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  1. [!] The scroll was sent out to the libraries of Irrinor and Talus, as well as some specific druii. A collection of writings from Sister Orison on the Emerald Way On the Nature of the Tayna Tayna. The soul of life. It is the living energy that contains all. I speak of the balance, of the living, breathing, growing, changing soul, one alive just as you are. You are part of the tayna- connected and one with every living thing on this world. With every moment, ripples and changes cascade outwards as time goes on. Just as any living being, it can be harmed just as you can. But it also can heal, and grow just as you. One can hear these ripples, these... cadences if one tunes themselves into the world around them. The tayna sings these changes constantly, and with a trained ear, one can sense and notice this song. To do this, a disciple must be sensitive to all of the living beings around them, to each and every one, no matter how insignificant they may seem on the surface. Once you do this, you will hear the song of the tayna, and you will know its will. By being in tune with the balance, you will be guided. It will influence your feelings, your instincts, and it will bring you where you are needed most. Follow your instincts, and your feelings, and the balance will show you its will. It will become your own. And now a question we face, a question answered in different ways by the creeds. Are the Aspects like water, formless spirits of nature? Or beings such as you and I, living, breathing, talking? The answer is not so simple, I think. I believe them to be both. They exist within the balance, and I know that the balance is but one living and growing energy within the world. It holds but one soul, in which is held every life as we know it. It makes its presence solid through its various forms. A blade of grass, a boar, a tree, and even the mani themselves. And within this soul, I believe the Aspects dwell as well. Their spirit formless as ours all are, but omnipresent as the tayna. But still, beings that live and breath just as you and I. Must the two be mutually exclusive when dealing with forces as universal and powerful as the tayna and the Aspects? To Strengthen the Three Your body is your tool for your will, and the tayna’s. Your instrument with which to tune the world. It is both your sword and shield that you must use to defend yourself and the balance that we hold so dearly. It is the arrow that reaches its target, and the home that protects you from the biting winter rains. What use is a broken tool? Would you fight with a blunt blade, or a shattered shield? Would you seek shelter inside of a rundown shack? I would think not. As one would sharpen their blade, so too must we sharpen ourselves. And just as one would survey a fortress’ walls, we can leave no part of ourselves unable to withstand the coming battles. This process does not come without pain. To build yourself up in such a way is to undertake great suffering. A necessary suffering to build a fortress from crude beings such as we. This hardiness sits at the core of the Emerald Way. Endurance through all things. In order to become as emerald, the mind, body, and spirit must be trained and hardened to withstand all that a disciple of the Aspects may come across. To become a guardian of the Emerald Way, one must undergo this rigorous conditioning, that they may uphold the balance in the face of the countless threats this world offers the balance. Mind - To be sharp and alert. Aware of the world around you, and of the world within you. To remain calm when confronted with great tragedy and terrible loss. To stand unflinching against unimaginable horrors. Do not let adversity shake you, even when faced with overwhelming odds. Find the calm which keeps your serenity through the darkest of times. A calm, steady mind brings strength, and through strength you will endure. This is what it means to follow the Emerald Way. Body - Let not the frost bite, nor the flame burn. Let not the blade sting, nor the arrow pierce. Make your skin as an ironwood shield, your breath deep and cavernous! Know thy body, and wield it as you would a quill. From now forward, you pen a letter to those above with your life. Spirit - Live in tune with the tayna- the living energy that runs through the veins of the world, and within the veins of every creature that walks it. The energy that both contains us, and that we contain within. For those that live at one with the tayna will be able to bring the Eternal Forest to the earth. Open your eyes, and look within the balance to show you the path ahead. Trust in the will of the tayna, and allow it to guide your actions within the world. To Be in Tune with the Tayna Bring yourself to the present moment. The song does not exist within the past, nor the future. Do not allow your mind to bring you to these places. Do not dwell on the events of the past, nor on what has yet to come. Be mindful of them, but do not allow them to tear you from the present. Do not allow your worries, or your shame to distract you. Focus. It will determine where you are. If you live within the past, then within the past you shall live. If you seek to reach into the future, the moment you are in will slip by without notice. Be now. Keep your serenity. A calm mind brings strength, and through strength you will endure. When you are in tune with the tayna, you will become one with it. It will make its will known to you, deep in your heart. When you are in tune with the tayna, your feelings will guide you towards its will. You will be able to sense its cadences, its ripples. You will be able to read them as one reads a book. Trust in your feelings and in your instincts when you are at peace. It may be the will of the balance making itself known to you. To Fight for Harmony Cities of stone are great wounds upon the earth. Great wounds within the tayna- within the Balance. Picture this place, the bustling roads full of people. Picture the great towers of cut stone that threaten to pierce the sky. Now picture a ruin. A fallen fortress within your mind’s eye. It is overgrown, reclaimed by the life around it. Between the stones in the walls, life stretches between, breaking even the tallest of walls into piles of rubble. Water floods once busy causeways, washing away even the memories of the past into the rivers and into the oceans. This is the power of the tayna when it is allowed to heal. Life reclaims all in due time. These stone palaces can know no permanence when left at peace. When the bustling roads become barren, and the constant fight against the balance ends, the tayna reclaims. As adherents of the tayna, our fight must be to bring this peace to fruition- to end the constant fight against nature, that these wounds may heal on their own. By this, I do not mean to fight against those within cities. I do not intend to end the city as we know it. No, our path lies in teaching harmony to those within cities and stone. Look to Irrinor. Look to Talus, though it is not a city of its own- many people live within its borders. These places are examples of how we may live in harmony and peace with nature. See how the streets themselves are bountiful with life, and the places in which they live provide bounty of their own. In return, they provide protection for the land upon which they rest. The tayna need not fear wounds within their bounds. They work in tandem for mutual benefit. Bring this harmony to the world, and fight against those that would seek to upset it. Fight against those that would have discord and chaos.
  2. i personally want 1.13 and for the devs to focus enhancing 1.13 rather than update to 1.14 with a bad chunkloading, the new blocks are cool but it doesnt replace the chunk loading, we cant move from point a to point b it takes literally too much time for travelling, maybe we can go back to 1.13 with an older save if world corruption is a concern but we cant stay in 1.14 its ruining the traveling of the map
  3. [!] A poster is put up anywhere legal within Arcas. To those reading this, Umi is looking for anyone who may know of a way or how to themselves of how she could get her voice back. Umis voicebox was torn out as a cub and she looks for a way to gain it back. Umi does know of one way, that of the Animii, an artificial voicebox could be made. If someone with this knowledge could come forth, or someone that could at least surgically insert the voicebox inside did, Umi would pay handsomely. Please bird Umi if you have a reply, please and thank you! [!] The poster is signed at the end, with a paw print with a UL in the middle. [OOC: Message or bird tadabug2000 or my Discord, beautifulwatty#6584.]
