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  1. Past hour
  2. “A good clarification, maybe we comments will finally get a voice!” Said the Nord
  3. The self-proclaimed goblin Premier of the province Vikela straights in ushanka as he takes a long drag on his cigarette. Saying to anyone who would listen "Dimitri thinks we must free the people of Vikela da, this war is a righteous one da."
  4. Through a smog of rotting corpses, an ogre lords atop. Fuming hellish fires, the devil spoke; "Everything dies."
  5. Today
  6. I think it should be items that are common, have little to no value, are used frequently in builds, or could possibly occur naturally in the the area of construction ex: gravel, dirt, sand, plant items like grass flowers etc
  7. The former Sohaer of Haelun’or, Theveus Sythaerin, sat in his manor with paper in hand. “If only Braxus had kept his mouth shut, if only I was still in power, Haelun’or would be much better then it is now, having lost all of our vassals in such short amount of time, shameful.”
  8. Farming Should specific plants grow better in certain biomes? Yes Should there be subspecies of plants (e.g. multiple species of wheat seeds such as millet, barley, or rye)? Sounds like too much effort over nothing Should the time of year influence your harvest yields? No, time is a really strange concept already with how months/years work so it'd just feel weird Should certain races be better at farming than others? I wanna say no but if you decide that you're going to go that far you should inquire different players well-versed in respective race lores (or just ask ST) what kind of subspecies they'd be better at farming at rather than just straight up saying "x race is better than x race". Composting Should different types of compost be available which help with different plants? I think only one type of compost is fine, we don't need a whole complicated compost system Should it be possible to make a generally 'better' bonemeal? I don't see the point Rarity Should different rarities of food ingredients exist, which require more or less effort to acquire? No it doesn't need to be that complicated. Raising Livestock Should older animals provide progressively better ingredients? No, there are lots of reasons why I really don't like the idea of this but I don't want to get into them and just say the simple reason; animal farming is super weird and hard to moderate I'm pretty sure there are lots of places with underground animal farms so it'll just feel like an overcomplicated farming sim for no reason Should certain races be better at raising livestock than others? No, but yes only if different races specialize in different livestock (orcs = chickens, humans = pigs, dwarfs = sheep etc.) Should the feed you provide your animals change what quality ingredients the animal then produces? No Should specific animals grow faster in certain biomes? No Should you be able to brush your animals to make them happier and also produce better quality ingredients? Yes, this is a fun idea Other Food Sources Should berries be altered to reduce their effectiveness? Yes Should the amount of Billybob Taters be reduced? No, just change the item descriptions so that you can actually stack them in one group. Beekeeping Should this exist? Yes Alcohol Should aging alcoholic beverages for longer make them stronger? Yes, that's a really neat and cool idea and gives neat flavor on the item. Cooking Should custom recipes exist for other foods (e.g. spaghetti, sandwiches, haggis)? I think a really cool way to do this would be to have players be able to write their own recipes that they can give to other players to copy and use, instead of just having just a really boring IRL food submission. Should this be restricted to just saturation and hunger bars, or should this also include any or all of: Health Boost Absorption Regeneration Saturation (potion effect) Haste Should it be possible to create entirely custom recipes (ST Admin only)? Yeah Should certain recipes exist that are race-locked? No that's like saying I can't make spaghetti just because I'm not from Italy, if you're gonna do that stat-effectiveness thing just say you can't make it as best as it can be unless you're its unique race. Should you be able to take an arbitrary food item and 'reskin' it into another food item? This would PRESERVE ALL MECHANICAL PROPERTIES of the food item in question, but allow you to then CHANGE ITS APPEARANCE, allowing you to roleplay it however you would like. Yeah of course Cannibalism Should descendants drop a food item when slain (up to a limit per day)? That's funny sure Should this grant additional buffs to undead players? No
