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Status Updates posted by UnusualBrit

  1. Ah the good ole delaying warclaim trick, so just because Renatus didn't post all of their reasons we have to wait another week for an already seemingly delayed war?

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Its_Just_Leap


      I do think its ridiculous that war rules took so long to get out and honestly after 4 months there's no excuse for it, but this isn't about the war rules being delayed anymore. There's actual reasoning for it to be delayed now. I guess its sorted out now. I don't really keep up with it so I'm going off of what @TheWitherKingHD said earlier.

      @Raomir I get that you're bored because you play in a nation/group that's all about war and major nation conflict, and I can respect that. But saying things like Wither said and making it seem like the warclaim is only being delayed to make it unfair for Renatus is a bit salty don't you think?

    3. UnusualBrit


      I hope so fireheart a gm took it to pm

    4. Raomir


      I don’t think salty is really the correct phrase, probably annoyed is the right one. And it’s nothing to do with focusing on big wars, it’s to do with the natural flow of RP being halted for no real reason. 

  2. Welcome to LOTC where we ban people over rp threads!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dromui


      As poor as the rule is, you are expressly forbidden from roleplaying these things. Whether you act  it out or accuse someone else of doing it.

    3. Algoda


      No, as it is written right now it does not forbid anyone for accusing someone else of rape. It is a very poorly written rule, i agree.

    4. Dromui


      Fair point. I suppose some clarification would be nice.

  3. I have an idea, maybe instead of 'reworking' the nexus system the DEVS could replace it with anew system where you have to EMOTE to create stuff. Like in blacksmithing you have to emote how you create a sword or something or in cooking you emote preparing a meal. Etc etc

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gameingg


      Sounds really good on paper,but how could you program a plugin that gives you items every time you emote?Impossible.

    3. CosmicWhaleShark


      Every system is able to be abused eventually, assuming you use something like keywords or something or word count it would just come down to up arrowing or spamming the specific key words for an item. Similar to how enchanments or alchemy regents were first implemented. It would start out as a secret but quickly become widespread and we'd be back where we started as far as the issues we face with nexus. 

    4. InfamousGerman


      im a coder on a minecraft server, not a wizard 

  4. Stop. The. Chess. and. Checker. Replys. 

  5. Let's spread some positivity sir stop insulting the frostbeards.

  6. Could you please make the timer for unicum and deitrum bottles smashing higher.


    i lost a lot of mina  like this, just make it one minute please.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. UnusualBrit


      Not really, I spent an hour doing it and it just felt like a slog.

    3. Sporadic


      it's not a timer its a completely random occurrence. If not people would find ways to time the check and log out during it.

    4. UnusualBrit


      It usually happens instantly when I accidentally take them from llamas while sitting on them.

  7. Interested in Dwarf/Merchant RP? Make a Goldhand!

  8. Hello :)

    1. Killmatronix
    2. UnusualBrit


      When you going to reapply kill??

    3. Killmatronix


      When I'll have inspiration, time and I won't be sick.

  9. I think you can declare a Casus Belli now lmao

    1. Chimp


      Don't do it he's tricking you into no cb'ing and getting -5 stab and 50 AE.

    2. Vege


      -3 stability

    3. Chimp


      -5 if in hre 


    1. drfate786


      What do you mean? We don't need a staff reform, we need a player reform.

    2. UnusualBrit


      I'm talking about a roleplay reform, (aka player reform)

    3. drfate786


      Ah, I agree.

  11. Ave Evereux

    Edited by TheWitherKingHD
    1. Vege


      shut up bloody woman


    2. UnusualBrit


      Hail the Glorious Curon

    3. Vege
  12. If your interested in Merchant RP and the Dwarves, join Clan Goldhand! 


    1. Medvekoma



    2. Medvekoma
    3. Medvekoma



  13. Fimlin ur profile picture shows u hugging Raomir yet u denounce him wtf?

    1. Josh3738


      That’s not raomir, that’s the infamous Thorin Grandaxe, conqueror of humanity

    2. James


      Fimlin is a race traitor 

    3. Josh3738


      that’s a lie spread by the free masons to control the flat earthers

  14. After a long consideration. I have decided to betray. After receiving multiple death threats from [Insert Imperial / Orenian shill here], I’ve learned that Urguan is actually corrupt and Oren is the only way forward. Oren had lots of [Active and engaging RP] such as [PVP] and [More PVP]. I am now a human peer. Good bye.

    1. MailC3p


      holy mother of based

    2. Eryane
    3. Laeonathan


      Oren RP is fine I personally just tend to get bored of it after a while

  15. 68 players on LOTC, thirty max players. Is there some bug here? Because I still can't join yet the amount of players is over 30.

    1. UnusualBrit


      it's gone up to 72, how is this happening?

    2. Ducklingator


      i think its because vips can join when the server's full. send help

  16. Supreme Leader LadyRebecca of LoTc

  17. When does Stauntism towers open

  18. BaD pEdO hOuSe

    1. OzYmandi


      Not pedo, I just fancy children under the age of 16, what's wrong with that?

    2. UnusualBrit


      BaD hEbO hOuSe

  19. Stop bullying pvp goons fms

    1. rukio


      Square up lad

    2. sneLf


      pvp default


  20. Change your password asap as a hacker has compromised the forums. Your personal data is at risk.

    1. Treepuncher2014


      what staff member said this happened


    2. UnusualBrit


      Not a staff member but a player said his data had been sold from lotc just a heads up

  21. Crash Bandicoot will soon fall 

  22. gg everyone! well done on oren for winning!

    1. Laeonathan


      I just hope Oren retakes tile_91 and then ferrymen and fleivers switch sides again and then Urguan takes it again. It would be hillarious.

    2. DrakeHaze.


      would make sense for mercs and the like to want constant conflict without definitive conclusions so long as they continue to gain land/money

  23. The road to 1k rep fellas

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