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Status Updates posted by ibraheemc2000

  1. Why do people think Haria wants to kill everyone? also why do they think Harians are barbaric if they only lived in Haria they would see how nice we are.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ibraheemc2000


      and that happened more then once

    3. argonian


      well icly you're considered heathens by the canonist church, so you're an easy scapegoat for anyone looking for a bit of loot. I was there one time a guy accused you of banditry, and he was literally a bandit himself not trying to look like one in front of the guards.

    4. ibraheemc2000


      but but.....we talked to many monks from the church they agreed we were not heathens and our faiths are pretty much the same....I MEAN if thats true that they look at us that way then WTF we dont look at them that way we respect everyone i mean damn....i know in our army we got even canonist in it,the faith elves belive in,and our national main faith....but still....if you look at it in rp our people are very kind and never treat anyone with disrespect....we are if you look at it the most peaceful country ever...No race is ban in our country even....Tho we can fight really good with our culture ;3


      and i can make MEAN lamb chop ;3 but we got very good govt. we have very nice laws,all religions are aloud,AND I MEAN DAMN we are even giving shops out for pretty much free(you need to talk to the regent and sultan for more info on that stuff xD) and we are even giving houses out! guards are friendly and so much more(im just talking about how haria is epic)

  2. Wtf is going on with this oren thing....I leave for about a week and i hear of meta coups and some new nation that is oren? yet there is another oren....wtf is going on....some on explain to me ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KeatonUnbeaten


      i just find it funny that mog has made oren's situation even worse

      i just find it funny that mog has made oren's situation even worse

    3. Space


      damn dpm when you try you can type not like a monkey

    4. ibraheemc2000


      ;-; why fwands are kiwin each otha

  3. Hey You! Yeah You! Make a Farfolk 

    Qali! we have a tribe of farfolks and need just 5 more players, untill we announce the tribe in a post! we have a decent amount of farfolks already! SO JOIN UP! 10/10 rp ;3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Violino


      I'm playing my Kharadeen this map! #GoFarFolk

    3. UnusualBrit


      I play half Farfolk, Half Heartlander does that count? 

    4. adamc2000


      yeah that counts


  4. I spent 2-3 years to make the caliphate...Im ligit crying irl, It was worth every second. ?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. overlord2305


      @Malgonious calm your chest son. Wasn't even trying to put the kid down, just asking

    3. ibraheemc2000


      who you callin kid bucko *wiggles eyebrows intensiveness aggressively* .... well i play on a mine man role play server so...i can...yeah...hmm... I guess you are some what correct my my friend... :jetpack: gg

    4. overlord2305
  6. ;-; help i surrounded by toxicity and its killing me...

  7. some one should make a little jernal on like how the server has been down like a zombie apocalypse for example

    Day one

    the world became panic the server went down everything is chaos and extra extra


    day two

    I have steped into the real world it is scary as ****!


    if you get my point


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ibraheemc2000


      THATS GOOD BUT we neeed to make it into a forum xD

    3. NotAPan


      Just so you know i was memeing

    4. ibraheemc2000
  8. anyone want to join a farfolk tribe when new map comes?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ogdan
    3. ibraheemc2000


      so yeah if anyone wants to join ligit just send me a pm in the forums ill send you my skype and ill talk to you about it :)


    4. BigMacMoMo


      I'd be up for it

  9. i see the LOTC twitter wants to see some beautiful pictures of this map..So i got some i will share <3


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll
    3. Ragnio


      Nice images!

    4. ibraheemc2000


      i like haria :3....also.....I wana keep some good memorys of haria for everyone around

  10. As Grand Imam, I see no Reason why Allah would frown on you currently My child, Go now with peace.....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ibraheemc2000


      ?AHA! I caught you now! As you can see! This Person Skale Has not Committed anything that would be frowned upon to Our public Knowledge! So Unless you can Bring forth proof of what they have done that is Haram, I view this as NULL AND VOID! 

      Seeing you have rushed to Insults, You have proven that you! Yourself! Has Been frowned upon By ALLAH the exalted!