  9. Issued and averred by Their Majesties THE TREATY OF NORTREBANC This pact between the Heartlander Confederation and Academy of Hohkmat shall be considered in effect from the 1st of Harren’s Folley 1980, to the 1st of Harren’s Folley 1995. After which, the two states may convene once more to discuss renewing the treaty. ARTICLE I - SOVEREIGNTY The Heartlander Confederation and the Academy of Hohkmat, or henceforth ‘the signatories’, recognise each other’s sovereignty over their territories, titles, and vassals, including any of the three that the signatories may come to possess in the duration of the pact provided that they were acquired in good faith. ARTICLE II - NON-AGGRESSION The signatories pledge to each other to adhere to principles of peace between each other. They shall not wage war upon one another, nor shall they raise arms against one another, or try to bring harm to the integrity of one another’s realms. This includes but is not limited to: supporting mercenaries and/or bandits in attacks against a signatory; making claims about a signatory with the intent to ruin the reputation of its culture, people, or leadership; and using the well-intentioned articles of this pact to disadvantage another signatory. ARTICLE III - MUTUAL DEFENSE The signatories hereby pledge to assist each other in matters of national defense; an attack on either party by a third party shall be considered an attack against both. Any disputes between the signatories shall first be resolved through peaceful discussion among the leadership of both signatories. In the event that the territorial integrity of either nation is threatened in any manner by an external force, the two shall come together to discuss preemptive measures. ARTICLE IV - EXTRADITION The signatories pledge to assist each other with extradition requests and shall not support evident criminals with hiding or otherwise escaping from the authorities of the signatory they transgressed in. ARTICLE V - TRADE The signatories pledge to promote free trade between each other, and to allow the passage of merchants between each other’s cities. In addition, the signatories shall allow mutual access to their capital mines, including the connection of Hohkmat’s capital mine to the tunnel system of Vallagne. Access shall also be granted to select miners of the Heartlands into the coal mines of Hohkmat. ARTICLE VI - DIPLOMATIC PROTECTIONS The signatories shall abide by and uphold the privileges of diplomats. The privileges being these; diplomatic immunity, right of safe passage, inviolability of premises and inviolability of documents. For the signatories to break any of these privileges bestowed unto diplomats, shall be considered hostile action. ARTICLE VII - CHURCH OF THE CANON The Heartlander Confederation recognizes the universal authority of the Church and the Canon Law. Should the Academy of Hohkmat come at odds with the One True Faith and the Holy Mother Church, the defensive alliance between the signatories shall be considered null and void. HIS ROYAL AND APOSTOLIC MAJESTY, Charles II, King of Aaun, Prince of Alstion, Duke of Vienne, the Lowlands, Balemena and Corazon, Margrave of High Peak, Count of Whitespire, Enswerp, Florentine and Talentine, Baron of Blanchet and Virdain, Protector of the Realm HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Adalia I, Queen of the Petra, Princess of Abrana, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Duchess of Valfleur, Countess of Temesch, Torm Marian, and Moere, Viscountess of Mies, Baroness of Garmont, Vallagne-en-Petra, Eagles Peak, Brasca, Hrenthorne, Resmore, and of the Phoenixspire GRAND-MAGISTER, Sorceress-Queen, Hierophant of the Mysteries, Mistress of the Ziggurat of Hohkmat
  10. I have got to get a gamma skin by any means necessary Skin: - Armor Skin 4 Bid: - 38 Discord: - motherchild IGN: - maidenful
