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  1. A letter for my kin, the Mali’fenn. 13th of Snow’s Maiden, Year 4 of the Second Age. “I am writing this letter to those who share my blood. To those who regard themselves as Mali’fenn. If this reaches you, then know that I rejoice in the fact my kin are not extinct. I have spoken face to face with some of you, but to my understanding I have not exchanged words with all of you. Furthermore, I have likely not formally met those remnants. To introduce myself to you, I am Aesilnoth Tundrak. Formerly the Commander and later Grand Marshal of the Ivae’fenn, High Justiciar of Tahu’lareh, and protector of Hesin’fin. Since my birth in the Citadel of Acael, I had long served our blessed Princedom under the rule of my greatest friend, Aelthir Tundrak II. And later under my nephew, one whom I had helped raise, Aelthos Tundrak III. Never had I believed to find myself anywhere, but Fenn. However, a great many events occurred just after the construction of Tahu’lareh. My own Haelun’s sister, Sulien Annungilben, was gravely wounded patrolling the northern roads. I carried what remained of her to our clinic, where she subsequently died in my arms. Her remains were encased in ice and sat in the crypt as all honorable Fenn would be. Very quickly however, her death was overshadowed by the passing of Aelthir Tundrak II the Grand Prince. Who unfortunately passed after the conclusion to the War of Two Emperors. To this day his death weighs heavy on my mind. I only wish those of you who hadn’t, could have met him. His remains had not been recovered, for had they been, I would have seen to it that they were placed next to his late wife and the former Grand Princess Arahaelth Aureon. The Sparrow Druid. During my nephew Aelthos’ reign, I ascended to the title of Grand Marshal of the Ivae’fenn. A position in which I claimed several victories for our blessed Princedom. It was during this time that I was severely undermined by the Grand Chancellor of the time. A severe blow to my pride as the Lord Commander, despite my victories I had not garnered their faith. Soon after we rid the plaguelands of Llyria from the grasp of the dark and demented. Yet, my nephew Aelthos forced me to relinquish the title of Grand Marshal until further notice. Even then, I complied and returned to my post as Valkyr. A heated argument between Aelthos and I ended with my resignation from the Valkyrim. I then left the Princedom as my faith in Aelthos diminished. Soon after a truly dark period for Fenn ensued. The Ascension of Aldred Tundrak “The Unworthy” was one of uncertainty. For how long Aelthir had led, it was strange to have another change to the crown so soon. And unfortunately this change was for the worst. After my exodus from the Princedom, I returned sometime later to ease my homesickness. Only to find that dark mages were being allowed entry. A horrendous sight, one I sought to end. Knowing in my heart that true Mali’fenn would see this as a great error on Aldred’s behalf, but my intuition had failed me that day. Aldred ordered the Ivae’fenn and threatened the neighboring ally Irrinor to arrest me under attempted regicide. A crime of which I was innocent. I was thrown into a cell after being beaten and left to await for my trial. Or so I had thought. Aldred had forgone all the laws of our nation. Laws of which I helped write as the High Justiciar. My very rights and honor were stripped by my nephew, who sentenced me to severe punishment. The Grand Marshal Aroiia Drakon entered into my cell alongside a Valkyr. Both of which were former subordinates of mine. They then proceeded to beat me further, an unarmed prisoner in chains. I screamed at the top of my lungs for them to stop. Grasping at any sliver of hope that they would see the error in their ways, but they refused. It was then that a warhammer was equipped and used in an attempt to cripple me for life. After my limbs sustained heavy damages, I was then left in a cell to die. No final words and no goodbyes. The world around me began to fade. Slipping in and out of consciousness from the pain I felt. Had my daughter Rhaella Tathvir not found me in that cell, I would be dead. She smuggled me out of the city and brought me to the Prince Feanor of Aegrothond, our Princedoms once great ally and closest friends. It was there that Feanor saved my life. And it was then, that I found a home within Elvenesse. My days slowly dragged on as I rehabilitated my body. Only a mere blink of an eye for our lifespans. I could finally breathe again, but my mind still swirled at the thought of what had occurred over the previous decades. That was when I was yet again insulted by my motherland. A proclamation from my nephew Akkar Tundrak, deeming that my name should be stripped and I not recognized as ‘Fenn because I did not live within the walls of Tahu’lareh. The anger I felt at that moment was indescribable. Needless to say, I did not take this slight easily and in the end my name remained. Once again, I continued to live my life. Aelthos Tundrak III would return later on to reclaim the throne. Akkar’s rule was soiled by that of a false Vigilant. Prophetic ramblings of Wyrvun and “his six.”, a poison that would soon lead to our blessed Princedoms' destruction. For all true Mali’fenn, it is known that we are bound in the Wyrvunic contract. The Aengul Wyrvun, Lord of the deep cold is our savior and deity. Our very existence is owed to him, as he saved our ancestors from madness. And thus you see that there is no room for “Six.” there is only “One.”. To dedicate time to worship of anything other than Wyrvun is an insult, one that had come to fruition during the waning years of the Princedom. Soon Aelthos would return and reclaim the throne from his son. And for the first time, I had made my peace with my nephew. Merely a few years later, he would pay me a visit. Offered me the Crowns of both Grand Prince and Princess, before he set off into the world. And to my knowledge, no one has heard or seen of him since. Should he have passed on into Wyrvun’s eternal hall of Aira’fin, then may he Rest in Peace. And thus began the crumble of our Princedom. As the war against the Inferi raged, on a particularly somber day, two great flashes appeared. The first, a dragon of the Druidic grove descended into the mortal plane once more. And the second, was the sudden and unexpected cataclysm of Tahu’lareh and the lone mountain. One, that after speaking with Velatha Sylric at length, I have learned destroyed our history, our culture, and our memories. The remains of the first Snow Elves. My aunt Sulien, many ‘fenn I would have died for. Gone in an instant, never to be recovered. Our written history and records turned into ash. Thus I offer this lesson in history to you all. And it is for you ‘fenn and you alone to decide your thoughts on it. For freedom of thought has always been a facet of our race, to never be squandered or censored. And it is this freedom, which always allows the truth to come to light. Believe in your hearts and you shall never stray from a noble path. Have faith, my kin. Faith in yourselves and faith in Wyrvun our savior. And always remember this. Wyrvun’s mortal realm, Hesin’fin, is not always a frigid wasteland. Many make the mistake believing that Wyrvun’s domain is always a physical place. But it is not. For his domain resides wherever the hearts of Mali’fenn reside. Whether we be a flotilla among an open sea, or within the deep roads under a mountain, Hesin’fin is us. I understand there are those among you who have cast out the name Tundrak. For it is your belief that they abandoned you. This sentiment is one that I understand. So, on behalf of my bloodline: I apologize for my nephew Aldred’s madness, I apologize for my nephew Akkar’s idleness, and I apologize for my nephew Aelthos’ rule in absentia. And I offer my own sincere apology, for not being present when perhaps I was needed the most. I invite any and all of you to an open correspondence with myself, for I would like to exchange words with you. Even take a step further if you wish, pay me a visit within the lands of Elvenesse as Velatha Sylric has. Meet with me face to face, one ‘fenn to another. I look forward to hearing from my kin.” Signed with regards, Aesilnoth Tundrak.
  2. Royal Missive - Missing dog Issued and confirmed by Her Majesty, Queen Isabel Franziska Barbanov, 354 ES Her Royal Highness, the Prinzenas Royal Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov, baroness of Antioch’s dog has gone missing. A finder’s prize of 500 minas will be given to those that can find the dog and return it safely to the Nikirala Prikaz in the kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. He will respond to the name Alexei, his fur is black and white with brown eyes and has a gold collar on its neck. It is a well trained dog and around 3 years of age. [!] A painting of Alexei the dog is included in the missive, it seems to have been done by a professional. SIGNED, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Isabel Franziska Barbanov, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska
  3. [!] Dust seems to decorate the ancient parchment. The corners of the paper have but crumbled. It is clear this letter is old, at least a couple centuries, perhaps even more. To the beloved daughter, It was a beautiful day. Choirs consisting of different birds, all singing in tune. The sun and the moon facing each other, how magical it felt. It was right then when Gwynaeth took a look at me, her face filling with joy as you were delivered into this world. Nuala, we decided to call you. For the never ending respect for Gwynaeth’s beloved llir. A child, born under the darkening sun. You are meant for greatness. Your life will be filled with ups and downs, however Uradir blood runs through your veins; that purity shall always guide you forward. Nothing and no one can ever deny your birthright. If it is ever that we may not meet again, never forget that your haelun and maln loves you, Nuala of Uradir. Signed, Moederai Uradir, a proud father
  4. Tournament of Nations The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska extends an invitation to every nation and settlement all across the continent of Almaris to send their most valiant warrior to represent their people in the Tournament of Nations. The victor of this tournament will be bestowed the honorary title of Champion of Almaris and be gifted a decorative olive wreath signifying their victory. After the tournament, we will head to the tavern for drinks and various tavern games. The Tournament will consist of two brackets, a winners and losers bracket. Once someone loses a match, they will jump to the losers bracket where they still have a chance, with whoever makes it through the losers bracket making it to the final matchup. Each round will have a different weapon, so that the winner is truly the best, and everyone has equal chances. We wish the best of luck to every nation, and hope that they will join us during this contest. Invitations are hereby extended to: The Holy Orenian Empire The Grand Kingdom of Urguan The Silver State of Haelun’or The Kingdom of Norland The Rexdom of Krugmar The Free Trade State of Sutica The Crown of Elvenesse The Druidic Order The Sheikdom of Al’Faiz The Province of Vaelya Marsumar Talon’s Port If you would like to participate, but are not listed above, please fill out this form: Settlement/Group: Leader’s OOC Name: Leader’s RP Name: OOC INFO SINCE I WAS STUPID AND FORGOT IT: Sunday 12/27 4:00PM EST PLEASE ARRIVE 15 MINUTES IN ADVANCE This is a PVP only tournament! If each nation lead could contact me on discord (Aidoro#0946) with the username of their champion OR at the time of event message me ingame (Aidoro) so we don't have people arguing that would be appreciated. One per nation! Please try to select a backup as well in case the original cannot make it. Nations / Settlements can choose their champion however they wish, but each will only be allowed to have ONE participate.