  4. Tales From Arcas Act 1 Scene 1 The Introduction and Expectations Tales From Arcas is an organization who sponsor actors and script writers to create the best entertainment service in all of Arcas! In the near future, plays will be scripted and performed across the land. Though, all of this can’t be done without a formidable staff, staff that are willing to commit their time to practice and perform in front of many people. The staff that are needed are Actors, Scriptwriters, and Prop-Team. To create a balanced “diet” all roles are necessary to create the best of the best. Actors are expected to attend performances and to NEVER miss productions, if they have a main part. Scriptwriters and the Prop-Team are expected to work behind the scenes to provide the actors with your respected items. Prop-Team will work on creating props for the plays including furniture and items that they’ll be holding, maximum players in this team will be 2-3. On the other hand, the maximum for actors will be 7. To have a maximum for these roles would limit the chaos that we will have if we were to have many people, so please understand if you don’t make the cut. First come first serve. Act 1 Scene 2 Process of the Creation of a Play When a plot is formed and a script has been made, the serious business begins. Actors and Prop-Team are given the script and will read it thoroughly. After the script is handed out, parts will be given to the actors. Some will be assigned and others will be chosen by the players so they can have freedom to choose who they wish to be in the play. After they are given, there will be a two week time period when everyone practices their part, props are made, and locations settled. Locations will vary across the land and the plays will be performed at many different locations throughout another two weeks. After the two weeks, actors are to have a week break before handed another script. We wouldn’t want a long wait for a new play, so we will try our best to minimize the time that is needed. Actors are free to do whatever they want during the one week “grace period”. Afterwards, the process will be repeated. Act 1 Scene 3 Fin. Joining will be an easy process, under this paper there is a list for names and ages. Write your name and age on that section and you’re automatically signed up for an interview so we can know who you are and what you are like. All races are allowed and any age. This was brought to you by Wendell Shackleton, an aspiring playwright. You will be contacted time and place for the interview. Thank you very much for reading and have a great day! OOC Discord: Name: Age: Race: TimeZone: What You can Bring to the Team: If you’re interested in being an ally or audience, add me on discord for the server invite. Belidle#0064
  5. Welcome to the ~~~FUNKY~~~ lil skin shop Costs: A head skin is 300 minas An overlay is 100 minas A body is 700 minas A full body (including overlay) is 1000 minas If you are applying for a skin, please fill out the below: Username: Discord: Skin Type (Head/Body/Full Body): Steve or Alex Model: Gender and Race: Image(s) for reference: How is your character quirky?: Type of Payment: Proof of Payment: (You can either reach out to me below or on my discord) Past work:
  6. There was a poet known only as “The Mad Poet.” He lived a hermit life where his only friend had died years before the disappearance. Last seen he was with Ryia Von Savoia-Dalivous' on his way to Helena when he disappeared. He had willed everything to her, as he knew not many other acquaintances. When he disappeared Ryia looked for a bit but found no trace. It was as if this masked poet of an unknown name had disappeared. His home had seen no use in the years, in fact, it seemed abandoned until he willed it to Ryia, where the first layer of dust finally rose. He has a memorial for all those who want to pay their respects, far from any other places in the wildlands. It is said that the gifts put there disappear, this could be a thief or the mad poet back from the dead. The coordinates of his memorial are -2312 / 41 / -388. What does the memorial service, one might ask? Well, The Mad Poet is said to have a long history, once a soldier, a jester, a spy, and many other things, countless deeds, most bad of course.
  7. *Posters placed in several large cities* My name is Flower, I am wishing to learn about herbs and the use of them in medicine. I am willing to pay to be trained in the creation of medical salves and the likes using nature. I have knowledge of where several herbs grow already and could supply them. If you can train me send a bird to me at Talons Grotto.
  8. Origin: The creation of this instrument follows suit, The Amber Cold of 1740 was upon the land of Arcas. Tinkering in his little cave abode, Goilard Costa Olivera the Second, alongside his manservant, created what he would call “The Accordion”. Months prior to this, Goilard had been researching and brainstorming ideas on how to make a new instrument. Being a Bard and a musician, his love for the piano heavily influenced his creation. The idea was to create a sort of portable piano, but also not making it a piano at all. When Goilard drafted up the plans on a strip of leather, he brought it to the trade master of Sutica, Mr. Uialben. Once the plans were explained, Mr. Uialben gave a gracious donation of 100 minas for the creation of this new instrument. Appearance: This portable instrument has two almost circular wooden disks being held together by what looks like the folding part of a fire bellow. Embedded in one disk is a miniature piano. On the other disk is several small buttons laid in a few rows and a hand strap. The size is around that of an orc’s skull and can fit comfortably on the lap or in the hands of a regular-sized male highlander ((It resembles more of a concertina, which still falls under the category of an accordion. Sound: The small instrument gives off a rich, reedy, and organ-like sound unlike any of its time. Its sound can envoke emotions of happiness and glee, making the player seem more charming. Purpose (OOC): I have been on LOTC for a long time now and I have never heard or seen someone with an accordion and I have not found 1 post of anyone actually inventing it. I also thought this would add more character to my Bard if he made/played a new instrument. If someone claims to have had an accordion before this post I do not discredit them, this is just an official unofficial post.
  9. Portrait of Princess Karina Sofiya Alimar A portrait of the little Princess Karina at her young ages Oil in canvas, 120cm x 80cm Painted by Darius Morgrain Whisperhood, New Reza, 24th The Grand Harvest, 1740. - Come visit my workshop at New Reza, Blackstreet IV -
  10. ydegirl

    boleyns skins!

    HEY. This is kind-of an IC shop functioning as an OOC way for me to earn Minae! To make things easier for me, I’ll send you to this link! If you’re interested, fill it out! Here’s my PMC. And, here are my skins. Prices are listed below the skins. 1 - the red duchess (or peasant) 2 - dusana jastrow, the artist and tailor. (personal skin!) PRICES! and other stuff ! Full Skin – 200 mina Outfit – 100 mina Head – 50 mina Skins/Races I will do. Human Elfs (all) Orcs (all(?)) Dwarves (all) pls dont repost my skins/steal them/give them away without telling me first! if you dont get it within one week after your skin should be finished/your wait, dm me on discord! (☾ ᴀᴀʀᴏɴ ⋆#6524) depending on the waitlist, you may not get your skin for some time (sorry!) current wait list! TrendE Vermy Sarissaa n/a n/a
  11. Metztli The Daemon of Time “What was time? Before seconds or minutes came to be, how could they have defined When? Simply not. There was no when or past, present or future. Not even sure if it even went forward or in reverse. Did any time even pass before my existence?” A tall, slim feminine figure pondered as she watched the silver glow of her everlasting creation. As she touched the water of the endless stream with her gloved fingers, the water began to display a series of various events. The woman in white was entirely covered so no physical attribute was to be shown of her. A pure white dress with gloves that reaching her upper arms. She wore a hood to hide her physical face in her own realm. Similar to how her river flows, she shift her appearance at will, depending on whom she visited. The race representing the container she would form herself to fill. Here in her own realm, there is no form to take. Here, however, her true form cannot be hidden. Her actual form represented the physical and sentient passing of time. A feature that when mortals laid eyes upon, would drive their minds to insanity. Her attire, beautifully decorated by the white fur of animals, what a diva she was. From behind the darkness she watched the image sequence play out. She watched how the Descendants were at war, how some lived in peace, how some gained magic or accomplished heroic deeds, it gave her a sense of satisfaction as well as fear. . She watched as Descendants had families. Brothers and sisters playing, wives caring for their babies, men working hard on the fields. Slowly, a more negative feeling came to stir within her. She watched how the Descendants worshipped their gods and brought them their sacrifices. The feeling was jealousy. It rose within her akin to a tsunami when she watched the worshipping beings. The descendants worshipped the ones who created them, gave them life, but not worship the one who maintains their world to move forward. As time is not a stable phenomenon, she was envious towards the Descendants. Her work went unnoticed, how she prevented time from going in any direction. She watched the Descendants live their lives in their world… Sigil Origin Metztli is believed to be born when the first second was able to be registered. When time began to move so did Metztli. Metztli is the one who maintains the timeline of the mortal realm. It is her passion to take care of it however watching scenery that has happened in the past with the Descendant races can frighten, make her pity or angry as she cannot fully comprehend the actions or actions enforced by the Descendant’s curses. Regardless of those emotions towards the Descendants, she becomes jealous quickly of not being worshipped as others are for her work. This is in combination with their actions gave her motivation to create a better race that would follow her and repair the world alongside her. They would be the