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  2. Perhaps it's not the journey, but the specialz we make along the way
  3. Today
  4. Skin: Armor Skin [6] Bid: $57 Discord: toodles78 IGN: Faeryel
  5. A dwarf groans as a Yrommar steals the identity of renowned Urguan lawyer Sidewae Goodman.
  6. Wilhelmina Emma, the mother of the bride, smiled widely as she read over her personal invitation for the wedding. Recalling back to the first letter she sent to the Varoche heir in regards to her debuting daughter, Wilhelmina was ever so pleased with the outcome; a marriage for her 6th child, and more importantly, a union filled with the promise of love and happiness.
  7. I think if babies take much longer to mature, and the basis of raising livestock revolves around caring for them with the intent of maturing them, that'd lead to a more interactive and immersive experience. Just raise the base drops of mature mobs, remove loot tables from babies, and disable aging of cows and have there be a number of prerequisites for baby to mature into an adult. Something along those lines. In regards to whether or not status effects should be granted to foods, the answer is yes. However it really should only be done for the rarest of foods, or foods that require the most effort to cooking, whether it's based off rarity in acquisition of resources, or effort derived from the crafting recipe. I'd also focus on adding status effects that fit thematically with the foods, like adding a jump boost to rabbit stew, or some other custom recipes. As far as which status effects? Any and all of them, as long as they fit thematically with the food, I don't think anyone could complain, to include negative effects. Also wanted to add that among the typical PvP status effects, I don't really think any of them could fit thematically with foods and therefore don't see a reason to add those types of status effects. I could care less that there'd be foods that affect PvP, I just don't really see how they could fit thematically with normal foods using normal ingredients in the world. I don't see the need to add PvP related status effects to food unless it was for some sort of boss mob or rare fish in a biome's loot table. As far as the ability to reskin the item texture to a different food, If that's the best the server is able to achieve without creating a dedicated server resource pack, hosted by the server or otherwise, then go for it. However It's antiquated thinking, I know there's hesitancy on a server resource pack, but if there's a single reason, it would be for core profession immersion plugins. Why not do the ideal, immersive move and create a resource pack for all these custom foods so there can be custom item textures for all of them: I'd also like to stress, that there shouldn't be racial locked, or racial buffs. It should just be implemented with the idea in mind that, the reason why a particular food is popular in a given region, has more to do with the fact that that is the food that grows in that region, and has become a staple for those reasons, less to do with the fact that it's just racially locked. If you're going to do racial foods, there has to be an incentive to create racial foods. So that players prefer those foods and it will lean further into their roleplay and add distinction among regions and races, and those resources have to be plentiful in those regions. Also adding an expiration to foods never fixed the issue entirely however it was a decent approach. Players were still able to amass large amounts of bread, and it pretty much discouraged the use of any other less easily acquirable foods. A better solution would have been to modify hunger restoration and saturation of common foods, and change crafting recipes for easily crafted foods such as bread. If vegetables, provided .5 hunger and 0 saturation, and bread had to be cooked in a furnace, players would likely create food with those vegetables, and lean more into their regional dishes. Because if potato's and bread is still the most easily farmable, hunger restoring, easy to craft foods on the server, all these other foods still aren't going to be utilized by the player base.
  8. It's cool. It doesn't have to be realistic. It's a fantasy setting. We already have alchemy, magic and lots of other things that aren't real. Why does it matter that the sun is a cool eclipse?
  9. Verena Ivanovich had holed herself up in her room, clutching the paper tightly upon her reading nook. She would say that she was not one for gossip, but this was proven false as her eager eyes scanned the contents. Her expression would shift in waves, but becomes especially amused as she reads of a particular good friend being named the most eligible bachelor! What was surprising to her was knowing each of the people mentioned - albeit on quite the varying degree. She felt a bit of shame quickly after her excitement for the next issue.
