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  1. [!] A horde of birds would be flying over the capital of each Canonist city or settlement, dropping letters on which human eyes are attached, which would suit the message of this letter. [!] THE BUCKRIDERS You may not see us, but we see you, we watch every step you make into the forests of your Empire or Kingdom, as we ride through the nightsky with our commander Iblees. Your days have been counted. Keep an eye on the nightsky when you are outside, you may see us ride upon our goats gifted by the Daemons who carry these dead bodies back to where they belong, the Void. We claim the murder of tons of people, our existance, is the reason why you do not see these people anymore. Only us know, where they are, and where they are captured. You may curse us, if that pleases you, but know if you do, we shall ride into your residence and kill anyone who is dear to you, and take their miserable souls back into the Void. Your God, can not protect you against us, we are the standing army of our Master, Iblees. You all, shall be paying for the blood that has been spilled due to your pride. You either acknowledge our existance, or we shall burn your properties as we burn the uncountable bodies that we took from the graves and attached their eyes to each letter. Keep an eye on the nightsky, as we are always present. We are not recognized in the light, but surely recognized in the dark nightsky, We are watching you. Yours sincerly,
  2. After years of peace.. a piece of muddy wrinkled up paper falls out of your door when you open it this morning. Dear god buck news is back..
  3. Nataliya Reza, writing her letter in Freeport. Hello, to those whom are reading this letter. three years it has been since the execution of the former Princess Royal, Nataliya Reza Barabanov-Wick. As you may know, rumors have been floating about, that she has survived. And I am here to share with you, that those rumors are true. I am Alive. "Name and Business." an Oren Guard inquired as he looked down upon the figure, hidden behind a dark cloak. "Nataliya Reza." The woman stated simply, pulling the cloak away from her head, revealing herself as her sapphire gaze darted upward towards the guard. The man paused for a moment. "Aren't you supposed to be dead?" he inquired in a perplexed manner. "I know many people who want me to be." she offered a gentle chuckle. "I need to lay off the drinking." the guard simply shook his head before flipping the lever, allowing Nataliya to enter Providence. the 'lot of you are probably curious as to how I survived, if you are looking for a logical scientific answer, that I cannot give you. Or perhaps I could, but I am not a professional in that field so the only possible thing I could offer is theories. "Next!" An ISA Soldier called out, a line of people would be seen outside of the church, The Coronation of the new Emperor. "Next Please!" the ISA Soldier called out once again, causing the line to inch forward every-so-often. A Child could be seen bouncing up and down beside her mother before accidentally stepping backwards onto a woman's shoe. The girl spun. "I'm sorry Miss!" Nataliya then offered the young child a warm smile. "It's alright dear, it happens to the best of us da?" The Child's mother turned about. "I'm so sorry, she's a bit-" She then paused, squinting her eyes at the Haeseni woman before stating. "You look familiar. . ." Perhaps It was Godan's protection over me, sending Angle's to watch over. Godan does protect the innocent and punish the wicked after all. Or perhaps it could've been the Barbanov's before, watching above with anger that their own Kin turning against each other, condemning one of them to death for crimes they did not commit. "Next!" The Soldier called out. Nataliya stepped forth with outstretched arms to her side, allowing to be patted down for weaponry. "Nat?" A familiar voice called, one of Anna Henrietta's "How did- you survived?" the woman appeared to be dumbfounded by this discovery. "Da! And I will share how I survived when this is over." she chuckled softly before entering the church Or perhaps I was saved by the Knight's Terrible aim whom assaulted me moments before, and his lack of knowledge how to properly check for vitals. who knows? Nataliya entered the church, sauntering past groups of people whom turned with looks of shock and surprise as she passed by. whispers would be exchanged by the men and women as the Haeseni Princess found a spot next to her dear friend Margaux, conversing with the youthful woman whom had just lost her mother. whilst Sir Candle sat in the pew behind, making sure nobody attempted to attack sweet Margaux or Nataliya. A young boy with an oversized beret would sit in the pew in front, fooling around before turning to gaze at the architecture. After a moment, the young boy would recognize a familiar face. his visage paled upon the sight of his aunt, thinking as if he saw a ghost. He then Hastily turned back forward confused. Though what I do know, is that my Kingdom is not what it used to be. It saddens me to see my own country men whom I used to put my life on the line for turn their backs on me. I've fought along side men who gave up their lives to protect my Kingdom and myself. and I will never forget those faces. each face who had stood in the way when a blade or any weaponry that was swung my way, even when I was disowned. they were still willing to protect me. My Uncle Ser Demetrius, Ser Ivan, Rozalina Baruch, Arminus Wick, my husband and many others. Good men and women of Haense who were willing to still protect me even though my titles were stripped from me. These people had honor and respect. And I had earned theirs. A small child would be seen walking the rainy streets of providence, his head hung low, the beret dangling from his head before pausing mid-tracks. the child then spotted a petite woman, holding a black umbrella over her head as she gaze at the young barbanov with her sharp sapphire eyes. but where is that honor and respect now? Never in my life have I seen such cowards in my Kingdom. Knight's who went through tedious trials, to earn their names and moniker's, cower like dogs with their tales in-between their legs when my so called nephew, the King ordered my execution without trial? Or that their own King spoke the words of Iblees, clearly possessed by a demonic creature, but no one batted an eye? being apart of the royal army was an honor! yet you treat it like some medal that makes you better than the rest of the people of your kingdom whom you took an oath to protect. Respect and Honor is not something that gets bestowed upon, you earn it. Any man who must state 'I am the King' is no true King. And yet, that is all I heard from my brother and nephew's mouths. A good King is humble, Kind but also just and stern. And the past rulers lacked many of those qualities whether you want to hear it or not. You claim you do your work for The King's and Queen's before us but they would spit in your direction and call you the traitor for what you have created! Otto paused, gazing at his aunt with shock and disbelief before shaking his head left to right, neglectful to accept the fact “Vy are niet real, vy are just like my mamej who does niet come back! Papej says vy are just my thinker playing tricks on me.” The greatly oversized beret swayed with every head movement, almost dropping off his head. Nataliya Reza's smile soon dropped into a frown at her nephew's statement. The Princess pondered at the thought before extending her hand out towards her nephew. “You’re going to find child that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. the truth is often what ve make of it; you heard what you wanted to hear, believed what you wanted to believe.” She answered softly as her sapphire gaze still sat upon Otto.“ I am real as the trees planted here, the air you breathe.” Her hand still hung extended towards his, awaiting for him to touch it to prove she is alive. Otto August reluctantly shot a glare up to meet the woman's eyes for a brief second. Though after a few more moments passed he would raise his hand towards hers, a small flinch being felt as they made true contact and a gasp coming from the boy “Nie.. How did vy?” Though vague she could likely understand what he was referencing to. You feed your people lies. Ever since my father's death you greedy spawns of Iblees dug your claws so deep into the lines of Barbanov's, playing them like puppets. Choosing Queen's who have the spines of damp rags because you know they're easy to manipulate. Casting me out because I was not a pawn to your game of chess! genociding innocent lives because they speak the truth that you do not want to be spread! As the two Barbanov's conversed a young man strolled up standing next to the woman. Her son Casimir Rupert. The Wick's stark green eyes narrowed at the young boy. "He is nie' family." Nataliya huffed at his words. "Casimir be loving, he is nie' Heinrik. Otto is kind." Casimir stood idle, continuing to shoot daggers at Otto before answering. "Da? that is what you said to me when I met Heinrik. And now look." his tone grown more irritable. "my mamej seems to forget that the men of Haense and the King, her nephew, wasted no time at all to attempt to burn the flesh right off her bones. . . I wonder how many will burn at this one hands" The young Wick then stormed off without saying another word. It was clear that he had a hatred for the Barbanov's and rightfully so, and could not understand why his mother still held some kindness to a few. And now. . . you spread the lies of me being a witch! Where did these lies spread from? Last I remember, my family and I resided in Freeport. And before that, it was Providence where I was respected better than my own Kingdom. Did you want to get rid of me because is see through your lies and know your darkest secrets? Or Perhaps something else? It is beyond my comprehension as to why I am constantly sought out and to be messed with when I have never done anything traitorous against my kingdom and have done nothing to harm it, except speak my mind. But that's where the Irony lies. I am doing harm. I'm damaging the walls of your fabrication of falsehood. Some of you been told that I am against Haense, but that is false. I am for my Kingdom, I am for Haense. I am against the people who are sending and digging their corrupted roots into the soil of it. And I will not stand by, saying nothing and watch it burn to the ground. While all the innocents suffer from your corruptness and pride. Nataliya parted ways with her young nephew, hoping that this one would not turn his back on her. The Princess made her way out of Providence, to the docks where a ship rocked side to side in the bay. Stepping onto it before offering the sailor mina as she sat down on a bench, a cloak wrapped around her to keep herself warm. "Where to?" the sailor inquired curiously. "To Freeport, please." she responded gently. The Sailor let out a hearty laugh. "You're a mad woman if you live there!" The Princess lifted her gaze to him once again. "perhaps I am." Say what you will about me. Call me a traitor a witch a Disgrace a Monster whatever word comes first into your head when you think of me. I've been called those my entire life, but I do not care. If had to revisit the pain and sorrow I went through to arrive where I am now, I'd do it all over again. I have a loving husband, Petyr, whom I have known since we were children, who tends to my every need and has never left my side. a wonderful young boy, Casimir whom I was lucky enough to watch grow up into a young man and be something I