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  1. The Wild Man as he first appeared to the Descendants on Axios, during the early 1600s. The Wild Man let out a puff of the stale subterranean air. All to be felt by him were the little gusts from his breathing, and the thrum of his own heart. He rumbled and rose to pace the width of the cavern. Its space was painted, decorated even, but empty. Only himself and his child remained to make use of these rocky chambers. Thrum. There would be another hunt tonight. His burdens he left at the mouth of the cave: The skull of his daughter; The club carved with stories; The necklace to lost kin. Thrum. He would have no more need for these encumbering things. Into the jungles, the forests, the plains, and the deserts he would go. Surely he would find a creature capable of besting him. Surely he would be struck down. He would reunite with his lost people, and need no longer to paint the stories of his kinsmen dying, time and time again. Thrum. Before the Wild Man, the path laid open. He spilled the last volumes of Wildling history onto the bonfire’s fading flames, and trudged onwards. Thrum. When the sun climbed out from beneath the horizon, there was nothing more to be seen of the patriarch. Into the wilderness he’d gone once more, and there he’d meet his long-sought fate. Thrum.
  2. Name of settlement: Laanhold, Westmarch Peak time: Around 3pm EST (from a mix of Europeans and North Americans) Populace density: 85% Human, 15% Halfling Brief description: Laanhold is the cozy agricultural town of the Duchy of Westmarch. With hedgerows bordering the farms leading up to the gentle palisade entrance to the town, the entire area would be welcoming to most. Halfling burrows sit on the left hand side of the road in, and a branch off to the right sweeps up the staircase to the keep: Laanhold Tower. Immediately upon entering the town would be a marketplace, with a medical clinic on the far left, under the clocktower. Bearing left, an arcade leads to a public park, and the small houses in that direction. Straight ahead is the archway leading to the church, manors and side entrance to the keep, and to the right is the road to the apartments, and the tavern too. List of players able to assist: @mra8ur93ss , Duke Stannis, aka func_Soap @Pun , Duchess Kathryn, aka Pun__ @Gleeshers , Mayor Puddifoot, aka ColdDaughter @Cleggmire_ , Ser Fournier, aka Reynald_ @LadyCarolina , Lady Fournier Directions: https://imgur.com/a/zApKoFR Take the Northerly junction of the Aegrothond-northerly – King’s Road-easterly junction, then the first left nearly opposite a vineyard on the right. -
  3. Song down below what once was, what will never be One, Two, Three, Four… the rows went on and on until the room seemed to long to be real. Perhaps that was the half-empty bottle of alcohol clutched tightly in her grasp, or perhaps that was just the harsh reality of her life. Everyone who died, everyone, she loved that didn’t make it to this very day, all reduced to ashes and sat in this room as a cruel reminder of what she’ll never have again. Suicide, murder, accidental, disease… It struck them down like a sword and left a gaping hole in her heart where her love for them was once stored. There wasn’t much left of it. Arabella once believed that she could patch it up like putty to a wall with the constant presence of others or work. Both were scarce these days, all her friends scattered and gone and all of her children off being their own person, no longer needing her to take care of them like she once did. Her tavern was gone, the city she once put her blood, sweat, and tears gone with it. No one needed her, and that left a suffocating feeling of dread and loneliness in its wake. The Warhawkes were gone again, much like when she had first met them. All scattered about and lost touch with one another. They had given her a sense of purpose during her time with them, whether it be going on crazy adventures or manning the tavern they always brought joy to her life. She didn’t even know where most of them went off into the shadows to live on their own and that beautiful sense of community that she loved oh so much went with them. She was reduced to feeling useless and spent, her time was up. The clock had stopped ticking, and maybe that's because no one was around to put in the work to fix it or maybe that was because Ara knew that there was nothing left for her. She had raised her family to live without her, they’ll protect one another like always, Luna or Lyra would probably take in her youngest, who were old enough to live on their own but had never left home before. They’d watch out for them, surely they would. A Delevoye always chooses family above everything. She’d seen where she’d go after death, Dak’ir had briefly taken her there on a spirit walk once, and she knew she’d finally feel the happiness that once filled her up to the brim, left her smiling and dazed with a carefree sense of fulfillment with the life she led. At times things got dark and scary, she lost a lot and saw too many awful things for her to count. But she’d let it all go once she was finally surrounded by her old relatives and loved ones once more. The love of her life would be there, and her parents, children of hers that broke her in half upon their deaths. She’d see them all again, and more. Arabella thought of all the dinners and parties hosted for the family. How every year in Axios on their boat Ara would put together something on their main deck for anyone to attend. Her favorite party will always be the krugsmas one when Lyra was just a little girl, she ate all the cookies meant for decorating and everyone was basking in the holiday spirit, smiling. Kalvo was there, alive and that realization just seemed to deepen her need for what she was currently doing. He was gone, and so many others went with him. A few years later went her granddaughter, weak and sickly she was but full of spirit and love. She hopes that all her children look back fondly on their memories with her, that Luna remembers their afternoons spent doll making in the windmill and Lyra remembers being in the kitchen with her mom. That Nerrin won’t forget that she raised him, that Luna might be his mother but she put in the hard work when it came to parenting her grandson. She doesn’t know what she wants Atlas to remember, just something pleasant, something good that wasn’t tainted by his father or that dark time when things went awry. Maybe Astrid, Aries, and Nova will really only remember her funeral, they are old enough to hold their own but everyone else got decades upon decades with her. She feels selfish for a moment, thinking about them, but one last glance at all the urns lined up in this room full of grief just solidifies her plan. Ara left her shrine room, knowing soon she’d see the people whose ashes took up the space of such a winding and dark place. Maybe she’d finally get to apologize to her cousin and hug her father. The once clear alcohol swished around the bottle as she swayed, it had been tinted a light golden hue upon her adding in the necessary amount of the poison. She was slowly starting to feel it, constricting her airways and making her light headed. She dropped the bottle at the foot of her bed, the glass shattering and embedding itself into her feet and legs. But with the light and airy feeling that enveloped Ara, she did not react and simply fell down onto her bed, slowly turning onto her back and staring up at the light purple canopy of her bed. She knew it was finally coming, her end. All life was slipping away from her, all her woes and worries floating off into the stiff air of the room and despite herself and her predicament, a giggle escaped her as she drew her last breath. The following letters would be for the selected people. The letters would be found stacked neatly upon her vanity To Luna To Lyra To Atlas To Astrid & Aries To Nova To Nerrin
  4. Players/Group Requesting: Kaz'Ulrah dwarves What kind of Event are you looking for?: Old school dungeon / monster killing. There general area & antagonists are set, and there are some details to include. Other than that, the ET member taking it has full freedom. Approximately, what time/date you want the Event to take place?: Next Weekend (14th, 15th or 16th) Organizer's Discord: Ronald Reagan#9284
  5. EVENT REQUEST FORMAT Players/Group Requesting: The Empire of Man and the Order of the Red Dragon What kind of Event are you looking for?: The Empire is looking for an overarching quest-line of sorts, to give Knights some quests to do. The Empire would also prefer it to be related to Human lore in some capacity (I can help with the provision of such). Events can be anything, really, from one-on-one interactions and dungeons to massive group PVE battles. The main goal is just that there's an overarching plot or interactions, if possible, so that we get more bang for our buck. A possible event line that may be interesting to the ET at-least is the Vaeyl Order since apparently they were former servants of Horen, which would naturally make the Imperium Septimus their enemy not because we're poaching their land, but because we would think them to be impostors and not real humans. Approximately, what time/date you want the Event to take place?: Can be disccused. If it's multiple events, then a single time may be fruitless to describe. Organizer's Discord: Zhulik#7438
  6. EVENT REQUEST FORMAT Players/Group Requesting: The Empire of Man, Order of the Red Dragon What kind of Event are you looking for?: I seek to establish a bounty board of monsters that people in the Empire can kill for prestige without us having to break the rules and play them. Approximately, what time/date you want the Event to take place?: To be discussed. Organizer's Discord: Zhulik#7438 NOTES: If this works Temp and Grim get all the credit.
  7. OXENSTEIRNA TRADING COMPANY Est. 1707 The Oxensteirna is a fiery and enduring Savoyardic family borne from the remains of the of old Lorraine-Savoy Kingdom of Axios. Remarkably esoteric on their origins or affiliations and known for their shrewd business sense, the Oxensteirna has faced numerous setbacks prior to the arrival on Arcas but remains ever resolute, with their gaze set on rising to higher heights. The Oxensteirna Trading Company was borne in conjunction with the fluid state of affairs within Arcas, serving as a minor player in financial markets in Ves, Reza and Helena. Serving dutifully in the purposes of general goods, the O.T.C for short has progressed into a state of expansion in seeking workers and caravan guards for its purposes. Institutionalized with beliefs in the defence of the faith and assistance to the poor, characterized in a form of a ancient common language as ‘Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum’ is enshrined in the O.T.C’s moral compass. Its long-term goals remains ambiguous. Partners of the Oxensteirna Trading Company I: Captain Honour Rackham[LD-001] Associates of the Oxensteirna Trading Company [Publicly Redacted] Workers interested in menial labour or fighters with martial prowess in exchange for payment and incentives are sought for. Recruitment Form, to be mailed in any of the stall locations in Ves, Reza and Helena.  Name: Position: Introduction: OOC information: Username: Discord Men and Women under fealty need not apply. New and returning players are welcome to join, and the following players can be contacted through discord to discuss any questions one may have. Cassiflorn | Crines#2975 Laurelin | Liritho#0797 FireCrimson#1915 No part of this document may be reproduced without prior written permission by a partner of the O.T.C
  8. Finri: The Lost Race Of The Ocean. The History: According to the legends scrawled by walls underwater, when the four brothers ruled every corner of the earth, there was one more sibling that the first man and woman could not bare to tell their children; the helpless case of their last child, Newx. He was an elf-like creature with blue skin, four arms, webbed fingers, three eyes, and an eel-like body. His voice was nothing more than high pitched squeals. His behavior was like an animal. But his intelligence was stunning, able to solve puzzles in a matter of seconds. The first man and woman had to sacrifice their child to the sea, for they quickly learned that Newx could not survive on land. Down into the depths did he thrive, his high pitch squeals allowing him to communicate with dolphins and other forms of submerged life. He would be the one to rule not the earth, but it’s vast oceans. It was then did he have four heirs. Gi who governed the Trenches, Mol who protected the Reefs, Bow who guarded the Emptiness, and Wiklo who reigned the Shores. These were the four realms of the ocean, these were the four daughters of Newx, these were the first Finri tribes. Gi—who thrived between earth, water, and darkness—was the inventor of sea lanterns and the discoverer of prismarine. From chunks of these crystals, grains of sand, and blue lava from submerged volcanoes, did she forge the new light source for her sisters. Mol on the other hand, discovered how to herd yummy cod and plant food. The dolphins her father befriended taught her how to hunt. The tropical fish showed her how to farm kelp, sea grass, and coral. And through their knowledge did Mol learn how to tame pufferfish, breeding them to become later on, guardians. Bow traveled alone through invisible currents that were only touched by venturing fish and migrating turtles. Their corpses lend her scute armor and the materials needed to help Gi forge tridents. Wiklo lurked near the shores, learning from the salmon leaving rivers about magic and how to wield it. She taught these arts to her sisters, who used the ability to gain greater technology, like the conduit. Then came an secret abysmal war. Almost each tribe has invented a new form of magic and had the instinct to claim their territory. Gi invented Umbra Phasing, to manipulate and transform into shadow. Mol made a type of magic known as Siren Callings, allowing her children to enslave sailors and wreak their ships. And Bow discovered Taint Marking, to claim an environment with runes that control the area. After the death of the four daughters, in the final battle, Gi’s descendants casted a spell that transformed all Finir into shadow, stripping themselves into nothing but bone, dead before the world even knew they existed. The only thing that remains of them now are their ruins, their guardians, their technologies, and their corpuses littering the sea. OOC Explanation: Basically, there was a hidden race that once lived in the sea but went extinct thanks to an abysmal war. This war is currently unknown in the roleplay lore, the only thing that is known is their extinction. This race called the Finir built ocean monuments, discovered prismarine, breed sea animals, and used lost magics. Their curse was their animal like behaviors and their blessing were their extreme intelligence. Purpose: The purpose of this lore is used to explain the reasoning for the existence of ocean monuments, guardians, wrecked ships, and other sea-based items. If this lore is accepted, it could also be used to explain new forms of magic--as seen above--I am planning on sharing. I hope this contributes to the wonderful RPG community we have! Spoilers: · https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Ancient_History
