains and will not incite conflict among themselves or their allied forces. III. The Signatories pledge that they are willing to aid each other militarily if they are threatened. IV. Should the nature of a conflict - in this case whether it is defensive or offensive - come into question or be unclear according to the assent’s agreed definition, both Signatories pledge to hold a summit in order to deliberate on a decision. They pledge to adhere to the consensus. Article III: Trade I. The Signatories shall be given privileged exchange of resources, goods, and economic commodities amongst their nations. II. The Signatories shall promise one another a tax-free stall to sell their wares. III. The Signatories pledge to take part in cultural exchanges between the nations’ citizens in order to broaden understanding in both domains. Texts, scrolls, knowledge, and scholars may be traded in such exchanges. Article IV: Darkspawn I. The Signatories agree to share their knowledge of any and all Darkspawn they may confront. They promise to lend any and all available resources to assist them in their fight against Darkspawn. They pledge to work together in the pursuit of this mutual goal. Article V: Duration I. This pact shall be in effect for twelve Saint’s Weeks. After the duration expires, the Signatories may reconvene to renew or renegotiate a new treaty. If this pact is violated, the pact will be declared void until further action is taken to re-implement the pact through proper diplomatic means. Signed, HIS HIGHNESS, Cesar II de Pelear, Viceroy of Hyspia, Duke of Pacazu, Baron of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of La Dorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Patriarch of House de Pelear HIS GRANDNESS, Garedyn The Emerald, Grand king of Urguan, Chief of the Mossborn, Seer of Hefrumm, Zealot of the Triad. HIS EXCELLENCY, Erland Maor, Baron of Montenno, Ministro del Pais de Hyspia The Elder, Lurdoic Irongut, Grand Ambassador, Magistrate of Urguan
  7. YEAR 150 OF THE SECOND AGE. The Stonehammers are a young clan founded by Sigrun ‘Dragonslayer’ Stonehammer in the Year 150 of The Second Age after the consecration of Sigrun as a Hero of Dungrimm. Descendant from Irehearts, The Stonehammers shall be known for their indomitable spirit in battle, honour in combat and undying loyalty to The Grand Kingdom of Urguan. [!] A depiction of Clan Founder Sigrun ‘Dragonslayer’ Stonehammer wielding his Carbarum Gladius. The members of the Stonehammer clan are to be devout in their worship of The Brathmordakin, with most choosing their patron to be Dungrimm, however they are expected to show worship to all of The Brathmordakin. Furthermore they believe that the beings known as Aenguls and Daemons are creatures created by The Brathmordakin to serve descendant and dwarf kind, though some have bastardized this duty. Stonehammers fiercely believe in honour and glory, and have to vow to the Clan Father to uphold these values in everything they do. To intentionally start a fight with an opponent weaker than them is cowardice, to decline an honest challenge even more so. The members of The Stonehammer Clan are expected to aid Dungrimm in all ways, any darkspawn roaming the earth must be purged as they are avoiding the natural course of life. [!] A Stonehammer searching for a Frost Witch atop the frozen peak of a mountain. The Stonehammers have clan traditions they value and share with one another to celebrate their honour and glory amongst their peers, and to incite their indomitable spirit for the slaying of darkspawn and honourable combat. THE STONEHAMMER WAR DRUMS. It is common for members of the Stormhammer clan to play their heavy dwarven wardrums in preface of any battle to be had, as a way to ignite their spirits for the combat ahead. Typically the rhythms played will be slow and booming in sound, slowly picking up in speed. The effect incites a sense of fear in their enemies and a feeling of courage within themselves. HISTORY KEEPING. Members of the Stormhammer clan are expected to keep a well-written history of themselves to cement their legacy within the clan and Urguan itself, after each of their trials they shall record what they have done and found from the experience. Many Stormhammers also take to any artifacts or trophies they can find during exploring of the deep, or after besting their opponent to add it to their hoard of valuables. THE STONEHAMMER TATTOO. It is tradition within the Stonehammer clan to add at least a singular tattoo of gray paint to one’s face after having completed all their trials, cementing themselves as a full Stonehammer in the clan. HEAVY ARMOUR. The Stonehammers are expected to don themselves in heavy dwarven armour to ensure they are capable of taking many blows during the grueling hours of combat, acting as a shield to their kinsmen of Urguan. Whilst it is not mandatory, many Stonehammers pride themselves at being at the frontline of the battlefield. [!] A A heavily armoured Stonehammer invigorated by the beating of the War Drums. There are four trials to be completed in order to be considered a full initiated member of the Stonehammer clan, and they are as follows. THE FIRST TRIAL: TO PROVE ONE’S WORTH ILLUMINATED BY DUNGRIMM. The newly joined Stonehammer is expected to march out into the night of the full moon to confront a great beast of large proportions and to take it down in a great battle. Should they succeed, they shall take a trophy from the fallen beast as a memorial from the battle, and must bury the beast’s body wherever they had dealt the final blow if possible. Afterwards they must show the Clan Father their trophy and the site of the beast’s burial to complete their first trial. THE SECOND TRIAL: TO CEMENT ONE’S SUCCESS IN AN OFFICIAL RECORD. The Second Trial of the now more experienced Stonehammer is a stark contrast to the action of the previous. Within the Halls of The Stonehammers, they shall record their first trial’s events and outcome in a Book & Quill to have it be knowledge to the rest of the clan, alongside presenting their first trophy for all to see in the Clan hall. THE THIRD TRIAL: TO SHARE COMRADERY WITH THE FELLOW DWEDMAR. The Third Trial of the Stonehammer now beginning to cement his legacy is to create comradery with his fellow dwedmar is to host an event for the citizen of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. This event can be anything from an archery contest, to a tavern night. Anything is allowed if it builds bonds and comradery with your fellow dwedmar. THE FINAL TRIAL: TO SHOW THE CLAN FATHER WHAT YOU ARE MADE OF. The Final Trial of the now almost fully initiated is to duel the current Clan Father whilst both combatants don their best gear and equipment. They are not required to win the duel, but to pass the trial they are required to inflict a permanent scar on the current Clan Father, leaving their legacy of combat onto the body of the one sitting at the head of the clan. After the duel is over, and the Stonehammer is now fully initiated they shall receive their gray tattoo, and a feast is to be held in their honour.