  11. Isana grins upon seeing the notice. “A child!”
  12. Dame Monika scratches her head as she read the missive. "Vhat ein interesting zhing to publish. . ." She remarked
  13. THE SILVER LAW By the hand of the Sohaer in the year 184 S.A. CONTENTS BOOK I – Of the Indisputable Laws CHAPTER 1 – Of the Obvious Laws CHAPTER 2 – Of the Dichotomy of Lewdness BOOK II – Of Magicks and Sorceries CHAPTER 1 – Of the Utilisation of Maigcks CHAPTER 2 – Of Voidal Prohibitions BOOK III – Of Citizenship and Residency CHAPTER 1 – Of the Organisation and Obtainment of Citizenship CHAPTER 2 – Of the Privileges of Citizenship BOOK IV – Of Trials and Punishment CHAPTER 1 – Of the Silver Tribunal CHAPTER 2 – Of Tiers of Punishments BOOK V – Of Authority and Succession CHAPTER 1 – Of the Instrument and Authority of Government CHAPTER 2 – Of the Succession and Commission of Government BOOK I – OF THE INDISPUTABLE LAWS CHAPTER 1 – Of the Obvious Laws ARTICLE 1. The Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or will not tolerate unsanctioned violence. ARTICLE 2. The Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or will not tolerate theft. ARTICLE 3. The Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or will not tolerate the meanderings of unscrupulous wanderers. ARTICLE 4. The Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or will not tolerate the purposeful tarnishment of purity. ARTICLE 5. The Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or will not tolerate the disgraceful and irrational destruction of written thought. ARTICLE 6. The Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or will not tolerate purposeful mutilation of oneself. ARTICLE 7. The Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or will not tolerate garments which obscures one’s identity. ARTICLE 8. The Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or will not tolerate slanderous public speech by untempered tongues toward invited visitors, allies or the State. ARTICLE 9. The Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or will not tolerate the utilisation of illicit substances that may hinder one’s thoughts. CHAPTER 2 – Of the Dichotomy of Lewdness ARTICLE 1. The Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or shall not participate in physical fraternisation outside of marriage. ARTICLE 2. The Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or shall not participate in fraternisation with an oem’ii; an oem’ii being any mali less than fifty years of age. ARTICLE 3. The Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or shall not participate in public fraternisation of an overly intimate nature. ARTICLE 4. The Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or shall not participate in fraternisation of any intimate sort with mali’ata or other races. ARTICLE 6. The Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or shall not participate in incestuous fraternisation of any kind. BOOK II – OF MAGICKS AND SORCERIES CHAPTER 1 – Of the Utilisation of Magicks ARTICLE 1. The use and support of Dark magick is strictly prohibited within the State. i. Dark magic includes, but is not limited to: [ A ]: The accursed art of necromancy. [ B ]: The ill-omened art of blood magick. [ C ]: The damned art of infernal magick. [ D ]: The wretched art of ghostly magick. ii. This prohibition extends to creatures affiliated with Dark magick, encompassing but not limited to: [ A ]: The wicked darkstalkers. [ B ]: The bewitched frost witches. [ C ]: The enthralled Pale lords and knights. [ D ]: The damned children of demons. ARTICLE 2. The utilisation of the following magicks is permissible, contingent upon the user obtaining a warrant from the Okarir’maehr or Sohaer: [ A ]: The natural art of druidism. [ B ]: The ritualistic art of shamanism. ARTICLE 3. The utilisation of the following magicks is permissible, provided that such practices do not inflict harm upon the Blessed Citizens and their distinguished guests: [ A ]: The noble art of voidal magick. [ B ]: The martial art of kani. [ C ]: The minor art of bardmancy. [ D ]: The minor art of housemagery. CHAPTER 2 – Of Voidal Prohibitions ARTICLE 1. The creation of voidal tears within the State is categorically prohibited