  9. Note: I’m aware that ghosts are already a playable CA race, but I’m offering a rewrite to their currently outdated lore and tried to give as much detail as possible to every part of it to avoid confusion and give people a better idea on how to RP as one. And no, it’s not a complete rewrite, and more of a cleanup/fix to their lore, where a lot of parts have been heavily edited, some parts added and other parts nerfed to make ghosts more balanced, and so on. Through the lands of Arcas, there are incorporeal beings that haunt locations or people. While most of the time they are translucent, some take colored glows of blue and red, while others simply appear like remains of their former living selves, except in shades of gray. They are called Ghosts, mostly unable to directly interact with the world around them, keeping the same personality as they’ve had in their past life, each one seeking to continue living their lives in this new world of theirs. It all depends on whether or not they’re willing to accept themselves as one of those new creatures, or falling into a pit of darkness for being what they currently are now, those miserable creatures will eventually have to choose a side. What Ghosts Are There are several different stages of ghost, all of which “evolve” from a base ghost. All ghosts are copied images of souls of dead characters left behind to wander the mortal plain. Ghosts are most often created when a person dies unnaturally or dies without being baptized into a religion. Either way, for whatever reason, a mirror image of their soul is left behind. Some ghosts may find comfort and move on eventually while others never will. Some ghosts choose not to move on, preferring to stay on the mortal plane. Even though they are mirror images of a soul, they are still individuals with individual consciousnesses. Can they be PKed? Nope, ghosts definitely cannot get PKed unless consent is given, just like the other creatures. They demanifest when ‘killed’, and eventually drift back to their haunt Also, another way to get rid of a ghost would be to wrap the item they have possessed in gold, and as long as the gold hasn’t been removed, the ghost will be stuck inside. Note that when this is done, it’s essentially captive RP, so it will be following the rules of when someone is taken captive, and with enough time the ghost can get out of the object unless they decide to stay. As usual, they lose the memories of how they demanifested and the events leading to that due to having to follow the rules. Evolution of Ghosts Level 1 - Haunt A haunt is depicted as a black and white ghost with blank, white eyes, no pupils or irises to be seen. And during that time, they don’t realize they are dead, so the ghost continues to ‘live’ as if nothing happened in the first place, going back to their daily tasks, trying to talk to people they usually talk to and essentially trying to implement themselves back into the normal mortal world. Though, due to their nature, the are unable to be seen or sensed during that time, and in turn end up being ignored by mortals. They exist in a sort of delusional haze that is half reality and half constructed of their memories. For example, even though a haunt can’t physically interact with the world, such as lifting objects and so on, an ex-soldier ghost might believe they are still one, and that they actually are holding weapons and interacting with the world at that. Though, in time, haunts may begin to break through those delusions that they’re believing and see more the real one, if things they encounter don’t fit in with the delusion. For example, if we go back to the ex-soldier, he’d be totally ignored during training hours and be left alone with no partner, and end up making him feel confused and upset, and begin manifesting in a way mortals can sense, such as noises, sounds and visible entities. They may manifest as strange sounds, voices, or visible entities. Often, they will try to interact with the people they sense around them. However, since the Haunts still believe they are alive, it is difficult to speak to them. They will often speak in delusional and deeply confused ways. Their voices are often distorted and vague. They will often refuse to accept the idea that they are dead. They will interpret most new information within the framework of their delusion. For instance, the soldier will believe that no one likes him anymore and feel more of an outcast, instead that he’s just dead and no one can sense him anymore. During that time, Haunts begin to manifest their powers, but in a really slow and weak way. They may create sounds, or appear visible from time to time, though that’s about all they can do so far, due to them not being aware of their death, and the sounds or visible entities they manifest as are mainly accidental, not something the ghost actually thinks about doing, due to them being unaware of themselves being actually a ghost and instead just a mortal. Because of their weak to nonexistent powers, a Haunt’s ghostly aura has no effects, as it hasn’t manifested yet. If a haunt manages to realize that they are dead through stable proof that can’t be countered in any way, the haunt will then move on to the next phase. Level 2 - Revenant Now, this is when the ghost is actually aware of themselves and their current state, and the time where their powers actually begin to manifest, existing as a spirit within the mortal realm. By now, their irises and pupils are visible, though keeping the white/black colours, and all shades in between. Due to their nature as a ghost, and now that their delusions are finally broken, they’ll finally realize that they actually can’t feel touch, or smell anything at that. What made the haunts believe was the smell of pie their mother just cooked in the morning for a wonderful breakfast can’t be smelled anymore now that they don’t have any delusions to help them re-create the smell in their mind every morning. Besides that, they also aren’t able to taste anything, obviously. That pie is definitely a no-no for them, only thing they can do from now on is watch other people eat it instead. A newly awakened Revenant will have trouble remembering people’s faces, which sometimes leads to them mistaking people that they meet for someone they had a connection with before they died. And because of all of that, many Revenants may fall into depression or feel miserable due to the lack of those sensations, along with not being able to directly interact with the world on a physical level, such as being able to grab a piece of pie and lift it up. As their powers begin to manifest, a ghost will begin to do the usual ghostly thing, such as shifting between invisible and invisible, shapeshifting, shrieking, making noises such as of a creature or basic instruments and so on, and even floating. However, these powers are extremely difficult to master and may take some years as a Revenant to fully master. Though, as a revenant, their powers are naturally weaker than the next stage of ghosts, as they are still manifesting them, and in turn will be harder for them to use those powers. For example, a spectre who could easily fade in and out of visibility, for a mere revenant it would take longer to do. As for the ghostly aura, as soon as the Revenant’s powers begin to manifest, so will it too, the aura itself being completely dependant on the ghost’s power. Its effects include sadness, itchiness and a chilly sensation at first, but the longer a mortal sticks around the ghost, the stronger the effects become up to a point completely dependant to the ghost’s powers, as sadness could eventually turn into depression and back luck, chill into a freezing sensation and so on. Naturally, a ghost can feed that aura’s powers to strengthen it, or even decrease the aura’s powers, but both of those actions result in the ghost having to sacrifice their own ectoplasm over time for this. A revenant, obviously, still can’t interact with the physical world the same way a mortal can, but they have different way to do things. For example, they can now begin to use telekinesis, up to Tier 3, where a revenant will begin to be able to lift a small object with some effort after enough training. Make sure to check the Telekinesis guide for help about how to use Telekinesis, since there is no difference between a mortal using that and a ghost, besides the fact that a ghost’s eyes don’t change colour and instead when they want to use telekinesis, they instead focus on the object, and it begins shaking in the first emote, then can begin floating in the second emote. As expected, every mortal has the laws of physics deeply ingrained in their minds, and so a newly awakened Revenant will have no access to ghostly powers and will still react to things as if it were a physical entity, even if they cannot touch or be touched by anything, which is why a revenant can’t shapeshift or begin floating unless they stop following those laws, which is hard to do, and takes a lot of time. Now, once a revenant has manifested their powers, gave everything enough time to be a typical ghost, now comes up for the next part; Level 3. Ghosts in Level 3 are divided between Spectres and Poltergeists, where the former is blue-coloured, latter being red, each with their own differences that will be mentioned later. If a revenant accepts themselves for who they have become now, they will be moving on to become a Spectre, and if not, and instead react to it in a horrible way such as with a lot of anger and/or hate, they end up turning into Poltergeists. Level 3 - Spectres and Poltergeists If the Revenant reacts negatively to their death and cannot be calmed down, they may turn into a Poltergeist. Poltergeists are ghosts consumed by anger and hate. They can be identified by their strong red color, ashy appearance, or completely black eyes. Poltergeists have mastered the ability to force their will onto physical people and objects. They will often throw things, destroy objects, scratch or harm people, or wail or make frightening noises, and are also able to physically touch flesh, living things, such as being able to grab someone, pull them around, choke the living essence out of people and so on. Due to their nature, Poltergeists are more drawn to the chaotic sides, and usually begin to haunt people, terrorize them with their powers and cause chaos all around. Though, that isn’t the case for all Poltergeists since ghosts retain the same personality they had from their past life, and instead be just more leaning towards the chaotic side from their nature. A Poltergeist doesn’t always have to be terrorizing people. If the Revenant can be calmed or gracefully accepts their new deceased state, they may become a spectre. Spectres are identified by their luminous blue color. Spectres are benevolent or at least neutral ghosts and are mostly harmless. They’ve mastered the ability to float, turn visible or invisible, and change appearance, but they typically do not use these abilities to frighten or disturb anyone. Spectres are less of the harmful side of ghosts, and more of the trickster type, or so to say, and can still be malevolent or playful. They definitely still can haunt and terrorize people like a Poltergeist would be more inclined to in order to feed from people’s emotions, which is no unfamiliar thing to them, but can also draw out different emotions, such as happiness, or even sadness and depression without having to drag out the fear. Where a Poltergeist will for example terrorize someone, traumatize them for life and feed out of the strong emotions they get out of, a Spectre can do the same, bar being able to physically touch the mortal, but can also use their powers for comedic value. Ever heard of a ghostly penguin with halfling feet that can breakdance? Ghosts don't have to fit neatly in either box, though. Whether they are poltergeists or spectres, are still individuals and will retain their living personalities even into their third evolution. Because the core of a poltergeist is anger and the core of a spectre is peace, the two level 3 ghost types often find each other repellent and try to avoid contact with each other if possible. They do not usually fight one another - simply avoid each