  8. 18th Kaldithrhun [Belka’s Embrace], 2A 150Y, Silver Age 10/13/2023 ISSUED BY: The Prophethood of Da Kirkja Dverga ᛗᛖᛋᛋᚨᚷᛖ ᚠᚱᛟᛗ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᛚᛖᚱᚷᛃ ᛁᛁᛁ Message from the Clergy III Condemning the Desecration of the Shrines of the Capital ᚲᛟᚾᛞᛖᛗᚾᛁᚾᚷ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛞᛖᛋᛖᚲᚱᚨᛏᛁᛟᚾ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛋᚺᚱᛁᚾᛖᛋ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᚨᛈᛁᛏᚨᛚ YOTH BRATHMORDAKIN NA YOTH MAKAZ’KIRKJA’RUM’MAR’EDOS ᛁᛟᛏᚺ ᛒᚱᚨᛏᚺᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚲᛁᚾ ᚾᚨ ᛁᛟᛏᚺ ᛗᚨᚲᚨᛉ’ᚲᛁᚱᚲᛃᚨ’ᚱᚢᛗ’ᛗᚨᚱ’ᛖᛞᛟᛊ To All Faithful and Devoted of Our Stone Halls, With heavy hearts, we, the clergy of Da Kirkja Dverga, address a grievous and despicable act that has sent shockwaves through our sacred halls and the very foundation of our faith. The altars and shrines dedicated to the Brathmordakin within the esteemed Temple of Kal'Kadrelaz have been vilely desecrated, defiled by a malevolent hand that seeks to undermine our sacred traditions and tarnish our devotion to the gods. Such an act is not only an affront to the faithful and the nation, but a heinous crime against the very essence of the Brathmordakin, who watch over our people and guide us with their divine presence. This act of sacrilege and heresy shall not go unanswered, for we, the followers of the Brathmordakin, shall stand united in our resolve to bring the perpetrator to justice. As is our solemn duty, the individual responsible for this heinous act shall be captured, tried, and, upon conviction, shall face the most severe of consequences. Heresy against the Brathmordakin and the desecration of sacred artifacts is a grave crime that strikes at the heart of our faith, and it shall be met with the full force of our devotion. Our faith has withstood the test of time and the trials of the world, and we shall not waver now. Our ancestors and the gods themselves look upon us with anticipation as we restore the sanctity of our shrines and temples. We call upon all faithful sons and daughters of the Stone to rally together, offering both prayer and vigilance, that we may guard against further acts of sacrilege. In unity and devotion to the Brathmordakin, we shall mend what has been broken and cleanse what has been defiled. Our faith shall emerge stronger, our commitment unwavering, and our devotion unshaken. Narvok oz Brathmordakin ᚾᚨᚱᚹᛟᚲ ᛟᛉ ᛒᚱᚨᛏᚺᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚲᛁᚾ May the Brathmordakin guide us in these trying times, High Prophet Alaric 'the Black' Grimgold Prophet of Dungrimm, the Masked Lord of Death and War
  9. 18th Kaldithrhun [Belka’s Embrace], 2A 150Y, Silver Age 10/13/2023 ISSUED BY: The Prophethood of Da Kirkja Dverga ᛗᛖᛋᛋᚨᚷᛖ ᚠᚱᛟᛗ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᛚᛖᚱᚷᛃ ᛁᛁ Message from the Clergy I The Ascension of High Prophet Alaric Grimgold ᛏᚺᛖ ᚨᛋᚲᛖᚾᛋᛁᛟᚾ ᛟᚠ ᚺᛁᚷᚺ ᛈᚱᛟᛈᚺᛖᛏ ᚨᛚᚨᚱᛁᚲ ᚷᚱᛁᛗᚷᛟᛚᛞ YOTH BRATHMORDAKIN NA YOTH MAKAZ’KIRKJA’RUM’MAR’EDOS ᛁᛟᛏᚺ ᛒᚱᚨᛏᚺᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚲᛁᚾ ᚾᚨ ᛁᛟᛏᚺ ᛗᚨᚲᚨᛉ’ᚲᛁᚱᚲᛃᚨ’ᚱᚢᛗ’ᛗᚨᚱ’ᛖᛞᛟᛊ Hail, Sons and Daughters of the Brathmordakin, With heavy hearts and deep reverence for the Brathmordakin, we come together to address a momentous turning of the cosmic wheel within our faith. The recent disappearance of our beloved High Prophet Auriel Doomforge, Prophetess of Armakak, has left a void within our holy council, and we extend our prayers and gratitude for her guidance and wisdom throughout her stewardship of the faith. In tandem with this solemn occasion, we also recognize the retirement of two esteemed Prophets who have dutifully served our faith and people for countless years. Garedyn the Emerald, Prophet of Yemekar, our King, a pillar of strength and unwavering faith, and Tuzic Mossborn, Prophet of Ogradhad, the keeper of lore and wisdom, both have chosen to step aside, allowing their successors to carry forth the torch of our faith. With the faith in our hearts and the blessings of the Brathmordakin, it is my honor to accept the mantle of High Prophet in this time of transition. My name is Alaric 'the Black' Grimgold, and I bear the sacred duty as the Prophet of Dungrimm, the Masked Lord of Death and War. I pledge to honor the Brathmordakin, our ancestors, and our people with unwavering devotion, just as my esteemed predecessors have done. In the days ahead, we shall work together to select new Prophets to represent the gods and goddesses of the Brathmordakin. Their wisdom, strength, and devotion will guide our faith and our people into the future. We must remain vigilant and united, for our faith and the legacy of the Brathmordakin endure despite the challenges we face. Together, we shall fortify our sacred halls, ensure the prosperity of our Grand Kingdom, and carry the torch of our faith through even the darkest of times. Narvok oz Brathmordakin ᚾᚨᚱᚹᛟᚲ ᛟᛉ ᛒᚱᚨᛏᚺᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚲᛁᚾ Signed, Newly Elected High Prophet Alaric 'the Black' Grimgold Prophet of Dungrimm, the Masked Lord of Death and War