due to their inherently unstable and chaotic nature. Exceptions shall only be considered upon unanimous agreement from the Okarir’tayna and Sohaer. ARTICLE 2. The establishment of a voidal obelisk within one's domicile is expressly forbidden. Exceptions shall only be considered upon unanimous agreement from the Okarir’tayna and Sohaer. BOOK III – OF CITIZENSHIP AND RESIDENCY CHAPTER 1 – Of the Organisation and Obtainment of Citizenship ARTICLE 1. The citizenship of the Silver State of Haelun'or consists of three classes: [ A ]: Third-class Citizen. [ B ]: Second-class Citizen. [ C ]: First-class Citizen. ARTICLE 2. The approval of the Third-class Citizen is decided by the Okarir’lin on the following premises: [ A ]: Proven absence of mixed blood. [ B ]: Proven adherent of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. [ C ]: Elementary understanding of the Elven tongue. [ D ]: Submission of a tome to the Eternal Library or enlistment in the Sillumir. [ E ]: Publically recited the Oath of Allegiance before an Okarir or the Sohaer. ARTICLE 3. The approval of the Second-class Citizen is decided by the Okarir’lin on the following premises: [ A ]: Proven solely of High Elf blood. [ B ]: Elementary understanding of the Elven tongue. [ C ]: Submission of a tome to the Eternal Library or enlistment in the Sillumir. [ D ]: Publically recited the Oath of Allegiance before an Okarir or the Sohaer. ARTICLE 4. The approval of the First-class Citizen is decided by the Okarir’lin on the following premises: [ A ]: Proven solely of High Elf blood. [ B ]: Proven adherent of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. [ C ]: Elementary understanding of the Elven tongue. [ D ]: Submission of a tome to the Eternal Library or enlistment in the Sillumir. [ E ]: Publically recited the Oath of Allegiance before an Okarir or the Sohaer. ARTICLE 5. The mandatory Oath of Allegiance is as follows: “I solemnly swear this sacred oath: to render unconditional allegiance to [Sohaer’s Full Name], Sohaer of the Silver State of Haelun'or and Chief Commander of the Sillumir, and in my honourable duty as a citizen of the State, I pledge unwavering obedience unto death.” ARTICLE 6. First-class Citizenship is inherently bestowed upon individuals born within a lawful union of two First-class Citizens. ARTICLE 7. The Sohaer reserves the authority to revoke citizenship through official decree. CHAPTER 2 – Of the Privileges of Citizenship ARTICLE 1. All Blessed Citizens are entitled to a prompt and lawful trial. ARTICLE 2. All Blessed Citizens are entitled to medical service and protection. ARTICLE 3. All Blessed Citizens are entitled to residency in accordance with their level of citizenship and income. ARTICLE 4. All Blessed Citizens are eligible to operate a business within the market district. ARTICLE 5. All Blessed Citizens are eligible to serve as a Tilruir. ARTICLE 6. The First-class Citizen enjoys additional privileges in the Silver State of Haelun'or, namely: [ A ]: Eligibility to marry a First-class Citizen. [ B ]: Eligibility to serve as a judge, Parir’tir. [ C ]: Eligibility to serve on the Silver Council, elHeial’thilln. [ D ]: Eligibility to present issues before the Silver Council, elHeial’thilln. BOOK IV – OF TRIALS AND PUNISHMENT CHAPTER 1 – Of the Silver Tribunal ARTICLE 1. All citizens have the right to be tried before the Silver Tribunal, as determined by Book III, chapter 2, article 1 of this codex. ARTICLE 2. The Sohaer or the Okarir’sil may summon the Silver Tribunal. ARTICLE 3. Members of elHeial’thilln or elMalauriran may only be summoned by the Sohaer. ARTICLE 4. The Silver Tribunal shall consist of elPariran. i. For summons in accordance with Book IV, chapter 2, article 1, a singular Parir’tir shall preside. ii. For summons in accordance with Book IV, chapter 2, article 2, two Parir’tir shall preside. iii. For summons in accordance with Book IV, chapter 2, article 3, three Parir’tir shall preside. iv. Judges, the Parir’tir, are chosen based on social hierarchy and authority, namely: [ A ]: elOkariran. [ B ]: elMalauriran. [ C ]: First-class Citizens. ARTICLE 5. The Pariran may run the case as they see fit. ARTICLE 6. The Sohaer may, extraordinarily, call for a