  5. As issued 22nd of The First Seed, 1795 BY ORDER OF THE GRAND MARSHAL The following reforms to the training schedules of the Legion of Urguan, the main defensive body of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, shall be put into practice EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY for the betterment and security of Dwarven Legionnaires: STATUTE I: SCHEDULE Legion practices shall henceforth be hosted by the Grand Marshal or one of his Commanders (or failing this a Thane) on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 4 PM EST, with Wednesday being for Division I, and Friday is for Division II. Saturday is the general training and all should attend. However, those in one division can attend the other divisional training and honor will be awarded for both. STATUTE II: HONOR Honor for training and other acts will be distributed by an officer to those that attended the training. This will be updated on the roster. STATUTE III: PAYMENT Payment shall be distributed at the general training on Saturdays to those active legionnaires who attend. If you do not attend this training you will not be paid for that week, unless good reason is provided. Payment will not be given to those that do not attend both the Divisional training and the Saturday general training. STANDARD STRUCTURE FOR LEGION TRAINING SESSIONS Begin by paying the present soldiers if the training is Saturday BEGIN WITH FORMATIONS TRAINING: AEMIZ, VEL, DREE VEL. TEKOM AND FACES are optional for it is situational, perhaps do it once every two weeks at general training. Official Training will then commence, with CRP and or PVP and other Acts being decided upon by the highest-ranking officer. MELEE COMBAT CRP GUIDE: Legionnaire groups of even numbers shall be matched up against one another to learn how to fight hand-to-hand with training weapons against other contingent groups. This aims to replicate battle better than one on one fighting, as battle involves multiple soldiers. ONE ON ONE shall be taught if the commanding officer wishes. Depending on the commanding officer, CRP training can be any one of a list of options from what is mentioned above to training with specific weapons in roleplay to roleplay events against animals or monsters for instance. SKIRMISH PVP GUIDE: Groups of an even number of legionnaires will fight off in PVP with gear decided by the commanding officer present, the two teams then move over to two sides of a battlefield, both teams separating into two VC’s in discord. The commanding officer will choose the PVP leader of each group. A countdown will be done after the two groups have time to formulate a plan, then facing off in PVP as according to the commanding officer’s battlefield rules. CAVALRY TRAINING [ON SATURDAY ONLY]: In this form of training, horses will be shared and the players attending will practice horse PVP, mainly in the form of strafing and the act of mobility in combat. The horses given will be kept alive at all costs because they are an expensive asset. JOINT ALLY TRAINING: [Whenever Scheduled by the Two Military leaders or Commanders] In this training, Urguan and a nation which it has a military alliance with will train with each other to form a closer bond within the alliance’s forces. Any of the above trainings may be done, along with various things decided upon by the Military leaders present. ONCE THE TRAINING IS COMPLETED AND THE PLAYER’S DISMISSED. An attending officer shall look at the screenshot or list of names of the attendees, giving out the honor earned to each of the players on the roster. TRAINING COMPLETION: + 10 Honor MISUSE OF ISSUED EQUIPMENT: -20 Honor SPEAKING AGAINST SUPERIOR OFFICERS: -15 Honor HARASSMENT/ASSAULT OF FELLOW LEGIONNAIRES: -20 Honor INSUBORDINATION/DISOBEDIENCE: -15 Honor GOING STARK RAVING MAD: -100 Honor Grand Marshal of the Legion of Urguan, Thank you to @Titanium430 and @Nolan_ for their exceptional help with this
  6. A long time ago, there lived a beautiful girl in a castle deep inside the forest. She was always alone, so she was lonely and bored. So one day, she left the castle to find herself a friend to play with. She offered them all sorts of amazing gifts, but nobody ever accepted her. Later on, she found out why. A monster who brings along the shadow of death. That’s what the people called her. “ She’s a monster. A monster. “ She was very angry at every living soul in the world. And she needed to take it out on someone. Ever since she unexpectedly saved the boy from dying, the scary shadow that always followed her around suddenly disappeared. And the boy always followed her around instead.He always went with her whether it was day or night and whether she was in the mountains or a field . On a clear and sunny day, the girl asked him this. “Hey, will you always stay by my side?” “Of course. I will never run away. “ “Even if I do this?” She held a butterfly, and tore it apart and the girl was all alone again, and the shadow of death came back and whispered this. “No one can ever stay by your side, because you’re a monster. Do not ever forget that. Do you understand?” “Yes, Mother.” As the story book closed, there were several feverish cries, followed by a shushing as a familiar boy with azure eyes remarked hastily to his younger counterpart only for her to bawl incessantly. He would be punished that day by their mother. In present times, as the older de Astrea explored the hustle and bustle of the city, he worried about her, but yet, knew that he could not dote and protect her. When you love something, you had to let it go, or it became nothing but the sin of obsession. Therein lies an issue, a plight exacerbated as he could do little to stop her from being pelted with food during her first visit to the city. Deliberations concluded. And as sure as the sun rises from the east, there was a foul stench of nightmares stitched into the future of the de Astrea, an unavoidable fate as the maelstrom of the realm hurled around them. Yielding to such circumstances was heretical. Therein lies a challenge for the heartlanders to struggle, to contest and resist fading into obscurity in the brief thread in time they accompanied. As the midnight oil burns, the older de Astrea reaches to rest an arm on the shoulder of the younger de Astra. “You will never be a monster. “ He tucked her to bed as a lethargic tranquility besmears them in slumber. His dreams drifting into idealizations of varying hopes for the future, of his own personal adoration of his sister manifesting to finding and protecting a proper home for the migratory family among the descendants. It was no mere feat to find a place to belong, with drifters often fading with the wind, as the relentless winds of fate blows upon all. Crucially, for the sails of his family to catch wind, it had to be patched and fixed...but, it remained so, that the very shedding terror they dread may return easily once again. Once more, his sleep was uneasy and filled with discomfort.
  7. *Posters placed in several large cities* My name is Flower, I am wishing to learn about herbs and the use of them in medicine. I am willing to pay to be trained in the creation of medical salves and the likes using nature. I have knowledge of where several herbs grow already and could supply them. If you can train me send a bird to me at Talons Grotto.
  8. [!] A poster is put up anywhere legal within Arcas. To those reading this, Umi is looking for anyone who may know of a way or how to themselves of how she could get her voice back. Umis voicebox was torn out as a cub and she looks for a way to gain it back. Umi does know of one way, that of the Animii, an artificial voicebox could be made. If someone with this knowledge could come forth, or someone that could at least surgically insert the voicebox inside did, Umi would pay handsomely. Please bird Umi if you have a reply, please and thank you! [!] The poster is signed at the end, with a paw print with a UL in the middle. [OOC: Message or bird tadabug2000 or my Discord, beautifulwatty#6584.]
  9. The trade of Ed Roberts We’ll be trading off Ed Roberts for a sum of ten thousand minas. If this minas is not handed over then we’ll kill the man and hang him from one of the various large trees in Kaedrin. If you wish to meet with me, I’ll be at Cloud Temple.
