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  1. [ Ambience ] [ Accompanying Naztherak Lore ] The Infernal hordes of Moz Strimoza burst into existence in an innumerable and wicked variety. From the meagre yet numerous, the cunning and wily, to the brutal and gigantic, they are all born from a seething cauldron of chaos and as such reflect the many facets of eternal conflict. Each are soldiers in an unending war, played out across Moz Strimoza by the Pentacle, and more recently upon the realm of Arcas. In such skirmishes and sieges many new corrupted forms of monstrosity were observed, but there are a few consistent Inferi who are known to servants of the Light, demonslayers, witch hunters and practitioners of dark magics. Of these more commonplace abominations, only few seem to manifest upon the mortal world without the assistance of a Naztherak. Those few who do roam free without a warband, quickly fall prey to the unwavering zeal of those Descendants with the courage to hunt them, or False Princes with a desire to fill a vacancy in their court. It is not unheard of for these Inferi to attempt to bargain for their lives, but surely only a fool would believe the forked tongue of a demon to be capable of producing any words with meaning more than ash. Zevnka - Imps Closed Playable [CA] + Independent Summon The most diminutive of all Inferi, zevn are typically thought to be a minor nuisance when alone, but can be more dangerous when appearing in a flock. Together a flock of winged imps may be able to carry an unwary individual off into the night, while a lone imp may otherwise serve as a distraction or sabotage various efforts of mortals. Although they are a perversion of their Faeish counterparts, they do seem to share a proclivity for mischief and mayhem. One should not be surprised to find the origins of housefires, destroyed machinery or other apparent acts of misfortune to be the work of imps. Imps are small goblinesque creatures, which revel in causing as much chaos and mess as they are physically capable of. Although not particularly intelligent, they are known to employ a degree of low cunning, in the form of ambushing Descendants, setting traps, or other spiteful acts to otherwise make the everyday lives of mortals as bothersome and inconvenient as possible, if not downright dangerous. Physicality Although zevn come in a colourful array of wicked appearances, they often appear emaciated, or conversely very fat. Perhaps the most significant difference however, are those sorts with and without wings, although all imps have been observed to cause equal disruption and mayhem, regardless of their predispositions. They are oft confused with the Faeish imps of the Aspects’ domain, perhaps simply for their namesake and diminutive size. Other than their origins and uniformly wicked and unnatural appearances however, a zevn is not dissimilar in its use of numbers to overwhelm a foe. Indeed during the Inferi Incursion, flocks of imps dropped carcasses onto Descendant patrols, and lifted civilians and livestock into the sky. The profane and mutated bodies of all Inferi are almost exclusively carnivorous, with very little sustenance gained from plant-based foods. Were an Imp forced to survive only upon vegetation, they would grow sluggish and weary. Among some covens, it's thought to be a convenient means of disposal to cut up the corpses of victims drained of maleus and the pieces thrown to a Naztherak's Imps and beasts to fight over, as neither have any reservations about eating sapient beings, such as Descendants. - Imps may be no taller than 2 feet in height. - They require a high protein meat-based diet to remain at their peak strength, and will wane should they be forced to subsist only upon plant-based foods. They may substitute animal protein for Descendant meat and so on without risk of prions disease etc. - Their builds may vary, from stringy and gangly, to rotund and fat or possessing some degree of musculature. None however, may lift more than 30lbs in weight alone. - All imps must possess an ugly demonic appearance of sorts, such as pig or bat noses, horns, viscous teeth, tails, claws, scales, fur and so on. - Tails are not prehensile enough to grip weapons or strong enough to cause any real harm. - Claws can scratch flesh and tear cloth, but can only mark leather and are incapable of damaging armour or coverings more substantial than that. - Those imps which possess wings, may not fly greater than [5] blocks high in combat, and their ability to ‘hover’ in flight is clumsy at best. - CA imps may not use flight to bypass settlement defences, which they cannot otherwise mechanically bypass(e.g. parkouring inside) unless an RO permits so. Strengths: - Functionally immortal. - May spit or throw small wads of Malflame. - Imps may fly, if indeed they have wings. Weaknesses: - Abilities such as Holy Affinity from Paladinism are substantially more painful to an Imp. Even mere contact with Xannic Mist or Tahariaean Light etc. will cause a burning sensation. - A Paladin’s passive aura and similar holy auras, will illicit discomfort in Inferi, akin to instinctual disgust. - For the purposes of Holy magics, Inferi are always considered a ‘revealed dark creature.’ - Imps can also be poisoned in the same fashion as any Descendant might be, such as by Azhl. - This includes thanhium and thanic steel toxicity. - Unable to disguise demonic appearance. Redlines: - Imps must appear ugly and goblinesque. There are no pretty imps. - Imps may not spit acid, or spread poison with their claws and so on. - Scales or fur etc. may not provide protection from heat or attacks etc. - Tails are not strong nor dextrous enough to operate weapons or deal any real harm. - Claws are only strong enough to cut into flesh and tear through cloth. Leather and upwards will protect from them. - Imps may possess wings, but may not fly more than 5 blocks off the ground in combat. - Flight may not be used to justify bypassing defences in settlements etc. without RO consent. Mentality A notable difference between the Fae imp and the Inferi zevn is their intellect, where the prior is arguably comparable to that of a Descendant, the zevn is much less advanced. Imps are known to produce vocalisations and even to taunt their adversaries with seemingly witty and snarky jabs, but their capacity for speech is best described as ‘broken,’ as is demonstrated in their use of both Common and Ilzakarn. Imps are incapable of reasoning cause and effect to a complex degree. Where a Descendant can foresee A leads to B, which leads to C, the imp sees only A leads to B. This is not to say they are incapable of forethought, but such low cunning is usually reserved for betraying one's superior to advance beyond them, and imps are otherwise all too often preoccupied with immediate chaos and turmoil. Indeed many would overlook a zevn and presume it too easily pleased to harbour sentiments of backstabbery, but they would be poorly mistaken; like all Inferi imps constantly seek to climb to greater rungs of power, but frequently squabble over the first few steps. This interest in immediate gratification also means they are easily distracted, and could be lured away from their pranks and sabotage by certain promising rewards, such as vials of rakir. One is unable to ‘tame’ an imp, and even those Naztherak who bind them will find their chaotic energy can often disrupt otherwise carefully laid schemes. Suffice to say, one may take the imp from the chaos of Moz Strimoza, but may not remove the chaos from the imp. - Although imps possess a degree of trickery and cunning, they are not particularly intelligent. They may speak in broken Common, but are prone to repetitions such as “Good-good” “Yes-yes” and “Boom-boom!” etc. - Imps struggle to understand how their actions impact the world, beyond the immediate. They may harbour regicidal feelings for their Prince, and can attempt to deliberately sabotage the Warlock's own plans. - They may be distracted from their current actions, if something particularly enticing catches their eye, or ear for that matter, but players should not hope to placate an imp simply by waving food at it. - Imps do not have familial connections and so on. Any relationships they foster are merely of immediate convenience, such as a group working together to set a house on fire. Redlines: - Imps are not capable of fluent speech in any language. - Imps are prone to disorganised thinking and cannot see far beyond their immediate actions. They will know for instance that sabotaging a wagon will cause its wheels to fall off in transit, but will not understand that the wagon’s inability to provide supplies to nearby places leads to hungry mouths or a lack of medicine etc. - They may however employ backstabbing, betrayal and bargaining to acquire that which they covet. In such cases Imps are extremely shrewd and unfair in their deals. - Any relationships an imp creates is of immediate convenience. They will not desire to be ‘adopted.’ - Seriously, if I see anyone playing an imp that asks to be adopted, I will scalp you IRL. - Imps may be distracted from their task by the right bait, but it is up to the player to determine what would tempt their imp adequately. Abilities Rok-Dhurz [Combat] A signature spell of Malflame wielders, a result of them compacting their Malflame into spheres which they may shoot or lob towards a target, burning any living skin which it touches, yielding a painful wound which many seldom recover from. Mechanics: An imp may create a sphere or ‘ball’ of Malflame no larger than a coin, to spit or throw towards an opponent. This takes [2] emotes to conjure and outside of combat may be used to summon small tongues of Malflame for aesthetic purposes. The projectile has a range of [5] metres. When casting, the Imp must have some manner of tell to telegraph its attack. Such tells may include glowing in the chest or throat, the body exuding embers and smoke, or even an uttered incantation. Redlines: - Each projectile will travel at about the speed of an overhand baseball throw, regardless of size. - They do not draw maleus upon contact. - These may be cast at most 5 times per combat encounter. - Outside of combat, imps may use this ability for aesthetic purposes to summon tongues of Malflame. - When casting, the Imp must have some manner of tell to telegraph its attack. - Must adhere to Malflame general redlines. General Mechanics - Non-playable Independant Summon imps may be summoned using the Naztherak spell “Invocation — Zevn [T1]” and all imps may be bound by the spell “Subjugate — Shackle [T1]”. - CA imps should accompany their party into combat mechanically, and may not be summoned. - If an imp is slain, it may be resummoned by its Naztherak, but not during the same combat encounter in which it was slain. - In combat, bound Imps will de-manifest after eight emotes, unless their Naztherak spends an additional [10] maleus to extend this by a further eight emotes. - A Naztherak may only bind [5] total Imps, whether CA or non-CA. - Imps are considered a ‘category B’ CA. General Redlines: - Imps may not be more than 2 feet all. - They must possess hellish and monstrous appearances of some kind. - Imps may lift a maximum of 30lbs, whether flying or walking. - Tails may not be used to cause substantial harm, or to hold weaponry etc. - Claws may not tear anything greater than cloth and can be negated by leather and more substantial armour. - Winged imps possess a wingspan permitting only themselves and the maximum burden of 30lbs. Which is to say one may not have excessive wingspans to justify carrying greater weights, or working around the height limit. - Should thanhium or thanhic steel weaponry be used against Inferi, it will still have the frostbite/poisonous effects, but cannot corrupt the Inferis' mana pool, for it has none. - Zevn may still be effected by Malflame and any Malice used. - They may also be successfully cursed by Naztherak curses, or those of other magics. - Holy magics are more effective against the imp, causing a burning sensation upon mere contact and additional pain and burns when struck with spells. - Holy objects, artefacts and auras additionally elicit spiteful scorn from all Inferi. - CA imps are subject to all normal resurrection rules, even if resummoned by their Naztherak. - Imps may not be revived during the combat encounter in which they were slain. - CA imps may not be summoned into or out of combat. - An accepted CA is required to roleplay an imp character, whether it is bound or unbound. - Although imps are meant to cause chaos and turmoil, if imp players use the creature to OOCly harass others, or for excessive ‘troll rp’ or ‘meme rp’ it is considered an abuse of the CA, which is grounds for a blacklist. Zekulka - Beasts Independant Summon Perhaps the most plentiful of Inferi, of greater stature and strength than their impish lessers. Resembling fauna of the mundane, exotic and magical variety, zekul roam the ashen plains of Moz Strimoza as gruesome game, or appear as monstrous beasts of burden and mounts in the eternal conflict between the numerous warbands of the High Hells. Like their natural counterparts, Beasts possess instinctual behaviours which make them both dangerous and desirable for a Naztherak’s court. Beasts are monstrous animalistic creatures, which vary in size and oft resemble a perverse mimicry of their mundane bestial counterparts. They follow similar instinctual behaviours, and are known to be used in a number of capacities such as hellhounds, abominable mounts and so on. Like imps they are not particularly intelligent, perhaps even less so, but possess substantially more developed strength and stature. Physicality Beasts collectively occupy a variety of size, stature and build, such that they resemble any existing natural animal. Typically Zekul bound to Naztherak manifest in canine, feline, equine and ursine forms, although always grotesque in appearance. In place of a coat of fur, the Beast will have wiry hair growing in loose tufts, scarred or charred flesh, or even lack flesh entirely and appear as if only muscle, bone and sinew. A Zekul resembling a horse may possess horns, such that they resemble a mockery of Faeish unicorns, or bear-like Zekul may have overdeveloped jaws and so on. Zekul resembling canines are often dubbed ‘hellhounds,’ for their likeness to many Canonist and occult imagery, and make for deadly pack hunters. Felines may instead stalk in quiet, while an equine might bear their Naztherak as a thoroughbred ferries its Prince. - Zekul may be no larger than a grizzly bear or a warhorse, and no smaller than a housecat. - Their height, mass and so on must resemble their animal counterpart. One may not have a dog-sized Beast with the muscle mass of a grizzly bear, and so on. - All Zekul must possess an ugly demonic appearance of sorts, such as lacking fur or skin, tumorous growths, insectoid mandibles or eyes, many eyes, no eyes, tails or no tails etc. - Tails are not prehensile enough to grip weapons, but may be swung or whipped for attacks. - Claws can scratch flesh, tear cloth and leather, but are incapable of damaging armour or coverings more substantial than that. - Those Zekul which possess wings cannot fly unless they are housecat-sized, and may not fly greater than [5] blocks high in combat, and their ability to ‘hover’ in flight is clumsy at best. All other Zekul are incapable of flight. - One may not use winged Zekul to carry oneself or other player-characters past settlement walls etc. Redlines: - Zekul must appear ugly and monstrous. There are no pretty Beasts. - All must bear some resemblance to an IRL animal, or lore-compliant magical animal of sorts. - They may not spit acid, or spread poison with their claws and so on. - Scales etc. may not provide protection from heat or attacks etc. - Chitin or bone-like plates will protect from slashing attacks, but may be crushed with blunt weaponry such as maces, or penetrated with arrows or crossbow bolts. - Zekul can be destroyed like any other combat summon. They are by no means unstoppable. - Tails are not dextrous enough to operate weapons etc. - Claws are only strong enough to cut into flesh and tear through cloth and leather. Chainmail will protect from slashing attacks, while plate mail is sufficient protection from claws entirely. - A Zekul’s strength will mirror that of its animal counterpart. For example a dog-like Zekul is unable to bite through platemail; a horse-like Zekul will be able to carry a rider etc. - Beasts may possess wings, but may not fly if they are larger than a housecat. Beasts of this size may fly no more than 5 blocks off the ground in combat. - Flight may not be used to justify bypassing defences in settlements etc. Mentality When compared to the Imp, a Beast has a similar level of mental acuity, but excels in differing capacities. Able to understand Ilzakarn, insofar that a dog understands ‘sit’ or ‘speak,’ the Zekul may be trained to act on certain commands, which is bolstered by the Naztherak’s binding of them. This means that a pack of ‘hellhounds’ could feasibly be sent to harry one’s foe, or brought to heel should they prove too aggressive. Despite this capacity to be trained akin to their animal counterparts, the Zekul cannot be described as tame. They will still obey their base instincts for food, rest and survival over their Prince, but are not necessarily prone to ‘biting the hand which feeds them’ so to speak. One could not possibly have a panther-like Zekul draped over their lap for example, but a housecat-like Zekul is more feasible. - Bound Zekul may be commanded in Ilzakarn by their Prince and no other. - A Beast may not be docile and ‘cuddly’ unless it is housecat sized. In which case, it is still rather ‘wild.’ - Although they are not totally mindless, they do not possess foresight beyond the immediate task before them and their survival. They are not able to understand what comes after a ballista is loaded by their foe and aimed at them, for instance. - Any connections with other Zekul are purely pack-based, with a dominant over its lessers. They are Inferi after all. Redlines: - Zekul are not capable of speech in any language. - They are bestial in their intellect and will typically act on instinct. Equine Beasts may kick and flee from a foe for instance, while a feline Beast may stalk its prey. - Beasts may not be docile. Even housecat-sized, they are untamable and cannot demonstrate affection. - A Zekul may not be turned against its Prince, or commanded by another Naztherak. Abilities Rok-Skramutna [Combat] The more powerful, but simple of Malflame conjurations. Breathing it in great tongues and gouts from the mouth or nose, this ‘flaming breath’ is capable of burning any living skin which it touches, yielding a painful wound which bleeds off Maleus- sometimes lapped up by the Beast, as a predator gorges upon its prey. Mechanics: A Zekul may breathe a cone of Malflame, projected out in front of them as a crude flamethrower. This funnel is no larger than a block in diameter, and cannot exceed five blocks further than its point of origin, that being the Beast themselves. This requires [3] emotes to perform, and may be sustained for up to [4] emotes. When casting, the Beast must have some manner of tell to telegraph its attack. Such tells may include glowing beneath chitin plates, the body becoming wreathed in flames or embers, smoke pouring from the mouth etc. Redlines: - These may be cast at most 5 times per combat encounter. - Outside of combat, Beasts may use this ability for aesthetic purposes. - When casting, the Beast must have some manner of tell to telegraph its attack. - Must adhere to Malflame general redlines. General Mechanics - Non-playable Independent Summon Beasts may be summoned using the Naztherak spell “Invocation — Zekul [T2]” and may be bound by the spell “Subjugate — Shackle [T1]”. - If a bound Zekul is slain, it may be resummoned by its Naztherak, but not in the same combat encounter. - Only one [1] Beast and two [2] imps may be summoned at one time during a combat encounter. Outside of combat, players may have multiple beasts for flavorful roleplay, though only one may be permitted to enter combat, should they be summoned beforehand. - One beast or two imps may enter combat if they were summoned prior to it starting. A user’s grimoire must be constantly held on their person after they are summoned. This is to say that one may not hide their book in a chest and expect their summons to enter combat with them still. - While only one beast or two imps may enter combat with you, you may summon the other mid-combat should you perform the required amount of emotes. - One may not presummon a beast larger than a big cat. - In combat, Zekul will de-manifest after six emotes of invocation, unless the Naztherak spends an additional [10] maleus to extend this by another six emotes. - A Naztherak may only bind [5] total Zekul. Strengths: - Have access to a Malflame breath. - Possess intellect up to and including that of a trained dog. - May have natural armour not exceeding the strength of ceramic. - Possess the strength of up to a grizzly bear. Weaknesses: - Abilities such as Holy Affinity from Paladinism are substantially more painful to Zekul. Even mere contact with Xannic Mist or Tahariaean Light etc. will cause a burning sensation. - A Paladin’s passive aura and similar holy auras, will illicit discomfort in Inferi, akin to instinctual disgust. - For the purposes of Holy magics, Inferi are always considered a ‘revealed dark creature.’ - Zekul can also be poisoned in the same fashion as any Descendant might be, such as by Azhl. - This includes thanhium and thanic steel toxicity. - As animalistic creatures, Beasts may be frightened into fleeing. General Redlines: - Zekul may not be larger than a grizzly bear or warhorse. - Should a Beast be used as a mount, it should be mechanically represented with a horse mob. - They must possess hellish and monstrous appearances of some kind. - Beasts should ideally adhere to one of three archetypes: wolf/big cat, bear, horse. They inherit the strength and vague appearance of whichever they adhere to. Creative variation is allowed, so long as it is not used to justify invincible combat summons. - Tails may not be used to hold weaponry etc. - Claws may not tear anything greater than leather, and can be negated by more substantial armour. - Winged Beasts possess a wingspan permitting only themselves and small burdens. Which is to say one may not have excessive wingspans to justify carrying greater weights. - Zekul of any sort may not be used for ‘scent-tracking’ or similar roundabout means of metagaming. - Should thanhium or thanhic steel weaponry be used against Inferi, it will still have the frostbite/poisonous effects, but cannot corrupt the Inferis' mana pool, for it has none. - Zekul may still be effected by Malflame and any Malice used. - They may also be successfully cursed by Naztherak curses, or those of other magics. - Holy magics are more effective against the Beast, causing a burning sensation upon mere contact and additional pain and burns when struck with spells. - Holy objects, artefacts and auras additionally elicit spiteful scorn from all Inferi. Zar’eika - Twisted Ones Closed Playable [CA] Perhaps the most unnerving of all Inferi, even despite the massive stature of those demons occupying greater rungs of power, the Zar’ei are a perversion of Descendants in all capacities. For mortal virtues such as kindness and patience are corrupted when a Zar’ei is made, and instead the appearance of charity is but bait for a trap, while restraint is employed to await the perfect moment to backstab another. Indeed it is woefully fitting then that these Inferi originate from the damned souls which descend into Moz Strimoza, too hurt and despairing to believe they deserve respite and healing. Even those Zar’ei created by the dark ritual of Naz’kuthun are no less spiteful, devilish and perverse in their mimicry of all the worst facets of Descendant mortality. Regardless, these humanoid Inferi are a perilous foe to mortalkind and even those steeled against the worst of Moz Strimoza- for what more dangerous an opponent is there, than a creature as capable and calculating as its hunter? Zezimar Playable [CA] Zezimar, or Seraph, also known as Zar’ei, are the most obscure of Inferi to the average Descendant, but typically the most sought-after by False Princes. For the capacity of intellect within a Zezimar is on par with that of man, Elf, Dwarf and Orc, making for uniquely equipped members of a Naztherak’s court. These humanoid monsters are equally devoid of goodness and selflessness as any other Inferi, but are crucially capable of both high-level thought processes and survival instincts to manipulate others to their benefit. Mechanics: - Zezimar are playable CA Inferi of the Zar’ei class, meaning that they are humanoid and possess intelligence and physical prowess on-par with the stature of Descendants they most resemble. - No Zezimar may be roleplayed without an accepted CA and must be bound to a Naztherak with room in their court for a Zar’ei. In the case of Naz’kuthun, players must post the CA after the ritual is successfully performed, listing the Naztherak as the creator. Physicality Easily the most insidious of all Inferi, for their close resemblance to mortal Descendants, and their uncannily sharp mind. Their appearances typically harbour a perverse mimicry of Elves, Dwarves, man and Orcs, where hair and beards are substituted with tendrils, tusks are twisted and accompanied by horns, and whatever beauty their counterparts possess is mirrored as an unnervingly vile facade. Indeed some Zezimar resemble a corrupted specimen of Descendants, while others have totally alien forms. Insectoid mandibles, eyes, limbs and antennae are not unheard of, while other Zar’ei are known to resemble a rotting statue with great clumps of flesh falling off in sloughs. Their stature similarly varies, but always more closely mimics those of Descendants and are easily sorted into the three ‘archetypes’ of Malda, Kozun and Rakaal. The profane and mutated bodies of all Inferi are almost exclusively carnivorous, with very little sustenance gained from plant-based foods. Were a Zar'ei forced to survive only upon vegetation, their muscle mass and strength would wane, but they could survive in this diminished state. Woe to those who fall victim to these Inferi however, as they are known to consume the flesh, blood and bone of Descendant races. Indeed the Sultan of Inferi-occupied Al'Faiz M'ag'nus C'arne, was known to devour his captives and foes. - Like all Inferi, a playable Zezimar must be hellish and monstrous in appearance; snouts, elongated teeth, additional arms, chitinous exoskeletons, horns, fiery eyes, tails and so on are permitted. - Horns are made of bone, but are not exceptionally strong. If broken they will regrow steadily over time. - Any limbs beyond two arms and two legs will divide the total strength between those limbs. - Tails may be swung as an attack and so on, but may not be prehensile enough to grip weapons for example. Tails cannot feasibly crush a person to death. - Natural ‘armour’ may not be more resilient than ceramic and although may protect from bladed weapons, will still be harmed by polehammers and other blunt weaponry, or penetrated by crossbow bolts etc. - Swords and axes will chip off pieces of this armour, without getting into the flesh beneath, while hammers, maces and so on will crack and crumble it and render it useless. One may not wear other armour over carapace/natural armour which is not streamlined to the body, such as spines, spikes or other protrusions. - Weapon-like limbs, teeth, claws etc. are on par with bone. They may not penetrate platemail. - Zezimar may be slain just as any other playable character, they are not invulnerable. They may be starved to death, beheaded, die from blood loss and so on. - Although Inferi do not die of old age, as a Zar’ei ages it will gradually take on a more ‘ashy’ appearance, like a fire burning low. Those in their first 100 years will be akin to a bright flame, those reaching 300 will begin to accumulate soot upon their body, and those around 600 will be cloaked in ash and cinders. - Zar'ei require a high protein meat-based diet to remain at their peak strength, and will wane should they be forced to subsist only upon plant-based foods. They may substitute animal protein for Descendant meat and so on without risk of prions disease etc. - A slain Zezimar will take 1 IRL week of feasting upon its own maleus to reconstitute its body, unless the Naztherak it is bound to willingly casts “Invocation - Zar’ei [T3]” to revive them manually. Mentality When these creatures do emerge onto the mortal plane, they gain little opportunity to explore, before their very presence incites servants of the Light, and hopeful witch-hunters seeking to purge the Infernal from amidst the innocent. It is not uncommon then, that to satisfy whatever drives the Zezimar to escape Moz Strimoza, they may agree to pact with a Naztherak purely for self-preservation- although like all demonkin, their prices are far from fair. Even should they be bound, Zezimar will use their intelligence and cunning to sabotage the schemes of a Prince who pulls too readily upon a short leash, best placated by giving them at least the illusion of freedom. Zar'ei are incapable of forming healthy, reciprocal relationships. Even if they conceal their hostility for their Prince or his allies, they do so out of what they gain from the interaction. Whatever relationships they form with Descendants are inherently toxic, and usually marked by manipulation, exploitation and eventual discarding of these accomplices to preserve oneself. Whatever niceties a Zar'ei fakes, are entirely to get what they want, as they are utterly incapable of genuine affection. - Zar’ei lack the mortal ‘lens’ of perception and comprehension. They are monsters with little regard for mortals who they see as souls to devour or playthings to manipulate. - They are inherently selfish and self-serving. All relationships are innately toxic, unless with individuals of similar goals and mentalities; even then a Zezimar’s cooperation is merely for their own convenience. - All Zar’ei are able to understand Ilzakarn by sheer ‘virtue’ of being Inferi. They may speak, read and write it freely, even if they were subjected to Naz’kuthun and have no prior experience with it. - Playable Inferi may not outright refuse orders or attack their Naztherak. - In turn a Naztherak should be wary of assigning an Inferis mundane tasks, or holding their leash too tightly. Should the Prince not give the Zezimar enough free reign, the latter will surely look for other means to ‘stretch their wings,’ such as loopholing commands to avoid busywork and so on. Strengths: - Functionally immortal. - Have access to a few Malflame spells of their own. - Possess intellect and physical strength on par with Descendant counterparts. - May have natural armour not exceeding the strength of Ceramic. Weaknesses: - Abilities such as Holy Affinity from Paladinism are substantially more painful to Zar'eika. Even mere contact with Xannic Mist or Tahariaean Light etc. will cause a burning sensation. - A Paladin’s passive aura and similar holy auras, will illicit discomfort in Inferi, akin to instinctual disgust. - For the purposes of Holy magics, Inferi are always considered a ‘revealed dark creature.’ - Zezimar can also be poisoned in the same fashion as any Descendant might be, such as by Azhl. - This includes thanhium and thanic steel toxicity. - Unable to disguise demonic appearance. General Redlines: - Playable Zar’ei possess an intellect on par with Descendants. - Cannot produce Rakir. - Their general appearance must be somewhat humanoid, and may resemble one of the four main races if one so chooses. - All Zezimar must however, be monstrous and demonic in appearance. They may not be smooth and beautiful. - Demonic appearances may not be used to justify unreasonable durability of the character. They may be slain, die from blood loss, starve to death and so on. - Although demonic qualities may provide a combat application, claws and weapon-like appendages may not puncture platemail, or slash through chainmail; tails are not prehensile enough to crush a person, or wield a weapon; natural armour may not be more protective than ceramic and may be destroyed by crossbow bolts, hammers and other blunt weapons; extra limbs(excluding a tail) will divide the character’s overall strength between all limbs. - If a Zezimar is forced to subsist upon plant-based foods, such as while captured, they may not maintain their peak physical strength. Their appearance may deteriorate to connote this. - Zar'ei may not form healthy, fulfilling relationships. Any comraderie or companionship they create is inherently exploitative, toxic and a vehicle for their own gain. Gaslighting, manipulation and abuse will be rampant in these exchanges, should they occur. - When a CA Zar’ei is slain it will be unplayable for an IRL week, unless the Naztherak who bound it uses the appropriate ritual to reconstitute them manually. All normal resurrection rules apply. - Although Inferi are meant to cause chaos and misery, if players use the creature to oocly harass others, or for excessive ‘troll/‘meme rp’ or poor-quality villainy or banditry roleplay it is considered an abuse of the CA, which is grounds for a blacklist. - When casting, a Zezimar must have some manner of tell to telegraph its attack. Such tells may include glowing in the chest or throat, glowing underneath chitin plates, smoke or cinders peeling off from their body, incantations, flaming eyes and so on. - Thanhium or Thanhic steel weaponry affects Inferi the same as normal descendants. - Zar'ei may still be effected by Malflame not their own and any Malice used. - They may also be successfully cursed by Naztherak curses, or those of other magics. - Holy magics are more effective against Zezimar, causing a burning sensation upon mere contact and additional pain and burns when struck with spells. - Holy objects, artefacts and auras additionally elicit spiteful scorn from all Inferi. Subtypes Just as there is a multitude of diversity amongst the demonic hordes, so there are specializations amongst their ranks. Specializations not unlike the castes of Descendants, but of far more devilish and unsavory professions than yeomen, merchants and scholars. These castes possess three archetypes, the Mage, the Knight and the Brute, named so by False Princes either for the roles they occupy within a Naztherak’s court, or perhaps for their counterparts in mortal society. Whatever the case, each of these three subtypes of Zezimar excel in a capacity where its kin does not, but also possesses their own shortfall. Thus warbands of the Pentacle usually combine more than one type of Zezimar to compensate for their individual weaknesses in the field of cataclysmic infernal warfare. [Mage Type] - Malda Maldaka, or ‘Witches’ are slimmer and less physically robust than their peers. Typically originating from mortal souls privy to magic and sorcery before their death, or transformation, they excel at infernal pyromancy and may wield Malflame spells much like a Naztherak. Crucially however, they do not require a Grimoire. Mechanics: - A Mage type Zezimar possesses physical stamina and strength on par with a modern Voidal Mage. They may not be taller than 6 feet in height, and may not possess significant muscle bulk. - These Zar’ei may use Malflame spells from T1 to T4, and possess a maximum usable pool of [70] maleus. - Aesthetic Malflame, such as cinders burning off from skin or embers escaping the nose while breathing etc. do not consume maleus. - Their maleus refreshes fully every 12 IRL hours. Redlines: - Mage-types must possess slimmer, less physically muscular builds. They may not weigh more than 150lbs. - They may be no taller than 6 feet in height. - They may only use the following Malflame spells: Vhiit, Rok-Dhurz, Rok-Heedz, Rok-Kirluk, Rok-Argal, Rok-Azrak - Malda have a max maleus pool of [70]. - They may wear full plate mail and cast Malflame spells, but will tire more quickly in prolonged physical combat. - Malda have 4 magic slots, and can practice blood magic, feat and slotted seer, bardmancy and housemagery, as well as voidal magics including any voidal feats besides scion. [Knight Type] - Kozun Kozunka are the footsoldiers and lieutenants of Inferi hordes, capable of tactical insight and martial strength comparable to their mortal counterparts. ‘Knights’ possess the peak strength of a human, with wits and wiles to match, making them a dangerous foe to confront alone or in groups. Their capacity for sorcery is reduced over their Witch cousin however. Mechanics: - A Knight type Zezimar possesses physical stamina and strength on par with a fit and healthy human. They may not be taller than 7 feet in height, and must generally be equatable to at most peak human physicality. - These Zar’ei may use Malflame spells such as fireballs, cones, harvest and so on, and possess a maximum usable pool of [40] maleus. - Aesthetic Malflame, such as cinders burning off from skin or embers escaping the nose while breathing etc. do not consume maleus. - Their maleus refreshes fully every 12 IRL hours. Redlines: - Knight-types must possess builds no greater than peak human physicality. They may not weigh more than 300lbs. - They may be no taller than 7 feet in height. - They may only use the following Malflame spells: Vhiit, Rok-Dhurz and Rok-Kirluk. - Knights have a max maleus pool of [40]. - They may wear full plate mail and cast Malflame spells. - Kozun have 3 magic slots, and can practice blood magic, feat and slotted seer, bardmancy and housemagery. [Brute Type] - Rakaal Rakaalka or ‘Tyrants’ refer to the heavy shock troops of Moz Strimoza’s eternal strife and battle. Comparable to mortal Orcs, their strength and stature make them considerable adversaries, as walls of meat and muscle who absorb damage from enemy warbands and deal it in equal measure. While Knights and Witches will employ tactics, cunning or sorcery, the Rakaal knows brute strength is its greatest weapon, and will utilise it almost exclusively. As a result, their ability to manipulate Malflame is crude at best. Mechanics: - A Brute type Zezimar possesses physical stamina and strength on par with the average Orc warrior. They may not be taller than 8 feet in height and no heavier than 400lbs. - These Zar’ei may only breathe gouts of Malflame or wreath their bodies with it, and possess a maximum usable pool of [20] maleus. - Aesthetic Malflame, such as cinders burning off from skin or embers escaping the nose while breathing etc. are still permitted and do not consume maleus. - Their maleus refreshes fully every 12 IRL hours. Redlines: - Brute-types may possess a build and stature no greater than peak Orcish(Not Olog) physicality. They may not weigh more than 400lbs. - They may be no taller than 8 feet in height. - They may only use the following Malflame spells: Vhiit and Rok-Kirluk - Tyrants have a max maleus pool of [20]. - They may wear full plate mail and cast Malflame spells. - Rakaal have 2 magic slots and can practice blood magic, bardmancy. Evolution It is said that chaos is a ladder, and the demonic denizens of Moz Strimoza are all too familiar with such a concept. The drive to climb higher, surpass and consume those above them and crush those who fall beneath them, is intrinsic to the nature of an Inferis. It is of little surprise then that the Infernal Ladder consists of traps, schemes and plots of demonkin attempting to climb to greater rungs of power. This is how the Zar’rokul acquired and keep their position, and ensures their rule of law: “Ra’drakurz raht roknoth kuul ra’vaznan amol tul.” “The weak are meat and the strong do eat.” Stealing an Inferis from their spot upon this Ladder then, a Naztherak denies a Zar’ei the ability to climb higher and grow stronger through its usual means, much to the frustration and ire of the demon itself. For those who are willing to cooperate however, the Zezimar and Prince may come to a mutual understanding- by assisting the evolution of the Inferis, the Naztherak gains a more powerful ally. So it is that agreeing to such a pact, the Inferis and their Prince may together take the steps to provoke this evolution. Inferi are inherently driven to become more powerful and overthrow those who are seated above them, it is for this reason they may seek to loophole their Prince’s commands, or otherwise harbour hostility. If they and the Naztherak can agree to a pact however, they can work together to achieve a mutually beneficial end. - Upon creation, the Zezimar will inherently know how to undergo evolution, and may impart such knowledge to their Naztherak and strike a pact to achieve so. - Only CA Zezimar may undergo evolution. Consumption The devouring of lessers is both symbolic and literal, as the consuming of souls and cannibalism are also intrinsic to Inferi nature. In attempting to forcibly evolve the Zezimar then, it must consume the souls of three mortals untouched by Infernal corruption. The Inferis may do so by either killing a mortal and snatching their soul as it departs its vessel, or stripping away chunks from the whole soul of a living victim. Upon achieving three, their infernal body is primed for metamorphosis. - The CA Zar’ei must consume three mortal souls not belonging to Naztherak, before proceeding to the next step in order to undergo evolution. - This can be achieved by killing soul-bearing player characters and consuming the soul, which does not require the victim to PK. - Alternatively, the Zezimar may bargain with soul-bearing player characters, to sup upon their soul essence, leaving the victim alive. In such a case the victim receives a permanent burn scar at the site of such siphoning and will periodically be subject to nightmares as a lasting reminder of their deal. Additionally they feel weakened, akin to a sickly malaise, for [1] IRL week before the soul regenerates. Redlines: - Players receive no additional benefit should a victim PK, and should not goad the other player into PKing. - A slain victim may be resurrected by Monk Revival as per normal rules. They may choose to suffer from nightmares and so on if they desire character development from the experience. - ‘Soul-supping’ may only be performed upon a consenting soul-bearing player character. It is up to the Zezimar to coerce the character into allowing this through roleplay. - Although the sickly malaise lasts for only a week, the nightmares are semi-permanent, but not totally debilitating. They may be managed with mundane medicines. - Scarring and nightmares may not be used as a vehicle to metagame information about individuals or lore. Metamorphosis Once primed for their transformation, the Zar’ei will slink into its lair and begin to change. In a truly perverse mimicry of nature’s butterfly, the flesh cracks and scars rapidly as their form shifts, leaving them vulnerable as agony racks the Inferis’ form. Their prior appearance will grow more grotesque and unnatural, and their bodies advance to compensate for the weaknesses of their archetype; the Witch becomes less physically vulnerable, the Knight inherits a greater competency for sorcery, and the Tyrant gains more fine control of Malflame. - Upon achieving such evolution, the ST should be notified so the corresponding CA can be updated. They may ask for confirmation of acquired souls. - CA Zezimar who achieve evolution remain as Zar’ei, but may change their physical form some to connote their more ‘advanced state.’ Examples are a lengthening of horns, a one-time regrowth of severed limbs, additional muscle mass etc. - Evolved Zezimar may gain no more than 1 foot in height, to the maximum of 9 feet in total. - All Zezimar may pick a Malice from the base list, or may adopt the Pact Malice of their Prince. In the case of the latter, their appearance will shift slightly to resemble the animal of the Pact Zar’rokul. - Malda types may reach physical strength and stamina on par with a physically fit Elf. They may reach up to 200lbs in weight. - Kozun types gain the Malflame spell Rok-Argal, they also receive +[10] to their maximum pool of maleus. - Rakaal types gain no Malflame spell and +[5] to their maximum pool of maleus. Redlines: - Evolved Zezimar do not become Zar’kiel, they remain as Zar’ei. - This evolution should not be used as an excuse to break redlines and powergame the CA. - Players may ‘puff up’ and otherwise develop the appearance of the Zar’ei via transformation, but must still be hideous and monstrous in appearance. - Regrowing limbs through evolution may be used only once, and may regrow tails and wing stubs etc. - Evolved Zezimar may gain no more than 1 foot in height and none may be taller than 8 feet. - Upon evolution Witch/Mage Zezimar may develop physical strength and stamina on par with a fit Elf, and weigh up to 200lbs. - Knight types receive 10 additional Maleus to their maximum pool and the Malflame spell Rok-Argal. - Tyrant types receive 5 additional Maleus to their maximum pool. - One may choose a Malice from the base list, or may adopt the Pact Malice of their Naztherak, if indeed the Prince possesses one. True Evolution There exists one final stage of evolution a Zezimar may strive for, with a far greater prize than the comparatively meagre growth spurt of acquiring a Malice. The temptation to climb even higher will always tug upon the twisted mind of a Zar’ei, and for their strivings they may be able to ascend to the stature of a Zentherak, or True Prince. The exact process for this is unknown, but Naztherak and Zar’ei alike may infer that it concerns the devouring of many more souls to fuel such a grand evolution- otherwise how to achieve it is something worth pursuing. - The ascension of a player CA Zezimar to a Zentherak may be achieved through ST events and eventlines. In these cases the overseeing ST should have manager approval to enable such evolution. - Should a player Zezimar reach the point of evolving into a Zentherak, the character will no longer be playable. - Naztherak may summon the Zentherak during ST events when approved by the overseeing ST. - By evolving into a Zentherak, the player is offering it up as an event character, which may be used in future lore and eventlines. This is as a means of satisfying narrative progression for the character. Redlines: - Evolution into a Zentherak surrenders the character to the ST as an event character, and will no longer be playable. - The process for becoming a Zentherak may differ between ST events which grant the opportunity. B is not guaranteed the same list of requirements that A was, when they became a Zentherak etc. - This path to progression will be difficult, but is a way to tastefully bring characters to a satisfying conclusion without death. General Redlines: - All Inferi do not die of old age. - All Inferi require food, drink and must breathe, but do not need to sleep. - All Inferi have no genitals and are forbidden from sexual FTBing. - All Inferi are immune to their own Malflame, meaning they may wreathe their entire body in it for attacks. - No bound Inferis may directly disobey or attack their Naztherak, but they may use half-truths or vague wording in order to avoid doing as instructed. - All Malflame spells must follow their specific redlines and general Malflame redlines as stated in the Naztherak magic lore. Inferi using Malflame may substitute the Grimoire opening emote for another tell. - Although Inferi do not require a Grimoire to cast, they may be prevented from casting by sufficient pain, being knocked out or otherwise being rendered physically incapable of speaking a spell's incantation. Purpose This piece serves as an accompaniment to the Naztherak magic submission. It details the specific physiology and abilities of Inferi used as independent summons, particularly fleshing out Beasts and Imps, but also serves as the CA submission for playable Inferi. Dunstan’s attempt to introduce castes of Zar’ei was an interesting theme we carried over, that of noodly casters, stalwart knights and great lumbering brutes. Evolution has been scaled back slightly, offering a Malice and some small mechanical changes, but requires fewer souls to prevent ‘ghoul banditry.’ The more grand evolution allows a player’s Zar’ei to become a Zentherak and to be used by the ST for future eventlines or lore, at the cost of no longer being able to roleplay them. This was decided to prevent the issues previously seen with player Zar’kiel, but to still provide a satisfying narrative conclusion for a character; they grow in power until they are ‘free’ from obediently serving their Prince, and have more leverage to make their own pacts with Naztherak in future. This submission also introduced open playable CA imps, which we felt was possible given their relatively minor abilities and strengths. As per a requested change by the ST, imps are now a closed CA, as a measure against abuse, but they can still lead to some amusing roleplay situations. Otherwise they serve as a largely harmless CA for players to cause mischief with. Citations Credits Archipelego - Consultation Frott - Consultation Luci/Nivndil - Writing Mordu - Consultation Sorcerio - Writing Zarsies - Consultation Changelog
  2. Thallassos, Corrupted of The Abyss Background/Origin The seas lapped at the shores of the cove, a bar of lightly coloured sand shone in the sun as the winds blew and the seas swayed. No seagulls sang and no fish fed upon the riches of the murky water just beyond the shore. Thick and vile purple ichor tinged the seas a murky deep colour as a mere tendril of Dresdrasil stained the sands in a blackened colour as life seemed sucked from the surrounding area- a harrowing sight to an otherwise untouched and peaceful land. Left to rot and decompose the surrounding sea bore a strong stench of salt and brine as the water brewed to a more brackish and muddy composition, the area was desecrated of natural life and being. The area continued to devolve and became more and more stagnant and vile with time, a perpetual storm becoming localized over the once simple beach. Heavy winds carried the stench and spread the taint that the tendril brought with it’s unholy landing, and the area further corrupted and defiled as the storm grew thicker, with perpetually smog-coloured clouds looming over the area like a curse. One day as the monsoon continued heavily and the winds blew strong, carrying foul air, travellers approached. Three, clad in coats and clothes of brown, with little more to them than walking sticks and small bags. “Cullen, is this it, what we have been looking for?” Asked a man of dim but fiery hair, almost frightened to the sight, a quivering voice behind. “It is.” He replied, firmly- a natural born leader with his stout confidence and bravery. “We will remove this aberration from our beautiful home.” He continued, approaching. “Through flame, salt and gold I cast you away from harming our village further.” He said lowly, a voice of hate as he approached. “Cullen, we don’t know what this thing is. We have to wait, what if it’s.. I don’t know, alive!” Called the man who was originally silent, cautious and careful of the god’s remnants that lay before him. “Vile creature.” Cullen said simply, spraying salt against the skin of the tendril- to no avail, or affect. “I cast you away, to the sea of whence you came.” he repeated, anger clouding his voice once more, his expression hard and irritated. He brought out a bag, pouring some of its contents as flakes of gold sprinkled away on the stormy winds as the rest fell to his hand. He threw it with little effect to the tendril, as the winds picked up and blew such back into him. “Gah, ******* thing! I said leave, beast!” He shouted desperately and filled with rage, withdrawing a dagger meant to gut sea life that would inhabit nearby. “Leave this place!” he shouted as he ran forth and went to drive his mere knife into the tendril- it tensing up rapidly, a spurt of vile purple ichor spraying toward his face, lingering as it hissed and burned him. Fear grew upon him like a weed, as he fruitlessly continued to drive his blade into the dead god’s remains. As he wore out and his companions watched on in horror, the tendril seized and gave sounds of bones-cracking and pressured water flowing quickly, as it coiled and grabbed him- Cullen completely enveloped and disappeared, within its grasp. The red-headed boy screamed in fervent horror, nearly tripping as the wind which had continued to gain favor nearly blew him over- both wordlessly panicked, sprinting toward whence they came. Days came and nights passed and the coiled tendril remained the same. Each of them was the same as the last, as the storm saw no end. On the sixth day, came the cautious man- seeming almost intrigued and curious, of the tendril he saw still coiled at a distance. With caution he approached, an almost curiosity to his unnaturally violet irises. Stepping cautiously over the stones that lined the beach and onto the darkened and coarse sands, an unwavering stare toward the tendril which consumed his friend, he had noticed this time it was different. The winds did not pick up nor did the monsoon which pelted at his cloak. “C-cullen. I.. I wanted to .. to say..” “Caller.” Replied a voice, impossibly loud and echoing off the surrounding area, a slightly feminine tone to it. He searched frantically for any source of the voice, but it was impossible to tell directionally- almost as if it spoke to him, in his mind. His lip trembled and his words stumbled, as he froze in fear. The tendril slowly uncoiled, revealing Cullen- drenched and lithe, coming to kneel in the sands- completely quiet, and still. The cautious man watched on in abhorrent horror, his body shaking in paralyzing fear and the biting cold that the wind brought. Cullen with struggle, brought himself to a stand, his cloak tangled and wrapped entirely around his head- drenched, and darkened. He said something, muffled and quiet, behind his mask. “Closer.” The mind of the cautious man sung to himself, in a voice that was almost his own. “Closer.” It repeated, unceasingly. With an agonizing terror that constantly followed every step, he inched closer to his seemingly living friend. “C..Cullen..?” He muttered, sputtered, and fumbled out as his eyes lacked focus, constantly scanning over what shouldn’t be there. “Friend. I have so much to tell you.” Magic Explanation Thallassos is a three slot deific-darkmagic hybrid, falling under either classification. Thallassos is deific in the sense not necessarily of a patron or connection to deific being, but rather using mortal remains of a fallen deity in connection and to power the magic. Thallassos is dark in the sense that it corrupts and wears on the user for trying to make intangible power theirs, though how the user uses the magic is up to them, and may not inherently be dark, evil, or “bad”. Thallassos is taught and learned by interaction with a teacher of the art already connected, and involves connection by melding one’s mortality with the remains of Dresdrasil. Overall, the magic is incompatible with any other deific magic, and requires a basic soul to use, and post-connection would render one’s soul Corrupted. Alongside that, the user would require a body producing blood to do such.(Excluding things such as Animati, Izkuuthi, Sorvians, Golems, Azdrazi, Etc.) Corruption Through time a Tidesage is corrupted and manipulated by the powers they wish to wield, no matter the intent. This may be amplified, or may seek detriment by actions taken in roleplay. Tier 0 At Tier 0 the initial infestation upon the body and mind takes toll, with an initial rejection from the body. Almost like a drug, senses may be amplified, and users may hallucinate auditorily and visually, and have delusions of grandeur as a sense of accomplishment and power overwhelms their system. At Tier 0, a user has no brine within them as transformation starts. Tier 1 At Tier 1 the body begins to normalize and the effects take a less prominent effect. The user becomes more stable and normal, almost as if recovering from their previous state. However, their thoughts may drift to darker and less pleasurable things, feeding to more carnal and simplistic desires of basic emotion. At Tier 1, a user has the potential to use three units of brine. Tier 2 At Tier 2 the body begins to take wear, weakening the user just some- as if a bit malnourished with lessened stamina, a tiredness overcoming their day-to-day life. Their darker thoughts would become more normalized, and controlled. At Tier 2, a user has the potential to use six units of brine. Tier 3 At Tier 3 the body continues to degrade, the strength of the user following the stamina- though still to not the degree of a voidal mage, just not holding standard as it did before. Bleeding would become more perfuse and clotting more difficult as their blood watered down. Their thoughts would continue to drift to a more dark and primal state, subtle and passively beginning to pursue their wants through convenient means. At Tier 3, a user has the potential to use nine units of brine. Tier 4 At Tier 4 the body ceases degradation, starting to become acclimated to the new infestation of soul and body. The body would passively have a minor burning sensation, as blood became impossible to clot as it continued to lose viscosity- smelling of salt, rather than iron. There would be less of a want to eat, drink, and perform bodily necessities, while breathing would slow along with heartbeat. They would begin to pursue their thoughts impulsively, though not actively. At Tier 4, a user has the potential to use twelve units of brine. Tier 5 At Tier 5 the body would continue the course it did at staying weak and tired, with all bodily needs and functions ceasing entirely. The heart of the mage would cease to beat, and blood completely converted to brine that slowly flowed through the veins. Far more impulsively, and near actively, a mage would pursue whatever their desire was to an obsessive degree, taking precedent of whatever they wished over any others- almost as if possessed. Their skin would pale or darken, and would become either dry or in similar moisture to a membrane. At Tier 5, a user has the potential to use fifteen units of brine. Philios A Philios is a creature descended from The Abyss below the waves, having in some form been a part of deific influence and creation. They vary greatly from one another, typically keeping distinctly within a few features. While unnatural in any environment but their home, they may be summoned by Tidesages as a permanent (until death) companion that mostly inhibits their ability to cast Thalassos magic, save for certain aiding spells. A Philios can be up to nine feet tall, with the strength of an olog and the slow speed to mirror such. They bear natural weapons such as claws, teeth, tentacles, and natural spines that vary in number or general presence. A Philios is as easy to slay as any other creature, made of flesh and blood, however holding a fortuitous stamina and an immunity to flame. A Philios is actually capable of higher intelligence, holding in some lesser form an ability to speak, with difficulty granted from their otherworldly biology. They can understand names and remember and recall faces and minor memories though to no significant extent. Redlines - A Philios must be kept to a “Basic” degree. A Clawed monster with a drilled shell for an arm and jagged teeth, a large and horrifying biped with finned arms and an angler-like appendage upon it’s head and dozens of sharp and oversized teeth. This must be well described, and kept basic- no “Rapid Regeneration” or “Steam Blast” that some aquatic creatures may carry. For simplicity, weaponry is limited to tooth, claw, tentacle, and spines that do not shoot from the body. - All things the Philios has must be described upon the signed item. Anything undescribed may not be used in combat or out of combat. - A Philios (As described) is limited to nine feet tall, with Olog strength and generally “slow” speed. They possess an intelligence capable of memory and are as damageable as any other creature, with iron, claws, and so on- only carrying immunity to flame. - A Tidesage commanding a Philios may not cast spells unless suffixed with the “Tidecommand” addition. The Tidesage may cast again a full narrative day after the Philios is killed. - When a Philios is killed, the Tidesage is profoundly exhausted, incapable of fighting. - A Tidesage may only have and command one Philios at a time, requiring a new ritual whenever their original is killed. Details of Commanding a Philios and that extent are listed in the “Tidecommand” spell. Brine and Manipulation Brine Manipulation is regarding different aspects of using brine- a course for the basis of Thallassos. In effect most spells use or begin from brine, and as such mastery of the usage of brine is required for success within the magic. As time goes on, the tidesage would begin producing small amounts of brine within them, though by no noticeably-different means. Brine is a vaguely-warm liquid with a more viscous, almost gelatinous consistency. While in conjuration from a caster, it would glow in shades from brown, to dark blue, to teal, and ultimately to purple- staying within a range of similar colours. These typically depend on the caster, and their connection to the magic. Brine eats away at lifeforce and organic matter, primarily feeding off of the blood of the caster’s supplement. These are separated into ‘Units’. A caster has a limited amount of potential-brine before eventually succumbing to exhaustion and requiring a full-day to recharge. Spells For all matter of reference, if a spell is references as requiring a certain number of emotes, it casts on the final emote. Example, if a spell specifies requiring 1 emote connection and 2 emotes additionally, the third total emote is when the spell would cast. Tidecommand Spells Rituals Calling of Corruption This ritual requires two tidesages, of tier 3 and above to gather a small body of water (typically a pond) at minimum 4x4 and 10x10 at its greatest. The mages involved would kneel upon opposite ends (As symmetrical as possible), and rest their hands upon the skin of the water and would begin to funnel brine into the liquid. Slowly a purple or brown fume would tinge the water and stain it’s colour, slowly killing all life within. The water would afterward be corrupted, prepared for whatever ritual or dark art that may be needed for it lay ahead. A pool will always remain corrupted, unable to host life, be drinkable, or purified. If performed on a paladin chancery, it would begin to fumigate and bellow a gaseous purple light and fume as the waters turned from gold to a brown or purple colour. Manipulating the exposed power of Xan, it would amplify rituals greatly (Listed below.) Unlike a ordinary pool of water, should a Chancery oncemore have paladin blood spilled within it, it is purified and cleansed. Requirements: 8 Total units of Brine, two tidesages of tier 3 and above, a 4x4-10x10 pool of water. Mechanics: Pool (Or Chancery) is corrupted, allowing for rituals to take place within it. Redlines - Pool corruption counts as a lore area, and requires ST signage. - If there was no water within a paladin chancery, such would begin to flow down from it’s focal point and replace the lightwell below. - Drinking from a corrupted pool would render someone extremely sick as if afflicted by the stomach flu and would pass in a couple of days. - Sitting within a pool would not kill someone, but would eat away and drain at them. Calling of The Siren Description: This ritual begins the process of corruption, a connection to Dresdrasil’s remnant power, from teacher to student. Requirements: 1 total unit of brine, 1 tidesage of tier 4 and above, a corrupted pool, and a willing subject. Mechanics: By exposing a prospect-tidesage to Dresdrasil’s remnants and Brine, they may begin the corruption and imbuement processes that are required to begin to fathom and practice Thalassos. Redlines - This ritual only can connect one student at a time - This ritual is required for the creation of the MA - The Tier 4+ Tidesage must possess a TA to perform this ritual. - The created MA would begin at Tier 0. Calling of The Depths Description: This ritual requires three tidesages of tier 3 and above to gather surrounding a corrupted body of water. A pact as old as time, the Binding tidesage seeks a companion or guardian to guard them in a way they cannot. Effectively becoming non-casters themselves, they would control and bind themselves to a minion of their creation. Requirements: 14 total units of brine, 3 tidesages of tier 3 and above, a corrupted pool, and an ST signed item representing the presence of the Philios (Creation). Mechanics: The Binded tidesage takes on responsibility of commanding a Philios by it’s direct creation, gaining an ability to use Tidecommand as a spell. They can no longer cast other spells until the death of the Philios. The Philios can be up to nine feet tall, with the strength of an olog and the slow speed to mirror it, alongside having natural weapons such as claws and teeth. The look of a Philios is entirely up to the user for Aesthetic choice described on the signed item. A Philios is as easy to slay as any other normal creature save for immunity to flame, and may only follow commands as described by the tidesage. They may be given names to understand and follow after. Redlines - This Ritual only summons one Philios, for whoever is the first to extend a hand to it when it surfaces from the pool. Calling of Abyssal Home Description: A place to call home is needed for any Tidesage, and spreading the influence of Dresdrasil and her spawn is necessary to the survival and spread of their ilk. By summoning a obelisk of Dresdrasil’s own creation from the abyss, they may effectively taint the land surrounding them, effectively allowing for the spawn of Dresdrasil’s creatures. Requirements: 16 total units of brine, 3 Tidesages of Tier 3 and above, a corrupted pool, and ST Oversight and Signage of wherever placed. Mechanics: After summoning an Abyssal Obelisk, the Obelisk (Nine feet in height, represented with Sea Lantern or Dark Prismarine blocks) would slowly begin to taint a nearby area, at maximum in a 50x50 square around it as the focal point. This area would begin to harbour unnatural sea-life, heavily mutated, deformed, and aggressive- including an unbound Philios, which would attack any and all but Tidesages who enter the area. The Obelisk would give a salty-burning sensation to skinned touch, but could be broken with effort of blunt tools and strength. Redlines - This area may act and counts as an event site. - The Obelisk must be placed on a shoreline, in the open air, and may only be concealed by natural fauna if such exists. - The Aforementioned shoreline must be that of a lake or ocean, a pond being far too small. - The Obelisk is about as strong as stone, and weighs upwards of a 2,000 pounds- requiring a Golem, Animati, or contraptions to move and lift. - The Obelisk, if placed within a 50 block reach of a city, must have RO permission to be placed. - Once an Obelisk is destroyed, the taint would be removed and all life would after time return to normal. Calling of The Watery Grave Description: Tidesages still fall prey to mortal desire, fallacy, and failure. In the case of mortals manipulating the powers of a dead god, By locking this person away, kept from drowning due to the boons granted by their practice, a Tidesage may be sealed away beneath the waves by a group of others. Requirements: 18 total units of brine, at least 3 Tidesages of tier 3 and above, a corrupted pool, a semi-sealed vessel (With ventilation for water to flow in freely), a Tidesage of tier 3 and above (To perform upon) Mechanics: A subject tidesage of tier 3 and above would be restrained and put into a vessel with ventilation to allow free flow of water, and locked away beneath the waves. Their vessel would not move, and would be in one place- a Corrupted pool. Redlines - A Non-Tidesage or a Tidesage of tier 2 and below may not be locked away, as they would merely drown and respawn to CT. - This acts as a soft PK, unless the magic is dropped and the character drowns, allowing for respawn. - The site of a Watery Grave must be in a corrupted pool, and such is marked with an ST-Locked sign signifying it’s validity. - Someone may be freed from a watery grave by those on the outside at any time, though the Tidesage locked within would likely be greatly malnourished and withered, taking some time to fully physically recover. Mental stability from potentially being locked away a great time may never return, depending on the roleplayer. Calling of The Lady Description: By inheriting traits and power further from Dresdrasil, one would slowly begin conversion to a half-breed, something inbetween mortal and immortal; their original form deeply corrupted and destroyed, by overwhelming one and drowning them in brine, they may begin to slowly convert into a Drowned. Requirements: 20 total units of brine, 1 Tidesage of Tier 4 and above, 2 Tidesages of tier 3 and above, a Corrupted Pool, and a willing subject. Mechanics: By collectively using brine to drown one in a corrupted pool by causing it to overflow with such, they may transform a Tidesage of Tier 4 and above into a Drowned. Redlines - This spell does not have an empowered version. Calling of The Siren [Empowered] Description: With the vulnerability of Xan’s influence ebbing over onto the mortal plane, corrupted with the influence of Dresdrasil’s remnants, a prospect-tidesage may accelerate with a much quicker, although painful version of transformation. Requirements: 1 total unit of brine, 1 tidesage of tier 4 and above, a corrupted chancery, a willing subject Mechanics: By connecting a student through a corrupted chancery, they begin a significantly more painful and violent transformation process; skipping through Tier 0 in a few moments, and unto tier 1 directly. Redlines - This ritual only affects one subject at a time - This ritual would be reflected upon the MA, stating the student starts at Tier 1 - This ritual is exceptionally tolling on the subject, exhausting them for at least twenty four hours. Calling of The Depths [Empowered] Description: Calling upon the vulnerability of Xan, power corrupted and volatile, a Tidesage may use a corrupted chancery to summon an abnormally intelligent or powerful creature, though upon the chancery’s purification or destruction, it would instantly be banished. Requirements: 18 total units of brine, 3 tidesages of tier 3 and above, a corrupted chancery, and an MArt Submission + St Signed item representing the presence of the Philios (Creation). Mechanics: The Philios created is granted significant creative and mechanical freedom with the MArt, so long as it is accepted by the story team. Should the Chancery be purified, the Philios would instantly begin turning to brine upon the ground it stood upon. Redlines - A Philios created from a chancery must be made with an MArt. - Should the chancery be purified, the Philios is instantly unusable in combat and would begin to drain. - A Philios summoned from a chancery may not have Tidecommand spells cast upon it. Calling of Abyssal Home [Empowered] Description: By manipulating the power once holding The Wardens of Xan together and in place to defend the Chancery, a Tidesage may summon an Abyssal Obelisk, twisted by the melding of power and allowing for a mimic like effect, though the Obelisk would take up the focal point of The Chancery. Requirements: 18 total units of brine, 3 Tidesages of Tier 3 and above, a corrupted Chancery, and ST Oversight and Signage of wherever placed. Mechanics: Summoning an Abyssal Obelisk from the depths, it would sit in the focal point of The Chancery and would be immovable from it’s site. Aswell, two unbound Philios of normal level would spawn and defend the site, unable to move from it’s general location. If engaged in combat, The Obelisk would activate and would glow a deep blue colour. For each ten emotes performed by The Philios’s, another would spawn from The Chancery to defend it’s powered site. The Obelisk would be considered as strong as steel and immune to flame, and would require profound strength or effort from tools or magic to break. If the Obelisk is under threat, a Philios will stop whatever they were previously doing to defend it. Redlines - Philios spawned from a Chancery would carry the normal attributes of Philios, not being upon or able of being upon an MArt level. - Philios will stop whatever they are doing, no matter the importance, to defend the chancery. This does not apply to bound Philios. - An unbound Philios will not leave the general “Area” or “Building” of their chancery to attack others. They may be commanded by any Tidesage in the area, taking upon the order first given to them. - Unbound Philios may be played by ET, or present Tidesages, if possible as spread out as possible. - Commanding an Unbound Philios does not impair ones abilities to cast, as if commanding a bound Philios. - Commanding an Unbound Philios without having a Bound Philios does not grant the ability to access the “Tidecommand” suffixed spells. Calling of The Watery Grave [Empowered] Description: Using the vulnerability of Xan’s power, one may use a corrupted chancery to banish a Tidesage forever into beyond, irretrievably. Requirements: 30 total units of Brine, 2 Tidesages of Tier 5, and 2 or more Tidesages of Tier 3 and above, alongside a corrupted chancery. The Subject must be a Tidesage of Tier 3 and above. Requires ST oversight and enforcement. Mechanics: A subjected Tidesage is locked within a vessel which allowed for some ventilation of air or waterflow, is pushed within a corrupted chancery. Due to the power residually existing from the chancery, a portal would open, and the subjected Tidesage would be locked away into the beyond, effectively acting as a hard PK. Redlines A Subject to this ritual must be a Tidesage of tier 3 and above. The Subject of this ritual, once commenced, may not be retrieved physically or spiritually, or communed with spiritually. The Subject of this ritual is under the effects of a hard-pk, and may not be revived through monks, dropping of the magic (including dropping the magic within 24 hrs of the ritual), or any deific interference. Enchantments Using different aspects of the abyss below, a Tidesage may imbue their effects within an item known as a Poiema which grants undrowned Tidesages and Mortals minor attributes of what they can perform or do. With brine and technique, a Tidesage can easily perform this task. Taking three emotes in total, each enchantment would take one unit of brine per emote. This process is freeform, and emotes are left to user creativity when crafting Poiemas. Brining Object Effect: Imbuing this upon an object would give a light draining effect to whatever it may touch. It may dry skin and remove hair of where applied in the case of an equippable item (Such as a ring or helm). The item Brining was imbued upon would give a visual effect of being waterlogged, tarnished, and rusted. Enchantment Effect: If used in the creation of, or on an exposed or healing wound, such would have the effect of causing intense searing pain and minor muscle spasms. Gilling Object Effect: Imbuing this enchantment upon an object would mimic the effect of having gills, effectively allowing someone to breathe underwater. Enchantment Effect: Gilling must be imbued upon something that is worn upon the user to give effect, such as a ring or mask. When worn upon a user both in and not in effect, varying amounts of small three-inch cuts would be upon the neck of the user. Eyes of The Abyss Object Effect: Imbuing this enchantment upon an object would grant a subtle and light glow upon it’s physical manifestation, worn or not. Enchantment Effect: When equipped the eyes of the user would give off a faint bioluminescent glow, the colour of yellow, black, or white taking over their entire eye- along with blue or purple marks reminiscent of scales that were placed along the users eyes. While equipped, the user would have vision as good as if it were normal when underwater or dark places, immune to particulate blocking vision within their eyes aswell. If the darkness however were to be magical or blindness induced, then they would affect the wearer as normal. Skin of The Lurker Object Effect: Imbuing this enchantment upon an object would cause it to harden and calcify, the surface from end to end becoming scale-like in nature, underneath a white membrane that retained the hardness of the previous material. Enchantment Effect: When equipped, the user would gain scales or chitin that covered them in various places, though by no significant degree. These scales would take on dark colours, primarily blacks and blues. When in a cold environment, or put under intense barometric pressure, the user would find themselves unaffected and rather normal. However, ones blood would begin to run cold- and they would be clammy, and the temperature of the surrounding environment to the touch. Weapons of The Lady Object Effect: Imbuing this enchantment upon an object would cause it to ossify and become made of bone, retaining a similar hardness given the thickness of the object. Enchantment Effect: Once equipped, the user would gain natural weapons of claws and teeth of abnormal size and shape. Jagged and many, potentially long and almost fibrous teeth, alongside an additional 3 or 4 inches of hardened bone on the fingertips, sharpened to claws. However, due to the unwieldy sizes and shapes of both, the fingertips would render any armor fitted or weapons in hand unwieldable, and teeth would limit speech to become impaired as if there was some blockage within the mouth. These changes to the body occur over a couple of minutes at no pain to the user, however they may not be equipped in combat. Call of The Siren Object Effect: Imbuing this enchantment upon an object would cause it to shimmer and reflect as if created of water, though merely aesthetic to the actual piece. Enchantment Effect: When equipped, the user’s voice would become harmonic and angelic, irresistibly drawing and enchanting, unnaturally so. Lament of The Deep Object Effect: Imbuing this enchantment upon an object would cause it to become brittle and tinge a deep sea-green colour, with a ever-consistent slime to it. Enchantment Effect: This item can bind the conscious of an Abyssal creature such as a Philios, which effectively keeps its mind split to two. Once a Philios is given touch to the item, they may store their being within such as a “Backup” effectively. Shoulda Philios die and another be summoned, they may come in contact with a Lamented item and have their conscious restored to when the initial contact was made, having no recollection of their death most certainly. Should the Philios be living or dead, one may communicate with such forever in their mind through the item while equipped. Should the original creator of the item find a new Philios to bind to, the Philios’ conscious which inhabited the original item is nulled, and forever gone. Enchantment Redlines - Muscle spasms caused by a Brining enchant are minor, and would by no means forcefully induce someone to move in a way they would not normally. - Gilling-gills would act as a secondary vector to intake air into the lungs, should the mouth and nose be blocked. The same does not go in the same for the nose and mouth to intake water in place of gills. - Magically caused blindness or darkness would not be visible through eyes of the abyss. - Eyes of the abyss does not replace or function for lost or nonfunctioning eyes. - Skin of the lurker does not function as natural armour, and magically caused coldness or below-zero temperatures would take wear on the user - Weapons of the lady have the hardness of bone and rock, not able to penetrate thick steel and could break upon it. One cannot wield weapons or speak fully properly with the bodily changes given. They aswell could not speak properly- this being overlapped by the Call of The Siren enchantment. - The Call of The Siren enchantment does not “charm” nearby people magically, merely allowing for the player to allure and charm those around them naturally. - One may not metagame information (Or send information at all) through telepathy of an item made of Lament of The Deep - Should an item be destroyed with the Lament of The Deep enchantment, so too would the saved conscious of The Philios. General Red Lines -Thallassos is incompatible with deific magics. -Thallassos is categorized under both Deific and Dark magics. If for any extensive purpose it needs further classification, it is simply under “Deific”. -Thallassos does not get their power from any form of patron or diety directly, not being affected by anything which may cause disconnection. -A Tidesage would violently react to a paladin’s purging as it would cause great distress and pain. -Line of sight is required for all Thallassos spells, including one’s Philios. A Philios however, may go behind cover to continue attacking something or performing an action. -A Tidesage may make use of a casting implement or focus. -A Tidesage is still effected by voidal poisoning and similar effects. -A Tidesage may not use brine or convert brine from their environment to replenish, use, or fill ones own brine reserve from. -A Tidesage converts their blood into brine during casting, causing it to be spent when performing a spell. This does not inhibit their way of life or functioning abnormally besides what is described within Corruption. -A Tidesage’s strength, endurance, or stamina is not inhibited, it is limited at the very maximum to the strength of one’s race; gaining no benefit from increases in any of the previous categories, magically, herbally, and so on. Tier Progression Tier 0 - Tier 0 lasts 1 week. - No abilities, spells, rituals, or brine count. A change and metamorphosis of the psyche begins. Tier 1 - Tier 1 lasts 1 week. (Two weeks total). - Tidesage now can create three units of brine with internal mechanism - Tidesage has access to the spell “Manifestation” with one manifestation. - Tidesage has access to the spell “Brine Mending” - Tidesage may now learn how to enchant. Tier 2 - Tier 2 lasts 2 weeks. (Four weeks total). - Tidesage now can create six units of brine with internal mechanism. - Tidesage may now possess a Philios, and utilize the base “Tidecommand” spell. - Tidesage has access to the spell “Dresdrasil’s Spines” - Tidesage has access to the spell “Manifestation” with two manifestations. - Tidesage has access to the spell “The Sea Takes” - Tidesage has access to the spell “Brine Mending (Tidecommand)” - Tidesage has access to the spell “Pinging (Tidecommand)” Tier 3 - Tier 3 lasts 3 weeks (Seven weeks total). - Tidesage now can create nine units of brine with internal mechanism. - Tidesage can now directly perform and learn all rituals as an actor, except for Calling of The Lady and Calling of The Siren. - Tidesage may now fall victim to Calling of The Watery Grave - Tidesage has access to the spell “Salt Spew” - Tidesage has access to the spell “Manifestation” with three manifestations. - Tidesage has access to the spell “Adaptation (Tidecommand)” - Tidesage has access to the spell “Augury and Augury (Tidecommand) Tier 4 - Tier 4 lasts 4 weeks (Eleven weeks total). - Tidesage now can create twelve units of brine with internal mechanism. - Tidesage can now learn to teach by picking up a TA. - Tidesage can now perform Calling of The Lady. - Tidesage can now perform Calling of The Siren - Tidesage has access to the spell “Manifestation” with four manifestations. - Tidesage has access to the spell “Maw” - Tidesage has access to the spell “Sound of The Abyss (Tidecommand)” Tier 5 - Tidesage now can create fifteen units of brine with internal mechanism. - Tidesage has access to the spell “Drowning” - Tidesage has access to the spell “Manifestation” with five manifestations. Purpose (OOC) Originally writing this lore, I got a good bit into it before someone had alerted me that Thallassos used to be a magic; I was merely writing a magic which fit into an aesthetic I liked. Taking some work from Perrin and an old write from Frott and Zarsies, I was able to put together a piece of lore which I believe has a very good aesthetic which varies and allows for a lot of opportunity and roleplay between Tidesages and communities. I believe this is something that any type of mage may want to get into and services an interest of culty, eldritch, dark-water esque roleplay which currently is in no niche upon the server. With proper cultivation and roleplay, I believe this magic could flourish into something memorable and fun for multiple communities. Citation Spoiler A grand and sincere thanks to; Zidoax, for resources on similar aesthetics (Such as The Shadow over Innsmouth), and encouragement Archipelago, for looking over for spelling errors and ideas upon aesthetics, alongside encouragement All my friends, for being my friends, their encouragement and answering any dumb questions I may have asked Perrin, for his old Thallassos lore, though I personally have never met or known about the person I thank them for the resources they granted Zarsies and Frott, for encouragement and inspiration of their Augury write
