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  1. Past hour
  2. Juniper, wherever she may be, found herself with a copy of the missive, humming upon reading the Coven’s name with vague familiarity. She made a note that a letter should be written, at some point. And then, she returned to her nameless travels.
  3. Robyn would hear news of his old friend's death, frowning as his mind would swim back through the many decades of good memories, from children in Petra going on adventures or sparring, to their young days in Balian fighting darkspawn and Mori and speaking of life, to their wars against the Mori, the coming to Almaris and the politics and friendships continued on to their latter days. He'd mutter under his breath "Cas, Albert, Elena...all gone...August and I are all that is left..." He'd think fondly of his old friends as he'd take a sip of wine from Enderoca, looking out over the waters towards the city on the horizon, and then over the beach to Valio "Times are changing...years have gone on...I shall see them and all the rest soon enough..."
  4. *Damien Welcomed the queen in the seven skies* "anywhere you go in live or death i still shall serve you"
  5. Published the 11th of The Deep Cold, Castle Montresor ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Ec hic sedemus in ebore nostro" Hither and hearken, to the wizards and sorcerers of the continent. The lady of the tower now quests for a tutor of evocation, alchemy, and enchantment. With every aim on bridging the philosophy of the arcane and the outer to the halls of man, she seeks to be schooled and explore the many laws of both the material and abstract. For, to be a great thinker, she must rightfully harness her own width of comprehension and extend herself to the path of the venerated pilgrim, gardener, and tutee. Any who come shall not be required to know of multiple talents, being alchemy and many evocations. And, instead will be judged upon their command or grasp of voidal theory and character. Thus, let all teachers be invited to the pale corridors of Montresor, where they'll be extended quarters to stay, upon selection, along with a study within the archives. Indiscriminately, all descendant-kind, whether tusked or pointed eared, will be bid with safety. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signed, THE LADY WINIFRED OF HALCOURT The Aspirant
  6. Today
  7. Le Transfert de la Fierté ‘The Transfer of the Pride’ The Enderoca Succession | 12th of Peter’s Glory, 112 BA It has been the greatest honor of my life to take on the charge of my father - despite the horrid circumstances that shall ever grieve me - and to see his dreams of the name De Lyons bearing weight once more fulfilled. To serve this Kingdom, as Magister, Peer, Gran Don, Knight, and Scribe, for many long years, has been fulfilling and a pleasure. To see the land grow in strength, justice, vibrancy, and respect. To see the defeat of those who threatened the peace and freedom of humanity, and the relative peace in our time - at least among Canondom - that has been wrought. However, age brings its dullness and lethargy and stagnancy, and the wise know when is best to pass things on, for their own health and for the best of their House. Thus, I, Ser Robert Joseph de Lyons, Viscount of Enderoca, in sound health and mind, hereby pass the title of Viscount of Enderoca and the Cercle dels Lleons and Fierté du Lion - the marks of that office - on to my eldest son and heir, Lord Tristan Aurelius de Lyons, with the succession then secure in his children. It has been my great honor to serve as peer, and I bear the greatest of confidence that the legacy and vitality of this house shall be well served in the generations to come. Signed, His Royal Majesty, Alexandros II, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Prince of Providence, Duke of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Count of Pompourelia and Kositz, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baron of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lord of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Keeper of of St Lothars Hold, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera The Most Honorable, Ser Robert Joseph de Lyons, Viscount of Enderoca, Erudit of the Order of the Silver Comet, Kritai of the Kingdom of Balian His Lordship, Don Tristan Aurelius de Lyons, Heir of Enderoca, Cavalier of the Order of the St. Michael, Palatiodoro of the Kingdom of Balian
  8. Camilla Falkner smiled brightly at the decree! "Perhaps humanity has finally remembered the horror that many faced during the time of empires. That it is better for a person to lead whom is one of the same with their people, rather than a foreign emperor who would put his values over that of his people."