  10. I think i would kms in ur shoes sorry
  11. A letter is returned to Shugo Kato. "To Shugo Kato of Koyo-Kuni, I had no idea. Please pardon my ignorance on this matter and the racial insensitivity I have displayed here. In claiming Bal'ance is a demon, I have done the work of the Vikelese agitpropagandists themselves - it is a shameful crime that they have gotten away with this scandal for as long as they have done. I shall not call her by her slave name. We shall free Pingheng from them and cast down the false idol that they have used to seal her. So swears Rhak'Dom, Rhak'Dom of Lurak"
  12. Free them all, end the grief. make lotc beautiful again 💅
  13. Isana grins toothily upon seeing the notice. “Gud luck ta ye, Gundanat laddie! Oi wish ye well in t’is rough time. Danil’Lur wuda been ‘appy ta see ye!”
  14. "Kanon zpirit iz gettin bub'mitey." Gribb'Lak nodded.
  16. Hey there! Welcome to the Jayamen Music Guild! Because most of what I'm going to discuss is ooc, (but ic when used in-game) this is going to be mainly ooc to not confuse people. We are a group that enjoys and wants to learn how to perform music in-game! This can be in one of two ways. The original way, (using noteblock pianos, basic and harder, but everyone can hear and use it.) or the figura way (using your keyboard, basic to advanced, but not everyone can hear it or use it unless they have figura.) _________________ We have 5 ranks for each type. Figura users will have a F in front of their rank. The ranks for both are, Beginner This rank is given to those just starting the piano, when you get the basics down, then you move to Novice. Novice At this level you can play simple songs, get the timing right, and are working towards more complex ones. Journeyman At this level you can play complex songs, have the timing right, and are working towards being able to improvise as you play. Advanced At this level you can play advanced songs and also improvisation. Teacher Journeyman to Advanced students can also teach if given permission by Orizen Jayamen. I will give a card with your rank to each person who joins. Signed by me so it's official. __________________ You can join for individual play or group play. Group play works for both figura and non figura, though for non figura, you need a fair bit of flat room to set up. Non figura is played by setting up noteblocks, usually in a 3x3 pattern flat on the ground. I call this a grand noteblock piano. There are more advanced versions I have made called the grand master noteblock piano, but we'll stick with this. The noteblocks are set to certain notes via right click, and you have them play the same note they are on by left click. So it's like being able to play 9 of the notes on a piano at will. You can of course do this for different sounds, like flute, banjo, piano, bell, etc. also drum sounds as well. I teach all this and more at the Guild. Figura version This is done through three ways. I have figura profiles for certain Minecraft instruments. Note you can make it sound like rl instruments, but I kept it with the Minecraft sounds for immersion. Also I can learn to make visual instruments with block bench, but that will take time. Right now you need to rp you holding your instrument except for the ones another user made that I have and have permission for. Or you can find one to attach to the profile. Way 1 You use the numbers 1-9 to play the same songs a non figura grand piano would, but it's a lot easier this way and you don't need to re keybind your irl keyboard. But you can only play these 9 notes. You CAN play chords. Way 2 Same thing. But a much bigger range of notes, also it is like playing your computer keyboard as a piano one irl. You WILL need to rekeybind a bunch of keys, but you can do so much with this. It's a bit of a learning curve, but once you get it, it is so good. You can play more than one note at once here as well. Way 3 This way you just hit a key, and it plays an audio file. I personally do not like to use this method when possible. With way 3 I can make this happen for any song I can get the right file for. I can transform a complex song to a simple one or complex to complex. I can also change the notes to be in the minecraft noteblocks sounds. Way 3 will cost you minas though. Everything else is free. Aaaanyway, this place is for me and others to learn and play music together. Even have performances. Learning, playing, the whole thing is free except for way 3 of the figura version. If you are interested feel free to dm me or pm me. Dms work better though. My discord is Sofetios . I already made the figura lua docs for this, so I can send ways 1 and 2 for figura mina free. Also, this guild shares a building with my shop. So both things are in the same location. Ic I am Orizen Jayamen. We are located at Lendyystriet IX in the capital of Haense. My IGN is Sofetios. If you have any questions or I am missing information here. Please let me know. I will also be making a discord server for this soon.