  10. HOUSE TELEMNAR A Comprehensive Guide, by Olórin Telemnar. Seed. 12th of the Deep Cold, 02 SA ~Introduction~ The House of Telemnar is a noble family of sea elves whose roots trace back to the firstborn son of Malin, Sylvaen Everflame. They claim their elder descent through the bloodline of Telemnar Sylvaeri, an esteemed mariner of the ancient world and custodian of the high seas. In the present age, they have established their home within the Princedom of Elvenesse. ~Ancient History~ In years of yore, in the wake of the Aegisian wars, upon the rattled Almenodrim was imposed exile, their society setting out across the vast oceans, departing Old Malinor. The subsequent centuries of voyaging and chartering culminated in an almighty seaborne civilisation, with great citadels of solid stone being raised upon even the most distant of shorelines. Through these bustling ports did both resources and wealth flow, enriching the lives of the indulging elven mariners for generations. Yet, so too with wealth did greed foster, and in its wake was born an age of piracy. Beyond the sheltered citadels, no merchant could ever hope to find refuge from plundering seadogs, and there were none more feared than the Dread Pirate Kaer. A silver-maned elf, infamously skilled at the mast and honed with a brutal instinct of cunning. His black ships, like the tentacles of a merciless kraken, crushed any unfortunate vessel caught within their grip, thus seizing mass hauls of bullion and spices. Said stolen fortune was enough to secure any one elf a luxurious life, but a vast deposit of gold could also fund greater ambitions. Kaer’s treasury was vast, but he lacked a sustainable port at which to dock, where he could unload his cargo and resupply without fear, nor bounty. None were more capable of providing such a prize than the Almenodrim. Intoxicated by craving desires, the Dread Pirate emptied his coffers, mustered an armada of over a hundred ships and like a tidal wave descended upon the trade colony of Ellerina, now present-day Amathea. At his back stood an army of ruthless mercenaries, hell-bent on breaching the outer walls and taking the Almenorean harbours for their own. They bombarded the coast and set the blockade, sealing in the garrison whom they sought to starve out. Word swiftly travelled to every corner of the established realm, with no more than two weeks having passed before ravens reached the citadel of Aegrothond itself. Ellerina, an established territory of the Crown, was under siege by a sizable seaborne opponent. At this revelation, Sea Prince Aegnor I sought the counsel of his most trusted advisors for three days and nights. Ultimately, a retaliation was in order, and so the Prince called upon his most valiant nephew, Telemnar Sylvaeri. Aegnor set him the task of assembling a fleet and breaking the siege upon the colony, for none amongst the Almenodrim were more adept at the helm. Telemnar, with fervent loyalty, obeyed his liege’s command. The fleet of warships, hastily assembled, numbered no more than forty, but what it lacked in size it compensated for in speed. Kaer had banked on securing the colony before his opponents could muster a relief force, but the starved garrison stood with the strength of a tower, for another month repelling every wave that dared crash against the shore. The corsairs, impatient and restless, grew so fixated with their objective that they had turned their eyes away from their perimeter. On the eve of the new moon, Sylvaeri’s fleet arrived, finding the stricken harbour battered and smouldering. Although the foe was ignorant to their arrival, Kaer still outnumbered the Almenodrin host near three to one. An attack in broad daylight would spell disaster and defeat. But Telemnar was cunning as a tactician and so he ordered the crews of two ships to disembark, the wooden hulks now to serve a separate purpose in his campaign. They waited until nightfall whenever the corsairs had retired and gloom clouded their vision. Within the darkness, crews awoke to the frantic tolling of bells, paving the way to a blood-curdling realisation. Two fireships steered straight into the heart of the armada, unleashing terror among the ranks of the immobile mercenaries. In the spur of the moment, many prematurely cut anchor, rendering their ill-prepared vessels vulnerable to the treacherous tides. Telemnar’s decisiveness had forged an opportunity and his warships subsequently tore into the chaos at full sail. Awoken to disarray, Kaer found himself trapped between impregnable cliffs and waters ablaze. In gracious formation, the swan prows of the Almenodrin host fell upon the flagship, timber hulls colliding in a shower of splinters. At the bow of the foremost vessel stood the black-maned Sylvaeri, clad in a silver habergeon wrought like fishes’ mail. The marines of Aegrothond disembarked, pouring onto the deck of the corsair ship. Blades rang in a brutal battle of blood and steel, and amidst it clashed Kaer and Telemnar. The Dread Pirate and Sea Lord exchanged blows and equal ire, both cutlass and falchion notched and horridly streaked with crimson. Yet, as the morning sun rose over the red bay, it was Telemnar who seized victory, lashing Kaer from navel to collarbone and sending him sprawling into the churning waves below. Broken and scarred, he was soundly hauled from the dark abyss by his sons, with what remained of their forces retreating beyond the horizon. With the foe’s ambitions thwarted and the armada either routed or ran aground, a triumphant horn sounded from the distant harbour, signalling the long-awaited end to the siege. As a reward for his exceptional service, Sea Prince Aegnor I installed upon Telemnar the right to bear his own standard - one that, alongside his name, would be passed down for generations to come. ~Customs~ The House of Telemnar take great pride in their traditional customs, many of which stem from the common practises of their people, the Almenodrim. They are largely mariners by trade, remarkably skilled before the mast and often found at the helm of a vessel. Indeed, it is nigh impossible to come across one who lacks the knowledge to crew a seaworthy ship. The family is also known to have fostered remarkable artisans and smiths, often contributing to the rigging of ships and fashioning of armaments. So beloved is the sea that they have adopted a sentimental practice in accordance with their lifestyle. On the eve of a lengthy seaward expedition, it is expected of a spouse to present a wreath woven of coniferous branches to their better half, which is then fastened to the prow of the boat as a charm of good fortune. Blessed are those who bear such an offering, for it is believed they shall ultimately return home unscathed. Peculiarly, the Telemnars are also regarded as one of few branches of Almenodrim who still pay homage to an old animistic deity, the mystical Goddess of the Sea. Adherence to this ancient creed is typically conveyed via prayers uttered upon voyages or depictions of an oceanic lady in crafted icons, murals and tapestries. However, their most revered tradition, in taking after their cousins in the House of Sylvaeri, would be the custom known as the Oath of the Seven. A sacred vow sworn by all members to come of age in commemoration of the Seven Sons of Sylvaen. It is then accompanied by the application of rings crafted from Bloodsilver, set upon the prospect’s finger still fiery from the forge. Over the centuries, the Oath has instilled values of integrity and honour within the family. To violate it is to disgrace yourself and to turn your back on the bloodline. ~Characteristics~ Historically, the House of Telemnar has carried distinctive traits, largely those tied to direct scions of Sylvaen. Elves of this bloodline are universally tall in stature, usually bearing skin of a fair and ageless complexion, though occasionally tanned due to working within the sea trade. Their ears are also relatively modest, often more refined and smaller proportioned. In elder days, the family were known to bear long weaves of raven-black hair. Yet, in recent centuries, this has been largely phased out by fairer shades of both blond and copper, the former more common in the present age. However, their most distinctive features would be the colours of their eyes; either neutral grey - commonly attributed to Sylvaen himself. Or alternatively, luminous teal - uniquely reserved to descendants of the main line.
  11. The Disappearance of Mr. d’Emyth - Everything was normal at the d’Emyth home that night, in fact, upon close inspection the house would be spotless, perhaps as if a maid had come earlier that day. Each and every table had been dusted, along with each book individually. The vases were shining, and the floor well swept and the only thing illuminating the inside of the home would be a dimly lit fire. As the hours passed, the sun would soon rise, and along with it, the many children within the household. As they made their way downstairs, they’d begin to fetch breakfast, and get ready for the day. Soon one of the kids would make their way to the front door, and find it… Slightly ajar. The family found this peculiar, as they remembered closing it last night. When they looked around their house they’d notice everything in order. The youngest child made his way into his father's office, only to find a few books scattered upon the desk, a few volumes missing, as well as a few maps. As they continued to look, they figured they would alert their parents to the opened door, and as they crept their way through the house into their parents bedroom, they’d notice one specific thing was missing… Alexander Leopold.