am proud of. I have my beloved Aunt Alexandria and Uncle Konstantin. who cared for me as their own daughter. My little brother and sister Aleksandr and Juliya, whom I've practically raised since birth and proud to call my siblings, and thankful that they have not had to endear the hardship I went through. my Great Uncle Rupert and my Uncle Nikolas who've treat and see me as their own daughter. I have the Wick's who have also known me since childhood, standing in as my protectors. my Aunt Irene, Godan Rest her soul. who was there for me as well, tutoring me and being there for me and accepting my choices when others weren't. and the friends I have made along the way of my journey, though I still have much more to go. I regret nothing. I do hope this letter makes your blood boil. You will understand and feel what the King's of Old are feeling right now. what has become of once a great Kingdom. I do not care if they entire Kingdom despises me after this letter! I'd rather die a hated woman, knowing I spoke the truth and stood my ground than die a loved puppet, and a pathetic liar. "We're here." the sailor stated before tying the rope to one of the posts at the dock before helping the woman out of the boat. "Spasibo." she dipped her head in thanks before offering him a tip. "Of course, try not to get killed." Nataliya turned back and smiled. "I'll try not to, I've already made that same mistake before." She then made her way up the steps into the tavern where her Husband and Ser Candle waited for her. You can spread your piteous lies you can change your documents, strip away my titles. you can do anything possible that helps you sleep better at night! But that cannot change blood. You cannot change the truth of who I am! I am a crow and this is my Crow's Calling. I am Princess Royal, Nataliya Reza Barbanov-Wick. First born of King Sigismund II and Queen Viktoria Ruthern. And I am not done yet. ooc comments: please keep it in RP and keep it respectful. I don't like bringing OOC into RP or vice versa. I've put some thought lately and I think after Nataliya has moved on, I will be pulling myself away more and more from LOTC. (she's not dying soon FYI) I know it has only been two years of me playing this server, but I've slowly grown a distaste for it, I am a busy person and my life will only get more busy as I go along. I will obviously will still be around but I do not know for how much longer. I've always had a fondness for Medieval, Fantasy and History themes. whether it be movies, shows novels, games and etc. and was very happy I finally found a RP server that fit my liking. but it's like a child beginning to grow out of their toys, and really not wanting to play with them anymore because they're starting to mature. on that note, I haven't grown out of LOTC yet, but there is an end in sight down the road. I hope y'all have a wonderful day <3
  4. [!] A letter is sent out to the citizens of Haense and a select few from Oren. You are cordially invited to the wedding of Miss Agnes de Frand and Mister Emil-Dardot Ashford de Falstaff. Join us for a celebration of love and matrimony in Haense! Specific invitations are as follows, with letters attached to each of them. Albrecht Mondblume - "It is with great joy I invite you to attend our wedding, dear sir. You were a kind and hospitable soul when we first encountered you in Haense and have been kind enough to keep the secret of our impending wedding to yourself and those we allowed you to share it with. Today I am here to tell you may spread the news as far and as wide as you please for at last comes to the day we are to be wed." To the Lord and Lady Woldzmir - "I haven't much to say to you Aimee. I know your life has become increasingly busy and you may not find it in your heart to make time for me, but I hope you do. You can be as mad at me as you want, just remember you told me I was allowed to marry whoever I wanted to. Ostromir, I know you are terribly indifferent towards me, but I'd also like to see the two of you attend." To the lovely de Rosius family - "Valent, you are a good friend and I hope you can find a place in your schedule to attend. My dearest Claude, I know you knew this was coming, yet it still may come as a bit of a shock. I hope you will come and celebrate with us as you have celebrated many of the milestones of my lifetime. Otis, I hope you will join the both of them in coming to my wedding though we are not necessarily very close." To Arlo Cooper - "I know the two of us never seem to get along, but I do want you to attend my wedding since we've become closer over the last year or so. I know you may not approve of my choice of spouse, but I hope you'll attend anyways." To Ida Castille - "My dearest Ida, I am excited to finally announce the wedding and I pray that you attend. I know this letter may seem a bit impersonal, but I hope we can talk more in person since we live much closer now." To Gwynevere Amelia - "Hello Gwyn! I hope you receive this letter with haste. I understand the last letter I sent to you was a bit alarming, but I hope you find joy out of this one instead. Please attend the wedding, you know I'd be delighted to have you even though you are certainly not a fan of Emil." To the Dowager-Baroness of Carrington, Anna Henrietta - "I hope this letter finds you well, Anna. You and I have certainly never seen eye-to-eye but I wanted to extend an invitation personally. Maybe it's because you never though this would happen, or maybe it's because I know this will piss you off beyond belief to know that you're wrong AND that I'm marrying someone who is a so-called "traitor." To Adriana d'Arkent - "I know we haven't spoken in years, but I want you to attend. You were a very big supporter of mine throughout everything despite your sister's ill intent in the past and honestly, I miss you at the very least, contact me when you can." To Emerentia Kovachev - "I know this letter may catch you by surprise, since we've hardly spoken since the loss of your husband. Now to find out I'm marrying his cousin must be a bit alarming. I think we all knew that this would be happening, but it's one thing to see it on paper than to discuss it in passing when we were younger. Regardless, I hope you'll attend." To Caroline de Selm - "I understand you and I may not be very close, but I hope to see you attend nevertheless, Caroline. I don't have much to say since these letters are all very last minute, but I hope you'll at least write me back." To Maisie d'Arkent - "At first we certainly didn't get along and I'm not sure we do even now, but I'd like to have you attend with your sister and Caroline since you and I endured the social season together." ((To those of you who can't attend because it's last minute, that's alright I understand completely, but I hope you'll still write to me anyways. There is no date listed on the post because it's happening sometime today, probably. Just wanted to get the post out while I still could. Could be the next hour or two, no telling with the groom's schedule.))
  5. The Attempts Of Assassinations Written by: Father Ivarus, Saint Heinrik Basilica, Jorenus Diocese This is a short letter regarding the recent situations that have happened against men of the Church and it's followers. Quite recently, many attempts of assassinations have been made on those who are serving God. This is why I call all believers of our Church to stay cautious wherever you are! As the threats are not just made to us, men of God but also against the believers of the Church! These people (The Qalasheen).. who claim to believe in 'God' are in fact believers of Iblees, putting swords on the necks of Priests, and trying to murder all those who do not believe in their deity. Shame on them! As a victim of an attempted assassination, which had been attempted by one of the Qalasheen folk, this is what they call a ‘Jihad’ also known as a strive to spread their religion in other nations by using horrific violence and acts. This system of beliefs must be stopped, immediately! We can not tolerate such actions to our people who believe in God. Put all your trust in God, as it is he who shall protect you against these heathens and their actions! These people who do such actions against men of the church must acknowledge God as the supreme being and refuse to believe in their God that they call 'Allah'. This is why I, Father Ivarus, servant of the Saint Heinrik Basilica of the Jorenus Diocese, warn you for their actions and what risks it may bring with, I shall pray for all of you who are experiencing the same situations.. May God bless and keep all of you and protect you from these situations. ~ Father Ivarus ~
  6. Census of Hanseti-Ruska 368ES - 380ES KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by the OFFICE OF THE SENESCHAL On this Wzuvar and Byvca 368ES Va Birodeo e Herzenav, Following the lapse of twelve years since the issuance of the Secondt Haeseni Census, the Office of the Seneschal, at the will of the Aulic Council, sees fit to publish this Third Haeseni Census to gather accurate information on the populace of Hanseti-Ruska for the purposes of statistical records. The Second Haeseni Census is attached to this missive, and the Haeseni people are thus obliged to complete it: Census SIGNED, HER EXCELLENCY, Ingrid Barclay, High Seneschal of Haense
  7. A new poem, a new day for Miss Mirabella. The true meaning of her words may be unknown. But there is a point to it all, be sure of that. A fire within a city is not an uncommon thing. Hearth’s blaze, and crackle with life. The problem arises when they get out of hand. Buildings burn, shops lose their stock. People lose their livelihoods. And, their lives. As men try to put out the flames. Hopefully, with success. As those who started them watch, They watch with a cruel gaze. A statement they believe they are making, Yet they only cause issues. More harm than words. For words do not take the lives of others. Scorching ardent colors do. A shame, that those who watch may only pray. Pray the troubles stop, and the culprits are caught. For it will end these flames. That are the ends of many other entities. A shame, some men have decided they hold this much power. As to casually attempt take the lives of others. Signed, Mirabella Violet, Court Poet of Haense
