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  1. Hello would be traveler. We are looking for a new clerk for our work force. With 18 official members and a host of others, we are looking for a clerk to have the job of recording deeds of our members. Bards, lore writers and other are welcome. We have hired a guild master, but we are still recruiting for all positions. Healers, alchemists and botanists are wanted the most. We are still looking for more jobs or those who have led events to join up and have fun taking members on adventures. Fighters are an asset but not needed. Feel free to visit the discord and submit a resume, make your own, or chat to staff.
  2. Ajax Frostbeard in his usual stint of writing has composed a new song! Posting it quickly in the tavern hall in Urguan's mountain holme he returns to his home to make additional copies, wishing to send them out to the other nations of the world. His hopes are this song can become popular enough and be enjoyed outside the kingdom as well. The Indomitable Cavalryman I'm Haenseti, I'm Norlan Im a Holy Oren son Charging Khazadmar across the plain I'm the lancer on a dun I'm an Uruk on the run I'm a Horseman here to bring you pain. Was with Verthaik and the 7th 16-06 or was it 7? Countless Urguan footmen i did hew And the tears and tribulation Of that proud dwardmari nation Them I know because I was riding with them too And I ate rations on the run, Riding with the Uruk hun In the distant redrock steppe while in their prime Whether coalition, or sedition, in these wars' painful attrition I had burned down your village in the night And I knew the Fierce Sultan, and rode their swift arabians Harassing heavy northmen upon their heavy drafts. And yet I rode the Pereshan against the Federal Suitican And once again blood in sand was cast. (well) I'm Haenseti, I'm Norlan Im a Holy Oren son Charging Khazadmar across the plain I'm the lancer on a dun I'm an Uruk on the run I'm a Horseman here to bring you pain. Well I've worn the Talon's Crimson If you're quiet and you'll listen You'll know that It was with him that I stood When along the ports kids cried as their mounted constable died Cut down by highwaymen's cold blood. Well I's the prancing heavy lancer when I fought beside Ruskan dancers Suffrage of Haenseti's Oren Raids. And mine was not to question why Mine was but to do or die In Elvenesse, with their Charging Light Brigade On mountain high in Rocky eden Be me Urguan be me Heathen The Traitor to the hammer I will put With A Crack Flanking Maneuver I'm a Norlan mounted trooper Striking Terror into Landsknecht men on foot. (well) I'm Haenseti, I'm Norlan Im a Holy Oren son Charging Khazadmar across the plain I'm the lancer on a dun I'm an Uruk on the run I'm a Horseman here to bring you pain. Well I knew my days are numbered As all the fortresses lumber More modern innovations then again No match for arcane fire, or Dorimnur's Cannon-shot With a swift rear guard action i retreat. No Match for Pikeman's Ire, or Hefty Golems fought Reluctant, I retire and take my leave. These days I ride as special forces On those wild Druidic horses To those southerners we give our thanks And no matter which side deployed on If you want this battle won, You'll always need me to strike at their flanks. (well) I'm Haenseti, I'm Norlan I'm a Holy Oren son Charging Khazadmar across the plain I'm the lancer on a dun I'm an Uruk on the run I'm a Horseman here to bring you pain. I'm a horseman here to bring you pain. Was with the Greenskins as they pleaded To find the wells so badly needed And The Kahazad War rams charging Oren ranks Saw high elves mount struck down in a haenseti town The Night We charged the empire down As we piled them both up like cordwood planks
  3. January 2021: SemiColin Most people from Haense all know SemiColin, especially if you were or are in the HRA. He became a sort of mascot of Haense with his famous character Buck Dirtgrub. He is a really nice dude and often surprised us with his wonderful animations that made all laugh. My favourite being the one that says goodbye to New Reza from Zaerie’s “OUR MEMORIES OF REZA AND ARCAS” forum post. Along with this he also made hilarious newspapers in roleplay called "Buck News" with drawings that he posted on the forums. I remember SemiColin’s character Buck when he put on a dress and ate flowers months ago actually. It is a sight I will never forget. That guy ate way too many things that honestly should have *cough* killed him *cough* or made him sick, but shhhh. He’s a special one that is for sure. Although there were some that considered his roleplay a bit meme, I don’t think so at all. We can’t all be super megaminds with 3000 IQ. And it is sort of a charm to have a dumb all-eating mascot of Haense named Buck. So SemiColin, if you get any haters. Just let Buck eat them and voila, there is no haters in the Buck Dirtgrub empire. I hope you have a wonderful year and I wanted you to know that Haense appreciates and loves you! This month is for you SemiColin!
  4. THE OFFICE OF THE ROYAL TREASURER KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by the OFFICE OF THE TREASURER On this Ninth day of Vzmey and Hynk 358 ES The Office of the Treasurer (Naumariav: Ve Offiez i ve Aranyiaz) is the branch of His Majesty’s Aulic Government responsible for the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska’s fiscal and economic affairs. The Office of the Treasurer’s duties and trifold: to sustainably manage the Royal Treasury, maximize revenue and control expenditure; to promote and advertise employment opportunities within the Kingdom; and to manage, and where necessary distribute, the Kingdom’s resources. The Royal Treasurer As prescribed by Section 206 of the Haurul Caezk, the Royal Treasurer shall be the Kingdom’s foremost authority on monetary and economic matters. Their duties include calculating tax rates and property pricing within the City of Karosgrad, to arrange the payment of wages to public bodies such as the Haeseni Royal Army, and management of the Golden Crow Bank. The Royal Treasurer occupies a largely supervisory role generally regarded with seniority and trust as one of the few people with access to the Royal Treasury. As of the publishing of this missive, the Royal Treasurer is His Excellency, Edvard Amador. Auditors Employed as assistants to the Royal Treasurer, Auditors act as general advisors and aides who work on the core functions of the Office - such as management of the Golden Crow Bank, maintenance of ledgers and taxation - and various projects the Office may undertake, such as trading ventures. Additionally, a key role of Auditors is advisory in helping the Royal Treasurer think of new financial ventures to better the Kingdom’s finances. Owing to the complicated nature of the Kingdom’s coffers and economy, multiple opinions advising the Royal Treasurer on economic matters are essential. Kastellan of Resources As part of the Office of the Treasurer, the Kastellan of Resources is responsible for the collection, distribution, and overall management of the Treasury’s Resource Reserves. The Kastellan has a variety of important duties to ensure the Kingdom always has the necessary resources for various matters. The duties of the Kastellan of Resources are henceforth, ➔ To upkeep the relevant documents and manage matters relating to the Treasury’s Resources Reserves; ➔ To communicate with the Treasurer actively about the current state of the Treasury’s Resource Reserves; ➔ To hire workers to collect necessary resources based on a commission-based payment as needed; ➔ To ensure the Treasury has an ample amount of resources in excess; ➔ To ensure the smooth distribution of resources for Crown projects. Kastellan of Labour As part of the Office of the Treasurer’s cultivation of the Haeseni economy, the Kastellan of Labour assumes responsibility for promoting job opportunities and communicating with Haeseni businesses to ensure they do not face unnecessary hindrances. The duties of the Kastellan of Agriculture are henceforth, ➔ Communicating with the Aulic Government and Haeseni businesses to asses employment opportunities; ➔ Regularly publish a list of these jobs; ➔ Liaise with the Office of the Seneschal, and the Kastellan of Settlement, to help employ newcomers in Haense; ➔ Communicate with Haeseni businesses and relay any concerns or suggestions to the Royal Treasurer. Kastellan of Agriculture The Kastellan of Agriculture shall function as the Treasurer’s representative of agriculture related matters, and carry out the various duties as its head. The duties of the Kastellan of Agriculture are henceforth, ➔ To manage and upkeep the farmlands held by the Crown; ➔ To manage and upkeep the Treasury’s Agriculture storage; ➔ To hire farmers, and collect produce on a commission-based payment as needed; ➔ To sell farm produce to the Haeseni public. Signed, HIS EXCELLENCY, Sir Edvard Amador KML, Lord Treasurer of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska
  5. Saint Harald Vuiller. The patron St of Priest combatants & Demonic banishment. Born on the First of the amber cold 1699. Dead at the Sixteenth of the Amber Cold 1760. Father Harald Vuiller cirka 1756. The Life of Father Harald Vuiller Harald Vuiller was born on the first of the Amber Cold to Alf & Johanna Vuiller in 1699 in the city of New Reza while his mother and father were on a business trip to the city to buy supplies for their keep and the land around it. He was the firstborn from a group of siblings of three. Harald, Auriann, and Lukas Vuiller. As the firstborn Harald was the heir of House Vuiller and to the family lands but when he chose at the age of 14 to join the army and travel the realm of Godan serving the armies of man. It was during these years that Harald picked up an interest in becoming a Priest and Bishop. He would at every new town and city they went to join the people in prayer in their churches and temples. His family had always been close to the church and followed the laws of the Scrolls and it was from this he chose that any man who fell in battle either at his own side or at the side of the enemy should be given a proper burial. he would spend countless hours after each battle tending to the bodies of the dead making sure they would get the burial they deserved. while on the road or awaiting battle he would spend his time making wooden or stone crosses that he would place on the chest of the dead as he placed them to their final rest. At the start of his time in the army his comrades would chuckle and joke about his actions as he would move countless bodies from the battle ground and digging individual graves from them. But after a heafty battle where they had lost over half of their men Harald was asked to host a prayer for their fallen brothers as their souls traveled to the seven skies. It was after this he was given the nickname of “the Battle Bishop.” After serving in the army for close to 16 years Harald would get a letter from his younger sister Auriann about the passing of both of their parents. He would be granted a leave from his duty in the army i fought for and set sail back to Arcas to join his family in morning his wife who he married just 4 years earlier joined him as well after being let of her duty. On their way to the Vuiller keep they went through New Reza Harald was filled with joy seeing how the city and its people had recovered after the battle of the Rat King. After the burial of their parents Harald would spend some months with his family in their family land before leaving for New Reza joining the Brotherhood of St. Karl but as he entered the city he would be surrounded by the soldiers he wished to join not understanding what had happened or why they would surround him. after getting attacked by the five men he would