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Status Updates posted by Medvekoma

  1. Welp. Brexit and Trump. 2016 is the year of nationalistic resurgence against PC politics. Unsure what to make of it.

    1. Runabarn


      Germany, this is your cue.

    2. Medvekoma


      Considering Angela Merkel's recent losses and unpopularity due to how she handled the migrant crisis, pretty sure there'll be a shift in German politics as well.

  2. What happened to the monthly feedback surveys?

    1. Ducklingator


      And top voter rewards? And hunter skill? And REMOVENEXUS memes?

  3. What happens if an electricity mage strikes someone in full chainmail?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Medvekoma


      @NekkoREEEEE First of all, my status / the discussion here isn't about implementing Faraday suit lore and therefore remove all damage of electricity on armoured foes. Second, it wouldn't be meta because that's how physics works ;p

      It's just an observation of a less-known fact that ruins one of the major fantasy clichés. Most games/worlds give electricity anti-armour capabilities where with RL physics it'd be less effective on chainmail/platemail than on any other non-metal armour.


      Kind-of an observation like how nobody knew in the gun thread that flintlocks have to be primed. Or my observation of people walking around with stringed bows.

    3. Murdervish


      I'd recommend against testing it against a calldown. Super-heated air and stuff, nevermind that the sheer joules probably would be enough to cook you in that metal on its own.

    4. Medvekoma


      @Murdervish If a lighning mage is capable of unleashing electricity equal to the output of Hoover Dam, it'd heat up a 5kg chestplate by 0.0014K.


      If a lightning mage is capable of unleashing electricity equal to the power of two(!) lightning strikes, that could heat up a 5kg chestplate by 32K. And that in fact would be warm/hot, and could in theory cause damage.


      But if you let a fire mage release the same energy in joules as it'd take for a lightning mage to strike with the strength of two lightning bolts, then the fire mage would be able to heat up a 30 cubic metres area of air (taken a mean 2kj/kg heat capacity) to the temperature of the sun's core and kickstart fusion mid-air, or mid-Oren.


      No. Unless you specify, like previously mentioned, that lightning magic surpasses physics, you won't ever be able to heat up an armour enough to cause anything but uncomfortable warmth. That's the point of the whole Faraday cage thing.


      If lightning could heat up metal that easily, how would lightning rods work? They transfer the energy of a lightning bolt for tens of metres without melting, and only heating up 10K-20K.


      *** All calculations based on Joule heating, Faraday's resistance, Ohm resistance and thermodynamics of heat capacity, with data googled up.

  4. What if the KuK hired the assassin in Sarajevo because the Skygods didn't let them invade Serbia without a CB?

    1. LithiumSedai


      Princip wasn't added to Belgrade's citizen doors nor the nationcapital_serbia region, warclaim should have been invalid anyway

    2. Z3r05t4r
  5. What's the point of having 6000k experience required for the "mytholgoical" profession level? Only the biggest grinders ever will even get closed to enlightened in most professions, not even mentioning the further X levels after that.

    1. Jistuma


      It's not called Daemonic anymore? Either way, no idea, I thought we would remove everything above aengelic, instead, Telanir (or another Dev) raised the exp required to get them.

  6. What's this place.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dogbew


      i came because i want to put berries in bottles

    3. Slayy


      Your hell >:D

    4. Medvekoma


      Well you kind sir @dogbew one can do that well here alright

  7. When a guy calls the dark-iron-dwarf-ripoffs edgy while playing a fel-orc-ripoff.

  8. When staff turn on mob spawning but forget the Dwarven capital is underground.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 2samspan


      Sounds great for farming money though

    3. candlite


      I don't think there's no reward for killing them anymore. Just tried it a few minutes before :c

    4. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      This happened with the Mori too. Took us months to get @Dusk to turn it off.

      This happened with the Mori too. Took us months to get @serenityonyx to turn it off.

  9. Who are you? Why do we agree on so many things?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ChonGojDragonski


      Keep this garbage meme on Discord where it belongs.

    3. Creamy


      He has multiple Degrees and Majors, he is god in it's truest form, His powers can out debate a SJW, and shut down feminists without even having to make a tumblr account..


      /niceguys praise him.. for he is.. he is the.. ALPHA NECKBEARD



    4. ChonGojDragonski


      Alpha Thot calling me an Alpha Neckbeard. Right.

  10. Who wants fwuffy to wwite fwuffy's next feedback fwead in fuwwy tawk?

    1. AlphaMoist


      Dude this **** is starting to get really dumb

    2. Medvekoma
    3. JokerLow


      def not the staff.