  8. https://youtu.be/rzDPk8tqwvQ (listen to if you want dramatic music) (please make sure to read the end of this post for an important MESSAGE!) Ash In The Snow. Nataliya Reza Barbanov-Wick's Execution, 5th of Jula and Piov, 1813 On a cool spring day, Nataliya Reza had agreed to accompany Lady Margaux Helvets on a trip to Haense, to visit her brother Ser Aleksandr and her Niece, Princess Katerina. Upon arrival as the two entered the palace, they were greeted by an empty hall. Margaux decided to stay in the palace and not test the climates of Karosgrad once again, so they made their way inside one of the ballrooms, where piles of hay had laid, as well as a lone guard, who appeared to be keeping tabs on it. Margaux seemed more than happy to speak towards the guard and converse to pass time, but the Princess stood silent. “Something’s nie’ right…” she thought to herself as she scanned the halls attempting to find what was making her uneasy. “And this is my friend, Princess Nataliya Reza.” The Haeseni woman then snapped back to reality, turning her gaze towards the guard before curtsying. The two women said their farewells, making their way out before being stopped by the guards and the king that stood in front of them. Nataliya’s heart dropped into her stomach, her weary blue gaze shifted towards Margaux, as the Lady Helvets introduced herself and greeted the King. thoughts began to race through Nataliya’s mind.” something definitely is niet right…” The Princess looked to Margaux, watching her converse with the King before darting towards the two Knights that were shooting daggers in her direction. Liya cleared her throat awkwardly before a thought, a word, clear as day echoed loudly in her mind. “FLEE!” as if someone from above had planted that thought into her head. As the Reza was conversing with herself in her mind what action to take, her nephew, the King spoke. “Sir! What is the penalty of treason?” The guard replied. “Death, Your Majesty.” The King nodded once in approval. “Correct! Arrest her!” he pointed towards his Aunt. Nataliya visibly paled, taking a step back.”Vhat?!” she inquired in shock.”I welcome you back with open arms and you turn your back on me! And reside with the enemy!” the princess blurted out. “I am innocent! I am on a mission delivering Margaux to Haense!” “You are a part of the Ruberni alliance, and a traitor, TAKE HER AWAY!” Heinrik demanded before storming out. The Haeseni woman began to panic, squirming with fear before attempting to fight back.”Let me go!” she demanded. All this ensued while poor Lady Margaux helvets, stood and watched in horror as her friend struggled to break free between the Knight and guard; before one sent his gauntlet to her temple, knocking her out cold. The Princess’s unconscious body would be carried out of the Palace as if it were a trophy of triumph, The Princess's body would be placed on the Pyre, tying her up before being slapped across the face to awaken. Nataliya Reza woke up startled, dazed and confused before jolting as a man stood several feet in front of her. “How could this have happened? Who could’ve done this?” the woman thought to herself as the crowd grew. “I just wanted to make papej and my kingdom proud… now they’re condemning me..” “Nataliya Reza Wick, You are accused of committing treason against ve Krawn, conspiring with an Enemy of ve Koengzem I Haenseti-Ruska, aswell as practising the Dark Arts. All these actions break the Haurul Caezk. Do you deny it?” A familiar voice announced, a Vanir, whom Nataliya knew from childhood. “My client denies it,” Konstantin WIck spoke up suddenly, looking regretful immediately as he moved up. “Haurul Caezk 302.02, Both parties will be given time to employ legal counsel,” he said as Alric pulled. “Are you a Jovenaar, Kortrevich, or an Actor?” The Princess then attempted to fight back and break free, alas, it was no use. The Haeseni woman panned out to the sea of people, spotting her Niece and Nephew, holding onto each other as they watched in horror, as their aunt was about to be executed for crimes she did not commit. But where was Franz? He was out of sight, not to be seen. She attempted to look for the rest of her siblings. Juliya was nowhere to be found, nor Aleksandr, for the poor Barbanov had been locked away though he was innocent as well. For the first time in her life, Nataliya Reza Barbanov felt truly alone. . . no one was there to save her from the predicament she was in, this time. No father to save her from evils of the dark, no Wick to take her in when she was casted out, and no husband to comfort her when she was mourning. . . However, Nataliya spotted her Uncle Konstantin, conversing with the King. “She needs a fair trial; you cannot just condemn her to the pyre without a trial!” The elderly man spoke, reciting the law to Heinrik and the judges. “Konstantin… Please! HELP ME! Save me PLEASE!” she wailed out like a frightened child, begging for her father to come save her from the monsters under her bed. Though the only monsters were her family and the people condemning her. The Knight who had assaulted her moments before their arrival upon the pyre, threatened to arrest her Uncle for demanding a fair trial. As the princess cried for help an uproar of shouts began. “BURN HER!” a man shouted. “She’s a voidal mage?! You’re condemning her for doing magic that is legal?!” one woman cried out. “She’s a scholar, a mage! She has helped us! Let her go!” Gretel, an acquaintance of Nataliya. “SHE’S INNOCENT!” another person cried out. “Yeah, let her go!” a daughter of a Ruthern cried out.”She’s a Princess! You’re burning your own kind?!” another child cried out. It seemed the tides had turned for the condemned Princess, she had won the hearts and majority favor of the crowd. ”TRIAL!” they shouted. In the midst of the chaos, Her nephew, Heinrik became possessed by a spirit, turning the entirety of his eyes black, before speaking an unworldly language. “THE KEONG’S POSSESSED!” a woman shouted. “Don’t you see?! Your King is possessed yet you condemn an innocent woman to the pyre?!” Margaux cried out, pleading for the execution to be stopped. “I-it was her!” Heinrik pointed to his Aunt as he continued to groan and speak weird tongues. “Heinrik! It’s not her and you know it! Stop this madness!” The Queen Mariya, barked at her husband. One of the Knights stepped forth, lighting the Pyre as it slowly began to make its way to Nataliya. “The QUEEN DEFENDS HER! FREE NATALIYA FROM THIS FALSE PUNISHMENT!” Margaux cried out in desperation as she watched the scene play out, fidgeting with her lorraine cross. Then, a mage emerged from the crowd, using her water magic to put out the fire before being apprehended by a guard. “SAVE HER!” the people cried out in desperation as they swarmed like vultures towards the Pyre. The Princess became severely overwhelmed by utter chaos ensuing. Her Uncle fighting for her right to a trial, her tyrannical nephew shrieking nonsense before accusing her of it. and poor sweet Margaux, sobbing for them to stop the execution. it was pure chaos. . crows, haensemen, at each others throats like savages. The Princess's brows rose in horror as the forms of the people in Karosgrad began to morph into inferi. Nataliya's heart raced even faster than before, becoming panicked as she looked every which way. the area around her shifted into korvassa, fire and brimstone. torn bits of Haeseni and Orener carcasses across the battlefield. Her terrified gaze then darted towards Heinrik and his guards, though they did not have the form of them normal selves but of the Inferi, causing her to let out another terrible cry for help! Thoughts swarmed her mind once again continuing to panic, her mind in disarray before muttering under her breath. “Petyr.” Nataliya then began to sob once again, she realized that her husband, the Former Duke of Valwyck. Had no idea where she was and what she had gotten herself into. Petyr would come home to an empty room, with no wife to greet after a dreary day of meetings. An empty bed to fall asleep in, no mother to raise their son. “Casimir.” she muttered, the only child who had not abandoned her or Petyr. The only child that truly loved his parents. “Alexandria.” she stated, the only parental figure who had not given up on Nataliya as a child, for her unruly behavior. Treating and raising the small princess as her own daughter. “Rupert.“ one of the few fatherly figures she had left in her life, a barbanov. Who treats her as a daughter. “Aleksandr.” the only brother of Nataliya who seemed to have truly loved her, and would’ve done anything to protect her, who threw himself in front of a bear so that Nataliya would not take the blow, who begged Nataliya to stay in Haense whilst she was pregnant with her first born. Though she did not, due to fear of her tyrannical brother. “Mr. Rat.” the metal rat man that practically was her and Petyr’s caretaker from childhood. “Juniper..” one of Nataliya’s closest family members whom she saw as a sister. “Juliya. .” The youngest girl of the sibling bunch whom Nataliya was quite over protective with. "Aunt Irene." one of Nataliya's younger aunt who tutored her when she was young, and supported her decisions no matter what, even if they meant it ruined the Princess's identity. who was practically a supportive mother figure as well to the Haeseni woman. “Uncle Niko, Margaux, Limetta, Rahtol, Aidevo, Blanche, Kaiulu, Rozalina, Kamila, mamej!” the princess then paused, from reciting all the names of the people who cared for her, befriended her and loved her. “Papej. . .” she panned down towards the screaming crowd, piling their way up towards her, before spotting the lorraine cross necklace that hung around her neck. The necklace that was gifted to her from Alexandria, during the time of her father’s passing. “This necklace is special, if you are ever feeling sad.. Just hold it and remember that your papej is watching over you, and protecting you.” As Nataliya Reza came to, she began to struggle once again, using all of her might to break free, for she was not done yet. “You remind me so much of my brothers, Sigi and Niko, you’ve got their spirit.” the encouraging words echoed in the back of her mind, lighting the fire inside of her as she began to shout and struggle again “We’re nie’ done yet!” she muttered the Wick phrase to herself as the woman continued to fight with all of her strength! One of the Knight’s found himself a crossbow. What seemed like hours, Nataliya still continued to struggle, yelling and shouting. . . as the Princess continued her pursuit to live another day, Ser Alaric had another plan. The Ruthern grasped onto the crossbow as he took aim. Maric Var Ruthern among mayhem spotted his brother aiming the weapon at the Princess, he then attempted to charge his shoulder into Alric to stop him. Though it was too late, Alaric managed to wrap his finger around the trigger, pulling it, setting the contraption off. The arrow soared through the air silently above the crowd. . . before embedding itself into the Princess, making a sickening sound. Nataliya Reza Barbanov, let out a blood curdling scream before falling silent, her head dropping limp. . . ( https://youtu.be/yztBkPyIPZA ) (New music) Time stood still as the crowd went silent, they gazed upon the strong-willed princess, who now was silent. . . . . “KINSLAYER!” the crowd roared angrily. Konstanin made his way through the crowd, cutting the Princess down from the Pyre with his weary gaze; he then cut the final rope, before carrying the cold Princess in his arms. Turning to the crowd as he descended down the steps. Margaux was infuriated drawing near to her friend’s body before speaking. “She will be returned to her true kindred. And word of this crime committed today is to be sent to His Holiness!” the Lady Helvets then panned towards Nataliya, tears filling her eyes as she grasped onto her own Lorriane cross. The Princess hung cold in her Uncle’s grasp, her arm dropping to the side as it hung idle.The golden lorraine that was gifted to her, rested on her bosom. As Konstantin Wick shifted adjusting his grip on his niece, the necklaces slid down, revealing a redden cross over her heart. It appeared that the golden pendant had grown quite hot, due to the flames of the pyre, accidentally branding the princess during her struggle. The Lady Helvets and Retired Palatine, made their way out of Karosgrad silently, leaving the chaos behind them and he did not look back. . . . . “Where are you taking her to bury?” a mysterious figure, hiding behind robes and a helm inquired. “To her husband and her true family.”Margaux Helvets replied “I see, my condolences, may Godan bless you.” the mysterious figure replied before moving off. The two continued their trudge through the stone pavement of Karosgrad before making their way to the Helvets manor. “I …” Konstantin began as the rain soaked him, reducing his ushanka to a wooly lump, but his words trailed off as he stared at Nataliya. He then abruptly dropped to his