be dragged out of the city and thrown on the ground outside the gates getting told “We do niet wish for your kind here Vuiller!” without understanding nor knowing why he had been removed from the city he had early in his years helped to defend he would finally get his answers from a member of the Brotherhood and the Chaplain at the time Jacques De Beaumont who would inform him that his sister had been accused of witchcraft. Hearing these words Harald would sit down outside the city walls looking over to the River Rubern asking Godan for guidance. a vision would come to him of a man wearing a white cloak whispering the tounge of Iblees. From these visions he would track the man down trying to break the curse that had been placed on his sister but it was already too late. as a letter would reach him informing him of the trial of Auriann Vuiller in New Reza. he would come there just in time for the sentence of the lord Palatine “Auriann Vuiller, you are found guilty of witchcraft and is sentenced to death by drowning!” as these words where uttered a tear would fall from Harald´s eyes as he saw his little sister being dragged out of court towards the docks of New Reza he would quickly follow them watching them as his sister was thrown in the waters with rocks binded to her feet, as her body went down in the dark waters he´d look to the ground as tears would stream down his face. But has he though all hope was over the guards would shout as they could see her swim away as they had forgotten to bind her hands and remove her knife. After this Harald would spend many years cleansing his family name as he joined the Brotherhood and quickly raised through the ranks and became the Chaplain of the Brotherhood. During these years Harald would also be Ordained by the man then known as Cardinal Boniface swearing to spend the rest of his days in the service of the church. Many years pass as Harald keeps on his mission to serve Godan a mission and promise he would keep until his final breath. During these years many great things would happen during his life, but also many sorrows. While he was out fighting in a battle with the Brotherhood of St. Karl his wife who was pregnant at the time would be kidnapped. no matter how many years he spent searching for her he would never see her again. After the loss of his wife and their children Harald would commit the rest of his living years to serving and studying the Holy Scrolls and to serve Godan. Living in New Reza as well as at his Family's keep he would use the money he had earned during his times at war to build and start a Orphanage in the city of New Reza while being active in service at the Brotherhood of Saint Karl taking part in the Voidal battles, and the war between the Holy Orenian Empire and AIS. Turing this war Harald also discovered a cult spreading through out Haense, reporting this to the Regent Tiberius, he kept his work in the shadows until he was finally able to remove the cult from the Kingdom he loved. when the time of war was finally over the city of New Reza would be indangered by a new treat as Demons would often attack the city. Harald a now old man but still in fighting spirit would take his part in fighting of these demons while using prayer, blessed weapons and exorcisms to remove the demons from Godans Terra. But one day a demon too strong even for the old priest would attack the city making fire rain from the sky using his voidal magic to attack the city and GOD´s noble flock. Harald would draw his sword from his cane running towards the demon attacking it as he shouted prayers to his brothers the demon would strike him making the old man fall to the ground before turing his hand towards him making the old priest float 15 feet in the air. The voidal magic would make Harald twist and turn in pain as his body would slowly turn to stone. as the magic had reached his neck he would still hold on to his golden cross shouting out “In GOD we trust as he shall bring our souls to the seven skies in eternal peace with his love!” This would be the final words of Father Harald Vuiller. As the magma still went around and inside Haralds body the demon would not be able take the attacks that stroke him after spending so much of his magic and energy on killing the priest. as a final blow was struck towards its head the demon would explode in a fire of magma that all would fly through Harald before his now stone body would fall towards the ground. Just before he would hit the ground being guaranteed to break into a million pices a beam of light would strike him making the body float over the ground. and this was the end of Father Harald Vuiller. or so we thought… Miracles “The Beam of light” As his body of stone would fall towards the ground a beam of light would strike the body making it float just before it would hit the ground saving it from breaking into a million pices. “The help of a fallen father” over twenty years after his passing during the time of need of the noble flock and after his old friends and family had prayed for guidance a shadowy figure would show to offer them guidance. This would be the soul of Father Harald Vuiller. after roaming God mortal realm for some time he would finally meet with his old friend High Pontiff James II. they spoke for hours about the seven skies and both agreed that God must have sent Harald down to the realm of the living to serve and do whatever he could to help in the battle against the Inferni. This work of information is taken from my fathers jernals over the years. the later part describing his death is from eye witnesses and the information given by people who where there. This has been written as a tribute to my father and our Saint Harald Vuiller. Singed~ Cardinal Johan Vuiller of Aquila, Horens Giant Knight-Regent of the Holy Order of the All-Saints Guard. Holy Sir Head of House Vuiller. Knight of the Black Sepulchre & Cardinal Judge Headmaster at the University of St. Sixtus Protector of the Church of the Canon and its faithful
  6. *Alad sends a message directly to Eradus to confirm the job as well as posts the job on the guild message board.* *A message is attached to Eradus's document.* Dear Eradus, I must say that you are our first customer and that I am delighted to pass this job down to my employees. It was very unfortunate that Zelios' idiocy lead to the trial over him thinking that the 10% coupons for our first few jobs were me trying to lure or pay High elves out of state. Though I can not say for sure why droves of individuals have left the city, I fear that the acid bathers and other hatred still flows within our kin. To think that they call themselves peaceful and learned, to act with such hostility. Our people may stagnate in that city which prevents High Elves from taking jobs outside of the city, yet my ambition to protect the realm from the evils that lurk in this realm stays solid. I will try my best to find you that teacher, though there may be some complications upon me entering into the city. I have made note that no high elf is to work the job. May peoples one day live in peace and may someone always be there to protect others from harm. You have shown yourself to be an honorable man, thank you again for standing up for me in the court so that I can try to benefit the realm with this guild. Arch Scrivener, Alad Vel'Telos Celia'thilln H.AG. Job Request Form Requester: [Personal] [ x] [Business] [ ] [State] [ ] Requester’s Name: Eradus Requester’s Address: na Representative Entity: (If applicable) Representative Entity’s Address: (If applicable) In case of rumor or Emergency Quest the Arch Scrivener will fill out this line instead of issuing a Job Request form. approved as this was an on site approval. (Confirmation Seal if applicable) Alad Location(s) Requested for H.A.G. to Conduct work: Across the realm Requested Work Type [ ] Mercenary [ ] Exploratory [ X ] Educational [ X ] Fetch [ ] Trade Escort [ ] Bodyguard [ ] Territory Recovery [ ] Scouting [ ] Investigation [ ] Testing [ ] Monster Hunting [ ] Capture [ ] Fortify [ ] Exorcism [ ] Blockade [ ] Hazardous Substance Removal [ ] Pest Removal [ ] Artifact Disposal [ ] Distraction [ ] Champion Stand In [ ] Debt Collection [ ] Curse Breaking [ ] Infiltration [ ] Mapping [ ] Ritual Performance [ ] Place a Land Claim [ ] Raze [ ] Rescue [ ] Research [ ] Security Testing [ ] Search [ ] Smuggle [ ] Stop Ritual [ ] Other: Price Modifiers: · Unannounced Hazard (Willing) +50 mina (Unknown) +5 mina · Anonymity +20 mina · Bad Weather +2 mina · Urgency +30 mina · Hostile Territory +10 mina · Quiet Job +40 mina · Pressed to failure +300 mina · Undamaged Target +15 mina Note: Insurance may be purchased, contact the Arch Scrivener Note: Protocol of a Bad Will customer may define a no refund policy at the Scrivener’s discretion. Payment Options [ X ] 100% upfront [ ] 50% down [ ] 0% down (Requires Arch Scrivener’s approval) [ ] Payment Instalments (Requires Arch Scrivener’s approval) Requester’s Signature: na rumor Arch Scrivener’s Signature: Alad Job Board [ ] Anonymity [ X ] General Board Lvl Request (0-7): [ ] Party Request If Party Request, List: Job Description: Find a Transfiguration teacher for Eradus and get them in contact with one another. Payment 4 mina. For the employment of a non High elf outside of Haelun'or. Job Hazards: Requester’s Timeline: If possible, less than a year. Visit Requester?: Yes/ No H.A.G. Stamp (Insert Stamp Here) Alad H.A.G. Estimated time of completion: 1 year Notes/ Complications: Entry to the city may prove barred as a business, letter to gate guards will have to be approved through the proper channels.
  7. AULIC COURT I VE KOENGZEM I HANSETI-RUSKA REVIEW ON THE PALATINES REQUEST REGARDING TRIALS 5th i Wzuvar ag Byvca 358 E.S Jovenaars Sir Sigmar J. Baruch Mrs. Reza B. Gynsburg Lady Erika L. Kortrevich Mr. Lukas Rakoczy Mr. Otto Wittenbach CONCURRENCE (MAJORITY): Baruch, Kortrevich, Wittenbach, Rakoczy, Gynsburg DISSENT: N/A Exposition: The Office of the Palatine sees fit to refer to the Aulic Court on the composition of trials, specifically trials with a need to be done quickly and efficiently in circumstances where three Jovenaar may not be available. The Palatine is thus considering several possibilities, including 'citizen' and 'non-citizen' or 'flight' trials: the former would be in cases where a Haeseni citizen is charged, and there is little danger of the charged citizen fleeing the Kingdom; the latter would be in cases where a suspect is charged and arrested but is liable to flee if court proceedings are delayed, thus giving rise to a need for quicker sittings of the Court with lesser Jovenaar. Another possible solution under consideration by the Palatine is that all trials will only require an odd number of Jovenaar. See the full brief of the Lord Palatine: Letter to the Aulic Court re Trials - Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska - The Lord Of The Craft Jovenaar Erika L. Kortrevich delivered the opinion of the Court: The Haurul Caezk 304.01 states: “Trials shall be presided over by three Jovenaar [...].” As for the Lord Palatine’s request to reduce the number of Jovenaar to an odd-numbered one in said “non-citizen or flight” trials, it would mean to reduce the numbers of Jovenaar presiding over a trial to one (1). Whilst the Aulic Court understands the demand of such trials in cases where the Defendant is guilty without doubt, it is the Court's belief that no person, but the Koeng of Hanseti-Ruska should have the power to determine an individual's guilt on their own accord and that the trinity of Jovenaar is essential to a fair and just trial under the Haurul Caezk, as it calls for a thorough consideration and consultation of the facts brought forth in each trial. Therefore we decided against the Lord Palatines request. IT IS SO ORDERED.