      Unguard! AS I HAVE BROUGHT FORTH PROOF! In verse 11 of Sura Al-Hujaraat of the Holy Qur’an, Allah says: “O you who have true faith, do not let men make fun of other men – perhaps they may be better than the other (group of men). Also, do not let women make fun of other women, as it may be that they are better than the other (group of) women…”  



    3. adamc2000


      and thats why he our grand imam biiiiiiitch


    4. saint swag

      saint swag

      3 hours ago, GhazriaI said:

      LMFAO IBRAHEEM allah frown upon him you and your mentally deficient brother who is so braindamaged its a miracle he can even mentally process thought.

      hey stop being mean

  11. YO AS A MERCHANT YES THANK YOU! I love the Plugin for the Llama Caravans!  Though I Do Hope you mean those checkpoints are staff shops! because I IBRAHEEM Go and Sell things as a merchant as you described in the Plugin Idea expect I go to rp hubs and extra and attempt to sell such there! AND AND AND! As some one who LOVES this Idea, I give you a Honnest and simple suggestion, As a Member of a trading nation (Kadarsi Sultanate) We often host National Trade Caravans Were we all pack up our trade supplies and go out together and sell them! Now with this llama Trade Route thing, I SUGGEST YOU SOMTHING! lets say the only item in these admin shops are dirt.... To make things worth peoples while, Why dont you Make it where You can buy a item cheap in one area BUT the FARTHER you go the MORE AND MORE mina you can get from it For example

    Santegia Shop(dirt) Buys: 1 mina Sells: 2 mina

    haense Shop(dirt) Buys: 1 mina Sells: 2 mina

    Marna Shop(dirt) Buys: 1 mina Sells: 2 mina

    In order to keep track so players dont Cheat the system Make that, for example, santegias dirt buys more than it would buy in haense.... Basicly, Lable each item and so the farther you go, and where you buy that item from MATTERS! 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ibraheemc2000


      Idea was from mount and blade

    3. Sporadic


      I'll see what can be done

    4. ibraheemc2000



      And its just a suggestion 

  12. What do you guys miss about lotc?

  13. How long has this war been going on?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sergisala


      @Gusanothe current Oren vs AIS war

    3. ydegirl


      What war lmao

    4. Tulan


      Real funny huh, here’s a link for you sad jokers.


      Edited by Vorgraven
  14. I just thought of something....When lotc is back do we rp that nothing changed or do we rp that like half a year past how should we rp to this? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. z3m0s


      Rp freezes while the server is down I believe

    3. Vege


      we all fell into a coma and all woke up at the same time

    4. JuliusAakerlund


      It was simply the famous Axios Ice Age, we all went into hibernation.

  15. Some people committed murder and 

    robed a house in Haria.....Well time to go on a jihad! ;3 Dont worry i wont meta but im waiting for the report of the break in and the blood found. I will find you and i will kill you ;3


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jonificus
    3. ibraheemc2000


      the case has been filed and now from the info we have on recent event we got a idea on who it might be and we pretty much got them ;3


      Do not **** with haria. we got jihady sons of faiz. ;3 LMAO

    4. z3m0s
  16. Hey there! have you heard of haria?! sure you have come live here in haria! we just made a law where anyone of all race,gender, and faith can live in haria and own a shop and even set up a guild! We have many opportunity in haria and i wish you all the luck!

    I wanted to point out that recently there has been many refugees in axios and they are all welcome in haria! We harians want them to come to haria and help them get back to their normal lives and rebuild! And to those brave and respectable westland soldiers who lost their home and country and swore to fight the undead KNOW THIS! that your fight is not over! In haria we are still at war with your oppressors and we will destroy this undead enemy! So come and join the army as well i know you can be at peace one you come and i know you will help us fight the worlds common foe of the undead and im sure that we can keep haria safe and secure to protect our people! So come all and live in haria we will be glad to help you! #welcomerefugees #HariaIsHereToHelp #GodProtectHaria #JoinHarianArmyToKillUndead #ComeLiveInHeavenOnEarth


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ducklingator


      theres body there wth dude

    3. ibraheemc2000


      What are you talking about duck 


      ALSO @Chaotikal Its np bud some people who live in haria have as well (i wont name names cuz it is not my right to say whom ofc)


    4. Ducklingator


      Sorry, just realized my mistake. Nobody* :o



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ___


      rip wafa the horse

    3. ibraheemc2000


      Your welcome

      Please spread the word! ALL MUST KNOW OF THIS DISCOVERY!