  10. 18th Kaldithrhun [Belka’s Embrace], 2A 150Y, Silver Age 10/13/2023 ISSUED BY: The Prophethood of Da Kirkja Dverga ᛗᛖᛋᛋᚨᚷᛖ ᚠᚱᛟᛗ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᛚᛖᚱᚷᛃ ᛁᛁ Message from the Clergy II Celebrating the Consecration of Heroes Jorvin 'Godslayer' and Sigrun 'Brathhammer’ ᚲᛖᛚᛖᛒᚱᚨᛏᛁᚾᚷ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᛟᚾᛋᛖᚲᚱᚨᛏᛁᛟᚾ ᛟᚠ ᚺᛖᚱᛟᛖᛋ ᛃᛟᚱᚹᛁᚾ 'ᚷᛟᛞᛋᛚᚨᛃᛖᚱ' ᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᛁᚷᚱᚢᚾ 'ᛒᚱᚨᛏᚺᚺᚨᛗᛗᛖᚱ' YOTH BRATHMORDAKIN NA YOTH MAKAZ’KIRKJA’RUM’MAR’EDOS ᛁᛟᛏᚺ ᛒᚱᚨᛏᚺᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚲᛁᚾ ᚾᚨ ᛁᛟᛏᚺ ᛗᚨᚲᚨᛉ’ᚲᛁᚱᚲᛃᚨ’ᚱᚢᛗ’ᛗᚨᚱ’ᛖᛞᛟᛊ Hail, Sons and Daughters of the Brathmordakin, In the enduring shadows of our stone halls, amidst the sacred anvil's rhythmic song, we gather once more to honor the Heroes who have carved their names into the annals of our proud history. The time has come to celebrate the consecration of two exceptional champions, Jorvin 'Godslayer' Starbreaker and Sigrun 'Brathhammer' Stonehammer, whose unwavering faith and unyielding strength have woven their legends into the very fabric of our faith and people. Jorvin 'Godslayer' Starbreaker, a name that resounds through the ages, earned through valor and the undying dedication to our faith and nation. During the twilight years of the First Age, Jorvin, blessed by Dungrimm's own hand, led our kin into the crucible of battle against the vile demonic forces of Khorvad. It was there, upon the blood-soaked crater of Al'Faiz, that he clashed with the corrupted Aengul Gazardiel. In that fateful battle, Jorvin wielding the Hammer of Urguan rang true, and the vile corruption met its demise at his very hands. The skies cleared, and the Second Age dawned, rescuing our Descendant races from the precipice of destruction. Jorvin's unyielding spirit and strength have embodied the very essence of what a Dwed, what a King, should be. He proved that even when darkness shrouds us, we shall emerge, for the Brathmordakin watch over us all. Sigrun 'Undeadslayer' Stonehammer, has etched his name into the tapestry of our people's recent history through his indomitable courage and unwavering loyalty to the Brathmordakin. As the first to slay the lich-dragon Cloudbreaker, he led our soldiers through the flames of Balian to safety. During the trying times of the Mori Invasion, Sigrun's unwavering resolve and steadfast leadership in the defense of our capital proved pivotal in safeguarding our sacred halls. He has led the Legions of Urguan to countless victories and single handedly brought the Norlandic Conflict to its conclusion. His accomplishments have strengthened our Grand Kingdom and secured our faith in the face of adversity. The consecration of these two Heroes is not merely an honor for them, but a testament to the unwavering strength and enduring resolve of our people, our faith, and the Brathmordakin. Jorvin and Sigrun, through their actions and devotion, exemplify the very essence of our Dwed and serve as a beacon of inspiration to us all. As we gather in the depths of our stone halls, under the watchful eye of Yemekar and the entire Brathmordakin, let us raise our voices in unison to celebrate the consecration of these remarkable champions. May their deeds inspire us, and may they forever be remembered as living Heroes, for their devotion and bravery have solidified our faith and our place in this world. Yemekar's hammer guides our hand, Anbella's hearth warms our hearts, Dungrimm’s moon light our path, And the Brathmordakin watch over us all. Narvok oz Brathmordakin ᚾᚨᚱᚹᛟᚲ ᛟᛉ ᛒᚱᚨᛏᚺᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚲᛁᚾ Signed, High Prophet Alaric 'the Black' Grimgold Prophet of Dungrimm, the Masked Lord of Death and War
  11. S.A 142 20/08/2023 ISSUED BY: THE OBSIDIAN THRONE Mario Judah - I Miss the Rage ᚢᚱᚷᚢᚨᚾ ᛖᛗᛖᚱᚷᛖᛋ ᚡᛁᚲᛏᛟᚱᛁᛟᚢᛋ TWO HONOURABLE FORCES CLASH ᛞᚢᚾᚷᚱᛁᛗᛗ ᛋᛗᛁᛚᛖᛋ ᚢᛈᛟᚾ ᚢᛋ OTH BRATHMORDAKIN NA YOTH URGUAN ᛁᛟᚦ ᛒᚱᚨᚦᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚲᛁᚾ ᚾᚨ ᛁᛟᚦ ᚢᚱᚷᚢᚨᚾ During Year 142 of The Second Age the honourable Duke of Adria, Markus Sarkozic came marching up to Urguan’s front gate with around 3000 soldiers demanding retribution for dwarven actions upon the Midlands. An ultimatum was offered to have it be settled by handing over the dwarves in question or to accept honourable combat on the archway to let valour choose the victor. Otherwise, the Duke would return to the Midlands and choose an escalation of the conflict. Grand Marshal Sigrun Ireheart and former Marshal Vithar Frostbeard marched out of the gates with a force of their own, amassing to be about 2500 dwarven legionnaires to meet them in honourable combat. Both parties fought valiantly but after an exchange of arrowfire and a small skirmish, the dwarves gained Dungrimm’s favour and routed the enemy forces, capturing the Duke of Adria, Markus Sarkozic. After the duke’s capture, he was let go safely under the agreement that all outstanding issues were to be resolved as result of the dwarven valour shown on the battlefield. LET IT BE KNOWN That there are no more issues between the honourable Grand Kingdom of Urguan and The League of Veletz. Signed, Garedyn The Emerald Grand King of Urgan, Chief of the Mossborn, Prophet of Yemekar, Seer of Hefrumm, Zealot of the Triad Sigrun ‘Dragonslayer’ Ireheart Grand Marshal of Urguan, Grand Champion of Urguan, Dragonslayer, Priest of Dungrimm.