  8. *Alad would nail the message to the guild board and hand out pamphlets* Come Join the Haense Adventuring Guild today. Submit applications to one of the clerks at the front desk or make a custom resume. Example Resume below. H.A.G. Application Please Note that anything in Red is metagaming & that anything in Orange may also be metagaming as it is information controlled by the guild. Player Name: Race: Minecraft Name: Archetypes: Discord ID: Character Name Aptitude Poor Ave Above Str ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ Dex ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ Con ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ Int ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ Wis ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ Cha ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ Language Proficiencies: Tool Proficiencies: (Weapons & Armour too) Rank: Player Age: Height: IRP Age: Wt: Careers: (Try not to make up any answers, IRP only) (Copy the box below if you have more than 1 career. Name: Description: Years: Name: Description: Years: Name: Description: Years: Name: Description: Years: Abilities: (Follow the Format below if you have more than one) Archetype Name: Forum Link: (Picture if applicable) Description: When it was obtained: How it was obtained: Archetype Name: Forum Link: (Picture if applicable) Description: When it was obtained: How it was obtained: Background: (Party info should be added here) Player, “I have read the guild Protocol and agree to follow it.” Sign: Approved H.A.G. Divisions: Player, “I have read the OOC Guild Rules and agree to follow them.” Yes/ No Arch Scrivener: Sign HAG ID: Party #:
  9. Hello friends and foes of LoTC! I hope that my post finds you all well, that the new year has been kind to you thus far and that you find yourselves in the best of health. It is my sincere hope that you are all safe and sound with your loved ones (or your pets). With the coming of the new year I found myself back on this wonderful server nearly three years after I took a hiatus. Much has changed and I felt like the type and quality of roleplay that we have had has changed as well, to my pleasant surprise! I grew nostalgic of my early days of playing on the server back in 2014-2015. Alongside the updated mechanics and progress in the world lore, I felt that it was the perfect opportunity to breathe life into House Visconti; which I had the pleasure of representing off and on at earlier times. I plan to compile a Master-guide to Illatian and Visconti roleplay by the end of next week and give the RP announcement about our current position and plans. In order to help me make this a reality, I decided to reach out to you, the LoTC community. I was dissatisfied with the information I was able to collect thus far because: Some key players lost access to their drives and their precious documents. Some key players became inactive and unreachable. Primary-source forum posts are very aged and difficult to follow. Secondary-source information is often skewed and distorted. We have a list of tertiary characters holding the family name who I cannot place in our family tree. I wanted to write this post and ask those of you who have played a House Visconti (or Illatian persona) to kindly reply to this forum post and aid me in my project by sending me links to the documents (or forum posts) that they do have or by contacting me on my Discord: Zoprak#3499. Character sheets and family trees are required. Secondary sources mentioning or referencing the family members and their activities are needed. Documents outlining family activities are appreciated. Miscellaneous documents, photographs, screenshots and skins are not necessary but would help fill in the gaps in the lore. Thank you for your time and assistance, I look forward to roleplaying with you all in the coming weeks. To those of you who are facing an upcoming semester I wish the best of luck and amazing grades. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Zoprak (Antonius Mihailo Visconti) (P.S Dear Moderators, I apologise if this is in the wrong section, please transfer it to the appropriate place if need be, I am a returning player and I am still unsure where to place my forum posts that are OOC).
  10. Her Last Feather PK of Marcella Avern-Barclay Born in 1688, Marcella Baruch was the daughter of Richard Baruch and an unnamed woman from Curon. Her father was a known necromancer in his past and the woman was unknown but to a select few. However, under the custody of her father, he aimed to improve upon his ways and took up an alchemist stand within the city of Sutica. When Marcella was just shy of one her father was arrested and executed for his past crimes, abandoning her in the basement of Richard’s shop. Her adoptive brother Hiren had found her some time later and brought her to her first mother, Serenity Avern, who took her in to raise her in her youth. While Serenity was not present most of her life, her sister Mayan was and would later adopt Marcella as her own. Marcella’s childhood was rather uneventful upon relocation to Carouldstadt of Renatus. While there many Averns took part in the clinic affairs as surgeons and practitioners. While there Marcella had begun to learn some basic medical skills however not proceed further than that. Some time later, the family returned to Sutica for the remainder of her childhood into her early adult years. While living there Marcella met the man that would later become her husband, Wilheim Barclay. The Averns did not approve of the Haenseman, but Marcella took this as her strike towards independence and began to spend more and more time in Haenseti-Ruska. This later proved to be fruitful to serve as the starting point for the soon to become Barony of Freising. As the house was founded, Wilheim grew in the ranks of the army and received his knighthood as the Stallion. Both Marcella and her husband became Aldermen and later had two children, Klara and Erwin. While Klara and Erwin were young they were able to spend time with Mayan, though as they grew up, Klara went on her own travels and Erwin stayed close to home to follow his father’s footsteps. All the while, Marcella did her best to support Erwin in his ventures, which proved fruitful as he later became a Duke and Lord Marshal to set the tone for many generations to come. Soon after Wilheim’s passing, Marcella’s life began to slow, taken by an alcohol and smoking addiction, she retired from being an Alderman to spend the next decade with Wilheim until his death. At this point she moved to improve her health to spend as much of her time as she could with her son and his children, Manfred and Brandt. It has been up to this point that Marcella was able to meet her life goal, a happy family that is successful. It has been at this point that Marcella spent her final moments in Oren with Mayan… After she decided to pay a last visit with her, the journey proved to be too much as not long after she had a heart attack. Her final breaths were in Mayan’s home after a long day. With Mayan she left her final will and testament for her family and close friends. Belongings will be distributed upon arrival of the vault supplies of Arcas. Marcella passed at 1736 on the 13th of Sun’s Smile at the age of 114. Marcella’s Final letter: To my dearest children, I am sad that I have not been able to see either of you in my final moments, but I cannot say how proud I am in the two of you. Take your time and enjoy life, it is not for forever. I will be waiting for you up in Godan’s skies so enjoy life while you have it. I will wait with your father until you are ready. To Manfred, I wish to leave you my staff. It was acquired by my father long ago and has served me well over the years. Take good care of it sweetheart, for it contains the soul of another and you may learn how best to speak with him. He brought much joy to your father in hitting people with it, and I hope you are able to keep it in the family for the foreseeable future. To Brandt, I wish to leave you my Karin, Idred. She can be a bit of a grump, but she has been a wonderful companion since Wilheim passed. If you ever have any questions on caring for her reach out to Mayan. She can provide guidance better than any. To Luisa, Dear, I wish I could have spent more time with you and your brothers but you have grown up well and have a family of your own. Cherish them. To you I leave my wedding rings. They were made by Hekkaes Goldhand for Wilheim and I. They were once magic with a blood bond though it has long since faded. Keep them close because even the smallest things in life can matter most. To the Barclay Family, It has been truly a dream of mine to have such a wonderful family. Thank you all for the laughs and smiles over the years and I hope I was able to give you just as many as you gave me. I love you all dearly. Finally, Mayan, I can’t express how much you mean to me, haleun. I know soon I will visit and it likely will be my last, but I know you gave me nothing but the best. I wish I could have done more for you over my life and we had our issues. If nothing else, I hope I was able to bring pride to you. Look after my grandchildren please. I know my passing will be hard on them but more so on you. You can talk to them, I know they would want to and see you just as much as family as I do. I love you so very much and don’t ever forget that. With love, Marcella Avern-Barclay [OOC] It has been wonderful rping with everyone on this persona and I’ve taken up her grandchild Marie so things won’t come to a halt regarding that. Thank you all so much for being part of Marcy and her legacy.
  11. The Sturmholm Folio The works of Vorloin Baruch Vorloin Baruch, shortly after the Athera Expedition Vorloin Baruch, practicing a stage-play With the recent death of poet Vorloin Baruch, it has been requested by his will that his folio be published to the world at large. All that follows is the work of poet, who used the pen-name of Vorloin Sturmholm Editor’s note: For some reason, all of Mr Baruch’s writings refer to himself as ‘Vorion’, instead of ‘Vorloin’. Regardless of whatever caused this error, it has been corrected. ‘Almost all of these poems follow iambic pentameter, and most of them also are sonnets, with three rhyming quatrains and one couplet. Their themes range from loss and death, to love and life. May they strike your hearts, as they struck at least a couple’ - V. Baruch ((Music:)) O Father O Father, years have passed since fall of void, Yet I am left to sit and weep in prayer In days of freedom, Grief I have enjoyed Not, for that was the gift you chose to bear. O father, son of the herons marine Will you still love me as you once did then? To be a stouter son of meager means Or born a lesser prince of greater men? O father, torn from life, curse me now, words born from an acid, venomous tongue Will far outstip those that no longer vow To those whom once you genty, softly sung. They say the blood of covenant should wear Pains fierce; yet still I weep for water's share The Good Men I wonder, where have all the good men gone? I saw them ride unto the setting sun, One which they would never again see dawn, Fighting a battle that is still not won. I ask you, where do all the great kings lie? It is under a pile of ash and ruin Deathless since they were forced to cast the die, They lie, resting beside their royal kin. I pray you, where do all the lost souls go? For we see them no more, eternally They lie, lost in silver linings of snow. Lost to wisps of time, waiting, merrily. We wait for when the time should finally bend To meet again at last: all the good men Katharina’s Song If only the swans were as fair as I, They could shatter the moon with their beauty, They could ensnare the mighty lords on high, They could make Kingsguard flee from duty, If only the swans were as fair as I. If only the autumn leaves had my grace, They’d flutter as if dancers on a stage, They’d rustle as if they’d no other place, They'd read far more than any written page, If only the autumn leaves had my grace. If only the stormcrows could sing like me, They would enchant the creatures of the grove, They would lure sailors, like sirens on the sea, They would be diamond to all those who rove, If only the stormcrows could sing like me. The Sunset I passed through mists, and peered beyond the veil To see thee, at least, what seemed to be. Towards the earth the sun had set her sail, And her beauty almost matched your degree. For first I found the flowering lips of rose When, burning bright, a wildfire they blazed. How could the setting sun compare to those: The memory that shall never be erased. But soon I fell into a tender blue, The eyes which could the oceans entire keep. How could the sky hold a candle to you, When epics could be wrought for those eyes deep? And so I promise: you shall never die If here between these sheets of me you'll lie. Godan’s Muse I've ventured 'cross some cold, bleak, distant peaks, But there is naught to e’er compare to thee. The peerless blue above those velvet cheeks: The moonlight to calm every stormy sea. I rolled on waves and I’ve seen dawnings fair, But their beauty can only ever yield To radiance cast by golden strands of hair: The sunlight to sow every fallow field. I’ve cleft the ocean twain on mighty ships, But thus you made the nightingale cry: None could hope to reflect those rosen lips, A flower to charm e’ery wandering eye Then, since lands and sky all hold beauty, I so conclude that Godan’s muse was thee. The Holes of Wintertime Deep in the holes of wintertime I woke Next to your side, by a warm fire of oak. You whispered so quietly in the cold, From your lips wisps of mist did twist and fold. You spoke to me about the spring softly, Said it was made by the lord above, for me. That he made it so we could gently lie Betwixt these hills until one day we die. Hidden way from the warmth of a summer’s Sun, away from the march of the dummers’ Drums, lying under golden oaken leaves, I told you I love you beneath those trees. And yet at last, when the autumn leaves fell You said you were no more under my spell I thought I’d stay together with you, so fair, But you left me there. Soeng Karoseo And the common translation: A Song of Crows Usaer zezr haulyy haldae haenzi Wiem hag dercurvsk denraat, huil zwyzi Padrevar Ybiseo vzrarev kuz koeng Luzeng weld ag wauldlund: Kholv ag walic They poured ‘cross sea upon coasts haeseni At dawn slaying the weak and lame, then these Sons of Iblees set out unto the king Along woodlands, marshes: cold and soaking. Karos kyghyntae zwyen bottel routae Karos trazk raez humovsk viktry velyae. Krusae vatragan ag Godan zakisk: Kursin ag zvaerd usaer byk drazativsk And as honour demands that war be brought The crows struck out to seize the victory sought. Of hearth and faith they were a stalwart shield: With coats of arms and shining blades of steel. Nat lund vatragano supaes szar triek, Va rotasseran nie vokja byk tuek Tamort lafsk hauchoxtzen, lauderre, herzen. Zejr kvesja, warae laujisk aestbrein Upon the fields of flame their spears did meet And dawn ‘til dusk no army knew defeat. There fell warriors great, peasants and lords Above the mud, where Godan’s heavens poured Wiem mortesk feinvrago, tiz stratlyy rot Ag zinsk maeno weo fitsk dlum supaes Got They broke the horde, the rivers stained with blood And sang of men who gave their lives for God. ‘May the storms part in your passing' - Sturmholm family proverb
  12. [!] Alad would amend the proposal as directed by state officials to be simplified, without protocol and reflective of Haeseni authority over guild operations. *After this we would walk up to the office and hand over the revised document* [!] The scroll would be marked with the his silver family sigil. Haense Guild Proposal Alad Vel’Telos Celia’thilln shall formally request to open an Adventuring Guild in Haense. Operations: -The business will take on adventuring jobs as per their Good Will policy. -The business will take on rumors and other emergency jobs, paying stricter attention to any payments made to ensure that the state sponsor is paid correctly. -Requested jobs may include but are not limited to, monster hunting, rare resource gathering, bodyguarding, merchant escorting, fetch quests, expertise advisory, ruin & dungeon delving, exploration, land recovery, supplementary requests from the HRA and state, emergency response quests, expertise services. -Customers may request a job at a message board or through a HAG (Haense Adventuring Guild) representative. After the job is logged, it may be requested for a specific HAG party to complete or for it to become a general job. -Members may take on leads or rumors as jobs while following the companies Good Will policy. -Members are expected to obey Haeseni law at all time and must receive job authorization for force by the Haense state. -During an emergency quest, members are expected to follow the law and allow HRA to have priority to the encounter. While following Haeseni law, members may assist with the emergency as directed by HRA. -The HAG will employ divisions to readily respond to jobs. A hierarchy of internally regulated policies will ensure order. -Members will be allowed to form into groups of workers known as parties that will be monitored to ensure efficiency -HAG will respond to employees’ actions misrepresenting the Haense State by clerical means only. Enforcement of the Haeseni law, the return of company property or the injuring of a HAG member will be reported to the HRA for their jurisdiction. -Members will apply to the guild by giving a HAG application resume to a HAG office for review. -An Arch Scrivener will manage the guilds clerical role while a Guild Master will be hired to manage overall operations of the business. -Department managers and party leaders will be given some control as listed in the company protocols yet must follow Haeseni law with impunity. -The company will retain company protocols that do not interfere with the Haense state. The state of Haense will retain the power to dissolve HAG. The state will also be able to collect any records maintained by HAG.
