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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. honestly may aswell be a factions pvp server with how the staff refuse to punish poor rp and not uphold a standard of it

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      @McThornz regardless of whether we kill you in RP-PvP you come back literally every day at weird hours in the night/early morning, immediately force pvp and call GMs when we complain about you immediately forcing pvp. you don't roleplay on this server and you dedicate hours on end every day to shitting on players who are trying roleplay. It's such a ******* joke that you'd even suggest that we're ignoring your roleplay when it's comprised of you just casing settlements and running away from people until someone in discord tells you to help with a raid. I have never roleplayed with you or even met someone who knows your character. 90% of your forum posts are you complaining about people complaining about PvP. 


      You're not a poor roleplayer, you're a non-roleplayer and a god damned brainlet. You have to go back.


    3. Guest


      i rp joel! n u berate me for it ):

    4. Thornz


      Haha I don't even know who the **** you are so what, I'm going to assume you never rp because I've never rped with you? Of course none of your friends know me because I don't normally rp in cities full of braindead welves. To suggest I don't rp just because I'd rather pvp a fight with over 20 people or because you've never rped with me specifically is ridiculous and  assumptive. 

      And when regarding yesterday's rescue raid, I literally emoted but received no response due to the shitfest spam in looc caused by the welves the minute things didn't go their way. 


      Dont tell me what I do or don't do and I don't appreciate being called a god damned brain let just because I enjoy pvp in addition to rp.

  2. hope Adria isn't like the hammer of urguan

    1. UnusualBrit


      You’re going to give Beamon a nam flashback 

    2. DrakeHaze.


      what happened to the hammer of urguan?

  3. I am not a prophet for I do not guess the correct path, I am the correct path.

    I have partaken in bargains with the occult spam posters to secure my future as Moderation Administrator.

    I am coming for you, itdontmatta.

    1. TreeSmoothie


      I support screamingdingo mod admin

    2. Turbo_Dog
    3. argonian
  4. I apologise for preaching and asking this through statuses. I expect the usual shitposting on this status.


    But I'm genuinely looking for great rpers who want to actually raise the quality of roleplay on the server for the ET. People driven by the wish to create arching narratives that help improve the quality of the server for everyone. All while exposing them to new experiences that defy the expectations of most and help me create a team I'm proud to spearhead. It's a big ask, but I'm hoping at least a few people see this and apply to help me continue to make the server better. I've been a pretty shitty manager as of recent with my computer breaking for a few months, so the quality has slipped and the events I've wanted pushed haven't happened. Doesn't excuse the "lack" of events, but I'm trying to create a system where events are more than shitty loot drops. I want people to go to events and go, "wow, I really didn't think I could experience that quality on here", or having people reflect on their own rp mentalities and changing accordingly.


    Also for shitty lore side of the server, we need some masochistic people who like reviewing lore to apply


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ixli


      Maybe peep your discord !

    3. Mavromino


      I would if I could get good but Maths is going to steal my soul in a few weeks.

    4. Banned
  5. i as an LT endorse elven genocide as a true option of this war

  6. I believe, being racist is good (in minecraft)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. monkeypoacher
    3. Shorsand


      only valid to be racist against incestuous adunians

    4. Guzr
  7. I can world edit cities better than this like COME ON

  8. i demand anores rep be returned to normal so i can get #2 on rep ***** leaderboard thanks

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Who is at the top?

    3. UnbanCharlesTheBald2021


      Well let's be honest here, what really matters in life ? Is it those virtual points that you acquire because you create content that makes people laugh ? Is it ? In some way, yes, those point are a way to validate the member of the community. As you acquire more reputation points or your ratio gets better, your status in the community increases. As I personally seen after hours of forensic research, Anore's reputation point were mostly acquired in a position of power. That's sorta like cheating the system, because those points came while the members were under influence of the power kool-aid. As a judge in this case, I would render my decision as so : Remove everybody's rep points and let the games begin once again for the 11th year of this great community.

    4. UnbanCharlesTheBald2021


      A more thorough examination of this whole situation was demanded by higher authorities. As we can see, at this current moment, you currently have 8610 rep points and 3323 messages, your ratio is 2.59, a fairly average ratio for a member of our community. This kind of ratio allows you to be in the administration team. But on my side, I have 274 posts and 814 reputation points leading to a ratio of 2.97. While my ratio is higher than yours, that means exactly what it is, I have too much influence over the community and I am a danger to the community. I always strike for perfection while you strike for average-based posts leading to you having to worry about your reputation count while the true mathematics reside in the ratio. 

  9. I feel quite sorry for the orcs that are watching this absolute dark age of their quality and RP. This is just a 'burkester' phase it'll be restored to greatness eventually

  10. i have been returned to my rightful place .. . . .

    1. Ford


      don't cock it up

  11. i have finally realised what the problem with the current gen of lotc pvp is. It’s not used as a genuine method of resolution it is instead used to avoid consequences you could otherwise not rp’ly.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      its also cancer to avoid dying in a situation where you’re guaranteed to by calling pvp and running on CD

      i am not against pvp i think its a great thing in most scenarios to resolve conflict. Though my biggest thing is people using it to escape situations or kill-blows. Any moment something goes sour for them, they call pvp and just sprint off and abuse mechanics to escape a situation that would otherwise be impossible to RP’ly.


      trust me im fine for clicking and ****, just outta here with this coward avoidance pvp mentality

    3. Raomir


      crp should be an alternative to pvp


      crp should only be used

      • when you’re friends with the other person OOCly
      • know they’re not a cry baby
      • know they type fast than one word per minute
    4. Alastorous-


      This is, from what I’ve noticed, the real issue at hand: A power fantasy problem among a large percent of RP communities.

