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Status Updates posted by Tigergiri





  2. its almost seems like someone has an ulterior motive..  Imagine  trying to victim  blame- and get everything to 18+.  espcially after this movement  came after i told someone they couldnt say something in rp... HMMMMM... 

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Tigergiri


      @L0rdLawyeri was perfectly within my rights to warn you. Just because you quote one rules  doesn’t mean you know them all. Under chat rules 

      Do not discuss controversial topics or potentially offensive subjects regarding religion, politics, or adult content in public channels.
      I warned you not say explicit rp and asked you to use a different word. Which you then replied with the tos and banning all minors so you could say that. How in the right mind would anyone think that is ok for you to do much less try to brush under the bridge? 

      I agree 13 is a strange age and maybe 15 or what not might be better but when it comes to it too minecraft is a child game so banning all the minors much less trying to keep them out to prevent people is a way to do thinsg but it’s just a single way. That everyone seems to be jumping on to cause they don’t know what else to do. It’s a difficult situation yes that we all need to face. But it isn’t ok for you to start going on about it so you can talk in rp about explicit rp or the likes of it. All because I told you no. 

      but you are completely right we should be screening everyone that comes through for parent permission and actual age being there. We do need to double down on some things to make it a safer place

    3. Salvo
    4. L0rdLawyer




      The situation you are referring to is not the cause of the #lotc18+. The cause of #lotc18+ is because I believe the administration and moderation are not responsible for the failures that stem from poor parenting of the minors of lotc. 


      LoTC is an 18+ server already. 


      Indeed. The adult themes of the server aren't safe for our youth. Which is why the administration must make a choice. 


      Either ban all adult themes and become a true 13+ server. Or restrict access to all minors to keep them away from these inappropriate adult themes and pedophiles, doxxers, and ddosers. We can't keep leading the sheep, if it only results in slaughter. 

      Edited by L0rdLawyer
  3. So @LotsOfMuffins when are you going to respond to everyone on your own thread?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Priceflash


      @Telanir tbh bro if the whole community clearly does not like an admin i do not see how they can effectively do their job. That is just going to alienate players. It doesnt even matter if muffins technically didn’t “do” anything terrible, it’s still a terrible look for the community when theres just a half assed “I didnt really do anything wrong” response.


      It’s not about “right and wrong” there’s a lot more at stake than that. If the lotc admin response to admin corruption and misbehavior is “Yeah basically accept her apology and move on”, and the community response is “we want our points to be addressed and honestly muffins removed”, that shows how much you care about the opinions of lotc players. And if you dont, that shows what the actual problem with the admin team is. It doesnt matter what the “optimal” way to do things is or whatever is TECHNICALLY better, it is better to go with what the community wants – i would say this is demonstrated very clearly by old school runescape which thrived largely due to the development team basically doing what the community wants. 


      My personal experience with muffins has been she is very arbitrary. When i said high elves shouldnt be admins i meant it there’s something more to be said when every high elven admin is corrupt, abuses, or is straight r word. Lmfao just saying 

    3. Telanir


      @Priceflash You are absolutely right—it’s not about what’s optimal or efficient. LotC is a human experience at its core & that connection is what matters most. It’s not about what is technically better, or what is all the rage—it’s not about what is philosophically correct either. Some people are seeing red right now, seeing blood and in all my years on LotC—that road never ends well, it never ends in a way that is just nor ever in a way to be proud of.


      & my man Lumi we’re in touch now so we can talk about it in our DM’s.

    4. Priceflash


      @Telanir Honestly in all my time in lotc the witch hunts have never ended bad, i have never seen one where i was like “Wow that person didnt deserve to get dragged”.  Maybe for the person getting dragged it ends badly but they are not relevant to the overall ecosystem that much, even if they like to think they are. Any other random bs fights on lotc are usually bad but i think when its a witch hunt usually its deserved


      Honestly there wasnt even that much damning evidence of muffins being actually more corrupt than most other lotc staff, so i see why she wasnt removed from that standpoint. But I think it shows that people are fed up with nepotism on lotc and the way it basically dictates the entire server. At the end of the day lotc staff teams and even most communities on LoTC are based on who you’re friends with, who’s ass your kissing, and to a certain extent what you’ve accomplished on lotc but I’d say that’s on the back burner unless you’re really outstanding. People are mad that it’s the case, but it’s been the case for as long as i’ve been on lotc and probably since aegis. This leads to policymaking that is not necessarily in line with the overall community because cliques rule the server. Even if you are not in one before you join the staff, you get sucked in to the system and now you’re a part of one as well. I think this definitely leads to uneven policymaking because the cliques dictating the policies are most likely not in line with the greater community.


      And, at the end of the day, i dont think any lotc user really thinks this should be the case, even those on staff, but i think it’s just a systemic issue that stems from this being a server with deeply entrenched factions. It’s like how on actual factions servers usually mods and helpers or whoever are often more concentrated in the top clans – those who are already staff know those people because they likely talk to them daily, so when it comes time to consider whos next in line who are they going to pick some random person or someone they know?