  17. Yesterday
  18. THE OFFICE OF THE EMISSAR ‘Ve Krawn’s Ropryzentav’ (The Crown’s Representative) Issued by the LADY EMISSAR Naf zwy 19th hag i Msitza ag Dargund i 533 E.S. “The Office of the Envoy shall assume the diplomatic responsibilities of the Aulic Government through international correspondence, the broaching of international treaties and pacts, the establishment of Haeseni embassies internationally and the hosting of allied ambassadors within the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.” - Aulic Edict, 341 E.S. The Lady Emissar (Herzenas Vykomyn) is the designated senior diplomat of Hanseti-Ruska, representing the Crown in all foreign affairs. They’re also tasked with selecting ambassadors from within the kingdom to conduct diplomacy with allied nations and foreign realms. The Emissar likewise bears the approval of the monarch to relay and enforce the will of the Crown beyond the borders of Haense. In more modern times, the Emissar is also a collector of information, gathering knowledge on subjects of interest and concern to the Crown and the realm. LADY EMISSAR Incumbent LADY MILENA VAS RUTHERN 533 E.S. - present AULIC AMBASSADOR The Aulic Ambassadors are individuals from within the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, chosen for their skills in articulation and propriety to represent the Emissar and the Crown in foreign lands. Selected by the Emissar, they’re assigned to allied realms of the realm, dealing in treatise and relations. Each ambassador is expected to maintain regular contact with their assigned nation, providing the Aulic Council with regular reports on the activities going on at any given time They’re also implored to encourage cultural exchanges and visits between either nation’s leadership from time to time, fostering healthier alliances. Ambassador Assignments: ◆ Principality of Reinmar - Her Ladyship, Rezalisa Kovachev, Baroness of Kovgrad ◆ Grand Kingdom of Urguan - His Lordship, Sigmar var Ruthern ◆ The Heartlander Confederation - Unassigned ◆ Principality of Celia’nor - Unassigned *This list shall be amended as needed, as new treaties and alliances are signed. AULIC INFORMANT The Aulic Informants are, unlike the ambassadors, tasked strictly with gathering information on subjects that might be of importance to the Crown and its council. These particular matters usually pertain to threats that come from beyond the borders of any one nation, threatening the greater world as a whole. Informants are employed at the discretion of the Emissar or by order of the monarch. Informants: ◆ Informant on Magik - [REDACTED] ◆ Informant on Aengudaemonica - Unassigned ◆ Informant on Darkspawn - Unassigned *This list shall be amended as needed, if further Informants are required. RECRUITMENT Those interested in serving the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska as either Aulic Ambassador or Aulic Informant are encouraged to seek out the Lady Emissar, either in-person or by letter. It is HIGHLY encouraged that those who apply provide proof of past diplomatic experience or show some connection to the nation they might be interested in being assigned to. As stated above, general intelligence and skill with articulation are extremely desired when seeking to fill these assigned roles. Godani Jest Wielki, HER EXCELLENCY, Milena vas Ruthern, Lady Emissar of Hanseti-Ruska, Kossaras of the Walton Order of the Unyielding