      I’ve been RPing for 7+ years now, and I’ve seen a lot of different ways to handle combat and RP. Here are my thoughts.

      Everyone wants their character to be the “main character” who always comes out on top. With this said, when two (or more) characters run into a conflict with one another, engaging in CRP boils down to emoting in such a way that restricts the opponent to react according to how the initial emoter wants. Over the time of the hypothetical CRP, all parties involved become agitated and/or begin trying to justify why their character should win a certain engagement against the opposing player(s). This often goes on and on, and sometimes involves flaming in OOC chat until someone either gives in or calls for a mod. All because there is no current system to alleviate the power fantasy a lot of players struggle with (though they don’t realize it). 

      Whereas, with PvP, by using in-game mechanics, there is little to no debate who can and should win an engagement. However, with PvP being the go-to method for a lot of conflicts, it truly takes away from any detailed story telling. Some of the greatest stories include the details of combat, in my opinion.

      How should/could this be “fixed”? Well, one of the best RP based combat systems I’ve seen on another Minecraft RP server involved dice. Players had a set number of health points when they initiated combat with an opposing player. Following this, each player rolled a 1d20 for initiative. Furthermore, each player took turns attacking/defending based on the initiative rolls. Players would then roll for attack and defense, all with another 1d20 each. The player with the highest number has their combat emote (defending or attacking) conquer the opposing emote (again, attacking or defending). So on and so forth until player surrenders or dies in RP. 

      The only additional thing which would be required is an in-depth guide on how to calculate damage dealt through this type of combat system. A topic I don’t think I’m qualified to touch on. Balancing something like this would be fairly difficult, but possible nonetheless. 

      However, due to the RNG nature of this system, it turns a lot of players off. This is why rankings could be included. The following is a very rough, but easily comprehended example of how these rankings would look and how they would influence rolls: 

      Peasant 1d20+0
      Knight 1d20+2
      Ascended 1d20+9 

      Achieving newer, higher ranks could be done through appointment based, RP “classes” with a team of moderators who take it upon themselves to double as in-character trainers. Whether or not a player gets to “rank up” is determined by the mod/trainer after an RP session that tests the players RP etiquette, skill, etc. Additionally, with every “rank up” reaps its own rewards and benefits i.e. bonuses to dice rolls and potential for increased health at higher ranks. 

      Likewise, there is no perfect system for how to deal with CRP, but if the goal is to incorporate more RP based combat into the server, a system must be put into place to help eliminate players from overextending their character’s power. I realize that what I’ve explained may not appeal to a vast majority of this community, but I figured I had something to say about the topic. 

      Edited by Alastorous-
  12. I spit on you, toxic individual

    1. sophiaa


      oh my god be nice *******

    2. Narthok


      my brother in arms, I see you as well have been freed from your green tag chains

  13. i swear if i see another voidal mage artefact or upgrade in lore I'm going to PVP default every one I see from now on.

  14. I would like to dispute my ban


    1. FORƎST


      the pink rose!

    2. mitto


      whats this sjw bullshit

  15. I'll leave the server when I hit 20k rep

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. rukio


      Say less fam

    3. Neviah


      someone get the new accounts n start likin shit quick

    4. rukio


      Nice edit . . . 

  16. I'm about to go nuclear and repeat Fenn.      






    stop trying to make guns






    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      posting gun lore brb

    3. Notic


      posting gun lore brb

    4. Nozgoth


      posting gun lore brb

  17. I've got a theory that drfate is actually Cyndikate's alt

  18. i’d like to mention i revoke my support for lotc firearms and also wish for cannons to be shelved once again

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. D4NNA


      faken ews !!!1

    3. Jentos


      lmao well done guys, you had to do it.



      why so... blackpilled?

  19. I’m the real baratheon idiot

    1. Callistus



    2. Emenzi


      we will fight this to the death in boar hunting

    3. monkeypoacher


      no thats me actually

  20. If anyone is looking for cheap prices on Rust or Space Engineers or a few other keys I have lying around for steam PM me. Promise not to scam you xx

  21. if i had a coin for every time cuckoldry has caused instability in a human centric nation, i'd have two coins

    1. Nug
    2. 6xdestroyer


      if i had a coin for every time cuckoldry has caused instability in joels household id have at least one coin that I know about.

  22. If War and Alt Accounts that can’t RP are not your cup of tea, the ST are looking for a few new lore reviewers to continually refresh the perspectives of the team.


    make sure to apply!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Netphreak


      LOL they wouldn't have to be burned out if they would just accept them already :P

    3. Deer__


      For me it's the 3 shamanism pieces a day...

    4. Nug


      st? what is that? suck team?

  23. im going to do something, its in the comments

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lemonke


      **** you got me

    3. Scuba


      you got me too wow that boomerang i didnt see coming

    4. Nug
  24. im v mad that intercession magic was denied i'd prefer it over to all the magics it overlaps

  25. Imagine it being 2018 and pandann's admin bureocracy has not been shattered


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