  3. ~ Celestialism: Menders of the Veil ~ “Go forth, the toilers of the Veil. Remerge from the shadows of the Void and the find the honor your kin lost for you.” – The Vigil, after the Breaching of the Veil. Background/Origin: Arcanism; the pinnacle of all evocations defined by the unfathomable summoning of the raw essence of the Void itself. The Arcane Magi birthed these wonderful gifts upon the descendants, limiting casters of infinite potential arcanic energy only by their imagination and mana pools - What had the potential to be used for both the peaceful, scientific, and arcanic advancement of society was relegated almost exclusively to the destructive use of beams, rays, arcs, and ethereal weaponry. It was with the realization that the descendants had failed them that celestials of yore retreated back into the deepest depths of the ever expanse, never again to be seen by their ardent shepherds. This hollow gap of vanquished celestials broke up the essential “food chain” that sustained an equilibrium amongst the voidal horrors living there, and this disturbance caused the very fabric of their existence and reality to change - forcing their ilk to cast their attention on what caused their precious few meals in the endless abyss to cease. While the population of Voidal Horrors, Terrors, and Behemoths stirred amongst themselves in a feral rage of hunger in the Void, their anger and volition was directed beyond the shadows of the Void to the spiraling descent of the Archdaemon Iblees crashing through the cosmos in a bold gambit to flee to the safety of his lands in Moz Strizoma after a gravely wounding attack of unknown origin. The reverberations of this deific impact were felt around the far reaches of creation, bounding through the reaches of space until it eventually crashed into the Veil guarding the mortal plane from the already frenzied voidal amalgamations lurking within, not even the Aengudaemonica safe from such a malicious barrage. Unbeknownst to the descendants, it was the sole guardian and protector of the Veil, the primordial known as the “The Vigil” that swiftly bid his army of celestial guardians and the natural source of Celestial Aura to reform and restrengthen the bond that once existed between Celestial and Descendant in a final bid to preserve the mortal bastion and the descendants living there: The Scion. A Scion is a form of semi-sentient celestial that appears in the Veil, Void, and Physical Plane as floating, glowing orbs of spherical light in the color of their Celestialists’ aura. They are the natural producers of Celestial Aura, and in the Veil they utilize its production to actively mend weak spaces that threaten the mortal realm. The Veil was deeply fractured upon Iblees’ spiraling return to Moz Strizoma, abetted by the feral horrors lacking Celestial meals and prowling for Aengudaemonica that remained heedless of their kins warnings not to travel the cosmos. As the Vigil forced its will upon the Veil out of fear its demise due to Iblees’ whims, the Scions' were endowed with a spark of will to fill in the ranks their cousins – the Celestial Familiars – left upon abandoning the descendants back to the Void with the demise of Arcanism. Refusing to meet the same end their cousins and the Shepards met, and aided by the desperate will of the Vigil seeking the mend the entirety of a fractured bastion, the Celestial Scions were given the ability to rebind with Celestialist Magi under a codified and more strict magical contract known as the Oathbond. The Vigil was not able to bestow upon these Celestial Scions a level of sentience to match the descendants, but instead instilled into their race four primary drives they hoped they could spread among the descendants through the Celestialists’ and this bond so the Veil could withstand this new level of threat never before leveled. Since the Scions’ level of sentience is limited, their broad interpretation of what ideal they wish to spread to the descendants can be categorized under four guiding principals the Vigil hoped to instill in his new ranks of Celestialist Arcanists: balance, peace, justice, and knowledge. For each one of these ideals, a personal interpretation unique to the Celestialist and their Scion is what comprises the bond. It is this emotional and voidal Oathbond between a Scion Celestial and their bonded Celestialist that endows them with their notable celestial aura and any other abilities, and the only way to strengthen this bond is by embodying the ideals that is unique to their Oathbond with a Scion Celestial. This further necessitates the need to adhere to the Oaths they’ve made with the Scion; failure to actively pursue a path towards the ideal you and your Scion mutually decided was important, or by specifically breaking an oath defined in the Oathbond with your Scion, will result in the loss of one's Celestial Aura due to the severed connection they suffered with their Scion and their ability to be a Celestialist. Losing a Scion can be a maddening process to a Celestialist, as they often grow used to the constant presence of their illuminated Scion that they’ve developed a unique and intense emotional bond with. This sudden sense of loss and purposelessness that is experienced is broad and varies by individual and the intensity/duration of their Oathbond. Redlines: The Oathbond: The Oathbond facilitates the symbiotic relationship between a Scion Celestial and the Celestialist; the Scion is granted the ability to manifest itself on the physical plane safe from voidal horrors with the ability to continue restoring the Veil, while the Celestialist is imbued with their Celestial Aura and the capability to assist Scions in mending voidal tears through the physical plane. It is not a physical contract outlined on paper, but rather an emotional and magical bond between a Celestialist and their Scion Celestial that reinforces their symbiotic relationship and one of the four primary drives of the Scion in the Celestialist. As noted beforehand, breaking the mutually established bond or failing to spread your Scions’ purpose will result in them losing sentience and returning to their position guarding the Veil, therefore severing their connection with the Celestialist and losing their sentience. Tier 1 (3 Weeks): A broad oath is made with a Celestial Scion in regards to one of the four ideals. The Scion is unable to manifest themselves physically in the mortal plane at this tier, but begin developing sentience and the compulsive fear of voidal horrors that drives them to reach out to a celestialist guardian to form the Oathbond. Tier 2 (1-2 Months): A second oath is made with your Scion, this one more intimate and personal. While this second oath may be difficult for the celestialist to face emotionally, this spark of life enables the Scion to manifest physically on the mortal plane. This connection with a Scion, forged by a now permanent Oathbond, imbues the Celestialist with their Celestial Aura and the ability to draw arcanic energy directly from the Scion, opposed to the intermediary that is the Void. This does not look any different from regular casting, only that the Celestialist is likely well-familiar with drawing from its ever-present Scion. Tier 3 (3-4 Months): A third oath is made to the Scion, this one becoming the driving motivation of both your Celestialist and Scions’ life. The bond between Scion and Celestialist is now one of deep familiarity, their symbiotic relationship playing off one another to innately produce small amounts of Celestial Aura necessary to bolster the Veil and the aid the Scions left within the Veil holding it together. Celestialists of this tier may now consistently lead circling endeavors with greater levels of success as their acclamation to the Void and Oathbond grows. Tier 4: (5-6 Months) With the oaths sworn and the relationship with the Scion well-established, the Celestialist can now entirely dedicate themselves to sealing breaches in the Veil and spreading one of the four ideals, with the unique take of however the Scion and Celestialist forged their Oathbond. Celestial Aura is now passively accrued at greater levels, the mere presence of your Celestialist and Scion producing enough Celestial Aura to keep voidal amalgamations at bay in your vicinity. Melding is lead fluidly amongst fellow arcanists, and arcanic objects are easily discernible to the voidally enhanced Celestialist. Tier 5: (6-12 Months) Celestial Aura almost tangibly seethes from the body of the Celestialist, the familiarity of their Scions presence almost a reassuring beacon of light in the back of their brains. Voidal anomalies wake them for their sleep, disturb their meals, and interrupt their conversations, drawing them like moths to an incandescent flame. Restoration of the Veil is almost second nature to the Celestialist now, becoming part of their identity and reason for existing. Circling can be lead with ease, and objects of a voidal nature itch to make themselves known to the Celestialist. Mechanics of Forging the Oathbond: Forging the Oathbond between a Scion and a descendant requires one already endowed with a Celestial Aura to lead a potential Celestialist through the extension spell (further detailed, defined, & redlined under the spells section). A potential Celestialist must already have an intense understanding of the Void to attract a Scion (T5 of any evocation), and already be dedicated to one of the four ideals in any type of capacity. (Justice: Tracking down dark mages, peace: fighting voidal anomalies, preaching etc.) 1-4: Failure with attraction of voidal anomalies 5-7: Failure without complications 8-14: Success with complications 15-20: Success without complications Failure with attraction of voidal anomalies: While a learned Celestialist assists a potential student in extension of their Celestial Aura to the Void to attract a Scion, this influx of Celestial Aura between two magi’ has the ability to do the exact reverse of its intent; multiple Scions’ will leave their position guarding the Veil, heedlessly rushing to this luminescent light out of a fear of the voidal horrors lurking near and causing a portion of bastion protecting the physical plane to falter, amalgamations of the Void following thereafter. Redlines: The Four Ideals: Scion of Balance: A Scion of Balance is a Celestial Scion innately concerned with the balance of the Void, normally interpreted broadly like the rest of the four ideals. A Celestialist who engages in an Oathbond with a Scion of Balance is likely to center their three oaths around preserving balance between the never ending struggle between light and dark magic. Celestialists who undergo an Oathbond with a Scion of Balance are often referred to as “Caretakers,” among their fellow Celestialists. The runic core associated with Scions of Balance: Scion of Peace: A Scion of Peace is a Celestial Scion that intrenches themselves wherever there is conflict stemming from the Void, attempting to utilize their serene nature to solve conflicts in a peaceful manner opposed to the brutal method of Arcanists’ past. A Celestialist who engages in an Oathbond with a Scion of Peace is likely to center their three oaths around spreading peace throughout the realm via careful use of the Void, with the specifics of these oaths varying broadly like the rest of the Orders. Celestialists who undergo an Oathbond with a Scion of Peace are often referred to as “Peacemakers,” among their fellow Celestialists. The runic core associated with Scions of Peace: Scion of Justice: A Scion of Justice is Celestial Scion inherently tied with the moral philosophies of right and wrong. A Celestialist who engages in an Oathbond with a Scion of Justice is likely to center their three oaths around bringing justice to those who were wronged by malicious use of the Void. Celestialists who undergo an Oathbond with a Scion of Justice are often referred to as “Lawmakers,” among their fellow Celestialists. The runic core associated with Scions of Justice: Scion of Knowledge: A Scion of Knowledge is Celestial Scion intuitively concerned with preserving and spreading knowledge of the Void and its secrets, believing that arming the descendants with this knowledge is the best path in preserving the Veil. A Celestialist who engages in an Oathbond with a Scion of Knowledge is likely to center their three oaths on spreading both their and the collective knowledge of the Celestialists’ to the greater realm. Celestialists who undergo an Oathbond with a Scion of Knowledge are often referred to as “Truthbringers,” among their fellow Celestialists. The runic core associated with Scions of Knowledge: Note: Celestial Aura: Celestial Aura is a natural byproduct of the creation of Scion Celestials in their natural environment of patching up torn fragments of the Veil, notably changing a casters aura color to an intensified glossied hue augmenting the original color. Only when coupled with an Oathbond with a descendant, notable changes are to made to the Celestialist; namely with a direct connection established to a incorporeal being that lives in a semi-existence between the Veil and Physical Plane, a Celestialist passively taps in the ability to constantly produce Celestial Aura, aiding their Scion companion in mending torn pieces of the Veil scattered throughout the Universe. Alongside this passive ability to regenerate torn fragments of the Veil, these Celestialists’ have broken through the threshold of arcana and thus have become shields for the Veil against the endless tide of voidal horrors. Regardless of their nature or alignment, the Celestialist now seems to draw magical properties and mysteries to them as the duration and intensity of their Oathbond with a Scion strengthens. Their aura seems more vibrant, more saturated with mana and color and will even manifest easier at certain times or after casting a spell. They seem to constantly resonate the raw magical energy their Scion emanates, and their aura color may shift towards a whiter, glossier appearance in their spells. Besides aesthetics, and the passive ability to mend the Veil, there are a few practical uses of the Celestial Aura granted by a Scion; the first being the ability to fully take on another being’s aura color when circling with them allowing the Celestialist to explore and understand others without the bias of their own aura. While not able to discern the specific magic types of another caster during the circling, the Oathbond between a Celestialist and its Scion enables them to vaguely read the emotional state of another caster and return equally hazy forms of emotion. This would be useful in the case of circling during tense or important situations, where the Celestialist could imbue others with feelings of reassurance and encouragement. This enhanced circling process is also the way to introduce prospective Celestialists’ seeking an Oathbond to the Celestial Aura and a Celestialists’ intimate connection with their Scion. The Celestial Aura is also more receptive in terms of sensitivity to the Void. Disturbances such as large tears in the Veil are more likely to be noticed, as well as anomalies and even the detection of other magical beings that their Scion is intuitively drawn towards. Magical Explanation: Celestialism, a feat in this iteration of the magic, is an imitation of the magic of old but redefined to mesh with current and new lore for: enchanting, circling, the Breach of the Veil lore, and the new spell requirements for all magics. Celestialists, now open to T5 Evocationists of any variety, are endowed with their Celestial Aura through a magical relationship and contract known as the Oathbond with a new race of Celestial called the Scion. The Oathbond exists to ensure that any Celestialist bonded with a Scion stick to the Scions original purpose for living – restoring the Veil, and promoting one of the four ideals the Vigil instilled in into their race. While this bond passively adds the ability to restore the Veil in thinned areas, these Celestialists are also able to directly mend these tears through a collaborative effort amongst role-players. This collaboration also lends itself to the unique ability of creating magical environments and events through the creation of Crystal Gardens. The unique bond established between a creature of the Veil and a descendant, alongside the production of the Celestial Aura, enables the Celestialist an understanding of the Veil and any threats to its existence more fluidly and actively than a typical mage. The only requirement for forging the Oathbond other then being a T5 Mage is the presence of another Celestialist able to lead the prospective student through the extension ritual to call out to a Celestial Scion. Spells and Redlines: Regeneration: Passive, Active, non-combative; After the second Oath is sworn to a Scion at Tier 2, the Celestialist innately has the knowledge to consistently produce Celestial Aura and utilize it to assist the Scions left in the Veil in mending its more weak points. If the Veil has already been pierced and a voidal tear incurred, the Scion and its Celestialist can expend mana and energy to produce a surplus of Celestial Aura, imbuing it into Voidal incursions and providing a patchwork of sorts. Consistent tending of a voidal tear by either a master or group of well-practiced Celestialists’ and their Scions over a long duration of time will produce crystal gardens, essentially now just bolstered areas of increased Scion activity in the physical plane where the Veil is solid, but remnants of magical energy provide high class focus crystals to magi of any kind lucky enough to stumble upon one. Celestialists may either mitigate or enhance the spreading of a crystal garden. The scale of this can vary from very small crystal formations limited to a small area like a pond or lake, but entire forests have been known to become overgrown with crystal due to an overabundance of mana or a particularly bad voidal incursion site. Celestite Weaponry: At a certain point, the crystals become large enough to begin cultivating within the garden, the mineral obtained often referred to as “Celestite.” While the crystals procured from these arcanic crystal gardens are known to react positively to imbuement by voidal energy and are easily enchantable, the brittleness that comprises the mineral of Celestite would only be capable of very few direct hits. The core function of Celestite weaponry would be the idea of gaining a few very powerful enchanted hits off on enemy before the crystal invariably breaks, and can be grown again once out of combat by the imbuing of additional Celestial Aura back into the crystal that already has an affinity for regrowing. Redlines: Extension: Active, non-combative; After the second Oath is sworn to a Scion at Tier 2, the connection between a Scion and their Celestialist strengthens. Through meditation and attunement with one’s Scion, the Celestialist can better understand the fluctuating state of their companion, connecting with them to also innately recognize places where the Veil has been weakened through voidal anomalies. Since Celestial Aura is naturally drawn to these places to help repair the cracks in the Veil, so are both the Celestialists and their Scions. In addition to being able to search out voidal anomalies through this act, Scions will influence their Celestialist into seeking voidal anomalies relating to one of the four ideals making up their Oathbond: balance, justice, peace, and knowledge. The Scions of the Veil are attracted to the level of sentience the Oathbond with a Celestialist entails, and the ability to protect the Veil by promoting one of these four aforementioned ideals seems preferable to constant threat of being devoured by a voidal horror. Scions act in favor of these four ideals with the thought process that a healthy embodiment of them by the descendants will ultimately lead to less voidal anomaly and strife. A Celestialists’ ability to extend is also how they reach out to the Void, a Scion, and ultimately forge their Oathbond. Greater-Melding: Active, combative/non-combative; After the second oath is sworn to a Scion at Tier 2, a Celestialists’ intrinsic understanding of their Celestial Aura and natural attunement to the void enables them to lead circling of Magi more efficiently, being able to direct larger amounts of arcanic energy as a result of this intimate familiarity. This is also due to the Oathbond and arcanic connection between a Celestialist and their Scion, being able to rely on their companion to utilize Celestial Aura to actively repair the Veil while massive amounts of arcane energy that would normally pierce it congeal. Through this greater-bond in circling with Celestialist is also their ability to feel and meld aura, creating an emotional link amongst those circled and allowing them to reinforce each other with emotional sentiment magically interpreted. Where Greater Melding comes into full effect is between Master Celestialist and a pupil or peer since they may now enact a coupling much easier and during combat or training sessions. This allows for the mana of a single spell to be proportionally divided among the coupling, allowing for greater feats with a bit less drainage, though exhaustion is still evident. Likewise the Master Celestialist may also pass the role of Leader, or rather the one directing the casting of spell, to another person. The effect Greater Melding will have is mainly to benefit multiple Celestialists working together. The spells will take on the aura colors of those involved, demonstrating the unity amongst them. The one drawback to this smaller scale coupling is that physical contact is required or at the very least a shared medium. Scion Enlightenment: Active, non-combative: In the event a Celestialist is about to die (PK), or is on the brink of death, they can actively chose to sacrifice their mortal coil and amplitudes of Celestial Aura by entering a stasis where their remaining mortal essence is sent to out to their Scion and utilized in preserving the Veil for eternity. It is considered among the greatest privileges and sacrifices a Celestialist can make, following the path their Scion once took into unknown lands to preserve the mortal bastion for the descendants. How this would look would be unique to each Celestialist, but a massive amount of Celestial Aura would exude from their frame for brief moments before becoming one with their Scion in the Veil. Mechanics: 1 (Connection) + 4 (Charge) + 1 (Completion) Redlines: Celestial Art: Active, non-combative: With the departure of celestial familiars and the wonders once formally known as Arcanism lost to the sands of time, the Scions bestowed a final gift upon the descendants: the ability to mimic a pale imitation of the art once possible through the Arcane Mages gift. Through intense concentration and familiarization with one’s own Celestial Aura, a Celestialist can learn to manipulate its essence to perform feats that imitate the artful creations once so beloved by the ancient Celestialists of Arcanism. Although this luminescent Celestial Aura cannot be controlled to a truly fine degree, a practiced Celestialist can contorts its shape to resemble a wide variety of artful creations limited to their imagination and skill. Mechanics: Limited to a realistic impression of the Celestialists mana pool. 1 (Connection) + Whatever the Celestialist is trying to convey through hazed impressions of their Celestial Aura, bound to their mana pool. Redlines: Purpose: The purpose of this lore is to provide an alternative in direction to evocationists seeking magical role-play not inherently centered around combat and stronger combative spells, but rather through the development of a unique magical relationship with a creature of the void that is less off-putting than some found of the older generation of Celestials. Celestialism promotes the opportunity of unique and engaging RP through ritualistic circles with other Celestialists, and also provides a direction for mage characters looking to serve a greater purpose. This iteration of Celestialism, while less endowed with power, still offers the chance to create magical environments and artifacts with crystal gardens, with the opportunity of introducing events for the mages of the server through corruption and other phenomenon. OOC & Acknowledgements:
  4. The Stran; The Quest For The Seven Skies: An Oral Epic Recorded by Diedrik Carrion II "Now gather round small children and listen to tale passed down from my grandbub to my mother to me. This is old tale from Old Country, where Sun did hardly shine and winters were long and white..." A small rascal by the name of Alexei spoke up "Is this story of The First Strannik?!" The Old Bubovh smacked the small boy on his small head. "Quiet and listen to your Bubuhv! Make respect of your elders!" The old woman gave him the crows eye and continued on. "In country of Old Raev there was hero of folk legend. Coming from roots of humble streltsy, this man started young and ended... well you know story. Quested long and far, seeking entrance in Seven Skies. In end, he found Seven Skies and Ascended in feat of great strength, faith, and sacrifice. And he was called Stran..." Once more the small boy broke in, standing among his peers seated on the cold floor. "That's him! That's first Strannik! He's -" "I say shush small boy! Clearly my grandnephew taught you ney manners! Sit and shut mouth!" The boy sat and shut his mouth. "Alexei is right and wrong. He is first Strannik, and he is where we get name. But do not interrupt or I will give you hard beating on tucas.” The old woman settled in her seat, motioning for the children to come closer, to better hear her gravelly voice. “Many, many ages ago, when the first Raevirs lived in Raev, when they lived in sin and debauchery, when men were false, when foreign folk tread their feet on the soil of Old Country, there was revelation. See small children, then light of Godanistan was found only in the darkest cave, in the coldest forrest. Men were faithless then, with no belief in God. Before we toiled in soil for Godan, we toiled in soil for ourselves and pagan gods. Raevirfolk were not the humble and holy folk we are now. Savage, brutal, and without our creator’s grace. However, it is for this that we became a faithful folk, an obedient and humble folk, one to restore humanity to what it once is. See children, it is only those who know their people’s darkest sins that can save them from such damnation once more. It is why to this day, Raevirs have defended their faith and humanity with such fervor. But what man could do this? What man could be the first to rise from sin and damnation and provide his brat’ya example, to show them what they must do? I will tell you. A man who must discover this himself first. This children, is the Strannik. Though in those days he was simply “Stran”. His name though is hardly important. A name is only a name. What were important were his actions. And they start with a quest… [As the old crone prattles on, she tells the epic known only as The Stran. The story is a long one, and to record it in its entirety would be lengthy, and nigh impossible. The tale contains many of the old parables that the people of Old and New Raev told to one another to teach the fundamental cultural tropes and values of their society. In its essence though, The Stran tells the story of four young individuals, three knights and a fourth man, of various cultures. The first is “The Orenian”, a man from the Heartlands. This man embodied the common tropes of all Orenians. He was an idealist, a fervent zealot, and what would be considered a “chivalrous” knight. However, despite being the “ideal Orenian”, this knight is anything but ideal. He is bold but brash. He is zealous, but crude. He is honorable, but a braggart and proud. The second is “The Hansetian,” a brutal northerner. His character offers many insights into what the old Raevirs thought of their northerner cousins. He is brutal, crude, and a hedonist. The Hansetian revels in his victories, drinking from dusk to dawn to celebrate in all manner of drinking and whoring. However, he is in many ways a reflection of what the pagan Raevirs were and what they sought to leave behind. His martial ability and remarkable loyalty to Stran is something to take note of when considering their ancestors. The third is “The Salvian”. Hailing from the harvest lands of the south, he is another caricature of this people, as the first two. The Salvian is pragmatic and savvy, easily capable of seeing all sides to a problem, and being able to exploit any weakness. However, this gives an example of what skill without virtue can do to a man. He is greedy, arbitrary, and deceitful. The general mistrust that he sows about him tends to plant paranoia in his mind, undermining his goals. Finally, the last among these men is the strannik himself. Although, at this point he is simply known by the name of “Stran”. A brief note on stranniks; the word originates from the Old Raevir term for a “wanderer” specifically a warrior. Many tribeless warriors of great skills travelled from chief to chief in pagan Raev, searching for a benefactor to fight under for riches. These were in reality the first stranniks, long before Stran came about. It is believed by many that Stran lived during the massed invasions of Old Raev, where the conquests of the Heartlanders spread the Faith among the Raevirs. After the consequential adoption of the Heartlander’s feudal system, many stranniks that converted found similar service in the courts of the lord’s courts, among their retinue. The term over time became used for the sworn swords of a lord, or warriors who seeked martial service and recognition within a lord’s retinue. The practice is still ongoing to this day. Essentially, the net change was the religion of the stranniks and their masters as well as the general structure of the society. However, the strans of the Order of the Strannik are unique in several areas. This will be elaborated later. Stran himself made the fourth of the company. Hailing from a small village in the heart of Mother Raev, the story tells of a young man, hardly of age, who hears calling to him the voice of God. Hearing this voice, he is entranced. He wishes at first to hear it again, only to grovel in the richness of it. He waits many moons to hear it, but it does not come. Finally, one night when he has all but lost hope in its return, he is drawn from his hovel. Making his way to the nearby creek, under the endless night sky he spies a rock dove, a pigeon. Moving to it, the bird does not shy away. Suddenly, he is smitten by a blinding light, and hears the divine voice once more. All thoughts of pleasure and enchantment are lost as he trembles in its might. He quakes in fear, and cries out, begging for mercy. Then, the light no longer blinds him. It warms him, and he receives a vision, a divine revelation. The Light comes from Godanistan, the Raevan name for ‘Holy Creator’. He learns of his quest, to follow the Light wherever he may go and seek the Seven Skies Above. He is told that where the Faithful’s zeal burns brightest he will find three companions, also seeking salvation. Stran is baptised in the water of the stream, and vows he shall uphold his quest with all the persistence of his people. At the break of dawn, Stran takes up a staff of pine and sets off. He finds in the gravel on the road a cross of oak, by which he strings it around his neck with yak wool. Travelling to the city of Raeknik by will of God, he finds his companions, all three knights of the Creator, seeking the Seven Skies in this pagan land. After offering to join them on their quest, the knights agree after much deliberation. They then set forth, and so the The Stran begins. Stran is a model of Raevir cultural values. Coming from a world where not all Raevirs had yet converted, he gives a perfect example of what all Raevirs should strive to be. He is humble, always amongst the presence of the knights whom hold themselves with much distinction. He is faithful, always following the will of his God above other worldy temptations. He is persistent, born in the cold world of Mother Raev, where only the hardy survive. He works diligently in his village, seeking only to do his lot in life. Stran is cold though, and cynical. He is stringent with his traditions, and wary of strangers. However, though he may feel with way towards his companions in the beginning of the Stran, as the epic closes he finds brotherhood amongst them, and accepts them as his own, with loyalty and love that Raevirs bestow onto those they truly befriend and accept. While his dour demeanor, and pessimistic nature is viewed with disdain by his companions at first, written off as grim and morbid, the pious, hardworking, and persistent wanderer eventually finds his place among them, as another servant of Godan Above. The epic of The Stran, while not regarded as a holy text, is sacred among the Raevir people. Many of its parables are preached in mass, and offer many many lessons and allegories about the Raevir people, teaching their customs and ensuring that they survive throughout the ages. It offers many metaphors about their fellow men, teaching that while each man may have his vices, all are God’s sons and all are men. For example, an overarching lesson that is resolved only at the end of the epic is that of the acceptence of Stran by his companions. At first, they are leary of this pagan turned pious, and are skeptical to outright disbelieving of his faith. This however, gives way to acceptance and eventual admiration as the story wears on and ends. This has been viewed by many Raevir scholars as an allegory to the Raevirs slow integration into human culture. At first, they were treated with distrust and disdain. However, slowly the men of this world became aware that the Raevirs, despite their strange accent and architecture, were just as them and here only to save their world alongside their brothers. The literary classic and historical archive that is The Stran is a piece of literature that can hardly ever be translated or recorded in full. Many have tried, though it is often that another historian brings forth yet another parable that was once believed to be lost. While I may try as hard as I might to find them all, even I cannot fathom such an endeavor. Here I shall record all that I found, and here I hope that other scribes will pick up where I left off, to see to it that our culture and way of life never perishes from this world. God over you my bratan, may your quill hand never tire.] Following, is a vast collection of stories and excerpts from The Stran. The last leaf off the introduction to the book is signed in sloppy handwriting, perhaps a reason why so many of his works remain unpublished… Diedrik ‘Barrow’ Carrion II ((All Credit to the lost Raevir hero Komodo. Found this in my documents and thought i’d share a bit of Raevir history with you all, I hope you enjoyed this amazing piece of work.))