other. However, this is not a hard and fast rule. Because ghosts are still all individuals, sometimes individual poltergeists and spectres may not hate each other, and can even interact with each other. For example, a deceased mother and daughter, the mother ending up being a spectre and the daughter a poltergeist, and while still retaining their same personalities and memories from their past life, nothing’s stopping them from still loving each other like they did back then as a family, even due to their differences as ghosts. Ghost's Characteristics Ghosts of all colors have a strong aversion to both bright light and magegold. If a house is afflicted by an unwanted ghost, the spirit can be driven out with either of those objects. Most ghosts, however, are fairly harmless. Since they can be chased out by magegold or light, it is often not worth it to call upon a holy being or shaman. The ascended, for example, have been known to deal with the undead, and can be very capable of dealing with them if a ghost is powerful enough to need one. Though, they could always be dealt with by just any person, as long as they have the gold to protect themselves and to drive them away. Ghosts aren’t killers, so driving them away is definitely possible without having to worry too much. Haunts and Spectres are often not actively malicious. Revenants can be malicious, but not always. Poltergeists are usually the ones that require exorcism, as they are the most actively malicious and actively perform harmful deeds. Most ghosts stick to a single place or person when they haunt. Most ghosts will haunt the places and people they remember from their lives before they died. Sometimes, a ghost will haunt an object and move where the object moves. A lot of ghosts do not usually congregate in groups and don't typically have government systems, even though that is completely possible due to ghosts being able to retain their past life’s personality. While ghosts can interact with one another, they are mostly inclined to be solitary. When they do congregate in groups, it is usually because something awful has happened. Ghosts are usually created when people die violently or unnaturally. If a large number of people die at once, under certain circumstances, they may form up into an Apparition. In which case, they become extremely dangerous. However, this occurs under specific and unusual circumstances and does not always happen. The garden variety ghost can be an annoyance, especially if malevolent, but they are usually solitary and usually easy enough to vanquish. Since they are often attached to specific people, places, or objects, a simple solution to a ghost problem may be just to move away from the place/thing/person the ghost is haunting. Ghost Powers How Gold and Aurum work on Ghosts Ghost Red Lines: -They cannot learn any type of magic besides their own ghostly magic and Telekinesis, which comes naturally and grows up to T3 at most. -Ghosts cannot RP what they mechanically can’t do. Emoting your ghost phasing through a door then getting the owner to unlock it for you is not a possibility. -Ghosts cannot physically interact with the world the same way a mortal does. Only a Poltergeist is able to move objects around and grab living things without the need to use telekinesis. -It takes ingame years for a ghost to move on from Revenant to Level 3, they will have to manifest their powers and either accept themselves as a ghost or react with anger. -Haunts do not have access to ghost powers besides visibility/invisibility and noises, and even those are accidental and not thought about consciously. Anything beyond that is a no-no since they aren’t aware of their death. -They cannot pass through gold barriers, unless they have possessed something that protects them from it on the way through. -A spectre cannot move objects and grab living beings physically like a poltergeist can, and instead have access to 1 emote invisibility, which every other type of ghost can not. -A spectre cannot turn into a poltergeist, or vice-versa. Once a decision has been made, the ghost cannot change anymore and will require you to make a whole new ghost if you’d like to have one of the other type. Purpose: Same purpose as current ghosts, but this rewrite is mainly because their lore is pretty outdated and was back when holy beings and shamans were plentiful, and people were more equipped to dealing with ghosts. Hopefully this will change that and make it fit more with what is currently going on. Citation:
  10. The Dragon and the Crow signed in the Imperial city of Helena on the 8th of The Grand Harvest, 1719. The Imperium Renatum and the Principality of Cresonia, would agree on a defensive pact between both nations. Upon the meeting the empire agreed to help the princedom against any foe as long as both parties wished and had a mutual agreement to uphold this pact. The Terms, agreed upon by both signatories, are as followed: [ I ] : Both parties shall enforce a strict non-aggression pact, under all circumstances. [ II ] : Both parties shall agree to defend one another if the other is aggressed upon, with nothing left than the full extent of their military and political authority. [ III ] : Both parties recognize the irrevocable sovereignty and independence of the others nation. If this sovereignty and independence is contested or threatened, they shall protect one another, with nothing less than the full extent of their military and political authority. [ IV ] : The citizens of both the empire and the princedom shall be permitted to freely and safely travel within the borders of both of their lands. [ V ] : Both parties shall assist one another in intercepting and obtaining fugitives and criminals in their nations, unless they would violate another treaty, pact, or alliance in doing so. [ VI ] : If either party is found to be in violation of this pact, the two leaders will meet and discuss in a diplomatic way until an agreement on what to do has been met. Until then the defense pact and all its agreements will still fully stand. [ VII ] : This pact will stand for four saint’s months. Once this time has ended the two leaders will meet and discuss the pact. And if agreed upon will continue for another four saint’s months. If the current ruler of one of the two should die the pact will still stand until the agreed upon time has run out. The new ruler and the other one will then meet and discuss if they shall continue the pact or not. Signed by, HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Godfrey III of the House of Horen, Emperor of the Imperium Renatum, King of Renatus, Marna, Haense, Mardon, Salvus, Seventis, Savoy, Courland, Santegia, and Kaz’Ulrah, Duke of the Crownlands, Avar, and Frederica, Count of Helena, Alamar, Frederica, Thesmer, Thelen, Lorath, and Cantal, Baron of Darkwood, Gravelhold, Fidei Defensor, Protector of the Heartlanders, Highlanders, Farfolk, etcetera Her Royal Highness, Asria of House Nasrid, High Princess of Cresonia
  11. OROPO AND THE ADHERENTS OF DRESDRASIL The Adherents of Dresdrasil are a community dedicated to seaside life, and all the things that come with it. They’re at the surface, humble villagers who spend their days fishing and hunting, relaxing in the sun, surfing and diving, and making offerings and prayers to their mysterious Goddess. But delving deeper, there is more to them than meets the eye. The Adherents of Dresdrasil are split into three equal, but very different castes: Adherents, Ospreys, and Cormorants. Adherents are folks who handle the everyday aspects of life: barkeeps, sailors, fishers, crafters, and merchants alike. Ospreys are hunters in every sense of the word: fishing, trapping, diving, and monster hunting. Cormorants are scholars, spellcasters, and religious figures. Collectively, the Adherents are lead by the Kingfisher and the Herald of Dresdrasil, the leaders of the Ospreys and the Cormorants. The Adherents have their own culture and religion, their religion revolving around the worship of a divine figure. She has many name, known as the Old One of the Sea, the Goddess of the Sea, the Sea Mother, or more properly, as Dresdrasil, the Daemon of Abundance. The tales told by the Adherents speak of how she loved the sea so greatly that she decided to take on a mortal form, and gave up her godhead to dwell alongside the myriad forms of life she had created, her children. The Adherents try to honor her in all they do, treating their villages as just big families, and accepting people from all walks of life. Anyone who would reinvent themselves, no matter what they’re running from. Adherent society focuses heavily on fishing, hunting, and artisanship, with a major focus on skill, local materials, and trade. Despite their dedication, they’re also known to host many festivals, and to be a laid-back people. Those attempting to join the Adherents should apply on this thread using the supplied prompt, and head to Oropo for IC recruitment and such. There are no race or background limitations really, just be a decent person, and come to have fun ❤️ RECRUITMENT APPLICATION MC Name: Character Name: Race: Reason for wanting to join: Goals for Joining: Ideal Caste: Basic Background:
  12. [!] A drawing of a goblin in a jester outfit appears before you. It has the words “Buying wife 20 minas” written on top of it. A note is attached to it. It reads: Hi. I am Omar Grimmer’Lak. I want to buy a wife for twenty minas. She must be able to produce offspring. If you have any daughters, female friends, or mothers who might be interested, send me a bird!
  13. THE NEKHABET & THE TRIBES OF MALI’ASUL & VALAH’HT Mali’Asul History & Society Asul and their human soldiers once were glorious in both might and beauty, their scrolls long since burned. A history once believed to be grand now lay in rubble far below the sands. The Pharmalin believed themselves to be the chosen people of a forgotten Daemon, for they believed their necromancy would allow them to rule and begin a war in the realms beyond, far away from their Mali’aheral brothers they toiled forging armies of dead in the sands. Their kingdom, if you could call a shambling mass of mindless undead fell into ruin as the necromancers fought one another in an vain attempt to grab power over the realm, A realm of little consequence to anyone else. However the sand swallows all in the end as would become a common phrase; the war proved to have no victor, and the art of their necromancy perhaps lost forever in the dunes. The only whispers of this story come from those who claim to hail from the hidden kingdom of the undead it’s name now gone. All that remains is the Nekhabet, Arak, & The Sun Elves of the deserts. Mali’Asul are known mostly for their desire for their aggression, instead of hiding in their homes they are known to instead nearly to a fault be ready to fight both at war and in single combat. For most of all might makes right in the lives of any tribe. Thus one cannot lead a tribe without both the wisdom & knowledge of a warrior and the mind of a leader keeping weak leadership out. Tattoos mark their skin, showing their accomplishments and titles etched in gold for their lavish nature still resides below a warrior’s strong ideals desiring to amass wealth and rule once more remains lingering in all Asul hearts believing themselves not only all deserving of great power but superior to their high elven breathen whom they often call Lowborn for their weak moral code and seemingly reclusive nature. Famous riders and horses are known to frequently come from the stock of the Asul being very numerous it is within their culture to not only honor horses but live beside them. For a Mali cannot rely only on their legs or strength of arms if they are to rule over those whom sit in their castles. The Nekhabet Tribe however have a renown desire for rare objects, scrolls, and gold being interested most of all in their ability to fight against the undead for while they Asul once wielded them, they too fought them. They most frequently share the traits of white hair and amber almost golden eyes Their Sister tribe the Arak however idolize combat to an extreme degree fighting for the simple joy of it, known also perhaps for their lustful nature. They most frequently share hues of gray in their hair, their eyes similar to that of the Nekhabet perhaps denoting a shared lineage. Nekhabet & Arak Behavior Mali’Asul Culture & Society Asul Architecture & Defenses Mali’Asul Tribal Faith The Tribes of the Sun Elves *In full detail Mali’Asul Tribal Virtues firstly are the virtues all tribes shared the Mali’Asul or Sun Elves followed, a strong set of virtues that govern their life since they lack a core religion they instead follow a strict code of honor written as their ‘Virtues’. It brings shame to those whom break these Virtues. Arak Nekhabet Interested in RolePlaying the culture? https://discord.gg/kzGwpZF is the discord. Please if you wish to actively help improve this post join!
  14. Pet ‘N Go Arcas’ one-stop-shop for all your pet needs! [!] A depiction of the interior of Pet ‘N Go. The Pet ‘N Go store, located at Central Ward 13 in Sutica is the premier shop in all of Arcas for all the pet-lovers around! In stock, we have not only the animals themselves but anything you could dream of needing to care for and love them for cheap, affordable prices. We have plenty of exotic pets, including but not limited to: Tigers, Rainbow Boas, Finger Monkeys (!), Ferrets, Wolves, Cocatoos, Snails, Hermit Crabs, Qinling Pandas, Tarantulas, Scarlet Macaws, and a fan-favorite.. Karins! [!] A sketch of a Karin is shown. And plenty more! So come on down to Pet ‘N Go at Central Ward 13 in Sutica for anything pet-related that you require. Remember, brighten your day or anyone you get a gift for with an animal to care for and love. Owned and Operated by Tsarra.