  13. Soup Kitchen [Wednesday, 1pm EST] House Amador will be setting up a soup kitchen for the poor and those suffering. It will be held once every saint’s week. The meat will most of the time be made from the boar hunted by the family and vegetables grown from our own farm. The stand will be set up in the square where a line can be made for those needing food. SIGNED, HER EXCELLENCY, Ingrid Barclay, Lady Seneschal of Haense and Regent of Mondtstadt HIS LORDSHIP, Ramdir II Amador, Baron of Mondstadt
  14. AULIC COURT OF THE KINGDOM OF HANSETI-RUSKA REVIEW ON THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS OF REPEATING PROPOSALS 5th of Wzuvar & Byvca, 355 E.S. Jovenaars Sir Sigmar J. Baruch Ms. Reza B. Gynsburg Mr. Otto Wittenbach Mr. Lukas Rakoczy MAJORITY: Rakoczy, joined by Gynsburg CONCURRENCE: Wittenbach DISSENT: Baruch Exposition A multitude of acts are rejected at the behest of the Duma vote, as has been seen in recent years. The Josefian reforms have also brought a period of great change to the procedure of the Duma. However, as the Duma cannot legislate on itself (see Aulic Court Review: Relationship Between the Royal Duma and the Aulic Government), this request for review must be issued. As a sitting member of the Duma, and peer of the realm, the Duke of Valwyck sees fit to defer to the Aulic Court for a legal opinion on the following: The Haurul Caezk states that a bill of the Royal Duma must be passed by majority vote and may become law with the confirmation of the Koeng following its majority vote, implicating that it is failed when said bill does not reach these requisites: 212.01: Members of the Duma may submit bills to the Royal Duma that must be passed by majority vote; 212.042: Once passed with a majority vote, a legislative bill shall require assent from the Crown to become binding law; The question that should be raised is whether or not a bill that has failed to reach these requisites after being introduced in the Duma should have the ability to be reintroduced, unaltered, in the Duma sessions following its failure, including the cohort contrary to the one it was first presented in. See the full amicus brief from Lord Matyas Baruch: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/197497-letter-to-the-aulic-court-353-es/ Jovenaar Lukas Rakoczy delivered the opinion of the court; The dispute focuses primarily on the question of whether legislation that has failed once may be re-introduced without modification during a meeting of another cohort. Even though noble cohorts have since been removed from the structure of the Royal Duma at the time of publication, the court still finds it pertinent to offer a judgement on this matter. It is the belief of the Aulic Court that the Royal Duma may not re-introduce failed legislation without major modification during the same four-year session. Any legislation that passes the Duma does so with the consent of the people, with legislators voting on behalf of and as the representatives of the people and the peers. Legislation that fails to pass, therefore, has clearly failed to attain the consent and support of the people, and to re-introduce such legislation would be to subvert the will of the people. Jovenaar Sigmar J. Baruch in dissent; On the dispute of re-introducing legislation without modification after failure to pass, this Jovenaar finds that through decades of set precedent and no objections to the matter found within the Haurul Caezk, it would be unprecedented and detrimental to the ability of the Royal Duma to restrict members of the body from introducing bills to the floor. Furthermore, it is not the place of the Aulic Courts to legislate on the abilities of members of the Royal Duma which directly affects their service within the Duma, it is only the Aulic Courts place to protect precedent, and interpret the Law. It is the ability of Duma members to introduce legislation in hopes of it becoming written law, therefore we should not restrict the capacity in which members can do this and take part in the writing and introducing of legislation. IT IS SO ORDERED.
  15. TO THE PEOPLE OF HAENSEI I write to you today in fair word to your safety, though I may be an initiate I hold the witness of the Barush Manor in this matter. I send this notice to relay to you the important factor of the Orcs. Recently there has been an influx of break-ins by criking of locks in the Barush Manor, and thus has been left the current note. I hope to inform you in this matter and urge you further to secure your belonging and inform your nearest HRA troop in sighting of an Orc, inside and outside the walls. Both for your safety and for the sake of Haensei's overall security. Here is the slit of paper left in the Barush Manor after the break-in Marked towards the end, "This story is still developing.. I apologize.." Signed, Alphonse, concerned HRA Initiate
  16. Census of Hanseti-Ruska 355ES - 367ES KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by the OFFICE OF THE SENESCHAL On this Jula ag Piov of 355ES Va Birodeo e Herzenav, Following the lapse of twelve years since the issuance of the First Haeseni Census, the Office of the Seneschal, at the will of the Aulic Council, sees fit to publish this Second Haeseni Census to gather accurate information on the populace of Hanseti-Ruska for the purposes of statistical records. The Second Haeseni Census is attached to this missive, and the Haeseni people are thus obliged to complete it: Census SIGNED, HER EXCELLENCY, Ingrid Barclay, High Seneschal of Haense and Regent of Mondtstadt
  17. “What gives you worry overtakes you. Let’s work together in order to lessen the worry and get your voices heard.” ~The reason that I personally see myself as an eligible candidate in the debate for Tribune~ Once I had to face many goodbyes to my family and had to bear the deaths of two of the role models that I admired most, I began to think. Though I have taken up knighthood and a role in the HRA, I want to be able to better the lives of those who live within Haense so that their lives become more fulfilled and memorable within this fine capital. Once I had realized this, sought out to do good every day for this nation in hopes that people’s lives would better from it. I found myself not seeing it as enough, which is right about when I thought about going into government. It sounds like the perfect role to me. I see it as a place, where I can actively try to make the lives of citizens better in many ways within the Duma in a way that I know I will make an impact if I do change something. A place that I can make the voices of those who feel unheard known to the Duma. I hope by making these intentions known. These wantings clear to you, the reader, that I have shown my case as to why I think of myself as an eligible candidate for tribune. I sincerely hope that you will consider me while you vote for the positions in tribune. ~Mondblume presence~ As many of you most likely know of my family’s presence, not necessarily all of the thoughts are positive toward us. Once the numbers of our family split in half to Norland in Haense, I grew somewhat sad. For if there was a good sum of them in Norland, what would happen if one of them died when I had the ability to protect them if I was there? Well, I decided that I wouldn’t take it anymore. I grew the need to help and protect the families of Haense, including the one I’m a part of, in access. I don’t want or wish for anyone’s worries to drive them from this city. I don’t want anyone who lives here to feel unsafe or unneeded. For I cherish every person of this nation as if they were my own family. ~My Goals~ !1! Make a way for spectators in Duma to have more of a chance to voice their opinions by a spectator poll that may impact the way someone would vote on the bill. !2! Get the people’s voices more heard, possibly inserting some sort of concern box in the palace or leaving a partial place in Duma open to those who have general, rational, concerns to mention to the seats of Duma; allowing the people to take every voiced concern and written concern into reason whilst writing bills to present into the Duma. !3! To organize some sort of way n order to make current Duma discussions more widespread; like a board of discussed bills or something along those lines. A Candidate for Tribune Signed, Hildebrand Mondblume
  18. HOLY NOTICE The banishment of the foul beast. As Tuvsmas night ended, reports of a Poltergeist haunting the Basilica of Karosgrad sounded across Almaris. A call for aid was sent out and the Palatine Guard Order of the All-Saints answered that call. The Order settled in the church district of Karosgrad, readying themselves for the battles to come. Multiple times, the noble flock of Godan tried to rid the Basilica of the foul beast, but it's retreat was always temporary. Thus, Lay-Cardinal Johan Vuiller and Cardinal Alfred of Jorenus gathered the local priests and Holy Knights readying themself for a final confrontation with the phantom. Upon entering the Basilica, they could feel the thick air that had settled within. The flock moved deeper into the halls of Godan. Attending the Cardinals were Father Alfred Barclay, Father Otho, Grandmaster Theophilos Komnenos, Holy Sir Nicolas Barclay, and Holy Sir Toni. A lone member of the Haeseni Royal Army guarded the door, making sure no one else could get hurt as the exorcism took place. The Cardinals and priests, having readied themselves with prayers and chants, began the rite, and the two Cardinals made their way towards the altar. While doing this, the Holy Knights kept close to the pious fathers, protecting them from the foul demon. The battle stretched over many hours before the Cardinals were finally able to get to the Altar, and, once there, Cardinal Jorenus readied the church bells as Lay-Cardinal Johan readied a bowl with a mixture of the holy waters of gamesh, alcohol, and an elixir. He placed his aurum cross in the bowl, setting it ablaze. Lifting the bowl up towards the roof of the Basilica, he turned to the poltergeist, which took the form of a large serpent. As Cardinal Jorenus rang the bells, the Holy Knights surrounded the serpent while the fathers chanted and the Lay-Cardinal moved closer to the serpent with the holy flame. The holy chants were heard by Godan, and the serpent began to fade away. Almost victorious, Cardinal Johan emptied the bowl on his Aurum trident, allowing the holy flame to cover the weapon. He hurled the weapon towards the serpent, and the creature vanished. It's inner demons seemed to do the same, and the air lightened, the ectoplasm from the Poltergeist disappeared and with it, the seemingly lost souls that filled the Basilica found their rest, leaving Godan's terra once and for all. Singed~ Lay-Cardinal Johan Vuiller of Aquila, Horens Giant Knight-Regent of the Palatine Guard Order of the All-Saints Holy Sir Head of House Vuiller. Knight of the Black Sepulchre & Cardinal Judge Headmaster at the University of St. Sixtus Protector of the Church of the Canon and its faithful
