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Status Updates posted by Rael

  1. So tired of people trolling so hard roleplay gets ruined..

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TheBreadmannn


      This server sucks now, and (some) of the players are absolute poop (keep it pg!). That's exactly why I left.

    3. monkeypoacher


      I hate people who harass other players via OOC or PMs, and stir up drama, more than trolls.

      That being said, what /did/ happen?

    4. L0rdLawyer


      If they were from the company of the wolf, make a player report. I know for a fact a gm warned them about trolling and bad rp after they were doing it to everyone they could find.

  2. I agree these new developments shouldn't be taken out on the wood elves and dark elves, but I too feel we may be looking too critically at the high elves. The actual Sohaer and most of his council weren't even seemingly part of those discussions. If anything, it is disheartening to see such OOC measures taken into hand, yet we must not allow this to garner hate for an entire race.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DrakeHaze.



    3. monkeypoacher


      Okay, but can we all just not?

      Please just roll with RP, friends...

    4. Publius


      This whistleblowing was absolutely necessary Rael. OOC rage is going to be generated when something is done wrong OOC to affect RP. There's staff literally suggesting an intervention by staff to give them extra power. It's shady and wrong, and that's not mentioning the hypocrisy of the "keep it in RP" that has been preached since this.

  3. "Adios. I hate every single one of you f****** in the channel" -Kowaman 2k15

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ski_king3


      As if it wasn't earned.

    3. lawnmowerman


      he went with a boom..

    4. Rael


      We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us, Skiking.

  4. Because of apparent forum slowness, we have removed the feature of seeing who views a thread. We are interested, after significant complaints, would the community prefer this feature used despite the possible slowness generated?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. cruzazul


      give it back friendo!

    3. Publius


      mr. Raelplay, give us that feature

    4. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      I fail to see its significance. If cuts need to be made, that was the place to do it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. nordicg_d


      haha rael just got put to sleep.

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Raelplayer, you aren't black. You don't need skin cream around your lips try again!

    4. Birdnerdy


      i love memes! and gifs!

  5.  Less than 24 hours left! Make America Great Again!

  6. I knew a guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy’s cousin…

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      "When a cop asks you where you got the drugs."

    3. LPT


      And he tells me that this is worth 50 bucks, but I need to find the right buyer so I'll give you 10... cents

    4. Lubbie


      Still a better love story than twilight

  7. merrymoogle isnt a real gm

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lima


      Burk, can you add as a term that they make their city look nice, and pay for it if they can't do it themselves?

    3. _pr0fit


      wow harrassment

    4. Guest


      wow polaris is still here

  8. A big thank you to all the ET Builders who have helped us so far with the Bounty Board! All bounties currently available now have an accompanying build, with surely many more along the way! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you're interest in tackling a creature in the coming days, the calendar is filling up! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/639-bounty-board/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      Hope there will be others to help you manage the project rather than build and act for them, not only for your sake of burning out from such but also having more ground for when hunting groups become popular. You guys are doing good work, happy to see bounties a thing again.

    3. Rael


      I hope to see more friendly ET Bounty-men soon! I appreciate all the help I can get.

    4. Wendigo


      Freackin love bounties, thank you so much.

  9. We're looking for people to assist with the Tutorial Island base island builds. If you're interested, just post on the status!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Space


      Yeah, my sky-- Oh.

    3. Rael


      Yeah, I was just putting a status again if anyone was interested in this particular task. We've got a couple teams going already.

    4. Anawkin


      I can help build just dm me on skype Anawkin52

  10. kalamoot the deviant...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moot


      you literally cant stop me

    3. mitto


      think about the kids

    4. HuskyPuppy


      the ring bearer strikes again?

  11. I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who participated in the multiple hour long discussion today. We appreciate and acknowledge your feedback, and I am looking forward to this situation being resolved.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cyndikate


      Something better come out of this.

    3. Tirenas


      Thank you!

    4. osumanduas


      I hope that our talks can be productive. Personally I think a change wasn't needed but hopefully we can come to a compromise.

  12. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. Helen Keller

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rael


      There's no need to be trying to put me down, dude.

    3. Aislin


      Hide and Go Seek Champion 1945 - Anne Frank

    4. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      I cringed three times.

  13. http://i.imgur.com/4pvaGiQ.jpg Thank you everyone who participated in Vailor development. Your hardwork is noted.
  14. I really enjoyed doing my first bounty event, looking forward to organizing more regularly!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      caliphate could use some events please, we'll love oyu forever

    3. problematic z

      problematic z

      top notch event really well executed. character developement and everything top notch +1 5 stars

    4. CaptainSheepy


      I happened to stumble upon it. Was cool. 10/10 would attend again.

  15. Man5791 sucks eggs

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fireheart


      Ewwww...... personally I chew eggs.

    3. kingnothing
    4. drfate786


      Rael, how did your wedding with larkypoo go?!

  16. Life isn't meant to be easy. It's hard to take being on the top - or on the bottom. I guess I'm something of a fatalist. You have to have a sense of history, I think, to survive some of these things... Life is one crisis after another. 


    -Richard Nixon

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rael


      dude you got me down to a t...everybody interested in american history must surely aspire to be like an australian internet man

    3. Thatpyrodude





      richard nixon is a baby tier figure anyway.. try howard dean

  17. @Gucko Listen to me Axel. I got your head in a fuckin' vise. I'll squash your head like a fuckin' grapefruit if you don't give me a build. Don't make me have to do this, please. Don't make me be a bad guy, come on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Methuselah
    3. lawnmowerman


      i am glad that you are out of my life and i hope we are never friends. please never talk to me again because all you cause me is pain. i should never have answered your phone call on friday night. dont ever try to call me or contact me again. if you do i wont answer anyway. you rang me because youre a selfish ***** and didnt stop to think how it might hurt me. **** you. i dont care what i said or what ever happened after that because you manipulated me.


      obviously you have a lot of ammunition against me and you used it. all the photos and memories you felt like sharing.. all because of some idea you were in love with. and you said you loved me. HA. just leave me alone. i dont give a **** about you anymore. youre a headfuck. a spaz. a manipulator. a game player. and a selfish *****. you always have to have the last word/ upper hand. youre last message is a perfect example of this. i dont even think you realise half this ****. and you probably never will truly get it. because thats how you are. im done being nice to you. good bye and **** you very much.

    4. Zindran


      I'm unsure if this is serious or some new kind of meme.

  18. raelplayer has advanced to bronze 2!

    1. Aislin
    2. Acornlad



      Is it Love?

      Is it Life?

    3. Harri


      bad tbh......................

  19. I am so tired of conservatives screwing up my country.

    1. mitto


      vote communism

    2. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Move to a better country. Like Albania.

    3. oblivionsbane


      Move to America, no matter the political party they still screw it up.

  20. raelplayer is silver!!!!!!!!!

    1. meg



    2. Leric
    3. mitto


      >raelinyermum ******* perfect

  21. The Event Team is currently looking for more builders! If you feel you've got what it takes, please apply!

  22. To clear everything up, the new keys being acquired through voting are simply a crate in itself! Simply type /redeem to use the key. :)

    1. Salvo


      Are there benefits to using more keys at once?

    2. AGiantPie


      According to the help info, yes.

    3. Rael


      According to Tythus, you can attain more valuable items, such as diamonds, if you are redeeming more on hand.

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