knees, half-dropping Nataliya. The old man began to cry. Margaux Renée knelt down as well, feeling the familiar sting of tears in her eyes as she looked over the pale and still body of Nataliya. She rose a hand to her mouth to muffle her sobs. “I … Nataliya …” he breathed. “I'm sorry … I - … I thought I had built something that would never allow this to happen ….” Her Uncle gently wailed as he clung onto her tightly. “I'm-.. I'm so sorry,” she croaked out. “Th-This should have never happened.” Margaux continued to cling to her cross, her knuckles were white. “D-do you know where her husband resides?” Konstantin inquired softly. “Oui in freeport. . .” Margaux replied in a hushed tone. The two continued to sob together for a moment over the Haeseni Princess, before returning inside the Helvets manor. A bird was sent to Petyr stating. “Lord Petyr Wick, I come to you with great urgence. Your wife Nataliya was sentence to death in Karosgrad, to be burned at the stake, though her body is untouched, please come to the Helvet's Manor so that you may see her and that we may speak.” As Petyr read the letter, his heart dropped into his stomach, darting out of his quarters upon his ship as he ran as fast as could to Freeport to find Sir Candle to assist him on his Journey. When the two men arrived at the Manor, Margaux ushered them inside hastily before taking them to the room where Nataliya laid. Petyr hurried over towards the bed, extending his hand to hers as tears formed in his emerald eyes. The Princess's body laid solemnly, the ends of her dress would be torn and burnt covered in soot, as one would move upward, her cornflower blue sash had been torn off her, as well as her sleeves. Right above her brows laid a giant bruise and gash, as well as her lip being cut. Her visage would be covered in ash from the flames and the burning hay, marks of tears laid dried on her paled cheeks. Her wrists had bruising and cuts from when they were bound together as if she were an animal. Sir Candle scanned the woman’s body “She really took a beating, burned, shot at, bound. I detest torture like this.” “Seems the Kings in Haense only get worse. Why do this?” The Lord’s eyes had not moved from his wife’s figure, he then gently squeezed her hand, fighting back tears, though one escaped, rolling down his cheek before landing upon Nataliya’s, that was covered in grime. “These last few generations of Haensers have been wretched.” Sir Candle stated. “Let's hope somebody does something about it soon.” Petyr expressed with a sigh. “They all need to pay.” Sir Candle muttered as he stood at the corner of the room, watching the two. “Da, I agree.” his frown deepened, he'd then wipe at his eyes for a moment, “Too bad everyone in Haense is spineless.” Several more tears streamed down his cheeks, landing upon Nataliya’s idle body. Petyr could not bear it, he panned upward towards the ceiling as he muttered a prayer. After moments of silence. . . The Lord felt something, panning down to his grasp with his wife’s hand. . her finger began to twitch ever so slightly. . . Petyr’s brows rose in shock, sitting on the bed next to his wife. Petyr moved his head closer towards her visage. He then heard in the faintest whisper. . . .“Help” Petyr shot up in surprise, Nataliya was alive! as a single tear emerged from her eyelid. “Please. . .Don- I'm innocent-” she muttered in her sleep it appeared she'd be having a dream. Petyr Wick offers a gentle squeeze of Nataliya's hand, hoping it might wake her. the scene faded as another began. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKwH4ph_0tM a small Nataliya would be seen in the dark catacombs of New Reza, being carried by her late, father Sigismund II. the child panned up before inquiring anxiously "papej? where are we going?" The Late King said nothing, continuing to run with her in his mechanical arms, she remembers the cold metal feeling against her skin, however. the feeling was comforting to the princess, the feeling of protection and warmth filled her heart. the two continued to run for sometime, The tiny princess then panned over her shoulder, spotting the tombs of Barbanov's before. as she turned forward once more she spotted a faint light in the distance, growing closer and closer before the two finally arrived. there stood her mother, Queen Viktoria Ruthern. along side King Andrik IV her grandfather, Queen Maya her grandmother, and their daughter's Princess Ameliya and Analiesa her two Aunt's that had passed so soon. The child blinked once towards the group as she opened her mouth to speak, she was soon interrupted by shouting in the distance of the pitch darkness of the catacombs. "GET THE WITCH!" "BURN HER!" "TRAITOR!" the frightened turned back to her parents in fear. "I'm scared! they want to hurt me!" "Hush 'Taliya they will nie' do such a thing." her mother spoke reassuringly. the barbanov group moved silently towards the an empty marble tomb that read, Nataliya Reza Barbanov. the child became even more frantic. "niet! please! please do nie' put me in there!" the child fought back being placed in the stone cold. "I do nie' want to die! I want to stay with you!" she wailed, tears now streaming down rosy cheeks. Sigismund brought his mechanical hand upward, wiping the tears away. Viktoria stepped forth before answering. "You are a warrior 'Taliya, you are strong." The child continued to rub her eyes. "I am nie'! I am scared!" Sigismund turned his daughters face softly, locking their matching gaze. "Da you are." commented Ameliya and Analiesa. "you stand up for those who can't! you speak your mind! you are strong! I've seen what you've done to those bookshelf's in my office." the barbanov let out a hearty chuckle with a gentle smile as the jeering still echoed in the background. the weeping princess then panned towards her grandfather and grandmother, offering them a saddened smile before they returned it. Nataliya looked back to her parents. "But I want to stay with you here. ." "it is niet your time my child. you must stay here, with your son, husband and the rest of your family. they need you more than you need us." The Princess sniffled before taking a deep breath, she then nodded. "I am ready." the barbanov group smiled warmly towards the girl before lowering her into the tomb. The Haeseni girl's eyes stared up at the group, tears continuing to flow. Viktoria turned towards the shouting as it drew nearer. "hurry!" Ameliya and Annaliesa stated with great haste. Sigismund and Andrik began to lift the lid, moving it over the little princess slowly. "Nataliya, remember. We love you. and there isn't anything we wouldn't do to protect you." Viktoria stated in a hushed manner. "G-good bye." the child whimper. "nie' there's no need for that. see you soon my little crow." Sigismund stated, finally closing the tomb shutting out the noise before silence. Nataliya woke up in darkness, pressing her hands against the lid of the tomb, opening it slowly as she emerge out. The princess peered down at her hands, that were now full grown, all of her baby fat had disappeared. She then took a step forth staring into a puddle, spotting her now mature facial features. Nataliya then spotted a lone torch hanging from the wall, she then grasped it as she made her way down the darkened hallway. after minutes of walking she then spotted a faint figure in the dark . . “Uncle Konstantin?…”she muttered softly but the figure did not reply. “Petyr!” she called out, seeing if the person would respond again. but he did not. The Princess could feel her heart racing inside her chest before the figure turned around, showing itself "p-papej . ." Sigismund offered her a warm smile in return. "Nattie, you've grown." The now Haeseni woman nodded in silence, attempting to fight back tears. "I-is this a dream?" Sigismund panned around the catacombs before peering back to his eldest daughter. "I assume so." "i-i have so much to tell you! so much to say!" The princess blurted out. "Da, but so little time." the King then frowned, her then cocked his head to the side. "You know, I see it now. . ." "See what papej?" she inquired softly. "People always told me that you looked liked me, I never saw it, till now. . "he chuckled ".I must go Nattie. . .you must go, back to your family, they need you. don't abandon them. . ." his smile soon faded into solemn look before wandering off into the darkness “Father please… Wait!” She wailed, Petyr began to shake her. Her eyes fluttered as she slowly began to awaken from the dream. “Be calm girl, you are safe now.” Sir Candle uttered. “P-petyr?” she inquired hoarsely “It's alright, Liya. You're safe, it's okay.” her husband stated in a comforting manner. Nataliya Reza threw her arms around her husband in a tight embrace, despite being injured. But how? How could this happen? How did the Princess survive the chaotic execution? It had been a miracle from God himself! perhaps her father, mother and other family members who deeply cared for the woman protected her as well. For she was truly innocent of the crimes that were charged against her. suppose that necklace was truly special? . . . for it was a symbolism of her innocence and her protection. (OOC) Hey guys! i just want to leave a paragraph here! for the past two years, I have enjoyed rping on this server, I have made wonderful and close friends during my time here. However as of recently i have been struggling to stay on the server, as you all know, I play the first born child of King Sigismund II and Queen Viktoria, Princess Royal, Nataliya Reza Barbanov, who was disowned in the fall of 2020. (i don’t remember the exact month.) After I was disowned, I received a lot of ooc hate, for making that decision even though it was my character and my choice! It felt like i was practically thrown out of a friend group for simply playing a character how i wanted too. I found it very disheartening to see members of a community turn against me so quickly for doing something out of the norm on my character. I had struggled to stay content with the server during the time, losing people whom i thought were my friends. This time around my character has now been tried for treason and almost burnt at the stake because certain people who shall remain unnamed for the time being, metagamed information and jumped to conclusions and therefore throwing a lot of my rp future plans out the window. In addition to my character being executed, you’re probably confused and concerned about the outcome of the situation. Yes, she indeed did survive, no she did not get revived by the monks. If you’re thinking, oh well that's powergaming, nope, I have had this run by a GM and the Nation Leader of Haense, asking if it was okay this was the outcome! I was told yes. If you want to know how she survived, my pms are open and I can explain there, right now I just don't want to make this message too long. I am not going to hold any grudges because I try to be as forgiving as i can be, but the one thing I do ask is for the replies to be RESPECTFUL in the comment section, please keep things rply I do not intend to do anything to others oocly. Ngl I have been struggling with mental health issues ontop of balance college and LOTC, the least I ask and expect from you guys is heed and respect what I have had to say. I love you all and have a wonderful day! <3 PS. THIS INFORMATION IS STILL SECRETIVE! DO NOT METAGAME IT! SHE HAS NOT PUBLICLY COME OUT ABOUT HER SURVIVAL! FOR ALL YOU RPLY KNOW SHE IS DEAD! (I apologize for the wonky colors and spacing my computer is a butt and won't work with me >:( ) "The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies" ~The Godfather some haha funnies!