  12. The Sentinels of Elvenesse. In it’s reformation the elves of Almenor and the woodland realm join forces. Their purpose, to maintain a level of peace and prosperity for the homeland of Elvenesse. As the two cultures joined into one city, so too did the elven warriors of each land. A new golden age, men and women of Elvenesse prepared to maintain peace and justice by any means necessary. These Sentinels of the elven realm duly sworn by oath, to maintain tranquility in this new age. An oath crafted in brotherhood against the invading Inferi, to be sworn before the oathtaker’s god or gods of choice. “In solidarity I do swear to defend the innocent. By my honor I will defend the realm of Elvenesse. By virtuous right, I will protect all of Malin’s descendants. With vigilance, I will repel those who stand against us. And with unity, I will stand with my brothers and sisters in arms.” Upon these spoken words, the fledgling is considered a Sentinel. Sealing their bond to the Realm of Elvenesse and the Crown of Storms in perpetuity. These vows are meant to be taken for life. The only way they could be rescinded is in death, or by word of the High Prince. The Sentinels are divided into three separate sects. The Sect of Guidance: Chief Commandant: A title belonging to the High Prince himself. Without need of introduction, the High Prince reigns as the highest authority in the Realm of Elvenesse. And thus garners the highest authority over the Sentinels. In full control and ability to make arbitrary decisions unilaterally. Commander: Given to the worthiest of elven warriors. This position boasts the highest authority amongst the Sentinels, second only to the High Prince. A position granted only by the High Prince himself. Given to the most worthy amongst the Sentinels. This position is in full command of the Sentinels infantry as well as aquatic units. The only military action a Commander may not decide on their own is in declaration of war or annexation of lands. Which will require the approval of the High Prince. The High Prince may at any time after deliberation with their council, remove a current and select a successor for the Commander’s title. So long as a removal is warranted under the Codex of Laws under the Realm of Elvenesse. Lord Commander of the Maehr’evar: As the name refers, a position given to the Maehr’evar’s Lord Commander only during times of active and open conflict. While the Maehr’evar order maintains it’s solidarity in peacetime, during official and open conflict the Lord Commander will hold a level of command over the Sentinels. While the Lord Commander’s orders are to be carried out, they should never directly or indirectly conflict with the orders of higher ranked officials. The Sect of Vigilance: Warden: The official officer rank within the Sentinels. Only given to a maximum of two individuals at one time. Serving as a mid level officer rank, this dual office is handed to only the two most capable of the Sentinels. The rank is offered as an opt-in position, meaning a Sentinel can choose to refuse the promotion. The two positions are filled after deliberation amongst the Sect of Guidance. However, a Warden can be removed by any one of the Sect of Guidance. Afterwhich, the position may only be filled by aforementioned means. The Wardens of the Sentinels are meant to be the most competent. Meaning they should never falter or hesitate in the heat of combat. Able to lead smaller parties of troops should they be separated from the main force. A Warden also holds the ability to command a full garrison of troops, should one be installed. Zealot: Comprising of the most elite Sentinels. Promoted by a Warden after displaying acts of valor or courage in battle. Zealots are select Sentinels that prove to be outstanding in battle. While not officially the rank of an officer, they do still hold more weight than that, of an average Sentinel. The promotion to Zealot gains those the ability to lead small fireteams of four to five Sentinels. However, only after approval from a Warden or above. Should a Zealot find themselves the highest ranked Sentinel among a group larger than four to five, their standing orders are to return that group to the Realm of Elvenesse. While there is no limit on a maximum number of Zealots, it is not a rank meant to be oversaturated. The Sect of Honor: Sentinel: The main body of enlisted military personnel, for the Realm of Elvenesse. A large and overwhelming force, able to mobilize at a moment’s notice. This rank belongs to the vast majority of enlisted elves within the Sentinels. Attained after a Recruit recites their vows before their deity of choice. A symbolic ceremony to show their devotion and resolve. As such, any elf who wishes to call themself a Sentinel of Elvenesse must prove not only to those around them, but to themselves. For a Sentinel should look even upon impossible odds, with a smile on their face and steadfastness in their hearts. Recruits: The rank issued upon conscription into the Sentinels of Elvenesse. An initial training phase of the Sentinels, officers will evaluate the competence of each Recruit in a variety of combat scenarios. Once an Elf is conscripted into the Sentinels, they shall begin as a Recruit. During this time, their ability and decision making skills will be evaluated by a higher ranking official. Recruits are promoted or evaluated at varying times from one another. A Recruit could find themselves promoted and reciting their vows mere days after enlistment, all the way to years down the line. There are no prerequisites to become a Recruit. However, in order to be promoted to the rank of Sentinel, a Recruit must show a certain level of competence and confidence in varying combat environments. Once an officer can verify and “vouch” for a Recruit, they may be given the opportunity to recite their vows.
  13. ~The Season of Rebirth~ Almaris. What has this new land brought to the world? A sanctuary away from the horrid natural disasters that ultimately lead to the end of Arcas? New lands to explore and colonize? Well, young Hildebrand found something else. Something that he felt meant more than new land to explore. Or even a new kingdom that would hold great promise for the, now, independent Haense. He found a rebirth. Once the Drifter had passed, the talk of bounty dealings had mostly vanished from the talks, throughout the kingdom of Haense. Though, this once widely known, juvenile, the operation didn’t go out entirely. Nothing is ever truly dead the moment they die. When one passes, no matter who it might have been, they leave behind a legacy. It is whoever takes this and makes something of their memories that will, in the end, keep them alive (in essence). If no one carries their legacy on, then the lost soul will just drift away into the darkness of the unknown. ~A Gleaming Legacy [Prologue]~ Exploring the streets of Haense, Hildebrand spewed out the pipe smoke into the chilled air that filled the beautiful night sky. He’d pass through the inn, the square, the barracks. All he could think of was the Drifter. Without his wagon, would his legacy meet its end? After a few hours of brooding over this simple question, Hildebrand began to feel a need for vengeance, arising deep within his heart. After all, Lincoln Ignius still lingered on somewhere within Almaris. His mentor’s passing would tear the poor lad up inside. Making him question his ideals and morality. Eventually, standing from where he sat against the barracks wall, Hildebrand began to then make his way toward one of the entrances into the sewers. The cold night only became chillier, as he walked through the wet sewers of the sleeping city. Eventually, Hildebrand ended up encountering a small, little opening within the walls of the sewer. The boy began to drag all that he owned into there, the following morning; putting his bounty dealing cove together after a while. Once all was said and done, Hildebrand grasped a knife and hurled it forward at the poster of Lincoln Ignius he had hung up. “I will honor your legacy Drifter. Though you were quite a sly and selfish mentor, you were still my mentor.” The young man spoke in anguish, clenching his fist tightly whilst he longed for the day to see the man who put an end to his mentor, dead. In ashes, embers always live on. It is if we choose to reignite those embers that make legacies live on. With all that has been said, I welcome you to The Season of Rebirth. (OOC message): I am so ecstatic right now! Just now getting the post out for the start of the new season. I admit there were some flaws last season (that will be addressed now). But first, and foremost, I’d love to give a big thank you to everyone who has come this far with me. These bounties have become a big portion of my LOTC experience, and I am so glad that I get to share it with you all! As you can probably guess, I do not have nearly enough to start the bounties up right now (Unless your ok with doing them for free 😜 ). If you would like to help out in any way, whether it be donating minas or build materials, any help is welcome. If you are looking to donate, I’d go directly to me (Limo_man), or into the sewers where the bounty dealing area is. I will warn you though, if you are caught in there irply, and are not part of the HRA, then you’ll be fined. Changes that will be made this season. The Bounty Board: Last season, because of the number of bounties that were being run on a regular basis, I usually put together quick bounties through outlines that I had ready. This season will be different in that aspect, to bring more diversity and choice into bounties that are available; also providing the ability for them to be more immersing and in-depth. The Reputation system: This change will really only affect the tier system. The bounties from the bounty board will give different amounts of reputation for each one completed during the season. Once you’ve accumulated enough reputation, you’ll be granted the seasonal medallion + a few other rewards if I can afford to get them. WE HAVE A LOGO NOW?!: Yes, we do. There was supposed to be one last season, but I procrastinated and didn't want to make it. But, this season, we have a logo. I don't like to speak for the things I make or accomplish, so if you could, please let me know how it turned out. (Still can't format for my life *Internally cries*) Also, I'm dumb. I ALWAYS forget the discord link, so here it is if your interested on seeing how the bounty dealer's building goes. I'll make have to make another post regarding how the bounty system will work since I felt that it wasn't covered entirely in this one. Have a good day/night everyone!
  14. INDOR TIRAN Established. 2nd of Sun's Smile, 00 SA INDEX BILL OF RIGHTS Universal Rights Domestic Rights CRIMINAL LAW Article I: Crimes Against the Person Article II: Crimes Against Property Article III: Crimes Against Morality Article IV: Crimes Against Justice Article V: Crimes Against the Crown Article VI: Crimes Against the Faith Article VII: Magic & the Supernatural CIVIL LAW Article I: Identification Article II: Contracts & Labour Article III: Domestic Relations JUDICIAL REGULATIONS Article I: Legal Procedure Article II: Legal Defences Article III: The Offence Article IV: Execution ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Article I: The Apparatus Article II: Governance Article III: Checks & Balances BILL OF RIGHTS It is the sanctified and sovereign duty of the Crown to ensure that the cited universal rights are upheld, so as to maintain an orderly and moral society. Accounted citizens are further recognised to be guaranteed and reserved certain domestic rights within the lands encompassing the Princedom of Elvenesse. However, it is also within the Crown’s authority to revoke these rights should the transgression of the individual violate the provisions of this Codex. Universal Rights The Right to Life The individual is recognised to bear the right to live without the threat of harm or violence. The Right to Liberty The individual is recognised to bear the right to live without chains or oppression. The Right to the Pursuit of Happiness The individual is recognised to bear the right to live in contentment according to their own lawful ambitions. Domestic Rights The Right to Arms The individual is recognised to bear the right to armaments. The Right to Due Process The individual is recognised to bear the right to trial. The Right to Property The individual is recognised to bear the right to ownership of lawful property. CRIMINAL LAW Article I: Crimes Against the Person 1.1. Assault 3rd Degree: An act by which an individual, either recklessly or intentionally, causes another party to suffer unlawful violence, but does not inflict any lasting injury. An infraction. 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual, either recklessly or intentionally, causes another party to suffer unlawful violence, and inflicts a lasting though not debilitating injury. Additionally, whenever an individual utilises an offensive weapon to inflict injury. A misdemeanour. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual, either recklessly or intentionally, causes another party to suffer unlawful violence, and inflicts a lasting and debilitating injury. A felony. 