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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Temp

  1. The rice has been spilled. I repeat, the rice has been spilled.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raptorious


      Code white! Need a med evac Sgt Hui is down!

    3. House Horen

      House Horen

      Slantys incoming

    4. Abeam


      Ricemaster Status: Online Kai ODSTs: Deploying

  2. Purge the filthy greenskins.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Samoblivion



    3. Rassidic


      dooooooom toooooo theeeeee oooooorcs

    4. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      Only in death, does duty end.

  3. "A wise man once said, that which does not kill us, makes us stronger. But, we were dead, so are we now invincible!?"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Peter Chivay

      Peter Chivay

      i saw that in call of duty too

    3. Temp


      This is reference to "Resurrection," by Chimaira.

    4. Lord_Sauron_


      115 was an epic song. Best of the old BO ones, anyhow.

  4. Congrats to Oren and it's grand Victory.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fid


      Noooo! Malinor Prevails!!!

    3. Evilbanana5757


      Whhaaat? Oh god what did I miss ._.

    4. DelaneyG


      Mm... Down with those who team kill.

  5. So, Redstone explosives. Big fat nope, correct?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stephensj


      nukes are allowed

    3. problematic z

      problematic z

      IED was defused

    4. Temp


      'Firebombs' don't have explosive force.

  6. What crowds are recruiting? Looking for stuff to do outside of designated event slots. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JokerLow


      You should consider making a dwarf and joining Goldhand clan.

    3. Milenkhov


      You should join Rubern! toss me a pm if you’d like to know about it – Milenko#9658

    4. AlphaMoist
  7. Anyone else like Cyanide and Happiness?

  8. Are we not allowed to use Book and Quill?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Temp


      Recipe doesn;t work for some reason

    3. DrakeHaze.
    4. aron.


      Bookworm is only better, in that you can place it inside bookshelves. It's much better to have a gui, imo

  9. Eh.... Least No one's ryling up the dwarves while it's down.

  10. I'd like my skills reset, who do I approach, trying to find in the forums atm...

  11. What's got everyone so riled up over the admin staff?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rukio


      Something for them to do I guess...

    3. rukio


      Something for them to do I guess...

    4. yekim8


      People have pitchforks to use and torches to burn.

  12. Everytime I see or hear orc, I think Ork and feel like saying "Waaagh"

  13. Why have a single person as an antagonist? People already cringe at our existence, so just make The Order of the White Rose the main antagonists.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Temp


      Erm. The order could be oppressive, and generally hated. Which would make us the bad guys.

    3. Jarkarll


      Um... The White Rose would make much more sense than having a carbon copy of the Joker. *blink*

    4. Temp


      Exactly... Not to mention it would be a lot more realistic.

  14. So, any tech team members able to get 'KungFuSushi' onto member or whatever? Dude has been WS for some time now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anderssn


      Is it even the tech teams thing to whitelist people?

    3. Temp


      When GMs can't do it, due to issues unknown to GMs, yes.

    4. Geo


      Hey Temp, is this still a problem? I'll give it a shot and if it somehow doesn't work I'll forward it to the Techies.

  15. Aaaaand land perms are screwed. Here comes the wave of theft and No RP entry... -sigh-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ryno2


      think hot and orange and you'll have a good idea of what's happening to the elves

    3. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      spicy Cheetos?

    4. Telanir


      Roflmao, ryno. Creative!

      Elves completely just... screwed over. :\

  16. Well! Time to sit in place and await retaliation upon myself for the actions of others... Game of cards, anyone?

  17. Gettin' drunk with the High Elves. Odd things happening.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dohvi
    3. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      High Elves will be introduced to -real- shenanigans.

    4. Phantasy



  18. Can't tell if the BR and BA are a joke or not.

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