  19. ~The Arbiter~ ~OOC Message to introduce Companies~ As you can see, companies are being introduced this season to the bounty dealer - along with a plethora of other things. But what is a company you may ask? Well, it is quite simple really. They are going to be the basis of where all of the bounties come from. Plus, they consequently will give out rewards upon maxing your reputation out with them. For every bounty that will be on the bounty board, a clear label will be written alongside it stating what company it is from. Some bounties are known as “unaffiliated bounties”. They are pretty straight forward. Any unaffiliated bounty completed counts only toward the reputation you bear with the Drifter. No one else. Though, completing bounties issued out by companies grant you a reputation bonus towards their specific group + the Drifter. Once you have gotten to the maximum reputation with one company, you are rewarded for your work with an item. Though once you’ve reached this point with any given company, your scores with every other one will become voided basically. You’ll still have the opportunity to reach the max with the Drifter. Though, it is a different story when you look at the companies. After obtaining a reward issued by one single company, you will not be able to obtain any of the other rewards. 1 reward is issued per account. If I could this would be different, but I hope you understand that I’m not gonna be able to afford what is needed in order to supply multiple personas with both minas and reputation rewards. If you wish to lighten my load and donate to the bounty dealer, contact me either on Discord (#Ziggity0979), or LOTC (Ign: Limo_Man). Without further ado, I leave you to the rp post that I’ve prepared beneath this (Wanted to get this message through first since I deem it more of a priority). Also, if you want to keep up to date with the bounty board and all of the posts, there is a discord. Link is here: Discord here :p ~A Battle of Morals~ Dear The Arbiter, we hope this message reaches you kindly as the others have. We request your presence once more. We know that you’ve deemed us as unworthy partners in your business, but this company is all you’ve got. I know that you’re probably grasping at dirt right now, and are in shambles after your mentors both left you far too early. Believe me. I know how it feels. But if you choose to partner with our company and allow us access to your bounty board, you’ll no doubt learn a thing or two about the craft of bounty dealing. Unfortunately, you can probably guess that we cannot help much with enhancing your abilities in combat, otherwise we wouldn’t be asking for your help. Think about it, and when you realize that you need us to function, we’ll be located where it's indicated on the map from yours truly. -The Northern shroud of herbology Flinging the piece of paper onto the crumpled up piles of opened notes and letters, Hildebrand furrows his brow as he pulls the flap of the envelope he holds open once more in order to unveil a charted map of the sewers. Flipping behind it revealed another map, this time of Norland and its surrounding area with a marked spot on the chart. “Vhat Zhe hell do zhey know about zhe deaths zy mourn?” Hildebrand spit out in a disgruntled stare toward Lincoln Ignius’s poster, all while keeping a calm tone in his low voice. “Zy can do zhis on my own. Only zhose vho have righteous cause may ask for zhe grace of Haense’s peoples to help zhem.” Grabbing the letter, he’d crumple it up and throw it into the lantern where a small pile of charred ash had formed, Likely the product of reading other letters. After fraughting over the slips that decided whether or not he’d stay afloat as a bounty dealer, one last parchment found its way rightly onto his desk. Unsealing the scroll revealed to him an unexpected passage that proposed business. Dear The one that Others refer to as The Arbiter. My name is Ser Trur. A lowly hedge knight in the grand scheme of things. I request aid in my final quest that I and a small sum of men partake in. I suppose you wonder why we ask you for your aid, yeah? Well, its simple really. Our small forming band of hedge knights made us be seen as a strong presence among those who inhabited the Wick Woods all that time ago. Though we weren’t very prosperous. Seen as a superior force by the few that did support us, To us, our comrades mean everything. We value our lives just as much as others. That is one of our principles after all. We’ve sworn an oath to fight alongside each other and to serve one man named Trygglyndur. This man united us under one cause to exterminate and bring justice to as many people who had wronged as possible. Trygglyndur. The name that means loyalty in a foreign tongue. This man led us with heroic principles that we accepted and still abide by to this day even though he’s met his end. The man we looked up to and adored like a loving father is now dead. Ruthlessly slaughtered by a man who is endowed with the gift to kill, and is known as no other than Farlazn Ignius. Son of the man you seek out. We, hedge knights, live for this, and only this one Hollowed purpose; To force penance for the atrocities that this murderer has committed. If you do wish to side with us, then seek us out beneath the docks of Haense when dusk draws its first breath. -A Lion’s Pack After reading a letter such as this one, what choice did Hildebrand have other than to explore the offer? Honestly. What’s the worst that could happen. He’d already gone through the rest of the offers. Placing the letter onto the table, he grabs the marked chart of Norland from his previous senders and sighs in an internal struggle of morals, “Zy von’t have enough minas to keep zhis up if zy sign vith bigshot hedge knights now vill zy?” He’d go on to examine the charted map while dragging open his creaky drawer to unveil the fabled, Drifter’s pipe. “Might as vell get a smoke. Zhis is already hard enough… barely any business keeping me afloat at zhe moment.” Pausing to light the Drifter’s renowned pipe, Hildebrand again brought his attention back to the map before continuing on to himself. “Certainly never a dull moment. Isn’t zhat right Drifter?” He’d inquire as smoke began to fall from his mouth into the air, as then it loomed over him. Almost like it was watching him. Looking over him even.
  20. December 2020: Happy New Year! That month I wanted to write an appreciation for all of you. As 2020 is now over, and you have all been so brave, kind and patient during that rough year. Many have lost their jobs in this pandemic. The economy has been ****, and I imagine there might have been a few who lost their homes and loved ones as well. So it would not have been fair to celebrate just one person in the last month of that year. I know this pandemic will not suddenly be over now that 2021 is here. And things might never be the same for any of us. But I promise you this, we are a family and a community that will be there for eachother during this tough time. Yes we may have fights, and we are not perfect. But none of us are… It does not make you any less part of our community. So for this new year... be there for your friends. Ask them how they are doing, check in on them. And most importantly, treat yourself to something nice. Self care is important, and you cannot continue to be your wonderful self unless you give yourself some love. Continue to be strong, we can make it through all of this together. And stay safe, protect yourself and your loved ones against Covid-19. And remember; It's okay to not be okay. Lots of love, Toni
  21. [!]A piece of parchment would be in front of you! (That's him!) A Lonely Squiring Knight Needs A Wife! My cousin is in need of a wife! There is only a few requirements. ---------------------------------------------------- -Must take Mondblume name -Is Cannonist -Older than 25 but younger than 34 -Can take care of an idiot ----------------------------------------------------- Come find Aeira Mondblume for more information! (AllMemesKill#5157 or WeebMaster36 in-game)
  22. Hidden Chest of Karosgrad [Sunday, 1pm EST] A chest with a certain item will be hidden somewhere in Karosgrad once every saint’s week. A riddle or hint will be given on where it is hidden. So look out, for you won’t be the only seeker in this game. The items are donated from the House of Amador SIGNED, HER EXCELLENCY, Ingrid Barclay, Lady Seneschal of Haense and Regent of Mondtstadt HIS LORDSHIP, Ramdir II Amador, Baron of Mondstadt
  23. Royal Missive - Missing dog Issued and confirmed by Her Majesty, Queen Isabel Franziska Barbanov, 354 ES Her Royal Highness, the Prinzenas Royal Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov, baroness of Antioch’s dog has gone missing. A finder’s prize of 500 minas will be given to those that can find the dog and return it safely to the Nikirala Prikaz in the kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. He will respond to the name Alexei, his fur is black and white with brown eyes and has a gold collar on its neck. It is a well trained dog and around 3 years of age. [!] A painting of Alexei the dog is included in the missive, it seems to have been done by a professional. SIGNED, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Isabel Franziska Barbanov, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska
  24. ETIQUETTE REFORMS IN THE ROYAL COURT OF HANSETI-RUSKA As penned by HER EXCELLENCY, the Lady Chamberlain Rosalind Elizaveta Amador de Astrea and confirmed by HER MAJESTY, Queen Isabel Franziska Barbanov, 353 ES Table of Contents I. Salutations II. Letters III. Dining IV. Behaviour in Court V. Balls, Masquerades & Parties VI. Marriage & Courtship VII. Hauchmetvas VIII. Conclusion ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I. ETIQUETTE OF SALUTATIONS Salutations are, of all forms of social life, the most constantly in use and therefore one of the highest tests in breeding. Some greetings are as follows: -A nod or dip of a chin may suffice for nobility -A bow will be interchanged when the nature of the relationship is a cordial one. -Hands will be shaken in any situation by both sexes. -A greeting of a kiss is incompatible in public settings. -Regardless of nobility standing, a curtsey or bow must always be presented when in the presence of the direct royal family. It is recommended, not required, to curtsey or bow to other royalty of the kingdom outside of the direct line. Noblemen and women should present themselves with an honest and strong air and aura, though avoid ill will in their tone when first addressing one another. It is disagreeable and disrespectful to address a royal by their forename unless allowed such in a private setting, or any other monikers or ‘nicknames’. To quote directly from the work of HRM Queen Maya of Muldav and HRH Princess Sofiya Theodosiya Barbanov– The King / Koeng In Oration: “His Royal Majesty” In Address: “Your Royal Majesty” or informally “Your Majesty” Alternately, “My liege” or “Sire” may be preferred by courtiers after an initial greeting. The Queen / Koenas In Oration: “Her Royal Majesty” In Address: “Your Royal Majesty” or informally “Your Majesty” Alternately, “My Queen,” may be preferred by courtiers after an initial greeting. Grand Prince / Hauchprinzen ; Grand Princess / Hauchprinzenas ; Princess Royal (Duchess of Karosgrad) In Oration: “His/Her Serene Highness” In second person: “Your Serene Highness” or informally “Your Serenity.” Alternately, “My Lord / My Lady” may be preferred by courtiers after an initial greeting. Prince / Prinzen ; Princess / Prinzenas In Oration: “His/Her Royal Highness” In Address: “Your Royal Highness” or informally “Your Highness.” Alternately, “My Lord / My Lady” may be preferred by courtiers after an initial greeting. Duke / Herzen ; Duchess / Herzenas In Oration: “His/Her Grace” In Address: “Your Grace.” Alternately, “My Lord / My Lady” may be preferred by courtiers after an initial greeting. Margrave / Margravir ; Margravir / Margraviras In Oration: “The Most Honorable” In Address: “My Lady / My Lord.” Alternately, “Madam or Sir” may be preferred by courtiers after an initial greeting. Count / Komit ; Countess / Komitas In Oration: “The Right Honorable” In Address: “My Lady / My Lord.” Alternately, “Madam or Sir” may be preferred by courtiers after an initial greeting. Viscount / Vikomit ; Viscountess / Vikomitas In Oration: “The Right Honorable” In Address: “My Lady / My Lord.” Alternately, “Madam or Sir” may be preferred by courtiers after an initial greeting. Baron / Bossir ; Baroness / Bossiras In Oration: “The Right Honorable” In Address: “My Lady / My Lord.” Alternately, “Madam or Sir” may be preferred by courtiers after an initial greeting. Knight / Dame; Kossin / Kossaras In Oration: “The Honorable” In Address: “Ser [NAME]” or “Dame [NAME]” Addressing Government Officials: The Lord Palatine / Palatin Herzen ; Lady Palatine / Palatin Herzenas and any other members of the Aulic Council: In Oration: “His/Her Excellency” In Address: “Your Excellency” The High Steward / Stewards In Oration: “The Right Honorable” In Address: “High Seneschal” The Royal Chamberlain / Kambelan Herzenas In Oration: “The Right Honorable” In Address: “Lord/Lady Chamberlain” The Grand Lady / Haucherzenas In Oration: “Her Ladyship” In Address: “Your Ladyship” Secretary of the Queen In Oration: “His/Her Lordship/Ladyship” In Address: “Your Lordship/Ladyship” Knight Paramount / Dame Paramount; Kossin Wazoberiz / Kossaras Wazoberiz In Oration: “The Right Honorable” In Address: “Lord/Lady Paramount” or “Ser [NAME] / “Dame [NAME]” To note; the sons and daughters lacking of title but of noble birth may be styled as “The Honorable, Lord [NAME] / Lady [NAME]” and furthermore addressed as “Lord [NAME] / Lady [NAME]”. II. LETTERS The art of composing a letter to anyone is a learned talent. Letters and calling cards are expected as a way of gratitude after a family has graciously hosted an event or dinner. Letters are also a way of solidifying courtship. Those particular notes should be crafted mindfully with tone and word choice in mind. Handwriting should be clear, not too large and bold yet possessing some kind of character or style. Formal salutations begin the letter - [See I. SALUTATIONS] or perhaps for a more affectionate affect are as follows; My Dear Sir, My Lady. When