  12. ᛒᚨᛏᛏᛚᛖ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚺᛟᛟᚴ BATTLE OF THE HOOK ᛒᚨᛏᛏᛚᛖ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚺᛟᛟᚴ On a calm sunny day, two Frostbeards sat on the bridge of Norland and fished in hopes of catching a meal for the night. The Norlandic river, famed for its exotic fish, attracted the Frostbeard duo to try their luck. With the Brathmortakin smiling upon them due to their recent victories, the Frostbeards quickly hauled in one fish after another. Though this simple fishing trip was quickly ruined by the sound of a Norlandic warhorn, sounding the alarm and the city guard positioning on the walls. The Frostbeards quickly noticed this and sent word back to Urguan. A quick reaction force combined with Ferrymen, Frostbeards, and Irehearts quickly departed to assist the two peaceful fishermen. The Norlandic guard quickly formed at the gates, griping their spears and yelling insults at the two Frostbeards, evidently showing they intended to shed dwarven blood. As the reaction force arrived, the Norlandic party swiftly pushed out their city and met the dwarven party on the road, but with further reinforcements. The Norlandic party rallied behind their commander, showing their full strength, reinforced by their allies from the Vale as well as Adria. As each side faced off, it was evident that the dwarves were vastly outnumbered, numbering only 140 men compared to the combined rally of 250 men from Norland, Adria, and the Vale. Thirsting for dwarven blood, the battle quickly ensued, by the Norlandic charging forward into the dwarven party. The highly skilled party of dwarves quickly retreated, going to split off in teams in the woods as they fell back in an attempt to split off the large group of Norlanders. Each party skirmished back and forth on the road, exchanging bow fire and surging forward, but as the battle prolonged, the Norlanders quickly began to be picked off by the higher-trained force of dwarves. The Norlandic commander foolishly calling a push swiftly retreated back down the road towards the city, though this was the fatal killing blow for the Norlanders as the dwarven party swiftly pushed through the retreating party, picking off stragglers and eventually slaying the Norlandic commander. With their leader dead and their force losing more than half their numbers, the Norlanders quickly pulled back into the city, shutting the gates and cowering in fear. The Dwarven party, only losing 10 men, let out a victorious warcry before returning home with a Norland prisoner, releasing him on his way in respect for his capabilities as a warrior. But let it be known that the Norlanders willfully attacked two peaceful dwarven fishermen who offered no harm or threat to innocent civilians. The failures as well as cowardice of King Balon's ‘The Handless’ is evident, he refuses to acknowledge his wrongdoing in the war and sends needless warriors to their deaths for a war of his own making. King Balon and Mirven of the Vale, we will not rest until dwarven justice is achieved, with or without further bloodshed.
  13. ♫♪♫ - ᚠᚱᛟᛗ ᚨ ᚲᛟᛗᛗᛟᚾᛖᚱ - - ᛏᛟ ᚨ ᚲᛁᚾᚷ - A dwarf sets himself in the local tavern, placing an old and stained note that was to be stained once more by the mess of the table. His hands fiddled with an old pot completed with fresh ink, and a feathery quill which was recently plucked from a sleeping raven atop an old pine tree. The son of Urguan with the quill and his essence of writing, began to form a letter which was to be forwarded to the King of Norland, hoping to release himself from the boredom that the tension of nations have caused. A LETTER TO THE KING OF NORLAND Dearest Balon Eiriksson Ruric, and whoever it may concern, Excuse the peculiarity with which I write to you this very second. My name is Thráin son of a dwed with no name who recently gained the clan title of Frostbeard. The recent tensions have fueled my curiosity, and like a mad alchemist, I seek nothing more than to use this fuel to its absolute. It is why I propose the great delight of keeping you company for a half hour or more, drinking the coldest mead or the warmest tea. I am quite unsure which you prefer, for our beards, assuming you have one, have never met each other's comfort. I would rather we meet in person than call to eachother like two great birds singing across a vast open valley and make the echo of our voices do the work. Assuming they are legal in your kingdom, I will bring the finest of cactus, farmed from the southern sands where the Uruk’s sleep and together I expect us to light it ablaze until our lungs turn green and what's left turns to ash. You may choose the date, for you are the one who sits upon a throne. Sincerely, Thráin Frostbeard A simple miner and craftsmen of no titles and a father of no name.