Tribunal of the People rather than the Pariran, in which the determination of guilt shall be voted on by the people through simple majority. i. Should the accused be determined guilty by the people, it shall be the duty of the Pariran presiding the Tribunal to issue a sentence accordingly. ARTICLE 7. Should the accused fail to present themselves before the Silver Tribunal, they shall be deemed guilty and a sentence shall be issued by the Pariran. CHAPTER 2 – Of the Tiers of Punishments ARTICLE 1. For minor infractions and crimes against order, the punishment shall be: [ A ]: Mandated cultural classes. [ B ]: Mandated civil service. [ C ]: Fines. ARTICLE 2. For continual or severe violations of Book I or Book II, the punishment shall, in addition to those specified in Article 1 of this Book, include: [ A ]: Stripping of property. [ B ]: Annulment of marriage. [ C ]: The Path to Purity. [ D ]: Corporal punishment. [ E ]: Penal labour or transportation. ARTICLE 3. For the most heinous crimes, where there is no reason to believe the guilty may ever reform, the punishment shall be death. BOOK V – OF AUTHORITY AND SUCCESSION CHAPTER 1 – Of the Instrument and Authority of Government ARTICLE 1. The Sohaer is the highest authority of the Silver State of Haelun'or. ARTICLE 2. The decisions and decrees of the Sohaer hold binding authority throughout the entirety of the Silver State of Haelun'or. ARTICLE 3. The Sohaer: [ A ]: Governs as the head of state of the Silver State of Haelun'or. [ B ]: Rules as the Chief Commander of the Sillumir. [ C ]: Oversees the administration of the Silver Council, elHeial’thilln. [ D ]: Coordinates and directs the diplomatic and military endeavours of the Silver State of Haelun'or. [ E ]: Coordinates and directs the Vassals of the Silver State of Haelun’or. [ F ]: Ratifies treaties. ARTICLE 4. The Maheral: [ A ]: Serves as the spiritual guide of the High Elves, entrusted with the preservation of Larihei’s heritage and knowledge. [ B ]: Conducts inaugurations, weddings, and state funerals on behalf of the Silver State of Haelun'or. [ C ]: Maintains an apolitical stance and is thereby precluded from involvement in administrative, legislative, or executive matters of the Silver State of Haelun'or. ARTICLE 4. The Silver Council, elHeial’thilln, is the legislative and executive body of the Silver State of Haelun'or. ARTICLE 5. The decisions and decrees of the Silver Council, elHeial’thilln, hold binding authority throughout the entirety of the Silver State of Haelun'or, unless overridden by a decision or decree of the Sohaer. ARTICLE 6. The Silver Council, elHeial’thilln, consists of seven members, namely: [ A ]: Elensir, the Chief Counselor. [ B ]: Okarir’sil, the Master of Warfare. [ C ]: Okarir’san, the Master of Diplomacy. [ D ]: Okarir’akaln, the Master of Coin. [ E ]: Okarir’lin, the Master of Residency. [ F ]: Okarir’maehr, the Master of Knowledge. [ G ]: Okarir’tayna, the Master of Magick. ARTICLE 6. The Okarir: [ A ]: Adhere to their individual obligations as outlined in accordance with the Edict of Cirith. [ B ]: Assists the Sohaer in the overall maintenance and management of the Silver State of Haelun'or, including projects, laws, and institutions within their designated area of responsibility. [ C ]: Implements measures to execute plans in accordance with the ambitions and objectives of the Sohaer. [ D ]: Establishes new organisations, bodies, and institutions to bolster the social and economic fabric of the Silver State of Haelun'or. [ E ]: Issues new laws and advisories to uphold public order and safeguard the interests of the Silver State of Haelun'or, rooted in the principle of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. [ F ]: Provides guidance as needed to ensure the public’s adherence to maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. [ G ]: Commission Tilruiran to assist them in their duties. CHAPTER 2 – Of the Succession and Commission of Government ARTICLE 1. The commission and dismissal of any government official in the Silver State of Haelun'or shall be meticulously recorded in the archives of the Eternal Library. ARTICLE 2. The declaration of the Sohaeral successor shall be made either by missive, speech, or