  15. ((This post contains reference to content that others might find triggering or emotionally upsetting. Read at your own desire.)) Daichia Jusmia, was truly no one. His father, Gusiam Jusmia openly denounced the ancestors. Claiming that older Ker used it has a ploy, to brain wash the young into false beliefs and a fear of death. Daichia was born in 1561, his mother was but a simple servant that happen to get caught upon the roads by a bandit. This bandit would come to be his father. A murderer, thief, and heretic. He had a nasty habit of forcing himself on women. His mother was no different, but she took seed. And soon, was with child. But soon after his birth, his mother met an ill fate. Smothered in her sleep, the bab Daichia stolen away into the night by his father. Gusiam held no desire to stay where he was. And soon boarded ship, heading outward towards Atlas. Taking the growing Mali’ker with him. They would come to make a home deep in the southern part of Atlas, where Daichia knew little of his fathers past. He lived a simple life growing up. Maintaining their home, adding in securing food. Truly it was a simple life. And Daichia was raised, blissfully ignorant to his father’s crimes. There was little talk of religion between them. As it was only when Daichia started to venture forth on his own did he discover that his people had a faith. This sparked many debates between the two, as father and son bickered over the matter. In the end, Daichia would move onward before becoming of age. His father would fall ill soon after. His body was never found, and it was generally agreed that wolves had broken in and dragged the corpse out of the cabin. From here, he spent his days hunting game. And living off of the land, offering his service as a sell sword to those with coin. Truly, he was content with being no one. But, fate never leaves anyone out. And it sunk its claws into Daichia. The Mali’ker would come across a town called Belvitz in which he met a human whom he’d never truly forget. His name was Pandir, a charming lad, spastic. But a good heart. Truly, the elf felt at home, as they humans had welcome him with open arms. This lasted for a few years. The Imperial change in attitude towards elves looked dire to him, and Belvitz’s jolly mayor had stepped down. A Marshall took control of the town. And the ker promptly left. He would come across Fenn next in his journey through life. Taking up the title of banner men once more beneath them. Even cut off the tail of a horrid undead wyvern during his stay. Daichia respected the Mali’fenn, but he was hardly personally close to any. It was when their prince declared that all citizens and snow elves must come to worship their deity, did he leave. He would come to take up arms with a small group called the Wyvern Fang company. Hired blades, but the group lasted for a few years. Before the majority of them had been hunted down by Darius Ault. Daichia survived, by simply leaving at the right time. From here, Daichia had herd word of a group of ‘ker gathering. He would make their way to their encampment, and witness the wedding of Xavis Ashwood, and Wren Ashwood. He did little to get involved with their matters, and spent his last days on Atlas hunting game in the woods. It was upon Arcas, that Daichia would invest himself into Vira’ker. From staying within Aegorthond. To their small fort where he took oath beneath Avurak Syllar, where he would see the coronation of Avurak. Daichia would come to make close personal connections with several that also called Vira’ker their home. And he would watch Vas Vincrute make a choice one hardly ever returns from. But nothing last forever, Vira’ker was raided, and Avurak killed by the hands of Renatus. He would see Vira’ker join Fenn and Aegrothond in an Elven Union. And was starting to gain mantels and titles. Ones which he knew little what to do with. He would live to see the Orcs betray their promise to the elves. Watching Valen Syllar take the throne after Avurak’s death. But in his last years, he would live to see the re-birth of the Oren empire. And rode with Vira’ker and Fenn. to rally with Oren and meet Renatus upon the field of battle. He would live to see the birth of Vaelor Syllar, and he would come to enter a throne room. Forsaken by his royalty, the crown left upon the throne. And for the first time in a long time, Daichia fell to his knees and wept. A document declare himself, Dak’ir Des’Nox, and Necor Illaka upon a regency council. Daichia would come to meet the Oren Emperor, something he’d never expect in his life. After all, he was no one. To secure Vira’ker ties with Oren He would live to see Lucius Daemyr lay claim to the Vira’ker throne, and lived to see Lucius crowned upon the throne of Vira’ker. In this time, he had taken but two lovers. The first, he believed to be dead, a Ker by the name of Sanvi. They would have a daughter. a daughter that would no longer have a father. The second, was Kelia, the daughter of the Shade Lockezi. Who was with child, who also will never know the sight of their father. Daichia would meet his death not far outside Vira’ker. At the hands of Vinir Orothell, where the two engaged in combat. In an emotionally heated fight, words were exchanged, and blows were traded. But Daichia would fall to the younger ker. Dying silently, with no words. Death was silent History would not remember dead men And Daichia would lay lifeless on the ground. In his final moments, he was joyful. For truly, he believed he’d prove his father wrong and end the debate that was never settled.
  16. Kompaniya Moskoviya ☦ Founded 2nd of The Deep Cold, 1717 Introduction: The Kompaniya Moskoviya was formed and founded in the Year 1717 by the Romanovich Family and is currently lead by two of its Head-Founders Dragoslav Romanovich and Konstantin Romanovich. The Kompaniya Moskoviya was formed to set a defense upon all Raev people and their values with in Arcas. Ranks: Komandir The Komandir is the official Leader with in the Company. They hold absolute authority and their word is always final. Their job is to conduct trainings, handle contracts, distribute pay, and keep morale up. Leytenant The Leytenant(s) come in sets of two. They are the second highest rank with in the Company. They are the aide-de-camp. Leytenant(s) are responsible for logistics of the company, recruiting, boosting morale, and helping the Komandir. Serzhant Strong folk who have proven themselves on the field of battle and veterans of the company. Good role models for the Soldaty. They help the Leytenant(s) with recruiting, keeping Soldaty in line, holding the line. Soldat The rank of Soldat is one worn with pride. They know how to follow commands, they hold the lines as the bulk of the Company’s troops, and come from all sorts of backgrounds. Some of the Soldaty are experienced warriors and some or not, but all train to better themselves in the art of combat. [!] Soldaty of Kompaniya Muskoviya in a skirmish against enemies c. 1716 Application RP Name: RP Age: RP Race: RP Ethnicity (Raevir, Haenseti, etc.): Previous military experience: Reason for joining: OOC: IGN: Discord: (or msg Fishy#5175 on Discord for info!) ☦
  17. Due to popular demand, I’ve decided to open a skin shop to showcase all my skins for any buyers. Prices: Dress/nohead: 400 Armor/nohead: 800 Dress/withhead: 600 Armor/withhead: 1200 examples: Fill out application: IGName: User: Refrences: What you want: Special notes: Tips?? :’)):
  18. There are 14 13 Gemstones Each Doing something Different, Reminder: This was made by different LOTC player, Im just trying to Introduce it to the Lore. Gemstone Rules: The Normal Gemstone without the Diamond may only be used Once every 3 Saints Days. The Gemstone with a Diamond may only be used once per week. The Golden Ring and Golden Neckless are allowed to be held Together; but the Satchel/Crown and anything else is not same Allowed to Be Combined with the Neckless or Ring! In Order to get the Diamond Gem to work you Must Enchant it with the Help of a Enchanter, Druid, Mage, anyone with Enchanting Magics, And a Moderator must at least Hear how it happened, or View it, so that way the Player cant Meta-Game that they have the Diamond Boost to the other Gems. The Gemstones: The Diamond: Amplifies other Gems; The Emerald: Increase Fertility, So about a minute or two faster than normal; The Amethyst; Calms nerves only Slightly, but is Helpful in Meditation; Sugilite Gem: A Healing stone, It requires Druid Magic to Heal more than normal, but normally can help fix a broken nose; Carnelian Gem: Helps with Analytical Skills you only have to Roll 2 Below the normal roll in order to find out what it is; The Garnet: Draws lesser Poisons from the blood; The Onyx: Helps Enlighten You Slightly; Hematite Gem: Reduces Stress Slightly; The Sapphire: Invokes Happiness and Peace! Only for you and the person your using it on; The Topaz: Increase Mental and Physical Stamina; Tiger’s Eye Gem: Destroy’s Anxiety only slightly; The Peridot: Removed; The Mystical Pearl: Improves mind and Body Connection, Makes it so if your Crazy You have more Control over your body than normal; Soladite Gem: Cannot Be used without Diamond; Diamond Amplifier (May only be used Once Per Saints Week): The Emerald: Makes it 6 or 8 Minutes Faster than normal; The Amethyst: Completely Calmed Nerve’s, But you can use Self Defense (A Mini Villainy Ban, but able to get rid of at any time.) Sugilite Gem: Requires Less Druid Magic and Can Heal: Dislocated Body Parts, Broken Noses, Bites, Scratches, Minor Stab Wounds (Nothing Serious, you should get the point); Carnelian Gem: Makes it so You have to Roll 4 Below the Normal Roll to find out what it is; The Garnet: Draws Moderate Poisons from the blood/body, and Can Help with Blood Clots; The Onyx: It can get rid of your sadness if your sad about a Family Members Loss, the death of a companion, or can just get rid of anything sad. Hematite Gem: Almost Completely gets rid of Stress, almost like you on Drugs; The Sapphire: Makes it so If your In a Bar Fight you can Calm Everyone down so 3v3 or 5v5, But Cannot, I REPEAT CANNOT BE USED IN RAIDS! The Topaz: If your Completely Worn out on one persona it boost them back up to 50% Energy. Tiger’s Eye Gem: Gets Rid of Anxiety completely, so almost no Fear, and makes it so you Aren't as Reckless as Normal; The Peridot: Removed; The Mystic Pearl: Helps You control your personality’s If your Crazy; Soladite Gem: Absorbs Bad thoughts from everyone around the wearer and the Wearer!; Ways To Hold The Gems: The Silver Ring: Of which can only hold 1 Gemstone; (Iron Nugget) The Silver Neckless: Of which can only hold 1 Gemstone; (Iron Ingot) The Silver Crown: Of which can only hold 3 Gemstones; (Iron Helmet) The Golden Ring: Of which can only hold 1 Gemstone; (Golden Nugget) The Golden Neckless: Of which can hold only 2 Gemstones; (Golden Ingot) The Golden Crown: Of which can only hold 4 Gemstones; (Golden Helmet) The Leather Gemstone Satchel: Of which can only hold 5 Gemstones; (Chest/Backpack Head Up. to you) The Leather Gemstone Backpack: Of which can only hold 6 Gemstones; (Backpack Head) How to Make the Gemstone Holders OOC-LY: The Silver Ring: Requires a Iron Nugget The Silver Neckless: Requires a Iron Ingot The Silver Crown: Requires a Iron Helmet The Golden Ring: Requires a Golden Nugget The Golden Neckless: Requires a Golden Ingot The Golden Crown: Requires a Golden Helmet The Leather Satchel: Requires a Chest or Backpack head (Up to you) The Leather Backpack: Requires a Backpack Head The Gem Holder’s Description’s: The Silver Ring: The Ring made of pure Silver, has room for a Small Gem. The Golden Ring: The Ring made of pure Gold, has room for only one small Gem, though the Ring is a Bit bigger than a Silver Ring. The Silver Neckless: The Neckless is made of pure Silver, The chain and what the Chain’s holding, though it is bigger than a Ring, It only has room for one Small Gem. The Golden Neckless: The Neckless made of pure Gold, Bigger than a Silver Neckless, can hold two Small Gemstones. The Silver Crown: The Crown made of pure Silver, has room for 3 Small Gemstones at the front of it, the Blacksmith not wanting to risk the Rest of The Crown, Breaking because the Outer Layer is not Thin enough, It Kind of Hurts When put on. The Golden Crown: The Crown made of pure Gold, has room for 4 Small Gemstones, one on every side of the Crown, It’s Been Slightly Expanded, and Doesn’t Hurt like the Silver Crown. The Leather Gemstone Satchel: The Satchel, only has room for 5 Small Gemstones in it, as it’s a Medium Sized Satchel, any Bigger and It might as well be a backpack! The Leather Gemstone Backpack: The Backpack, Made of Extravagant Leather from some of the Finest Animals, can hold 6 Small Gemstones, As the Outside of the Backpack is heavy on its own, the heavy Gemstones, would Weigh it down more.