writing to friends the tone can afford to be colloquial, the style irregular - portraying a true picture of that who is writing it. If familiar, letters to friends and family could begin with sentiments like “Dear [name]”. The letter can end with phrases such as: yours faithfully, sincerely, your obedient servant. It is important to select both an ending and a salutation to match how you wish to be perceived (humble, affectionate and so forth), the tone of the letter and to whom it is written to. It is worth noting that although one doesn’t need to open the letter with their full titles, you should observe this on the envelope and at the end of the letter. Signing with one’s full name, including any ranks, decorations or honours applicable. This also avoids the unfortunate situation of the recipient not recognising the name. Letters should be sealed with a wax stamp - the sigil of the sender’s house. An example of how a letter is constructed Your Highness, [an informal address to the Prinzenas. “Your Royal Highness” would be appropriate if the sender wasn’t familiar with the Prinzenas prior to penning the letter] The content of the letter follows, speaking fairly formally unless on close terms with the recipient. Yours faithfully, Lady Rosalind Amador de Astrea, Chamberlain of Hanseti-Ruska. III. ETIQUETTE OF DINING Punctuality at a scene of festivity is imperative. Upon arrival you must be almost blind and deaf to everybody until you reach the hostess. After paying your respects to the lady one may condescend to look about for the purpose of recognising friends. Dinner shall then be announced and the hosts will lead the party into the dining room. If the dining table should be laid out as head and foot the lady of the house shall take the head of the table, the foot the host. On each of their rights shall sit the most important male guests and on their left, the most valued female guests. If you haven’t been approached prior to dinner’s announcement with a request for sitting there, don't be so callous as to sit in those places. If there is a head table apart from the longer one, seating plans do not matter. If seated at a table with the King or Queen-Consort directly at it, one must ask for their dismissal before leaving. Such is not required in the presence of peerage and their consorts, but is respected that all do so nonetheless in formality. If at an official event, informal dinner, or feast– dismissal is not required and only can leave at their own leisure. Hands must be folded in one’s lap, elbows off the table. An upright posture is also essential; leaning back, lounging or slouching are seen as symptoms of a disinterested comportment and therefore constitute great insults. Men and women both dine without gloves. It goes without being said that fighting, crude language and unprompted wild behaviour that is impolite will not be tolerated - both at the table and outside. Being a member of the Court of Hanseti-Ruska means upholding standards of being respectable, well-mannered and polite. Having once seated yourself, spread the napkin on your knees. The instant you receive your plate of soup commence your dinner; for the practice of waiting till everybody else is helped is an eminent proof of under breeding. Be certain to sign the Lorraine Cross over yourself before eating and consciously say a prayer of thanks to God, should there be no prayer done by the host or a clergyman. Should a toast be proposed, simply raise your glass towards the person doing such. If others clink glasses together, be mindful of the fine crystal or material of the glasses so as to not make an overtly loud clatter and to not break it. If you dislike any dish you need only make an appearance of eating and a servant will soon relieve you of your plate. It should be noted that the fork is held in the left hand, the knife in the right. When finished, bring your utensils parallel to one another. Whilst dining, you must not also portray any behaviour of the following: burping, sharing or throwing food, slurping, or coughing without doing so into your handkerchief. An inattentive hostess will frequently prolong the sitting and increase the whole quantity of wine drunk by the men if she does not give the signal for the ladies retiring the instant they have ceased to drink wine or partake in the dessert. At the signal from the hostess the ladies rise and retire to the drawing room. Once the ladies have departed the male guests can close up for the purpose of drinking more wine. After having dined at a private house a brief morning call is expected in the days afterward where the guest will leave a calling card or, should they run into the host’s family, make polite conversation- mentioning their gratitude. IV. BEHAVIOUR IN COURT When court is in session, voices must be kept to a murmur so as to not disrupt the proceedings. Laughter and giggling shouldn’t be excessive. Members of the royal family should be addressed by their title during official events and public appearances. [See I. SALUTATIONS] Clothing within court should be more formal than everyday wear, retaining modesty. Headwear and bonnets should be taken off once inside out of respect for the royal family. Place them atop one’s lap or hold them courteously to the side. It should be added that tiaras, circlets and crowns are to be worn by royalty only or those of princely status. To note, fashion regarding furs is of most agreeable nature, as is any dress akin to that of the Queen or Princesses. Furthermore, sashes are only to be worn by members of the royal family, as well as peers and their consorts. Gossiping and snide comments are discouraged from court and can be a serious offence if the talk is regarding a member of the royal family or a noble of higher status than oneself. Behaviour and good habits involve not fidgeting and fussing, an essential upright posture and a demeanour of respectability and calmness. V. BALLS, MASQUERADES & PARTIES One should always, upon arrival, greet and thank the hostess of said party before making the rounds of the room, greeting and being introduced to different circles. At such occasions one must try to present an easy and natural manner as to not seem awkward in public. Balls and parties are fabulous events to practise dancing, polish conversation skills and meet new people and so attendance must be encouraged. Every well-bred attendee should be fairly well-acquainted with the steps to waltzes and the boulanger (a classic line dance). When dancing, it is good etiquette to pay attention to your partner - not to let your eyes drift across the room. I quote from an etiquette manuscript regarding choosing partners: “A gentleman of genuine politeness will not give all his time and attention to the belles of the evening, but will at least devote some thought to the wall-flowers who sit on the sidelines or perhaps might be unattended.” At a hauchmetvas or ball of honour it is customary that the guest of honour should begin the first dance with their partner of choice. [See VI. HAUCHMETVAS] (An additional note: if you should refuse a dance with someone do it gently and kindly, making an excuse of fatigue or dizziness. However, it shows bad character if you decline one dance and almost immediately get up to waltz with another partner.) For larger, formal occasions dresses are required to be well-made and of fine material. Jewellery and detailed design can add to a garment nicely. For the less formal feasts or family affairs, simpler colours and designs are appropriate. In court, dresses are expected to be finely-made. Ornaments and flowers can be added to hair, subtle yet indicating attention to the smallest detail. In winter, thick furred dress coats are encouraged over the top of usual dresses and clothes. Darker gloves are traditional. One might choose to wear more practical footwear for the harsher terrain. In the summer, thinner material is encouraged to avoid overheating. Pinafore haeseni and ruskan ‘sanguss’ or ‘sanbej’ dresses are a typical Hanseni everyday style, but are discouraged for formal occasions and court. Bright colours, patterns and layering to clothes are encouraged in all climates. [a guide to further information regarding fashion will be released soon] Again we reiterate, after such an event drop a letter or a personal visit to thank the hostess. This action is necessary for private or noble parties. From royal invitations, mentioning your gratitude in court small talk will suffice. VI. MARRIAGE & COURTSHIP Courtship can be defined as a period during which a couple develops a romantic (or mutually beneficial) relationship, especially with the view to marriage. One’s parents might decide upon a potential match for their child and encourage the union. This practice protects the question of the child’s chastity and partly can serve as a matter of furthering family interests, which, in some situations, may be considered more important than individual romantic preferences. It is highly recommended for those of noble birth to find a suitable match befitting their rank or above, most commonly and preferably done through arrangement. For both man and woman, respectability is key in society to be considered a good match. All should strive to meet this standard of upholding society’s values. For the woman’s part some respected attributes are that of clear-headedness, sweetness, confidence, modesty and being free from envy and vanity. For her male counterpart: reliability, sobriety, strength and reasoning are all valued assets. Functions and events serve as opportunities for youths to be introduced to one another by a mutual or familial acquaintance. Such occasions might be more formal dances and balls [See IV. BALLS, MASQUERADES AND PARTIES] as well as shoots, hunts, calling on neighbours and fêtes. Once introduced to a woman of interest, it is expected that the man sends the initial letter or begins a conversation. Correspondence through letters and arranged meetings are a good way to make intentions clear. Activities including riding, going on walks, having tea or drinks or finding a place to sit down are some good ideas to spend time together. Being alone in one another’s houses without a chaperone is discouraged before engagement. The groom must ask formal permission from the patriarch/matriarch of the bride’s family before going ahead. Arrangements will be discussed, including logistics, requests and bridal prices. The courting process of yore has been irredeemably forgotten in effect of generations of cultural drift, left to wallow in a fraction of its former standing. With the re-establishment of old etiquette, it has been recommended that traditional methods of courtship should be received. Bridewealth is the money, livestock or gifts paid by the groom or his family to their future in-laws, before or in the beginning of their marriage. It serves as a gesture of commitment to the relationship as well as recognising the value of the woman he intends to marry. Once the engagement is announced there should be a fairly short period between said declaration and the marriage ceremony. Sincere affections can be killed by the restraints of an arduous engagement - or a long engagement might be deemed unnecessary when matrimony has already been arranged. On the morn of the wedding, the bride should dress with her female companions and family members, arriving at the Basilica to be walked down the aisle. Once the ceremony is over and the pair are wed under the watchful eye of GOD it is the couple’s choice to hold a reception - however large. It could be an intimate family affair or a larger feast. Once married both sides must uphold their vows: never tolerating the advances of someone outside of the marriage; remaining faithful to one another. VII. HAUCHMETVAS A ball for the daughters or sisters of the sovereign monarch upon their coming of age. Translated into the common tongue as a ‘debutante.’ Traditionally held on the eve of the princess’ 14th nameday, it is an acknowledgement that she is ready to begin courting and leaving behind some of her youthful days. The Lady’s Hauchmetvas is also recommended (although not required) for the daughters and sisters of Dukes or Duchesses. During a Lady’s Hauchmetvas, decorations must be of the princess’s favored colors. Furthermore, favourite cuisines and beverages are to be served as well during the event. The first dance of the night must be started by the princess with whomever her partner may be. The night prior to the event, a custom known as Burning of Age occurs - whereby the princess takes three symbols of her childhood and burns them in a great pyre. The private event is open only to the princess’ family and perhaps a close friend she wishes to be there. Before each item is tossed into the flames, she explains the memories and meaning behind each one. VIII. CONCLUSION This edition of the handbook should be your closest friend and comfort regarding expected behaviour. Therefore, it should be treated with the utmost respect. Those who fail to follow elements of mannerisms and behaviour face ostracisation and disgrace. Once these guidelines are utilised in everyday life they become much simpler and easier to remember. With these reforms it allows us to look back to older more traditional Hanseti-Ruska values which have been brushed aside. Any questions or recommendations for further in-depth guides on navigating social situations or etiquette that hasn’t been included in this handbook; send a letter to Rosalind Amador de Astrea. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signed, Her Royal Majesty, Isabel Franziska Barbanov, Queen-Consort of Hanseti-Ruska Her Excellency, Rosalind Elizaveta Amador de Astrea, Lady Chamberlain of the Royal Courts of Hanseti-Ruska Her Excellency, Irena Ceciliya Ruthern, Lady Speaker of the Royal Duma
