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The Return of PVP Default


dead madmin

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I'm too lazy to shitpost today guys here's this

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60th I hope you will lower the amount of bureaucracy on this server.

Too much red tape, too little actual gaming.

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Rather sure I prefer the title over the content of the post, but we can't chain you down itdontmatter. 

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Enjoy your rest king.

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14 hours ago, MeteorDragon said:


I'd take PVP default over this


If you wish hard enough then maybe we could have both, we need more good things on this server

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don't worry guys I'll be really toxic to 60th if he makes bad decisions

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Despite having made some questionable decisions, you were still better than a lot of possible choices and you undoubtedly did some good things for the server. Enjoy your retirement mate :salute:

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30 minutes ago, Shmeepicus said:

don't worry guys I'll be really toxic to 60th if he makes bad decisions

only one person here has the right attitude

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15 hours ago, itdontmatta said:

@The60th is now the Moderation Admin.

uh oh my investigation ban will be forthcoming 

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1 hour ago, Pureimp10 said:


If you wish hard enough then maybe we could have both, we need more good things on this server


The joke is that they're both absolutely awful 

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is this what it feels like to live under a communist regime?

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It is not that dramatic


One ferryadmin replaced by another.

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