  11. Who wants to organise a protest? We need to overthrow the Admin bourgeois.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dogbew


      @george sorros wya

    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      dont care enough

    4. UnusualBrit


      Seize the means of administration!

  12. Why is Malgonious posting as a Dark elf leader? Omg I hate banned players interfering in RP!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Medvekoma
    3. Fireheart


      He isn’t banned my dude and props to Med and Harrison for using the thanks icon! Such thankful people ?

    4. Harri


      we cant see the thanks reaction for fucks sake fix it

  13. Why is your character bloody

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Medvekoma


      Your character is called Bloody

    3. Chorale__


      i don’t think so?

    4. Medvekoma


      Véres means bloody man.

  14. Will the US government shutdown last longer than the magic update? @FlamboyantNewEra has had a 40 days headstart.

    1. TheDragonsRoost


      No idea. Still have noidea as to why the government shut down just so democrats can argue about building a unneeded border wall.

  15. WTF is dynamic roleplay.


    People keep repeating that is if it was some elaborate argument in favour of snowflake lore pieces that are used by 3 people ever.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. zaezae


      Any lore piece who's effects somehow played a very large role in how their character changed over time.


      Though still very irrelevant to the point. You can get rid of all lore. You can get rid of human lore and retroactively change all humans into elves. You can do that and the characters could still work. Still a completely bad idea to do so.

    3. Medvekoma


      Except "human" isn't much of a lore, neither is "smithing", "being a politician", "establishing relations" or so.


      We are talking about stripping snowflake superpowers that were handed out as a mistake.

    4. zaezae


      Humans are lore.


      "Oh I know. I'll make it sound unreasonable by calling lore 'snowflake superpowers'." 


      No bro. You're going to have to start providing actual affirmative reasons why you get to decide what people's RP is legit or not. So far, all I hear are generalities and CONSTANTLY shifting goal posts. Too active? Just make a normal character. Not active enough? Grr circle jerk don't interact with server. 

      To be positive for a change, I do think there is a decent way to deal with lore bloat and control it into the future. All new lore has to be introduced to the lands rather than being something 'that was always there'. Secondly, lore is only accepted once a year. Thirdly, whenever the map changes, all lore introduced in the previous map should be seriously reviewed, either removed or carried over. It should be an actual feat to get any lore updated/changed/added. That would be how I deal with it. 

  16. Yay for the shitposting, 20-minutes-this-week activity dwarves that once again flooded Kaz'Ulrah related threads.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. L0rdLawyer


      @Medvekoma Hot damn, I tell Burnsy to grow up and he proceeds to dig up **** to warn me! This is impressive. 

    3. Medvekoma


      @L0rdLawyer welcome to being treated like a Kaz'Ulran. Do you want your villainy blacklist with fries?

    4. L0rdLawyer


      @Medvekoma Sorry. I was shooting for a Ban with a Charles the Bald Diss Track to finish things off.

  17. Yikes 3 days old threads on the recent list.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Elennanore


      Runesmithing is a good magic

    3. Burnsy


      End of the map? Hello?

    4. Medvekoma


      @Burnsy Hello, no, this is Medvekoma.

  18. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

    1. Vege


      taking it down from the inside


      get the troops ready

    2. Heero



      No I'm not a hero but I ain't a ******* villain ??

  19. You get permabanned for bad jokes, but staff abuse and harassment is all fine.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Corpean


      If you’re referring to the appeal, which you have lack of information on how and why it occurred, the player was asked to stop making these types of comments by a Game Moderator, and they ignored it. This issue revolved around a player’s dad who committed suicide and they were directly targeting that member to elicit some type of response.

    3. Medvekoma


      @Pun Made three.


      One blacklisted, one “placed on thin ice” for proven and clear abuse. There’s a much greater leeway for staff. If a player misbehaves within their meagre limit of power, they get banned straight. If a staff misbehaves, the server gives them special treatment and lets them off with a spank.

  20. You know you're listening to Floyd when the first line of lyrics comes at 8 minutes into the song.



    1. Malgonious


      hahaha love floyd man

  21. You may receive a seal of approval from me.




    Oh wait, sorry Space. Ran out. Ah-uhm ... imagine a seal of approval here. That'll do, right? @Piov

  22. You stopped being admin and look what happened. Haggis man kept the server afloat.

  23. Your character is called "Nerd".

  24. Youtube advertisement of a tattoo-fixing show before a Puccini waltz. What's the correlation?

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