  19. The Secrets of Carbarum The Gem Metal An ancient Vihai during the times of Larihei, adorning a full set of Carbarum Armor, with an axe in tow. Carbarum By far the most rare and mystical metal to be obtained by the hands of mortal men. A metal with such a reputation for its strength that speaking its very name echoes power. It shimmers and shines like diamond, its surface sleek and smooth, but strength comparable to that of scales from a true Dragon. It is almost crystal like in appearance, one of the reasons it has been commonly confused with diamond, while diamond being one of the things that tend to make the metal impure. Its beauty far exceeds any gem or ware made of other metal. Found far beneath the earth and in places where the earth touches the sky, it is no wonder that it’s hard to find, for only the most treacherous places seem to hold this awe-inspiring material. Alas, its reputation may have had its leaps and bounds, but the art of forging Carbarum has been lost to the ages, only the most ancient of Dwarven and Elven smiths knowing of its processes. Carbarum is not diamond, it is similar, but not the same. Carbarum is found only in the deepest depths of the earth and the highest peaks of mountains. Pure and Impure Pure A metal unlike every other, it surpasses all when most pure. One of the few ways known to merely bend this metal after it has been refined and forged, is by the strength of a Greater Drake, able to bend Carbarum Swords with their forearms and claws. However, its main downside is the weight of such weaponry and armor. In equal amounts, Pure Carbarum will always be at least twice the weight of Steel. If you tap Pure Carbarum lightly with a steel file or with something, you will hear a ring similar to that of silver chimes in the wind, soft on the ear. With enough force, it is even said that a man on horse-back could have his sword shatter to pieces if he struck a blade of Carbarum, though that would be a rare occurrence, and unlikely without the aid of tremendous speed. Impure Though still containing remnants of the beauty Carbarum has, it is still impure and lacks the full radiance of the legendary metal. Its weight still being roughly the same as that of Pure Carbarum, its strength is greatly diminished but in an odd way. You may take a Carbarum Axe that is made of Impure Carbarum and hack into a tree and it will remain still as effective as Pure Carbarum, but giving too hard of a tap onto something harder, such as a metal, and it will shatter like exploding glass! You can tell if Carbarum is impure, simply by lightly tapping on the metal with a steel file, or something similar. You shall hear a very soft, high pitched ring emanate from the metal, this is what causes it to shatter. The impurities in the metal cause vibrations so intense that the Carbarum quite literally shakes itself into shattering into tiny sharp shards, almost like glass! So it is important to know that Carbarum Tools remain effective if they are not struck against things that would cause the metal to resonate at such a high frequency! Iron and anything of similar or greater hardness will cause the Carbarum to resonate at such a high frequency that it will shatter! Forged In Flames This part of the post won’t be fluffy or RP friendly at all, it will be purely informational and filled with OOC. This will be the full process of Carbarum Forging! Including mining/gathering, smelting, the hammer, forging, and sharpening. Mining & Gathering Carbarum mining is a very dangerous task when you set out to do it. Any action done wrong could quite easily end in your death, so be careful! You must completely mine around the ore and not actually into it. Mining into Carbarum while it is an ore, so while it is impure, will cause it to shatter violently, releasing sharp shards of Carbarum in all directions and something else of much more concern, dust. Mere dust of Carbarum when inhaled could easily cause death. The dust particles not only potentially choking the inhaler, but also leaving thousands of tiny cuts and pieces of dust embedded in the throat and lungs. A mask is not required but highly suggested in case of an accident! Smelting and refining Nothing like melting iron or gold down in a forge, Carbarum requires special treatment for it to be done fully. First off, Drachalite and Boomsteel must be harvested for this task and ground into fine dust. This, combined with the use of Alchemist’s Fire and a forge capable of intense heat for extended periods of time will allow the smith to melt the metal. The Drachalite and Boomsteel dust being thrown into the forge with a vial of Alchemist’s Fire will purge the ore of most of its impurities, creating a large amount of slag at the surface of the molten material. After removing the slag from your crucible, you should then pour the metal into a mold, allowing it to solidify but still be malleable. With large, two-handed steel hammers, multiple men should beat on the ingot, fold it, and continue to beat on it. This should be done several times over to deliver a product that gleams a light-blue when completely free of impurities, it will be a darker hue, similar to teal when impure. You will notice when the product is nearing becoming a pure material not only from its color, but because your steel hammers are also likely to start denting themselves on the metal at this point. Note, Smelting step can be completely done with Draconic Fire if you’re able to get your hands on such. The Hammer Carbarum is not so easily forged with your everyday steel ball-pin hammer, you must use one of Carbarum, but how do you acquire a Carbarum Hammer without being able to forge the metal. Simple really, you use a Bluesteel hammer, the second best thing. You may have to reforge your Bluesteel hammer a few times as it will dent itself on striking the heated Carbarum. Otherwise, once you have made what appears to be a rather acceptable appearing Carbarum Hammer, use that one to make another Carbarum Hammer, the final one being neigh perfect for creating Carbarum of the highest quality. Forging It may take hours to fully forge Carbarum to its appropriate shape and strength, so a lot of manpower and endurance is needed for the task. This should also be done in one session because if the product cools off without being properly forged, it will warp and deform, ruining whatever you may have worked on. Even though the metal may be fiercely hot, you should know that it is still quite hard to forge even when so soft, a lot of strength required in blows to shape the metal. Any edges you wish to make should be done as thinly as possible because you will not get a second chance to simply reforge a sword so that it is thinner along its edge. Sharpening The only way to sharpen Carbarum is with a grindstone or whetstone made of Boomsteel, Ferrum, and Diamond ground into dust, with the Ferrum and Boomsteel being 90% of the stone is made of, half and half, while diamond dust is the 10%. This combination of materials allows for strength, hardness, and a bit of heat to warm the metal. Some Extra Red Lines! 1. You will need LT approval to forge Carbarum and require IRP knowledge on how it is done, currently, no one knows, so good luck finding out! 2. You will need LT signed Carbarum Ore to even start the process of forging Carbarum. 3. The knowledge of Carbarum Smithing can be self-taught or passed on via teaching if you able to actually acquire Carbarum and experiment on it. 4. Carbarum Weapons/Tools may be represented with Diamond Weapons and Tools, but of course with only the stats of iron! Carbarum Armor will require iron armor to be LT signed and represent such, and a skin!
  20. Ailyn Matiu Age: 20 Race: Human Gender: Female Sexuality: Whoever catches her eye, catches her eye. Current Residence: Homeless Relationship Status: Technically married Social Status: Friendly neighborhood hobo Physical Appearance Height: 5’7 Weight: 167 Physique: Muscular but still keeps her feminine shape Hair Color: Dark daaarrk brown Scars: One large scar from her neck to her cheek Hygiene: She can never seem to wash the smell of salt off of her. Constantly dirty from her travels. Voice: She can’t help but talk like a sailor. Personality Likes: Freedom, exploring, meeting new people. Dislikes: Not being able to do whatever she wants Strengths: Physical strength, survival knowledge Weaknesses: She just can’t seem to pick up on social cues Fears: Commitment Values: Freedom Possesions Wardrobe: Gods forbid she ever venture north or she’d freeze to death. Jewelry: She wears a string of beautiful shells, pearls, scales, and teeth on her hip. Has an earring with an old seagull feather attached. Always carries: Her old rusty trusty fishing rod. Her leather satchel that has all her essentials like a change of clothes and random things she’s found.
  21. THE HISTORY OF ORCS THE AGE OF CREATION DAWN OF AEGIS (Est. 1 - 700 BCW) 1 BCW: The Four Brothers are born into the lands of Aegis: Krug, Horen, Malin, and Urguan 2 BCW: The descendants battle in the fateful war against Iblees and the Undead 3 BCW: Krug becomes scarred and burned by Iblees touch and cursed with bloodlust after the Arch-Daemon was defeated. In return, the Aenguls blessed Krug and his kin with Honor and Valor as contribution after the war. 4 BCW: The Four Brothers split into separate ways raising great families and unique civilizations. 5 BCW: Krug takes upon many mates creating vast amounts of sons and daughters, but the children of Grahla whomst was Krug’s life mate was recognized to be the most popular. These children went by the names of Rax, Dom, Gorkil and Lur. 6 BCW: Krug’s children triumph in many battles and obstacles earning great respect to their names. 7 BCW: Krug wages war against the Empire of Horen. While the Orcs sieged the city, Krug is challenged to an honor duel by the Emperor. Horen is swiftly defeated by Krug who planted his war axe into his brother’s skull. CLAN WAR (Est. 700 - 1300 CW) 1 CW: The Orc Clans came about when the children of Krug began having descendents and eventually they separated into different families, or Clans. These Clans would have many differences and would respect their Clan Father and die for Him. 2 CW: These Clans would eventually start following Clan fathers, and there were two who possessed the most appeal; The Great Warrior Tythor, Slayer of the Kar'ak Scorpion, and The Great Shaman Orta, who could call down whole lightning storms. 3 CW: Two major Mega-Clans of the time were the Rax Clan led by Tythor’Rax and Dom Clan led by Orta’Dom. 4 CW: The Clan Wars tear through the lands of Krug between the Clan Dom and Clan Lur 5 CW: Warlord Veruk’Gorkil leads a campaign against Warlord Tythor’Rax in the Battle of Nomad Plains leading 500 Gorkils riding their fastest war boars against 1,200 Jabbernacks that Tythor’Rax brought to battle. The Gorkils tore through the Rax cavalry while the Dom’s sent lightning crashing from the sky into the center of the Rax forces. At the end of the battle, Tythor’Rax retreated with 150 Jabbernacks while Veruk’Gorkil only lost 30 War Boars and even fewer Gorkils. 6 CW: Tythus’Rax is pronounced War Lord of the Rax Clan after Tythor’Rax falls in battle. 7 CW: The Clans of Krugmar are exposed to the truth of the dark shamanism utilized as a weapon by Dark Shamans of Clan Dom after slaughtering through the numbers of Clan Lur. This causes Clan Gorkil and Clan Rax to join Lur and face the Doms. 8 CW: Warlord Tythus’Rax led many victories over the Dominus Clan and in one fateful battle, the High Shaman Orta tried to use Dark Magic to win. Krug, in anger, showed his displeasure for the weak and sent down lightning bolts to aid Tythus. Orta was killed and the Dominus Clan was eliminated, many showing fealty to Tythus soon after. 9 CW: War Lord Tythus’Rax leads a great victory over the Elves, taking their ruined city and establishing it as the capital of the War Nation, San’Jazel. THE AGE OF BLOOD AEGIS (1305 -1349 IG)[2011 - 2012 IRL] 1 CW - 1300 - Aegis began. Although the realm had already existed for a long time. 2 CW - 1305 - Tythus’Rax unites the Clans after the end of the Clan Wars and establishes the first Rexdom of Krugmar 3 13XX - Bein’Lur suggests the formation of an Orcish Army and Rex Tythus grants Bein the title Dominus. 