better race without a curse to influence them, they would worship her and satisfy her desire, they would help her maintain the timeline and hopefully help in maintaining the mortal realm itself. Her task As for time, time is definitely not a stable something as it can go in any direction it can choose. It is a wobbly concept and if not maintained, has the potential to stir the world into chaos. Time as we know it goes forward and has special measurements to indicate when what happened. Time is unstable and so it is possible for time on certain places to stop, move forward or backward. Here, time no longer follows the standard laws that we know. The Daemon of Time is what makes it go forward at a constant pace and who fixes it when a time anomaly shows up. However, the endless river that is the timeline she creates is sometimes hard to fully oversee. Especially when it is possible to be easily manipulated. As to why the gift of her magic will also bestow helping her with the maintenance of the timeline. Realm of Desa The home and realm of the Deamon of time. The realm of Desa. The realm is an eternal jungle. When her followers and children die, they have the option to live with her in their afterlife. They form the stars on the eternal night sky in the realm. they can come down from those stars to interact with Metztli, interact with each other or tend the river with her. The realm possess one important element. Through the realm, an endless silver-colored river flows. The river has no subtle waves, a peaceful stream that moves forth calmly with an almost flat surface. The stars giving the river its glow as the river is the representation of the mortal realm’s timeline. It came to be when Metztli and the concept of time were born and clocks were able to tick. The birth of time is represented at the beginning of the river as it also the source of all the water in the river. A waterfall that drops from a cloud of mist surrounding the beginning of the stream. Metztli takes care and sails on this river. With every second that passes in the concept of time, the river grows another inch. Metztli resides on an ominous, ship made out of birch and named Meva. Her ship is slowly pushed by the calm current. On the edge of where the river still grows and the bow of the ship sails is where the vessel itself carves a path which the river shall follow. Metztli is able to steer the instrument and uses it to carve the future. This way, Metztli weaves the timeline of the mortals through her own realm where she can tend to it. With a simple touch on the surface, she can let the water show any past events she wishes to see since all history is stored within the stream. The river’s current should move at the same speed at all time so it is equal to one second passing by. It can occur that somewhere on the river these currents can change as time begins to diverge. This means that in the mortal realm time anomalies pop up. On the river in Desa, these are also represented. The time anomaly can be identified by for example on how fast the current on the spot moves, stands still, reverses, splits off, or suddenly drop down all have an effect on how the anomaly works in the mortal realm. Creation of Kharajyr Those later known as her children. The Kharajyr who she saw fit for the position. She wished to create a better race who would value the beauty of nature and and see the importance of the world in balance but also possess emotions and devotion to her and others. So said, the Daemon entered the mortal realm to create her new master race. Her ability of taking the physical shape of a race helped her greatly. This way, she deceived many Descendants. For she would take on the form of a female variation of the individual focused on. At first, she searched the land for worthy candidates to give conscience to. She found a pack of primates within the jungle. She unlocked the mind of Hou-shen and made the creature sentient. She gave him a crown of jade and the ability to give sentience to all the other primates within the jungle of Asul. However it was Hou-shen who got worshipped and not Metztli for her deed. They began to detest her and in return, any memory of their creation by her was wiped from their memories. Leaving the race with an unending anger for their creator. As the Hou turned their backs to Metztli and left, Metztli continued to experiment. She began to walk among mortals as she gathered intel where to gain her subjects. From that, she kidnapped elven children from their cribs and conducted experiments with the cubs of the ocelot, resulting in hundreds of failed creatures. Then one, of the thousand failures, stood out to her as her perfect being. A humanoid and feline creature with spotless white fur. From this, she wanted more however could not recreate this creature. As a result, she created 4 subraces that could bring forth new generations. However, she was not yet ready to let the world of Descendants see her creation. She did truly treasure the race she had created. She also feared as they were so different from the descendants and were meant for a greater purpose, to which the rest of the mortals that roamed the realm were not ready for, yet. She kept her creations on an island far away where they grew, prospered and through Metztli’s signs, came to know for what they were destined to become. The sign of white fur was nothing but a mere coincidence but such rarity of fur color was praised by the Kha which more or less led to a misunderstanding that those born with white fur, were actually a messenger from Metztli. This was not the case however. The race that she had created satisfied her desires and became something she did not wish to leave this world. She became attached to them giving her the worship she always wanted and as return guided them for the possibility of having a better purpose, assisting her maintaining time and her own creation. However one day, the ego of her creations’ led to their paradise’s demise. She hurled them from their paradise and threw them in the harsh world. As both punishment for neglecting her and showing a frowned upon behaviour. Following Metztli is tasked with the important duty of maintaining the flow of time, for which she does not get the recognition she desires. This makes her more jealous of the fact that other ethereal beings get worshipped instead of her, even though she believes that her task is one of the most important ones. This jealousy is furthered as she has watched countless wars and catastrophic events caused by the Descendants, along with the suffering of their curses. This is what gives her the motivation to create a better race to her own design and a potential group following her ways. To earn her gift to be bestowed upon you, you are not required to be a Kharajyr yourself. The followers who have her magic bestowed upon them are also given the duties of helping her maintain time. However, Metztli becomes jealous quickly due to her desire of being worshipped. As a result, her followers have strict rules of giving sacrifices and only are allowed to worship and follow her religion. Those who break these rules would be stripped of their power as well as not given a place in her realm to accompany her. This goes for all worshipers of Metztli. Present day To this day, Metztli spends her time on the river and giving guidance to her followers as se bathes in the praise she has wished for so long. She is stuck with her eternal duties of tending to the timeline. She is sometimes obligated to enter the mortal realm to handle time anomalies as they are too far out of control to contain in her own realm.
  12. Hunters of Blood and Flame Followers of the Sanguine Fire Since the birth of the Creed, it has remained an unknown and quiet addition to the culture of Mali’ame and Druids alike. Its teachings reserved only for those who were thought to be wild in their heart and strong of body. That changes now with the creation of this group, our ways becoming open to any who seek to learn the ways of the Sanguine Fire. As the ways of the Creed say, those who follow it are the apex predators and guardians in the Wild. They hunt the corrupt and tainted of the natural world and cut them out, they purify the debris left behind through blood and fire, and they do it all with the very spirit of a Mani in their souls. The Hunters and Warriors Devout Followers of the creed who show their devotion to the Wild Gods through hunts and battle alike. Typically found in the professions of bounty hunting and tests of battle prowess in the ongoing effort of collecting trophies and adding onto their lists of grand testaments. They are not hard to pick out in a crowd due to the common theme surrounding Sanguine dress and armor. Usually found in padded and studded leather or half-plate, covered in trophies and adornments. Another giveaway is the crimson daubs of paint (or perhaps blood) marked upon their varied armor pieces. Heralds of Blood-Fire The Heralds are the attuned druii of the Creed, wielders of kuila-infused black ferrum weaponry and natural communion with the most wild places in the world. Their duties are mostly the same as the Devoted, spending much of their time as hunters and warriors, only with a more spiritual connotation added to their work along with the added duties of watching the Balance constantly before leading the Devoted to purge any taint threatening its sanctity. The Heralds also act as guides for the rest of the devoted Sanguine. There are only ever allowed seven Heralds within the Creed, for too many may cause an imbalance in the strength of the Sanguine just as too many predators tilt the natural life in the wild. When a place opens up in the Heralds, a current Herald takes on a student from the devoted Sanguine to be taught. Current Heralds The Leopard The Raven The Fledglings The uninitiated of the Creed are those not yet tested by the Wild Gods, and thus have yet earned the right to their Sanguine armor and weaponry. They are encouraged to accompany the initiated and the Heralds on their hunts in hopes of being tested. Once tested, the Heralds will decide whether or not the Fledgling has earned their place among the rest of the Sanguine. OOC This group is essentially mandalorian druids. Bounty Hunting, Taint purging, a lot of event seeking and RP! If you want to join the Creed of the Sanguine Fire, come to Irrinor and seek out Miklaeil or Layla Arvellon IRP! IGNs are ThumperJack_ and Numirya!
