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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo


    1. Aengoth


      official clout man chaser


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nug


      thats kinda hot ...

    3. AnonymousAlexa
    4. Heero


      alexa, he has a pulse now. what did you do

  3. Congratulations! Very proud of what you’ve accomplished recently, you deserve it! ?

  4. crocodile tears

    @Orlanthyou referenced a few more than Balian leadership under your accusatory video. at least dance for the mods correctly to get the appeal through 

  5. cry

    1. Netphreak


      Always wondered how you were as an Admin... We should exchange roasts some time.

  6. daily reminder both holy magic and dark magics are stupid

    1. Zacho


      legit if there was no conflict betwixt holy and dark what the actual hell would fuel the server and stop it from turning into a full on pvp factions server tho?

    2. ScreamingDingo


      implying holy and dark conflicts are actually RP and not just ooc squabbling LOL

    3. Guest


      daily reminder you’ve not had a full interview yet and “hi I’m killing u while ur offline” was chosen over u LOL.

  7. daily reminder its 2018 and people still think charles the bald isn't braindead

    1. D4NNA


      woah there

    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      the worst part is that there's still people who think he's funny for being a feral retard.

    3. Unwillingly


      thats how it  be tho

  8. daily reminder that if you are over the age of 20 and you are romantically/sexually involved with someone 16 or under. You are a predator.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Abyssus


      its legal in mexico

    3. J


      Directed by Chris Hansen 

    4. Kaiser


      local man states obvious facts

  9. Daily reminder the void is actually the most evil force on the server

    1. Wrynn


      is this WoW?

  10. daily reminder you will always be worth more than an lotc pvp montage

  11. Daily reminder, magic will fall soon. 


    destroy it all



    1. WuHanXianShi14


      i wouldnt care tbh as long as all magic was equitably culled i just care about the culture

  12. daily reminder:


    i hate you all and if i ever see a taming event request i'm going to drop a writhing god cock on you

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. D4NNA


      Demigry are original and balanced lore, perfect to tame

    3. Lark


      Beware Twigless, The Tamed Tree

    4. Kim


      yes drop that writhing god cock on me

  13. damn guys i know i keep saying pvp isnt rp but we didnt have to invoke a name change

  14. damn the anti-pvp measures have been unravelled at the seams just in time to crash and burn for the new map release for a clean reset

    1. Werew0lf


      *looks into your starry eyes and is entranced 

  15. defy the skies, find the trident that shall pierce both dragon and god and smite them from descendant lands.

    1. Johann


      i know what ur cooking..

  16. did sutica turn into just a Haense puppet state.   lame





    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. doreebear


      Sí señor

    3. DrakeHaze.


      always has been ;)

    4. LithiumSedai


      how did you come to that conclusion good man

  17. didn’t know the war team was actually D&D

    1. InfamousGerman


      todd howard you’ve done it again


  18. dirty STiNKY filthy PoopY RAevIr RoLEPlay!

  19. double post but all my opps getting their treatment the aenguls watch over me bless 🙏🙏

    may esthael provide balance to the server to defeat my mortal enemies you know who you are bless 🦛🦇🙏💥

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      - You don't have "opps" or anything for that matter.

      - We don't care about aengul magic.


      Cope and seethe Dingo.


      Lord of the Craft" is a popular Minecraft server that features a roleplaying game mode set in a medieval fantasy world. Within this world, there are many different crafting skills and professions available to players, including runesmithing.


      In this context, runesmithing refers to the creation of magical runes that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as enhancing weapons and armor, imbuing items with special abilities, and creating powerful magical artifacts.


      To become a runesmith in "Lord of the Craft," players must first acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, either through apprenticeship with an experienced runesmith or by studying ancient tomes and texts.


      Once a player has gained the knowledge and skills necessary to create runes, they can begin crafting them using various materials, such as precious gems, rare metals, and enchanted substances.


      Each rune has its own unique properties and effects, and the most skilled runesmiths are able to create incredibly powerful and intricate runes that can have a significant impact on the game world.

    3. Space
    4. sam33497


      bro has opps in minecraft

  20. druids you literally can use all of nature why the **** do u need to bring up roots every TIME

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. J


      Nah, the best ones I've seen.

      I'm on a mountain full of rocks, snow and dead life. Let's bring up some roots :D.

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      40 minutes ago, Aerial "The Wroth" Kebabu said:

      becuz they think it makes them true druids to rip out a tree's source of life

      It is if its done to kill spooks

    4. HedgeHug


      Vines are for the bedroom only

  21. elad unhide my post u slothful lil abuser

  22. everytime someone says "ej" in roleplay a puppy dies

  23. feeling like a minority not having my druid recognised for his true accomplishments...

  24. fireheart couped omegalul

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