  14. THE MOUNTAIN ALLIANCE Since the founding of Kal’Urguan the mountain dwed have been the foundation of the dwarves, from their many feats to their esteemed Paragons, the sons of Urguan have relied on the skill and determination of the mountain dwed. Back in the days of old, in the city of Kal'Karaad, Bastion Ireheart, Fili Grandaxe and Verthaik Frostbeard signed a bloodpact, bringing the mountain clans into an alliance, forging an unbreakable bond between Urguans kin. Decades later, the pact was renewed between Kerwyr Frostbeard, Fimlin Grandaxe and Gror Ireheart, once again bringing the clans close, and in return, making the Grand Kingdom much stronger than it was before. The pact was once again restored in Almaris between Bakir Ireheart, Kronk Stormheart, Argnos Frostbeard, and Thumbrindal Grandaxe So history shall repeat itself once again in Aevos, the mountain clans of Ireheart and Frostbeard shall sign a bloodpact in accordance with the following terms. 1. Signatories agree to support each other militarily if aggressed upon 2. Clans of the alliance formally agree to never employ hostility to each other, in the case of an act that cannot be ignored, the signatories shall meet to discuss a means of action. 3. Signatories shall not pledge allegiance to any sort of conflict without discussion. 4. Clans of the Mountain Alliance agree to support each other politically. 5. The Signatories of the alliance agree to meet every stone month. Signed, Clan Father of the Irehearts Clan Father of the Frostbeards
  15. -=x=- The New Cottonwood Chief -=x=- Hello everyone. I'm here to announce I will be taking my place as the new Cottonwood Chief. Though this is not the kind of challenge I can say I'm used to, I will do my best to serve the Cottonwoods and all of Hefrumm to the best of my abilities. Adapting to this will be a new but welcomed challenge for me to overcome. For those who do not know me, I am Orsola Cottonwood, niece of the great Paragon Bjor Cottonwood, founder of our beloved Hefrumm. Daughter of Baldin Frostbeard and Fraye Cottonwood, a union of both mountain and forest dwarves. Most of my years were spent in the woods, living with only the company of nature itself. I spent many years hunting, crafting, and doing what I could to survive. Although those days are now gone, I still often spend time alone surrounded by the trees. As someone who has spent most of her life in the woods, I hope to lead the Cottonwoods back to our roots in nature the best I can. Not only that, but I hope to make the Cottonwood community thrive once again. In the future, some events will be hosted to bring Cottonwood culture back to Hefrumm. Though they will be Cottonwood events, I hope dwed of all clans and cultures will be able to enjoy and share such activities with our fellow dwarves. Be you a cave dwarf, mountain dwarf, or forest dwarf, everyone shall be welcomed with open arms, as all of us are creations of the great Yemekar. Before finishing this message, I would quickly like to thank all who have supported me. I would not be here without you, and I will prove to you I was worthy of your trust. Cottonwood Chief, Orsola Cottonwood OOC: Anyone who has questions or suggestions is more then welcome to reach out to me on discord (warmishice)! I also plan on reviving the Cottonwood discord so there will be a better place to do so in the future :)
  16. ᛞᚨ ᚾᚨᚱᚢᚨᚲ’ᛟᛊ ᚱᚢᚢᚨᛚᚲ Pact: The Glorious Riverway Da Narvak’os Ruvalk ᛞᚨ ᚾᚨᚱᚢᚨᚲ’ᛟᛊ ᚱᚢᚢᚨᛚᚲ 2nd of the Grand Harvest, in the 135th Year of the Second Age 11th of Gronna ag Droba in the 484th Year of Exalted Sigismund, ARTICLE I: INTEGRITY I. The signatories recognise their authority to exercise their powers (including their power to create lasting treaties between their peoples), as well as their responsibilities to their people that come with their respective positions of prestige. II. The signatories shall form a buffer zone of one region between the two nations to respect each other’s territorial integrity. A. Urguan relinquishes its claims upon the 12th region of the redwood forest biome. ARTICLE II: DIPLOMACY I: The signatories shall create and maintain a correspondence through the offices of their diplomatic representatives, in the interest of maintaining the terms of this treaty and using such as a platform to voice any concerns that the signatories may have in the future. II: The sovereigns of each state will swear oaths of friendship jointly, in their honor, as an act of kinship and solidarity in the years to come. ARTICLE III: TRADE I. The signatories entitle each other the right to one shop or stall in each other’s capital’s market, free of tax to encourage trade, as well as ensuring the free movement of people in one another’s territory. II. For a merchant to claim the stall or shop in a respective capital’s market, a merchant is to inform the respective economic representative of the nation of the requested stall or shop & are required to inform the diplomatic representative of the countersignatory nation. A. Urguan’s merchant stall in Haense will be entitled to a forge, which will be formally owned by the Worker’s Guild of Urguan. ARTICLE IV: EXTRADITION I. The signatories agree to a mutual extradition clause, in which a citizen/subject from either Nation, having reasonable justification for an arrest, may be apprehended and passed over to the Courts of the Land in which their crime took place. II. In such cases as these, an Extradition Request by the Judicial representatives of the state of the first-part must be presented to the Monarch or Government of the second-part for approval. III. Legal Defense for the defendant may be given by Judicial representatives of the Nation from which the citizen/subject hails from. ARTICLE V: ALLIANCE I: The signatories agree to a defensive military alliance, in which any hostilities from a third party against any one of them will be viewed as an attack against the both of them. II: The signatories agree to settle any dispute between them or in which they may be involved through diplomatic means in such a manner that this alliance and the laws of signatories are not endangered. III: The signatories agree to consult together whenever, in the opinion of either of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of the signatories is threatened. IV: The signatories reserve the right to expand this defensive pact into a full military alliance whenever deemed favorable by both parties. ARTICLE VI: DURATION I. The signatories agree that this treaty shall last for a duration of TWENTY years. II. In FIVE