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Status Updates posted by Space

  1. What was the 'glitch' in the warclaim?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Brevias


      More Player Models and /Vanish don't work together properly. Causing people to become perma vanished until they relogged.

    3. Space


      Ah, ight.

    4. Secret Lizard President
  2. Talked to a girl in my science for the whole period and I don't know her name. Crud.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Space


      @Cloak I learned about her mommy calling her fat and **** even though she is definetly skinny, maybe anorexic, all her hobbies, how much she loves running, AND helped her with her home work.

    3. V0idsoldier


      Call her Becky. If you don't know a girls name they love to be called Becky. Trustory.

    4. Space


      It might be Becky. Or that's the chick I yelled at in English cause she kept trying to butt into my conversation with some guy. GGGGGGGG SOCIAL SWAG GGGGGG

  3. i need a new character for 6.0 any ideas

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Space


      random death match is lame (and that's what ghouls are, random death match)

    3. Dromui


      Oh, yeah, that sounds pretty lame.

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      Or you could just be a normal halfling living in a village. We need more of those sadly enough.

  4. I want to buy a single game that is 25 or under on Steam. Suggestions? I'm thinknig of Endless Space.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      You probably have the View Only version of SDota2

    3. aron.


      Rock of ages..

    4. Space


      No, I have 'Dota Test' and 'Dota' and I've played a few games.

  5. http://i.imgur.com/9P81U.png Mimnus. Next, Duna.
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Space


      I'm saying, yes, I pirated it illegally. And I have the current version. It has ALL the parts.

    3. MonkeyCoffee
    4. Samoblivion


      Oh xD

      Sorry, thought I'd insulted you.

  6. I have 10 warns. Not banned. I must be the new messiah.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JtPv
    3. Telanir


      Actually, 0. :o

    4. BrandNewKitten


      how does one receive a warn? I have never had one ...

  7. The forum clock is really wrong for me. 10 minutes wrong and I'm in a different time zone. Maybe because I have daylight savings time on.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Space


      Ginger. You are being WAAAAAY too passive aggresive. And, I have the clock right beside on the bottom of my computer. I use the forum clock so I can see when topics were posted mostly. :^)

    3. gingernut97


      Do... Do I need to be more aggressive?

    4. Space


      Yeah. Passive aggression is what girls do (like watch anime), all veiled and ****.

  8. I think that fact that we let 3 GMs become so attached to a certain cliche that when that cliche fell apart we lost 8 GMs is kinda... Bad?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Space


      ok, mog and oren and all the gms that left :^)

    3. BrandNewKitten


      LOTC is still full of wonderment for me too. :]

    4. Gwonam_Blaze


      I actually think LotC's gradually returning to its Aegis state. I doubt it'll ever be that good again, but it certainly feels like it's getting somewhere.

  9. Search function on the forums is cancer.

  10. Why is it SM, and what's the difference between SM and GM? I mean, like, real differences

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lym


      Administrator - to administrate

    3. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      GMs have access to commands that could nuke the server. SMs don't.

    4. Lym


      /nuke -KhronosVII

  11. Ok, lets get a tally of all the enchants people have found? Gwonam found Sharp 1, but it was disabled, I found Bane of Arthropods and Respiration 1

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. hex37


      ._. plese no.

    3. hex37


      I found bane of Arthropods1, Respiration1, unbreaking1, and efficiency1

    4. monkeypoacher
  12. I really miss it when magic was rare. I'd go around Asulon and if I saw some wizard and get excited. They were a mystery. Now they are so common it's just bothersome, because you feel like you're inferior to everyone cause everyone can do magic.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Galendar


      ... That's so ******* conceited lol^

    3. PtahWithin


      Magic being rare gives merit to the undeserving, merely because of the knowledge of exclusivity. Magic being open to anyone means that only those who truly aspire to achieve something or make themselves known will be merited.

    4. Fid


      I tend to end my part in the RP when magic use becomes irritatingly foolish (or achieves the "demi-god" proportions.) I recommend you do the same if it bothers you, as it usually doesn't inflame emotions or hurt anyone's feelings.