  9. Are you feeling bored? -- Looking for a fun night-out, or maybe somewhere to bring your kids? -- Well look no further than the Four-Leaf Clover! Our wide selection of enticing board games can keep you and your friends busy for hours on end! From Haensi Chess to games you’ve never even heard of, come and experience the fun! We offer a selection of drinks and snacks for your relaxation pleasure, and gambling is absolutely permitted. Low price -- Hours of fun The full deluxe experience of Four-Leaf is great, and affordable! Come and join us for a grand time! || All games are run in-house - Crown Avenue XV ||
  10. A homely city, full of color and life. Yellows and blacks, all strung up along banners when one looks above. Caws heard from the distance, amongst the rustling trees outside the walls. Many shops of weapons, drinks, and toys, with outliers as well! Shops to speak with spirits, and gain furry companions. Shops that offer clothing, along with many other items. Each with their own charm, all differing. A city that is large, yet somehow quaint. Fires crackling, flickering orange and yellow. People roam, with warm clothes and furs wrapping their shoulders. Men and women of the army wearing gold and black. Beret’s atop their heads. Weapons hanging at their sides, ready to be used. When they party, they party hard. Carrion passed about, songs sung. Piano, bagpipes, and any other instruments. Dances, the Renatian Shuffle, the Ayrian Jig. Lovely, lovely things. That all deserve to be in a lovely, lovely city. A shame, that a certain other human city can’t be the same. Signed, Mirabella Violet, Court Poet of Haense
  11. A Grand Re-Opening! An Event to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the NGS The Great Crest of the Northern Geographical Society Est. 1762 ✵ NGS KAROSGRAD ✵ Exhibits Opening! After nearly a decade of collecting artifacts and producing scholarly writings, the Northern Geographical Society is proud to announce the opening of two more permanent exhibits in our flagship Karosgrad museum. ✵ Haeseni History Hall ✵ Explore the history of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, and the figures who made it the nation we know today! Includes: 5 Busts 11 Podiums 15 Artifacts 200+ pages of history Greyspine Rebellion Diorama ✵ International Hall ✵ Learn about the various races and cultures of Almaris in our International Hall! Includes: 6 Sections 30 Artifacts 14 Podiums 400+ pages of Anthropological Information OOC: NGS Karosgrad Museum Sunday, March 21st 4:00 PM EST
  12. Women's Fashion of Hanseti-Ruska Fashion, an ever changing beauty of a population. Yet traditions are also an important part when it comes to the certain rules of clothing and how it is worn. This is a study on the current fashion of women in the kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. Wzuvar and Bycva I. Fashion in the Royal Court II. The Kokoshnik Tiara III. Traditional wear of Hanseti IV. Traditional wear of Reinmar V. Traditional wear of Ruska VI. Coats, Shawls and Pants I. Fashion in the Royal Court The fashion in the royal courts of the palace often changes. But a specific style first started by the Grand Lady of the Nikirala Prikaz, Charlotte Baruch year 350 ES. Followed swiftly by the Prinzenas Royal and baroness of Antioch, Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov. The fashion in question is seen as a more formal attire during court, balls, celebrations and feasts. The dress has a wide neckline, going wide enough as to give a subtle hint of the shoulders before stopping. The sleeves hanging like a long V down the side of the arms. Delicate embroidery adoring the gown. Its shape is that of an hourglass of sorts as it is tight fitting on top before it plunges out by the waist. A wool gown is worn under the dress to keep the ladies warm. Some women also opt to line the edges of the dress with fur along with the wool dress under the court gown for more warmth. Children often wear more simple versions with just raised skirts above the feet to make play easier along with other child shenanigans. A painting of Her Royal Majesty, Koenas Mametr Isabel of Valwyck donning a royal court gown in cream colours with golden embroidery and a red sash. Her hair adorned with the traditional kokoshnik tiara. The royal family and some of the higher ladies with titles in the court often style themselves with a sash. Though it is seen as improper for a commoner who is not part of the aulic council to wear one. The colours often vary, though most common is a deep red and a light blue. II. The Kokoshnik Tiara The Kokoshnik tiara is a thick diadem or a tiara in the style of a half moon and or with a slightly pointy tip at the top middle of it. It almost reminds one of a halo when worn upon the head or seen in paintings. It is often worn by prinzenas or koenas of Hanseti-Ruska. The tiaras are usually made of gold, adorned with many diamonds and other coloured gemstones. The story behind the kokoshnik tiara is one passed on through generations. It was said that a koenas of Haense, though not known which as such was lost in history, had the first kokoshnik tiara made. At the time the sun had not been seen in ages, it was dark and cold in the lands of Hanseti-Ruska. When the koenas got her diadem delivered to her it was in the shape of a thick half moon. She thought it rather odd and ugly as it was not like other tiaras she had worn before. But as she put it on her head to wear during court, a sunbeam shined down through the windows of the grand hall and lit up the piece with lovely sunlight. And the next day the skies had cleared, the people rejoiced and claimed it as a sign that the kokoshnik tiara had been blessed by Godan himself. Thus it was custom for most koenas and prinzenas to wear tiaras or diadems in the style of the kokoshnik tiara in hopes of blessing their kingdom with happiness and cheer. As it represents a beacon of hope and prosperity. A depiction of Koenas Mametr Isabel wearing a diamond kokoshnik tiara. III. Traditional wear of Hanseti Hanseti is one of the subcultures in Haense, their fashion slightly different from that of Ruska. Sanguss (Sansk = Dress, Guss = Poor) The Hansetic version of the “sanguss” is a traditional dress worn by the Haeseni women of low status. The dresses are sewn with cheap fabrics of linen and wool, though still beautiful and often colourful. Unlike its Ruskan counterpart the dress features distinct cinching strings across the bodice, and ribbon bows around the waist instead of a belt. The ribbon is worn on the woman’s right hip if she is married, a ribbon on her left hip to display she is unmarried. The ribbon on the middle to show she may be undecided or courting. [Art credit to Unbaed] Sanbej (Sansk = Dress, Bej = Long) The “Sanbej” is the expensive counterpart to the “Sanguss.” They are beautiful gowns often worn by the nobility within Hanseti-Ruska. The wonderful quality of these gowns are of silk, wool, satin and linen. They often do not don the classic bow of the “Sanguss”, instead one sees patterns and embroidery. They are at floor length and consists of multiple layers of fabric, helping to keep one warm. IV. Traditional wear of Reinmar Reinmar is one of the subcultures in Haense, their fashion differing more than that of Ruska and Hanseti. Tracht (Tracht = Costume) The “Tracht”, meaning “costume” in Reinmaren, is a dress that is made from a vest and skirt sewn together as a dress, sometimes long sleeves as well for the winter variation. Though during summer the vest and skirt dress is usually worn over a white linen shirt. The colours mostly used is black, though including the Reinmaren colours of green and blue. The “Tracht” is often made of silk, satin, wool or linen along with other fabrics under the dress for extra warmth. The dress often includes wonderful embroidery on the vest, bottom and the sides of the skirt of the dress. A depiction of a Reinmaren woman of Haense wearing the Tracht, surrounded by lovely rose bushes. V. Traditional wear of Ruska Ruska is one of the subcultures in Haense, often known as the Raevir. Their fashion is largely popular these days. The traditional Ruskan version of the dress known as “Sanguss,” worn by peasants and commoners, is often composed of three things. The sarafan itself, the dress shirt under and the belt. It is often made of cheap quality linen or wool. Even if the dress is of cheap quality it is often beautiful and colourful. Under the dress there is a shirt that can be of four colours. White, blue, black or brown. These shirts go under the sarafan for more warmth and are often made of linen. Some Ruskan sanguss are decorated with a little embroidery on them. The Ruskan version of the “Sanbej” dress, the expensive counterpart to the “Sanguss,” often has beautiful embroidery of gold, silver, flowers, stars, birds, fruits etcetera etcetera. The dress is made of good quality linen, satin or wool, sometimes even silk. It’s a long dress that reaches the floor and just about covers the chest area, it also consists of multiple fabrics for warmth. A depiction of Her Royal Highness, Prinzenas Alexandria Karina Wick neé Barbanov wearing a Ruskan Sanbej with a kokoshnik tiara The belt that can be worn with the Sarafan goes over the dress, if the woman is married the ties of the belt will hang on the front-right side. If unmarried it is tied on the front-left side. If a woman is undecided or courting the tie might be hung in the middle. A depiction of a noblewoman of Haense wearing a Ruskan Sanbej, showing off her married status with the belt. VI. Coats, Shawls and Pants The coats used during colder weather, often worn in the winter of Hanseti-Ruska, are often made of wool or linen, sometimes lined with fur. The coats can be of any sort of variation or form. Though the most common one in Haense for women are long fur coats. These coats almost reach floor length, but are put just a little bit over the shoes so they don’t slag in the snow or mud. Some of these coats are embroidered, but it’s not as common for the coats to have such. Mostly because they are usually used for the outside and often taken off again when inside. A depiction of a noblewoman wearing a beautiful red fur coat. Shawls in Hanseti-Ruska is a more rare sight, but has recently started to trend again. It is a headwear wrapped over one's shoulders with some extending over the head as well. These shawls are mostly made of wool or silk. These are commonly adorned with beautiful embroideries of one or many colours. They are mostly used by women that have come of age and older as children tend to lose theirs when playing around, or they get their shawls tangled into branches, bushes and other things and thus ending up stuck. A depiction of Her Royal Highness, Prinzenas Royal Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov, wearing a golden shawl. Pants for women is also a thing that has become more common in Haense, the reason might be because of more women joining the army than before. Our current Queen-Consort is often seen in pants, she claims it is more comfortable than a dress and allows her more movement. The fabric used for the pants is often linen, satin or wool. The colours are usually quite plain in either brown, black, gray or beige so as not to stand out with the other clothing the person is wearing. A depiction of Her Royal Majesty, Koenas Mariya of Aurveldt wearing gray coloured pants. It is also common for women of Haense to often be seen in gloves of leather where some of them are aligned with wool and/or fur. Signed, Her Royal Highness, Prinzenas Royal Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov, Bossiras of Antioch [!] Another parchment is pinned to this one: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/193157-traditional-haeseni-dress-and-attire/?tab=comments