years, the signatories agree to recongregate to discuss land borders and expansions between the two nations as discussed in articles I.II and I.II.A III. In the case that any of the signatories wish to make amendments to this treaty in the future, they are to consult with the others and discuss credible changes, lest the agreement mutually dissolve. IV. At the conclusion of the treaty’s duration, the signatories may request an extension, to be considered jointly, if found beneficial to both parties. Signed, His Grandess, Garedyn The Emerald, Grand King of Urguan, Chief of Mossborn, Prophet of Yemekar, Seer of Hefrumm, Zealot of the Triad His Royal Majesty, Aleksandr II, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, Toruv, Valdev and Werdenburg, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera. Auriel Doomforged, High Prophet of Urguan, Cleric of Grimdugan, Keeper of the Reforged Her Excellency, Alyona Rhetta Sviatovna Godunov, Lady Emissary of Hanseti-Ruska, Baroness of Verskaya Lady Ilaria Anabel Amador, Diplomat to Urguan
  17. Date: 13th of the Deep Cold TOP HEADLINES ᛏᛟᛈ ᚺᛖᚨᛞᛚᛁᚾᛖᛋ UAID ends Urguan Famine As the great dwarves of Urguan settled within their homes in the new city of Kal'Kadrelaz, several reports of a lack of food and water spread throughout the realm. Although Grand King Agnar ‘The Sleepy’ ignored his citizen's concerns, several local officials within the city called for the assistance of UAID’s recently emerged food aid program. Chief Executives Bakir Ireheart and Conan Goldhand swiftly responded to the call, delivering bushels of grain, potatoes, greens, and drink to the Urguan people. Along with deliveries of food, UAID sent workers to establish fresh farms and they have begun training the Urguan people to grow their own food. THE GRAND KING’S FEAST For several days now, the Urguan people have been gathering in the tavern to discuss the upcoming feast held by the Grand King himself, Agnar Grandaxe. The dwarves, known for their great drinking abilities and their long-lasting feasts have been hoarding up their alcohol and recent rations from the organization UAID in preparation for the feast. Some citizens report crews of craftsmen working all throughout the night to prepare for the great feast planned for tomorrow. DWARF DAILY; TAVERN REVIEW Dwarves, unmatched in the strength of their alcohol, recently opened a new tavern called the Dancing Igor. One of our Senior reporters, Garrond Frostbeard, recently visited the tavern and reported on several aspects, including the customer service, deals, prices and quality of the goods served. One major aspect noticed just by walking into the tavern was the smell of fresh food and drink served by the dwarven barkeeps. The multiple barkeeps at your disposal serve fresh food and drink quickly. Another positive aspect observed by the DD is the prices of the food and drinks served by the drinking Igor. With prices as low as three minas for drinks and two for food, the Dancing Igor provides affordable food/drinks for all who visit. Unfortunately, according to our reporters, customer service was inexperienced. Many of our anonymous reporters disguised as normal customers reported new employees reacting slowly and sometimes unresponsive to food orders. Finally, one of our reporters observed a lack of deals and specials for visitors, such as Ex-monarchs and Grand Kings. In conclusion, we believe the Dancing Igor has an affordable and welcoming environment that provides freshly cooked food and freshly brewed drinks for any traveler, ranging from sweet small drinks to strong drinks that will take down an experienced drinker. With this in mind, the dancing Igor needs to improve their employees' training in the customer service field and develop eye-catching specials to treat important guests when visiting. MINE SCANDAL Reports by early dwarf settlers of Kal’Kadrelaz claimed that dwarves were peacefully laboring in the mines until suddenly, the ore was raided by foreign miners! Swift panic swept as the Grand King, Agnar Grandaxe, had a door administered and locked, placing a mining tax upon many human and foreigner miners. Dwarves were allowed freely to mine as their right as Thalgrim Goldhand was delegated to replicate the key by the Grand King but failed to make copies for Stewards, making it a challenge for some Dwarves to gain access. Thus Bostone Grimgold took it into his own hands, hired a locksmith, and began distributing keys among all the dwarves of the city. Upon return to the mines, it was found that the Iron Door was reported missing and ripped off its hinges! Did the Grand King lose the keys again?! Contact Urguan Legion Authorities if you have seen this door! Article written by: Duren Ireheart Garrond Frostbeard Bakir Ireheart © 13th of the Deep Cold / DD - Dwarven Daily
  18. The Brathmordikan Temple of Almaris was overrun by the Mori and Duren held onto the body of a fatally wounded Ireheart dragging him closer to the city square. Before making an escape the elder Ireheart observed as the Dwed of the underground gallantly fought and with great valor able to defeat many Mori though were still being pushed back. Upon a retreat, Duren takes one look back at the Temple and witnesses a grand miracle conjured by another’s magic. A manifestation of Lord Dungrimm spilled out into the Temple slamming a large hammer upon many of the Mori causing the walls to collapse and providing time for escape. Duren glances back as he evacuates into the valley from the city and a bright light shines upon the mountain where his grand-son Balor rests. He squeezes his eyes closed from shedding a tear as he whispers a prayer for his fallen kin “ᚱᛖᛊᛏ ᛁᚾ ᛈᛖᚲᛖ ᛒᚨᛚᛟᚱ”. He hesitantly turns his body to continue the evacuation leaving his late grand-son in the care of Dungrimm. Duren and his great-grandson Balor II carrying the injured body of their Ireheart kin out of the mountains to safety. Once they reached the harbor the exhaustion from being the vanguard at the Temple finally overcame them. Some stone years later, Duren & many other of the Dwarves have reached the survival lands of Failor and established Camp Dwed to subsist despite the odds. Though many of them had not rallied for so long since the exodus. They have managed to continue their councils without even proper courts or temples. Celebrations and ale-pouring commonly occur as the camp cherishes the life spared to them by the Gods and also mourning for those who were lost. Even in the face of insecurity the Dwarves of Urguan keep to the pursuit of Yemekar, striking the earth!