1.2. Kidnapping 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual restrains and carries away another party without their consent or a lawful excuse. A misdemeanour. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual restrains and carries away another party without their consent or a lawful excuse, and inflicts harm unto them or endangers their life. A felony. 1.3. Ransoming An act by which an individual restrains and carries away another party without their consent or a lawful excuse, with intent to sell or exchange them off. A felony. 1.4. Mayhem 3rd Degree: An act by which an individual brings about the unlawful mutilation or disfigurement of another, to a superficial level. A misdemeanour. 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual brings about the unlawful mutilation or disfigurement of another, to a noticeable degree, but does not severely impair the injured party’s physical ability to live accordingly. A felony. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual brings about the unlawful mutilation or disfigurement of another, to a noticeable degree, and severely impairs the injured party’s physical ability to live accordingly. A felony. 1.5. Defamation 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual unjustly spreads false information with or without the intent to harm another party’s reputation. An infraction. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual unjustly spreads false information with the intent to harm another party’s reputation, through the usage of informative apparatus such as written material and/or public gatherings. A misdemeanour. 1.6. Attempted Murder An act by which an individual attempts to commit or plans an unlawful act of violence with the intent to cause the death of another. A felony. 1.7. Murder 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual commits an unlawful act of violence, without premeditation, that leads to the death of another. A felony. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual commits an unlawful act of violence, with premeditation, that leads to the death of another. A felony. 1.8. Manslaughter 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual unintentionally, as a result of negligence, causes the unlawful death of another, thus classifying it as involuntary. A misdemeanour. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual intentionally, as a result of momentary passion or emotional disturbance, causes the unlawful death of another, thus classifying it as voluntary. A felony. 1.9. Blackmail & Extortion An act by which an individual attempts to obtain something, often of material gain, via the usage of threats or unlawful force. A misdemeanour. 1.10. Medical Malpractice & Negligence 3rd Degree: An act by which an individual willfully denies effective care to a patient, resulting in minimal damage or short-term impairment. An infraction. 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual willfully denies effective care to a patient, resulting in severe damage or long-term impairment. A misdemeanour. Upon review, said individual may also be deemed forbidden to practise medicine within the realm of Elvenesse. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual willfully denies effective care to a patient, resulting in death. A felony. Upon review, said individual may also be deemed forbidden to practise medicine within the realm of Elvenesse. 1.11. Impersonation An act by which an individual fraudulently masquerades as someone they are not, either to gain an advantage or to cause disadvantage to someone else. A misdemeanour. Article II: Crimes Against Property 2.1. Theft 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual dishonestly appropriates the property belonging to another party with the intention to permanently deprive them of it. An infraction. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual, in repeated or multiple instances, dishonestly appropriates the property belonging to another party with the intention to permanently deprive them of it. A misdemeanour. 2.2. Robbery An act by which an individual, through the usage of force, appropriates the property belonging to another party with the intention to permanently deprive them of it. A felony. 2.3. Vandalism 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual, recklessly or intentionally, damages public or private property, to a minor or moderate degree. An infraction. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual, recklessly or intentionally, damages public or private property, to a significant degree. A misdemeanour. 2.4. Trespassing An act by which an individual intrudes upon another’s property, without permission, or an area or place they’re officially barred from entering. An infraction. 2.5. Injury to a Pet An act by which an individual intentionally inflicts significant harm unto or kills an animal or livestock belonging to another. An infraction. 2.6. Criminal Damage 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual, recklessly or intentionally, alters, damages or destroys an item, determined to be of minor or moderate value, belonging to another. An infraction. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual, recklessly or intentionally, alters, damages or destroys an item, determined to be of greater value, belonging to another. A misdemeanour. 2.7. Poaching An act by which an individual, not recognised as a lawful citizen, recklessly or intentionally hunts a wild animal on land within the sovereign borders of the Princedom of Elvenesse. An infraction. Article III: Crimes Against Morality 3.1. Adultery An act by which an individual commits an act of infidelity and proves to be unfaithful to their lawful partner. An infraction. 3.2. Child Abuse & Neglect An act by which an individual is deemed to have utilised excessive and unlawful force against a child, or subjected them to unlawful mistreatment, specifically below the age of eighteen (Civil Law - 1.6). A misdemeanour. In addition, wherever abuse or neglect are deemed by the Crown to have been extreme, a restraining order may be enacted. 3.3. Slavery An act by which an individual partakes in the unlawful sale, purchase, hiring or active condonation of the immoral slave trade. A felony. 3.4. Molestation An act by which an individual commits a moral violation via pursuing a relationship with, and thus taking advantage of, another deemed incapable of consent or under age (Civil Law - 3.3). A misdemeanour. 3.5. Interracial Relationships & Breeding An act by which an individual engages in a relationship with one of another race, or willingly sires children of a mixed racial-heritage. A misdemeanour. However, this clause does not apply to the union of subraces of the same race. Article IV: Crimes Against Justice 4.1. Bribery An act by which an individual attempts to pervert the course of justice via paying off a public official or servant of the Crown. A felony. Furthermore, any public official or servant of the Crown who accepts such a bribe shall be held accountable and subject to the same punishment. 4.2. Contempt An act by which an individual proves to be disobedient or disrespectful to officers of the law, observed in behaviour that opposes or undermines the authority, justice and dignity of the judicial process. A misdemeanour. 4.3. Tampering of Evidence An act by which an individual alters, conceals, falsifies or destroys evidence with intent to interfere with a lawful investigation or the judicial process. A misdemeanour. 4.4. Obstruction An act by which an individual attempts to pervert the course of justice via interfering with the lawful duty of the guard or the judiciary. This includes resisting arrest. An infraction. 4.5. Perjury An act by which an individual is found to have willingly lied or made a misrepresentation of events, before the judiciary, whilst under oath. An infraction. 4.6. Recidivism Where an individual is found to be a repeat offender, upon review of their immediate and past actions, the sentence may be raised to a greater severity by the judiciary. However, this does not apply to the category of Treason, of which can only be passed if the article so details it is eligible. 4.7. Vigilantism An act by which an individual intentionally attempts to apprehend, convict and punish another without the proper legal authority. A misdemeanour. Article V: Crimes Against the Crown 5.1. Unauthorised Disclosure 3rd Degree: An act by which an individual leaks classified information, pertaining to the integrity of the Crown and Government, to another without clearance. A misdemeanour. 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual leaks classified information of a highly sensitive nature, pertaining to the integrity of the Crown and Government, to another without clearance. A felony. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual leaks any form of classified information, with the intention to undermine the integrity of the Crown and Government, to malicious entities or known enemies of the Princedom of Elvenesse. Treason. 5.2. Insurrection An act by which an individual attempts to wage open rebellion against the Crown and its apparatus, or seeks the destruction of the Crown and Government via the usage of unlawful violence and coercive force. Treason. 5.3. Sedition An act by which an individual attempts to incite rebellion, hostility and disaffection towards the Crown and Government via subversive behaviour or conspiracy. Treason. 5.4. Collusion An act by which an individual attempts to undermine the Crown and Government via willingly and actively cooperating with malicious entities or known enemies of the Princedom of Elvenesse. Treason. 5.5. Assassination An act by which an individual makes an attempt on the life of a member of government or the sovereign themselves. This further encompasses the act of regicide, under which the recognised family of the sovereign shall also be categorised. Treason. 5.6. Piracy An act by which an individual takes part in any of the following: The unlawful attempt to board, damage, destroy, seize assets from or harm the crew of a seaworthy vessel. A felony. 5.7. Unauthorised Formation of a Militia An act by which an individual establishes an armed militia or paramilitary organisation without the authorisation of the Crown and Government. A misdemeanour. 5.8. Desertion An act by which an individual unlawfully abandons his post and duty within the military apparatus. A felony. Article VI: Crimes Against the Faith 6.1. Blasphemy An act by which an individual speaks sacrilegiously of the Faith or things considered sacred to the Faith. An infraction. 6.2. Desecration An act by which an individual violates the sanctity of religious sites or objects via violent damage or disrespect. A misdemeanour. 6.3. Obstruction of Worship An act by which an individual intentionally obstructs the lawful worship of another or group whose religion is granted sanctuary within the Princedom of Elvenesse. An infraction. 6.4. Heresy An act by which an individual participates in the practise of prohibited religions (e.g. Xionism) or reverence of dark forces. A felony. Article VII: Magic & the Supernatural 7.1. Voidal Magic The practise or instruction of any magecraft which draws upon the void is prohibited throughout the Princedom of Elvenesse. Practitioners who are found to be actively utilising or teaching said arts are in contempt of this ruling. A misdemeanour. However, an exception to its usage can be made in the event an individual is granted a lawful permit via the Crown and Government. 7.2. Dark Magic The practise or instruction of any magecraft which draws upon either a dark or corrupt source is fiercely prohibited throughout the Princedom of Elvenesse. Those who are found to be practitioners, or teaching said arts shall be judged an immediate danger to society. A felony. 7.3. Constructs & Creatures Constructs or creatures conceived out of non-prohibited magical arts or natural means, provided they are not deemed a danger to the populace, are to be granted safe passage throughout the Princedom of Elvenesse. However, if their will is bound to an individual, and the construct or creature should become rampant, then the master of said construct shall be considered liable for whatever damages occur. 7.4. Magical Artefacts The ownership and usage of magical artefacts is permitted, provided they are not drawing upon magecraft which is prohibited throughout the Princedom of Elvenesse. Those found to possess items of said description, without having been granted a lawful permit via the Crown and Government, shall be tried effectively as practitioners. CIVIL LAW Article I: Identification 1.1. Personhood Living entities counted among the four descendant races (elves, dwarves, humans, orcs, etc.), including half-breeds, are officially recognised as persons and are thus entitled to universal rights. 1.2. Non-Descendants Living entities not counted among the four descendant races, but deemed capable of sentience and reason, and conceived via natural means, may be entitled to universal rights, provided they are granted a lawful permit via the Crown and Government. However, this does not qualify as personhood. 1.3. Citizenship An individual recognised as a person shall be deemed a citizen of the realm under following clauses: Born to citizens, either a mother or father, of the Princedom of Elvenesse. Granted citizenship under the lawful authority of the Crown and Government. 