  13. A painting of the baroness of Antioch in Nikirala Prikaz Prinzenas Hauchmetvas of Her Royal Highness, Prinzenas Royal Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov, Bossiras of Antioch Themed for Grandness and Elegance Vzmey and Hyff A Lady Hauchmetvas or debutante in common, shall be held in the Nikirala Prikaz palace to celebrate Prinzenas Royal Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov’s 14th name day, the only daughter of the late Koeng Josef I and Koenas Isabel of Valwyck. This occasion commemorates her ascent from adolescence to adulthood. Suitors are welcome to introduce themselves and offer gifts to the young Prinzenas Royal during the festivities. The decor and theme for the ball will be that of grandness and elegance. All attendees are encouraged to dress in their grandest colours, except for purple as the prinzenas royal asks that none of the attendees wears purple on her day as she wishes to be the only one with the colour. At the end of the day the prinzenas royal will judge the finest outfits and crown one winner of each sex where they get 100 minas each. Kokoshnik Tiara Bestowment to the Prinzenas Royal A kokoshnik tiara commissioned by Edelweiss Diamante’s Lady Luisa Klaire Barclay will be bestowed upon the prinzenas royal, representing a symbol of hope for the future of the kingdom and royal family from her brother Koeng Heinrik II. Tournament A tournament between all suitors will be held where the winner of said championship shall get to have a day where he is allowed to court the prinzenas royal with a chaperone. Only those over the age of fourteen and nobility may sign up to compete. Sign up Sheet for the tournament: Given Names: Surname: MC Name: Brother-Sister Dance After the tournament the ball in Nikirala Prikaz shall be held. The prinzenas royal will open the dance floor alongside her brother, Koeng Heinrik II, who will dance with her in her late father’s place. Please wait until the dance is over before the rest begins to dance. Afterwards others may begin dancing and suitors may ask to dance with the prinzenas royal. All are welcome and invited! SIGNED, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Isabel Franziska Barbanov, Queen-Mother of Hanseti-Ruska
  14. *Alad would send out fliers* [!] The message would read. Looking to Hire a Guild master. Someone proficient with a sword and able to handle monsters. Experience with delving and company management is an asset.
  15. Welcome one and all to the grand opening of the Worker’s Guild of Kal’Mugdor’s Shop! Bringing to the people of Haense some of the quality goods of the Worker’s Guild of Kal’Mugdor, we are proud to announce our official opening! Currently manned by the metal dwed himself, Rylanor Goldhand, this shop represents the quality craftsmanship of the many dwedmar that put their passion and effort into each item crafted. Be it swords to necklaces, to even a thing as simple as a thimble. You think it, We make it. If what we have in stock is not to your liking, we can personally take any commissions and have one of many fine artisans of the Worker’s Guild complete your request. And as a thank you for the venue here in Haense that we are operating out of, we would be remiss not to mention Ser Zodd Calliban, who we can also direct commissions toward, should you wish to support a fine man and fine smith in your local area. This shop can be found at the address of Sigismund Street II, and we hope to do business with you soon. [Contact info for commissions: IGN: TheBlackBobRoss Discord: The Mountain#0877] [Contact info for Zodd Calliban: IGN: AdmiralLB Discord: Granddadmiral#3096] 𝓡𝔂𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓻 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭
  16. JURASZ VE KOENGZ DUMA Emancipation Act of 357 EST Introduced in the Duma A bill that officially puts an end to the institution of slavery by making it criminal within the Haural Caezk. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this bill is to officially protect the citizens of this nation against the vile and uncanonist institution of slavery, making it illegal and criminal. I. Necessary Definitions Emancipation is defined as the act of freeing any person from slavery Slaves shall be defined as a person taken into bondage without their consent to perform services or labor A new section under ‘Jura I Krima’ or ‘Law of Crime’ shall be added and shall be titled ‘430: On Enslavement’ II. Additions 430: On Enslavement 430.01: The crime of forcefully taking a person as a slave within any territory of Hanseti-Ruska shall constitute a severe offense; 430.02: The crime of selling a person for the purpose of them being a slave shall constitute a severe offense; 430.03: The crime of buying a person for the purpose of them being a slave shall constitute a severe offense; 430.04: The crime of possessing a slave within or outside of Hanseti territory shall constitute a severe offense. Written by and Introduced in Duma by Tribune Igor Kort on 357ES Reviewed by Her Excellency, Lady Irene de Sarkozy IV JOVEO MAAN, IV JOVEO EHR, 357EST His Highness, Prince Heinrik Karl, Prince Regent of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of Kusoraev
  17. JURASZ VE KOENGZ DUMA Cadaver Protection Act 357 ES Introduced in the Duma. An act to protect the sanctity of corpses. INTRODUCTION This bill aims to incriminate those who would aim to defile fresh corpses before they have entered the grave. This bill further aims to enforce that autopsies must be given consent by the family of the deceased, as well as ensure that bodies within the morgue are both recorded and find their final resting place. I. Amendments 414.02: The defacement or autopsy of a body without approval from the family of the deceased shall constitute a middling offense. 414.021: If the deceased has no family members but has left a will, those within said will shall have a say in what is done with the body; otherwise approval shall defer to the Crown. Introduced in Duma by Lord Maric var Ruthern on 357ES IV JOVEO MAAN, IV JOVEO EHR, 357ES His Highness, Prince Heinrik Karl, Prince Regent of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of Kusoraev
  18. JURASZ VE KOENGZ DUMA Clinical Trespassing Act of 357ES Introduced in the Duma A bill that incriminates the act of intruding on medical operations INTRODUCTION This bill aims to incriminate the act of intruding on an active medical operation, whether it be in the Royal Clinic or anywhere else. It also ensures that medical professionals hold the right to remove a person from their presence during an operation if they do not hold the consent of the patient to be there. I. Necessary Definitions Medical Operations shall be defined as any procedure done by a medical professional, whether it be physical or mental procedures. The severity of the operation shall correlate to the severity of the punishment A patient is defined as any person who requires medical attention and is currently being aided by a medical professional. A medical professional shall be defined as a person who has the qualifications to aid a person medically or someone who holds a medical license. Trespassing in this context shall be defined as a person who intrudes on the personal space of the medical professional as they are operating. Removal can only happen if there is no consent from either the medical professional or the patient II. Additions (new additions shall be bolded) 413: Trespass 413.01: The crime of refusing to leave a private property upon request or returning to a private property in which the offender knows they are not welcome shall constitute a minor offense. 413.02: Poaching and Animal Theft 413.021: The crime of hunting within the lands of a Haeseni peer or other private woodlands shall constitute a middling offense. 413.022: The crime of removing animals - wild or otherwise - from within the lands of Hanseti-Ruska or a Haeseni peer to hunt shall constitute a minor offense; 413.023: Committing any trespassing or poaching crime within the lands of Haense as a foreign national shall constitute a middling offense; 413.024: Clinical Trespassing; 413.0241: The crime of invading the operational space of a medical professional shall constitute a minor offense; 413.0242: The act of intruding upon a medical operation without the consent of either the medical professional or patient shall be considered to be trespassing; 413.0243: The crime of intruding upon a medical operation that results in the unintentional death of a patient shall be classified as manslaughter and therefore constitutes a severe offense; 413.0244: The crime of intruding upon a medical operation with the intent to make the operation fail shall result in a middling offense. Written by and Introduced in Duma by Tribune Igor Kort on 357ES Co-sponsored by Tribune Fyodor Erdhart Reviewed by Doctor Renae Arvellon, The Surgeon General of Haense IV JOVEO MAAN, IV JOVEO EHR, 358 His Highness, Prince Heinrik Karl, Prince Regent of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of Kusoraev