  9. The Search for a Vice interior Ministri The office of the Domus Minstri 14th, of Sigismund's End of 110 B.A Following the appointment of Segnor Solebron Dekach, the Domus Ministri is seeking to appoint a Vice Interior Minister. This position will be responsible in assisting the Domus Ministri with advancing the interior of the Kingdom. To Apply, send a letter to Solebron Dekach. You must meet the following requirements : -Must be eighteen Summers old. -Must be a Balian citizen. Signed Domus Ministri, Solebron Dekach
  10. Yesterday
  11. Camilla Falkner chuckled to her husband, "We fully surveyed the Birch Forest those years ago, we never did manage to go through the cave without striking at least two rocks. Clever boy this is."
  12. "This did not age well. " Comments an Inferi, as it tosses it into the flames.
  13. TREATY OF THE SPIRES BALIAN - NUMENDIL Ratified and Published by the Kingdom of Balian and the Exilic Kingdom of Númendil on 13th of Peter's Glory, 112 BA FOREWORD, The Kingdom of Balian and The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil are pleased and do hereby announce the renewal of the treaty known as 'TREATY OF PORTOREGNE'. The renewal emphasises a common commitment to peace, cooperation, and prosperity and is a testament to the relationships that have been carefully cultivated over time. As we move forward, may this revitalised treaty operate as a beacon of our unwavering dedication to these ideals, directing our decisions and actions. To a world of peace and prosperity in the future for all of humanity. DEFINITIONS. THE CO-SIGNATORIES shall henceforth signify the Kingdom of Balian and the Exilic Kingdom of Númendil. HEAD OF STATE shall henceforth signify either the Sovereign of Balian or the Sovereign of the Exilic Kingdom of Númendil. ON SOVEREIGNTY The Kingdom of Balian and The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil hereby recognise each other’s claims to sovereignty and their right to the lands they claim as their own, ruled by their respected leaders. They also recognise their ability to claim land that is not part of their recognised government. ON NON-AGGRESSION The signatories swear to not take up arms against the other and pursue diplomatic means to upkeep peace. Should the Kingdom of Balian and The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil take up arms against the other, All other clauses of this pact will be thereby null and void, unless reinstated by both nations. ON DIPLOMACY The co-signatories thus agree to adhere to promote the Diplomatic Privileges. These are as follows; (1) inviolability of official documents, or property belonging to the co-signatory state (2) diplomatic immunity of designated diplomats, and (3) assurance of good faith during cooperative endeavors between states. Any violation of these above granted privileges, by dignitaries of the co-signatory states, will be considered hostile activity. The Co-Signatories thusly adhere to promote the principle of ‘diplomacy-first’; whereas hostile actions be taken between the signatories, will first and foremost be resolved through discourse between the sovereignty of issue, and the designated diplomats aforementioned. REGARDING THE MATTER OF EFFORT The signatories shall engage in a combined martial and spiritual effort to combat the influences of darkspawn and other such agents of ruin. The signatories henceforth agree to a combining of forces and supplies alike to combat the threat of the darkspawn that has grown in recent years. ON FREE MOVEMENT The Kingdom of Balian and The Sovereign Exilic Kingdom of Númendil hereby pledge that the citizens of both states are allowed complete free movement between their lands. However, any military matters conducted on the other’s land must require written consent to do so. CULTURAL EXCHANGE & EXCHANGE OF KNOWLEDGE Thus does the Kingdom of Balian and the Exilic Kingdom of Númendil engage in the matter of cultural exchanges between their realms, promising to hold feasts, festivals and events within the lands of the other to further the relations, cooperation and understanding between the two realms. The Signatories do henceforth promise the exchange of knowledge between the realm’s citizens, with citizens of each realm able to freely procure knowledge from the other’s libraries etc. This covers all texts and books of knowledge. ON DURATION This treaty shall remain in effect for the duration of the reigns of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë, King Alexander II whichever should come to an end first. In such an event, this agreement will be open to renewal or renegotiation. Signed, His Royal Majesty, Alexandros II, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Prince of Providence, Duke of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Count of Pompourelia and Kositz, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baron of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lord of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Keeper of of St Lothars Hold, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera Signed, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalionath, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Númenedain, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath, Protector of the Adunians, Master of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, Knight of the Realm
  14. I think I've heard of that Xan fella, isn't he PCV banned or something?
  15. "My soul aches," Daniel CVXII Alstion weeps as his kinsman passes.