  5. So, recently it struck me that Skeletons aren't actualy playable, only Darkstalkers, Liches and occasionaly some Skeleton bodies for a necromancer. It saddens me that one cannot be a simple, plain skeleton without being a super powerfull warrior or a 'wise' Wizard. Why can we not have weak skeletons playable by people? Some may deem it unnecessary (Probably butchered that word) with the amount of spooks we have roaming around but i don't. I think it would be a great addition to hand these feeble, fun creatures into the hand of players. Although they do need lore this is something i''m willing to write but i thought i'd make a post on it first to see the results. It's that spooky time of year!
  6. Hello friends and foes of LoTC! I hope that my post finds you all well, that the new year has been kind to you thus far and that you find yourselves in the best of health. It is my sincere hope that you are all safe and sound with your loved ones (or your pets). With the coming of the new year I found myself back on this wonderful server nearly three years after I took a hiatus. Much has changed and I felt like the type and quality of roleplay that we have had has changed as well, to my pleasant surprise! I grew nostalgic of my early days of playing on the server back in 2014-2015. Alongside the updated mechanics and progress in the world lore, I felt that it was the perfect opportunity to breathe life into House Visconti; which I had the pleasure of representing off and on at earlier times. I plan to compile a Master-guide to Illatian and Visconti roleplay by the end of next week and give the RP announcement about our current position and plans. In order to help me make this a reality, I decided to reach out to you, the LoTC community. I was dissatisfied with the information I was able to collect thus far because: Some key players lost access to their drives and their precious documents. Some key players became inactive and unreachable. Primary-source forum posts are very aged and difficult to follow. Secondary-source information is often skewed and distorted. We have a list of tertiary characters holding the family name who I cannot place in our family tree. I wanted to write this post and ask those of you who have played a House Visconti (or Illatian persona) to kindly reply to this forum post and aid me in my project by sending me links to the documents (or forum posts) that they do have or by contacting me on my Discord: Zoprak#3499. Character sheets and family trees are required. Secondary sources mentioning or referencing the family members and their activities are needed. Documents outlining family activities are appreciated. Miscellaneous documents, photographs, screenshots and skins are not necessary but would help fill in the gaps in the lore. Thank you for your time and assistance, I look forward to roleplaying with you all in the coming weeks. To those of you who are facing an upcoming semester I wish the best of luck and amazing grades. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Zoprak (Antonius Mihailo Visconti) (P.S Dear Moderators, I apologise if this is in the wrong section, please transfer it to the appropriate place if need be, I am a returning player and I am still unsure where to place my forum posts that are OOC).
  7. “Have you heard of the tale of the monsters within the sands? Shapeshifters, they say they are, of mortal men who have defied our curse by striking an unholy deal with some foul power… They seek the souls of the damned, for it is said the value of a sinner’s spirit is irresistible to the Lord of the Dead Realm. Better repent often, son.” The Men of the Sands and the City of Gold Long ago when the four brothers walked among us there existed children of the Father of Man that were blessed with a terrible hunger for knowledge of the world. These men even in the early morning of existence envied Horen’s brothers… they were to be the inheritors of the world, and scorned Malin’s beauty, Urguan’s wealth and spat upon the strength of Krug. While they dare not bare their fangs yet at their kin, a seedling of hate set into their hearts. Fueled by their pride and unyielding loyalty to the Father of Man, they sought to travel the world and steal the wealth of the world for their own. To the forested halls of Malin the Patriarch of these unnamed peoples traveled, feigning a kind curiosity for all of the splendors of that tranquil place. The men delighted in the beauty of those who commune with the natural world, the forgemasters and musicmasters of the first sons of the Elf Father. They studied their way of carrying themselves with nearly ethereal delicacy… and savored in the mannerisms in which the elves delighted in their life. And so they departed… To the stone-pillared halls of Urguan the Patriarch of these unnamed peoples traveled, concealing his mad love for all of the Dwarf Father’s gold, jewels, and silver fountains with a desire to learn his ways of creating such beauty from the earth. There, too, they sealed away the lust for precious metals and jewels of the world in their tarnished hearts. And so they departed… Finally they traveled to the savannah hold of the mighty Krug. The strength of his children was a feat that no spoken or written world could accurately describe. In spirit and in body Krug’s folk were truly powerful, and their code of honor was something that perplexed these ambitious men. Why extend the same respect to the other descendants when there was an entire untouched world ready to be conquered, no, inherited by the strongest peoples. Was this world not created for those with the power to impose their own will upon it? Indeed, even these children of Krug had conquered the barren savannah and desert, yet do not desire to rule absolutely? They could not comprehend the way of Krug, and departed his hold with a sour taste upon their tongues… Many years had past and the children of the Four were plenty. Man had made fantastical castles and farms, Elves had unquestioned rule over the forests and nature, Dwarves had made the most grand halls from the mountains themselves… but Krug was humble. His people lived not in splendor, but in harmony with the other descendants, even despite their supreme tenacity in the harsh heat and their superior strength. Ptolemeht claimed himself as the first Lord of these wandering Men. He was tall in stature and had long, dark hair and ferocious eyes that hungered for domination over all. While his brothers settled in their castles and reached the clouds, his heart demanded he display why the children of Horen would conquer this world and rule as intended… for they were the superior beings blessed with just ambition. He would show his kin the light, by sheer splendor in doing what few could. Ptolemeht would challenge the people that he simply could not match, the children of Krug, and prove that even Men could make the barren sands submit to their will too. The human lord’s resolve was like iron. His children would dare not refuse him this birthright, and began to construct a city-stronghold like the world had yet seen. Where the sands would blow harshly and scald the skin of the weak, he commanded his kin to heave the earth into submission in great towers and pyramids. Every aspect of the city Ptolemeht commanded to be created took great inspiration from the halls of the Elf Father and the Dwarf Father. But he knew he could not best nor match what Krug and his children had… and despite the magnificence of his creation, his soul seethed in anger at the lack of total perfection his body was given. Gilded peaks of sand arose like mighty crystals, and a desert throne was built atop the chieftest pyramid. Ansach-Ra had arisen as the largest and most complex city ever recorded in ancient times. The Curse and the first King of Sands Prosperity flowed like mighty rivers from the gilded city of Ansach-Ra, and many of Horen’s children flocked in to delight in the example of their superiority over the land and other kin. Horen himself was shocked at the determined ambition of his kin. Somehow Horen could sense a dark omen at the creation of Ansach-Ra, for his children had a demented sense of what the Father of Man wished for his children. Horen did not share in their beliefs of total supremacy, but he also could not and would not deny his children revelry in their magnum opus. The years chiseled away like the architects of Ansach-Ra onto sandstone, and in an instant their progress towards a perfect society came to an abrupt and unfortunate end. When Malin, Krug, Urguan and their father Horen struck their final blow against Iblees… the curse ripped through the people of Ansach-Ra like a great wave against a quiet shore. Those who had lived far beyond what their new ailment would allow withered to dust and nothing in the hot desert wind. The city erupted in a screaming pandemonium. Mothers… Fathers… All were subject to the unyielding power of the curse. Like the pathetic remnants of a dying fire, their people disintegrated with agonizing screams into ash. The people of Ansach-Ra were decimated. The cries of the people who ruled the sand were abhorrent, for they wept not only for their loved folk but for the loss of their supremacy. The city of Gold and Sand grew nearly empty. In the wake of Lord Ptolemeht’s death, he left a single son that he cherished almost as much as the splendor of his home. Osmundah at the young age of thirteen inherited a city that dwarfed his stature like a single ant upon its mighty hill. Witnessing his father crumble into dust upon the height of his throne bore into his mind. The pain of the first deaths spurned a loathing for this existence. Why must it be Horen’s folk who are denied the luxury to see their work come to fruition? To see the work of their and their children’s hands before being ripped from this now mortal plane into an eternal prison. For that’s what the afterlife was, to the folk of Ansach-Ra… a place where scheming gods place their playthings to entertain them for all eternity. None can escape this fate, and by living a good life one might only lessen the burden of the afterlife upon them… for sinners might indeed suffer in endless, agonizing torment, but was not the stagnation of an eternal existence at the behest of some self-righteous beings torment too? Osmundah knew as the last brittle pieces of his father carried away with the breeze he would devote the limited time he had in this world to finding a cure. A cure that would ensure their ever-lasting life in this plane as supreme monarchs of the realm. Over other men, dwarves, elves, and the now deformed and ugly orcs. Yes, those disgustingly proud children of Krug certainly received their just reward in Osmundah’s eyes. The remaining folk of Ansach-Ra fastened chariots, spears, and legions of infantry to march upon the confused and distraught orchish peoples. In a single, bloody night, Ansach-Ra drove the orcs in a frenzied bloodbath from their homes and into wandering caravans. The desert belonged to Ansach-Ra, and now there was none to question their authority. Osmundah gathered the remaining orcs in chains and brought them broken and dispirited to the city where he presented his captives to his priests. There, the boy issued his first decree as ruler of Ansach-Ra… “Take these beasts and barter for a cure with whatever power resides over this accursed realm. I refuse to suffer the same fate as my father, and with this I will ensure I rule Ansach-Ra, no, the world undisputed. Do not give these mutated beasts any quarter, do what you must to appease the gods and find me a patron who will do this for me!” The boy ascended the golden throne and declared himself not lord, but King of Ansach-Ra. With their numbers few, now, there were no dissenting voices. Osmundah’s desire for immortality was too tempting, too… for risking a lack of obedience to the Desert King would surely destroy any hope at restoring their robbed years from them. Akerohtep, Shepherd of Souls and the Charnel Sect Two decades since the desert was secured for Ansach-Ra the priests of the city worked diligently to perform dark rituals on the misfortuned, the forgotten, and the damned. Osmundah collected many wives and children, spurned by his fear of the shadow of death upon his legacy. He was ferociously protective of his harem, and would seize any wife suspected of infidelity and etomb her alive, and send any competing men to his sect devoted to twisting the souls of men into prizes as bait for any willing entity, god, or patron. The Charnel Sect was the body of all of the King’s priests tasked with finding a cure for mortality. Within the sandstone and dark temple of the Sect evil rituals were performed involving the maiming, torture and wicked epxeriments upon the living in hopes of drawing out the essence of life itself to offer as a gift to the gods. The temple had deep crypts of entombed victims, but also served as the mortuary home of the venerated dead as well. Those loyal to Ansach-Ra were given a resting place of splendor and clothed in fine silks and cloth for when the solution to death might be discovered. The first experiments offered souls to the Dwarven Brathmordakin, for the thought of everlasting life and wealth was very tempting indeed… But these offerings proved most destructive and fatal to the Charnel Sect, with the worst outcome involving the unintentional deaths of three senior priests. The dwarven gods spat on the revolting desires and culture of the Ansach-Ra peoples, they were far too tainted with evil lust to even be auctioned off in their afterlife. The second experiments offered souls to the Orcish spirits, who roamed the desert freely and frequently. They too would scorn the Charnel Sect with even more ire than the Dwarven Pantheon, for the murder of their orcish kin would only earn them bad voodoo and unfortunate hexes indeed. More priests met untimely ends, most unable to be explained with any reason at all The final experiments offered souls to the animal spirits of the elven Wild Gods. There is one very prominent Wild God that roams the harsh desert, and its interest had piqued since the first Ansach-Ra people landed in the oases. The cunning Coyote, vision keeper and silent guardian. The Coyote God does not give answers, but instead gifts visions of the past, present and future. A perhaps critical mistake by the Coyote God, but nonetheless visions of life and prosperity were granted to the priests in hopes that dedication to the natural world would grant them peace… The visions caused an uproar in the Charnel Sect, for no rituals had produced any promising results. Would further devotion to this unnamed god grant them the everlasting life they sought? King Osmundah himself stood watch over the next ritual to the Desert God. By some stroke of very poor luck, a lesser daemon of Iblees that hungered for worship and power watched over the ritual that dark day. Where the Sect was trying to call upon the visions of the Coyote, a demonic voice from deep within a shadowed realm responded and usurped the Coyote’s claim over these people. He appeared to these men as a corrupted mockery of the Wild God. He knew these humans’ fear of death would commit them to anything, even worship of a Daemon. “You who seek everlasting life… I am Akerohtep, Lord of the Dead Realm. I will strike a deal with you, persistent ones… In exchange for more souls for my domain, I will extend your life indefinitely. Serve me, and savor riches and life beyond measure. Refuse, and savor a rotting tomb for all eternity!” The Daemon’s intuition was right, the threat of death brought the priests and King to their knees in prayer. The being smiled a wicked smile, and presented a scale of onyx and gold. “Bring me souls of the wicked, the murderer, the thief and the evil. If their soul weighs more than a feather, they have much delicious regret and blood on their hands… they will serve me well as tormentors of unfortunate travelers to the realm of the Dead. Come… bring me my first gift.” The First Amonnti King Osmundah was ruthless in his response. He did not for a moment question the Daemon’s request, and offered his most loyal and senior priest to be slaughtered before Akerohtep. This priest had committed countless atrocities, and his soul was heavy indeed… The Deamon swallowed up the soul in its sharp-fanged maw and descended onto the King like a murky, black shadow. There, the King began to twist and convulse in transformation… he was taking the likeness of this Daemon’s coyote mockery. His head erupted a long doggish maw, and his bones cracked and crumbled into a body that towered over his human kin. His skin turned leathery and black, and his eyes burned a deep hateful crimson. His screams silenced all of Ansach-Ra, and the Beast-King finally stood after much anguish in his new bestial form. A wicked laugh rumbled within the temple’s painted stone walls. The Daemon was pleased, very pleased with his new followers’ promise. These humans have long hungered for power, and they would get it this day. He named these daemonic children the Amonnti, beasts with the power to rip the souls out of any mortal husk and offer it to their Daemon Lord for extended years of their life. And so Ansach-Ra depleted their own population, for they were the children of tainted hearts and ambitious killers. The souls of their own people proved quite potent for satiating the hunger of Akerohtep, and more men were transformed into the servants of the Lord of the Dead. In this, the fabled city of Ansach-Ra buried beneath the sands, her ever-attentive servants disappearing in the night, and all of its riches lost to the desert forever to be guarded by their dead. The Amonnti: Form, Abilities, Traits and Features, and their Patron The Ammonti is a human that has been cursed with the form of the Deamon Akerohtep in exchange for adding years to their life. The Charnel Sect is rumoured to harbor and propagate these monsters, having hidden lairs in forgotten ends of deserts where they commune most closely with their God. An Amonnti is able to shift from his or her human form into the beast, though the process is incredibly painful and terrifying to behold. Provided that the Amonnti has been diligent in providing souls of particularly undesirable characters, their Daemon God will prolong their life indefinitely. That is not to say that they cannot be killed, for it is quite possible to slay these creatures. Akerohtep is the patron of the Charnel Sect and the Amonnti. Though it is a Daemon, it was initially unnamed and merely placed its demand for worship and patronage to the people of Ansach-Ra in hopes to strengthen its place within the pantheon. In times prior to be known as Akerohtep, this Daemon was simply a ferry for evil souls from the mortal plane to the realm of Iblees where the souls would suffer for eternity. With new power and status gained from gifting what small dark energy it had into King Osmundah and his sect, he named himself Akerohtep and became the Daemon that decides the fate of all souls who depart their mortal husks and do not have a god to accept them into their rightful afterlife. The form of the Ammonti is like that of a bipedal, digitigrade, monstrous coyote with long, perked ears and red eyes. Often described in old wives’ or children’s stories as the boogie man that comes for the souls of sinners, the beasts are very real indeed. They can be both female and male and have either leathery skin or a short coat of pitch-black fur. The more twisted and demented the personality of the Ammonti is, the less fur it tends to have. The smell of ancient tombs and dry rot clings to the aura of this beast, and they bear golden glowing markings on their skin or fur to denote status within the Amonnti pack. They can wield weapons and light armor, but often choose not to as their body lends them potent claws, fangs and muscles. Their claws and teeth are very potent for causing infection should someone survive an encounter. Sustaining this form of the beast can be very taxing for long times, and will of course draw very undesirable attention, and often the maximum duration of the Amonnti form is a few hours at most as it is assumed their prey has already reached the soul-scale by that time. If they procure too few or no souls, their body will begin to wither away like dust in the sand until there is nothing left of the beast. Amonnti possess no inherent magical casting abilities, but they do bear gilded teeth that have the capability to rip the soul from its victim and send it to the soul-scale of Akerohtep. The process is incredibly hard to master, and often requires its victim to be near death or unconscious for strong spirits can resist the call of Akerohtep, especially those devout in worship of Holy or Druidic Gods. They are incredibly fast and strong, equalling or slightly exceeding the strength of the average orc and able to keep up with the canter of a horse when on all fours. While the Amonnti are indeed twisted themselves to have descended to such a state, their God demands evil souls… therefore, the Amonnti must be cunning in their victim selection. No soul will do, only those heavy with regret or with troubled conscience. The Ammonti will often infiltrate courts, churches and militaries seeking those that abuse their power or needlessly torment descendants. Therefore in an odd twist of fate, they make excellent witch hunters. For such bestial monsters of death, they do heed to an ancient hierarchy of the Charnel Sect. One Amonnti oversees the cult, and there have and never will be more than seven living Amonnti at one time. The reason is that there must be a balance maintained to control the beast within, one Amonnti to oversee the soul-scale’s balance, and three Amonnti each for matters of Life and Death respectively. Some very exceptionally ambitious humans might here the children’s tale of the monsters that seek out the evil men of the world and covet their power, in which the High Priest Amonnti will determine if he is worthy to receive into their cult by tasking him with procuring especially nasty individuals for sacrifice. If successful, he may be granted the power of the Amonnti and join the Cult of Akerohtep. When an Amonnti dies, his or her soul bypasses the spiritual scale and is sent directly to the Realm of the Dead to serve Akerohtep for eternity. While their Daemon God promises eternal riches and luxury, the comfort of their dead realm is quite questionable… In the mortal realm, a sarcophagus is made and the dead Amonnti’s belongings in life are buried with it. SUMMARY AND RED LINES The Amonnti are NOT immortal. They can die if they do not give their Daemon God souls, and they can be killed just like any other creature. They can be healed if someone wishes, but the features of their physique would prove very difficult to heal. The Amonnti are curiously immune to gold, having teeth made of it themselves. They are however particularly sensitive to ALL holy magics, resulting in serious injuries with even the slightest contact with them. If an Amonnti has their teeth removed, they cannot send souls to the afterlife and will wither away and die. The Amonnti are neutrally affected by druidism. It is neither potent nor ineffective. The Amonnti have exceptional strength and speed, but must not exceed that of the AVERAGE orc and speed of an AVERAGE horse. These creatures are not the incredible Hulk, and are more cunning in their ways and typically do not pick random fights unless they are infuriated or are fighting for their life. An Ammonti transformation requires 3 emotes to complete and is very painful, often causing short-torm fatigue and discoordination for the first few moments before the creature settles into its own body. An Ammonti cannot spontaneously appear in the world, they must receive the curse of the Daemon Akerotehp under the supervision of an ST. The Ammonti are absolutely loyal to their Sect and do not and will not break off into their own sect, for it would sever their connection to Akerotehp’s deal. These creatures are meant to explore the dark side of LOTC humanity including the envy of other longed lived races, a sense of supremacy, and a physical manifestation of these ideas. The Amonnti are meant to be very twisted and troubled people that are also doomed to live forever in delivering the souls of people like them directly to the mouth of hell. Sound fun? Send me some support and feedback!
