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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Dont_Advertise

  1. LOL, I love when a group of salty banned players come onto the forums acting as though they were banned for no reason. Cherry picking the story is dumb. Either lay out the entire story with screenshots of what happened, or dont say anything at all.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Jentos


      idk bro still kinda simping out there. I dont see “hours” of bashing a girl. I see “lol watch out Loren behind u” and “oh she fatty xd”. 


      Yeah its bad. We get it. 


      Also, repetition once more; boruto did nothing close of doxxing. He did not look up her twitter, or construct a meme, which is, at best, representing emma as being annoying towards Loren. Yeah calling someone fat is mean, and saying it more than once is worse, but you’re over-dramatizing the situation mr mystery. Also, three ******* months to appeal for this? The problem remains where there was no ban report, or any attempts to resolve this. He was removed from the team without a second’s notice, nor even given the chance to apologize before that punishment. People talk **** behind people’s backs; this is a reality, its a grim one, but its nonetheless the truth of things. We talk trash about our teachers, about ‘friends’, our bosses, and our mineman foes.  



    3. monkeypoacher


      you’re making this out to be way more complicated than it needs to be: people thought the rules didn’t apply to them, staff disagreed

  2. *When a status gets deleted for calling out bullshit* https://i.imgur.com/ImG8V7V.png

    Really? Cmon Telanir? Can’t cover your ass so you just resort to deleting the entire forum status?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Knox


      what about when OP deletes the status?

      Image result for thonk emoji

    3. frill




      telanir why!

    4. Fishy
  3. If anyone is a good emoter, or ever thought of being an ET, I suggest you apply now. Just got ST manager and ill be going over EVERY ST app and running interviews for the next few days. Dont wait till it's too late, make an app ASAP.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Trinn


      accept me rn

    3. Aesopian


      I’m an expert emoter 






      watch out

    4. Yaldabaoth


      Hello? am gamer now thansk

  4. I can bring 5 boys onto the ET, and im ready for a round of recruitment.. ET interviews will be beginning tomorrow, if you wanna shot at one of those 5 slots, I highly suggest you make an app ASAP.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jdesarno


      Maybe next round. 

    3. Aislin


      Denied, discord tag not up to date. Sorry.

    4. rukio


      Denied, discord tag not up to date. Sorry.

  5. Im looking at people in the War Rules FAQ and I find it p funny. We wanna get rid of warclaims that inspire nothing but the most toxic bullshit on the server? We wanna get rid of OOC wars and this shitty rp totem pole bullshit mentality where one community flaunts its RP e-**** to be bigger than the other side? We wanna allow nations to make their own war and conflict rules rather than rely on the terrible rules and overthetop bullshit the mod team unfortunately fails to keep up?




    Give change a chance fellahs, I personally think this is cool

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Salvo


      @NotEvilAtAll Your forum activity can be summarized in religiously posting “AH I DONT CARE ABOUT BIGGUNS **** BIGGUNS REEE” in essentially any human-related thread that mentions war. Please sit down.

    3. NotEvilAtAll
    4. Skyrunner


      But Mystery, I want to use my PVP abilities so that I can win.* How am I supposed to win if the otherside doesn’t allow me to go into an act a solid 50% of this server doesn’t wish to do at all.



      *For legal reasons I must add in a section which says that using multiple MAs and acting like you should win because of it is also bad, but this doesn’t really fit into the joke. Children play nice, learn how not to focus on winning but rather story telling.

  6. Alright fellahs as halfling NL im ready and thriving for some war offers. LETS HEAR IT NATION LEADS. COME AT ME AND GIMME THESE GOOD OLE WAR REASONS. We can make some QUALITY war rules man. XoXo 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      @Skyrunner make your crusade a bit less genocidal and it could make for a fun storyline

    3. Skyrunner


      @NotEvilAtAll G E N O C I D E O N L Y

    4. Myleres


      every major siege and or field battle is just one big shogging match. 

      do you accept?


  7. this is like the 4th time there has been a “Free Elite” movement. Jesus christ elite cmon my favorite goonboy how do you always get yourself stuck in all this..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elite Snipes

      Elite Snipes

      I didn’t do nothin bro... ❤️

    3. Samler


      What were the grounds of the ban @Elite_Snipes_ ? I see a lot of you doing nothing wrong but can’t find what procced the Banhammer.

    4. argonian


      he hugged ppl 

  8. Join the new |World| staff team today and become a dedicated ET build slave!


    Want there to be badass events on a more regular basis? Well just get approved and yah can be apart of the cool MysteryDevGangSquad(TM). It's a really fun job I swear and you become loved by the ENTIRE server. You're welcome Luka for the advertisements.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SimplySeo


      no events until colab with gimli pls

    3. FloralHedgehog


      Don't tempt me *****. 

    4. D4NNA


      We Need you, for real

  9. Man I love waking up from a nice sleep, looking at the forums, and seeing another admin incompetence post. **** man these things are nearly monthly by now. It's like the god damn newsletter for every **** up an admin has committed. Sometimes I really wonder (with the frequency of these posts) how the admins havent pissed in my Cheerios like they do to alot of playerbases somehow. Eitherway lemme get the popcorn ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kiiwi


      @Braxis Not really no. I know for what I posted, I posted it there because everything I said had direct ties to the safety team and how if something like that exists then certain people shouldnt be banned. Cant speak for others though.