through a signed and sealed testament. ARTICLE 3. Upon the passing or abdication of the Sohaer, the Sohaeral successor shall ascend as head of state. ARTICLE 4. The currently seated Sohaer may be challenged by election. i. Elections can only be called by ‘thill which: [ A ]: Have actively lived within the elCihi’thilln for eight consecutive years. [ B ]: Have actively and promptly paid taxes within elCihi’thilln for eight consecutive years. [ C ]: Have actively aided in the advance of Haelunorian society. [ D ]: Have recently been deemed pure by a member of the Silver Council, elHeial’thilln. ii. Citizens may only vote in elections if they: [ A ]: Meet the standard of a First-class Citizen. [ A ]: Have actively lived within the elCihi’thilln for four consecutive years. [ B ]: Have actively and promptly paid taxes within elCihi’thilln for eight consecutive years. [ C ]: Have recently been deemed pure by a member of the Silver Council, elHeial’thilln. iii. Vassals of the Silver State, including its members, are ineligible to participate in elections. ARTICLE 5. The commission and removal of the members of the Silver Council, elHeial’thilln, is within the complete authority of the Sohaer. ARTICLE 6. Exclusively First-class Citizens may sit on the Silver Council, elHeial’thilln. ARTICLE 7. The Maheral shall designate their successor either by missive, speech, or through a signed and sealed testament. ARTICLE 8. The Maheral may be removed through a majority decision by a Council of Malaruiran. ARTICLE 9. In the event of the Maheral being incapacitated or lacking a signed and sealed testament, a Council of Malauriran shall convene to select a new Maheral. MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  14. Devoir Sacré Coat of Arms, of Auclair Family THE UNION OF VALERIE AUCLAIR AND JOA VON LEOPOLD In the next year, the two Will be before God, for their union. The wedding will be held in Chambery, where the two separate from each other, but reunite after many years and fall in love with each other. The wedding will be a closed one, only for the family and the guest: Augusten Household Von Leopold Household Nicolas Wittenbach William Godfrey Temesch & His wife Chambéry Citizen Her Royal Highness of Petra Sir Wilford Anton Reinhold Sir Atticus Abraham Reinhold Lady Adelyn Isla Reinhold BEYOND THE DARKEST NIGHT - UNTO THE BRIGHTEST LIGHT, Madam, Valerie Auclair Lord Joa Dietrich von Leopold
  15. All heraldry and collars by @Zanthuz THE ROYAL ORDERS OF MERIT ATSK TIZ CEHZ AG KAROS “Act with Heart and Honour” VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, AWARDED TO THOSE WHO HAVE MADE SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KINGDOM, THE ROYAL ORDERS OF MERIT ARE ONES OF GREAT PRESTIGE. The inducted shall be linked to a relevant order in which they have served as paragons. With it comes the honourifics of ‘KOM’, ‘KOA’, or ‘KOU’ to represent Haense and Her people. The orders shall indefinitely be awarded to any Haensemen, regardless of their birth or bloodlines. The Royal Orders of Merit were originally established with the Edict of the Lily Garden of 469 E.S. by King Georg I, named after three of the most notable people of the ages in their pertinent areas. This Edict retired the Civil Knighthood of Queen Maya and the Lily, where these two are distinguished in that those inducted into the Royal Orders of Merit as a Kossar are not permitted to be referred to as a Ser or Dame. We do therefore proclaim the following: THE ROBERTINE ORDER OF MERIT KOSSAR OF MERIT (KOM) Named after the twice-served Lord Palatine, Robert Sigismund, the father of Biharism. Robert of Bihar served at a tumultuous time in Haeseni history, and persevered through the toils of the time, accomplishing many feats and forming the fundamental principles that Haense was founded upon. Robert of Bihar exemplifies the high status of excellence and merit set today that only few achieve and are rewarded for. Individuals who have demonstrated outstanding applied intelligence, administration, and charity may be considered for induction. Those who are deemed worthy will have displayed their promotion of central ideals, institutions and charity in service to the people of Haense. Kossars