  19. ᛁᚱᛖᚺᛖᚨᚱᛏ ᛏᚱᚨᛞᛁᛏᛁᛟᚾᛋ Ireheart Traditions - The Bone Throne For centuries, the bone throne has been the seat of power for Clan Ireheart. Made out of dragon bones from the dragons Kjell slew, the bones signify the ancient lineage of the Irehearts and their reputation as warriors and dragonslayers. ORIGIN The origin of the bone throne is often misconceived as being a tradition made by Kjell himself, but this has been disproven. Under the leadership of Clan Father Utak Ireheart, he constructed the bone throne with the clan's most masterful craftsmen in order to display the glory of the Clan. Using the bones from the dragons Kjell slew, Utak created a throne worthy of the Ireheart Clan Father. TRADITIONS Head Collecting ᚺᛖᚨᛞ ᚲᛟᛚᛚᛖᚲᛏᛁᚾᚷ Regarded as ‘barbaric’ and un-dwarf-like, the head collection tradition is held sacred by the members of Clan Ireheart. Originated by Utak Ireheart and Bakir Ireheart, head collection became a tradition that is now practiced by modern-day Irehearts, displaying their kills and accomplishments on the bone throne. Often heads are to be a large variety, from a simple bandit who crossed a son of Kjell, to a Rex’s head. Weapon Collecting ᚹᛖᚨᛈᛟᚾ ᚲᛟᛚᛚᛖᚲᛏᛁᚾᚷ Similar to the head collection tradition, weapon collection is a relatively recent tradition, only originating a couple of centuries ago. As an Ireheart comes home from battle, they make a choice to either give up the weapon of their enemies or take it from themselves. Often Irehearts will display their defeated enemy's weapons at the base of the bone throne, where all may see the victories and accomplishments of the Clan. It is the tradition of the Clan Father to display the weapons of Kings, Rex’s, and enemy leaders closest to the throne. The Gauntlet of Kjell ᛏᚺᛖ ᚷᚨᚢᚾᛏᛚᛖᛏ ᛟᚠ ᚴᛃᛖᛚᛚ The gauntlet of Kjell is one of the relics from a bygone era. Crafted at the order of Kjell, it is forged from two ancient armor pieces that used to be worn by Kjell Ireheart himself. Forged from the armor pieces, The Fox’s boots, and The Vipers Helm, it received a blessing from the God of the Irehearts himself. It is believed that due to Kjells dedication to Dungrimm, Dungrimm swore to bless the sons of Kjell and those who wore the gauntlet. The gauntlet not only signifies Dungrimms favor but signifies the place of the Irehearts as being Dungrimms right hand.
  20. ᛃᛟᚱᚡᛁᚾ ᛋᛏᚨᚱᛒᚱᛖᚨᚴᛖᚱ A NOMINATION FOR HERO OF DUNGRIMM. ᛏᚺᛖ ᚨᛖᚾᚷᚢᛚ-ᛋᛚᚨᚤᛖᚱ I consider myself to be a great, devout and capable follower of Dungrimm, having served as a priest of his, alongside Grand Marshal and a host of other positions in Urguan. I have slain dragons, drakes and many other great beasts. Yet I cannot wrap my head around the insane feat of one Jorvin Starbreaker. This feat outweighs anything I have done, and I aspire to outclass such a feat one day. This feat, among other things has gained my utmost respect and my nomination. FOR His great deed of slaying an Aengul, I, Sigrun ‘Dragonslayer’ Ireheart nominate and implore the Kirkja Dverga to make Jorvin Starbreaker an officially recognized Hero of Dungrimm. Signed, Twice Grand Champion of Urguan, Dragonslayer.
  21. Year 127 of The Second Age 6th of May, 2023. ᛋᛁᚷᚱᚢᚾ 'ᛞᚱᚨᚷᛟᚾᛋᛚᚨᚤᛖᚱ' ᛁᚱᛖᚺᛖᚨᚱᛏ A MATRIMONY OF HONOUR AND GLORY ᚢᛚᚠᚨᚱ ᛋᛏᚨᚱᛒᚱᛖᚨᚴᛖᚱ It is hereby that Sigrun ‘Dragonslayer’ Ireheart and Ulfar Starbreaker come together to host a ceremony of the ages to officialize us two dwarves in marriage before the Brathmordakin. Let this matrimony be one of Honour and Glory, as two battle-hardened dwarves come together to officially seal themselves in marriage as consequence of their shared passions before Belka. After the wedding ceremony there shall be a feast to celebrate the marriage of the two dwarves. The wedding shall be hosted in the Temple of the Brathmordakin. We hereby invite all descendants of the realm to attend, with special invitations sent to the following. All citizens of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan. All members of the Order of The Golden Lion.
  22. ᛏᚱᛁᚨᛚ ᛟᚠ ᚱᚺᚢᚾ The Resignation of the Grand Ambassador of Urguan, Dagmir Grandaxe ᛏᛁᛗᛖ ᚠᛟᚱ ᚢᚾᛁᛏᚤ Dwedmar of Urguan, Fellow Diplomats & Emissaries, I serve notice to you all. Today, on the 2nd of the Amber Cold, in the 126th Year of the Second Age, I, Dagmir of the Clan of Grandaxe, handed in my formal resignation as the Grand Ambassador of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, passing the symbol of my office, the Ornate Cane of the Grand Ambassador to His Majesty, the Grand King of Urguan, Agnar of the Clan of Grandaxe. I offered this resignation to His Majesty out of a desire for rest and recuperation after striving for peace and tranquillity over the course of two-decades, an achievement in modern diplomacy and a crowning jewel for His Majesty’s reign, it has been my privilege and honour to serve in His Majesty’s Government to cultivate & maintain diplomatic relations around Almaris. It has allowed the Dwedmar an era in which to grant their beardlings a happy and constructive childhood untainted by the stains of unhappiness that War and Bloodshed have wrought on Dwed lives. To my diplomatic contemporaries across Almaris, it has been a pleasure to work with you all in our individual and greater capacities, as diplomats, emissaries & Realms of the Continent. I wish to convey personal thanks to all, with special mention to His Royal Highness, King Georg I of the Dual Koengzem of Hanseti-Ruska, as well as his faithful subjects: His Grace, the Duke Aleksandr var Ruthern of Vidaus & Miss Ilaria Amador, Emissary to Urguan. I also apologise to all foreign diplomatic bodies that you now need to re-establish your contacts and continue prosperous relations with the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Until such a time as a replacement is made and the Cane passed on, I recommend your correspondence be addressed to His Majesty, the Grand King. I shall maintain my office as an acting Magistrate of the High Courts of Urguan, until such time as it is no longer required of me to maintain the position at the wish of the High Justicar, Thromdrick Irongut, or His Majesty, the Grand King of Urguan. Until then, I shall tend to my personal wellbeing, physically & spiritually, as a Subject of His Majesty and Citizen of the Grand Kingdom. May the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, under the Serene Reign of His Majesty, remain steadfast in its commitments towards Unity among all of the Dwedmar. May the Legion remain stalwart in the face of perils, both foreign and domestic, under the firm command of Duroun Ireheart. May the Religious Sects of Urguan strive for peaceful coexistence and cooperation, under their respective leaders. May Ogradhad Guide us all. Narvok oz Agnar! - Narvok oz Urguan! Signed, Dagmir Grandaxe, Former Grand Ambassador of Urguan, Acting Magistrate of the High Court of Urguan.