  19. Arowyn sat with her ill father. "In Godan we trust.."
  20. ((it aint me bro but good luck on your wedding though))
  21. + _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This missive announces the beginning of a series of public lectures in at-home healthcare, performed by Dr H. Marrow over the duration of a year. Citizen’s healthcare (the at-home, day to day medical treatment of varied small maladies by untrained persons) is a vastly undervalued subject, with the scarce amount of medical training available aimed at only prospective career medics. These lectures serve to fill this void of knowledge. Aimed at any and all un-educated, non medically versed citizens or visitors to the locations noted below, these lectures aim to serve as a basic overview on caring for one’s own health, including hygiene, illness, care of wounds at home, and a short introduction to the handling of emergency medical situations. This is required knowledge of any medical practitioner, so any would-be medics are encouraged to attend. However, this knowledge is also vital to any person who does not enjoy contracting a septic infection and perishing at thirty-seven. Literacy is not a required skill for attending these lectures, and only basic logic abilities. No medical knowledge whatsoever is required for attendance. There is no charge for attendance. Lectures will take place at the following locations and times: Head medics and government officials of any location not mentioned on this list may contact Dr H. Marrow to organise a lecture, provided a suitable space exists. No charge is asked for the arrangement of a lecture. In most cases, lectures will not be performed in vassal states of a nation in which a lecture has been performed at the capital. However, exceptions to this may be made given reason. Note: For legal reasons, Dr H. Marrow may not be available to give lectures within select nations. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ +
  22. Thank you for your Map Art submission, a Community Team member will contact you via Discord when it is ready or with any issues. I am a bot, contact a staff member if you require assistance.
  23. And yet, "V'llaire's" goal has been accomplished. Confirmation. The church will not interfere one way or the other. The unnamed human behind Jonathan's identity can rest easy knowing that the Canonists will not intervene for the sake of anyone. It is best this way.
  24. Frequently-Asked Questions As an easy and quick place to get answers to commonly asked questions, the Community Team has created this list of questions, as well as their answers, for old and new players alike to reference! Whitelisting Questions How to get whitelisted? You can apply by clicking the "apply" button next to the forum at the top of the page, or by following this link. How long does it take till I am whitelisted? It typically takes about 1-3 days for your application to be reviewed. It may take slightly longer as we only have a certain amount of volunteers to review all of the applications, someone will get to you very soon. If your application is set to "Pending," please make sure the fixes are done within the allocated period. You will be contacted via Discord/Forums regarding your application, but remember to check the forums periodically for any updates on your application. I'm stuck in the lobby / I can't log on! Check to see if you're on versions between 1.18.2 and 1.20.1. If you are on any version between 1.18.1 - 1.20.1 and still cannot log on, reach out to a Community Team Member on the forums or Discord. Sometimes it can help to join through the server lobby too. The IP is lobby.lotc.co, from there just do /main! Help! I am stuck on this application Question! If you are stuck on answering an application question or have any questions about the process at all refer to the New Player Application Guide which can be found here. If you have any further questions about applying, please submit a Creq in-game or contact someone on the community team via the forums or within the Discord help channel by @community with your query. Discord Questions How To Join Our Discord? You can join our Discord here! How Do I Get Verified In The LOTC Discord? If unwhitelisted, please react to the message in #pending with a 🌼. If Whitelisted, run the command /Freja sync Discord while in-game on the server. Do know that you need to be whitelisted in order to run this command. New Player Questions What is this shiny [N] Tag I have? The new-player tag allows one to learn the ways of the server with a guiding hand as it gives you the following: - You will be hungry less often, meaning you need less food. - It allows you to seamlessly integrate into the server and the community. - Players will always be on the lookout to help you if you need help. - Monks will be on hand to ease you into the server and teach you about the server. I still have the new player tag! How do I get rid of it? Your new player tag will go away automatically with 20 hours of active playtime, which you can check by doing /persona time. If you want to get it removed early which we can do after ten hours of playtime. you can also make a /creq in-game. When do I get a second persona slot? You can get a second persona slot once you no longer have the “New Player” tag! Do I have to apply again to make another character? How do I make a new character? Nope! To make a second character, do /menu or /me