  19. JURASZ VE KOENGZ DUMA Illegal Fees Act of 355 ES Introduced in the Duma An act that incriminates the charging of fees that contradicts the laws of the Haural Caezk. INTRODUCTION This bill shall create a new section under ‘The Law of Crime’ and would incriminate those who would unlawfully place fees upon the Haeseni people. I. Necessary Definitions A new section under Chapter four of the Haural Caezk ‘The Law of Crime’ shall be titled ‘430: Illegal Fees’ “Illegal Fees” shall be defined as any fees that have been placed upon an individual without proper authority or without permission from the crown. “Collection of Resources” shall be defined as the harvesting, mining, or hunting of a natural resource. II. Additions 430: Illegal Fees 430.01: The crime of illegally placing a tax on an individual shall be considered as a middling offense; 430.02: The crime of a soldier unlawfully placing a fine on an individual shall be considered a minor offense; 428.03: If the soldier placed this fine under the orders of an officer, the crime shall therefore be placed on the officer in question 430.03: The crime of a noble lord or peer charging a citizen for the collection of resources within their land shall be considered as a middling offense; 430.04: The crime of placing additional fees that were not agreed to in a contract after that contract had been fulfilled by the opposite party shall be considered as a minor offense. Introduced in Duma by Tribune Igor Kort, Tribune Fyodor Erhdart, Alderman Viktor Barclay, Alderwoman Tarathiel Asul’onn of the Lily, on the 21st of Tov and Yermey 355ES IV JOVEO MAAN, IV JOVEO EHR, 358 His Highness, Prince Heinrik Karl, Prince Regent of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of Kusoraev
  20. JURASZ VE KOENGZ DUMA Guilds Bill of 356 ES Introduced in the Duma. An act to establish proper definitions for what a guild is. INTRODUCTION In tandem with the First Edict of the Barbanov Maership, which established a Guild Initiative. Grand Maer Barbanov seeks to create a proper legal definition of what a Guild is and the perks of being a Guild. I. Necessary Definitions Guild: A non-government non-military organisation. Guild Hall: The headquarters of a guild. Guild Master: The leader of a guild. II. Amendments 507: Guilds 507.01: A guild is defined as a non-government non-military organisation. 507.02: A guild is created by submitting an application to the High Seneschal and having it approved. 507.021: The Crown reserves the right to veto any creation of a guild. 507.03: A guild shall have a designated guild master, who serves as an overall representative of the guild. 507.04: A guild may purchase properties designed as guild halls. Introduced in Duma by Grand Maer Franz Leopold Barbanov on 16th of Jula and Piov, 356 ES IV JOVEO MAAN, IV JOVEO EHR, 358ES His Highness, Prince Heinrik Karl, Prince Regent of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of Kusoraev
  21. Hello would be traveler. We are looking for a new clerk for our work force. With 18 official members and a host of others, we are looking for a clerk to have the job of recording deeds of our members. Bards, lore writers and other are welcome. We have hired a guild master, but we are still recruiting for all positions. Healers, alchemists and botanists are wanted the most. We are still looking for more jobs or those who have led events to join up and have fun taking members on adventures. Fighters are an asset but not needed. Feel free to visit the discord and submit a resume, make your own, or chat to staff.
  22. THE HAESENI SEASON Ve Lifstala 360 ES ______________________________________________________________________________________ It is with this official missive that the Queen's Council announce the beginning fo the new Haeseni tradition, Lifstala. Otherwise known as the Season, its aim is to bring together the eligible young people of the city in an andlesss whirlwind of festivities and pleasures as well as providing an opportunity to enjoy oneself in the upcoming events. There is no minimum age limit to partake in the festivities, since the Season is geared towards making friends as well as potential matches. It shall prove to be a thrilling few months crammed full of galas, teas, balls, sporting events and of course, enough time for friendships and new-found alliances to forge among those attending. invitations shall be distributed among residents of Karosgrad. During the weeks following, men are encouraged to call by the houses of the ladies that they find they wish to know better. Leave a calling card inviting the lady of interest to a further activity: perhaps a stroll, a picnic, riding through the woods or luncheon. Something to stand out and woo the lady of their choice. It is the hope that, not too long after the Season, the Lifstala matches can bloom into friendships and unions. A depiction of a Haeseni ball. What follows is the itinerary for our first Lifstala of Haense. THE PRESENTATION The Lifstala will commence with the presentation of those participating during court. The name of each youth and whomever accompanies them will be announced. The person accompanying will usually be the Patriarch or Matriarch of their house or a parent. They will stand and be presented to the royal family. The Koenas may choose to ask a few questions, remain silent or outwardly draw her favour onto a participant for the season. This is deemed to be high praise indeed. Onlooking single men and woman may keep a keen eye out for a lady or lad who may suit their fancy, as well as Matriarchs and Patriarchs who are looking to seek an alliance for this Season. (OOC: Tuesday 9th February 3pm EST) LADIES’ BREAKFAST Closely following will be a ladies' breakfast for all ladies of the court (including those not participating in the Lifstala such as female relations and all female members of the court, despite their age). The Koenas will be present with her council - it is important to make a good impression. It will be a chance to relax, introduce oneself and enjoy the food so graciously provided. (OOC: Thursday 11th February 3pm EST) ST JULIA’S COMPANIONS An initial chance for all the participants to have some time getting to know one another in a more personal manner. In the palace gardens all those partaking in the Season will congregate at picnic blankets. It is encouraged that the youths speak privately or in small groups of threes, with the aim to chat and get to know one another on a more personal basis. Be sure to keep rotating to exchange words with everyone present. Pairs will be encouraged to go on short walks around the gardens, arm in arm, or to remain seated under the shade of the pavilion. Guardians, do not fear, for there will be chaperones to guide the event. This event is a chance to better know the other where it is acknowledged that most at the event are looking for potential matches to court. It is crucial, being at the beginning of the Season, to converse with as many as possible to broaden your choices for a most wonderfully suited match. (OOC: Thursday 11th February 4pm EST) A TOURNEY Although not solely for men, it is encouraged that those who feel able to participate in this sporting event. This year, Karosgrad will hold a weaponless melee - whereby the victor will have proven their strength and prowess to the crowd. Anyone can sign up for this event, it isn't exclusive to the Season! There will be a monetry prize of 75 mina. (OOC: Friday 12th February 4pm EST) FURTHER ACTIVITIES Activities like Haeseni Chess are encouraged although not scheduled. It is a healthy way of competing with fellow participants and members of the court while showing intellect and skill. As mentioned before, activities between couples such as riding, promenading and picnicking are all dobry. If an esteemed family should like to host their own luncheon, ball or hunt during the weeks of the Season it is very much encouraged. THE FINAL BALL The highlight of the Season and the event marking the end of Lifstala will be held in the Nikirala Palace. Invitations to the ball are extended to everyone to partake in a night of festivities with sweeping music to dance to, plentiful food and drink as well as conversation and chatter that will secure the night in memories forever. Men and women must don their most formal wear and attend the ending bash to a triumphant Season. (OOC: Saturday 13th February 3pm EST) POST-SEASON The Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the ladies might receive proposals from men asking for permission to court, or, to marry. This is best done by the end of the Season or in the weeks following since a lady might have multiple suitors to answer. Be swift to ask to allow the lady more time to think. ______________________________________________________________________________________ AN ADDED NOTE TO THE ORGANISER The Haeseni Lifstala is versatile when it comes to the range of events per Season. Seasons can include entertainment in the form of a play, dancing performance or orchestra, perhaps. Additionally, different sporting events are widely popular. The itinerary for each Lifstala is up to the organiser, allowing for freedom and fun whilst arranging the upcoming weeks. However each year there are aspects which remain the same: the official Presentation to court and the ball marking the end of the festivities. ______________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNED, Her Royal Majesty, Isabel of Valwyck, Queen-Consort of Hanseti-Ruska The Right Honourable, Rosalind Amador de Astrea, Royal Chamberlain of Hanseti-Ruska
  23. Althea Frostfire Born in 1753 FA Human Female 5’3” tall Althea was a woman that slowly grew old, her hair was an ever present factor. She had an ever present motherly aura to herself, coming from years of helping children grow up. Her will to protect her family was stronger after her husband had passed, she felt the need to keep them as close as can be. She was also a massive alcoholic, spending her money on alcohol more than food at times. Like her mother and her mother before her, Althea had a love for making foods. More so the delicate sweets and treats of deserts. It was the last thing she did. Photos & References of Althea Imgur: The magic of the Internet The day of 18th of Sun's Smile was like any other for the old woman living above her favorite store. The birds started chirping signalling for her to awaken and get a move on while the sun was just rising. But all Althea did was lay there, staring at the ceiling in recollection as she thought about her past. She did not come from a rich family, most of her family dated as far back as she knew were farmers and bakers. Her childhood had been full of fun as well as hardships. Learning to farm the massive fields while also cooking with her mother. Althea had always hoped to have a child to take care of like her mom took care of her. It was what set her off to take care of each child she saw. When Althea had first moved out of her parents home she set her sights on Haense, hearing of Carrion Black from a few alcoholics. She had been very lucky to have bumped into someone as she was soon to enter the gates. A man in a cowboy hat and southern drawl greeted her, and invited her into his home for supper while talking about her plans. She had enjoyed the conversation as much as she enjoyed the food, waving a goodbye to him once the dinner was over. Walking to the tavern she read the ‘For Hire’ sign, seeing