of the Robertine Order of Merit are entitled to use the signature KOM. THE WAILER ORDER OF ARTS KOSSAR OF ARTS (KOA) Named after the prolific historical author, Alistair Wailer. Alistair Wailer is one of the first and most revered Haeseni authors. He has given us an abundance of books and essays that have broadened the minds of all that have read his collection and inspired many others to take up the quill and add to the ever-expanding library of Haeseni works. Alistair Wailer personifies the artistic and literary nature that our Creator endowed all with, and the gift that only a few use to its full potential. Individuals who have demonstrated outstanding literacy, artistic or musical talent and produced great works may be considered for induction. Those who are deemed worthy will have displayed their skill and masterful works of art in the furthering of their field within Haense. Kossars of the Wailer Order of Arts are entitled to use the signature KOA. THE WALTON ORDER OF THE UNYIELDING KOSSAR OF THE UNYIELDING (KOU) Named after the valiant knight, Ser Walton ‘the Wall’. Ser Walton was Knight Paramount during the reign of King Karl III where he served loyally and diligently until his final breath. In the years prior, he had been the knight to end King Sigismund III’s suffering in a duel to the death by order of the King. Individuals who have demonstrated outstanding loyalty, courage, and leadership in their duties to their Kingdom may be considered for induction. Those who are deemed worthy will have displayed their strong moral character and selfless service in defense of the Crown of Haense. Kossars of the Order of the Unyielding are entitled to use the signature KOU. KOSSARS OF THE ROBERTINE ORDER OF MERIT Johanna Barclay - 472 E.S. | For services to Crown and kingdom as Lady Palatine. Posthumous. Granted by King Georg I. Marius Barbanov-Bihar - 498 E.S. | For services to the Crown and kingdom as Lord Palatine. Granted by King Aleksandr II. Josefina Barclay - 498 E.S. | For services to the Crown and kingdom as Lady Treasurer. Granted by King Aleksandr II. Roslin Baruch - 501 E.S. | For services to the Crown and kingdom as Lady Palatine. Granted by King Aleksandr II. Thondorus Stafyr - 503 E.S. | For services to the Crown and kingdom as Lord Treasurer. Granted by King Aleksandr II. Isaak Ludovar - 503 E.S. | For services to the Crown and kingdom as Lord Treasurer. Granted by King Aleksandr II. KOSSARS OF THE WAILER ORDER OF ARTS Murtagh Amador - 498 E.S. | For substantial contributions as Master of the Wardrobe. Granted by King Aleksandr II. Fabian Kortrevich - 498 E.S. | For his leal service as Grand Lord of the Esrova Prikaz. Granted by King Aleksandr II. KOSSARS OF THE WALTON ORDER OF THE UNYIELDING Arthur Gant - 474 E.S. | For acts of bravery and bringing Mariya Barrow to justice. Granted by King Georg I. Malcolm Gant - 474 E.S. | For acts of bravery and bringing Mariya Barrow to justice. Granted by King Georg I. Branimar Ludovar - 474 E.S. | For acts of bravery and bringing Mariya Barrow to justice. Granted by King Georg I. Elreden Ludovar - 474 E.S. | For acts of bravery and bringing Mariya Barrow to justice. Granted by King Georg I. Amleth var der Grendok - 474 E.S. | For acts of bravery and bringing Mariya Barrow to justice. Granted by King Georg I. Wilheim Barclay - 474 E.S. | For acts of bravery and bringing Mariya Barrow to justice. Granted by King Georg I. Emeric Radovanic - 474 E.S. | For acts of bravery and bringing Mariya Barrow to justice. Granted by King Georg I. Felix Weiss - 498 E.S. | For services to the Crown and kingdom as Lord Marshal. Granted by King Aleksandr II. Manfred Barclay - 503 E.S. | For services to the Crown and bravery in the field of battle. Granted by King Aleksandr II. Viktor var Ruthern - 515 E.S. | For bravery and prowess during the Aevos Coalition War. Granted by King Aleksandr II. Vasily Vanrov - 532 E.S. | For bravery and prowess during the Aevos Coalition War. Posthumous. Granted by King Ivan VIII. Ivo Radovanic - 533 E.S. | For bravery shown in defence of the Crown. Posthumous. Granted by Queen Nataliya I. Milena vas Ruthern - 533 E.S. | For bravery shown in defence of the Crown. Granted by Queen Nataliya I.