    3. Braxis


      The bits about Grool/Bard  are off Topic, the only bit about Muffins informing she has knowledge over a team she has no control over helps the current topic the post is about. Since Telanir was the one who picked the staff for its current roster. (or so the Safety Team Claims) Makes a good chunk of that post into question if its even viable to the thread that was posted. 

      Bard’s ban was done via Grool. If you are not able to get through to him, you will need to contact Telanir once he is off holiday.

      @Kiiwi  If you have any further questions, shoot me a PM on Discord. No need to clog up Mystery’s status.

    4. Kiiwi


      The bit about Grool was needed so the post made sense. The bit about Muffins tied into the safety team and the entire post was about bard and how the safety team being an absolute joke gives us plenty of evidence as to why he shouldnt be banned. Would you rather I make an entire post on it? With more evidence and proof administration is infact a joke? I’ll pm you the details ?



    Also. To any people who were unfortunatley denied or basically ghosted due to the downsizing in the first place. Message me about the status of your app. I've been really busy and basically waiting for this moment to talk. Here's to a ******* great March! I'm feeling positive for once!

  11. People really do be sperging out about seers when most of the people they be sperging about dont look at these posts or the forums at all really.


    There's a new ST admin, bring stuff to him so the dumb rando self-teach seers rp correctly, rather than do nothing and whine on forums


    I'm also not a fan of self-teach seer, but just saying.

    1. Callum


      Also unban me...

    2. FlemishSupremacy
    3. Sorcerio


      It helps me channel my toxicity 

  12. Just a little update for anyone whose applying for the event sect of ST. I just sped through about 46 ET interviews and holy f*ck that fried my brain.

    As I don't wanna go crazy, probably wont be doing the next ET interviews until roughly around November 20th (2-3 weeks from now)

    If you were denied from the ET and want your reasoning, please message me and i’ll go over it with yall. Event team is on the up, lets go boys.

    1. Wulfery


      Love you Mystery. Keep up the good job ?

    2. exanimated


      ***** killing it mystery

  13. [insert funny status about 1.14 being trash]


    Lol, stupid devs can’t use their mega-big-brains to magically understand everything and fix server performance instantly.... 

    Gunna be real, I’ve had some of the best RP i’ve had on the server in a while during this lag-spike. This community is never pleased my god.

    1. monkeypoacher


      yeah haha spawning into an unloaded chunk and being unable to go anywhere because your soulstone is set to a place that kills you is just... great! ?I’m so glad we have barrels and foxes! : DD this update is so worthwhile, please don’t backdate to a stable release of the game


      people are a little harsh on the tech team but let’s acknowledge that this update sucks, everyone knew it sucks, and it’s only going to stop sucking if 1.15 comes out or we backdate to 1.13

    2. Myleres


      would help if we could teleport places like the staff can

  14. It is time.. I feel the sweet bitter tears of every lore holder just ITCHING to cry about how their magic is in danger.. It is coming.. ITS COMING


    Unironically though, I wish every loreholder the best of luck. I hope you all get accepted legitimately since I know how hard it is to write lore.

    1. E__V__O


      Hugs and kisses

    2. Ducklingator


      im gonna rewrite chronomancy

  15. Staff dont make me do it...


    Dun make me pull the trigger ill DO IT yo...


    I got the gun AT MAH BRAIN ?

  16. @Venomous_Pup  Basketball 2v2 Sunday 5pm EST.

    name your partner and ill get mine. First to 21 wins

  17. It's clown city boys. ?

  18. rep-post incoming. i’m waiting...

  19. Alright LOTC boys, the server imploded way way way back when I was suppose to do my Voidal finale.. But, now with it kinda-sorta-ish-stabler.. I don't intend on delaying it any longer.


    Voidal Tear Finale on Monday 12/23 at 4:30pm EST.


    gunna be some fun and yummy global lore caused as a result of the event. Hope people enjoy.

  20. bro this has been a f*cking WILD day... 

    1. Statherian


      I feel bad for you and anyone who put effort into the Athera event. Makes it look like they don’t even care about the amount of work you guys have been putting into this to give people an enjoyable roleplay experience.

      Massive props to you, Korvic and the entire team that worked on the event.


  21. Hey I just wanna say thanks to everyone who participated in the event survey! While the results were for the most part what I expected, I was actually suprised by a few responses. 


    When im back from my workshift im gunna go ahead and respons to alot of the well written comments I saw as some people brought up very good points.


    If you have no idea what im talking about, then go fill this out!:


    1. Imperium


      accept or deny my app already 


  22. FOR PEOPLE WHO WANTED TO COME TO MY MOTHER EVENT: I accidentally put the wrong date on my forum post. It will be TODAY at 6pm EST, not tomorrow 6pm EST, SORRY, hope to see a few of you there! And also, remember this event isnt gunna be easy. This is a narrative focused event, which will basically be impossible to stop once its started. Not all events are easy wins and if that style doesnt mesh with you, then this event aint for you.




    1. AlphaMoist


       ****, today??

  23. The lags gunna get fixed. Any day now..........

    (et interviews and et quota starts back up after lag is gone. apply to be an et /today/. K back to my hole)


    1. SoulReapingWolf


      You really are looking at this in the wrong way. Lag is the perfect representation of time travel IRP

  24. EVENT ANNOUCEMENT: VOIDAL FINALE EVENTLINE IS DELAYED. Server is fucked rn, sorry for the inconvenience, will be rescheduled to sometime next week.

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