  13. [CA Race Lore] - Kharajyr Kharajyr Origin The creation story of the Kharajyr is one not bound to the tomes and tales of old, nor found on any shelves known to the world. It is held within the minds of those scholars who are considered madmen, those who are denounced and forbidden to speak. These men are the wisest and yet they suffer the worst fates. It is one of these scholars who bravely defied his peers and came forth to impart the story of the Kharajyr to the Aelkos, and it has since then been passed down generation-by-generation. The legend tells that in the dark times of old, during the world’s infancy -- a time few people believe existed where powerful Aenguls & Daemons roamed freely -- a time before Iblees’ War, there was an old wives’ tale whispered from the tongues of ancient storytellers. They spoke of a Daemon, one who kidnapped elven babies in the shadows of nightfall from their very homes. Metztli in her humanoid form However, it wasn't an isolated tale and was commonly known to many in their afflicted areas. Despite this, few knew the truth of these tall tales -- a reality unheard in this world: under the cover of silver starlight, the Daemon Metztli would visit lonely farmsteads and hovels in the forests. Called by the cries of infant elves, she would arrive with an intent to steal the children away, even before their parents, brothers, and sisters. Legend has it that Metztli’s form was so beautiful those adults who looked upon her were driven mad. Manic, their parents would tear free their eyes to blind themselves from such an enchanting appearance. Fearing and denying the truth, elders would attribute this phenomenon to the intense grief the parents experienced from their child’s kidnapping rather than an otherworldly being’s influence. However, the reality behind the disappearances unfortunately does not end with the vanishment of children. What followed is the birth of the Kharajyr race -- a race of elves, and a race of feral cats mixed as one. A magical science experiment, one carefully conducted to produce the ultimate result Metztli could manufacture. These elven children were taken far away to a paradise within the blue expanse of ocean waters. Amidst the waves stood an island of extraordinary beauty, giving life to an incredible variety of fauna and flora that stood as a bastion to Metztli’s incredible power, beauty, and control in this world. All that was missing was sentience; Metztli needed a master race. Feral felines that called the island their home were collected by Metztli, and in a series of horrifying magic-ridden experiments, they were crossed with the infants. It took centuries of perfection and genetic tweaking, hundreds of hideous failures discarded into the ocean as vile homunculi, monsters and disgusting atrocities incapable of being considered sentient. Metztli at last created a single white, humanoid feline. This was the first of the Kharajyr, the father; he of the Purest blood. Overwhelmed with joy, Metztli immediately adopted a maternal desire to protect this child of her’s, to nurture him, and to bring forth from him a new race of his kind to this world. After all, she had created what she deemed to be perfection. Desperation overtook her desires to recreate her perfect design, and in spite of countless more failures, Metztli managed to create a hand full of Kharajyr. Just enough for them to spawn an entire race. When her children had matured, she knew that it was time to depart the island paradise and leave her children to thrive alone, to exist and advance as any race in this world would. Although the Daemon’s true intentions for the creation of these people were never revealed, it has been speculated that she wished to recreate a long-lost lover who was stolen away from her in times past. Others say she wished to grant the world a race of beings in her own ultimate image, and still, others suggest Metztli wished only to play the vain game of God and nurture over beings beneath her. Time may tell her true intentions, but for now, the Kharajyr grows. The origin story has been tweaked in order to fit this lore rewrite. Physical Description Kharajyr, often referred to as Metztli’s children are a race created by the Daemon Metztli. Their form is that of a humanoid feline, with their subraces taking on the appearance of different types commonly seen. Their heights vary according to the subrace they belong to. They retain their feline appearance with their tail, pointed and jointed ears, an elongated snout or maw, retractable claws in the toes and hands, and palms in the shape of paws. However, they retained the trait of opposable thumbs from the elves, allowing them the ability to manipulate objects articulately like other humanoids. The feet more closely resemble their feline counterparts and at the ankle, the Kharajyr retain their feline predecessor’s dewclaw, which can become an issue when fitting shoes or socks. Kharajyr receive another boon from their unnatural origin -- the ability to eat nigh anything, including flesh to slight carrion from the bone. Kha’ possess some degree of heightened senses regarding their big cat counterparts, including moderately enhanced hearing, along with more capable photoreceptors within their eyes, enabling a Kharajyr to take a somewhat significant advantage in a darkened environment over any other race. Pelts, Hair, & Eyes: The Kha race retains their feline appearance with their fur coat, appearing with the texture of a real-world cheetah, tiger, panther or leopard, depending on the sub-race they belong to and that of their parents. Head fur as it is called, is a unique thing for kharajyr. While women can grow hair as normal Descendants, males typically can’t and instead grow manes. Kharajyr can braid their manes and hair in order to personalize it, with the addition of non-permanent colorations such as war paint being allowed. Eye color ranges in the colors of normal human eyes along with the coppery yellow, green or orange of cats. Kha’Tigrasi The largest of Metztli’s children and often the strongest. These tend to be the hard workforce of the kharajyr or the common warrior; though they are not limited to such. Tigrasi are adorned with an orange coat accented with black stripes. The Tigrasi, being one of the largest sub-races, reaches between 6.4ft - 7.5ft in height. Kha’Pantera The most cunning of Metztli’s offspring. Almost always, the pelt of a pantera is jet-black, though can be dark grey or might ascend to a dusty grey, either with age or just by an anomaly. Often, due to the coloring of a Pantera’s fur, it can be rather difficult to read their emotions through the subtle movement of their eyebrows or the shaping of their mouths. Following the Tigrasi closely the Pantera reach between 4.5ft - 7ft in height. Kha’Cheetrah The fastest and in turn historically the shortest of Metztli’s children. Those of this sub-race are commonly found to hold jobs such as merchants or the production of daily goods for the Kharajyr. Typically, their fur is a bright to dusted yellow along with brown patches or spots. Being one of the smallest sub-races of Kha’, the Cheetrah reach between 3.6ft - 5.2ft in height. Kha’Leparda The fourth child of the Goddess stands as Her creation for balance, standing near the middle of the four in height and build. While they originally were known for being priests they now branch out to many professions. Their pelts normally are a light tan to darker and medium yellows. The Leparda reaches between 3ft - 6.2ft in height. Red Lines: - A Kharajyr’s coat is thick, allowing them to stay warm; however, this is also a detriment in the war-torn world of LoTC. Armor is difficult to wear, and may cause overheating. - Additionally, a Kharajyr’s dewclaw and digitigrade leg anatomy prevents the wear of common footwear. Any footwear must be specifically created for the Kharajyr. - A Kha’ with a removed or ‘docked’ tail retain minimal ability to balance. All agility is lost should this occur, and the Kharajyr will commonly fall even while standing still without their tail. - A non-Kha’Tigrasi submerged in water retains an incredible water weight given their fur coat. This slows them, and causes great loss of agility after drenched unless dried. - All Kharajyr regardless of age or knowledge will speak with an accent. This is required due to their anatomy of a maw/snout and small incisor teeth alongside large canines. - Kharajyr do not possess manipulable lips like other humanoids and can not easily articulate words regardless of age or knowledge. - A Kha’Cheetrah will never run as fast as their real-life counterpart. It is better comparable to an Olympic sprinter. - Kha’ are incapable of reproduction with other races. No mixed-race offspring are permissible. - Armor, particularly heavy armor, is impossible to come by in Kharajyr culture. Lamellar is an option although it is highly uncommon and, despite its purpose to reduce overheating and maintain agility, it still induces heat stroke with ease. Life Cycle 0-1 years old – Kitten 1'2" - 1'8" In this age range, the Kha’ cannot talk and can only walk on all fours. 1-5 years old -- Kitten 1’8" - 3'0" This is the progression of minor physical maturity. Walking and talking will be very hard, but they still vaguely capable of doing so with some effort. Their teeth will be grown in. 5-16 years old -- Cub 3ft+ During this time they are fully maturing (full maturity reached at 18). 16-450 years old -- Adult At this age, the Kharajyr would continue to grow and are now able to speak fluently, most commonly with a thick Kha’ accent. It is not possible for a Kha’ to speak without one given their anatomy. 