  18. am i a bad person or a good person:hmm:

  19. GG Good Fight! kadarsi powerful! Proud Of the strong rally keep it up!

    “Allah does not forbid you [O you who believe!] from being kind and just to those who have not waged war against you because of your religion and have not driven you out of your homes. Surely Allah loves those who are just (60.8). He only forbids you from making friends with those who have waged war against you because of your religion, have driven you out of your homes, and have supported others in driving you out. And whoever makes friends with them, these are the wrongdoers (60.9).”- Holy Quran

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. adamc2000


      axually it was 30 mins bro

      why so mad bro? :trollhappy:

    3. Appie


      bro im so mad ?

    4. ibraheemc2000


      Sorry to Hear that

  20. Good Moring Haria
    I heard the sun whispering gently : 'Good morning Haria'

    Good morning, oh you the land of all blessings, who would ever dare to turn off your sun!

    Haria, the land of highness. you will never obey anyone, but God.

    You'll never get in a trouble, nor be shaken off, you're the winner hopefully.

    Enjoy it folks, enjoy loving our homeland.

    (Where) canonist goes hand in hand with Al’iiman Rashidun. We have no sectarianism.

    Oh you Haria, the land of all lands, you've always opened your doors to the whole world. 

    Only traitors and invaders are not allowed to enter in. 

    (Haria) hugs its son once he comes from outside just like the mother.

    These beautiful feelings are so difficultly found outside Haria. 

    Oh you Haria, a mother who spreads passion all over around.

    Your love is and will always remain forever and ever.
                                                             -Saeed Ibn Malek

    1. mmat


      i too wish to join a death cult

    2. argonian


      end the blockade

    3. ibraheemc2000


      end the blockade

      its already ended xD

      end the blockade

      its already ended xD

  21. mind helping me? I was wondering if i should post new poetry in status updates each day cuz why not and i feel like i dont comment much on the forums any thoughts?

    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      i think its a splendid idea ibraheem.

    2. Sindi06


      do it u wont

    3. ibraheemc2000



      do it u wont



      >I will ill send it today


    1. ibraheemc2000


      me? ;-; o-ok....him na....;-; that hurt habibi

    2. _Jandy_


      I love you dude, don't let Matty get you down.

    3. ibraheemc2000
  23. make a farfolk,Human Or a follower of imam Rashidun And Join Me and adam In our tribe! We welcome all! we got active rp, And We have Many Many Many jobs! We have jobs for every type of rp, Even Soldier rp, And civ rp! We Have A really Cool Rp going on with the tribe and play a active role in our current place we are staying! Join Today! You dont have to be Imam Rashidun Even, just Rp with us and Be active a member!

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      Farfolks are good people and harians are funny

      If I ever play a human again, i'll definitely consider being a farfolk

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Same here, too bad I'm already really invested in the halfling playerbase

    3. ibraheemc2000


      just hearing you guys like the idea brings joy to my heart <3 

  24. make a farfolk,Human Or a follower of imam Rashidun And Join Me and adam In our tribe! We welcome all! we got active rp, And We have Many Many Many jobs! We have jobs for every type of rp, Even Soldier rp, And civ rp! We Have A really Cool Rp going on with the tribe and play an active role in our current place we are staying! Join Today! You don't have to be Imam Rashidun Even, just Rp with us and Be active a member!

    1. Novastral


      Do I get an antique ak47 upon joining?

    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      I play a farfolk it's fun

    3. KetchenX


      I'll be bombing farfolk in real life soon.

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