  8. We Want YOUR Screenshots! A lot of Orcish RP revolves around the Spirits & Ancestors, and particularly our ways of worshipping them. You’ll often hear a victorious Orc praising his chosen Spirit, or a Orc returning from a hunt dedicating his trophy to Votar. Unfortunately, few track our progress, and thus our Shamans cannot keep RP the Spirits or Ancestors being happy with an Orc’s dedication during the Spirit walks. So, if you ever construct a Shrine, sacrifice an Elf, dedicate a victory or in any other way please your chosen Spirit or Ancestor, send the screenshot in the comments. That way the rest of the Orcish community can share in your victory, and our Shamans can keep an eye on who is most active. Who knows, maybe one-day your fanaticism to Laklul could please the swampy boi and make you devote to his name, and give you Roleplay buffs. Here’s an example of why you may want to keep track of your dedications to a Spirit or Ancestor:
  9. THE SER “Man is the cruelest animal.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche Lore/Origins Long before the Ser were born, the dragons ruled the lands. These giant beasts flew across the night sky in search of prey, with no mercy. Yet, these beasts were one with nature, and when Horen, the first King Of Man, gained power, the dragons fell into ruin. Before their demise, however, two new creatures were created. Nephilim were the first, the Dragon People. These were the creatures men saw in dragons, yet not what they were. And then the Serpens, also known as The Ser. These creatures looked more like snakes then dragons, where what the dragons really were. The Nephilim were created to punish men, and The Ser was made to let Dragons live on. They lived in peace, away from all men, orcs, and dwarves. A handful of Mali’ame found their way to the Ser, and were, in general, not eaten. Many people have claimed to have seen these beings, as they reach 6’ in height. All sightings have been seen as myths, however. After thousands of years of living in peace and away from modern society, the Dwarves tunneled their way into the Ser’Tarra tunnels. A massacre ensued, leaving many Ser and Dwarves dead. The remaining Ser’Tarra fled, and rallied their siblings, and thus, the Ser were introduced into the modern world. The Ser despised the Dwarves, Humans, and Orcs for disrupting nature, and that the dwarves were the worst. A similar race in the Fae realm, called the Elekhei (https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/194526-ca-race-lore-elekhei/?tab=comments All credit to her for the Elekhei) was also being evolved at the time. Many believe that the Elekhei are related to the Ser, but it is not certain. Appearance The Ser range in many different looks, some looking like Cobras, and others like Common Garter Snakes. Depending on the subrace, they would have different tints to their scales. The Ser’Tarra would be brown, the Ser’Aquis blue, and Ser’Ven black. They often have jewels attached to their tales, with one joule per year alive. This is a sign of glory, as many Ser died in the first years of their introduction into the modern world. If you were to insult a Ser’s looks, the Ser will attack, with the intention of making you as ugly as you said they were. Unhealthy Ser are smaller, weaker and overall worse. The tail of a Ser can be from 4’ to 6’, depending on the Ser. Many despide the Ser due to their looks, as a common fear of people revolve around snakes. Diet The Ser mainly only eat meat. Their favorite food being fish, rats, mice, pork, and steaks. All raw, of course. According to them, fire ruins the world. A healthy Ser will be 6’ tall and giant. An unhealthy one being slim and small, around 4’. Children are around 3’ healthy, and 2’ unhealthy. The unhealthy will die young, at 300 years old instead of 500 years old. If they were to eat anything but meat, they will have a reaction. Their scales would turn deep gray and start to fall off, leaving bare skin behind. This, to the Ser, is very painful and would kill them if not treated. They will not eat meat from Humans, Elves, Dwarves or etc. This, to them, is a sign of disgust, and rarely, can cause Dragon Rot. Disease The Ser don’t suffer from normal disease, yet they do suffer the same diseases, and some new ones, as the dragons. -Scale Wilting. Their scales will fall off, living pink or red skin in their wake. These patches will start to break up in hives, and sting to the slightest touch. -Claw Rot. Their claws will slowly shrink, leaving nubs behind. In time, if not treated, the claws will disappear and never grow back. Having no claws is a common sign of weakness to the Ser, and many will be disgraced for the rest of their lives. -Dragon Rot. The entire body will start to shrivel, making the Ser weak. Its caused by malnutrition mainly, though rarely Ser get it by feasting on Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and Etc. This disease makes the Ser VERY weak, and can die from the slightest cut. If the Ser where to do nothing about their sickness, they could die within a year. -Fire Glaze. When a Ser is burned, they can rarely get Fire Glaze. This disease will make the Ser very weak and unable to sit upright. Over a course of one week, the Ser will get temporary bad vision, bad hearing, and bad overall senses. In addition, they will have a constant headache and hives/welts. The Ser can also suffer from The Cold, yet it hardly affects them. Language The Ser speak in a weird tongue, consisting of mostly hissing sounds. They cannot write well, and often the writing looks like a child’s first attempt. Religion The Devourer - Primal god of the Ser The Religion of the Ser, peoples of the snake...from other races’s view on the practice their ways seem alien & strange-yet detailed & of interest. The Ser worship a giant snake, its humongous & strikes fear for all who dwell-its scales are said to be made from Descendant Skin-under the scales, the flames of Hell, if you stand near it you could smell its burning insides as its charcoal clusters around you, wherever it goes comes destruction, however-due to this it doesn't move that often, its constantly in sleep unless the end times comence-which is believed by the Ser. The Ser were touched by this giant snake, seeing it as their god, constantly doing its bidding through worship, they call him SEL’ANK, or the DEVOURER in common...reasoning being they believe at the end of time-the snake shall come out from its resting-awakened from times of troubles, and through this itll slither through the worlds, eating everything in its sight until there is no more signs of life, this is the end story for the Ser-However, the Ser believe they could resist this end event through practicing worship of this demon...this form of worship is done through the removal 0f skin on the snake’s tail, this being with a knife or any form of blade-once done they take the skin & burn it...of course as the Ser are similar to snakes they could regenerate said skin. In the Ser’s mindset their god is the creator of the ser, along with the first snake to ever exist. Rites of Ancient The Ser follow a very strict code, and when they come of age, (100) they will receive the Rites of Ancient. These writes, which can only be found in a single thousand year old book, must be read in the birthplace of the Ser, no matter how far it is. The rites consist of an oath, a pledge to nature, and deep magic. A council member is present at each, and if not, the rites will not happen. If the rites are not done by age 110 years old, the Ser will start to suffer from a curse, The Dragons Curse. This curse makes the Ser lose vision, smell, and senses. The Ser will suffer constant pain and then, in time, turn into a fern. Once the curse starts, there is no stopping it. The Rites go as followed. A 100 year old Ser walks into his/her birthplace, accompanied by their parents. (If alive) Ser being given the rites will say, “I, (Name) give myself to the Aaumin, pledge myself to naturz, and join the Ser in the togetherness of life.” At this point, a Ser elder will accept or deny the rites. If the Ser is denied, they must wait one more year before retrying. If/When rites are accepted a Ser Council member will enter the birthplace, and say the following in Ancient Serpenian “Quis sponzet az natursam izvenzes zias eozam sna auza mazorez, nusquaz ezze tusbaza.” Thus, the rites are complete. Culture The Ser have a strict code of honor, and if broken, the punishment is often death. The Ser, over 5,000 years ago devoted themselves to nature, and if a Ser were to dishonor nature, the Ser will no longer be worth anything to other Ser. The different Ser races have different opinions, however they all come down to the same principals. (I’ve decided that if the Ser are accepted, the different species should be able to make their own culture norms, as I think races should be as up to the player as possible. -Asteodia) Mating The Ser choose one mate, and stick with them for life. If a Ser were to break a bond by cheating, breaking up, etc. The two Ser will be unable to mate again, or have a love interest. They will feel no love for any other Ser ever again. If a Ser breaks a bond with another, the Ser in question will be put on trial, as this ruins the life of the other Ser. The punishment is often life in prison. Over the span of their 500 years, the Ser finds a mate at around 200, any younger will most likely not work out. Government The Ser have a unique government system. In the idea of a hierarchy, there is the Leader of a Ser City, a council consisting of 5, Royalty (The Ser Leader’s or Council’s Family) Guardians, whose job it is to keep the peace with nature and other beings, the common police, business owners/artisans, and then the common people. The roles go as followed: Ruker– Makes the final decision, advised by the council. Keeps the city in check, hires new council members and fires old ones. Oversees the Army, Business, Economy and just overall runs the city. Council of 5 – The council holds meetings with the people. The council listens to the concerns of the common Ser, and then take part in a private meeting in which the Council comes to a conclusion. Most decisions are made by the Council, yet the very big ones by the Serpans Ruler. Royalty – These Ser are family of the Ruler or council, they are normal people except they get honorable treatment. Guardians – These are hand picked Ser who pledge themselves to nature, the Ruler, and dragons. They protect nature, oversee the most dangerous tasks, etc. Common Police – These officials will take care of the majority of problems. The giant problems will go to the Guardians. Business Owners/Artisans – These are normal Ser who simply own a business or possess are useful skill, the Ser officials host more meeting for them than the common folk. Common Ser – These Ser make up the Majority of the population, just being normal, everyday folk. Titles are given by the council, and the Ser apply for them. Arts The Ser build in a very Elvish style, often with dragons and snakes engraved in all the buildings or items. Some examples of Ser what buildings look like are seen below: Ser’Ven Ser’Aquis Ser’Tarra ITEMS
  10. Background/Origin While most over the years have forgotten the name Astral-Harnessing by the Descendants one name has lasted, Velurana, one who was thought to be a living goddess created the art of using the power of stars and even connecting one’s self to the stars. A tribe of Descendants had blindly followed her long ago, in her false religion. But one was different from the others not. He was no moth running to a flame, to the powers presented, as he wanted more than what she could offer through blindly following, by kissing her boot and submitting. He wished to learn her arts, but he wanted something more, something he could not conceive. Deep in the night while the other tribal descendants were busy following Velurana to see her mystical art he was visited by a demon, its name unknown - as well as its purpose, at least for now. The demon could sense his jealousy, his envy for what Velurana had, and her effect over the rest of the tribe. He made his motives clear not long after to him, a whisper in his ear. He would offer to bestow a book that was bound with a seal in the shape of a fractures star. At last, power, did the man think.. Though it was not what he wanted. It would tell the envious descendant to use the text upon a full moon after watching the living goddess conjure forth her energies. The descendant still fueled by his jealousy hungrily accepted the bound tome. In the night he watched from a distance as the living goddess brought forth a strange cosmic cloud around her body. After the envious descendant took close watch he scurried back into the forest and tore open the seal on the tome. The demon would watch the descendant eagerly as the seal was ripped from the surface of the tome. As the tome would open a similar solar mist seemed to lift from the pages before swirling into a small star-like object, that then collapsed in on itself turning into a black hole. The tome corrupted what Velurana had done, starting to suck out all light within the area, draining the light from the descendant himself as well as that of.. The energies surrounding Velurana. The color drained from his hair turning it to a midnight black, his eyes appearing to be nebulas with the iris having the appearance of a black hole. Cracks started to rise up his skin, his mental state itself began to change. From what may have been idle jealousy and envy grew into anger and hatred. In the process of the corrupted light drain, the demon itself was sucked into the tome, trapped inside of its own twisted creation. Though there he would bestow something upon the descendant, a cackling laughter, as the demon’s dying form was preserved - albeit restricted. The corrupted descendant would close the dark tome, now becoming the first Astral-Harnesser, the first of the corrupted. He would now go out separating from the tribe that had followed the living goddess to learn more of his new power, as she was nothing more to him now. Over time he would hide the dark tome before his passing, making lesser tomes, ones that could be used by others to travel down the dark path that he had with the help of the demon, and the effects it bestows. Magic Explanation “What was yours is now mine” Overview Astral Harnessing is a strange variant of deific funnelling, more so stealing, far more twisted in nature than its ancient predecessor. Its primary focus revolves around the usage of deific energies that caress the fleeting-force of a celestial body, a fallen deity. The wielders of this odd variant more oft-than not take on severe mental deterioration as a result of the influx of deific energies channelled through their mortal form, these deific energies being derived from fallen deities that have taken their final rest amongst the cosmic-expanse. These individuals, those who channel this cosmic energy, are ushered forth into the ephemeral planes - twisting the very rays of light around them, warping them into something that resembles a construct of their own cunning design. It is with this manipulation of light that these so-called astral harnessers gain the fuel for their craft, leaving the space around them sapped of light itself. These individuals do not simply banish light - it is with their innate abilities that they capture brilliance, siphoning it back to their cosmic-lordships in exchange for furtherance and sustenance of their respective abilities. The process to achieve the unsung feat of astral-harnessing is extremely unpleasant, requiring years of study and dedication. It is a long, strained process, though the individuals that manage to survive are, more often than not, rewarded for their sufferings during their respective trials and tribulations. An individual descendant, be it of any of the Races, is brought to a place of great reverence in the eyes of the Astral Harnessers, a sacred land of which cosmic energy runs rampant. When an individual has successfully attached themselves to the site, it is made evident by the influx of chaotic energies flurrying throughout their mortal frame. It is with this newly established connection, this influx of energy, that the true path of the Astral-Harnesser begins. It is, of course, absolutely required for the individual Astral-Harnesser to take on some slight alteration after the attunement, whether this is through cerebral-warping or degradation of the physical state - the Astral-Harnesser takes on something that reflects the individual cosmic-mass they are connected to. Like in folktales of yore, the Astral-Harnesser's hunger grows, even moments after the connection is it made evident that the Astral-Harnesser must feed - like the wolf with hunger gnawing at it from within, the Astral-Harnesser seeks to devour the brilliance of light, in order to provide themselves and their cosmic-lordship sustenance. It is an addiction to them, one that must be indulged in, lest they wish to suffer the consequences. Astral-Harnessing takes up [3] Magic Slots, it is not a feat. Astral-Harnessing requires the user to have undergone a Soular-Collapse and have ample energy to cast Astral-Harnessing can be learned from those who possess an [TA] in the magic. Astral-Harnessing users must have a valid [MA] to use it in-game. Properties of Astral-Harnessing The energies brought forth by an individual astral-harnesser may vary, as it seems not each one is connected to a singular celestial-body, rather there are multiple that one may connect to, though they should choose wisely as they have but only one chance. Taking the aforementioned statement into account, it should be noted that the manifested energies of each Astral-Harnesser appear to differ from one to the next; almost all spells are reflected with some level of an odd light that is best described as ultra-violet, or perhaps a black light. It is not uncommon for Astral-Harnessers to have their energies appear as strange masses that reflect a cosmic miasma- the same of which is painted above in the night-sky of Aos and Eos. Properties of Physical and Mental Changes Physical Changes The changes that the body goes through when practising Astral-Harnessing is one to match the progression of the mage. A mage practising Astral-Harnessing, to begin with, will gain black hues to their features, specifically targeting their hair from the ends, and as they progress, to their roots. Another inevitable change is in their eye colour. Immediately upon ritual connection, their eyes will begin to lose all colour, the sclera of their eyes shifts to gain a dark tint to them, over time colour drains and drains and what was formerly the iris and the pupil take on a black hole look, their sclera now dark in colour, as if what was once their pupil had become a black hole itself and eaten the light, the white, from their eyes. The only colour to grace one practising Astral-Harnessing is when they undergo the second ritual, which is when their eyes will erupt with a misty cosmic miasma, their pupils resembling black holes and what was formerly their iris distorts the colourful mass that now emits from their eyes, swirling what is in the eyes itself around the pupil. It is at this time that their complexion will begin to shift to become paler, they will gain a rather sore looking affliction around their eyes stretching onto their cheeks, the actual immediate areas around their eyes up to their brow will look like they have thick eyeshadow on. The next changes are ones that purely come over time, due to the magic itself not causing incredible amounts of exhaustion, primarily bodily harm, the cracks that form on the body never fully heal the next elven day. Instead, they remain as nasty scars, almost like the user about ready to fall apart with a hard thwack from a hammer. And that is precisely a good description of what would happen, whilst one who practices the magic is not physically weak, they experience harm inflicted by overs thrice over, leading to some serious issues for the user. These changes will not stop until the mage has mastered their craft, so to speak, and cannot suffer further changes as they have undergone all changes possible. Mental Changes Not all changes are physical, able to be seen. The most powerful drawback of Astral-Harnessing is that of the mental changes one will suffer whilst practising the magic. Most should expect the changes that harnessing the power of a fallen daemon would inflict, but many are unprepared for the true effects. At the early stages, one will find their morals have changed, no longer is the thought of pushing a pregnant woman over so foul, no longer is standing on that cat so cruel. For the early stages that are. As one progresses down the line of Astral-Harnessing and masters their craft they will slowly and slowly turn more chaotic and dark in nature. Practitioners of Astral-Harnessing and find themselves undergoing very common mental changes Such as a fear of socialising and such fears often lead to practitioners of Astral-Harnessing seeking shelter within fortresses and fortified homes or residences mayhaps even drive themselves to live a life Underground. Another common reason for them seeking such is to safeguard themselves against the changes which constantly bombard their personality. Such changes to their personality may include mood swings and personality swings as a whole influenced by the energy they are Harnessing from aenguls and daemons. This often leads to encounters where one moment they might be praising someone the next, they wish to attack them through words... Mayhaps even physically. Guidelines Casting Astral-Harnessing The process for casting Star Magic is essentially the process in which the mage will slowly draw forth the light and energy they have stolen from the dead aenguldaemon’s stars. To begin with, the process of casting this energy that they have harnessed is their tell, typically the user will begin to emit a noticeable colour that can only be described as black light and related descriptions, again, still bright though around their person will primarily be a kind of warping/distortion like that of a black hole. Their eyes will turn black, at early stages, and at later stages, their black eyes will light up with specs of stars and emit a black mist, from them which carry the same starry property to them. Secondly, the user will begin to cast their respective spell, the most frequent spells will begin to condense the blacklight and energy they are harnessing or form tears above their heads, hands and other locations, to cast the said respective spell. It is hard to not notice that the mage is casting at this point unless one suffers from sensory impairment. Thirdly, depending on the length of the spell, the user will be preparing to launch their offence or ready their defence during combat. Their light has now either condensed into an almost space-like mist or energy, or it has remained a black light, preparing to cast a beam or primarily offensive spell, mayhaps a more complex spell if they possess the ability to do so. It is to be noted that once cast the user's glow will flicker or disperse momentarily but it does not need to be emoted coming back, as it will naturally come back within the same second. If one were to start exhausting themselves they will begin to find glowing cracks on their form as they have harnessed too much energy and will find themselves unable to cast as their blackhole above has been spent of it’s stolen energy, thus leaving the user practically exhausted. Alternatively, the second appearance the user will show when casting is some form of dark particles that seemed to condense around them and go into something such as a weapon of their choice (see spells below.) This is a form of a darker tell and could be mistaken for other things, other magics, so if one would cast this alternative to leave they should not be doing it in public unless it is an unavoidable scenario Magic Abilities Astral Harnessing is the way that the mage gains their power, as they are stealing the light of surrounding stars and turning it into energy that they can wield. It enables the user to use their arsenal of abilities and spells, both passive ones and ones designed for an offence on another individual. Soular Collapse This is the system in which the user takes over a star and corrupts it and from this, they will find a black hole has replaced it shortly after. It is to be noted also that this black hole is purely a background mechanic, and it cannot really be seen, moved closer to consume the world and so on. It is simply untouchable. From this black hole, warped energy is created, twisted within the depths of the black hole. From this, the dark energy, the dark particles and or dark matter produced, Is what allows the Astral-Harnesser to have a variety of abilities and spells. Rite of Harnessing In ancient times, when the heavenly spheres beyond ephemeral planes were widely regarded as untouchable, left to the awe-struck thoughts of the mortal mind when setting sight on the cosmic advance above. These thoughts, these dreams and ideas painted out across the midnight sky, became the very foundation upon which practitioners of Astral Harnessing came to create the ritual of harnessing. Light has come to be revered throughout countless centuries as a benevolent, powerful concept. The extent of its influence and power is still, after many varying generations have passed, unknown to any corporeal being, though this fact only encourages arcane delvers and those enlightened few to theorize, manipulate, and create. In ancient Aegis, there were few individuals like this, those who gazed up into the wonder of the cosmic expanse ahead, only to be given a purpose. Notably, the first from which all those blessed with the craft of Astral Harnessing came to know this well, and in turn taught his ilk various methods of ascending among the stars: through projection and a physical rite. Cosmic Poisoning [Passive] Being bound to a Black Hole means that you are also going to hold part of that Black Hole within yourself. For an Astral-Harnesser, this comes in the form of your body outright rejecting pure iron. With the rejection of pure iron, the AstralHarnesser will find it hard to even get near the stuff nor manipulate it in any way they need. As well as holding this terrible weakness, when casting from any form of Astral Harnessing, the mage's eyes will get covered in a see-through veil of a starry night sky or another image of Space. Tome Creation Tome creation is the practice in which the user will create a replica of the book that the demon bestowed upon the original discoverer of Astral-Harnessing, it will contain the same texts that he read after being gifted the book by the demon when it was based around a tribe of Descendants. A practitioner of Astral-Harnessing will typically use their energy to coat a book or tome as well as a more focused form of Astral marking to specifically avoid the user. Disconnection The method in which a practitioner can be disconnected comes in two forms. The first being a self-caused disconnection and the second being an external disconnection such as being forced or disconnected by another. However, an astral harnesser may not disconnect another astral harnesser without them having shared or leaked secrets, only justified disconnection is allowed. Self Caused Disconnection is simple, the user has broken the tenets that they are bound to, or have gone against other harnessers and released information and secrets, essentially starting infighting or inciting betrayal. There are not a lot of tenets to follow, but as the tome states - they are; ‘Revealing the information bestowed upon you, by their will, is a betrayal to me, and a betrayal to all who follow. I strip you of your rights, should you do this.’ ‘Your guide is wise, and they have maintained my lineage. Listen to them’ ‘Unjustly attacking those who follow the tomes is a severe punishment. You will be punished. Mental Projecting An ability in which the user will be able to commune with allies and those comfortable with their presence mentally. What this does is remove the hindrance that is their mental changes during a tactical/combat scenario, though unfortunately for those new to it the ability is only present for those in tier 4 or above. Warped Reality The changes made evident both physically and mentally are hard to miss, though there is a benefit to the physical changes, specifically the vast changes one’s eyes undergo. They are able to see those who are not present physically, such as phantoms, however in no way is this actually.. Normal. What they see are monstrous silhouettes, blurs, moving around. Not only this, but they will be able to see flickers of those concealing themselves with magic. As combat ensues, or stressful situations, this will.. Begin to grow worse, those concealing themselves with magic become something like a strobe light to them, and things such as phantoms will grow worse in their blurry silhouettes. Spells Star-Light [Non-Combative] An ability in which the mage can make a ball of light in their hand, it’s quite bright and will light up an effective area of 5x5, however, the most comparable light is that of a UV light. This will cost the user 25 energy and will remain for different times depending on the tier. Alternatively, the user may spend an extra 25 energy (50 total) to make a permanent light at t5 which will no longer be in the user’s hand, but more a floating light. This takes 1 connection emote and 2 emotes to cast. For a t5 light, it will take an extra emote. Spatial transporting [Non-Combative] A small circular tear opens up, this can be used if the mage is successful in getting through doors. (Aka if they succeed their /lockpicking.) However, if they fail they will be spat back out of the tear. This ability is simply out of Combat and it cannot be used during combat to teleport behind someone due to the stress required to focus the top and not be lost within the vastness of empty space. This ability may have many uses though it depends on the creativity of the user. If a practitioner of Astral Harnessing is captured and stored in a Cell they may try to use this to escape. it is to be noted that if you are successful and manage to get to the other side of the door at the base of the tear or you originally stood there will be a charred like effect on the ground until removed. Astral Marking [Non-Combative] The ability in which a mage can write using cosmic miasma looking energy to mark their students or allies. To everyone outside of Astral-Harnessing practitioners the markings appear warped and distorted - but still able to be discerned, however, they will be unable to understand the marking. The markings take on a darker tone, and will typically be a sure sign to those outside of the magic that the marking carries magical properties if they hadn't guessed such from the warped appearance. This can be used for a variety of reasons, to mark property, to mark individuals as allies, friends or foes and to enable a student in their rite of harnessing. Only those practising Astral-Harnessing may read this and understand the markings fluently. Astral marking can also be used for a demonstration type scenario, in which a mage is able to cast, on a solid surface, a tear that takes on the appearance of space. This map will show a localized cluster of stars as one would see if they looked to the night sky above and can be used for a variety of reasons, however, it is to be noted that this will cost the user more energy, as well as more time to create. Astral-Projecting [Non-Combative] Astral projecting is something that comes in three forms. The first variation of Astral projecting is the ability in which the user will propel their warped, corrupted, soul from that of their physical form. The physical form will remain static, the way it was left pre projection. What this will enable is that a near-invisible form (until revealed to someone) will be able to travel forth in a local area of 100x100. Alternatively, the second is a type of projection which is more so projecting yourself over to the area of a target that you both know the appearance and name of. In such, you will not be able to venture from the area they are currently in and will appear as a figure of cosmic mist, with the eyes of such akin to blackholes. Only the person they are projecting to is able to see such. The third and final is a far more.. Different form of travel. The user will be ripped out of their form, and sent far above to the stars, to gaze upon them, though they may not stay for long at first, as the light of such is far too.. Powerful for them. When they return, they will find themselves at the nearest soulstone pillar - as when they return they will find themselves having travelled, with their physical forms. If another has consented, they too will be able to travel with that of the practitioner, though most likely they will fail, if they are not prepared. Meteor Shower [Combative] An ability in which the user will create a tear which has stayed in to resemble space. with a process in which this happens is if one would look into said tear and into the vastness of space there, they would be able to see several small flaming lights approaching. Upon getting close enough the tear will then release a singular projectile based on the tier or multiple projectiles at a later level. This spell will essentially release flaming hot rocks from space at the user, roughly the size of a tennis ball. Fragmented Weapon [Combat] The ability in which the user is able to over the course of three emotes conjure and form a temporary weapon of choice this weapon will weigh nothing and require a constant connection to the wielder. It is not possible to keep it forever, however, as it costs the user 5 particles per emote during the encounter or scenario in which it is used. Those who practice astral harnessing will also find that they cannot cast the weapon on another person as it is purely a self weapon only. If one were to be struck by this weapon they would experience a brief flash of sickness followed by that of a typical blade doing slashing damage and all piercing. The weapon’s form will typically not be able to take on a form that would deal blunt damage as it is much more difficult for the dark particles to cluster together like such and form a blunt faced weapon Gravity Field [Combat] The gravity field is essentially a spell in which the user is able to create a 7 by 7 area that will manipulate gravity. Gravity can either struggle to exist within this area or simply become too much for an individual and they will feel like they're wading through thick swamps or bodies of water in full plate-armour. If the user chooses to lighten gravity then the target will undergo anything from being able to walk correctly as they won’t be able to gain proper traction on the ground. Alternatively, if the user chooses to strengthen gravity within the area then they will find that it's similar to being shoulder-deep in a swimming pool or body of water and trying to run against a mild current. At T5 Gravity field can be increased to a 10x10 area for increased energy spending. Vision Warping [Combat] If a practitioner is to make physical contact with another person whilst casting this spell they are able to distort someone's vision to make it appear extremely stretched out to the point of more than 4 blocks in front of them or 4 metres being condensed to the size of a pencil dot. depending on the tier at which this is cast will depend on the duration it lasts. Soular Poisoning [Combat] Is the ability in which a user can unleash cosmic miasma toward opponents be it a Voidal Mage, a Holy Mage or Dark Mage. However, this ability primarily serves those of the better and gives them a rush, a boost or more like taking an adrenaline shot, where this affects the previous listed as well as anyone else that is specifically mentioned in a like manner akin to that of a weakened state. they will often feel something similar to radiation poisoning, however, in no way is it actually such - and will fade shortly after the encounter. Warped Vitality An ability in which the user, over the duration of three emotes, is able to cast some of their harnessed/stolen energy unto a target, be it an ally - or foe. If this connects with an ally, i.e typically darker mages capable of handling the warped energy, then they will either feel invigorated, akin to adrenaline. alternatively, the CASTER is able to declare that it is used for the opposite of the adrenaline rush-type feeling it induced for others - being a sick feeling, that makes the recipient want to vomit and feel feverish. Time Warping An ability in which the user can cast on an ally or foe and they will feel the energy surge within them, allowing them to spend the energy on a one-time usage deduction from their casting time for the present scenario. Alternatively, this can be used on those incapable of tolerating the warped energy to increase their casting time is to be noted that this is not strong enough to allow mages to start throwing instant spells around Tier Progression The progression in which Astral-Harnessing uses is a custom time frame, as when a user delves further and further the slow, drawn out, process in which they will undergo changes and abilities rapidly begins to change and speed up - though their mastery stays at a relatively fair pace. Tier 1 - Novice The practitioner of the magic has undergone the rite of harnessing, and with such will be in a state of limbo whilst their form adjusts and their mental scape shifts. This lasts 2 OOC weeks. Tier 2 - Apprentice At this stage, things have successfully begun to change, some physical features visible. They will find themselves able to cast that of their first spell, though it is quite a taxing process. This stage lasts for 2 OOC weeks. Tier 3 - Adept At this stage the practitioner is able to now cast things with more ease, albeit they have a restricted arsenal. At this point they are able to bring forth their weapon for the first time, and manipulate its matter when casting. This stage lasts 3 OOC weeks. Tier 4 - Expert This stage is at the point where the practitioner has a solid understanding of what they are becoming, what they are shaping to be. They have a considerable pool of energy to cast from and their abilities and spells have increased, they are able to cast with a bit more ease, though newer spells may be more taxing. This stage lasts 5 OOC weeks. Tier 5 - Master A guide to those before them, a master practitioner is a deadly foe, and moreso a powerful ally to boast. They have before them all astral-harnessing has to offer. This is the final tier for the magic. OOC Purpose Astral-Harnessing is something that I have written up in order to provide something akin to say, a support role magic. I also wished to try my hand at writing a new concept on the more taboo magic scene, something for both other people and myself to experience. Though, the actual mechanics of astral-harnessing is to fill that support role that every team needs, just... Maybe not so much for the good guys this time. Though of course this isn't enforced, and the future of this magic could, in fact, go in any direction, regardless of the abilities and the lore underneath them. In my opinion, this magic also boasts a lot of routes it can take based on the initial encounters during its early stages, especially with the support role esc type class that this magic is. Overall, this magic serves to add strength to certain communities also, as alone those who would practice it will struggle. Citations Thanks to: ElvenMommaHacker/Pup for giving me the idea to write a wacky side to a star-based magic and giving me some ideas and feedback. Also, spell checking. Ztrog provided me with the origins story. The material used for ideas when writing this piece: Mephistophelian’s “Effect of Funnelling Deity Powers” https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/151046-%E2%9C%93-the-effect-of-funnelling-deity-powers/ ShameJax’s “Space; From Within the Void” https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/165638-%E2%9C%93-space-from-within-the-void