      I think if lotc addressed this issue the muffins situation would not be as bad but again all that happened was a half assed apology and no actual policy response. The lack of action is what is most disturbing – i think it would have been better to not post a response or apology at all if no action was going to be taken, because you’re preaching to an audience that doesn’t exist. Nobody wants to hear “I’m sorry” they want to see something occur



  4. welp i now have free slots cause i came back to very old aged  characters rip Old ass baruchs


  5. songbird revial you say? would you like to be a nomadic wood elf with next to nothing but the coin in your pocket? GOod me too come join us and we can sing the campefire fire song Tigergiri#0744

  6. lotc tell me where all the store money goes to.. Like just ten payment in recent is like 1k.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tigergiri


      @argonianboth links dont work for me XD

    3. argonian


      the 2nd is literally a UK gov website so idk what 2 tell u

    4. Tigergiri
  7. do people listen to the truth that ive been telling for months now that im not on staff? People listen to what they listen to...  

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEsvIK526tg }


    I’m taking my time in the back of room
    Don’t assume I’m as cold as I seem
    Widen the eyes, show the teeth, Holding hands
    like it’s planned, how do they know what they mean

    I go up to a friend grab his arm what’s the code
    i should know? do you struggle like me
    he says finish your drink, then we’ll bounce, get it down
    Hit the town I still don’t know what he means

    Am I
    Missing something vital here?
    Cause I
    Woke up feeling kind of weird

    Guess I’ll just pretend - play along
    Till they figure it out - I don’t quite belong
    Mmmm, mmmm
    Fake it till you make it but I’m getting it wrong 
    think I’ve figured it out I don’t quite belong
    Mmmm, mmm

    Suddenly face to a face, man to man
    understand? I say yes but I don’t
    It’s working a charm, here take this, you’ll be wired
    But I’m tired, I’d rather smoke it alone

    In goes the drink and the fire and out
    Comes the doubt and the stutter and shame
    I chew over a word, but it’s wrong, No I’m fine,
    What’s the time, I think I’m done with this game

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. yandeer
    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      actual schizo post

    4. J33xt101


      Don’t worry, just my daughter thinking about Mynebor.... ^^^^^ 

  8. If you cant take the heat, dont do it 

  9. It is 1 hour away from my annual change my name… what are we thinking this years guys. 

  10. Hey, guys, I recognize you have heard this one once, But I'm telling you to wash your hands. Then wipe down your keyboard, even if you wash your hands it means nothing if you reuse your dirty keyboard. Please be safe out there! If anyone is scared or require someone to talk to I know @VonAulussent out a message in LOTC discord but, My Dms remain open I completely understand any panic (my Father and my little sister are in lockdown in Italy, My brother is stuck in Florida by himself and can't go home because of travel bans and doesn't have an American drivers license.  Im stuck at my apartment and my mother has decided she wants to do a visit to every state.)  I Understand any panics and I am here for you. ❤️ Sincerely Tiger 

  11. Its been three years .. why do you guys still like that report??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      Nice rep farming an old post, you never change Tigergiri, a talented rep farmer !

    3. Turbo_Dog


      Most talented rep farmer. +1

    4. Tigergiri


      @Charles The Bald whens that new rap coming out?

  12. does anyone need a child played?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rukio


      I’m calling dibs for down the road in the future .. . 

    3. Tigergiri


      Yes just cash in your child @rukio

    4. rukio
  13. Is it wrong of me to make a spooky old lady that speaks in riddles and gives a single mina out for answers them like it’s candy ...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sorcerio


      please do so

    3. Laeonathan


      please do it, its gonna be fun

    4. Tigergiri


      This was a lot of people for this then I expected 

  14. its reserved purging hour... If more then 24 hour old your about to lose that spot 

  15. Im looking for old elves players in a sense of spaning a few irl years.. theres a project that i think would be cool

  16. We are the W.H.A 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tigergiri



    3. 6Dark


      37 minutes ago, Tigergiri said:



    4. Tigergiri



  17. Leave me and my ghost alone she just likes to wander shes a pure bean

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tigergiri


      @MeteorDragonYou are the only person possible that could possible persuade


    3. Shiredom


      curse of a thousand gold

    4. Tigergiri


      @ShiredomYou wouldnt hurt wren would you?

  18. RIDDLE DAY! (why are these my new favoutire thing) 

      I am a five-letter word. I sound the same when you remove my first letter. I sound the same when you remove my third letter. I sound the same when my last letter is removed and I sound the same when all three are removed. What word am I?



    From last riddle the answer was Castle (am I keeping track now? Yes yes i am)

    Rukio: | |

    Fireheart: | |

    Sorcerio :| 



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ABruhMoment
    3. rukio


      I would say empty but with my accent . . .scuffed riddle :^

    4. Fireheart
  19. I am doing tarot card readings to feed my coffe fund. (5 bucks) fight me mods

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tigergiri


      @FMs_do_it_for_free sureo!  add me on discord Tigergiri#0744


    3. Malaise


      can you read your cards and figure out why i would pay $5 for a tarot reading

    4. saint swag
  20. Anyone need a child? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tigergiri


      @J33xt101 I can do that just tell me if you want a boy or girl and what they look like and go about doing it 

      @KiausT lol any character? 

    3. AlphaMoist


      Vas has a soft spot for orphans 

    4. Tigergiri


      Sounds like Xavis


  21. You gotta die sometime...♫~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. J33xt101


      Not until Mynebor X.

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      8 hours ago, Lumii said:

      hopefully its soon


    4. rukio
  22. I need one rep to have 900

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fireheart


      next stop 1000

    3. Statherian


      @Fireheartcome back we miss you

    4. Fireheart


      Too busy climbing mountains and skiing sowwie

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