4 13XX - A Nomad Village was land granted to the Dominus of Krugmar by Rex Tythus 5 13XX – Dominus Bein’Lur scouted a village near San’Jazel that was called Riverside. After some interactions and conflicts the Dominus waged war upon Riverside. The details of the battles are foggy, but the Orcs prevailed and the Dominus reconstructed the ruins forging a new city called San’Har. 6 13XX - An Orc named Petri bought a home in Kellogg but began building an army in a short span of time. It was brought to the attention of Dominus Bein’Lur and as Petri was confronted a skirmish broke out and left Petri’s army scattered and demoralized. 7 13XX - The Orcish Horde was reformed and construction of Fort Krug is completed. 8 13XX - Orta the Dark Shaman returns from death with the help of Iblees after being cast to the Nether by Krug for using Dark Magic. Dominus Bein is captured but after numerous attacks upon Orc cities he is defeated and killed by a group of Orcs in the Battle of San’Jazel. 9 13XX - Dominus Thyst challenges Tythus for the title of Rex and was mortally wounded in the battle. He suffered from his wounds and eventually was sent into the afterlife of the Stargush’Stroh. 10 13XX - Many of the Clans despised the leadership of Rex Tythus and united together to overthrow him in a revolt. 11 13XX - Just before the Assault of San’Jazel many of the clans became conflicted amongst themselves. Many laid their support in the Chieftain Mogroka’Gorkil while others supported the Lower Dominus Gorefang’Gorkil. 12 13XX - Mogroka and Gorefang decided it could only be settled through a duel. The duel lasted for three days and nights but neither got the upper hand. On the fourth day, after dehydration and starvation begins to set in the two Orcs land a solid blow upon each-other ending the duel without a winner. 13 13XX - Many feared that bloodshed and civil war would soon break out without a winner and just as each side prepared for battle they were interrupted by The Wandering Wizard who convinced the Clans to re-unite to their cause to prevent the Undead from reaping their lands. 14 13XX -A prophecy is told by Elder Shaman Krink’Gorkil that two brothers would lead the Orcs to victory and it would be the Orc’s Golden Age. 15 13XX - Mogroka and Gorefang together set out for San’Jazel to meet the Rex and challenge him for the Rexdom. Rex Tythus arrogantly accepted both challenges at the same time and was defeated leaving Mogroka and Gorefang to share the Rex title. 16 13XX - Shez’Lur, son of Bein’Lur, destroys San’Har and opens rebellion against Mogroka’Gorkil believing him to be a Usurper since he had never held the title of Dominus. Rex Mogroka acted quickly and had the rebels in full retreat as Shez’Lur was killed in the fighting. 17 13XX - The Great War began with a series of skirmishes between the Orcs and Dwarves outside of San’jazel. 18 1336 - Rex Mogroka’Gorkil of Krugmar and Prince Mylas of the Holy Princedom of Malinor, accompanied by Hochmeister Gaius Marius, marched on the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, Kal’Urguan 19 1336 - The Wandering Wizard falls defending against a horde of Undead 20 1339 - Grand Councilor Valen Blackaxe of Kal'Urguan and Warlord Mogroka of Krugmar end the Great War with a peace treaty, allowing Kal'Urguan to join the United Aegis Coalition. 21 1343 - The Dwarves begin work on a new coalition made up of Kal'Urguan, Renatus, Malinor, Hanseti and Krugmar. 22 1349 - Aegis falls 1 The Verge - Explored and colonized towards the end of Aegis, the Verge was a collections of islands that the people of Aegis fled through a portal to when Iblees' power became too great to contain. There they built ships to travel to Asulon. ASULON (1351 -1414 IG)[2012 IRL] 1 1351 - The orcs ventured to Asulon with the other mortal races and saw a boost in their population. 2 1351 - An idea spurred that the Rexdom of Krugmar was not working for the orcs, and thus the War Uzg, a nation of violence, was born. 3 13XX - As a result of the new found strength, the War Uzg aids the Hanseti in raids against the Kingdom of Renatus 4 13XX - War eventually breaks out with the orcs and Hansetians on one side and the Kingdom of Renatus on the other side. The war is stalemated after the orcs take over the fort of Das Boot. 5 13XX- After these tensions, the War Uzg set it's eyes on the Silver City of the High Elves. Within time, the orcs had burned down the Silver City after weeks of raiding. After the sacking of the Silver City, the War Uzg sat dormant for a while, until a new political advance in the War Uzg occurred. 6 13XX - The first Rex Klomp of the War Uzg occurs between the standing Rex Mogroka’Gorkil and Warlord Pok of the Ugluk Clan. After a fierce battle, Pok’Ugluk emerges the winner and becomes the Third Rex to ever hold the title. 7 13XX- Rex Pok quickly turns relations with the nation of Salvus for the worst and forms four powerful alliances 8 13XX - The War Uzg declares war on Salvus, backed by the coalition Pok had formed. The coalition consisted of Alras, Renatus, Hanseti, and Malinor as well as some larger guilds and a rebellion lead by a Human noble. 9 1414 - The Descendants depart from Asulon 1 Elysium - A collection of islands that the people stopped on during their sea trip from Asulon to Anthos. 2 Kalos - A big island which the people stopped to restock on supplies between Elysium and Anthos. ANTHOS (1420 -1454 IG)[2013 - 2014 IRL] 1 1420 - The Descendants reach Anthos 2 14XX - The Orcs of the War Uzg occupied the capital of San'Orka. 3 14XX - The dwarves push back the orcs, after a victorious battle at Storm's Crossing, ending the war between the two races. 4 1440 - The War Uzg is disbanded and the Orcish desert is called the Orcish Badlands. The Orcish Clans become the center of Orcish political life. 5 1454 - A new land would be discovered by the descendants, known to most as the Fringe, a peculiar land seeming near ancient as Anthos itself, with a sprawling temple of marble with a peculiar obsidian portal, seeming much like the ones once used in Aegis by the Undead around roughly a century ago. 1 The Fringe - Explored and colonized towards the end of Anthos, the Fringe was a land surrounded by very high mountains, with weird natural land formations. The people escaped here through a tunnel when Anthos was flooded. 2 Thales - When a harsh heat passed through the Fringe, the people took a portal to Thales, where they stayed there until finding a more suitable land of Athera. THE AGE OF IRON ATHERA (1470 -1513 IG)[2014 - 2015 IRL] 1 1470 - Power struggles existed each and every day, orcs had no honor towards each other. This occurred over the span of Athera, until an ancient and experienced orc known as Vrograk'Gorkil took it upon himself to fix things and declared himself Rex. 2 1470 - The Iron Uzg was established 3 14XX - Rex Vrograk'Gorkil orders construction of a capital city, Kodar'Goi. After years of construction, the fearsome city of violence was completed - arguably one of the most defendable places in Athera. 4 14XX - Skirmishes soon broke out naturally between the dwarves and the orcs. Primarily, the dwarves were angered by the shaving of dwarven beards by the Rex, Vrograk'Gorkil. 5 14XX - The Grand Kingdom of Urguan issued what was known as The Treaty of the Red Sands, which angered many orcs. Without second thought, Vrograk'Gorkil used the treaty as toilet paper - his faith in his newly revived orcs higher than ever. Soon after, both nations mobilized their armies in preparation for a bloody war. 6 14XX - A battle is won decisively for the Iron Uzg as they then marched to Kal'Ekknar - the Grandaxe Village. 7 14XX - After a long battle at Kal'Ekknar, the Dwarves utilized a strong flanking route and sent the Iron Uzg in a full retreat back to their original land. 8 1491: After a several year long conflict, peace has been made between the Kingdom of Akovia, Mardonic League, the Dwarves and the orcs. 9 1513: The Orc-Dwarf War comes to an end, and within a few months a giant worm destroys most of Athera. The descendant races then move on to The Isles of Vailor. VAILOR (1513 -1570 IG)[2015 - 2016 IRL] 1 1513 - Shortly after the arrival into Vailor, Rex Vrograk'Gorkil fell fatally ill - later dying, but not before naming his son, Vrogrash'Gorkil, to be trained to be the Rex of the Iron Uzg. 2 15XX - After some years it was realized that Rex Vrogrash'Gorkil never truly lived up to his father's legacy, and he later left the Iron Uzg. 3 15XX - In his place, surprisingly, the first non-orcish rex in history - Phaedrus'Yar took over the Iron Uzg as the Rex. At first faced with opposition, Phaedrus quickly proved he was an orc in an elf's body - truly the most vile elf to ever live. 4 15XX - Under Phaedrus's rule, the clans were reunified after a brief period of seclusion, tribute to the rex was expected from all clans, a holy warrior of the Church of Canon was slain in a duel, and most surprisingly - outlawed slavery and declared an era of industry. 5 15XX - Phaedrus'Yar was later defeated in an honorable duel by the orc known as Kahn'Braduk, an orc more ancient than Vrograk'Gorkil himself. 6 15XX - Briefly, the Iron Uzg was a part of the Southern Vailor Coalition, but Rex Kahn believing the Chancellor of the coalition, Aelthir Tundrak was trying to control him, took his nation out of the alliance and left the heart of the great beast the Fleugal at their feet, challenging them to seek retribution. 7 15XX - The Iron Uzg had brief skirmishes with the combined armies of Urguan and Fenn, but did not react until the Southern Vailor Coalition broke up after the vassalization of Aeroch Nor by the Holy Oren Empire. 8 1527 - The Iron Uzg begins advancing towards the Princedom of Fenn as an act of retribution to prior threats. 9 1528: The Iron Uzg wins against the Ivae'Fenn outside their city, and prepare to siege Tar'sil, the Princedom's capital. 10 1529: The Princedom of Fenn with Dunamis support bests the Iron Uzg in a siege against the Princedom of Fenn's capital. 11 15XX - Regrouping his forces, Rex Kahn'Braduk attempted again and conquered the Snow Elves. He ultimately fell ill, and was challenged by his friend Targoth Ubba'Ugluk who would go on to become Rex and reform the Iron Uzg as the War Uzg 12 1560 - The Iron Uzg collapsed and is reformed into the War Uzg 13 15XX - Rex Ubba’Ugluk falls ill and grants the Rex title to his friend, Snoop’Azog. 14 15XX - The clans showed dissatisfaction for their newly elected Rex, Snoop’Azog and was defeated after entering an honor duel with Kharak’Raguk. 15 15XX - The Shaman Rex Kharak’Raguk leads the War Uzg on the Orgonic campaign. During this time much of the land became blighted or tainted with disease. 16 1570 - The Descendants flee Vailor through a Spirit Portal after the Great Spirit of Disease, Orgon, tainted the land and created an imbalance of nature ultimately destroying it. AXIOS (1571 -1642 IG)[2016 - 2017 IRL] 1 1571 - Vailor falls into destruction while the Orcs sail through the magical sea corridor into the lands of Axios eventually splitting from the mass of Vailoric Ships and anchored at the Jungles of Asul in the city of San’Garath. 2 1573 - Rex Kharak’Raguk dies at the hands of a mysterious spirit, and Kulgarok’Lak, a notable shaman, succeeds him. 3 1574 - Kulgarok constructs a new city, San’Kharak, in the swamp not far from San’Garath. San’Garath is promptly abandoned. 4 1576 - Rex Kulgarok’Lak is challenged by Malgunuz’Raguk, who handily defeats Kulgarok and takes the title of Rex. A group of Orcs known as the Sarnites break off from the Uzg and establish their own settlement across from San’Kharak, claiming themselves to be the true Rexdom. A civil war erupts between the Sarnites and the War Uzg. 5 1577 - The Order of the Angathgul is formed and separates from the Uzg, making its home on Ceru, by Sutica. Later that year, The ‘Ivory Mandate’ is signed in Oren, stating that all Orcish tusks brought to the crown will be rewarded with a hefty sum of minas. 