451-600 years old -- Old Age After passing the age of 450 they will now begin to age considerably and their movements would begin to slow. They grow physically weak. Once 500 is reached, the kharajyr would now either by very frail or weak, primarily due to the fact the Kharajyr is now entering the last years of its life. Age affects the subraces slightly different depending on the features of the particular individual. For example, larger kha are susceptible to heart and back issues while smaller tend to be joint-related. It is common to see that the members of a pride that have reached this age are taken care of and fed by the younger members of said pride, often living in cots decorated according to their status in their pride. 600 y/o is the natural capacity that the Kha’ can live unless magically assisted. Red Lines: - FTB is only permissible for 20+ Kha’. - Kha’ may not age beyond 600 y/o. This is their biological limit. - Kha’ aged 0-5 must walk on all fours as a typical cat. They may not speak and do not progress the same as elven counterparts would as a child. Progression begins at the age of 10. Crossbreeding Crossbreeding in the Kharajyr race happens only amongst the sub-races of Kharajyr. It, in general, does not change much Kharajyr anatomy other than their fur and the range at which their healthy height and weight can maximize or minimize it. (IE: A half-Tigrasi/half-Cheetrah would be taller and larger built, though typically they will maintain lesser agility to a typical Cheetrah). Crossbreeding does not signal impurity in the race. Mental Description Fanatically religious tribalists, the Kharajyr have a great affinity for the Muun and the greater advancement of their people -- despite the technological plateauing of their entire society at a basic level. This is to the extent of all kharajyr performing a faith trial where they nearly kill themselves in faith that Muuna will allow them to live, by putting their lives in her hands. They also have a great desire to learn about their position in the world, though use little of their knowledge to impact their work. Despite their fanatic point of view, the Kharajyr have minimal interest in indoctrinating other races. The only exception to this has to be approved by a priest to allow a non-kha to be considered a soul kha. The soul kha are honorary kha that observe all Kharajyr beliefs within reason considering their physical race. The reasoning for this allowance is that the kharajyr believes that it is possible that their siblings may have been born in the wrong body, and as such, they wish to have their soul-kin as close to Metztli as possible by allowing them into their society. To receive this recognition is of the highest honor and should this honor be sullied by the actions of this individual, a mercy killing may be performed by a priest. Kharajyr are sometimes innately precarious, similar to their feline counterparts -- however, this is not required and differs between individuals. Precarious Kha’ are careful in all they do, often causing overthinking and the complexification of rather ordinary situations. However, this allows the Kharajyr to prepare for the best and worst of any situation. This sense of caution has also been the effect of the constant persecution made by other races in order to acquire their pelts. Red Lines: - Kharajyr hate loud noises. Their acute sense of hearing causes your typical shout to be almost painfully loud if in close proximity, and are sometimes brought to anger in these instances. - Wealth is not desirable by the Kharajyr, especially their priests. Kharajyr have no purpose in holding material wealth other than for cosmetic appearance, and it is frowned upon by the Kharajyr to hoard massive amounts of riches for little purpose other than to gloat. - Any knowledge obtained by the curious Kharajyr is rarely utilized to advance any methods in Kharajyr culture. Abiding by tradition is law, and it is heavily frowned upon to tinker and attempt to abandon the old ways. - Kharajyr must be taught to enjoy the water. It is a learned concept, bathing with water instead of by the tongue; it is considered rude to clean themselves with their tongue in the company of others, as well. Abilities Despite their divine origin, the Kharajyr have not been granted any unnatural abilities or magical ones. All abilities stem from their natural anatomy. Nightsight A Kharajyr is equipped with the advanced photoreceptors of a feline and therefore have the natural ability to maintain visibility in low light. Total darkness in an enclosed space does not allow vision, however, under the cover of starlight alone, a Kharajyr can see clearly in the dark. - A Kharajyr, if presented with intense light whilst the eyes are focused for nightsight, will be temporarily blinded. - Nightsight incredibly reduces the range of vision. Only nearby light reflected from surfaces will be easily visible unless a higher level light source is distanced. Mechanically, a 16 block distance is visible. - This is a passive ability. Acute Hearing A Kharajyr is equipped with acute hearing and jointed ears, allowing them to turn towards the direction of the desired focus. When rotated in the proper direction, a Kharajyr is capable of superior hearing and can hear #quite chat more easily, including #whispers. - A Kharajyr can be temporarily deafened if a loud noise, such as a firework explosion, occurs within 10 blocks of their person. A shout within 5 blocks will cause pain, but not deafness. - A Kharajyr may only hear #quiet within 12 blocks distance. - A Kharajyr may only hear #whisper within 4 blocks distance. - This is a passive ability. General Red lines/ Restrictions - CA application is required to rp as a Kharajyr of any subrace - Do not actually run as fast as their real-life counterparts. A Kha’Cheetrah is not going to run 60 mph. - Their strength would not surpass that of an olog - The Kharajyr can’t reproduce with other races - Between the ages of 0-29, kha can’t walk or talk properly. - A kha can’t walk properly if its tail has been cut off, thus serving the purpose of allowing them to keep their balance.
  14. The Ruberlands Company est. 1738 Introduction: The Ruberlands Company is a vessel to enlist additional security to the common and noble folk alike. The Company recruits able combatants, commoner or noble the Company hires their soldiers based on merit rather than lineage. Additional benefits of joining the Company shall be the provision of armor, sword, food, shelter and a contract of employment. The Company ensures that all of its employees will reap the benefits of their work. Ranking of the Company: Kapitany - The Kapitany are the Captains of the Company are those who hold complete authority over the Zoldak. They are in charge of forming and finalizing contracts for the Company. Also Kapitany are responsible to conduct promotion ceremonies for Kutya. Hadnagy - A Hadnagy is the officer of the Company, they have shown to be reliable and able to persevere through their service. The Hadnagy is responsible for helping the Kapitany find contracts, to help Zoldak recruit and to enforce the Kapitany rulings throughout the Company. Also charged with making sure those of the Kutya rank and employees get their cut of a contract. Zoldak - A Zoldak of the Company are those who make up the core and bulk of the Company’s workers. They are charged with recruitment. Kutya - The kutya, or "dogs" in common speech are the lowest rank of enlisted combatants of the Company. Often referred to as the "Dogs of War". Application: RP Name: RP Gender: RP Age: RP Race: RP Past Experiences: OOC IGN: OOC Discord: -For more info- Fish#5175 on discord or CommissarFish in game Patu#4556 on discord or Anderssn in game
  15. Portrait of Bo’rok Bo’rok the gentle ogre Oil in canvas, 90cm x 60cm Painted by Darius Morgrain Whisperhood, New Reza, 6th Malin’s Welcome, 1738. - Come visit my workshop at New Reza, Blackstreet IV -
  16. Portrait of Vladrick Barbanov Alimar His Serene Highness, Rickard Heinrik, Black prince of Rubern, Sovereign Protector of the Riverlands, Before the siege of Krugmar circa, 1737 Oil in canvas, 120cm x 80cm Painted by Darius Morgrain Whisperhood, New Reza, 6th Snow’s Maiden, 1738. - Come visit my workshop at New Reza, Blackstreet IV -