it as a good first job in the new city. After talking with the owner she had landed the job. For the next few months Althea mostly just worked, seeking no social life as it came from talking with the customers. She had come to know her co-workers, Forrest was the name of the cowboy she had met her first night. To her he was her brother, she enjoyed his company and even more when he played his guitar. Althea felt blessed to know the man, and even more blessed when she first met her husband. It was a night she would remember, Ser Ruben and a group of men all came into the tavern gathering around the fire. Althea had watched them with interest as they ordered drinks and got terribly drunk. She had to hold back a snicker of amusement as they all dared the tallest to do something. Soon the giant of a man with blonde hair and beard with striking cold blue eyes came over to the counter. He had ordered a drink or maybe he was boasting his drinking skills to her, in which case Althea came back to say she could handle her drinks just as well and maybe even better. Those words are what sent the two on a date near the wick woods, a small picnic near the rivers edge. After that date and a few more they got together, going out on dates when their schedules let them. After a few years of dating, Darien had taken Althea out onto the lake. The moon shone brightly in the dark night sky. As they drew closer to the center of the lake Darien stopped the boat, getting down on one knee and producing a ring. ”Althea Tozzer, since I first laid my eyes on you I have loved you. Ever since we have started dating I have seen myself become a new man.” He paused taking a breath, ”I wish for us to grow old together, so would you marry me?” Althea had tears falling down her eyes as she said yes, the next few moments and days being a hazy blur of moving into his house. Althea blinked a few times as the hustle and bustle of the city grew louder as the sun reached a higher point in the sky. “Darien you idiot, we were supposed to grow old together…” The old woman gave a sore laugh, shifting to the edge of her bed. Althea reached out for her cane, using it's support to move down from her loft. As she reached the landing she looked at the ledger she kept, a small smile on her face. Slowly she made her way over to it, writing her final entry and closing the book. The day went by as she had given out all the cakes she baked in the last week, finding joy in the smiles she received back. Althea hobbled her way to the square, having the final cake in her hand. She smiled when she spotted the young Vyronov gazing at the stars above. Once she made it to him, she slowly placed the cake next to him as to not disturb him from the sky. A smile was placed on her face when the boy came back to look around him, noticing the box. Her warm smile didn't leave her as she started to chat with both Stefan and Franz. But soon it fell as her hand had covered her mouth with a cough. Blood was splattered onto her hand, a reoccurring sight for the elderly woman. Althea frowned at the blood, placing her bloodied hand under her other to hide it from the child near her. Though the sight would get worse as Althea started to cough harder, more blood pouring out of her mouth. The few around her went to her aid as she dropped her cane, leaving it on the ground in favor of holding the Lorraine cross around her neck. The woman wheezed and gasped for air as she fell to the floor, even with the help she received. Althea looked up to the sky with blurred vision, the hold on the cross decreased as she wheezed out her finale sentence. "D-darien I'm coming love..." She whispered to the sky as she passed.
  24. Ajax Frostbeard in his usual stint of writing has composed a new song! Posting it quickly in the tavern hall in Urguan's mountain holme he returns to his home to make additional copies, wishing to send them out to the other nations of the world. His hopes are this song can become popular enough and be enjoyed outside the kingdom as well. The Indomitable Cavalryman I'm Haenseti, I'm Norlan Im a Holy Oren son Charging Khazadmar across the plain I'm the lancer on a dun I'm an Uruk on the run I'm a Horseman here to bring you pain. Was with Verthaik and the 7th 16-06 or was it 7? Countless Urguan footmen i did hew And the tears and tribulation Of that proud dwardmari nation Them I know because I was riding with them too And I ate rations on the run, Riding with the Uruk hun In the distant redrock steppe while in their prime Whether coalition, or sedition, in these wars' painful attrition I had burned down your village in the night And I knew the Fierce Sultan, and rode their swift arabians Harassing heavy northmen upon their heavy drafts. And yet I rode the Pereshan against the Federal Suitican And once again blood in sand was cast. (well) I'm Haenseti, I'm Norlan Im a Holy Oren son Charging Khazadmar across the plain I'm the lancer on a dun I'm an Uruk on the run I'm a Horseman here to bring you pain. Well I've worn the Talon's Crimson If you're quiet and you'll listen You'll know that It was with him that I stood When along the ports kids cried as their mounted constable died Cut down by highwaymen's cold blood. Well I's the prancing heavy lancer when I fought beside Ruskan dancers Suffrage of Haenseti's Oren Raids. And mine was not to question why Mine was but to do or die In Elvenesse, with their Charging Light Brigade On mountain high in Rocky eden Be me Urguan be me Heathen The Traitor to the hammer I will put With A Crack Flanking Maneuver I'm a Norlan mounted trooper Striking Terror into Landsknecht men on foot. (well) I'm Haenseti, I'm Norlan Im a Holy Oren son Charging Khazadmar across the plain I'm the lancer on a dun I'm an Uruk on the run I'm a Horseman here to bring you pain. Well I knew my days are numbered As all the fortresses lumber More modern innovations then again No match for arcane fire, or Dorimnur's Cannon-shot With a swift rear guard action i retreat. No Match for Pikeman's Ire, or Hefty Golems fought Reluctant, I retire and take my leave. These days I ride as special forces On those wild Druidic horses To those southerners we give our thanks And no matter which side deployed on If you want this battle won, You'll always need me to strike at their flanks. (well) I'm Haenseti, I'm Norlan I'm a Holy Oren son Charging Khazadmar across the plain I'm the lancer on a dun I'm an Uruk on the run I'm a Horseman here to bring you pain. I'm a horseman here to bring you pain. Was with the Greenskins as they pleaded To find the wells so badly needed And The Kahazad War rams charging Oren ranks Saw high elves mount struck down in a haenseti town The Night We charged the empire down As we piled them both up like cordwood planks
  25. THE OFFICE OF THE ROYAL TREASURER KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by the OFFICE OF THE TREASURER On this Ninth day of Vzmey and Hynk 358 ES The Office of the Treasurer (Naumariav: Ve Offiez i ve Aranyiaz) is the branch of His Majesty’s Aulic Government responsible for the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska’s fiscal and economic affairs. The Office of the Treasurer’s duties and trifold: to sustainably manage the Royal Treasury, maximize revenue and control expenditure; to promote and advertise employment opportunities within the Kingdom; and to manage, and where necessary distribute, the Kingdom’s resources. The Royal Treasurer As prescribed by Section 206 of the Haurul Caezk, the Royal Treasurer shall be the Kingdom’s foremost authority on monetary and economic matters. Their duties include calculating tax rates and property pricing within the City of Karosgrad, to arrange the payment of wages to public bodies such as the Haeseni Royal Army, and management of the Golden Crow Bank. The Royal Treasurer occupies a largely supervisory role generally regarded with seniority and trust as one of the few people with access to the Royal Treasury. As of the publishing of this missive, the Royal Treasurer is His Excellency, Edvard Amador. Auditors Employed as assistants to the Royal Treasurer, Auditors act as general advisors and aides who work on the core functions of the Office - such as management of the Golden Crow Bank, maintenance of ledgers and taxation - and various projects the Office may undertake, such as trading ventures. Additionally, a key role of Auditors is advisory in helping the Royal Treasurer think of new financial ventures to better the Kingdom’s finances. Owing to the complicated nature of the Kingdom’s coffers and economy, multiple opinions advising the Royal Treasurer on economic matters are essential. Kastellan of Resources As part of the Office of the Treasurer, the Kastellan of Resources is responsible for the collection, distribution, and overall management of the Treasury’s Resource Reserves. The Kastellan has a variety of important duties to ensure the Kingdom always has the necessary resources for various matters. The duties of the Kastellan of Resources are henceforth, ➔ To upkeep the relevant documents and manage matters relating to the Treasury’s Resources Reserves; ➔ To communicate with the Treasurer actively about the current state of the Treasury’s Resource Reserves; ➔ To hire workers to collect necessary resources based on a commission-based payment as needed; ➔ To ensure the Treasury has an ample amount of resources in excess; ➔ To ensure the smooth distribution of resources for Crown projects. Kastellan of Labour As part of the Office of the Treasurer’s cultivation of the Haeseni economy, the Kastellan of Labour assumes responsibility for promoting job opportunities and communicating with Haeseni businesses to ensure they do not face unnecessary hindrances. The duties of the Kastellan of Agriculture are henceforth, ➔ Communicating with the Aulic Government and Haeseni businesses to asses employment opportunities; ➔ Regularly publish a list of these jobs; ➔ Liaise with the Office of the Seneschal, and the Kastellan of Settlement, to help employ newcomers in Haense; ➔ Communicate with Haeseni businesses and relay any concerns or suggestions to the Royal Treasurer. Kastellan of Agriculture The Kastellan of Agriculture shall function as the Treasurer’s representative of agriculture related matters, and carry out the various duties as its head. The duties of the Kastellan of Agriculture are henceforth, ➔ To manage and upkeep the farmlands held by the Crown; ➔ To manage and upkeep the Treasury’s Agriculture storage; ➔ To hire farmers, and collect produce on a commission-based payment as needed; ➔ To sell farm produce to the Haeseni public. Signed, HIS EXCELLENCY, Sir Edvard Amador KML, Lord Treasurer of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska
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