  16. The Wildsmen, Victor, brushed aside the canvas of his tent and rubbed at his eyes gently. The morning brought the sounds of the Aryn-an-Eryn through the trees to his ears; mostly the sound of birds chirping in the morn. The Wildsmen stepping out would do as he usually does; despite the corruption of the Kingswood, he monitored the movements of game and fauna, as he would in the healthier regions. Hunt the Monster. There would surely be monsters to hunt.
  17. The Scar of Order flared its painful red hue as the man shot a glance to the sunless sky above, exhaling a plume of smoke as he'd flick the cig into the waters. His gaze drifted down from the heavens onto a bobber in the water, grasping the fishing rod as visions and audible hallucinations of bells and golden mists surrounded his seated position along the coast. His brow furrowed, his focus on the reality in front of him being tested for a few moments longer before the visions left him. "Do not let the sun set.." he'd murmur aloud to himself. The bobber dipped below the waters surface.
  18. Would sign the document and wonder what happened to the knights since Halston and Gerard.
  19. Adventure is out there! Thank you in advance Much like the escapades we’ve had within the past few years. Those who live in The Unified Domain of Vortice extend an invitation to the residents of Aevos to join us on a spelunking expedition into the Caverns below the towering karsts of Talon’s Roost! We will be going diving through an underwater tunnel, so be sure to bring water-breathing potions to help your fellow explorers out as we can only supply so many We will provide medical kits, adventuring packs, and various other necessities. That is; while supplies last for we can’t predict the outcome of those that wish to join us. There is no guarantee that there will be enough for everyone. A depiction of the tunnel’s entrance has been included. We shall be gathering in three months time Warning: There is a chance that you may perish during this expedition. Vortice does not hold responsibility for any of your actions leading to your demise or trauma. You have been warned
  20. Full Name of Man - Lorand Korvacz II Date of Birth of Man - 1944 Full Name of Woman - Arowyn Whitewood Date of Birth of woman - 1944 Location of Ceremony - Lotusgrad Location of Ceremony (Year) - 1978 Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Mother Alrisha (The wedding was 2024.05.31) ===================================================================================================== Full Name of Man - Alejandro Flores Date of Birth of Man - 1958 Full Name of Woman - Marcela Denodado Date of Birth of woman - 1961 Location of Ceremony - Hyspia Location of Ceremony (Year) - 1979 Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Mother Alrisha
  21. good to see more regular application updates, at what point can we expect a retention update?
  22. Definitely would be usefull given we're down a malflame treating method. Th idea of a painkiller for soul-pain is a good take on that too! Howeverv-- bit of a note about the affect on dark CAs. Since malflame affects the soul, and this is meant to treat that soul damage, would it then make sense to specify it causes pain to a corrupted/modified soul? And that things w/o a soul see no effect (because there's nothing for the potion to act on). Something 2 consider maybe?? Not entirely sure.
  23. Cathan stared at his bed, holding on for dear life as he had a feeling that he would be lost to the Afterlife if it were destroyed...
  24. GRAND-DAUGHTER, On the matter of the Transcript from the Royal Duma, and the definition of the Owynist Sect as heretical and Schismatics, We, of the Church have taken the matter upon our own hands, and have thusly sent a letter to the Lord Siegmund Weiss a letter months before in private, rebuking him for such claims, and urging him to reconsider for a more united man. These tempers of inter-sect strife ought not to be rekindled once again, and to be brought at the forefront, for it will spawn vitriolic rebuke, and will pave the way to reigniting the conflict which we have spent so many hours to queel by our own hand. Siegmund Weiss, in wise counsel has elected to rescind his statement to us in earnest three-four years ago, and we consider the matter, as the Church to be sealed. Let no rebuke be made of this within the Waldenic Diet, for matters of religious are inherently the right of the Canonist Church to address.
  25. IGN: sinjanko DISCORD: shy_disaster CATEGORY: Visual Art TITLE OF YOUR PIECE: "Colors of the Parrot"
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