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Status Updates posted by Chorale__

  1. My meme collection, kiddos.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TinyBiceps


      it only counts if they're good

    3. BonesOfTheEarth


      Will you play my cow @Chorale_?

    4. Chorale__




      What gender, age, and nationality? How thicc does it have to be, as-well? I mean, just for skin-making purposes.

  2. Why is everyone saying that the next map is coming out next month? They give us a 3-month notice about when the next map will be coming out. Chill out guys, honestly.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      okay all-knowing eye chorale

    3. Chaw



      its barely a month's notice

    4. overlord2305


      Because their lives are so empty and meaningless they desperately look for anything to cling onto so they feel like they belong and or matter, in this case it's screetching and worrying about the new map because people will react to it.

  3. "You've not truly changed," 
    >has changed quite immensely over the past few months.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chorale__


      Wise words from my newly founded best friend, @Vaynth.

    3. Vaynth
    4. GloriaPreussens


      You've exhibited one of the biggest changes in not only maturity, but your grammar and ability to reason and communicate I have ever seen in a human being.

  4. I've decided to snoop through the forums and stalk the past lives of our administration. A "before they were famous," if you will. What I found, was that @Telanir once applied for GM, and was hated on for it. THEN, he was denied. Look where the man is today, props to him. Lord of the Craft doesn't deserve you. You're gonna go far, kid.

    ((I'm only 15, I shouldn't be calling you a kid, you're like giant and big... and a scary adult.))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chorale__


      Update: @501warhead was denied to the GM team THREE times.


      It's really late at night and I'll probably regret posting every single bit of this in the morning. My brain doesn't function after midnight and it's 2 hours past midnight. BAH.

    3. overlord2305


      You sure will kid

    4. Raomir


      bet there was a reason they were denied :thinkplant:

  5. Renatus =/= Oren. Renatus is its own thing, Oren was a thing of the past. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mitch dharma

      mitch dharma

      thanks for the clarification IDIOT

    3. Guest


      @mitch dharma 5 months left, you counting down the days with excitement?

    4. rukio


      Norland = a nation, but y'know, I've seen it be wrong on the wiki too.....feels bad man.

  6. so is the new max horse speed stat 12.99??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chorale__


      do we know what the max is on a horse tile??

    3. DrakeHaze.


      idk personally but if i had to guess it'd be 16.87 the previous max speed

    4. Samler


      Ofc we don't have the information readily available, you need to know a guy.

  7. don’t be mean to flambo.


    1. Whiplash


      b-but i have to be a minecraft server tough guy!!!

    2. gandalfo


      aren’t you the guy that believed slavery was acceptable?

    3. Chorale__
  8. Who the hell 'accidentally' stopped the server again? My **** better be in my inventory when it comes back up.

    1. Space
    2. Merkaken


      *stomp stomp stomp* MY PIXELS!!!!

    3. Chorale__


      ^^^^ Actually me when i'm mad




      Don't ever make me mad!

  9. @violinist I HATE IT SO MUcH OMF

    1. Violino



    2. Chorale__



    3. Violino


      You're not alone <3

  10. Is the server up? It says "Connection Refused"

    1. Chorale__


      Gahhh - When's the expected uptime?


    2. Chorale__


      Alright, Do you think it'll be longer than 2 more hours, because I had a RP event planned my dude. I forgot we were doing the update today.


    3. Chorale__


      Ahhh, Alright. Thanks.


  11. #ThrowbackThursday is becoming a thing on LotC forums now.


    #TBT to about a year and a half ago when you accepted me into the server, Wiseacres. 

  12. I'd play your cow if I weren't banned

    1. lawnmowerman
    2. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      Didn't you leave

    3. Chorale__


      let me meme, my boy.

  13. I just found out that @Tythus wasn't the original owner of the server. If any older players would like to DM me telling me all the drama around that time, between him, Vaquixine and Avalier it'd be greatly appreciated. I'm just a curious little boy. Here, enjoy a good song from my youth. 





    1. Old Man Boiendl

      Old Man Boiendl

      you're an idiot. 

    2. Chorale__


      Obviously, @Old Man Boiendl

      I'm stupid enough to give you rep for that reply. >: (


    3. L0rdLawyer


      There is no drama, they left, they grew up. They moved on.

  14. Hey there everyone! I'm currently working on an RP guide video for a bunch of you new players. What this will do is address the points of where RP can be found, it'll list off active settlements and show you around them. It's a fairly long video, coming in at around an hour long. I'm currently about nearly halfway through with editing it. The 25 minute mark is where I am right now. I'm free all day today, so the video could possibly be done with and uploaded to where the playerbase can view it within the next day or two! Until then, the active settlements over the past week are as listed for most raced: Sutica, Haense, Norland, Veris, Wood Elves, Orcs, and perhaps the Druids. Happy RP'ing!

    1. Devdog


      Why not ask an AT to do it for you?  That is our  job

    2. Chorale__


      Nobody has seemingly hopped on the bandwagon in doing so, I talked with Vaynth and she didn't seem to have a problem with it. 

  15. I like these new changes. Fancy.

    1. Archipelego


      back at it again with the unpopular opinions (jk i love u)

    2. Jonificus


      No VIP. No upvotes. Why even browse.

  16. Someone update me on what's been going on? I've been really caught up with marching band...

    1. Venomoo


      What instrument do you play b

    2. Chorale__


      I'm lead trumpet! @Venomoo


    3. Venomoo


      Must be nice, I'm bass line section leader 

    1. _NotChris


      And this is?


    2. Chorale__
    3. _NotChris


      I understand its "Mooosic" and its in treble clef, but what song is it? 

  17. You can contribute to the Wiki without being a WT member. Ask one of us to create you an account and you can start writing. The only difference between WT and contributors is that the WT have increased permissions and they oversee what the contributors do.

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Huh, I’ll have to do that

    2. ___


       I want a wiki account yeye

    3. Chorale__


      If you want one, PM me or any other WT member and we'll set you up. ^^

  18. Do I honestly need to tell you guys to not post innapropriate content as a status update, or on a status update? Seriously, stop it please. 

  19. Change is good.

    1. Thornz


      can i not post status updates if i have warning points? whats the deal here 

    2. Chorale__


      You should be able to, unless you got into some trouble with one of the previous FM Director's and they disabled them on your account.


    3. Chorale__


      After reviewing a few things, it appears that you have status updates turned off in your settings. You'll have to re-enable them, and if you'd like then I can help out with that process. Just add me on Discord @ Chorale_#4767.

  20. honestly screw what anyone else thinks bc all the new players love me


    1. Unwillingly


      all of the new players I talk to end up having joker arcs and get banned for calling ppl slurs or pugsying

    2. SaviourMeme


      13 hours ago, Unwillingly said:

      all of the new players I talk to end up having joker arcs and get banned for calling ppl slurs or pugsying

      should probably stop talking to new players then....

    3. Unwillingly


      3 hours ago, SaviourMeme said:

      should probably stop talking to new players then....


  21. new pfp go crazy

    1. Gemini


      Adele’s the queen 

    2. Chorale__


      the queen of my heart and the queen of my car radio


    3. Gemini
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