6 1579 - John I Owyn, Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire, declares war on the War Uzg. As a response, the Sarnites reunite with the War Uzg and their disagreements are put aside in order to stand up against the Orenian menace. The first major engagement, known as ‘The Battle of Atlay’, is a decisive Orenian victory. 7 1580 - Vorgo’Yar claims Rexdom after Malgunuz’Raguk is imprisoned by the Skygods. 8 1581 - San’Kharak is evacuated right before Oren encircles the city and begins to siege it, the only people left to defend it being Vorgo’Yar, Dominus Khargak’Raguk, and the honorary Morka’Vorgor. The city quickly falls, with Khargak being slain at the battle, and Vorgo and Morka being brought to the Johannesburg Courthouse for trial, ending with both of them dying. Afterward, the War Uzg is disbanded and the remaining Orcs hide across Axios to try and recover from the devastating genocidal war they have battled. 9 1582 - The surviving Orcs begin to reunite and sail to the desert of Urguan as provided refuge by the Grand King of Urguan, Torvin Grandaxe, and founded a camp in the wasteland of Azaghol, where the Orcs lived as a loose band with little in the means of government. 10 1589 - Kulgarok returns and briefly claims Rexdom. However, very quickly he is challenged by a returning ancient orc, Drokon’Ugluk, who beats Kulgarok and reforms the Orcish society into the War Nation of Krugmar. 11 1591 - A Warzone erupts between Urguan and Azaghol versus Orenia and the Dominion of Malin after Wood Elf scouts found Orcs in Azaghol also known as ‘The Battle of the Gray Peninsula’, which ends in a loss for the Orcs. 12 1593 - Rex Drokon’Ugluk helps form a Coalition alongside The Grand Kingdom of Urguan, The Kingdom of Courland, the Ivae’fenn, and Norland to fight against the warmongering Orenian Empire. 13 1594 - The Orenian Empire attempt to cross through a valley in the desert but are defeated by the Coalition forces in a fight known as ‘The Battle of the Gorge’, marking the first battle the Empire had lost in over a hundred years. 14 1595 - The Coalition battles for the unstable county of Lorraine which is famously known as ‘The Battle of Goldfield’. 15 1596 - Drokon’Ugluk is severely injured after a hunt, only being saved due to both a surgery performed by Murgosh’Raguk and some magic by the dark shaman Kulgarok. Drokon is severely altered by Kulgarok’s magic and the Rex goes a spree of killing many Wargoths and other Orcs who he believes are conspiring against him. Soon after, Kulgarok reforms the Clan of Dom, bringing with him a new era of dark shamanism. 16 1597 - Drokon is returned to his right state of mind, ending his reign of terror. 17 1599 - Rex Drokon’Ugluk, out of shame for what he had done and the countless he had killed, hands the title of Rexdom over to Orgoth’Braduk. With this abdication, the clan Ugluk is decreed to be absorbed into clan Gorkil. 18 1602 - The Clans Braduk and Raguk, in an attempt to shore up their lacking numbers, merge to form the Clan Braguk. 19 1606 - Rex Orgoth’Braduk abdicates Rexdom to Gurak’Yar. 20 1608 - A coup is attempted by the Wargoth Kuntklobbera’Raguk at a feast, leading to a short battle that ended with Kuntklobbera being stripped of his status, yet still in Orcish society. 21 1612 - The Braguk Clan breaks up, reverting to Clans Braduk and Raguk. 22 1614 - Gurak’Yar steps down, leaving a void in the leadership that is filled by Kulgarok’Dom. Immediately, Kulgarok is challenged and defeated by Eath’Lur, and is once again banished from Krugmar. 23 1615 - Rex Eath’Lur steps down and hands the title over to Kuntklobbera’Raguk a bit before the World Cactus Festival. 24 1617 - A Coalition is formed between the War Nation, Urguan, Veris, and Norland to fight against the newly reformed Oren. 25 1619 - Anti-Laureh’lin sentiment rises immensely, with a spree of raids and taunts from the Rex and other Orcs, leading the two nations to the brink of war. The tensions did not result in any major conflicts, but they persisted for years afterwards. 26 1620 - The Shamanic Fellowship is founded. 27 1621 - Kuntklobbera'Raguk, in order to show his devotion to Leyd, changes his name to Leydluk'Raguk. 28 1642 - The Isles of Axios sunk into a deep thanic winter while the Orcs and other descendants escaped by sea. THE AGE OF DARKNESS ATLAS (1643 - 1705 IG)[2017 - 2019 IRL] 1 1643 - The Descendants reach the shores of Atlas after spending some time sailing upon the sea. 216XX - Orcs enter the first half of the Orc-Elf War and shortly into it Rex U’la’Yar is captured by mercenaries and executed by the Dominion of Malin. 3 16XX - Leydluk’Raguk reclaims the Rexdom and leads the War Nation of Krugmar 416XX - Rex Leydluk’Raguk involves the War Nation in the Courland-Renatus War 5 16XX - Rex Leydluk orders the construction of Fort Stronk bordering the lands of the Dominion of Malin 6 16XX - Several skirmishes and conflicts occur upon the roads outside of Fort Stronk 7 16XX - Rex Leydluk’Raguk relieves himself of the title and raises the Targoth Puknaak’Lak as the next Rex of Krugmar. 8 16XX - Krugmar enters the second half of the Orc-Elf War as Rex Puknaak orders a re-design of Fort Stronk. Many battles continue to happen between the Elves and Orcs. 9 16XX - Puknaak’Lak enters and honor duel with the Prince of the Dominion as suggested by Emperor Aurelius of Renatus-Marna which concluded with Rex Puknaak’s defeat and death. 10 16XX - Morlak’Lak rises as Rex when the clans decide upon him after his brother, Puknaak’s, death. 11 16XX - After Rex Morlak’s death, the clans fumble for the Rexdom and an honor duel is declared between Falum’Lur and Blogus the Black. After a decisive brawl, Rex Falum’Lur reigns over what remained of Krugmar and San’Kala which was shortly stripped away and granted to the Dominion of Malin. 12 16XX - Rex Falum’Lur departed for some time leaving Krugmar after San’Kala was taken and left the Orcs in great unrest. When he returned, Warlord Shakul’Gorkil claimed himself as Rex backed by a newly elected Warlord of Braduk. Shakul challenged Falum and dueled each other in a close match until the Gorkil claimed victory and earned the title as Rex Shakul’Gorkil. 13 16XX - Rex Shakul’Gorkil settles the orcs in the lands of the Frostbeards of Kaz’Ulrah for some time but eventually reclaims San’Kala then facing the conflict of the separate Orc Horde of Thagurz’Grish and resolves the situation by assimilating the Horde into Krugmar and allowing them to continue their ways. 14 16XX - Many Clans become unsatisfied with Rex Shakul’Gorkil as he often referred to making intolerable actions in the view of the Clans of Krugmar. 15 16XX - Glottgut'Raguk and Rognor'Lak lead a revolt of the clans in hopes to overthrow Rex Shakul’Gorkil which then phased into a Clan War. 16 16XX - After several battles, Rex Shakul’Gorkil is defeated and the Warlords choose Rex Gilgamesh’Braduk, son of the late Kahn’Braduk, to reign. 17 16XX - The War Nation of Krugmar is reformed into the Rexdom of Krugmar 18 16XX - Rex Gilgamesh vanishes from the lands of Krug and Warlord Murak’Gorkil rises to the occasion claiming the Rexdom. 19 1700 - Clan Raguk gets banished from Krugmar by Rex Murak’Gorkil 20 1705 - The inhabitants of Atlas escaped to Arcas. ARCAS [(1705 - SA 0) 1705 - 1796 IG]{2019 - 2020 IRL} 1 1705 - The Orcs and other Descendants reach the lands of Arcas after escaping Atlas. 2 17XX - Relations with Clan Raguk are repaired by Rex Burbur’Lur, but remain separate entities. 3 1715 - Rex Burbur’Lur gives an order to begin reconstruction of San’Strohk. 4 1732 -The Battle of Lowveld was fought between the forces of the Holy Orenian Empire and the Federation of Mokh-Uruk. The battle proved to be a victory for Mohk-Uruk 5 1734 - The Holy Orenian Empire declared war against the Federation of Mokh-Uruk. 6 1796: Arcas was destroyed and people settled on Almaris. Some people started to mark this as the beginning of the Second Age and reset the year to 0. ALMARIS (SA 0 - SA 128 IG)[1796 - 1924 IG]{2020 - 2023 IRL} 1 SA 35 - The Grand Kingdom of Urguan issued a declaration of war against the War Nation of Krugmar. 2 SA 39 - The war between Urguan and Krugmar ends in an Urguani victory. 3 SA 72 - After failed negotiations, the Orcs of the Iron Uzg declare war on the Kingdom of Elysium for apparent racism, sparking the Orc-Elysium War. 4 SA 76 - The Siege of Elysium transpired concluding with an Iron Uzg victory 5 SA 78 - The Elves of Malinor send an ultimatum to The Horde, demanding that they withdraw from their Haelun'orian lands. The Horde refuses, and sparks the Malinor-Horde War. 6 SA 83 - The Kingdom of Haense & The Grand Kingdom of Urguan declare a joint war against The Horde, sparking the Almaris Coalition War. 7 SA 83 - With the mitigation of the Kingdom of Oren, the Horde and Malin'or finally sign a peace treaty, ending the Malinor-Horde War. 8 SA 85 - The Almaris Coalition War ends with the signing of a treaty 9 SA 102 - The Iron Uzg declares war on those who use "Dark Magics" and launch an invasion of The Synods. This sparks the Orcish-Synod War.
  22. Treaty of Guise, 1715 A Conditional Military Alliance Between the Holy Orenian Empire and the Princedom of Fenn May the Creator Bless Our Efforts TREATY OF ALLIANCE The Most Serene Grand Prince of Fenn, Aelthir II Tundrak, and the Godsent Holy Orenian Emperor, to wit, His Imperial Majesty Joseph I Marna, having this day concluded a Treaty of amity and goodwill, for the reciprocal advantage of their Subjects and Citizens have thought it necessary to take into consideration the means of strengthening those engagements and of rendering them useful to the safety and tranquility of the two parties, particularly in the case of dealing with the rogue State of Haelun’or and the Pertinaxi pretenders and their resentment towards such connections and good correspondence between strong, sovereign realms; his Majesty Aelthir II Tundrak and His Imperial Majesty Joseph I Marna have resolved to join their Councils and efforts against the enterprises of their common Enemies, after the most mature Deliberation through their respective Plenipotentiaries, concluded and determined on the following articles. ARTICLE I During the continuance of the present War between the State of Haelunor and their Pertinaxi allies against the Princedom of Fenn and the federated sovereignties under the Holy Orenian Emperor, his Majesty Aelthir II Tundrak and his Imperial Majesty Joseph I Marna shall make it a common cause, and aid eachother mutually with their good Offices, their Counsels, and their forces, according to the exigence of Conjunctures as becomes good and faithful Allies. ARTICLE II The two contracting Parties shall each on its own Part, and in the manner it may judge most proper, make all the efforts in its Power, against their common Enemy, in order to attain the end proposed— to annihilate the State of Haelun’or and the Pertinaxi pretenders, and their bandit army. ARTICLE III Neither of the two Parties shall conclude either Truce or Peace with the State of Haelun’or or the Pertinaxi rebels without the formal consent of the other; and they mutually engage not to lay down their arms until the security of either state be assured safe from the grasps of the State of Haelun’or and the Pertainxi rebels. ARTICLE IV The contracting Parties declare, that being resolved to fulfil each on its own Part the clauses and conditions of the present Treaty of alliance, according to its own power and circumstances, there shall be no after claim of compensation on one side of the other whatever may be the event of the War. ARTICLE V The most serene Grand Prince of Fenn and the Holy Orenian Emperor agree to invite or admit other Powers who may have received injuries from the State of Haelun’or and the Pertinaxi pretenders to make common cause with them, and to accede to the present alliance, under such conditions as shall be freely agreed to and settled between all the Parties. ARTICLE VI The present Treaty shall be ratified on both sides and the Ratifications shall be exchanged in the space of six months, or sooner if possible. In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries, to wit: on the part of the Grand Prince of Fenn, Crown Prince Aelthos Tundrak, and on the part of the Holy Orenian Emperor, Baron Henri de Guise, Imperial High Marshal, have signed the above Articles in the Common language, declaring Nevertheless that the present treaty was originally composed and concluded in the common language, and they have hereunto affixed their Seals. Done at Guise, this second day of Malin’s Welcome, one thousand seven hundred and fifteen. Joseph I Marna, Holy Orenian Emperor, Fidei Defensor Henri, Baron of Guise, Imperial High Marshal Aelthir II Tundrak, Grand Prince of Fenn Aelthos Tundrak, Crown Prince of Fenn