  17. ☨ ORDER OF ARJEN CROSS ☨ _____________________________________ Established 20th of The Deep Cold, 1736. History - Arjen de Sarkozy - Founding -Brunswick Tasks & Duties Hierarchy of Arjen Recruitment History Arjen de Sarkozy – Arjen de Sarkozy, was a Teutonic Crusader and a commander of the White Rose. famously known to also be a treasure hunter and an Imperial Pioneer. During the 1440’s an expedition was launched by Arjen to recover the lost relics of St. Lucien, traveling to Aeldin to accomplish said goal. After the eventual discovery and reclamation of these relics Arjen discovered that, despite their well-known documented appearance as lead as copper, they had miraculously transformed into items of solid gold - heralding another miracle. Founding – In the year 1736, a peasant that hailed from Bourdon, sailed to the shores of Arcas. His name; Daniel de Alence. at the time, Krugmar and Irrinor were at war versus the Holy Orenian Empire and its allies. Daniel, seeing his kin at risk of downfall, have begun on the slaughter of the Orcs and Wood Elves. the man becoming a renown fighter and excellent tactic master. Daniel could have been seen wearing Templar / Crusader armor, fighting in the name of GOD and Oren. as more and more weeks passed by, more people began to find interest and volunteer to fight with Daniel against heretics and orcs, thus the Order of Arjen’s Cross was founded. Brunswick – As Arjen Cross grew in power, Daniel’s men needed a place to settle on, therefore, Daniel and his men took control of the then-abandoned Beet city, making it their base. renaming it from New Alexandria to Brunswick. The Holy Orenian Empire have eyed the group for long, discussions was made with high imperial ranks, ending up with Daniel agreeing to take on the Empire Protection. Tasks & Duties The Order of Arjen's Cross consists of a highly pious group of people. Both nobility, gentry and peasantry are welcome to volunteer and devote their life to the service of GOD. Upon dedicating one's life to our Creator and his word, a list of tasks is put upon you - the main task of the Order is the purge the heretics and teach the disbelievers of GOD's word, next is to the spread the word of the Creator across the lands of Arcas. On top of these most pious duties, the Order is also in charge of protecting the citizenry of Brunswick, scouting the roads of Arcas for bandits and delivering food, as well as protecting, the faithful men of GOD. Hierarchy of Arjen Grandmaster | Daniel de Alence Acts as a leader to the Order, overseeing and making any final decisions. Templar-Advisor | Acts as the Grandmaster's right hand, advising him and leading the order in his absence. Military Branch (The Sword) Templar-Soldier This is the default, starting rank of anyone joining the Military Branch of the Templar Order of Arjen’s Cross. A Templar-Soldier is essentially a grunt, following orders dispensed by their respective Templar-Captain. This rank is broken up into various roles suitable for any military, as is listed below: Medic The surgeons and physicians of the Military branch. They are tasked with mending the wounds and conditions of their brothers-in-arms. Equipped largely with medical equipment, however a Medic is also given a sidearm (arming sword or dagger) and light armor (gambeson). Archer The ranged combatants within the Order. An archer typically is behind the infantry, basking in their protection whilst they rain down GOD’s will in the form of arrows and bolts. Or they can be conducting hit-and-run tactics on horseback or foot. Sapper A highly prized and respected position in the Order, a Sapper is responsible for the maintenance and operation of siege technology such as ballistas, trebuchets and siege towers. Recruitment the Templars of Arjen Cross are always looking to recruit more and more devoted people who would like to volunteer, enlist today! FORMAT IN-CHARACTER NAME: USERNAME: AGE: RACE:
  18. Feat - Golemancy Background/Origin Before the Braveaxe, Firemane and Irongut’s first rediscovered the ancient art of soulbound golemancy, it was first practiced and used by the Scriberfolk, an ancient civilization that existed in Kal’Karik. The Scriberfolk had a much greater understanding of golemancy than those of the present-day Golemancers, knowing golemancy beyond a fundamental level. This knowledge was then lost to the Scriberfolk when the Ironborn took power, as they then caused the blood age and the purging of a great many dwarven secrets, most damaging to past and present Golemancers; how golem cores function. Hope, however, was not lost entirely, with the aforementioned family of Braveaxe spending generations to rediscover some of the secrets of the Anvil of Urguan, leading to the cooperation of Thorik Braveaxe (then to become Thorik Grandaxe), Gotrek Firemane and Hiebe Irongut through experimentation and failure eventually leading to the creation of Grey Vigil, the first soulbound golem of King of Urguan. Following the destruction of Aegis, the descendants arrived in Asulon, it would be in this land that one of the Scriberfolks many secrets would be rediscovered as golemancers learned of lightning-bound golemancy from ancient texts, tablets and more importantly, a functioning lightning-bound golem to whom greeted the dwarves on the discovery of Karik. Over time, Golemancers began to experiment with the idea of applying golems limbs to descendants. While this sort of work did lean more to the macabre, it worked. Those unlucky few that had lost their limbs in battle or otherwise were gifted with one more chance to live a normal life. As with most things, this did come at a cost. Those with golem limbs began to die sooner than expected, or rather before the lifespan of their race suggested. Puzzled, golemancers of the time began to study this, though it may seem morally wrong to use descendants like guinea pigs, it did lead to a better understanding of golem limbs in the future. The golem limbs draw from the soul blueprint of the user, thusly shortening their lifespan. In the realms that followed, Golemancers would slowly begin to get a firmer grasp of the art form, learning many long lost secrets such as the creation of the first thanhic golem; a golem similar to the lightning-bound would make use of a power source that wasn’t a descendants soul, revolutionizing the way golems were made. The thanhic golem was essential as the past repeated itself, Golemancers following in the steps of the Scriberfolk as many of those who knew how to create lightning-bound would pass, their secrets lost to all but a rare few, becoming a lost creation process with thanhic replacing it. Further experimentation led to the development of the first multi-core golems to which were superior to the ones that had come before them. Also came the swift & brawn golems; the swift golem matching the size and stature of a dwarf and able to perform tasks more suited to something of a less cumbersome size, whereas with the brawn golem this led to a creature of massive size, slow and lacking in finesse but able to perform feats of strength akin to Ologs. Later discoveries included the development of anti golem technologies to which would be used by Golemancers to finally have a way to combat their creations should they turn red, or have one of their own go rogue. These technologies were developed from the study and research into the Hammer of Ardol, leading to the creation of poor replicas that would become known as disruption cores that could disable the control of various parts of a Golem. Another revolutionary piece of dwarven ingenuity would be the creation of disrupter spikes, designed to target Golemancers to which could sever their ability to create Golems. Magic Explanation Golemancy is the art of turning inanimate stone into a sentient construct capable of performing tasks commanded by the golem’s Impera. The constant pursuit of the perfect golem, one that will not and cannot disobey its master. While not easy, to learn Golemancy one must seek out an advanced and learned Golemancer, with the ability to teach. To learn the full extent of the art, one may need to learn from different teachers, as not every Golemancer knows every possibility available. The only requirement to begin learning Golemancy is that the prospective student has an undamaged soul and is physically capable of crafting golems. Golemancy is a tedious feat, requiring many hours of practice, pursuing unattainable perfection. Golemancy is not powered by any diety or specific place, but rather by the craft. The runes are powered by the core, which is powered by the soul or thanhium within the core. Golemancy can be learned from anyone with a valid TA, though, if a teacher has not learnt something in the advanced section, they may not teach it. Golemancy users must have a valid MA. While the creation of the mundane, materialistic parts of a golem may be done using magic, such as transfiguration or runesmithing, the golem itself may not be charged or have any magic other than Golemancy bound to it. Abilities/Spells Name: The Body Name: Golemancy Runes Name: Golem Anvils Name: Golem Core Name: Golem Limbs Name: The Soulbound Golem Name: The Thanhic Golem Name: The Swift Golem Name: The Brawn Golem Name: The Multi-Core Golem Name: The Disrupter Spike Name: The Disrupter Core Red Lines While golemancers may be perfectionists, they are not perfect. Golemancy is not only a feat but a pursuit after the perfect servant, the perfect golem. Golemancers will make mistakes and golems will become red. Golemancers ought to roleplay failing more often than succeeding. This concept should be applied to everything in Golemancy, from the sculpting of the torso to the carving of the runes on the core, to the creation of the disrupter spike. Golemancy itself has no restrictions regarding other magics the users have or can have. Teaching It must be understood that everything in Golemancy is taught or experimented. One cannot simply role-play for a bit and say they figured out, on their own, how to craft a Disrupter Spike. Such things must either be taught or sufficiently experimented to learn. Golemancy is the sort of feat where one may learn things out of turn, it is truly up to the teacher and as such there are no tiers, but rather a suggested ‘curriculum’ if you will. Carving and the construction of the mundane parts of the golem. The body and limbs. The runes of the golem, the way that the golem functions and how to apply the runes correctly onto the golem’s surface. Teaching protocols for future use for golemantic constructs. Learning how to make the core, carve the runes, and install the thanhic core into a golem followed by the activation of the golem. Proper installations of a command followed by piloting said