  16. An elven woman had stumbled across the crowd of people in the Ak'vei in Celia'nor, had heard of and barely glimpsed the scene. Fascination, more than horror, lay in Okerka's mind. After all, she had met the woman at least once, but the location was a surprise. The dedication, the message alongside it. The ability to so quickly, assumedly, set up a gruesome scene. Yes... fascinating, was the word. As quickly as she'd come to see, so too had she flitted away, letters to send in hand.
  17. To be frank, Olox. My best amigo here, and someone I would follow to Hell (or Poland) with that said, though, I must admit, LithiumSedai is Dewper's no. 1 fanboy, and he's the Marshall... My fondest memories are with the Principality of Savoy, and I am partially inclined to choose this as my answer. But, since Savoy fell, I found myself in the beautiful lands of Aaun, which have grown close to my heart. Difficult question... There are no notable Bulgarians. because it is overall a better option than some barren wasteland of an isle you're from
  18. Somewhere in the calm halls of Kastell Lesanov, Veren enjoyed her lunch break arm in arm with Francoise, deep in gossip and recounting her experiences with the Autarch as maids do. ".. Towering, mean, but still as articulate as a poet. It's absurd how much of a difference it makes when Orcs try speak like a normal person. His Holiness was generous to accept reason, as I'm convinced there will never come another one like him." @Hostile_Enemy
  19. A rumor is slowly spreading throughout Adunian society by means of oral tradition. It is carried by wanderers and merchants alike. For the time being it does not appear to have much traction, but the various parts that make up a simple yet compelling narrative can be slowly put together by those to whom the message might pertain: A call to the stray rangers and wanderers of Adunian ancestry. A call to the descendants of the bowies, longing for a return to the wilds. Word that one of theirs is calling for those with similar ideals to join him. The Old Faith? No, not quite. A promise to serve a greater purpose, a mandate to do good and uphold values worth living for. A mandate, not from above or below, but from shared beliefs and trust in one another. An effort to view yourself as an agent in relation to the world around you. An oath to serve descendants and build up a community from the grounds up, and see where it takes them. Those who feel the longing also feel the sway oral tradition has. No letters, just expressions of interest. Word will reach its destination eventually and in the back-and-forth of rumor, those willing to answer the call will find their destination.
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  22. "God forbid you love someone, Koios we should go to Haense and KISS!" Phoibe Halcourt declared to her spouse with a shit-eating grin.
  23. Marjorie Falkner looks at the invitation from her niece, pride burning in her eyes, “That’s my little bug! Now I must find something to wear!”
  24. Thank you for your Map Art submission, a Community Team member will contact you via Discord when it is ready or with any issues. I am a bot, contact a staff member if you require assistance.
  25. Renata Alba uttered something upon the study of this months Zodiac fortunes. "The blood moon is cursed.." Her gaze fell back upon her son, worry to her gaze. Her sweet baby has never felt the warmth of the sun. She could hardly imagine such a thing! The new mother made sure to check her fortune, alongside his, to assure she can protect him properly.
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