  25. THE LOCATIONS OF KAROSGRAD Newcomer's Guide to the City of the Crows By Brandt Barclay | Jula and Piov, 352 ES _____________________________________________________________________________________ [Painter’s depiction of Karosgrad, adapting a slightly darker and more dramatic outlook, as a Haeseni Squire re-enters te city after finishing his trials.] As you begin exiting the chilly and snowy roads on the way to Haense, before you you notice tall, saturated red walls stretching between a small hill to the right, and the rest of the city walls to the left. Moving further in, you feel the cold wind blowing more gently, the sound of bleating sheep filling your left ear and the sight of the pale yellowish wheat growing on the farms to the right, mixing in with the red of the city walls to the left, where you also see the second gate. In you go! The busy city noise increases, making the sound of the sheep outside unhearable. With merchants selling around their shops, errand boys running around, and the occasional HRA soldier dressed in black and yellow moving about casually, you find yourself in Karosgrad, the City of the Haeseni Crows. To the immediate left as the city gates are passed, a notice board rests, with notices and pamphlets ready for the taing. One of these seems to be a guide to the rest of the city, letting you know where you want to go. [Another painter's depiction of the city of the Crows, showing off the icy Haeseni mountains of the north and its busy alleys] _____________________________________________________________________________________ RESOURCE GATHERING LOCATIONS Mines The central Haeseni mines, filled with ores and other minerals. Accessible only to Haeseni citizens, for one to gain access to these mines they must contact the Lord Seneschal of Haense, currently Mio Mackensen; and it must be kept in mind that trespassing into it without permission is a crime. Location: To the back of the farms, due West after exiting the main gates. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Farms The public farms of Haense, accessible to anyone and everyone who has the skill of gathering the agricultural yields of the northern region that is Haense. Mostly composed of wheat, carrots and potato farms. In the middle rests Karolina Flour Mill, named in memory of Dame Karolina Barclay, who died fighting bravely during the Scyfling War in 1768. Location: Right outside the city’s western and main gate. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Lumberyard Standing outside of the main gates, the lumberyard includes a mix of natural oak and spruce wood coming from the local region. Found around a sawmill, the wood can be collected and processed to be later transported. Additionally, a location where mapletree grow can be found on the road between Haense and the northern hub, Rimeveld, for the skilled carpenters looking to harvest. Location: Lumberyard: To the side of the main road just outside Karosgrad’s outer wall Maple Tree: To the side of the main road near the bridge at Haense’s border _____________________________________________________________________________________ Cotton As happens in most cases, Cotton can be seen growing around the sides of the main roads, with some being closer to Haense, and another good lot near the Maple tree spot near Haense’s northern road. Additionally, another group of these soft materials has been spotted growing to the South-East of Karosgrad near the shore Location: First spot: To the side of the main road near the lumberyard. Second spot: North of the maple tree, just as the terrain lowers. Third spot: North-west of the mines, continue north until you reach the shore, then go north until you see the cotton. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Hunting Spot - Boars Though not many bears have been spotted near the city of Karosgrad, a spot to which some appear attracted to can be found South-west of the capital, above a hill. Conveniently enough, near this hunting spot for the beasts that are the northern bears, a mining spot of Coarse Alum is also found, further confirming the theory of bears being attracted to this material. If you happen to have a plan to come hunt here, don’t forget to get a Ferrum pickaxe with you, so to also mine the alum. Furthermore, it is recommended that quality arms and armor are brought to hunt the bears around this area, as should be obvious to the experienced hunter Location: The large hill southwest of Karosgrad. Go to the mines, take the road south until it ends, then climb up the hill to the top. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Hunting Spot - Bears & Coarse Alum Though not many bears have been spotted near the city of Karosgrad, a spot to which some appear attracted to can be found South-west of the capital, above a hill. Conveniently enough, near this hunting spot for the beasts that are the northern bears, a mining spot of Coarse Alum is also found, further confirming the theory of bears being attracted to this material. If you happen to have a plan to come hunt here, don’t forget to get a Ferrum pickaxe with you, so to also mine the alum. Furthermore, it is recommended that quality arms and armor are brought to hunt the bears around this area, as should be obvious to the experienced hunter Location: The large hill southwest of Karosgrad. Go to the mines, take the road south until it ends, then climb up the hill to the top. _____________________________________________________________________________________ NIKIRALA PRIKAZ - THE ROYAL PALACE Being the singular most impressive and remarkable architectural build in the city of the Crows, Kikirala Prikaz, the royal palace, and the main residence of House Barbanov rests to the east side of the city. Taking a good portion of the capital’s whole size, this palace is debatably the most beautiful and majestic in all of Almaris, whilst including within it a great range of space to be used for different utilities, other than acting as residence for the Royal Family, some of its most notable locations are listed below Location: Walk straight into the city square as you enter Karosgrad from the main gates, then continue walking straight and up the stairs. _____________________________________________________________________________________ The Duma Hall The main wall in which the Haeseni legislative body, the Royal Duma, gathers every year to present, discuss, and vote on bills to improve the Haense and its laws Location: Staircase directly to the right as you enter the palace - be careful to take the staircase that’s to the right of the Gallery, rather than the most visible one, then go up. _____________________________________________________________________________________ The Royal Ballroom The official room in which the royal court holds balls and other celebratory events, featuring a piano and other instruments for quality Haeseni music, and a bar to serve quality Haeseni Carrion Black Location: Enter the throne room by going straight as you enter the palace, then take the door to the left. _____________________________________________________________________________________ The Feast Hall The go-to room for communal feasts, during which the feast is likely to get filled with Carrion Black and other delicious dishes from the Haeseni cuisine. In other cases, the hall may also be used for different meeting places, such as the Knights’ Gatherings for example. Location: Enter the throne room by going straight as you enter the palace, then take the door to the right. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Royal Art Gallery Being still a work in progress as more crates are awaiting arriving from Arcas, the Royal Art Gallery is used to commemorate some of the greatest and significant Haensemen, their companions and their stories; with an example being the magnificent Buckstallion I, Buck Dirtgrub’s trusty steed Location: First door to the right as you enter the palace _____________________________________________________________________________________ The Royal Tiltyard Being positioned right behind the palace, the Tiltyard features three podiums in total, one being utilized by the Crown and other important guests, while the other two podiums to the right and left of the main one allow for the jousting horses to be kept below the seats, and come out in a rather unique way. Location: Take the stairs to the right before entering the palace, then continue the road to get into the royal garden, follow the road to circle around the palace until you find the tiltyard. _____________________________________________________________________________________ The Royal Crypts The underground Crypts at the Palace’s Garden where the royal remains of the Kings of Yore rest; being placed as a place of memorial and commemoration towards the old and bold leaders of Hanseti-Ruska, so that they may forever rest in the land of the realm they helped build. Location: Take the stairs to the right before entering the palace, then continue the road to get into the royal garden, follow the road a bit more until you see a branch leading to the underground crypt. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Palace Library Main Contact: Grand Librarian, Father Alfred Barclay | @repl1ca One of the three major libraries in Haense, the other two located in the NGS Museum and the Academy. It is run by the Grand Librarian of the Royal Court, the library is still waiting to be filled with national books and texts of the Haeseni history, as well as other tomes of different subjects. Location: First door to the left as you enter the palace. _____________________________________________________________________________________ PROPERTIES OF THE CROWN The HRA Barracks Main Contact: Lord Marshal Manfred Barclay | @Coolcod77 The main location of operation of the Haeseni Royal Army and the Brotherhood of Saint Karl , in which the unified military of Haense joins together to hold training, rally, or for the officers and higher-ups to hold meetings, discuss strategies, etc. Featuring a smithy, a killhouse, stables, rooms and beds for the soldiers to sleep in, armory, and many other locations to serve the army. It also serves as one of the main places where the Lord Marshal of Haense can be found, and where those looking to enlist will most likely want to head over to. Location: Take the first turn right once you enter the city, then continue the path. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Bank and Auction Hous Other than simply hosting the only bank and auction house in Karosgrad that are currently operating, the building near the city’s square also serves as a place for the Lord Seneschal and his stewards to occasionally check up with citizens and answer their questions relating their properties Location: Go to the town square by continuing straight from the main entrance, then turn to the right road, the bank is the building to the right _____________________________________________________________________________________ Karosgrad’s City Hall Main Contact: Lord Maer Karl Amador | @Sander / Lord Seneschal Mio Mackensen | @Mio_ Serving as the main centre of operations for both the Maer and Stewards of Karosgrad, their offices can be found in the city hall. Also functioning as a main hub for people to find out who to contact, the Archives of Karosgrad can be found in the City Hall as well Location: The last building to the left as you continue straight from the city’s entrance _____________________________________________________________________________________ Saint Amyas Hospital Main Contact: Surgeon General Eleanor Amador | @madysenb Having saved the lives of many Haeseni in both the older and more recent past of the realm’s history, the main hospital of Karosgrad serves the same purpose as the ones before it, to save lives and cure people of their illnesses. The ideal place for physicians, medics and doctors to put their skills to use towards the wellness of the Kingdom, or for prospective apprentices in such a field to be trained Location: Go to the town square by continuing straight from the main entrance, then turn right and continue the road until you pass the gate arch, the hospital’s to the righ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Juliard Academ Main Contact: Hauchdragus Konstantin | @Xarkly Being a place in which knowledge, skill and information is spread to the younger generation, or at least the more curious of people, the academy Juliard Academy offers classes and courses of many kinds, namely Law, Medical, Music, etc. Truly a great place to get a proper Haeseni education, whether or not they decide to live in the city or the indoor dorms. The academy also offers a grand theatre, in which not only academy events will be hosted once the place is up and running again as we settle better into Almaris, but also public events, such as electoral debates are held every so often. Location: Go to the town square by continuing straight from the main entrance, then turn right and continue the road all the way, the Academy’s to the left _____________________________________________________________________________________ MERCHANT STORES AND STALLS The Old Stout Crow Pub Main Contact: Tarathiel Asul’onn | @altiar1011 The main tavern in which the Haeseni and the visitors of Karosgrad may gather for drinks and food. At times being the most crowded building in all of Haense, it’s the go-to place to find the best Carrion Black in town, filled with the exaggerated strut of the Haeseni culture Wares/ Services Food, drinks, etc. Location: Go to the town square by continuing straight from the main entrance, the tavern’s to the right corner in front of you. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Barclay Bargain Main Contact: Brandt Barclay | @GoodGuyMatt Ran by the Noble House of Barclay, “Barclay Bargains” consists of three main businesses: the “Barclay Waffen”, Smithers the “Edelweiss Diamante”, Jewlerers the “Barclay Weizenbrauerei”, Brewerers As of the migration to Almaris, the store main store is ran by the house in general, trading in a variety of goods whilst the participating businesses have been molten together and trade as one entity. Wares/ Services General goods, weapons, armors, commissioned smithed goods, beverages, jewelry, etc. Location: Fourth shop to the left of the main gates. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Wittenbach Warenhaus and Restaurant Main Contact: Otto Wittenbach | @Etow Wittenbach Warenhaus, The place for quality Liquor in Haense since the year 1761 of the first age! One of Karosgrads largest shops, with all kinds of liquor, foods, leatherwares, books, handcrafted items, gifts, plushies and much much more Wares/ Services Liquor, custom food, custom items, raw materials ,Leather products, books & more Location: Third shop to the left of the main gate. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Ruthern Co. Ltd Main Contact: Maric var Ruthern | @GMRO The stall ran and managed by the Noble Haeseni House of Ruthern. Wares/ Services Plushies, drinks. Location: To the left side of the city square, right beside the city hall. _____________________________________________________________________________________ HRA Army Good Main Contact: Lord Marshal Manfred Barclay | @Coolcod77 Consisting of a small cart located near the centre of the city, the official stall in which the HRA sell their products, such as the soldiers’ ale or other foods is a great way for the average citizen to both donate and help out the local army and soldiers, while also acquiring themselves some quality goods. Wares/ Services Ale, food, etc. Location: To the left side of the square just before climbing the stairs to the palace ____________________________________________________________________________________ The Serpent’s Bite Apothecary Main Contact: Joshua Sirsk | @InkGolem3k Though currently not trading on goods as the members of House Sirsk await for the alchemical tools to come from Arcas and the rest of the things used in such craft to be found in Almaris, the store appears to be interested in trading apothecary wares. Truly a unique business seen in Haense, and surely to be a needed one. Wares/ Services Potions, medical herbs, and other goods one can find at an apothecary. Location: Fourth shop to the right of the main gate. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Mondblume Wild Ware Main Contact: Ozark Mondblume | @0zark / Hildebrand Mondblume | @Zachary725 To the adventurous, a call is made to come on down to Mondblume Wild Wares where we have all your adventure gear for your exploration adventures through Almaris! The wilderness can be harsh and unforgiving, but a well stocked adventurer can conquer mother nature. Wares/ Services Wilderness exploration equipment, bows, strings, arrows, medical herbs, and more Location: Second building to the left of the main gate _____________________________________________________________________________________ Ludovar Mining Company Main Contact: Kazimar Ludovar | @HogoBojo With the stall belonging to the noble House of Ludovar, trading mainly in mining, as they go by the motto “We mine it, you buy it.” Wares/ Services Ores Location: First stall to the right once you enter the square. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Stafyr Färberei Main Contact: Damron Stafyr / Aldrik Kortevich | @Z3r05t4r Following up on the previous establishment of the Stafyr Färberei founded by Altaron II. Stafyr on Axios, the Stafyr family returns to the dye trade. Colors of all kinds and of exquisite quality to suit all your needs for dyes. Wares/ Services Dyes and food supplies Location: Last stall to the left of the square. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Schattenburg Farmed Good Main Contact: Franz Leopold | @Gusano Schattenburg Farmed Goods and Farm Supplies is the #1 vendor of food and other farm supplies to the people of Karosgrad. Wares/ Services Foods, bone meal, cotton, wool. Location: First stall to the right once you enter the square, at the very end corner. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Vykk Co. - Haense Branc Main Contact: Diome Indoren Orlanth | @Orlanth The Vykk Co. Haense Branch serves to provide cheap and easy access to supplies that are often in high demand. If a major order needs to be placed then any branch of Vykk Co. may be contacted, and the request shall be forwarded to the Vykk Co. main branch located in Norland. Wares/ Services Food, Tools and miscellaneous items available at all times. Just about anything on request. Location: First stall to the left once you enter the square _____________________________________________________________________________________ d’Arkent Deal Main Contact: Victoria Anne d'Arkent | @AnonymousAlexa Ran by the Orenian House d’Arkent, their business sells a variety of goods, going with the motto “Almaris Runs on d'Arkent” Wares/ Services Raw materials, tools, custom items and goods Location: At the corner of the first right turn from the gates, facing the gates. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Buckfort’s Anything and Everything Main Contact: William Buckfort | PlagueDocling A general goods store in which you are guaranteed to find something you like, offering anything from toys and sweets to alternative medicine and weaponry Wares/ Services Great variety of goods, including bandages, chocolates, jewelry, flower bouquets, wooden toys, etc. Location: Second shop to the right of the main gate. _____________________________________________________________________________________ PLACES OF INTEREST The City Square Being the center in which the rest of the city is based on, the square consists of a main circle in the middle, in which the Haeseni flag and its black crow has been painted, with market stalls surrounding it in almost every side, and the place right by it. It is usually the busiest outdoors location in Karosgrad during normal days, with people moving about and merchants selling their goods. During the Krugmas season a decorated tree is placed in the middle of the centre circle. Location: Straight ahead from the main gates. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Saint Henrik’s Basilica Main Contact: Bishop Benedict| @Piov Resting in a rather accessible and obvious location, the Saint Henrik’s Basilica, named after the Haeseni Saint Henrik Bihar. Aside from its spiritual value, the Catherdral is also an impressive architectural build. Whilst being possibly one of the biggest and most impressive Basilicas Haense has ever seen; with a beautifully crafted glass floor, it makes this place of worship appear almost as if it’s built twice. With masses being held occasionally, so far this has been the go-to Basilica for all of the spiritual rituals held in Haense Location: Left of the city’s square. _____________________________________________________________________________________ The Northern Geographical Society Museu Main Contact: Celestine | @AndrewTech Although not yet filled with the relics and memories of old, still awaiting full transportation from Arcas, the exterior and interior of the Museum ran by the National Geographic Society has already found itself furnished and ready to accept the history of Haense into it. Having served previously as one of the best places for someone to learn more of and witness the old history of Haense first hand, the current museum is likely to have the same, or at least a similar function. With a considerable amount of space, aside from exhibitions new and old, the building also features an extensive library, able to hold a considerable amount of books and knowledge. This truly has to be a scholar’s dream on a good day. Location: Take the road to the right of the city’s square, pass by the arched gate and then turn left _____________________________________________________________________________________ The Harbor Serving as the most accessible and direct connection of Karosgrad to the largest body of water near it, the Southern harbor, as expected, is a place frequented by sailors, traders, travelers, workers, and a different variety of people. With a weak amount of the south wind blowing inwards the city, the harbor tends to be a rather calm and warm place most days. With warehouses where wood, food, or other materials are stored, the place is filled with boats in and out of it, most of which appear to be Haeseni. The lighthouse found further down the southern road of the harbor offers the wandering ships and boats a guiding light in the dark, whilst also being a rather cozy looking structure. Somewhat oddly enough, the fresh, sweet and interesting scent of natural sugar can be inhaled to those around the harbor, with the source of such smell being the sugarcanes growing along the water-touched land, allowing the locals to harvest them once they’re grown properly. Location: Simply follow the road to the right of the square until you reach the harbor. For the lighthouse, follow the road right once you’re inside the harbor _____________________________________________________________________________________ The Northern Hollow Mountains Stretching along the northern regions of the Haeseni land, white, icy mountains rise up above, making the road to going north both hard and one of the most wondrous views in Almaris. As these mountains grow tall, they also appear to have been growing empty on the inside. Though icy and empty, the land formation seems to be stable enough for now, with structures already constructed to allow for transportation in and out of the mountains safely. Spikes grow off these icy giants, slippery though climbable, allowing for the wandering sightseer to find themselves a truly majestic sight. As normally happens, with ice and snow comes the cold of the mountains, and these ones are no exceptions, differently, these feel even colder, almost like the one where GOD imprisoned Iblees in the time before man. Thus, as goes for the rest of the Haeseni regions, it is recommended that warm clothing is worn around these landscapes. Location: North of Karosgrad (Building at -7, -2800) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CREDITS
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