golem. How to carve a golem limb for a descendant, lessons on various tools, limb/eye surgery, and measurements. How to then install the small core and various runes onto the limb The attachment of a golemantic limb/optic to a person. Advanced Lessons - This part of golemancy needs to be taught by someone who knows it or experimented to find it. Proper usage of a golem anvil, how it functions. Lessons on manipulating the cores. After several IRL years of practice (2 weeks), they may begin implementing the cores into golem bodies. Understanding the fundamentals of disruptor runes. Learning to carve disruptor runes and craft disruptor cores Imbuing items with disruptor cores before finally capable of crafting disruptor spike Purpose (OOC) This section is where you describe what purpose your lore is serving, what it is bringing to the table that other lore pieces aren’t, and why it fits into LotC’s canon. Golemancy serves as an excellent example of the greed and desire that dwarves have for the most efficient way to achieve their goals. The feat in and of itself is incredibly useful in roleplay when applied in labour and sometimes in combat. Additionally, it adds another dimension to dwarven roleplay that allows for a darker and more mysterious way to play a dwarf. Within Aegis’ society, the soulbound golem became a key way to handle capital punishment for the most horrific of crimes, not only ending the existence of the criminal but forcing them into indentured servitude until the soul is drained or it turns red from damage or age. Citation Spoiler This lore piece draws heavily from Dizzy771’s post on golemancy. Here. Link to the LoTC Wiki on Golemancy. Here. Link to the LoTC Wiki on Golems. Here. Link to the LoTC Wiki on Arcaurum. Here. Link to the LoTC Wiki on Arcaurum/Mage Gold. Here. Link to the forum post on Arcaurum/Mage Gold. Here. Link to the LoTC Wiki on Thanhium. Here. Big thanks to DrHope and Kirrekith for helping with writing and ideas on several topics in the lore.
  19. The Fiscere are a prominent clan in Nordic culture. Well known descendents of the clan are the late Carina Rosik, the late Kenswey Fiscere, thane of Norland and the late Uther Fiscere, admiral of Nordengrad. Two descendants of the Fiscere clan have laid claim to the throne of Norland at one point. Torsten Rosik, who founded the house of Rosik and laid claim to the throne of Norland but was later replaced by his cousin king Alvar the first who was recognized by all as the rightful king of Norland. The Fiscere are a clan of fishermen, sea raiders and laborers. Renowned for their command over the old Nordengrad’s navy and their excellent fishing skill, the Fiscere are a clan of people of the sea. ( Insert Crest Here ) I’m looking for people that would want to roleplay as my brothers, who are the bastard sons of Bron Fiscere, but I’m also open to any other suggestions. Bjorn Ash ( Bastard Son of Bron Fiscere ) Status: AVAILABLE Age: ~18 Race: Human, Highlander Mother: unknown Father: Bron Fiscere Estimated height: 6’2/188cm Estimated personality traits: Short-tempered, great warrior, good leader, extraverted. Estimated description: Prominent jaw, square face, big nose, wide neck, mesomorph, brown-blackish hair, green eyes and pale skin. Unferth Ash ( Bastard Son of Bron Fiscere ) Status: AVAILABLE Age: ~16 Race: Human, Highlander/heartlander Mother: unknown tavern wench (Renatus) Father: Bron Fiscere Estimated height: 6’0/183cm Estimated personality traits: Even-tempered, lazy, great thinker, neurotic, slightly introverted. Estimated description: Diamond shaped face, thin nose, thin neck, ectomorph, blonde hair, green eyes and pale skin. As I said above, any character suggestions are welcome, though they have to be a Highlander. P.S. Their last names were told to be Ash as they were growing up. But at this time, Bron has told them their real last names, that’s why it’s Ash... for now...
  20. The Province of Rubern Peak Times of Rubern 12PM until roughly 10PM EST Population Density of Rubern Vast majority of the Province is humans with the occasional elf here and there. Description of Rubern Beyond the mundane city life and the simple rural gatherings men and women have flocked here, be they the Reiters of Old or neighboring Heartlanders and Highlanders seeking opportunities based on merit, not blood. Adept are we at our crafts and cruder arts, but unto you provide an invitation to learn them - or make fair coin supplementing our efforts with your own. His Highness Rickard Heinrik Barbanov-Alimar welcomes you to his city, should you be bold enough to live free. Folks that can help you in Rubern Prince of Rubern: Rickard Heinrick Barbanov-Alimar (Khan#1650) Princess of Rubern: Ester of Curonia (Koanda#1275) Lord Commander of the Black Army: Brutus (Patu#4556) Bailiff of Rubern: Commodus Owyn (Fish#5175) Directions to Rubern Coordinates to Rubern are: X: -130 | Y: 56 | Z: -1565 (If you are bad at reading coordinates follow the path north out of Cloud Temple and go all the north without making a turn.) (If you have any other questions about Rubern, feel free to contact Fish#5175 or the people listed above!)
  21. [!] Throughout your travels, on dirt or gravel, you soon would hear of one whom baffles. A bard most strange with little fame: One “Timothée de Fontaine”. Furthermore, any poet, troubadour or one with talent in store would see his Troupe was arts galore! In song, or via poster, you learn their lore: I never had the stronger hands. I took the lute and left the schyte. And while I wandered all the lands. I met a man who changed my life. Took me a while. To see his work was quintessential! At me he’d smile! For in my eyes he saw potential! He and his marvelous group! Truly a legend throughout Atlas. He’d always sing of his Troupe! His name: Timeo de las Baltas. “Timeo de las Baltas” by Timothée de Fontaine. Oil on Canvas c. 1698 And when he talked of its fame Right then all song in me woke! And when I asked for its name In bliss, the troubadour spoke: “Hibou Plongeant! ‘E-boo Plon-Jan!’ The diving owl! How does it sound?” And to this man my soul was bound. A better Troupe I’ve never found. And how we soared so! There was no description! The Troupe fed me and my wine addiction! “Self Portrait” by Timothée de Fontaine. Oil (And Wine) on Canvas. c. 1714. ...But like cloth we unwove. Now the Troupe makes no sound For when the ‘diving owl’ dove The bird’s beak hit the ground! And we disbanded! Shot dead, Timeo’s life ended. The Troupe was stranded. I couldn’t save the weight that I was handed... Until today! Now I can have a say! I’ve piled so many merry mina in my many ways! I’ve met so many people in my many days! ♫ Now be it as it may! I’ll sing it all and pluck away! ♫ Yes it’s true! I’ll do whatever work that I can do. I’ll fly just like our great owl flew. It’s round two! I’ll bring back the Hibou! The Hibou Plongeant’s Insignia. Are you a bard? Do you need a place to go? Are your times hard? Do you have talent to show? Is mina running dry? Do you daily feel upset? Are you looking for a why? Look no longer – Do not fret! We make do with all we get! We talk and write until sunset! We all debate and play and paint and speak aloud our thoughts until we sweat! For those of you whom sing or dance, Those whom craft, romance. Those whom when they walk must prance! You poets out there whom believe in free verse, aswell, we don’t discriminate. Come right in! Show a grin! Tell us all the things you’ve seen! Show the soul you keep within! Play your lute or violin! Widely smile, raise your chin! We take all races! All talents, all places! Whatever artform. You’ll have our graces! In times so cruel! Keep your mouth and pockets full! Walk with song and leave the dull! ♫ Let the arts become your fuel! ♫ And to apply? Make quite sure you catch our eye! Write down what you are and why. And send a letter, we’ll reply! And whether you’re just bored A peasant or a lord Who’s piled mina into a hoard And doesn’t know what to afford Here’s a tip: Call us in, we’ll make heads whip! With mordern works and tunes so slick Coming from dubious authorship! We’ll show in any port! A Keep, your Town or Court All events, from any sort! Write to us, we’ll soon retort! Our guild is set upon A town just off Curon Called “Astorga”! Est très bon! Pretty people – Sights that stun! Ripe with trade, filled with fun! Shining light just like a sun. To get to it, you simply run towards Curon, you walk a ton just take a right- and then you’re done! A map to Astorga! ((X:1604 Y:-1549)) And if that’s too far Or roads are all bare! We’ll come where you are! The Hibou goes there! For more detail, to book a show, or to know just where to go, just look below! Or talk to me: Timothée. ♫ You’ll love our Troupe, I guarantee! ♫ [!] Below you see: How to reach the bard Timothée! The read is over. Gee, what glee! (( Discord: Thi_T#5309 / Minecraft IGN: tgrt ))
  22. I'm new to roleplay and am looking for a little help in creating my character for the application. I'm a little lost on where to find information and where to start with my character, I have no idea what I want her back story to be- where she's from and all that. I know her name is Muya and she's a wood elf. I tried going through the lore but it's a little difficult knowing what cities are being used currently and what lore to include in my backstory as it's hard to know when everything happened and what year the role play is currently in. I'd appreciate any and all kind of help so please, either reply to me here or my Discord is Kytux1103 #3061 Thank you in advance.