  11. Iaquith Amu History Love. There is nothing stronger. And, as is common with strong things, there are those that are drawn to it. Iaquith Amu, they are called. Eaters of love. These creatures are drawn to love. They eat it, revel in it, provide it. For when one is filled with love, completely and truly, they will be visited by an Iaquith. If they display enough love for the Iaquith to survive, then the Iaquith will take a form, and begin to live around that person. Often, the person won't even know that they’re there. But they should be careful. For if they anger the Iaquith… Long ago, there was a woman. She lived in a nice, warm, cozy halfling hole. Every day, she woke up, and prepared a meal for all the halfling children, and then went around, helping her neighbors. In the evenings, she watered the village's flowers, tended to her neighbors' crops, and set up little games for the children to play. Nobody asked her to do this, nobody forced her too. She loved helping, she loved her village, she loved her life. And then, after one long day of kindness, she came home, to find an adorable Teddy Bear sitting by her door. “‘ow noice,” She said, picking it up carefully, “Teh chil’ren mus’ ‘ave brough’ me eh gif’.” So she brought the Teddy Bear inside, set it on her counter, and went to sleep. The next morning, she woke up, blinking as the sunlight fell across the window into her eyes. In a flash, she was out of bed, panicking, “O’ nae! Oi mus’ ‘ave slep’ in!” The woman rushed to her kitchen, meaning to prepare the meal, only to find that it was already cooked, and that the Teddy Bear was sitting next to a plate. She blinked, “Oi mus’ ‘ave… forgo’en…” The woman shook her head, “Nae reason to s’an’ aroun’.” And with that, the woman began to do her daily work. Unnoticed, the Teddy Bear nodded, a small grin appearing on its face. Physical Description The Iaquith Amu have one purpose; to provide love. For they feed off love, and without it, they will die. Over millennia of evolution, The Iaquith have discovered a form that is generally liked by all. The Stuffed Animal. Almost universally loved, they have taken this form to provide love, and to be loved. Now, this is a broad term, let me define it in a more clear manner. The Iaquith take the shape of a creature standing at half a foot to a full foot. Their ‘skin’ is made of a cloth-like material, and their insides are filled with stuffing. Usually with a stitched mouth and button eyes, these are the forums that the creatures take when they find someone to attach to. They usually feel soft and fluffy to the touch, and can have a variety of features. (I.E. A lion plush will have a mane and little claws, while a human plush might have hair and a skirt.) By no means are they optimized for combat, their bodies being too soft and fluffy to do any real damage, and they are too small to wield any real sort of weaponry. Even if they could, they would not want to, since harming others does not produce any sort of love, and being around that much hate could very well kill the Iaquith Amu. An interesting topic is that the Iaquith do not often stay around voidal mages, which has led many to believe that the creature is Fae in nature. This is untrue, and can’t be proven, for Druids cannot comune with them. The reason that Iaquith avoid voidal magic is unknown, though a few have theorized that it is due to the effects that the void has on the body and mind produce an effect averse to love. Now, the Iaquith are not always plushies. In fact, before they find someone to bond to, they appear as little floating lights, which I shall call Form A. These lights cannot speak, hear, taste or touch. All they can do is feel love, which they move towards. Once they are near enough love, then they take the form of a Stuffed Animal, Form B. Their new form is not permanent, however. If their body is destroyed, or they do not get enough love, they return to Form A, and seek love anew. While they are in Form A they cannot be harmed. Any attempt to touch them will be useless, and will phase right through them. Redlines - Cannot be used in combat. -While in Form A, cannot be harmed and cannot harm others. -Cannot reproduce in any way, shape, or form. -While in Form A, they cannot see or hear, so no meta -Experiences in Form A cannot be remembered while in Form B. This means that all they will remember is feeling drawn to a person, then waking up in their new form. Memories between owners carry over between forms. Mentality The Iaquith need love. This is an important part in their mentality, for it is what their lives revolve around. Once they find someone who produces enough love for the Iaquith to want to stick around, they will take their new form, and begin to help them. In the beginning, they are generally not noticed, the person they have bonded to finding it strange that the plush seems to always be found near good happenings. Over time, the person begins to put the pieces together, and the Iaquith may reveal itself. It is important to note that the Iaquith Amu are not unthinking servants, like golems. They simply need love to survive, which leads them to want to make the person more able to produce love, among other positive emotions. While yes, they may bond with the person to the point where they will sacrifice themselves, but they will not execute commands as if they were a slave. The Iaquith are very expressive with their bodies, as they have no funcional mouth. Think of the emotes in Animal Crossing. Very expressive. Redlines -Cannot Speak -Will not obey commands that result in it’s death/death of others -Will not obey a command that will not produce love, or a positive emotion of some kind, without creating negative emotions. Abilities Aura Of Emotion The Iaquith have no functioning mouths, which means that they cannot talk, but they have developed alternate means of expressing themselves. Iaquith are generally more expressive than most, and can create an aura that radiates their feelings. This aura cannot be used to influence others emotions, merely let others know how the Iaquith is feeling. The Iaquith can decide if it wants to share its emotions or not. This only takes one emote. Redlines -Aura Of Emotion cannot influence the emotions of others. -It takes the place of talking, but Iaquith Amu cannot form words with their emotions. Ageless Iaquith Amu are ageless, they never age, and they will never die. While they can be ‘killed’ by having their vessel destroyed, this will only cause them to revert to Form A, and to seek a new bond to someone. While they do retain memories between bonds, their only goal is to bring love to others, so they will never use their information to cause harm. This information is instead used for the betterment of others. Redlines -The memories retained after ‘death’ cannot be used to cause harm, of any sort. All Redlines -Cannot be used in combat. -While in Form A, cannot be harmed. -Cannot harm others. -Cannot reproduce in any way, shape, or form. -While in Form A, they cannot see or hear, so no meta -Experiences in Form A cannot be remembered while in Form B. This means that all they will remember is feeling drawn to a person, then waking up in their new form. Memories between owners carry over between forms. -Cannot Speak -Will not obey commands that result in it’s death/death of others -Will not obey a command that will not produce love, or a positive emotion of some kind, without creating negative emotions. -Aura Of Emotion cannot influence the emotions of others. -It takes the place of talking, but Iaquith Amu cannot form words with their emotions. -The memories retained after ‘death’ cannot be used to cause harm, of any sort. Purpose (OOC) The dwarves have their Golems, the Alchemists their Automatons, I wanted to create something that anybody can have. A friend in the darkest of times. A creature that you can trust, that will be there for you. This is essentially giving everyone a companion, rather than just a select few. ((First time submitting something, constructive criticism, or just criticism would be appreciated. Thanks! -TG))
  12. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Introduction: The magical arts of evocation is often viewed as simple and basic, given its straightforward nature. An aspiring mage is advised to learn a simple elemental evocation before they choose to delve further into the world of the arcane. With that being true, no spell is without its uses; the different elemental evocations offer the mage a diversity of tools that might be expanded upon further, depending mostly upon their expertise, experience, and creativity. Electricity is conjured into the world in a way no different than all other evocations; the mage must connect to the void, create electricity inside of it, and then tug it into the material plane so that it might temporarily be materialized there until whatever will the mage has is performed through it. Magic Explanation: As previously described, the art of electromancy is performed as any other evocation might be. The mage connects themselves to the void, creates whatever construct of sparks they wish to form within the void, and then drag it to the real world through the use of their mana. A mage’s capacity to manipulate their element depends greatly upon their familiarity with it and their awareness of it. A novice mage would understand the physical concept of electricity - how it behaves whatever environment it’s in, but a mage who has mastered the magic will understand the very idea of electricity, the way it may be conducted by water or metal. The roar of a powerful thunder, of the destruction of a calldown. This understanding allows the mage to craft complex and unique spells. Learning Electricity Evocation: when learning evocation it is much like the other evocations you must know the properties of electricity and how it works/flows. Much like the other evocations you learn this magic through tiers such as Tier one- Tier five getting more spells and more knowledge as you get taught and progress through the tiers. Properties of Electricity: some of the main properties are listed here. Once a spell of electricity is launched, it is launched and cannot be undone. Electricity normally does not have an appearance, instead it is the arcing of the energy off the particles which the mage commands that produces the visible light. Electricity that arcs as described above produces visible light, this visible light can be either yellow, white, purple, or blue. These colours are unique to the mage and typically model the closest colour to the mage’s aura (not the colour of the aura, but a close cousin of that colour instead). This means that there should normally be no black or red lightning. Electricity moves extremely fast, faster than sound even in normal conditions. This is exactly why you hear thunder after seeing a flash of lightning, for light moves faster than sound. This makes reversing damage from an electricity spell impossible, unlike a fireball, a mage cannot fizzle out a spell mid-cast, since it is a near instantaneous effect. These instant projectiles can be countered with metal deterrents, or shielding insulators like wood. Electricity takes longer to charge up and cast than other evocations, due to the larger than normal amount of mana needed to charge the particles. Metal attracts electricity very effectively, since metal is a conductor of electricity. This means that those wearing armour will be affected with more severe burns, but will not suffer similar immobilization as unarmored foes, and the electricity will arc off normal course towards metals and magnetic apparatus in the close radius of a mage casting electricity; somewhat attracted towards armoured targets naturally. It is a common misconception that water is a natural conductor of water, while this is normally true, water with minerals is what actually provides the ionic particles required to conduct electricity. Pure water itself (water drawn from water evocation for instance), is incapable of conducting electricity and will not attract bolts towards them. The larger an arc, or rather the longer a projectile travels, the more energy required to cast it. This is because arcs normally do not occur in electricity, rather they occur from the attraction between point a to b. As a result, spells that have larger distances to cover will naturally be more taxing than ones that are closer. -Zythus Spells and Abilities: [T1-T5]Orb of Electricity [Non-Combat/Combat]: Description: With this spell the practitioner can channel sparks of electricity into an orb, and hurl it towards their target or enlarging the orb until it reaches a desired size to then dissipate. Mechanics: This spell takes two emotes to use correctly meaning the Voidal Connection and then summoning the Orb. This spell can only cause someone to feel slight pain such as a small shock to the skin. As it is used for combat it is also used to light up your path making it another form of MageLight. This spell can be thrown up to a maximum of 10 blocks after 10 it will begin to lose form and die out fading away into nothing. The spell grows up to the size of a soccer ball, and is not able to phase through things. Effects: Small shock to the skin causing very small burns. [T2-T5]Bolt [Combat]: Description: With this spell the practitioner is able to conjure a bolt of electricity and hurl it against their target, making it a fast and efficient attack. Mechanics: This spell takes up to three or four emotes including having the connection, summoning an electricity orb and making the spark bigger and longer into an almost javelin type form along the forearm. This spell can be thrown/hurled up to 15 blocks. The spell is more sensitive to different types of metal. Effect (S): Small and Lethal Shocks and also being able to give an enemy up to 2nd degree burns also being able to stop the heart when lethal. [T3-T5]Stream of Sparks [Non-Combat]: Description: With this spell, the caster is able to form a stream of electricity, that is able to mesmerize those about with a show of light sparks of light flowing from the caster’s hands. Mechanics: This spell will be taking up to 4 emotes to do such correctly meaning, the connection of the void, the summoning of an electricity orb, then tossing it up making more and more spark appear over and over almost in a circle. No harm is done to anyone who reaches in your of doing this spell but they will feel almost a tickle sensation to the body or hand of some sort. It can not be tossed/hurled or thrown in any way shape of form. No Effects since you can not use it to harm anyone. [T4-T5] Calldown [Combat]: Description: With this spell the skilled caster is able to conjure a thunderbolt and hurled it at their target, making it for a lethal and noisy instance. Mechanics: This spell is one of the most powerful spells taking up to five to seven emotes to complete in this cycle, Connection of the void, focusing on a target (somewhere above it), making an electricity orb in mid-air, making it into a javelin shape/form in the air stretching wider and getting bigger then also making it cast down on something or even someone. You must be in direct sight of the object you wish to cast on and up to 25-30 block radius. This spell can only be used outside. Effect (s): Some effects of this will have to a human or any living being could be Death, Brain Damage, Losing limbs and much more, but a very high rate of death. [T2-T5]Electro Whip/Chain [Combat]: Description: With this spell the caster may be able to conjure a whip or a chain that can reach up to three meters in diameter, being able to harm or hold the mage’s target in place. Mechanics: This spell will take the caster up to four to five emotes to complete in the cycle of, Voidal Connection, conjuring electricity orb, making the orb grow bigger and bigger turning into more of a snake like structure.build to it then slinging it or whipping someone with it. It can reach up to six meters in length Effect (s): This spell could leave someone with small degree of burns leading up to maybe a cut/infection of some sort. [T4-T5]Electricity Wall-Field [Defensive/Combat]: Description: With this spell the caster may be able to materialize a field or a wall of electricity, making it so others can’t reach them through their barrier Mechanics: This spell takes up to 4 emotes as well in the cycle of Voidal Connection, focusing in front of yourself, making electricity flow in front as then it becomes almost like a shield. The spell can be up to 1 block and only to the person's personas height will the wall reach. There can be up to one walls summoned at once, meaning that it requires continuous focus. Effect (s): This effect is just a push back leaving a small shock. [T3-T5]Electricity Orb Blast [Combat]: Description: With this spell the caster can make that the orb that was previously mentioned above implodes into a blast of electricity, making them able to electrify their opponents with sparks of electricity that were contained in the orb. Mechanics: This is a rather short spell. Consisting of three emotes. Once burst it can reach up to 3 blocks in front of the caster as it stays in front of the caster at all times in the casters hands. Effect (s): This spells effect is simple leaving any open area to be hit with a small blast of electricity making a very stinging sensation and maybe if a strong enough mage uses it a small burn of some sort. [T5]Electricity Coat [Combat]: Description: With this spell the caster is able to constrict their opponents into a coat of sparks that the mage conjured, holding them in place to their possible dismay. Mechanics: This spell takes up to four or five emotes to use properly. The person you wish to cast has to be up to a 5 or 10 block radius, Creating up to 3rd degree burns. Effect (s): This will go to be like a taser in a form wrapping almost a blanket around the targets body and shocking them. This could leaving to the heart failing. And some high degree burns. [T4-T5]Electricity Shock [Defensive]: Description: With this spell the caster is able to let electricity surround them almost in a defensive state making it if someone wants to harm the caster it will shock them back but only to the physical takes upon the caster. Mechanics: This spell is a spell used only in close range when an enemy tries to harm a person still having to connect to the void. This spell also takes up to three emotes to use properly and is maybe half a block away from the caster. Effect (s): Leaving small degree burns to the one attacking. [T5] Minor Electricity Manipulation [Non-Combat]: Description: With this spell the caster will be able to manipulate small quantities of electricity such as sparks, so it can grant them convenient flexibility to the resources. Mechanics: This spell is a lesser form of electricity and acarnism baby in a way making the caster to connect to the void and basically manipulate Electricity in small shapes and small objects. This takes up to four emotes to do one minor spell and is mainly used as a helpful tool. Effect (s): The effects on this spell depends on how the mage uses it. General Redlines: A mage cannot manipulate real world objects or the real world version of the element. All electricity pulled from the void has to be casted within a line of sight. Electricity follows a path of all conductive metals. Can not pass through walls and other solid objects unless conductive metal. A mage is not immune to his or her magic hen casting. Purpose: The purpose of me and Iconic writing this over is to make sure we keep an important and a long lasting element to Lotc for the player base. We also did this because we would rather not let people just lose their magic of this element because no one re-wrote it. Citation: Some credits that we used to work on this piece are, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qehcY6h4CYRNl1Rcd8VJAOAAiUMtl1LY9z1IKtF5lDM/edit the original electrical lore and also this first rewrite from _ZythusRequiem. Credits: TheJollyHefty, Iconic_fluff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  13. Kings of the Old Realm Recorded herein are the transcribed oral traditions and histories of the dwarves that lived under the first sky, uncovered first by my grandfather, Valen Grandaxe, and now completed and issued for public scholarship. While its record likely remains incomplete, it preserves extensive knowledge of the old Aegian kings, the details of which were previously thought lost. May it act as a chronicle to future generations on the tales of our forebears and of the struggles they overcame to carry on the legacy of Urguan’s folk. Through the knowledge of Ogradhad, may we be ever knowing. The Age of Stone Advancing from early runic and stone working practises of the proto-dwarves, this era marked the beginning of the great masonry projects which ultimately culminated in the construction and development of the subterranean metropolis of Khaz’Urguan, known in the common tongue as the Halls of Urguan. King Urguan Silverbeard - Arising from mysterious origins at the dawn of the mortal races’ great ascendancy, Urguan and his three brothers battled the Archdaemon, Iblees who had first attempted to deceive them in the form of a kind and benevolent old man. For their role in his banishment, Urguan and his followers were cursed with short stature and were issued a warning that their greed would one day be their undoing. After the defeat of Iblees, Urguan and his kin retreated to the deep underground caves of the world where they eventually began carving great stone structures and edifices into the rockface. Through years of rigorous perseverance and zeal towards the task set before them, the Halls of Urguan, known as Khaz’Urguan in the dwarven tongue, were constructed. As the most seasoned and wisest among his kin, Urguan assumed the mantle as their natural ruler and was crowned king of all dwarves, his followers collectively becoming known as ‘Urguan’s Folk.’ For three hundred years, Urguan ruled fairly and justly over a people who largely looked to each other as equals. Together, they delved deep into the depths of the world unknown beneath their feet, uncovering vast knowledge and wealth which in turn facilitated great leaps in their technological and magical prowess. Endeavouring to shield their people from the dangers of the outside world, they harnessed this new understanding to erect great runic behemoths which stood watch at the city’s gates, keeping guard on the valley below. Taking great pride in their accomplishments, they celebrated their act in defiance of the Archdaemon’s words, looking hopefully on towards a bountiful and more prosperous future. Soon, however, Urguan desired to share this world with another and married a she-dwarf by the name of Yudora. Between them, they sired eight sons, each as unique and exceptional as the last. While all of Urguan’s offspring were tutored in the ways of their father’s learned kin, some grew curious of the world that stretched above them, untamed and ripe for exploration. As time passed, Urguan granted these dwarves his blessing to leave the city and many ventured north with their followers, some choosing to settle among the clouds on high mountain peaks, over time becoming known as the mountain dwarves. A small few, meanwhile, found peace in the dense woodland groves of the great forests, and became the forest dwarves. Finally, for those of his kin who had refused to leave Urguan’s side and remained living in the deep underground dwellings of their father, they called themselves cave dwarves. Over time, each of these communities formed families of their own and as they became acclimatised to their new environments, their differences grew starker. For Urguan himself, however, more pressing matters lingered on his mind. Strictly ordering that he not be disturbed and locking himself in his chamber for what seemed like days and nights without end, he toiled in secret on matters that have been left unknown to history. For a time, the dwarves of Khaz’Urguan grew fearful of what had become of their king, yet none wished to defy his will. After a full year had passed, Urguan finally emerged, clad head to toe in cloth and furs, asking only that he be left without question to depart the city’s gates. With his kin adhering to his final command, he left his suit of armour behind, venturing alone into an oncoming snowstorm, never to be seen or heard from again. King Barradin - Upon Urguan’s sudden disappearance, a succession crisis ensued. It was determined from then that all future Kings of Urguan would be appointed from among the clans of Urguan’s immediate offspring and would adopt the name ‘Silverbeard’ upon their coronation, after which they would forgo all ties to their blood kin. Barradin was the first to be chosen, a proud and long-reigning dwarf who presided over the nation's new social order in the immediate aftermath of Urguan's reign, sharing power across the clans of Urguan's sons. This had the unintended effect of leaving their low-born kin with little say in how they were governed and most were forced to toil day and night in laborious conditions in order to sustain the nation's economic growth. This fact was mostly forgotten, however, as the new threat of Ondnarch's terror from the north became clear. Battling against the fallen aengul's minions at all corners of the realm, Barradin’s host and his runic behemoths were soon routed and for years, the King struggled to preserve the unity of his people locked tightly behind Khaz’Urguan’s great gates. What became known as the 'eternal cold' was left to ravage those who remained outside, while the dwarves within struggled for warmth, their survival becoming dependent on the heat of the city’s great magma core. Barradin's perseverance paid off, however, and he was later able to push back the hordes at his gates and with the help of the Triumvirate of Runelords, used his hammer to banish Ondnarch atop the summit of the highest of the northern peaks, Mount Arvas. The Age of Gold Emerging from the brink of extinction during the eternal cold, dwarven society was reformed around trade and the mercantile classes, with the guilds emerging to rival the powers of the nobility. This helped to inspire a new era of exploration and discovery, alongside the development of numerous technological and magical innovations. King Thulgrim - Bearing the responsibility of rebuilding the kingdom after the end of the eternal cold, he set about lifting the dwarven spirit by reforming the social hierarchy of his predecessors. Forest dwarves who now controlled most of the kingdom's outer farmland and crop supply, sought to enshrine better protections for their woodland groves and demanded that higher prices be paid in exchange for their produce. These terms were met by Thulgrim, but not without significant unease from the predominantly cave dwarven nobility of the time. Meanwhile, the common clans who had mostly acted as labourers during the crisis, saw this and issued calls for greater power in government. Thulgrim responded by reforming the city’s industries around the guilds, better reflecting the old social order present under Urguan's reign. King Hrolfgar - Over time, the minerals of Khaz’Urguan’s deep mines ran dry and in order to maintain trade with the outside world, it became necessary for the dwarves of Urguan to seek new veins of ore elsewhere. King Hrolfgar, an ardent adventurer himself, set about leading an expedition west in search of new ore deposits. Travelling by land and water over many perilous months, he soon discovered a low lying region of dense woodland. Within this forest, he found that many of the ilk of Urguan’s brothers had already settled there, choosing to form their own homes amidst its wild flora. After five further days of searching, the dwarves finally discovered that nestled beneath a tear in the landscape, a great subterranean network of caves stretched deep into the ground, its sprawling tunnels inlaid with vast deposits of glistering ore. Heralded first as a gift from the gods, the dwarves soon found their hopes in peril as lingering deep within this subterranean underworld rested a great beast of unspeakable horrors. Hrolfgar and his company descended into its depths, and legend has it told, he personally bested the beast before it let out a final flail of its razored tail, slicing him in two. The colony and its surrounding landscape would later become known as ‘Aurok’Wiker,’ the ‘Golden West’ for the great wealth its minerals would bring to the dwarven realm. King Magnis - Carrying on the economic reforms established during the reigns of his predecessors, his rule at first proved immensely successful and a brief golden age dawned as dwarves from all walks of the city embraced trade and began living better off. By this time, the mines of Aurok’Wiker had grown into a sprawling metropolis, with an ever rising population of newcomers from the capital. Artisans set about producing new and more extravagant wares, attracting traders from all across the mortal realms, while the kingdom’s vaults overflowed with gold and expensive jewelry. However, this prosperity was mostly felt by the kingdom’s inner territories, leaving the mountain holds with a deep sense of neglect. Mountain dwarves became increasingly distant from the kingdom and calls for the independence of their northern holds persisted. While long suspected of corruption by his opponents, Magnis was able to weather these criticisms and served a long and stable reign. King Rumli - Known as the 'scholar-king,' he extended the prosperity of his predecessors and channeled it into the pursuit of knowledge, discovering new metal-working technologies and more effective methods of ore extraction. Tales of legendary dwarves such as Urguan and Barradin were not just vocalised but henceforth became memorialised through great feats of stone inscription, carved into the inner walls of their holds and cities. Aurok’Wiker became the new centre for this cultural revolution and it was endowed with a new name by Rumli, one more befitting of its size and status. The glorious new city of ‘Kal’Urguan’ flourished and within its subterranean tunnels, the ancient runic behemoths were used to carve out and erect the body of its main hall. Not wishing to see their powers harnessed by any of his successors, however, it is said that upon Rumli’s death, he ordered that the behemoths would stand dormant, calcifying into the great stone pillars many dwarves would later come to live under. The arts of magic and runecrafting also increased significantly beneath Rumli’s reign and it became less unorthodox for dwarves to practise them in public. In dealing with the mountain clans, he was largely amenable in negotiations and chose to appease their demands for greater influence in the government, while offering the division of some resources into their holds and villages. However, this created mounting opposition from the kingdom’s powerful new class of mercantile elite who believed the mountain dwarves had overplayed their hand. The Age of Iron After a period of economic boom, successive dwarven governments looked to further embolden the realm, by strengthening the bonds among dwarven kin. Often, the price of unity was seen to be dealt through force and so this era became marked by the vast production of largely iron weaponry, born from the deep mines of Kal’Urguan. Disorganised clan militias became a thing of the past and the first uniformed armies were created. King Agrund - A veteran commander of the war against Ondnarch and political opponent of Rumli, he was nominated to power on the promise of creating a united dwarven realm, by ordering the return of all mountain dwarves to the halls of their forefather. This, however, had the effect of angering the mountain clans who soon grew embittered by his rule. They opted to make a joint declaration of independence, giving Agrund the excuse he needed to wage a bloody campaign to reclaim the kingdom's lost territory. Taking a strategic decision to operate out of Kal’Urguan for the duration of the war for its abundance in iron, what Agrund foresaw as an easy victory slowly evolved into a protracted and bitter contest. Inspiring fervent nationalist movements on both sides of the conflict, he expanded the dwarves' military might to levels never before seen but by the end of his reign, had exhausted the kingdom's coffers and was later forced out of power by his own council before the war had met its end. During the course of the conflict, Khaz’Urguan had seen its supply lines cut-off as the mountain clans raided its various trade routes through the narrow mountain passes. With a lack of support from the rest of the kingdom, famine quickly took hold and as the war neared its end, much of its populace chose to abandon the city in search of greater fortunes elsewhere. King Barrus - Son of Barradin, he was seen as a unifier, ending the war with the mountain clans through a treaty that enshrined autonomous rights, but set about formally reintegrating mountain dwarves back into Urguanite society, though tensions continued to persist. Barrus looked to further secure the kingdom’s economic prosperity by officially declaring Kal’Urguan its new capital, leaving the Halls of Urguan to be left as a site of pilgrimage to their holy father. In reality, with little reason for dwarves left to venture there, the walls of their ancient capital soon began to crumble and its streets became lifeless and derelict. Meanwhile, amid Kal’Urguan’s new boom in population, Barrus found himself having to find means of accommodating the need for greater food production. Pasturelands and other fertile plains for crop harvesting were settled along the kingdom’s outer borders, where its farmhands increasingly came into conflict with the orcish clans that dwelled in the arid deserts to the south-east. Seeing this incursion as an opportunity to unite his kingdom further and put its new military infrastructure to good use, he grew determined to rally his people around war with this new orcish menace. Though Barrus commanded immense popularity at the time of his reign from commoners and nobles alike, depicted as a semi-legendary figure to those at home, the war grew long and bitter, with any territorial gains being largely offset by losses elsewhere in the orcs' favour. Barrus himself was later slain amidst the heat of battle by a stray arrow from a common goblin archer. With their former king's inglorious demise, and the nation's pride left in tatters, Barrus’s remaining councilors retreated into isolation, barring shut the stone passageway into Kal’Urguan from all outsiders and prohibiting its common citizenry from leaving. King Aldrek - Presiding over a kingdom engaged in a strict policy of enforced self-isolation, he set to work on ensuring the city could suffice its own needs. Following demands from the wealthy mercantile classes, the kingdom’s mines, which had formerly required only a small city tax to enter were placed beneath the direct supervision of the guilds, who reserved exclusive mining rights for their own members. These guilds which consisted of both aristocrats and aspiring commoners, would frequently come under the dominance of wealthy trade magnates. Farms previously owned and harvested by forest dwarves were seized by the King’s hearthguard and handed off to their cave-dwelling brethren who in turn, established farming guilds to manage and benefit from their output. Most forest dwarves were made to continue working the land for only a fraction of their previous income, though a minority chose to reject this affront to their ancient way of life and fled south, hoping to find better lives among the deep forests of Malin’s children. With less experienced farmhands brought in to replace them, harvest yields began to slump. Although Aldrek still attracted great support from many of the well-to-do in his kingdom, others vehemently criticised the disaffection he’d presided over, the city’s political climate becoming more embittered and divided with each moon that passed. In the city’s poorer districts, low-born clans resorted to organising smuggling rings to deliver food, trade wares and other illicit goods from the outside world. The King quickly attempted to stamp these out by demanding that the Brathmordic clergy condemn any such action to undermine Urguan’s regime, which after some under the table inducement, they soon obliged, distributing pamphlets throughout the city bearing foreboding warnings of the sins of gluttony and excess avarice. Meanwhile, paying off informants to reveal the identities of their ring-leaders, Aldrek ordered his hearthguard to conduct numerous raids into the poor district’s cavernous dwellings. When they arrived, however, they found themselves pelted with rocks and mining tools from homes and shop windows, and in a direct affront to the King’s authority, they were soon forced to withdraw. Seeking means to lay down his rule and reassure his supporters that he remained firmly in control, Aldrek organised a grand procession to be held through the streets of the city’s great hall. It was here that a lone assailant is said to have drawn a crossbow from underneath his cloak, letting loose a bolt which flew directly towards Aldrek’s throat, leaving the usually stoic and unperturbed dwarf gasping in a pool of his own blood. The perpetrator swiftly had a spear driven through his gut, but with no disclosed motive, Aldrek’s death was used largely for propaganda purposes by political actors seeking to point fingers at their rivals. King Glorvin - Glorvin spent the majority of his reign battling political elements within his own government as he struggled to arbitrate the disputes brought before him. Overpopulation in the city proved a persistent issue and guilds took to hoarding precious minerals and crop yields, leaving little for the rest of dwarven society to benefit from. Perceiving that this inequity had led their affluent paymasters to prosper while they struggled to put food on the table, the common clans laid down their tools, making a final demand that their king act to curb the guilds’ rising influence. Although seeking an honest solution to the crisis, Glorvin was impeded by his council, from whom he commanded neither the respect, nor political support he needed. Meanwhile, corruption had grown wildly during the reigns of previous kings and many of these council dwarves now found themselves on the guild masters’ payrolls. Strikes quickly turned into riots, and then to violent brawls, cementing tensions from noble to commoner, soldier to civilian, and cave to mountain and forest dwarf. In a last desperate bid to resolve the crisis, Glorvin ordered his hearthguard to reopen the city’s main passageway against the will of his council, allowing trade to flow in from the outside world. It was too late, however - Many dwarves, already having lost faith in the nation, decided to take their chances and leave the city, while those who remained soon found themselves engulfed in a whirlwind of political disorder. Having defied his council’s will and hearing whispers of a plot to oust him from the throne, Glorvin embarked on a secret pilgrimage to the ancient capital of Khaz’Urguan where he sought to beg spiritual guidance from the kings of ancient times. There, it was revealed that his location had been betrayed by one of his own and rival dissidents soon surrounded him in the city’s inner chamber. His last remaining allies were cut down in the ensuing fray, desecrating the halls of their ancient city with their kinsmen’s blood. Led back to the capital in chains, Glorvin was greeted by his treacherous councilors, who forced him to relinquish the throne at sword point. The Age of Blood A period marked by violent and sudden upheavals in dwarven society, resulting in the ascendancy of the Ironborn dynasty and the formation of the Khorvadic Empire. Now viewed by modern dwarves as an era of depravity and sin, society faced sweeping and radical changes which ultimately buried the old system of government and wiped out all but a few of the generation of dwarven lawmakers who had come before. King (later Emperor) Velkan Ironborn - With Glorvin's ousting, Velkan took advantage of the disarray that followed and before a new king could be officially appointed, he led his followers in attempting to seize the throne through force, in what effectively amounted to a popular uprising. He bore the promise that he would re-unite the dwarven realm and vanquish those who sought to do the kingdom ill by ridding it of its corrupt council and decadent priesthood. This he certainly achieved and in the early years of his reign, many affluent aristocrats, clerics and guild masters were put behind bars or otherwise dispensed of. He readily set about reducing the rights of non-cave dwarves, with many of the mountain clans fleeing to their northern holds for refuge, while the forest dwarves were largely persecuted and shunned, most being forced into hard labour. Seeing the situation seemingly deteriorating and seeking to break away from this newfound state of affairs, the mountain clans once again declared their independence. For dwarves living in the capital, however, not all lost out from Velkan’s rise; many would make their own fortunes amidst this changing order and in place of the old, a new social elite began to form. Velkan would later make radical changes to the dwarven faith, outlawing worship of the Brathmordakin in favour of a monotheistic devotion to Khorvad, formerly the Brathmordic god of ambition. With popular support, he went on to greatly expand the kingdom's borders, subjecting many minor realms to his bloody conquests and declaring the formation of the first Khorvadic Empire. In his old age, he was eventually driven to madness, raving of his god’s might and the coming of the great apocalypse of the mortal races, words which soon led many nobles and clerics of the new Khorvadic temple-establishment to begin viewing him as a hindrance. He was likely put to silence by these groups before he met his natural end. Emperor Khrallax Ironborn - Regarded as a lazy and an ineffective ruler, whose power was mostly competed over by his brothers, clergy and councilmen, he continued the persecutions committed under Velkan's reign though largely held back on territorial pursuits. He was known for being overly gregarious, hosting lavish banquets for his favoured courtiers and while generally seen as indolent, many preferred this state of affairs to the secretive nature of his father’s reign. This was not to last, however, as he and his sons were later assassinated by his younger brother and High Imperator, Thorgarn. Emperor Thorgarn Ironborn - Seizing the throne by force and cementing power even further into Ironborn hands, he sought to reimagine dwarven society around his own image, erasing all knowledge of the time before his father's reign by burning ancient texts and conducting blood sacrifices of old clergy dwarves and scholars in an event that became known as the ‘Great Collapse.’ Runelords who had previously guarded the dwarven realm from threats of an arcane nature were forced to smuggle themselves into the city’s outer wilderness. Even Urguan's name was put to the periphery as a venerated forefather but not one who had much implication on the present state of the nation. Those dwarves who had fled his father's reign looked on in horror, while forest dwarves, by this time in a state of enslavement, suffered a massive reduction in population due to exhaustion and disease, driving them to the brink of extinction. A personal witness to many of the atrocities committed at the hands of the Ironborn rulers, a dwarf of low-birth by the name of Simppa fled the capital following the brutal execution of Dwain Irongut, seeking refuge among the halls of his kin. He found them in a deep state of mourning at the loss of their clan father, vowing to do all he could to avenge his death and restore justice to the halls of Urguan’s sons. From there, he reached out to the clans of the old mountainous north, the Grandaxes and Frostbeards. At the summit of Mount Arvas, they reached an agreement with the clans of Irongut and Treebeard - Thorgarn must fall. Clans of all creeds descended from the north, all bound in opposition to Ironborn rule and united beneath the banner of the Remnant of Urguan. Seeing their chances of success growing as they closed in on the capital, other clans flocked to their cause and following a series of bloody clashes along the King’s Road, they succeeded in overthrowing the Ironborn dynasty and putting an end to their years of infernal rule. The shrines to Khorvad were quickly torn down, his name branded synonymous to the Archdaemon, Iblees, and his worship outlawed on pain of death. Any and all of Thorgarn’s surviving kin who could be found cowering in the city were brutally put to the axe. The Age of Fire In the shadow of the Ironborn, the burgeoning Kingdom of Urguan was forced to begin afresh, accommodating the vast spread of new freedoms and ideas. Various projects were created to accommodate the city’s rising population and the heralding of a new and more prosperous era. Just as they reached the pinnacle of their achievements, however, the dwarves faced their greatest challenge yet in the face of oblivion from the nether realm. King Simppa - Worshipper of the Archaengul, Aerial, and Urguanite exile, Simppa led his people in overthrowing the Ironborn dynasty and was placed at the forefront of forging a new future for his people. Emulating the scraps of knowledge he had of Urguan’s original kingdom, he greatly improved the living conditions within inner Kal’Urguan, and set about accommodating numerous professions to take to selling their wares in the city’s newly rebuilt districts for commerce. He reopened the city’s mines to the common clans and enacted justice on lawbreakers through the authority placed in his council and advisors. In seeking to better organise the dwarven military for future conflicts, Simppa issued decrees for the formation of the first dwarven Legion, which he placed under the marshalship of Hiebe Irongut. Its first task came swiftly as along the King’s Road, word soon reached the King that caravans of dwarven traders had been ambushed by orcish clans, sparking a conflict which became known as the ‘Caravan War.’ Simppa’s legacy was never fully realised, however, as he soon grew ill beneath the grip of a mysterious sickness and was forced to relinquish the throne in favour of his chief advisor and overseer, Charles Grimlie. King Charles Grimlie - A divisive ruler, his reign was marked by the rapid expansion of dwarven territory and the settlement of new holds including Kal’Alras, Kal’Bryst, and Kal’Himmilen. Just as the dwarves looked close to reforming a de facto empire over their lands, portals from the nether realm opened in the northern reaches, spewing vast hordes of hideous demonic creatures from their gates. Pulling at their strings and shrouded under black robes of darkness loomed the undead, corrupt and twisted beings from the nether who at their coming, would envelope the land in night, summoning great bolts of electricity down from the sky. Viewing this as Khorvad’s retribution for their toppling of the former Ironborn empire, free dwarves from across the realm pledged their axes and marched north to defend the kingdom from invasion. The dwarven hold of Kal’Bryst was the first to succumb to these attacks after a valiant last stand by its inhabitants. Later in his reign, views of Charles’s autocratic style of rule became increasingly polarised from within his own kingdom, seen as a tyrant in the same vein as Emperor Velkan by some and a conquering hero by others. Tensions came to the fore when a lone human thief broke into the King’s private vault, casting the dwarven king into a furious fit of rage, leading him to lay siege to the Orenian capital of Al’Khazar. The Goldhands, who now resided in the hold of Kal’Alras chose to declare their independence from the kingdom while the Grandaxe clan splintered into two halves, the Braveaxes choosing to remain serving in the dwarven Legion while their Blackaxe kin ventured north as mercenaries, constructing the great citadel of Kal’Domhain in the northern peaks of their forebears. King Belin Irongut - Seeking a change in their ruler’s style of leadership, the high council opted for a more compromising dwarf by the name of Belin Irongut. In contrast to his predecessor, he ruled largely through his council, negotiating trade agreements with other realms and granting the guilds some of the powers they had once possessed. He led a largely peaceful and stable reign, with focus scaled back towards ensuring the continued prosperity of the kingdom’s home territories. Nearing the end of his rule, he would order the construction of outer Kal’Urguan, erecting great walls around its farmland in preparation for the rising threat of invasion by the undead. King Algrim Irongut - His reign was marked largely by the descent of the undead hordes into the lowlands of the south, where Kal’Urguan quickly became a prime target for attack. After completing construction on the city’s outer defences, he ordered the Legion to begin working alongside the other descendent races to hold back the tide from his kingdom’s borders. Meanwhile, having become increasingly isolated in the north and looking to restore their honour in the kingdom’s eyes, it was during this time that many Blackaxes returned to Kal’Urguan to aid in the defence of the city. With the help of allies from the descendent races, Kal’Urguan was able to withstand numerous attacks on its walls and the dwarves were successful in driving the undead from their lands for a time. However, following an assault on the Khorvadic fortress known as Wrath’s Clutch, bitter tensions were fermented between the Legion and the elven Wardens of Malinor, both taking credit for their successful defence of the south. The Lord Marshal, Thorik, subsequently ordered his elite legionary units known as the longbeards to begin hunting down Wrath and his remaining followers. Paranoia quickly spread throughout Kal’Urguan amid fears that worshippers of Khorvad or even the undead themselves could have embedded themselves among the ordinary dwarven populace. Numerous raids were conducted in the city’s inner housing districts, with the Legion uncovering a number of hidden shrines in dedication to their dark god. In a great shock to the nation, however, King Algrim himself was revealed to be among these agents of Khorvad following interception of his communications. At the Lord Mashal’s behest, he was quickly arrested by the dwarven Legion and removed from power. King Gotrek Firemane - For a time, the undead threat had seemingly subsided and in Algrim’s place, a dwarf by the name of Gotrek Firemane was appointed to succeed him. He was notable in dwarven history for having spent more of his reign outside dwarven lands than within them. An ardent pursuer of knowledge and a popular dwarf in all walks of the city, he immediately took a band of his brethren soon after his coronation, and led them on an expedition westwards into uncharted lands, leaving rule of the city in the hands of his high council. In his absence, many of these council dwarves grew indolent and greedy, much of society being effectively governed by the Lord Marshal, Thorik, and other high ranking legionary dwarves, the longbeards. They decried their king’s absence in the face of a potential threat of invasion by the orcs and their elven allies. A war council was quickly established by the Lord Marshal, initially to prepare the realm for conflict, but its authority soon expanded to encompass other areas of the city. The two councils wrested for control until Thorik and his longbeards took the ultimate decision to lead a military coup against the throne, crowning himself and establishing the first Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Gotrek would later offer Thorik his blessing upon his eventual return to the city. Grand King Thorik Grandaxe - The first of the Grand Kings of Urguan, he radically reformed the kingdom, with the Legion and his closest supporters placed firmly in control of government. When the Great War of the four mortal realms finally came, Thorik used his military cunning and his advisor's political astuteness to not only prevent the dwarven homeland from falling to the conquering armies but he was able to press the warfront into the lands of his enemies in Krugmar and Malinor, whilst gaining a valuable ally in the human Kingdom of Oren. His victories during the war meant he was able to dramatically expand the kingdom's influence in foreign lands and for the first time, the nation of Urguan would play a much greater role in the affairs of the other races, mediating peace in some instances while continuing to combat the re-emerging threat of the undead in the north. Worship of the dwarves' ancient religion of the Brathmordakin was reestablished and became the driving force for change in dwarven society. As the fallen Ironborn emperor had spoken in his madness, however, these good-times were not to last and the lands of Aegis were soon engulfed by the fires of Khorvad, the world-devourer and his demonic horde. In this final advance by the undead, cities across Aegis fell before his wrath, first in the north and then to the south until Kal’Urguan itself was lost to the encroaching inferno. Three champions of the dwarves ventured into the nether in an attempt to halt the invasion and secure the descendents’ retreat, but it was Urir Ireheart who cast the Axe of Krug into the nexus, sacrificing his life to close shut its gates and seal Khorvad’s undead minions within. It was too late for the realm of Aegis, however, and its lands became quickly consumed by what remained of Khorvad’s horde. Thorik led his people in the great exodus from their homeland and on to the new realm of Asulon where the stories of his people would go on.
  14. Althea leaves the tavern after a day of work, walking through New Reza’s square and unto her street. Upon reaching her door she can hear her cat’s soft meowing from inside. “Hello Bob, how are you doing? Do you miss Demetre as much as I do?” She asked the small cat that rubbed against her legs, another meow came out. Althea nodded her head, pretending that her cat was talking back to her, “I’ll go see if he wants to come back home. At this point he should have gone through most of the bones in the tomb.” Walking upstairs to her small bedroom she reached into her dresser and grabbed a less formal dress. “This should do it for where I am going.” Quickly she changed her clothes and took off her jewelry. Looking over at Bob who had plopped himself onto her bed, “I’ll be out for a while, but when I come back I promise Demetre will be with us.” And so she departed from her home, out into the plains where a small creek laid. “Demetre! Oh come out please!” She called, though she believed he voice didn’t reach the dog a hearty bark came back to her. Following the sound into a tomb hidden in the side of the hill, there he laid smiling with happy eyes. “Demetre there you are honey,” She would call out to the dog, “Come on now let’s go home I have a nice steak that you can eat.” And with the promise of food the dog got up bounding happily besides his master. Althea returned back to her house, letting the dog run inside and sniff the few new smells that laid in the air. Demetre ran up the stairs while Althea made dinner for herself and her pets, soft purring an the sound of a tail hitting the floor echoed through out the home.
  15. THE FROSTBEARD FIGHTIN’ FISH OR OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE “FIGHTY FISH” AND “MAC FACE FISH” The very vicious fish in water Overview The “Frostbeard Fightin’ Fish”, or otherwise known as the “Fighty Fish” or “Mac Face Fish”, is a brackish fish originating from deep within Kal’Tarak’s inner cavern in Atlas, where small populations of the fish lived in aquifers and large pools of water. While not a dominant species in the cave’s grand ecosystem, it has proven to be a very hardy fish when introduced to other cavernous ecosystems, much of which can be attributed to it’s highly aggressive and territorial nature that ensures their populations survive. True to their name, the Fighty Fish will attack anything that enters their wide and ever expanding territory, and larger creatures are no exception to this. Despite their incredibly aggressive nature, Mac Face Fish attacks are rarely fatal to those unfortunate enough to suffer from them. Unfortunately for the fish, they are delicious when roasted, making them a delicacy for those who are willing to risk the pain involved in fishing and handling them. The name, Frostbeard Fightin’ Fish, of course, originates from their discovery within Kal’Tarak, along with their aggressive nature. Fighty Fish is simply a much easier way to say it. It has been named the Mac Face Fish by the villagers of Nottingham (a village on the edge of Garrond’s Vale) due to the face of the fish being similar to a man named Mac. The Trip to Arcas A dwarf guards his caravan, containing breeding pairs of Frostbeard Fightin’ Fish When Kaz’Ulrah fell, the survivors of the siege of Kal’Tarak fled Garrond’s Vale to live elsewhere, such as Sutica and Agnarum. Some missed the taste of the Fighty Fish, among many other delicacies specific to the region (see: Dogoth Crab and Garrond Goat), and either paid the villagers of Nottingham to fish it for them, or fished it themselves in order to start fish farms of the delicious fish. However, when descendants were forced to travel through the cold, southern wastes, few thought to bring the Mac Face Fish, let alone a breeding pair. Fortunately for all, the one dwarf did: Gardalf Frostbeard. 16XX, account of the Atlas migration The journey so far has been long and perilous. I, along with many others, have escaped the growing frost with the aid of the Vael. But the journey had not been without it’s own hardship. My Frostbeard brethren, that I have been fortunate enough to reunite with, are almost at their wit’s end. I myself have lost count of the days and year. In truth, our journey is perilous, and I know not when we shall leave this frozen wasteland. Just yesterday, I had awoken from my cot to find an elven child trying to steal my Fighty Fish. To my knowledge there are no others that had brought breeding pairs with them, and so I flew into a fit of rage and nearly beat the poor boy to death. But as a man of the Brathmordakin, I stopped myself and showed him mercy. He scampered off soon thereafter. I am disgusted with myself. I do not know for how long my sanity will last. Gardalf Frostbeard was an expert fisherman, who himself was taught his skills by Wilson McGrath. He was a connoisseur of fish, and despite many of the Fightin’ Fish stock dying, just enough survived to breed on the other side of the great ice wall. He would travel with the Frostbeards in Arcas, eventually joining the Underkingdom of Urguan when Argnos Frostbeard made the decision to bring the clan into the kingdom. Our story does not end there, however. 16XX, account of a certain incident Was bringing my stuff from the caravan and I tripped. I was holding a barrel of the fish with big teeth and they fell into the river. The fishies swam away, and Vithar yelled at me. My bad. With the Fightin’ Fish released upon the Under-Realm’s ecosystem, their population would gradually grow as an invasive species. While their populations is not as large as it once was in Kal’Tarak, they can occasionally be found and fished within Urguan’s deep cave system. Fish Facts The fish, after being roasted over a fire They are brackish fish (a mix of saltwater and freshwater). They will die in saltwater, but can survive (not thrive) in freshwater. They are carnivorous fish. They will derive no nutrients from plants. Thus, it is common for Fighty Fish to begin eating each other. At most, and very rarely, will a Mac Face Fish be 2 feet (60cm for freedom haters). They are typically around 1 foot, but much of their growth is dependent on how much one can eat. They typically have a lifespan of 10 years. The fish has many bones protruding from its body along the nostril, gill cover, pectoral fin, and lateral line (see picture in beginning), along with having very jagged teeth. Appearance wise (see picture again) it is easier to imagine it as a very bony piranha. They will constantly jump out of the water, as a way to intimidate predators. While they typically live in breeding pairs, Fighty Fish can and will form schools in the right conditions: a large body of water, and a large enough population. Due to their aggressive nature, they can often be found eating one another. Representation in game A barrel of Frostbeard Fighting Fish violently jumping and thrashing in the water A salmon is used to represent the fish as an item. In game, it can be represented through arrows being pushed up by a bubble column. This is done through soul sand below the water, creating a bubble column that pushes towards the surface. Shoot arrows into the water, and they will bounce up and down. It is like shooting fishes into a barrel. Clever, no? Redlines This has nothing to do with it, but I thought it looked really cool and I wanted to share They can be farmed, but they are too aggressive to be made into pets. While dangerous, they are rarely fatal, as two or so will be unable to do more than give cuts and wounds that barely puncture the flesh. They will be painful, however. A school of the fish may be fatal, but the existence of one is extremely rare. (see fish facts for conditions) A player can not roleplay for a fish without the other involved players consent. This is to ensure that no traps are made where someone is dropped into a pool of Fightin’ Fish. But that would be cool, like a mafia movie, yeah. EX: Player 1 tells Player 2 that a Mac Face Fish bites their leg Credits Special thanks to @Twodiks for noticing a lore-related mistake I made Fish - https://www.deviantart.com/piotr490/art/Demon-Piranha-144574519 Dwarf Caravan - https://caravanstudio.com/2015/05/04/the-expedition/#popup-content Cooked fish - https://www.istockphoto.com/vector/fried-fish-on-stick-vector-illustration-isolated-gm1174464694-326657758 Unrelated - https://www.muddycolors.com/ And to you, the reader 🙂 +1 and comment
  16. Origin Since time immemorial the children of Malin have enjoyed longevity and wisdom in their lives. Many scholars have concluded that the blessing of long life spans is just that, a blessing which simply is a powerful and incredible version of the arcane that is yet to be understandable to the common magi. But little did all know that the blessing was much more mundane than first realized. In functionality Elf’s were not blessed with magic... but in fact it was simply a product of evolution albeit, evolution aided by the arcane creating an arcane Gizzard. Explanation A Gizzard as it is coined is in practice one of the most well rounded and useful organs ever to be produced by the chaotic nature of natural or should we say unnatural selection [Arcanely manipulated by the Aengul]. An Arcane Gizzard or Elven Gizzard is practically an organ that not only allows its user to have extremely long lives due to its properties but also allows due to its arcane nature a closer connection to the void and the nature of the world. An example of a Gizzard in practice is Elf’s molding to there homes. For example the dark elves quickly evolving for there dark homes. Red-lines An individual with an Arcane Gizzard does not naturally age, nor can they die of natural causes All Elves are naturally born with a Gizzard If a non-elf eats a Gizzard they are gifted with an extra 10 years of fresh healthy life (Gizzards have a nice pasta like taste). A gizzard is found right next to the heart (It would look like a small soft tissue like a collection of black vein covered purple beads). And if remove successfully without damaging of the heart would revert and elf back to there normal state pre-blessing (they would have the same life span roughly of a dwarf at 300 to 400 years) Recipe Boil a small pot of water over the fire place until bubbling. Add roughly a third of a bottle of wonk blood, along with onion. Add Elven Gizzard (Optional) Add Elven Ears. Wait until the water boils again than than poor the liquid into a strainer. Ounce this is done read the Elven Gizzard back into the pot, waiting until they begin to sizzle turn them over than take them out. Ounce taken out you have finished your delicious Elven Gizzard Meal! Purpose The Gizzard gives the children of Mali not only a consistent atheistic reason for there powers but also allows for them to have a real tangible reason for there long lives. Just like how the Orcs have a Spiritual Gynecomastia which gives them honor. while the dwarfs have their mighty beards.
  17. “The Elves are the longest lived of all races, some living well over a thousand years.” -Lord of the Craft Wiki: Elves The Elves of the world within Lord of the Craft are distinct and different to the other races, possesing near immortal life. Due to this extensive life they possess, they are able to learn a great deal more than the other races. Currently, the lore describes that the ”Elves mature more quickly than the shorter lived races, reaching the fullness of puperty in about two decades.” However, this does not make since. How can a race have a much longer lifespan, but mature/age quicker than the other races? Though some players enjoy the simpleness to this system of aging for the Elves, it may be more immersive for the players if the elves aged differently compaired to the other races. The proposed system is quite simple and involves the smallest amount of math. Here’s how one determines the age of an elf in human years Each elven year is equivlent to 3 human years. Sweet and simple as stated. So, while a human child is now 9, your elf is only as mature, physically and mentally as a 3 year old. To visualize this concept, I have made a column chart. As shown by the graph, at 15 in human years, they are as mature as a 5 year old child, while at 30 human years, they are only equivlent in maturity as a 10 year old. Numbers are infinite, meaning it is impossible for every unit of age to be placed onto this graph. However, that is quickly remedied with the skill of math. Say your elf is 150....all one must do is divide by 3. 150/3=50 So your elf is 50 in elven years. The formula to find your Elves age and maturity in human years is as follows. Elf Age / 3 = True Elf Age This system truely only matters up until 100 human years, as humans cannot mature mentally past their death. Elves would be fully mature, both mentally and physically, at the age of 75 in human years and would not need any further development. However, elves are immortal, meaning their bodies are not able to be corrupted by normal age, though they may mature, they cannot grow old. Some might argue that this system is much to complicated for the game and would be better to be simple, however, this gives some color to lore. Due to the slower aging of elves, it could cause friction between elves and men, explaining the scarcity of cities with both Men and Elves. A human has a very difficult time to befriend an elf due to the different speed of aging. And when there are no friends, enemies begin to form. So, due to this, playing an elf child would be extremly long. Just as rules prevent human children to be played until 5 years old, rules could be sent for elves. For example, players could not play elves until they are 15 in human years (5 in elf years) or possibly even 30 in human years (10 in elf years). As stated, this is but a suggestion. Leave your own suggestions in the comments, as I do believe that there should be a different aging system for the elves.
  18. Ikurn’Celiah, Silvered Steel History For much of their history the children of Larihei sought purity, beauty, and perfection above all else and thus the first ingot of Ikurn’Celiah, otherwise known in common as Silvered Steel was forged. Being unique to the High elves and by extension, only crafted by them historically. A metal alloy gleaming like pure starlight, light as air. This metal has been cherished and used by the Mali’thill for countless generations before the fall of their cherished city. Used for numerous purposes due to it’s beautiful appearance, light weight, and incredible malleability; countless forms of armor, weapons, and jewelry were created, fastened by this unique metal. It carries the unique property of being 1/3 the weight of normal steel, while being mildly weaker. As mentioned before the metal in its purest form gleams and shines unlike most metals. It refracts light very much like a jewel, causing it to shine and sparkle to the extent that it seems to nearly even glow in dark environments (Though this is an illusion similar to a cat’s eyes seeming to glow in pitch darkness). Armor made from pure Ikurn’Celiah Forging process: The process of forging Silvered steel is a rather tedious and sometimes dangerous one requiring many steps that must also then be repeated to produce high quality alloy. On top of this, many of the ingredients used in this process are extremely toxic and corrosive. This can be clearly seen in forgers of this metal by the calloused chemical scars on their hands. For these reasons it is immensely difficult to nearly impossible to mass produce Silvered steel, or even forge copious amounts of it in any reasonable time period without sacrificing quality. Ingredients: The required materials are actually somewhat cheap though there are more secret nuance ingredients to it as well. However, the three major parts of this metal are Iron, pure silicon, and sulfuric acid. The acid is to be introduced to the quenching fluid to decrease the PH. The quenching fluid mixture is a very important part of making the metal correctly, as such it’s recipe is a closely guarded secret. Step one: The (refined iron, not ore) and silicon are to be mixed at an 85% iron, 15% silicon ratio. This mixture must be raised to a minimum of 2900 degrees, though 3000 is preferable since this will allow the alloy to mix more thoroughly. It is recommended to allow convection to mix the alloy due to the low atomic mass of silicon compared to iron. Step one: The (refined iron, not ore) and silicon are to be mixed at an 85% iron, 15% silicon ratio. This mixture must be raised to a minimum of 2900 degrees, though 3000 is preferable since this will allow the alloy to mix more thoroughly. It is recommended to allow convection to mix the alloy due to the low atomic mass of silicon compared to iron. This should be maintained for upwards of an hour, maintaining a consistent temperature throughout the process. Mixing is recommended, but only with a clean rod to prevent impurities entering. Step two: This step is rather tricky and very delicate to perform. The alloy must now be poured into an ice cold cast with as little contact with the air as possible to prevent as much oxide forming as possible. Once the metal is cooled down to the point where it will not fall apart on lifting but still red hot; the thick sheet must then be quickly plunged into the quenching mixture. The time it must be kept in the mixture varies depending on the amount of metal being refined but the core of the sheet must remain molten until the next step. Step three: After the outer portion of the metal has been allowed to react to the quenching fluid a thin shiny layer of Silvered steel should be visible, however this is a very thin reacted layer. Thus next it will need to be folded and hammered back into its previous dimensions. The kinetic energy from the hammering will have the added benefit of keeping the metal hot, which quickens the alloy’s reaction with the quenching fluid. After it is hammered to its previous dimensions and plunged into the quenching fluid once more the entire sheet must be fully melted down once again. Step four: Once the metal has been melted down once more step two and three must now be repeated. However, there is no longer as much worry of an oxide forming since Silvered steel has around the same reactivity as tungsten though it is still recommended to keep the metal away from the air as much as possible. Beyond that step two and three must be repeated as many times as possible, the more times it is repeated, the higher the purity of the alloy. A shard of successfully forged Silvered Steel Properties: Silvered Steel is an almost white silvery metal that reflects light far better than most materials, causing it to sparkle much like a multi-faceted gemstone. It is also far lighter than steel, being merely ⅓ the weight by volume. Unfortunately it is slightly weaker than mild steel with a tensile strength of 360 MPa at it’s purest. For these reasons the Mali’aheral cherish it, for in their eyes it shares many figurative characteristics as them. When heated to around 1000 degrees it takes on another interesting property, it becomes extremely ductile and malleable. Though due to its reflective abilities it takes quite a substantial amount of time for it to heat to that temperature. Once it does however, it remains malleable for quite some time, especially if being worked with a hammer. The metal corrodes in a very interesting way, instead of rusting, the oxide form of Ikurn’Celiah actually vaporizes into a gas. This causes items made of it to lose mass over time when left to the open air, though this process is extremely slow when the item is taken care of sufficiently. A white blade forged from Silvered steel. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Lines Diluting Silvered Steel with regular steel to increase its strength while maintaining some of its low weight properties works but at an exponential loss, to such a degree that it’s essentially pointless to do so. Due to the risk of forging Silvered steel and the many steps required to forge it; the most that even an expert could produce in one day is around seven ingots. But such greed most surely lead to injury to the smith in some form or another. This metal is not a sufficient replacement for steel. It is a low-weight alternative for those who value speed and stamina over raw protection. A steel sword of average strength can indeed shatter an identical sword of Silvered steel, though this would still require a great deal of force. Armor made from this alloy are indeed much lighter, but mechanically would have the same protection as chainmail. The advantage being that a person wearing armor made from it would have more ease of movement and would stay cool inside the reflective metal. While this alloy is reflects heat rather well it has just as much protection against direct fire as normal iron/steel armor.
  19. Scribed in remembrance of those fallen in the defensive effort against the Scyfling forces. Geast I Ve Fitsker As the smoke clears and the casualties are counted, a lone fighter hangs high in the sky. His comrades gather their wounded and rest their lost, trekking along a beaten path to their home of New Reza. As they venture through the lush and lively Haeseni countryside the fighter follows along, shortly behind his brothers as they return to the walls of the city. The fighter hangs his head as he knows his time is up and he no longer can walk with his men, with one final look over New Reza he nods and makes his leave. The fighter retreats over the sky scraping Steel Hills and into the dense and quiet Wick Wood. He is at peace with what has come of him and knows it was for the better of his country and people. As the fighter slowly closes his eyes looking over the land he called home, one final thought fled his mind and escaped his lips in a soft mutter “Krusae Zwy Kongzem”. With this he was ready, his soul being claimed and returned to the Seven Skies. But behind he left, a single mortal possession. One he could not take with him and was forced to leave behind. Sojoernaal I Ve Fitsker The shouting begins and the screaming is heard, as the Haeseni holds their ground strong and true. A flood of Scyfling scum rushing out towards the stout walls of the Fort at Metterden, this would be the true test of strength. Javelin quickly flew overhead, shattering shields of the Crows one by one, sending ballista fire back in response. Their motive to take this land remains unclear to most, but this will not stop the men of gold and black as we fight until our last breath, and in response “Krause Zwy Kongzem” we shout until our voice cannot be heard any longer. We fight for the spirit of Haense and the protection of our heritage, this land gifted to us by Godani and protected by the soldiers of those who inherited it. It was not long though until the Scyfling horde began creeping in on the ravine that held our brave cavalrymen. They through everything at us, but we prevailed even lost in a daze of confusion and pain simply because the fight was not over. As javelin continued to fly towards the proud Haeseni men, we gave a constant fight back until the moment we break. Our men falling one by one and there was no telling how this would end, so what could we do but fight. My life before theres, I will not not this kingdom fall under some barbarian claiming this is his land. Bralt I pity you, thinking we will fall so easily. So hear this in fear “Krusae Zwy Kongzem”. Ser Siegmund Wick
  20. The House Gent Lottery is a non profit made to help us fund the Gent Family Orphanage, And the Gent Family Public clinic. The Powerball was created by Hannibal Gent on the 18th of the first seed, 1763 starting in the nation of Courland. The powerball works by randomly picking four numbered balls from a spinning cage that houses them. The lottery always starts with 1000 mina as a reward. The reward gets higher for every number bought; the numbers would cost 10 minas each. The goal of the Powerball is to create awareness for homeless and parentless children around the Courland region.
