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Status Updates posted by monkeypoacher

  1. gnna be stuck at home for the next few weeks & itching to write something. any1 got a character I can play or a guild/project I can join to pass the time?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun
    3. Drumoldth


      The only fun thing around at this particular time are the orcs bro. Be a shaman ZHOMO.artwork-guldan4-full.jpg

    4. puffables


      i know there are some high elf families recruiting ^^ might wanna have a check out of this !


  2. God, I want to be the second in command to a powerful Holy Orenian Empress. The Jon Snow to her Daenerys. The Potemkin to her Catherine. God I need a STRONG usurper mommy to use me as her drink holder / footrest. Please God (canonist god) make it happen

  3. h-hi guys


    I have something to announce 2 u

    1. Pinochet


      y am i following u

    2. monkeypoacher
    3. Archipelego


      i thought we talked about this damnit

  4. haha brilliant leadership why not just remove everyone from event team! 

    1. monkeypoacher


      Seriously, what is this? Why do you expect anything positive to come out of it? 

    2. Skylez



    3. Jentos



      event team extermination camp.

      est 2017

  5. have the global moderators ever considered that paradox strategy games don't portray dynamic fantasy roleplay worlds and that their rules maybe just might be an oversimplification of actual diplomacy

    1. excited


      they haven't it's actually sad

    2. overlord2305


      Your first mistake is assuming they posses the (quiet limited) mental capability required to play one of those

  6. Hey @FlamboyantTyrant, my guy, it’s great you’re cracking down on ppl using the wrong herbs for their druidic healing kit, but I’m still waiting for you to resign.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tasty_cheesecake


      none of the st managers are in the pocket of telanir enough to be made admin

    3. rukio
    4. Man of Respect
  7. hey buddy status updates are bugged so that I can’t reply to them if someone posts an embedded youtube video but hope you’re having fun on the lord of the craft roleplay server love you x 

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Yeah replies to status updates are kinda janky sometimes.


      I’d suggest making this a bug report tho

    2. VonAulus


      You answered my question. If you dislike lotc so much and enjoy another roleplay server, maybe you should put your energy into that. Your toxic obsession with complaining can not be healthy. If you do not like the direction of LotC you can always stop coming here. If you can not come up with more reasons you like LotC over all the things you hate, maybe it is just not for you. 

  8. hey dude, heard you had a rough time with a GM about your skin. If you want, I can take a crack at making you a new one with a similar appearance but a more roleplay-friendly style 😄

  9. hey jackass, maybe if you didn’t go “haha sleepymode hiatus” 2 weeks out of every month ppl wouldn’t have to work around you to get events done. absolutely shameful that u flipped out at the two people actually trying to make an event work bc you made them have to abuse pex to do it. don’t remove our posts cheers

    1. Twinny
    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      telanir is a rodent

      Edited by _Hexe_
  10. hope she sees this bro


    1. frill


      got told to be nice to trinn ?

  11. how do you get a big profile photo I wanna know

  12. how is it the server is less stable at 3:30 AM with 5 players on than it is at peak hours w/ >100

    1. Punished_Pup


      Basically from what Korvic think the issue is, that the crashes happen when the server is saving information and large GCs (Garbage Cleanup) have been happening.

    2. monkeypoacher


      that’s rlly interesting. god bless korvic

    3. CrazyBigSpiders


      Except large saves and GC shouldn’t be happening when there are low players. Not to mention Paper does incremental saves not 1 large save like vanilla does. Doesn’t make sense at all. Also, GC stands for Garbase Collection not Garbage Cleanup

      Edited by CrazyBigSpiders
  13. how is this pvp supposed to be fun

    1. Ixli


      its only fun if ur on the winning side

  14. I cannot respect the server staff if they are going to partner with eSports horse racing people.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lemontide331
    3. TeaLulu


      crying real tears

    4. Kim


      dont make fun od it i earn a living off this ****

  15. i come back from time to time to see that in the last year the staff have slightly changed the wording of the pvp rules and formatted them slightly differently. i give an upvote, i move on

    1. Whiplash


      hiiiiiii carp :J

  16. i find it very interesting that lotc has a dude get outed as a sexpest every couple of months and each time it makes a lot of people feel like they need to signal they are not also sexpests

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rukio


      Its too funny not to comment when most of their posts were them asking to play a kid bro

    3. TreeSmoothie


      It's every month now💀

    4. monkeypoacher


      u right rukio u right

  17. I for one think the swear filter is a good change, and would like to add some innovative substitutions for inappropriate words that I think will improve roleplay:

    “sutica” → “helena”

    “elf” → “human”

    “magic” → “good orenian values”


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unwillingly


      @ElvenMommaHacker why’d you do this to urself man

    3. DeusVult


      i hate cussing some words arent meant to be used they should just arrest anyone who uses speech i dont like

    4. Punished_Pup


      @Unwillingly I was gonna write something witty but simply this server has broken me ?

  18. i hate it when someone smacks my rat

  19. I heard Telanir is speaking at Davos 2022

    1. Telanir


      lmao how did i miss this fucking kek

  20. I just want to grill for god’s sake!

  21. I keep hearing rumors that Language is a girl please help I don’t like rumors

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Suxals


      Language is a man, dont let them bait you.

    3. Haseroth


      mlady i tipped my fedora 


    4. 1_Language_1



      You can ask Kosher that I am a gurl 👀

  22. i love moral panics

    1. argonian


      your morals make me panic

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