  23. TO CUT THE HEAD OFF A SNAKE 19th of the Grand Harvest, 221 SA A plague of heresy has infested the halls of Urguan since the absence of the Legion and their policing presence in Urguan. The Rhun Cultists have assimilated themselves into Urguan, secretly undermining our very religion and Grand Kingdom at every turn. I have taken upon myself to cleanse the Kingdom of these extremists causing chaos in our beloved Kingdom with the proper backing by the Kirkja Dverga. Their crimes are listed below for all to see and those who help, associate, or participate in the Rhun cult will be put under investigation and tried. THEIR CRIMES AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF URGUAN To be a part of the High Courts, one must follow the Brathmordakin as according to da Kirkja Dverga. I. The Rhun Cult teaches falsehood, in that the Rhun Prophet is the only Dwed capable of speaking for the Rhun. This violates articles 1.1, 1.2. FOR, No other office or institution may punish anyone for a crime against the Brathmordakin unless a clergy writing explicitly says otherwise. The Rhun Cult imprisoned Ursus Grandaxe without permission or authority of da Kirkja Dverga. II. Treason FOR, The attempted assassination of Bakir Ireheart & Dravil Ireheart. III. Vandalism FOR, The vandalism of Hefrumm, by destroying statues and placing crude signs around it. FOR, The sacrilege of Paragon Bjor. IV. Disrespect of Holy Relics FOR, The pouring of a tanglefoot potion upon the Paragon Bjor V. Impersonation of a Public Official FOR, The Rhun Cult falsely acts with authority, such as in the case of illegally imprisoning Ursus Grandaxe VI. Vigilantism & Kidnapping FOR, Putting Ursus Grandaxe under House Arrest VII. Insubordination FOR, Describing the High Prophet as a heretic and kin-slayer when proven false by the High Courts. VIII. Conspiracy FOR, Conspiracy to dismantle the Clergy and the Workforce to reduce the Grand Kingdom of Urguan’s rightful rule over Dwarfdom. This was done when both institutions were dissolved before the exodus to Khron’Hundmar. FOR, Upon their return to the Kingdom, their desire to usurp the clergy. IX. Tax Evasion FOR, Failing to continually pay the full amount of your tax liability on time. THEREFORE, THE FOLLOWING ARE UNDER ARREST BY ORDER OF THE GRAND MARSHAL: Norli Starbreaker Durin Hammerforge Thromdrick Irongut Thalgrim Goldhand Rylanor Goldhand Damona Goldhand Dor’Nal Hammerfist …AND ANY OTHERS RHUN CULTISTS. SIGNED, Durorn Ireheart, Grand Marshal of the Legion, Grand Champion of Urguan, Elder of Clan Ireheart Agnar Grandaxe, Grand King of Urguan, Clan Father of Grandaxe, Defender of Kal’Ordholm, Master of Punji-Sticks, Protector of the Dwarves Garedyn The Green, Grand Steward of Urguan, High Chief of Hefrumm, Chief of the Mossborn, High Prophet of da Kirkja Dverga.
  24. [!] A missive would arrive by bird at homes throughout the Grand Kingdom of Urguan... not a door was spared. [!] To arms! In the throngs of the night, and accompanied by a terrible shaking of the earth, Khorvad's servants the Mori have writhed their way under our feet... Now taking hold even within The Deeproads underneath the capital of Kal'Darakaan, seemingly aiming to siege and conquer our grand capital from within... avoiding the defenses of the main entrance. Most menacingly of all however was the beast under control of the Mori, that me and my company gazed upon as we investigated.... a massive centipede... so large it could nearly block the largest deeproad tunnels; and with it, it's spawn in the thousands which we were helpless to watch crawl into every crack and crevice within the caverns... A battle with the foe lies close on the horizon now. As Yemekar's Pick, I call upon all those members of the Workforce to take up the hammers and chisels in defense of the capital! The Deeproads' defenses are few, and ancient by now. As such, I order those who work within the Workforce to ramp up the production of weapons, as well as to seek a meeting with myself, to discuss the efforts at fortification. Siege weapons are to be produced for the defense of the capital, and alchemists and enchanters are ordered to ramp up the production of fire based potions and enchantments to counter the threat. The time for the dwarven kin to unite against the Khorvadic corruption that is the Mori has come, I call upon the legion to hasten it's recruitment and reorganization, as such will be vital in the coming fight... For now it is advised that The Deeproads should be barricaded off, and no soul should venture within... When emplacements are added, such should be done in groups, certainly never alone. Narvok Oz Urguan Narvok Oz Ok Dwedmar Tuzic Mossborn, Yemekar's Pick, Prophet of Ogradhad
  25. ᚢᚱᚴᚢᛅᚾ ᛅᚾᛏ ᚼᛁᚠᚱᚢᛘᛘ ᚴᛁᛚᛁᛒᚱᛅᛏᚬᚾ Celebrating Joy and Family ᛁᚬᛁ ᛅᚾᛏ ᚠᛅᛘᛁᛚᛁ It is Anbella we have to thank for our prosperity in terms of family, children, and marriage. In recent times, within the last few years, Urguan has seen its fair share of marriages and young ones born to their kin. It seems only fitting to celebrate in her - Anbella’s honor. This party will celebrate the dwedki that currently fills Urguans streets with joy and wonder. It will celebrate the marriage between Ealisaid Mossborn and Ulfric Frostbeard. It will also extend the celebrations to the to-be newlywed Thrabor and Fia Ireheart. Friends of the dwedmar are welcome to attend the festivities- food and an open bar will be provided, and with the promise of drinking games should anyone be interested. [5EST/10GMT 2 April, Urguan Valley]
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