  21. So i am getting ready to put together an application for this server and i wan’t sure what forum to field this question in. What i would like to do is have a Human that was raised by a dwarf Redstone smith due to a horrible event that befell his family when he was a child. Is this a valid background? I didn’t notice anything about human/Dwarf relations in the lore per say, though i might have missed it. Thanks for any information and responses. V/R, Blaznhurricane/Volkan#0226
  22. Qalashi Steel OOC: Introduction For decades the Qalasheen people have lived peaceful and simple lives, enjoying a time of peace. The world around them appeared to be unraveling its true dark nature, yet The Sultanate flourished as local merchants peddled their wares across the Isles. Miners took to the stone with pick in hand, exploring new depths and returning with rare minerals and ores. Encrusted with a strangely beautiful pattern, Qalasheen metallurgists have discovered what at first appeared to be an ore with properties similar to aurum (it had both a low yield strength and fracture point). When they discovered the true potential, it became known as “Kadarsi ((meaning powerful in Arabic))." Kadarsi Kadarsi ore itself looks more similar to a darkened, less transparent crystal, that by itself is weak, making the harvesting process more difficult. It would require a steady hand and careful precision to chip away at the edges of the ore without having it crack. Once acquired, and forged with other elements such as carbon, however, the steel product will have a higher yield strength and higher fracture point. If cracked, the Kadarsi will allow the steel to spring back into shape and allow it to be easily repaired through forge welding. Pattern welded steel History The ore was first used in glassware and pottery, melted and molded together with various minerals and elements to make attractive decorations and furniture, desired by many. What was quickly noticed by this was that the glass and pottery were slightly more durable and resistant to breaking. Metallurgists quickly began testing the affects of Kadarsi with other minerals including gold and ferrum. Through Kadarscening, it was discovered that the properties of both ferrum and aurum were strengthened, making the two more durable. Striking aurum mixed with Kadarsi repeatedly against solid objects showed that the new welded aurum could take more hits before needing repair. Not only this, but repairing was much easier as the Kadrasi could easily spring back into shape with simple repair methods. The same results were shown with ferrum testing and so Qalashi Steel was born. Kadarsi Ferrum BattleAxe Qalashi Steel consists of Kadarsi ore and Ferrum ore that are both welded and forged together in layers (known as Kardescining), creating a unique pattern, but most importantly it affects the quality of the combined steel to create a new steel which is commonly referred to by Harians as Qalashi Steel. Different kinds of mixed processed steels will produce mere patterns and show little property change, but when ferrum combines with the Qalasheen-discovered Kadarsi ore, not only did it have a unique pattern — a beautiful water-patterned steel produced with resilient edges — it was shown to be tougher than the average ferrum blade which was prone to rusting in damp air and becoming dull, making it a high maintenance weapon. The Welding Technique Through pattern welding of Ferrum and Kadarsi, plus an additional method which consists of layering, Qalashi steel can be forged into weapons and armor. The layering gives the steel unique patterns that one can visually see. Depending on the skill level of a blacksmith, Qalashi steel will become more durable as the blacksmith will be able to use the Kadarscening technique better and add more layered tiers of the melted ferrum and Kadarsi. As they are layered and folded over one another more and more the outcome is a steel that is much tougher and resistant to shattering (though it would not be impossible to break the steel). The tiers are also noticeable by distinctive patterns of banding and mottling reminiscent of flowing water. The more it is layered (which is a lengthy process), the more durable the steel becomes. Kadarsi ore can be welded together with ferrum, aurum, and bluesteel to produce: Kadarsi ferrum, Kadarsi aurum, and Kadarsi bluesteel. Kadarsi Ferrum Sabre Each tier is based solely on the level of the blacksmith starting from Adept which will be referred to as a tier 1 product. The more experience one has in blacksmithing, the higher the tier. Alongside this, Qalashi steel can be enchanted like most weapons, but will have increased durability, making it unique. Kadarsi Ferrum Chestplate with gauntlets Strengths and Weaknesses + While this adhesive might only appear to be an alternative to the Unbreaking enchant, it should be known that only at tier 3 ((Masterful blacksmith)) will a Kadarsi-laced piece be equivalent to a single Unbreaking enchant. On top of this, one will be able to add an Unbreaking enchant to their Kadarsi-laced piece and double the affects. + Farfolk are able to produce Kadarsi ferrum gear earlier and slightly faster than other races, but will be subject to the same times when it comes to Kadarsi aurum and Kadarsi bluesteel. - Aurum and bluesteel gear are best used in their whole states and so mixing any aurum or bluesteel with Kadarsi lessens, but does not completely negate the properties. - The process for making Kadarsi gear is a lengthy one due to how precise one must be. - To be able to harvest this ore, one must have much experience, though it is said that the expert hands of a Farfolk can provide some aid - Kadarsi Aurum and Kadarsi bluesteel will require more experience to craft for other races. Thank you to bestscarface76 who provided some good advice for this.
  23. Ruibrium Demon Stone Written by Sasha (me) & Roy (Raptorious) Intro Ruibrium, otherwise known as the Demon Stone, is a living, magical crystalline structure, sprouting from/near large clusters of Netherrack. It is a parasitic form of “life”, drawing life and power from the inherent taint found within the corrupted rock. Much like Thanhium absorbs heat and converts it to mana, Ruibrium does the same with Life Force, slowly and gradually leeching the life from everything around it, allowing it to grow and flourish. Raw vs Processed Ruibrium can come in two equally potent forms, commonly referred to as Raw Ruibrium and Processed Ruibrium. As the name suggests, Raw Ruibrium is that which is found in it’s natural, untampered with crystalline form, complete with traces of undead taint. Processed Ruibrium, however, is the result of the Demon Stone subsequent to going through a very specific refining procedure. The result are two similar products, with some very large differences. Raw Ruibrium in it’s natural form is a large red crystal and depending on whether it has enough life force, it will glow a dim red light. The hue of the crystal is far darker than the processed version, as a result of the lingering taint within the stone. When the taint is extracted, the crystal glows a little less but gains a brighter, more vibrant hue. Raw Ruibrium, unprocessed, is far denser and more concentrated than processed Ruibrium. As well as this, it still has taint. So as well as including the effects of taint (although minute levels of it) Ruibrium is far more dangerous and lethal in this form. The Ruibrium crystals in this form actively leech off of the life around them, ranging from non substantial plant life, microscopic, or much larger beings. It’s naturally nauseating aura subdues lifeforms through illnesses that include the symptoms of severe headaches, dizziness, blistering or the blackening of the skin upon extended touch and the reddening of the eyes. It’s magical leeching effects can be felt through walls and caverns, it’s strength dependant on it’s size (or in some cases, the amount of life force artificially fed to it by a Necromancer). If not enough energy is provided, the Ruibrium would become dormant, it’s effects dampened, but if it grew to be too large, the raw Ruibrium would be far too dangerous to approach. As opposed to processed Ruibrium, raw Ruibrium’s effects occur via a natural aura, nauseating, leeching and damaging all those around it. It cannot be controlled or directed, it simply does what it does no matter what. Processed Processed Ruibrium has a much brighter and more colourful red hue than Raw Ruibrium, it’s taint having been extracted (in one way or another) and the stone more or less purified. It still retains most of it’s glow from its natural state, however in a lessened state. Essentially a safer version of it’s predecessor, Processed Ruibrium doesn’t exude any kind of magical parasitic aura. When purified and refined it is entirely safe to be around, no matter the quantity. It’s effects only come into play when it enters the bloodstream, is absorbed through the skin or is consumed. Unlike the toxic raw version, processed Ruibrium acts as stimulant, providing extreme concentration and focus for the user in moderate amounts. Similar to the raw version, processed Ruibrium can cause nauseating effects when used in excess, as well as plethora of symptoms (see Applications). Processed Ruibrium no longer has the taint’s parasitic properties that drew the lifeforce, a finite amount of magical energy is left within, having been converted from the leeched lifeforce. As a result, any use of Processed Ruibrium is not replenishable, the substance acting almost like a battery. When fully charged, the substance will glow, when depleted it will not. When in contact with the skin, processed Ruibrium causes burning and reddening of the skin, while extended uses can cause a multitude of symptoms, among them migraines, insomnia and numerous mental issues. Applications Raw In this state, it’s main usage, if at all, is to grow it for harvest or use it as a method of poison. For example, crushed or powdered, Ruibrium is very deadly. A dusting on bare skin can cause substantial irritation and the blackening of the skin. The crystals take no delay in leeching. If left alone in contact with the skin, the dusted crystals will grow from the affected areas of the body, causing physical mutilation and eventually (very eventually) death. If the taint is removed from the Ruibrium, the crystals become dormant, remaining as a defect on the body, but halt in draining life, and growing. Another plausible use of Ruibrium in powdered form could affect respiratory systems such as the throat and lungs. Inside the body, it’s incredibly difficult to remove. Causing the normal effects, such as blistering and nausea, the crystals would grow, removing the ability to speak and eventually consume food. Over time, breathing would become difficult, and the Ruibrium would deteriorate the host both physically and mentally and grow to an extent where the Ruibrium crystals are large, powerful and would become lethal unless purged. Brushing away powdered Ruibrium is an option, but to clean oneself of all of it would be a difficult task, and physical harm would have already taken place as well. It would be a smart idea, if in this condition, to visit clerical aid or even a Transmutationist, incase of any remaining Ruibrium to grow absently. Because raw Ruibrium takes such heavy physical and mental toll when around, or when on the skin of a person, mental illnesses can develop. Some such as dementia, insomnia and constant migraines are not uncommon symptoms of those who have direct and constant contact with raw Ruibrium. Used as a method of torture, a densely concentrated shard of Ruibrium suspended next to a person would not spread the crystals to them without direct contact, but there is no doubt that it’s aura would be sickening and painful for anyone around it. The more life that a crystal has absorbed, the larger and more concentrated it will be, and thus the effects of the Ruibrium would be enhanced. Although most of these effects are temporary, if sustained for a long enough time, long term mental damage may occur. Processed Processed Ruibirum, on the other hand works as a magical steroid if applied correctly. Upon consumption of particular solutions, or the application to the body in certain ways, processed Ruibirum works to strengthen focus, and [edit] therefore the connection to the void temporarily. Although being a sort of magical enhancer, it remains a stimulant and an extremely addicting one. If processed Ruibirum were to be applied to the skin as a mark, or in the form of a tattoo it would become active for as long as the Ruibrium present was charged, having to be naturally replenished regularly. Visually, the Ruibirum would glow a faint crimson colour on the skin. Usage, over time leads to the permanent reddening of the whites of the eyes, reddening of the skin and almost certain addiction to the substance. Although the magical steroid can benefit a mage in their ability through better focus, addictions can develop and eventually over consumption/usage of processed Ruibirum can begin to arise problems similar to that of Raw Ruibirum. Health issues such as the burning and reddening of the skin is some of the first encountered side effects of usage, and eventually migraines and possible (although rarer) for significant mental illnesses such as dementia or sleep insomnia. Though these symptoms do pass in time, continual usage will worsen them. Despite the risk of addiction, using Ruibirum potions or Ruibirum tattoos will definitely benefit the consumers focus and in turn their magical ability. It does not however change or improve the skill of the mage, and does not allow an amateur mage to perform skills beyond their ability. More immediately, Ruibirum Tattoo’s when activated may burn the skin faintly and after cutting the connection to the void, physical exhaustion will be worse than without it, and depending on how much magic was used, headaches and dizziness are not uncommon. A potion on the other hand causes a warming of the insides, as a more dilute version of the substance. It causes the same physical side effects but most, not all, can be flushed from the body. Once the Ruibirum is in one’s system, and in the bloodstream addictions are more than likely to come about. A tattoo would be an example of a more permanent method of usage, while a potion can enter and mostly leave the body. Once dominantly out of the system, which could take up to a few days, potion consumed Ruibirum would not likely be enough left to increase any further focus. This means that mages have the choice to carry and consume a more dilute Ruibirum potion at will, but may not have the opportunity in tense situations. Warning! Oral consumption of liquid processed Ruibirum can lead to the reddening of the gums and if high concentrations are used, the blackening of the teeth over time. Regardless of how Processed Ruibrium is used, when ingested or activated on the skin, after spells are cast and the Ruibrium used, the substance will begin to take it’s adverse effects. Almost immediately the user will begin to feel nauseous and dizzy, feeling somewhat lightheaded. They will often times develop short term tunnel vision, in practicality leaving the mage vulnerable to attack. Harvesting Naturally, Ruibrium is found, much like any other crystal, growing in clusters around and from netherrack. It is common in large areas tainted by Iblees and the Undead, however it has been rumoured to have been found in many places underground (likely remnants of Iblees’ taint from long ago). As a result of it’s natural life-force draining abilities, most of the area around a cluster of Ruibrium will, in fact, be dead. In order to harvest naturally found Ruibrium, one must chip away at a fairly sizable chunk of it. Like any other rock or crystal, it has no organs, no parts, it is merely stone. However, due to the nature of the Demon Stone in it’s raw form, artificially cultivating it is rather different. Because of its parasitic nature, Ruibrium requires a host (or multiple hosts) in order to grow. Much like a fungus, Ruibrium will latch onto living beings and other life forms such as plants and animals, slowly growing over them and draining them of their life force, making up for it’s lack of tainted netherrack to draw on. These effects can be magnified by various magics, namely necromancy, providing the crystal with the needed life force to grow. Unlike its other effects (as mentioned above) the leeching process is not as quick to take effect, but rather a slower process, requiring quite a bit of “nourishment” in order to create a healthy growth of the crystal. The size of the existing crystal formation has bearing on how long it will take before it’ll begin to grow. For example, a small coin sized crystal may take a few weeks to take full effect and begin latching onto its host, but a crystalline structure the size of a house may take merely hours. Processing Ruibrium is the simple act of removing the taint from the crystal without fueling it further. Whether this is by clerical or paladin cleansing, the use of a black soulstone (similar to how shades have done in the past), leaving it in an area devoid of lifeforce, or any other Lore approved way of extracting the taint. Once the taint has been extracted and discarded, the remaining product will remain magically charged, but lack the damaging and parasitic aura exuded by it’s natural predecessor. How to RP In short, Processed Ruibrium allows for a mage to cast arcane based magic with some more ease, as the substance enhances one's focus for a period of time only directly after consumption or usage. The substance allowing the mage to create a more focused and sensitive link to the void, the mage is able to cast his/her spells somewhat faster, though by no means making them more powerful. Like always, however, the mage will still have their concentration broken by a bodily blow, an extreme distraction etc. This also means that the player must actively emote applying or activating any Ruibrium that is desired to be used in any situation, combat or passive. Wandering into a situation, and then revealing that you have active Ruibrium applied to your body (whether it be potion or any other form) would be considered powergaming, and thus would need to be something considered before getting involved in a heated situation. Much like equipping a weapon or a piece of armour, Ruibrium would need to RPLY activated. Also, the immediate side effects are required to be RP’d to reduce the risk of powergaming from a player. Effects such as tunnel vision and dizziness immediately after casting etc, which are listed in the above paragraphs, are required to be rply mentioned or used to influence how your character behaves when using the active processed Ruibrium. I would also suggest having a GM/Lore Master or the Lore writers to approve Ruibirum farms for players to reduce either how many players can claim that they have the substance to aid them, or to keep track of those using it and growing it in RP. It’s unlikely that anyone should have a significant amount of Ruibirum straight away, and infact should take a long, long time to create a decent amount. RP: It was the crimson that spread throughout the land, stripping it of green and life. A sickness that spread like a disease, yet we knew so little about it. The glowing crystals seemed to be at first, apart of the red rock that burnt out the land, a substance summoned by the undead, by Iblees. Of course it was the smartest thing to leave such a thing alone. It was demonic, pain inducing- a tool of the undead used to scar the world we inherit. The Journal of Ruiri Izalith Red 2nd of Deep Cold, 1491 Today I have reached the end point in my little venture. Although I leave it with something I had not intended to. I set off to Rivel in search of a journal, written by the Spellcrafter, Archon of Rivel. Of course, there would be no other reason for me to come all the way out here. I searched the entire place for hours. It wasn’t curiosity that swayed me from my direction, but the nauseous sensation that pounded at my skull. I did not find said journal, and I have no doubt that upon my return, Caladrius will be most displeased. Of course, as it does, curiosity got the better of me eventually. I sat atop the ruins for a long while, gazing out at the red rock that glowed, as if alive. It sprouted from the stone walls, the ground, the dead trees that littered the area. It grew atop the crimson netherrack that now replaced fertile soil. It made me sick. Sick, but still fascinated. I had to have some. I leave Rivel now with a crystal, no larger than my thumb, scraped off of the surface of the netherrack, and a headache I have no methods of curing, for now. 13th of Deep Cold, 1491 The trip home is coming along smoothly. I’ve had no interruptions but for occasional rests. I cannot linger around too long, for my own safety, especially. Although I’ve played around with the crystal that sits wrapped in cloth on the top of my satchel, I come no closer to understanding it. The headache has much subsided but being around the rock spoils my appetite. There is definitely something about it that troubles me. I laid it down one night in a bed of grass. I sat atop my bedroll, looking down at it’s crimson contrast in the thriving green. The green turned brown within minutes, and on closer inspection, a dust of tiny crystals had begun to creep atop the dead plant life. I have no intentions of spreading this stone throughout an area again, but I certainly have no time to clean this up. For now, I suppose the little crystals will grow here. I do hope it doesn’t cause much inconvenience for others later on. 24th of Deep Cold, 1491 I was correct on my first hypothesis. Caladrius was furious. I found it quite amusing. He hated that as well. Out of worry that he might never send me on such a quest again, I presented him with the stone. There was no curiosity, many have seen it before, but have never pondered to understand it in depth. I explained to him so far what I have noticed from my trip home, but at the time it didn’t seem to spark too much interest from him. I’m going to take it upon myself to study it further before I present it again. 6th of Snow’s Maiden, 1492 Rats. And who would have thought it would be those filthy rodents to help me discover this mystery. Nonetheless, they did. I had no trouble in applying the crystal to the animals, and although it took weeks of observation, the poor things perished. On the first days of the experiment, the animals became aggressive, agitated, but quickly this deteriorated into a slowness to which point I thought they had already died. The Ruibrium, which I have called it, sprouted from the shoulder of the second rat, the original crystal had spread toward it. Trapping the poor thing, it wasn't long before the animal died. It wouldn't eat, and couldn't move. I am unsure if it was the Ruibrium, or malnourishment that killed my test subject. 10th of Snow’s Maiden, 1492 I returned to my room a few days past my previous entry, furious with my lack of progress, but still ever curious. The rat’s skin was stripped, a blackened skeletal frame remained, bones cracked as the crystals speared through them, coated the corpse in crimson ice. This is most curious. Even Caladrius has taken interest now. I have permission to conduct experiments with much larger life forms. This should be interesting. 11th of Snow’s Maiden, 1492 I decided it would be easier if I used the dungeons below the lair. The unfortunate elf still lays chained to the stone walls, his eyes reddened, his tongue bloated. Much more resilient than the rat, he’s lasted longer. Only after the first week of the experiment, did he stop eating. Not only this, but he seems to have lost the ability to speak. He mumbles, to himself now, it worries me. I don’t like seeing something in such trauma, but it is necessary, I hope. A rather large cluster of Ruibrium clings to the skin of his legs, his ribs, and sprouts off him in small clusters on other spots. They’ve reached the size of the ones at Rivel now, and seem to still be growing. I have no doubt in my mind that Ruibrium is parasitic. It consumes living organisms, growing in size. This cannot be it’s only purpose. 2nd of Malin’s Welcome, 1492 I now have a collection of Ruibrium. Placed in capsules, they do not spread on the glass container. I was careful to use gloves. It would have been a terrible mistake to harvest so much with my bare hands. The good thing is, I managed to harvest the Ruibrium before he died. I’m still unsure of what is worse. Becoming mad, or dying from the thing. Either way, he still perished. There was no recovering from such. I gave Caladrius a sample of the crystal, in which now our joint studies will continue. I believe he is working on a way to create, or thin the crystal into a less potent and hopefully less dangerous substance. For whatever purpose he finds in his studies, I will continue my research on Ruibrium, and experiment with it’s methods of usage. My new hypothesis is that perhaps this substance can be applied to things aside from lifeforms, and therefore become more controlled. Perhaps that would mean I could inflict Ruibriums symptoms through method of wounding. It’s a highly unstable crystal, but I am confident that it can be mastered.
  24. Overview For some time these Druidic Gifts have had no clarified limits to their capabilities, which for the most part hasn’t been abused. In light of a few incidents and the generally lacking guidance for lower-tier users of these Gifts, a few of us volunteered to help write a clarification. Our general aims were to firstly establish sensible upper caps to the range of Blight Healing, and to the enhancement of herbs offered by Herblore, then to outline where each tier sat within those boundaries. Several TA holders were involved in this process, and it was then brought to a majority of the Druid community for thoughts and suggestions. The feedback was mostly positive, so here we are. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blight Healing Ranges The following ranges are given as a maximum. Performing Blight Healing at the max range of your tier is enough to physically exhaust you and will likely result in blacking out and other symptoms of extreme exhaustion, requiring extensive rest. Radius and area are used as an example, but a creative user could guide mists in a number of ways. T1: 4 metres/blocks; 8x8 area T2: 8 metres/blocks; 16x16 area T3: 12 metres/blocks; 24x24 area T4: 16 metres/blocks; 32x32 area T5: 20 metres/blocks; 40x40 area Additionally, corruption cannot be cleansed until T3 and must be taught, as it requires more complex manipulation of Blight Healing energies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Herblore Ranges This also assumes someone is using this Gift to its maximum potential, rather than making a lesser enhancement. It’s difficult to conceptualise the huge variety of effects into numerical values, thus the following examples are provided to indicate the capabilities of each tier. T1: Effect receives a minor boost, barely noticeable. High chance of failure. Enhancement lasts 1 irl hour. T2: Effect receives a minor improvement, which is noticeable. Slight reduction in chance to fail in familiar herbs. Enhancement lasts 2 irl days. T3: Effect is moderately improved. Failure very unlikely in familiar herbs, unfamiliar herbs less so. Enhancement lasts 1 irl week. T4: Effect is markedly improved. Chance to fail is almost entirely muted. Enhancement lasts 1 irl month. T5: Effect is improved to the greatest one could reasonably expect. Enhancement lasts virtually indefinitely. Remember that if a herb is processed immediately after enhancement, the resulting remedy, poison etc., keeps the alteration until it has expired. When an irl week is a year, solutions, potions etc. will expire unless kept in adequate conditions. Use your common sense, expiration dates shouldn’t be necessary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Increasing potency The spores of a blistering toad mushroom cause corrosion of the throat and airways by default. In this example, it’s assumed that the intensity of the spores is the target of enhancement. These are what one would expect to occur should someone inhale the enhanced spores: T1: Painful to breathe T2: Infrequent coughing, in addition to pain T3: Severe pain, which provokes coughing fits T4: Coughing fits sufficient enough that the victim is likely to vomit and will struggle to breathe T5: The soft tissues of the throat and airways melt painfully, likely leading to asphyxia Crouching feather may be smoked or brewed into a tea, which calms and clears the mind. Assume in this example, that the herb is infused into hot water as a tea, that by default its effects last for 2 iRP hours, and that the duration of its effects were the area enhanced using Herblore. T1: Effects last for 2 and a half iRP hours T2: Effects last for 3 iRP hours T3: Effects last for 5 iRP hours T4: Effects last for 6 iRP hours T5: Effects last for 8 iRP hours Habgobsnit is a grass which can be dried, ground and smoked for a clarity high, or pressed for its numbing juices. In this example, assume the potency of the clarity high has been enhanced with Herblore and that by default, the high begins about ten minutes after smoking. T1: The minor loss of potency from the drying process is mitigated T2: Moderate anxieties are assuaged, cognitive processes un-hindered by minor stressors T3: Clarity is such that the user feels more aware of themselves T4: The high comes on more quickly T5: Severe anxieties are soothed with a smaller quantity. Marked calmness in stressful situations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Decreasing potency Remember that lessening the quality/effect of a herb is more difficult, more draining and is less efficient than increasing potency. Night sap is a golden sap, which induces sensations of calm, relaxation, safety and sleepiness. It’s sometimes used as a sleep aid, though it causes splitting headaches or even paralysis upon waking. It’s also highly addictive, so in this example assume it is the addictive quality which is being lowered with Herblore. T1: Minor decrease in the chance for addiction. Users still highly likely to become addicted T2: Further decrease in chance for addiction, the addiction is still akin to that of opiates T3: ‘Moderately’ addictive. Addiction is more like that of nicotine, meaning some will escape it T4: Those who become addicted will experience less severe withdrawal T5: Addiction has reduced to the level of alcohol. This does not mean that it is no longer addictive, but that the majority of people are able to use it without developing an immediate addiction. Repeated use will still pose a risk Flash fruit is an orange-like fruit with yellow streaks upon the skin, which can be consumed to quench thirst. The flesh of the fruit however, will numb the throat. In this example, it’s this numbing quality which is being reduced with Herblore. T1: Eating small amounts of the flesh will not immediately numb the throat. There is still some loss of sensation T2: About a quarter of an orange-sized fruit can be consumed with only some numbing taking place T3: The majority of an orange-sized fruit can be eaten, before the throat becomes entirely numb T4: Eating the whole fruit is now possible, though will leave moderate numbing in the throat T5: Upon eating a whole orange-sized fruit, the numbing effect is much less severe and retention of feeling is possible Yarrow can be used to enhance the medicinal effects of other herbs, but alone it can reduce blood pressure and inflammation. A side-effect is that it can lead to fainting and dizziness from low blood-pressure, so in this example assume it’s this blood-pressure reducing quality which is targeted by Herblore. T1: Fainting is slightly less common in strong doses and overdosing. Dizziness may cause nausea T2: In concentrated doses, fainting is most common in those of a fragile constitution. Most users are likely to experience nauseating dizziness instead T3: Fainting is much less likely, even when overdosing. Dizziness is still uncomfortable. Has a decreased ability to lower blood pressure, thus much less useful in treating high blood pressure if one were to use it T4: Fainting is acutely found in overdoses with those already weakened. Dizziness is much less nauseating, allowing for fairly normal day-to-day functioning T5: Fainting is highly unlikely unless extremely concentrated doses are consumed. Dizziness is reduced enough that someone could continue daily life largely uninhabited, but combat or casting would still suffer some. At this point, the ability to treat high blood pressure is largely muted, requiring a healer to obtain a fresh sample of yarrow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits A_Keefy and Archipelego as our lovely LT points of contact, also making some good criticisms and suggestions. Darksoundwave, ThatGuy_777, ShadowedOblivion and Eranikus for their writing assistance and scrutiny. Wytchlings for providing feedback. The Druid Community for some encouraging feedback.
  25. ((SPOILERS ARE WONKY)) ~Pravum~ CHARACTERIZATION There are two subspecies of Pravum: the original beasts, known as the Harried, and their “perfected” successors, the Shikari. Both the Harried and Shikari were created from Descendants that have undergone an extreme alchemical transformation to their body and Soul. This augmentation grants the Pravum a slew of enhancements at the cost of the “Normality” of Descendant life. Credits: @Dymase @Cyprian1034 @NikoNiko @BoyWonderr @JaxonBlues @Archipelego @Ztrog @Temporal @AtrexPieren [Lucy-Lisett -- DeviantArt] A pair of adventurers caught wind of an abandoned town in the middle of the wilds of Atlas. Upon arriving, they were met with a thick mist throughout the surrounding forest. Once they entered the settlement, the group found the entire place in complete disrepair. Caved-in roofs, doors torn from their hinges, windows were broken, and the entire town covered in a thin layer of ivy and vines. The wind was blowing softly, adding an extra layer of discomfort to the damp and chilled air. The pair made their way down the muddied streets, their footsteps squelching loudly as the men looking for any signs of life. As they neared the outskirts of the village, one noticed an abundance of herbs in an overgrown garden in front of a small house. Deciding that it would be wise to search for anything medicinal, he strode over to the patch and surveyed the overgrowth for anything useful. The other moved cautiously into the house, with his blade drawn. “Oi! C’mere. Now,” the man in the house called out. The other man would let out a short grunt as he pushed himself to his feet. Stepping into the threshold of the abandoned cottage, the second man let out a sigh, saying, “What’s wrong?” The first man raised his arm and pointed to a darkened, far corner of the small lodge, where a skeleton lay, an arm extended towards a blood-stained book. The second man would stoop down once more, this time picking up the book as opposed to flowers. The man would flip through the pages before saying, “Seems like a sort of diary.” “Not much use for it, then. Better to leave it. Don’t want to upset his spirit, eh?” the first man responded, giving his companion a playful punch in the arm. “Right,” the second said with a short scoff. Nevertheless, he found himself placing the diary into his satchel with the plants he had picked earlier. The pair then made their way out of the lodge in search of new adventure and treasure... Origin: [!] The journal would be pawned off to a cloaked figure several days after the pair of adventurers returned to their city. ~The Transformation Elixir~ Description: Effects: Ingredients: Preparation: Mechanics: Redlines: ~Serum Ingredients~ Muscle and Bone enhancement Minor Regeneration Metabolic increase Sense enhancement (Vision, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch) Cardiac Enhancement Respiratory enhancement Serum Creation Brewing ~THE ALTERATION~ OOC: Please keep in mind this will be a very painful and mentally taxing procedure for the soon-to-be new Shikari. Give the patient time to roleplay out their pain. Also remember, for the performer, this isn’t an easy task either. They must be careful to keep the right order or they run the risk of killing the patient. The person creating a Shikari or Harried must have an accepted teacher application in order to do the procedure. The person being turned into a Shikari must be a preexisting character beforehand, you can’t just be brought into the world as a Shikari as they’re not born and must be created through roleplay. Preparations The Procedures Redlines ~The Harried (Event Creature)~ Appearance: Mentality: Muscle and bone Enhancement (Combat / Non-combat ability) Metabolic Increase (Combat / Non-combat ability) Sense Enhancements (Combat / Non-combat ability) Respiratory Enhancement (Combat/Non-combat ability) Major Regeneration (Combat/ Non-combat ability) Cardiac Enhancement (Combat / Non-combat ability) Mimic (Non-Combat ability) ~The Shikari (Playable CA)~ [Monolith Productions: Shadow of War] Appearance Strengths and Weaknesses PK Clause Mentality ~Abilities~ Muscle and Bone Enhancement (Combat / Non-combat ability) Metabolic Augmentation (Combat / Non-combat ability) Senses Enhancement (Combat / Non-combat ability Tracking (Non-combat ability) (EVENTS ONLY) Cardiac Enhancement (Combat / Non-combat ability) Minor Regeneration (Non-combat ability) Respiratory Enhancement (Non-combat ability) Reverie (Non-Combat Ability)
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