  13. Trying to make some bardic songs, what should the topic of em be? Made one about Pikel Boldshoulder, out of ideas now.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Proddy


      It was the Fringe, after King Heinrik died

    3. Raptorious


      Was literally like a couple of weeks ago.

    4. Space
  14. A 3 year old hardrive is slower then a new harddrive, correct? Would it be worth it to upgrade from a 4 year old harddrive that was 500 gbs to a new harddrive that was 500 gbs, or get an SSD and use the old harddrive?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Space


      Oh so you're saying that an SSD won't improve my speed for **** I don't have on it? FUCKKKK!!!!111!!!11!!!!!!!!!111!!1!!1!!1!!

    3. TeaLulu


      Yea it just loads fast what u have on it, you'd have to reinstall your OS to the ssd assuming u even have the disc still. A new hd drive is only helpful for more storage

    4. Space


      I was joking.

  15. Bets on how long it will take for CountJuno to become GM again?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Peter Chivay

      Peter Chivay

      cant wait to be banned for calling him a disgruntled texan again

    3. BrandNewKitten


      Took me 16 minutes. Like to see him beat that.

    4. IrishPerson
  16. No active taverns anymore. And the techies should make it impossible to roll 420 in any roll and not tell anyone.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)
    3. KarmaDelta


      We should just outfit the CT as one big tavern.

    4. Mankaar


      I will agree, some of the main road inns are just plain empty when they could be replaced by more active ones.

  17. That anti-magic druid law stuff seems really OOCly controling and sorta... Powergaming. Druids aren't 'protagonists,' and I do think they should have some special stuff, but all this 'If you do X you must telL Y or else GG no re.'

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sister Sequoia

      Sister Sequoia

      It's so we can react appropriately. Using void magic creates imbalance that Druids, especially more powerful Druids, can feel. This new regulation allows us to react appropriately. The situation still has to be discovered and dealt with in RP, and it's usually not grounds for immediate unattunement anyway unless it's an extreme case. NOT informing us is powergaming because you don't allow your imbalance to be felt by others at all, something a void slinging Druid simply ca...

    3. Sister Sequoia

      Sister Sequoia

      cannot prevent* damn it was JUST a little too long.lol

    4. Judas


      Death to the ways of Respiren.

  18. What's the status of the Elf-Human war?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. InfamousGerman


      It's skirmish tomorrow with the high elves. If Oren wins the skirmish then a warclaim on the capital will go up separately, I believe.

    3. Aislin


      bastry pastry

    4. Gone


      The last thing on the warclaim is Supremacy saying "Conquest is fine, but the war claim as it stands and terms are not."

      So, not really sure what's going on tomorrow if anything.

  19. >the last great high fantasy work was tolkien

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. KarmaDelta


      The last great high fantasy work was the intro to Japanese tentacle stuff.

    3. Porko
    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Space, that in and of itself indicates one of the factors I use to come to that opinion. There isn't another high fantasy work that is so well-known and so digested. Thank you for proving my point and you aren't joking around, you are obnoxiously harping on what I particularly write. Feel free to play the barnacle on someone else's boat because you've really drawn out your welcome on mine.

  20. So, since a Druid getting a vine to move is communion (or, rather, the Druid asking the vine to move and the vine moving) thus using no mana or energy from the Druid, a Druid could theoretically, depending on level of communion, a Druid could fight someone using a root all day, and not get tired.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more


      I'm confused, Druids are just as powerful as mages are and they get a boatload of utility and now they get don't tired? Fair and balanced.

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      Locked magic is generally > silly voidal stuff.

    4. Ilikefooddude


      ^ Read all of above, Disco.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zarsies


      hentai more like hen-die

    3. Lark


      allen, why do you have a pic of tanta's dr00d.

    4. Space



  21. http://i.imgur.com/Y5RHM4Q.png Can anyone name anymore/spot any mistakes? I am not 100% on the Dwarves
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Space


      I think the Wood Elf region is in the wrong plce. If I go North from the docks at Welvedom I hit that forest island in the top right. How's this? http://i.imgur.com/rsoR6YV.png

    3. Salvo


      wtf why do the dwarves have more land then oren

    4. Koger


      Don't worry about land for now, Oren will definitely expand.

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