while in-game. From there you’ll see a head in the bottom left that will tell you all the instructions you need! I accidentally selected the wrong race when making a new persona, how do I change it to the correct one? You can either PK the persona slot and remake it, Outline in the persona description its correct race or you can make a /modreq and ask them to help you out! I'm lost/stuck in-game! If you get lost or stuck, feel free to run this command: /creq [what you need help with], which will send a request for a Community Team member to come help. If you have any further questions about New Player tags, please submit a Creq in-game or contact someone on the community team via the forums or within the Discord help channel by @community with your query. We also have the New Player Hub, which provides links to various server resources, from whitelisting to Command Tutorials. You can find it here. Economy/Settlement Questions How do I earn money? The in-game currency is Minas. The fastest and easiest way to get it is through voting by doing /vote in-game. You could also get a job in Roleplay by visiting settlements and asking around! Many settlements offer jobs in their tavern, guard force, stewardry, and more! What settlements/groups are there? As this server is very diverse with various niches being fulfilled throughout the server, there is an endless number of groups you can join! For a list of the different nations on the server, check here. As for the different groups and guilds within the server, you can find them through roleplay, in the #rp-groups channel in the main LotC Discord Server, or under the Guilds sub-forum here. How do I buy a house? You can contact a steward of whatever place you’re choosing to settle in and they can help you out! If you’re not sure who is or isn’t a steward, you could always ask around in Roleplay, ask in the LotC Discord, or you can join their Discord server and ask! Where and how can I build? You can build wherever you have permission to - this typically applies to areas you're settling within! To get perms in a region, run the command /rg info [tile name], then scroll up. Under “Owners” you can message whoever’s name is in green or make a request in the respectives settlement’s region permission channel! If you don’t know the tile name of the region, you can also do /rg info while standing in the region and it’ll tell you the name! General Lore Questions What is a PK and when do I have to do it? A PK is a permanent kill, which means that your character cannot come back to life. This will only occur if one of the following things happens: - You decide to PK your character. - Your character kills themselves. - Your character addresses that they will be brought back to life by the monks in roleplay. - A Moderator asks you to PK, which is usually done when a rule has been broken concerning character death. How do I learn magic? You must find a teacher through roleplay. Can my character be a villain/evil/kill people? Your character can be a villain/evil or kill people as long as you follow the server rules! If you have any further questions about Server Lore, please look here for all current server lore, if you have any further questions you can submit a Sreq in-game or contact someone in the Story Team discord that can be found here. Staff Questions Who is on staff? Our staff roster is entirely made up of volunteers from the playerbase. If you would like to view our staff members, take a look here! What staff handles what? We have several staff teams, such as Community, Story, Tech, Moderation and Admin, that handle all aspects of the server. See below for detailed information on the types of tickets they handle and a brief overview of day-to-day duties. Take a look here! Where can I file a report? For the general need of a moderator- such as for rule-breakers or someone to mediate conflict- you can always make a /modreq in-game, or ping/message a moderator in the LotC Discord. Here is a detailed guide created by moderation on the different types of reports that are possible. Can I PVP on the server? You can PVP on the server to settle conflicts, but you must follow all conflict rules, which are found here. If you have any further questions about Rules or on moderation matters, please submit a modreq in-game or contact someone on the moderation team via the forums or send a message in the Discord help channel with your query. Still need help? Feel free to contact a staff member via the forums, or Discord, or you can use the command /creq in-game and a staff member can help you out there! Credit:
  25. Camilla Falkner danced around the house while she helped her granddaughter prepare for the event. Turning to her husband. "This girl has the blood of my grandmother, you can tell. She will be a most dashing hostess and diplomat one day!"
  26. A yellow-haired elfess raised her eyebrows, grinning. "This is good! . . . I think. K a e t h u l. I think that's the city that had an impure culture!" She rushed to show the announcement to her granduncle.
  27. Out in the middle of the Southern Jungles of Aevos, the Nightshade Druid caught word of the upcoming conflict upon the wind in their scouring of the decimated forests. Birds were seen fleeing into the sky after a moment at some sort of disturbance, as Nature's song exploded forth with true sadistic glee. What a wonderful day it was.
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