1.4. Foreigners An individual recognised as a person originating from outside the realm shall be deemed a foreign visitor. Unless provisions (decree, pact, treaty, etc.) state otherwise, they are not entitled to the same domestic rights as citizens of the Princedom of Elvenesse. 1.5. Revocation of Citizenship An individual’s citizenship or sanctuary may be revoked by lawful decree of the Crown and Government. 1.6. Maturity An individual is deemed to have reached physical maturity at the age of eighteen and thus partial-adulthood. However, it is not until reaching the age of fifty that said individual is considered a true adult. Article II: Contracts & Labour 2.1. Formation The first requisite of a lawful contract is that the involved parties should have reached an agreement, legitimised in adhering to the following principles: An offer, via words or conduct, to contract on specified terms, is required with the clear intention that it is to be legally binding once accepted by the party to whom it is addressed. A final expression of assent, via words or conduct, is required by the recipient in reply to the proponent’s offer. It must be accepted in accordance with the precise terms of said offer if it is to form an agreement. Said agreement is the basis of the contract, but not sufficient in itself to create legal obligations. A consideration from the proponent is required in order to make the promised agreement enforceable as a contract. However, whilst said consideration must prove sufficient and be provided by the promisee, it need not move to the promisor. Rather, the terms may entail that the promisor give something up, or that a third party receives at their request. 2.2. Contents Should the legality of the contents within a contract be called into question, the terms can be assessed within the following categories: Express terms and Implied terms. Express terms are ones that the involved parties have set out in their agreement, either written or verbal. They must be interpreted objectively, on the basis of what a reasonable person in the position of the parties would have understood the words to mean. Where a contract has been put in writing, there is a presumption said piece was intended to include all the agreed express terms. In this case, neither party can rely on extrinsic evidence of terms alleged to have been agreed, though it is admissible if the document wasn’t intended to contain all valid details. A contract may contain terms which are not expressly stated but are instead implied, either because the parties intended this, or by operation of law, or by custom or usage. The validity of said implications can be determined via such concepts as necessity, principle, efficacy and obviousness. 2.3. Termination In the event one party is undermined by a breach of the contract, they have the lawful right to be released from their obligations to perform as a result of another party’s defective or non- performance, arising within the following situations: Where a party repudiates the terms of the contract and absolutely refuses to perform according to the set standards. Where a party renders completion of the contract impossible due to disabling himself so as to not perform. Where a party fails to perform substantially and thus deprives the party of what he bargained for, according to the agreement set within the contract. 2.4. Damages Should one party be substantially deprived of what they bargained for, according to the agreement set within the contract, then they have the right to seek compensation. Said income is determined by the value of those losses, interpreted and granted by the Judiciary. Article III: Domestic Relations 3.1. Marriage A sacred union between two individuals as partners in a personal relationship, legitimised under the authority of either the Crown or the Faith. 3.2. Divorce A procedure through which a married couple legally separate, resolved under the supervision of the judiciary, with the respective items belonging to both parties restored to their rightful owners and shared items fairly distributed. Said process is to be approved under the following circumstances: When both parties, under a mutual consensus, choose to separate. When an individual has evidently been proven unfaithful and found to have broken their matrimonial vows through an act of infidelity (Criminal Law - 3.1). When an individual has evidently been proven abusive or neglectful to their partner within the relationship. In addition, wherever abuse or neglect are deemed by the Crown to have been extreme, a restraining order may be enacted. When an individual has evidently been lawfully prosecuted for criminal activity. When the Crown declares the marriage, in consultation with the Faith, to be unlawful. 3.3. Age of Consent The lawful age of consent is considered to be whenever an individual reaches the age of eighteen, the age of physical maturity (Civil Law - 1.6). However, in acknowledging the customary adulthood of elves, no individual below the age of fifty may engage in romantic relations with another more than ten years older than themselves. 3.4. Inheritance The endowment of private property and hereditary titles shall be determined and validated according to the following provisions: Inheritance is determined by the will of the testator, or alternatively by the customs of a house, seed or family. If the above isn’t applicable, inheritance passes to children conceived within wedlock, descending from eldest to youngest. If the above isn’t applicable, inheritance passes to the direct siblings, descending from eldest to youngest. If the above isn’t applicable, inheritance passes to the parents. If the above isn’t applicable, inheritance passes to children conceived outside of wedlock, descending from eldest to youngest. If the above isn’t applicable, inheritance shall be determined and distributed via a settlement reached by the Judiciary. JUDICIAL LAW Article I: Legal Procedure 1.1. Magistrates The following parties are considered qualified for sitting as the judge of a proceeding trial: The High Prince of Elvenesse. An exarch of the Judiciary. 1.2. Witnesses An individual recognised as a person under the law is eligible to stand as a witness within the judicial process (Civil Law - 1.1). 1.3. Houses & Seeds In the event a member of a recognised House or Seed should face trial, the established leader of said body must first be notified prior to the initiation of the judicial process. Furthermore, it is within said leader’s right to represent their household, without obstruction, before the Judiciary. 1.4. Representation An individual, entitled to due process, has the right to elect another to represent them before the Judiciary. However, said representative is verified at the discretion of the sitting exarch. 1.5. Evidence All applicable evidence must be presented at the initiation of the trial to the sitting exarch. New evidence may be brought to light throughout the process, provided all parties are well informed prior and given adequate time to respond. 1.6. Dismissal An individual, as an injured party, mid-process, holds the right to dismiss a charge they hold against an accused party should the referenced crime only amount to an infraction. 1.7. Repeat Offences An individual recognised as a repeat offender may be subject to greater penalty, should the sitting exarch deem it appropriate. However, a repeat offence of a may not be reclassified as treason. 1.8. Royal Pardon An individual, by formal decree of the sovereign, may be lawfully acquitted from any crime or judgment. Article II: Legal Defences 2.1. Duress When an individual commits a crime as a result of violence, threat or coercion, they may not be considered liable for said crime and thus may be acquitted or find their sentence reduced. 2.2. Entrapment When an individual is lured or tricked into committing a crime, in order to secure their prosecution, they will not be considered liable for said crime. 2.3. Infancy When an individual commits a crime whilst below the age of twelve, they may not be considered liable for said crime and thus may be acquitted or find their sentence reduced. 2.4. Self-Defence When an individual commits a crime under the necessity of defending one’s self, family and landed property, they will not be considered liable for said crime. 2.5. Consensual Risk of Harm When an individual, with premeditation, places or consents to putting themselves in a position of risk or harm, they may not hold another party liable. 2.6. Provocation When an individual commits a crime due to a temporary lapse of judgement, often brought invoked via threat or coercion, they may not be considered liable for said crime and thus may be acquitted or find their sentence reduced. 2.7. Necessity When an individual commits a crime due to compelling circumstances, as a last resort, in order to prevent further harm, they may not be considered liable for said crime and thus may be acquitted or find their sentence reduced. 2.8. Immunity When a public official, acting within the confines of their lawful duty and conduct, commits a crime, they will not be considered liable for said crime. Article III: The Offence Infraction A crime of minor severity, warranting the following punishment(s): a monetary fine of up to 50 minas. Misdemeanour A crime of middling severity, warranting the following punishment(s): a monetary fine of up to 100 minas, a banishment of up to an elven week, up to twenty lashes, or the loss of one’s ring finger. Felony A crime of serious severity, warranting the following punishment(s): a monetary fine of up to 300 minas, a banishment of up to a lifetime, dismemberment, or execution. Treason A crime of utmost severity. The punishment dealt unto the guilty party is, without exception, either banishment for life with dismemberment, or execution. Article IV: Execution The following forms of capital punishment are to be considered lawful applications: Beheading at the chopping block. Beheading by guillotine. Hanging by the neck. Volley by archery squad. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Article I: The Apparatus 1.1. Head of State The High Prince or Princess, the sovereign of the Princedom of Elvenesse, a scion of Sylvaen Everflame. They wield absolute authority in governing the state and populace. 1.2. Crown Council One of the bicameral governing councils, comprised of the following members: The Lord Diplomat; responsible for foreign affairs, appointed by the sovereign. The Lord Marshal; responsible for military mobilisation, appointed by the sovereign. The Lord Exarch; a representative of the judiciary, appointed by the sovereign. 1.3. Domestic Council One of the bicameral governing councils, comprised of the following members: The Citizen’s Warden; responsible for home affairs and the stewards, appointed by the sovereign. The High Priest(ess); a representative of the Wild Faith, elected by the priesthood. The Seasonal Raithean; a representative of the Father Circle, elected by the drudic order. 1.4. Omentahu A mechanism in which the attending populace may question the Government and vote on legislative decisions. Managed and overseen by its chair, appointed by the sovereign. Article II: Governance 2.1. Legislation & Amendments Proposed legislation or amendments to the law are to be discussed and scrutinized by the bicameral councils in joint session. A majority vote in favour is required for the proposal to be passed as an Act of Government. 2.2. Royal Assent Any Act of Government must first receive royal assent before it officially passes into law, else it shall not be considered legitimate. 2.3. Royal Decree The sovereign maintains the right to pass a piece of legislation or an amendment into law via decree. Article III: Checks & Balances 3.1. Separation of Powers Each councillor presides over a specific area of expertise and delegated responsibilities. To administer beyond this sphere of influence without royal authorization is to be considered an illegitimate exercise of authority. 3.2. Impeachment A process by which the bicameral councils, in joint session, press charges against a government official. Said process is to be exercised as follows: A councillor may move to impeach an official, presenting both the charges and sufficient evidence to the chamber. Following a statement from both the accusing and accused parties, the joint session will decide by majority vote on whether or not to proceed with the impeachment process. The accused party will be suspended from voting. Should a majority vote in favour pass, the proceedings shall be brought before the sovereign, who shall act as the judge. The accused party is entitled to due process. If determined guilty of the presented charges, said official shall henceforth be stripped of their position, authority and associated titles. They will not be permitted to sit within the government again without a royal pardon. 3.3. Council Reshuffles The sovereign maintains the right to reshuffle appointed positions on the bicameral councils. Elected officials are to be installed at the discretion of their respective organisations, although they may still be removed from office on sufficient grounds (illegal activities, etc.).