  23. ✧・゚: *The Wizard Den *:・゚✧ A family company! ”Lorem Ipsum” Looking for the right reagents to party, unwind, or enhance your magic? Look no further for you’re at the Wizard Den, home of the finest Magical Aides. All our illicit, but certainly legal, substances are: ✧ Hookah Compatible (Except Wizard’s Powder) ✧ Certified Organic ✧ Hand crafted by reliable Wizards ✧ Not allowed in Renatus ✧ Varying in price depending on location Inventory ✧ Cactus Green – Classic The Staple for all Orc Raves and other racial shindigs, great for having long conversations about interesting and outlandish topics. ✧ Blueberry Cactus Love Blue, love berries? Blueberry cactus is your answer, now with extra blue, berries, and both combined! Hit hard and hit often, you’ll find yourself having an amoozing time. (That’s an inside joke for anyone whose taken a puff of this stuff, FYI.) ✧ Eternal Leaf Certified as an alternative medicine, Eternal Leaf can cure every possible health problem except dismemberment. Great for after battles if you’re itching from a toke with your blood stained hands... You murderer. ✧ Ice Kiss Great for cooling off after a long night of extreme exertion, we don’t judge! It’s got a minty after taste you just can’t beat, and it cools your breath to boot! Just don’t mind the flying snow men resembling Iblees itself, they’re definitely normal and you’re not crazy... I see them too! ✧ Box of Crayons I don’t know what’s in these, but they sure are edible and are guaranteed to give you a good time! Now with extra grain and edible wrapper, just as one might think each individual colour tastes just like an organic but artificial fruit flavour. ✧ I̜͆b̳͈̘̜̃̔́̿l̘̥̭̍̄̚ee̢̪̱͗̀͡s̛̟͔͉͑̓̈͢'͈̭̤͗̐͒s͎͎̀͐͌͢ T͔͊o͔̣̖̻͙̍̂̇͌͠ù̦͙̥̔͒c͗͟h̖͔̗̄͐͊ D͉̙͓̅̌̕O̤̬̓͛ ̛̫̞̀N͓͓͙͋̋͡Ȯ̪Ţ̚ ͓̿C̟̯̊̌O̦͚̾͘N̛̳͍̼̿́SŲ̬̗̥̓̇̀̍M̯̥͗͌E,̻̜̀͐͆ͅ ͕̌D̮̙̤̓̅́́͜O ̜̞̒̋͜͡N͓̽Ö̲͍̥̆́T̒͜ ̢̠̫̦̾͑͆̏Ǫ̜̂̒B̧͍̰͙̭͌͂̃͛͋Ş̖̬̥̏̓̐̕Ę͎̦̑̍͠R̬̝̝̋̔̒V̨̳̰̘̋̿̓̕E,͍̰̓̾ ̭͔̽͗D͙̠͉̿̐̌̿͢O̧̙̐̕ ̜̤́̓N̦̏Ơ̺̝̼͍̓͌̇T̡̤̟͑̒̒͐ͅ ̢̒C̮̺͒͂Ṟ͓̼̳̒̆̓̽E̗̤̋̚AT̻͔̣͚̗͊̔̀̃͞E̹̤̮͑͋̓́͟,̡̕ ̖̦̯̾̒̿Ť̯̬̈́H͈́Ę̺͗̈́ ͉̍NḘ̜̜̓͒̽T̛͈̙̿H̥͎̭̑͗͗E̯̤̊̅R̛̹͉͍̆̚ ̬͎͌͂I̗͡S̛͈̫͓͔͂̔͘ Ī̟̻̓N̢̘̯̄͘͡F̨̞͗̕I̛̩͕̒N̛̲͍̭͕̟̉̾́́I̥̒T̨̡̛̩̽̊É̦͖̏,̯͗͂͢ ̦̗̬͍̇̅̔͠Ț̘͎͉͇̑̀͗̈͡H̲͋Ȩ̑ ͕͎̅̚N̛̳̮͛Ê̱͎͍̊̐T̞̥̝̅͑̑H̲̫͍̜̹̑̏͛̑͡E̞͠R̪̍ ̼͓́̿I̮͇̱͂͛̇S̲͔̠͉̀̅̅͟͞͞ ̟̮̰͛̔̆E͟͝T̛̗̬̮͗̈́Ḛ͈̓̚R͕̥̄͠Ñ͕À̻̹̓L̨̖͈̈̐͡.̤͖̿̕͢͞ ̫̙̰̫̘́̓̋̀͠P̹̀R͍͌A̡̰̳̓͡͡I̛̟͎̪̩̱͒̉̓́SE ̧̼̦͖͊̓̽̉̕͟IB̢͓͔̗͇͑̓͑̈̚L͎̳͆̽͘͟É͇E̥͓͒͑͘͢S̺̤͛̎. ✧ Wizard’s Powder™ – Premium Don’t have a Hookah around? No worries, just get a handful of Wizard’s Powder and take a deep breath. Made and invented by the Dimpledorc’s, this family recipe is a close guarded secret that’s guaranteed to cure any ailment, solve any problem, and help you achieve your wildest dreams. Warning, do not consult your doctor before use! Extra willpower must be applied for the best results. ((It’s cocaine)) Locations ✧ Sutica, right by the gate! ✧ The Inn on the Crossroads, upstairs in the lounges if you’re looking to smoke while you buy! ✧ The Wizard Den (Between Adria & Lueven), lounge & personal service.
  24. Gods and Men ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- ((Link to Roleplay Forum--- Gods and Men Basics In Gods and Men, you take the form of one of the gods, fighting and creating, learning and forgetting, possessing kings and nobles, and the most important, fighting and working together with the other gods. There are two ways of winning: 1: Creating a pantheon Afraid you might not be able to win? Want to play it safe? Well then, my friend, you've chosen the right path! In order to create a pantheon, you and your allies must be the sole remaining gods. If all enemies are defeated, you and your other gods rule the world, and over the races of the world. 2: Becoming the Ultragod Yes, that is what I'm calling it. Not one for alliances? Greedy as can be? Well then, my friend, you've chosen the right path! In order to become the Ultragod, you must destroy the other gods, claiming the throne for you, the one true king! Sadly, there is more to it than fighting the others. The path of the gods is not an easy one. There is much micro-managing involved: You have to take care of your people, nurturing them and helping them as much as possible. The others will obviously try and stop you, but you must prevail! Cities will fall in glorious battles, and new ones shall rise through the hard work and labor. But, be weary, for the only thing keeping you a god is the peoples faith in you. If they do not worship you, you simply fade. If none cares for you, you have none left to help. It's game over. You lose. The others can try and send missionaries and priests to convert your populace, but you may do the same as well. Keep your people happy, and they worship you as the righteous god you are! Torture them, and they shall turn you into a demonic figure. Send prophets to increase faith in your populace, missionaries to destroy your enemies, and inquisitors to remove the plague of heresies! But, you will not take this path alone. On your explorations, you will discover the others, and what route you take depends solely on...well, you! You could introduce this new god to your people, showing him as a great and glorious figure, or cast him into the abyss, slandering his name as the face of chaos. If you do decide on an alliance, there is benefits, and there is consequences. The benefits are increased worship all around. With more people, the more faith you inherit. But the consequence to this is that you must share it. It is dangerous, but necessary for a pantheon. An equally powerful enemy wouldn't prove too powerful, right? Alternatively, you could also destroy this enemy. The benefits are obvious. You gain lands, riches, and get to keep the faith all to yourself. Plus, you could inherit his/her symbols. The rewards are great, but the risk you take is not one to take lightly. Although you could win, there is a possibility you could lose. Losing means you become a taboo figure, losing all your power and your kingdom. You become nothing more than the god of a deranged cult, therefore eliminating you from the game, or fading you. There is also corruption. Corruption in your kingdom grows in the governments you do not pay close attention to. Too much corruption, and the people may go so far to rebel! At first it starts as unhappiness and unrest, but grows and spreads as your people anger. Perhaps you've heard me speak of micromanaging, and you wonder how you, such as yourself, could possibly even begin. This is where possession and creation come in place. You may create a hero, and observe your kingdom from it's political powerhouse. Create a peasant and control your kingdom from its rotten underbelly. Either way, you must be able to observe your kingdom, and you must be able to regulate laws. You may wonder "What's stopping me from making it illegal to not worship me?" and I will tell you. Nothing. But, be warned, if the people feel controlled, they may begin to grow unhappy. And do you remember what happens to unhappy people? Rebellions. Mass suicide to prove points. Uprisings and plunderings. Do you really want that? If you didn't notice by now, I have yet to use the word "Humanity" because there can be more than one race. You may create any race, and show them your ways. The only thing keeping you apart is a slight application. I'm afraid we can't have everyone going around creating new races. The way this works is you can take one of your pre-existing races, and modify them to your hearts content. Then post the application here, and wait for acceptance. Now you might be wondering how I might handle all this by myself. Truth is, I can't. I can't make events for everyone at the same time. That's where the playerbase comes in. You can apply to be a Story Master and help struggling nations, destroy powerful ones, and help with all the minor stuff like judging a nations corruption levels, happiness, riches, food, and advancement rate. I will need at least 3 Story Masters before we start, and a few nations. There are 3 stages during this roleplay: 1: The Growth Age During this age you have just founded a shard, world, etc. and you create your first people. You begin to grow your nation, and help your people prosper from barbarians and savages, to villages and twons. 2: The Discovery Age During this age you begin to explore, and discover the other gods. You find competition and friends. Your people begin to become civilized, developing a culture now. 3: The Peoples Age During this age, your people are now mature and play a major role in your survival. You begin to fend off the others, and join with other factions. This is the longest age, and ends when someone/a group wins. Note: Although I explicitly speak of faith to destroy your enemies, you must realize you may also destroy the others by destroying their kingdoms and nations. With no people, they will not survive. Now that all that is covered, time for the applications: God App Name: Symbol (Water, plants, fire, etc): Race (Default human): Nation Name: Nation Symbol: Nation Terrain (Plains, desert, etc): Race App Name: Originating Race: Features (hair colors, etc): Skin Color: Story Master App Do you have a god?: What experience do you have with leadership?: Give me a minor event for a prospering powerful city: Give me an event for a weak, failing city: Why should I pick you?: Do you promise to not cause events to your own nation, if applicable?: Please note that anyone breaking the rules will be warned. If it happens again, they will be blacklisted and are stripped of their characters. 1. No PG/PE/MGing 2. Be nice and respectful 3. Do not or try not to base your religion around IRL religions 4. Keep numbers realistic. If we find you are unable to do so, a Story Master will be assigned to give you the numbers. 5. Have fun! 6. You must follow the age limits. First age, no talking with the other gods. This isolation is so you can develop you're cultures. Second age, minimal meetings are to be held. These are strangers to you. In the third age, we are not restricting any meetings. Talk as you like Feel free to leave any questions in the comments. This is, after all, OOC. All other OOC posts will be posted here. There will be a few more coming, so please make sure to check in or Follow the post. Accepted Gods Re’Moara Kazotar Mhoric Birrh Repaiup Qhul Ark Accepted Races Sentori Naevian Muintiri Arginians Ternesian Arkelon Story Master List Kaun The Elder Stephensj Map (Will be continuously updated) Gods and Men 5 Maps My Information as example: God App Name: Re’Moara Symbol (Water, plants, fire, etc): Rebirth, Rejuvenation Race (Default human): Sentori Nation Name: Reju’Vena Nation Symbol: A flowering plant Nation Terrain (Plains, desert, etc): Open plains with plateaus, lakes, and rivers with forested areas at the edges. A singular mountain near the center of the terrain. Race App Name: Sentori Originating Race: Human Features (hair colors, etc): Naturally dyed hair with flowing colors and patterns. Enhanced lifespans and enhance birthrate. Physically weaker, but large numbers. Skin Color: Tan skin, occasionally pale/albino. Seen as a blessing. God App Name: Ark Symbol (Water, plants, fire, etc): A Mirror Race (Default human): Arkelon Nation Name: The Arks Nation Symbol: A Pillar of Salt Nation Terrain (Plains, desert, etc): A mountain range island surrounded by forest. The terrain is hard and difficult to traverse, and difficult to survive. Race App Name: Arkelon Originating Race: Golem Features (hair colors, etc): Stoney figures with humanoid features. They have no hair or mouths. Their eyes are emerald. They speak telepathically. Skin Color: Pure white quartz.
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