  23. Company of The Rose (Depiction of the Rose Company harassing members of other lowly bandit groups) What it is: The Company of The Rose, is a ‘free company’ a band of gentlemen who appreciate the word of minae more than the word of a King. The term ‘free company’ began catching on after the Lothragnian’s stooped to banditry during the Emperor Alexander’s reign. When Lord Protector Adrian began his ever vigilant watch over The Empire; many hedge knights, ex-footmen, and cavalrymen got the good idea of finding a legal way to provide for themselves and their families. So, over a tankard or two, a hardy group of men decided to write up a precursor for what would become the Codex for the men of the Company to follow and abide during their employment under Julius Franz. The Free Company Codex: Orenian Imperium Edition First Law: The murder of innocents for one’s own selfish desire is strictly prohibited. Second Law: Any sort of harassment towards local organizations or in-fracturing armies, without the probable contract, documentation, and a ranking member to oversee is strictly prohibited. Third Law: Petty theft from those can not afford financial loss, is strictly prohibited. Fourth Law: Allowing a Destrier to be lost in battle is strictly prohibited. Fifth Law: Failure to abide by these laws is strictly prohibited. Sixth Law: Failure to adhere to this new standard of ‘Free Comapany’ will result in immediate termination, of position, and life as you know it. Hierarchy: Grandmaster Contractor: Oversees all operations within the Company, ensures no man within the Company falls beneath standard. Lord Contractor: This position is reserved for those that provide payroll and employment in the Company. Cataphract General: Leads the Companies cavalry regiment on the battlefield and off of the battlefield. Field Marshal: Commands the infantry and shock troopers on the battlefield and off of the battlefield. First Hand: Second in command to both Field Marshal and Cataphract General, is in charge of organizing rallies and training. Cataphract: A mounted soldier of the Company, a key component in the Companies battle strategies. Shock Trooper: Heavily armoured soldier, often a veteran of many battles and has the most renown on the battlefield. Initiated: Learning their ways of rapidly swinging a sword into the battlefield still, but have proved themselves trust worthy. Rando: Entry level position meant for those who are still feeling out the Company and undecided if they wish to join. APPLICATION: MC Username: Character Name: Race: Specialty (pvp, cooking, farming, mining, etc.): (Also the Company has build in progress, it’s glorious so, please contain yourself when finished) ( POST IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS: FEEL FREE TO ADD ME ON DISCORD @hotboss_monk#8587 to make an inquiry to join)
  24. D4NNA

    Arcadian Tides

    Naval Storyline Become a confidant of the sea and sail across the Arcadian Ocean with your ship and a faithful crew, life overseas is not easy and requires preparation, navigation and equipment ... not to forget the food on deck is required in large supply, and that's where the delicacies such as sea-fruit are found. Sailors whisper of a taste that comes from the depths of the seas … Explore the depths of the Sea Ruin and discover a world of water and the home of an ancient civilization ... The ocean itself has preserved this place and protected it from the torrents of time, much of the ruin could have survived ... It does not only awaken the treasure hunter instincts but also those of every fisherman, the first who dared to dive beneath the surface... Go under and face the forces of nature ... Descendants have always been made to live on land, but curiosity is like a blade piercing the sea, reaching deeper and diving recklessly. Conquering the deep is a trophy to each and every category, be it by arcane arts, research or even through sheer mind and will! A genius mind will reward their fellowship with the treasure of the deep, and a title to hone their tinkering skill Reveal what lies beneath the depths and ... In a place without light, life is a lantern ... Time is torn, swept between the tides changed the people T̷h̷e̷ ̴H̵y̷d̶r̴a̷ ̴r̶e̶b̸o̶r̴n̵,̶ ̸d̵e̶s̷c̶e̵n̷d̸a̴n̶t̵s̸ ̴c̴r̴e̶a̴t̸i̷n̴g̷ ̴a̵ ̷n̷i̴g̶h̶t̶m̸a̴r̵e̶ ̷o̷f̸ ̸t̶h̷e̴i̶r̴ ̵o̷w̸n̸ ̸…̴ ̴I̴n̷ ̷t̷h̵e̶ ̸p̸a̷s̸t̷,̶ ̶t̷h̶e̸y̴ ̶l̵i̷v̴e̸d̸ ̶i̷n̴ ̶h̷a̵r̶m̷o̴n̶y̸,̴ ̷p̵e̷a̵c̴e̴ ̴a̵n̷d̵ ̵f̶r̷i̷e̷n̸d̷s̶h̸i̷p̶ ̸w̸e̵r̶e̵ ̶o̴f̴f̵e̶r̵e̴d̵ ̵t̵o̴ ̷a̴l̶l̵ ̷w̸h̵o̷ ̵w̶e̴l̸c̷o̸m̸e̷d̷ ̴i̴t̷.̵.̷.̴ ̸b̷u̵t̷ ̴a̵n̵ ̸a̶g̷g̷r̴e̷s̸s̶i̴v̷e̸ ̷f̵o̸r̵c̸e̷ ̸s̷w̵a̸l̶l̶o̴w̸e̵d̵ ̴t̸h̴i̶s̶ ̴a̷g̴e̸ ̶o̴f̴ ̵f̷r̴e̴e̴d̵o̷m̵ ̵…̷s̵e̴a̸l̷e̷d̸ ̶b̸y̴ ̶a̵ ̵g̷u̶a̵r̵d̶i̵a̴n̷ ̵o̴f̷ ̶i̸m̸m̷e̸n̶s̸e̸ ̶p̵o̸w̴e̵r̸.̷.̴.̶ ̶ The great unknown... Discover new life and beings who were born in the deep, pelagic flora and amphibious ocean dwellers alike. The aquatic creatures seem to exist in a miraculous cycle and are in harmony with nature and the Descendants. In the tropical area near the Wildlands many creatures live in different ways and in different planes. Even for those who are not interested in science, the ruin is a beacon of life to ocean dwellers. ...Ultimately, every descendant can just discover for themselves what is behind the horizon for them ... Already have wet feet? Spoiler! Final Boss of the Storyline! If you’re interested feel free to leave a nice RP post! Thanks!
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