  15. Buck hastily throws today's buck news to everyone in crumpled balls.
  16. _ . _ ~ THE SIEGE OF THALOR ~ _____________________________________ Amidst the rolling hills and towering spruces sat a desolate city. The humble town evaded the ravaged civilizations of Arcas in the deep wilds. The wildlands had harbored the quaint town of Thalor since the Descendants’ arrival to Arcas. Its once-bustling streets have grown silent and now stands as a testament to times long past, times of simplicity and ease. Thalor remained as a sole reminder to nature and its ever-churning repossession of that which is done by the Descendants. Its towering walls crumbled under the oppressive weight of time, seen through its shattered bricks of stone; however, the presiding walls’ looming presence demanded reverence. The whistling breeze echoed through the crumbling buildings and windows, as it had for many decades. Patches of grass and weeds had sprouted up in the cracks between the cobbled roads as if a flower continuing to bloom. Thalor had returned itself to nature in a peaceful manner. Unkept, yet unbound. Thus, Thalor sat in eternal peace for many years to come. The reserved tranquility of nature and civilization’s coexistence was soon shattered by Descendant presence. The Blackhand gang brought themselves before the formidable walls of stone and moss. The intimidating walls of darkened stone were welcoming to the bandits, strangely enough. It was as if the wind had encouragingly pulled the bandits within the encampment solely out of the desire for civilization. The presence of the Blackhand gang was noted by the Brothers of Virtue. The Brotherhood gathered a party to remove the ruffians and allow for quietude to resurface in the ruinous city. Alas, no peaceful conclusion would be reached between the two parties. No peace would ever be found within the walls of Thalor again after such bloodshed. A party of soldiers had forcibly removed an equally aggressive group to preserve the peace. Perhaps it is best for Descendants to not reclaim that which nature has taken for itself. [OOC] This event has concluded. Thanks for one hell of an eventline, @Motherchild!
  17. Decree of Banishment Seed. 12th of the Sun’s Smile, 1794 ~ Overview ~ Until subsequent review, with reprieve and exemptions only to be granted under the authority of the Crown and government, the following parties are hereby banished from the Princedom of Elvenesse and all the lands encompassed within its dominion: The Clan of Ireheart The Hanged Men Those found to be in contempt of this ruling are to submit themselves to escort and removal from the land encompassing the Princedom of Elvenesse. Refusal to do so shall be deemed an act of open hostility and met with a sufficient display of lawful force. ~ Rationale ~ - The unlawful attempt to seize Laetranis Tahorran and members of the Seed of Ilathdyn from their homeland; a violation of the Princedom of Elvenesse’s sovereign right to govern and protect its citizenry, as well as an act in contempt of an entry within the sacred Book of Grudges, said detail provided by the High Prophet, Norli Starbreaker. - Multiple instances of attempted raids, enacted and condoned by those affiliated with Clan Ireheart and the Hanged Men, upon the Citadel of Aegrothond and the Glade of Siramenor. Witnessed by active combatants, civilians and multiple third parties. Furthermore, this is also considered to be an act in contempt of an entry within the sacred Book of Grudges, said detail provided by the High Prophet, Norli Starbreaker. - Open and signed declarations of an aggressive nature, declaring an intent to harm, oppress, pillage, maim and murder the inhabitants of the Princedom of Elvenesse. ~ Citations ~ Signed, His Royal Highness, Fëanor of Mar’lin Sylvaeri, Sea Prince of Elvenesse His Lordship, Olórin of Mar’lin Telemnar, Councillor of Elvenesse
  18. We Want YOUR Screenshots! A lot of Orcish RP revolves around the Spirits & Ancestors, and particularly our ways of worshipping them. You’ll often hear a victorious Orc praising his chosen Spirit, or a Orc returning from a hunt dedicating his trophy to Votar. Unfortunately, few track our progress, and thus our Shamans cannot keep RP the Spirits or Ancestors being happy with an Orc’s dedication during the Spirit walks. So, if you ever construct a Shrine, sacrifice an Elf, dedicate a victory or in any other way please your chosen Spirit or Ancestor, send the screenshot in the comments. That way the rest of the Orcish community can share in your victory, and our Shamans can keep an eye on who is most active. Who knows, maybe one-day your fanaticism to Laklul could please the swampy boi and make you devote to his name, and give you Roleplay buffs. Here’s an example of why you may want to keep track of your dedications to a Spirit or Ancestor:
  19. A piece of paper between two pieces of bread are found on your counter. A note next to it says "BUCK NOOS SANWICH! DIJEST THE NOLEDJE!". You decide not to eat it. Probably a good idea.
  20. A buck news has.. appeared.
  21. (Colorized, a soldier of Elvenesse standing against the demon Sultan M’ag’nus C’arne. Circa 1792.) [!]A letter finds it’s way throughout the land of Arcas. For anyone who cared to read. Operation Red Dawn. The 11th of Malin’s Welcome, 1792. From the office of the Prince of Elvenesse Feanor Sylvaeri. “Let it be known now, the demonic “Sultan” known as M’ag’nus C’arne was slain in combat by soldiers of Elvenesse. Led by the Sea Prince Feanor Sylvaeri himself, M’ag’nus was caught hiding within an abandoned forge near the borders of Elvenesse. To which he was swiftly dealt with and killed. The hammer which the demon carried was proven to NOT be that of the “Hammer of Urguan”, but instead a fake which chipped upon a final blow. Throughout the land, the combined forces should rejoice in the fact that a great evil has been slain this day. A mighty endeavor to rid the land of the otherworldly invaders. Take this moment to heart, for the men and women of our great descendant races have truly displayed valor, honor, and courage in these theaters of battle. Let it be known, that M’ag’nus C’arne is dead.” Duly signed, Aesilnoth Tundrak. Signed in absentia, His royal eminence the Sea Prince, Feanor Sylvaeri. Crown Prince for the Realm of Elvenesse.
  22. The League of Assassins ATTENTION: Do you seek revenge? Does someone owe you minas? Are you looking to right a wrong that has been done to you? If so, then consider hiring an assassin from the League of Assassins (LoA). The LoA is a guild of highly trained assassins who carry out assassination contracts. Rates start as low as twenty minas and your contract is guaranteed to be fulfilled. No deed is too large or difficult to complete. If you wish to hire an assassin, then fill out this application. SEND YOUR APPLICATION TO THE MASTER ASSASSIN (ME) VIA A PM ON THE FORUMS. DO NOT POST IT IN THE THREAD HERE. ROLEPLAY INFORMATION ONLY: Name: Name of target: Purpose of assassination: Information about the target (what city, how old, what race, etc.): HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION Founded 121 years ago, the League of Assassins has maintained its secrecy and notoriety for quite some time. Several decades ago, the Empire was able to destroy the league, but it has been recently revived and headed by a new Master Assassin. Because of its profound secrecy, not much new information is known and disclosed. However, it is known that the League consists of men and women of all races and kind. However, no one knows where the main place of operations is located. The LoA is not necessarily an evil terrorist organization, as they simply fulfill contracts that carry out justice. They never harm an innocent citizen or bystander to take their minas or possessions. You are only targeted if your name is on a contract. If you wish to join the LoA, simply read what follows. DO NOT METAGAME THIS INFORMATION TASK The goal of every assassin is to complete a contract as swiftly and secretly as possible without stirring up too much commotion. Every move and action must be done with haste, intent and secrecy. RANKS (from highest to lowest) Master Assassin: The leader of the guild, as chosen by the guild members once every year. The Master Assassin oversees operations and assigns contracts to different members. Not much is known about the current Master Assassin. Disciple: Once you have proved yourself to be a worthy assassin, you become a Disciple. Disciples, along with the Master Assassin, organize contracts and train newer members. They are also given extremely important contracts and assume the role of the Master Assassin when he is busy or not present. Assassin: The classic rank and contractor. Members of this rank are given difficult contracts (which undoubtedly ends up with bigger rewards and potential repercussions) and have bigger roles within the guild. Novices report their scouting information to these Assassins. Assistant/Apprentice: After a few successful scouting attempts, you become an Apprentice and undergo extensive training. Then, you receive your first contract. If you successfully complete the contract, you become an Assassin. If not, you are banished from the league. Novice/Recruit: Upon being recruited into the league, assassins begin at the rank of Novice. Being only novices at this point, they usually only survey points of interest or gather information, interrogating suspects and pick-pocketing vital letters and documents; at the most providing this information to a higher ranked member for them to decide on how they would proceed in eliminating any assassination targets. NOTICE We are not a guild that simply trolls people. All actions and assassinations must be done with purpose and must involve some roleplay, we do not just randomly kill people. APPLICATION This application is for you to express your interest in joining and for us to determine whether or not we would take interest in your character. SEND YOUR APPLICATION TO THE MASTER ASSASSIN (ME) VIA A PM ON THE FORUMS. DO NOT POST YOUR APPLICATION IN THE THREAD HERE. Minecraft username: Why do you want to join?: Are you committed to roleplaying as an assassin? (you can’t just kill people right away on the spot): Discord Name: RP Name: Race: Age: Traits:
  23. Hey All! I know that at this point most of you guys probably know me as Vortex man or something of the like. Though the funny thing is that without me promising DAENGIE to do the Norland build for next map, I probably wouldn't have come back. Its been a ton of fun, and after about a month of prebuild we finally get to show off our new capital Varhelm. Before everyone runs off to watch our video i’d like to give some credit where credit is due for this build. A big thanks to @DizPanda for helping out with the clan houses/a bunch of interiors while I was busy making Surge for everyone. Another huge thanks to @Knightie for his awesome boats he made for us. A massive thanks to@Sarah. for doing the whole palace interior, like seriously that thing is SEVEN FLOORS. And last but not least a great big thanks to our entire prebuild team, I know some times we were about to lose our minds, and others I was extremely picky about the build, but thanks for sticking it through, without you guys we wouldn’t have made our deadline. So without further adieu... Also just a little aside this is the first video I’ve properly done for a build I’ve worked on so I'm sure its pretty awful, but hey you get the idea. See you guys in Almaris!
  24. ~The Drifter’s Feast of Remembrance~ The morning sun would start to rise upon the city of New Reza, drawing yet another day of Haense life out onto display. The Drifter’s wagon had been pretty quiet as of recent, this being because of refusing to take people out on bounties until he had figured “something”, that he wouldn't speak of, out. Though today had been different, as the Drifter would finally come out of a shell that he had stayed within whilst planning a surprise for those he had been employing to do bounties. Today would be his big Feast of Remembrance. He had planned and planned for this event, going as far as ordering a party planner to help set everything up. As this party was formulated, the surrounding slum dwellers would come to pick up and talk of this feast. After facing complaint after complaint from these peasants, the Drifter decided to invite them too in hopes that they wouldn’t tell anyone of the feast that had been planned. Though as this party had been being set up, the three bards who had been hired would suspiciously be prowling around the Drifters wagon. One of the three would drop one of the eagle like medallions, without knowing of it. The day had finally come for this party to take place. Once the two men, who had come along for this feast unknowingly, had gotten to the wagon, they would start being debriefed by the Drifter as he made up a bounty off of the top of his head. Thorn and Fyodor stood out front of the wagon whilst the Drifter debriefed them, saying that he had found the group’s base of operations that they’d been looking for. As the two had gotten there, a small feast of berries and potatoes had been prepared for them. Though they were met by an odd fellow, by the name of Albert whilst the three bards played a delightful tune for the feast. The men wearily conversed with Albert, with the tense feeling of mystery. Noises of metallic scraping surrounded the feast as it went on, putting the two more on edge whilst they talked to Albert. Suddenly, the bards would abruptly stop their lively tune, and turn it into a more jestful and violent like song. Whilst the slum dwellers and attendees alike, took a fine moment to take in the sudden change in music, they would know that something had to have been wrong. Suddenly, a wolf jumped out at one of the slum dwellers as it would pull him onto the ground and ravagingly bite into his neck. More wolves would appear as Fyodor and Thorn made quick work of them, with the help of the slum dwellers. Though archers would begin to fire at the duo as Thorn would be hit by one before wildly charging at them like a boar, showing them no mercy as he tore them to pieces. As the fight continued to drag along, Joshua Sirsk would appear to aid his fellow hunters in their attempts to protect the slum dwellers. As the reinforcements had arrived, quickly another beast that had taken up a large cage would be unleashed upon the group. With the command issued by Fyodor, the slum dwellers retreated as two of them would be unlucky enough to be slashed through by the bear’s hulking strength in a single motion. After a little bit of trouble, Fyodor and Joshua would successfully take down the bear whilst crushing it’s spine. Once the bear had fallen, the surrounding men started a retreat whilst the bards pulled Carrions from their pouches and tossed them out at the slum dwellers who had fled combat with the bear. No mercy was shown toward these opposers as Thorn was able to run down one of the bards before pouring alcohol on him, and setting him ablaze. After this long fight against starved wildlife, the trio of men quickly left the area after sorting everything out with Albert. Fyodor would return to the Drifter’s lively wagon on his lonesome, as he turned in the bounty to call it a day. To Fyodor’s surprise, the Drifter had set up the party. Though he hadn’t known anything about the ambush. The Drifter slid a slack of gold, as well as a medallion over to Fyodor as he gave the man a small smirk. The Drifter would go into a small coughing fit as he exited their conversation by entering his wagon. ~Note To The Community~ Looking here at this screen as I write this, I knew it would only be right to have an OOC note to this beautiful community that has brought me here. Enjoy!! 😃 I’d just like to take a moment to say thank you a thousand times over from the bottom of my heart! Looking back at these past 2 months, I see a journey that I have partaken. Though it isn’t one that I’m on alone as I, the Drifter, have a community that appreciates the events I run. From my experiences of running homebrew after homebrew and constantly having players go inactive, I see this as a rarity. This growing community of bounty hunters has helped me strive to keep pushing events out. I remember back when I held the first ever “bounty” from the Drifter’s wagon. It was somewhat of an experiment, that turned into chaos rather quickly. Though we made it through the event, fullsteam ahead! Though, I do know that it would’ve gone different if not for you all being there to support me through the troubles I had beginning. Anyone who has been to even a single bounty event, thank you so much, as you helped me build up my emotes. I truly couldn’t have gotten to where I am without this great community of LOTC players that surrounds me. Though it has only been 2 months, look where we are! We have reached the big 50TH EVENT milestone through our hard work, and efforts to keep this wagon stable. If we can do that in only 2 months, I know that we will reach 100 in no time. But first, let's take a step back for a moment to enjoy the 50th. It’s not everyday that you run your 50th event you know ;). Throughout my time at the event running as the Drifter, you’ve all been here throughout my journey that you have joined me on. We’ve had great moments, some bad, and some that have left us with good laughs. Bumps in the road are sure to be encountered by those who fare it. I look forward to continuing on this ride with you guys. I hope that I have left a trail of great memories behind as that is really the whole reason that I have been running these events. It could seem silly to ask this of you, but if you could. Please leave any lingering feedback, or feel free to share a memory that you’ve had in a bounty (if you’ve had any). (Ik that up there ^^ was super cheesy, I don’t care tho 😃) Big OOC Thank you To: Mio_ : Thanks a bunch for those minas that you gave me! I could not have gotten this far without them, otherwise these events would have made me bankrupt! GoodGuyMatt: Thanks for the RP items you gave me early on when I was just getting started! They’ve helped a bunch! StillAMiniGuy: Thanks for being there to help me out with setting this all up man, couldn’t have done any of this without you! Firespirit44: Thanks a bunch for going over emotes with me, and taking the time to help me out with improving! It means a lot! HRA/BSK/Haense’s community: I’m so glad to be a part of this great community, it feels like a family, and I feel overjoyed to have brought these experiences to you all! I couldn’t have done any of this without your support, fam! 😉 The entire community: I’d feel bad if I didn’t include this. Don’t worry if you weren’t on here since there were far too many names to go through, and the forum post would’ve gone on for a very long time if I took the time to list everyone who has left a meaningful impact or had helped me along the way. Just know that I am extremely grateful to you all, and am super happy that you take time out of your daily lives to spend time in my events! Cya around the wagon sometime- Limo_man / The Drifter If you are interested in joining the fun of doing these bounties, have the Discord link! Feel free to join if you wanna, it's open to everyone! ~sigh~, I still can’t figure out how to format even after these 2 months.... lol
  25. Yeah hi, so I was asked last minute to do a showcase of the upcoming 8.0 Dwarven city, video’s not my greatest work but I hope you enjoy it. I’d love to hear any feedback you have for me, also feel free to upvote, spam your discords and drop me a like and sub if you wanna see more! (-when I get unbanned #FREE-Z3 ) You can follow my twitch if you like as well while I’m promoting stuff, I’m trying to stream more often 👍 https://www.twitch.tv/z3m0s HUGE SHOUT OUT to Hobolympic the builder of the 8.0 Dwarven city, his work is incredible!
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