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  1. Today
  2. "Happy Pride month." Stated the Barrowlord.
  3. Lesser Enchantments r still fun, but greater and potent uhhmmm... yeah idc we could also just move all the artisan-esque spells into artificer ngl We could also do a full rewrite. A lots possible.
  4. Hello kind citizenry of Celia'nor! We are proud to announce the opening of the city's newest book shop. The Tavarian Librarian is an all purpose book seller who not only offers valuable tomes at reasonable prices, but will pay top mina to expand its own collection. So come on by and see what's on the shelves at... THE TAVARIAN LIBRARIAN
  5. [!] A Servus golem hands the Starbreaker a copy of the post. Curiously, he accepts it and takes a brief look... Upon looking at the price, the Dwarf spits out his drink. "Armakak 'ave merceh- et is just ah single ingot, an' not even refined by ah Khazad at that." With that, the Starbreaker hands the post back to the Servus golem where it is returned to the merchantry board.
  6. IGN: Aihp DISCORD: aihp CATEGORY: Visual Art TITLE OF YOUR PIECE: "Sweet Dreams"
  7. Blessed Gerard would wait upon the gates with open arms. "It is bon to see you again, Jean d'Auan!"
  8. A recluse vestal hid within his secluded lodge, far in the north did he bring more firewood to warm the home of him and his companion. He huffed as he looked to his hand, dropping firewood to dry as he placed his axe atop the stock. The woodsman looked over his right, leaning over so as he struggled to catch his breath. Was it age that was catching up with him..? No, never. It couldn't. Lucian Horen looked over his warmed clothing, a hand brushing over it. Was he shot, did he not notice? Was he losing blood? Why did he feel so cold? He took off the glove of his right, brushing the thick cloth and furs of his chest. His breaths deep, yet hollow- was this it? Finally had the reaper come for his tax? It seemed not. His body was warm, steam burning against the frigid northern air. The thick pine smell nearly overwhelmed his senses as he clutched at his chest. Deeper, further within. It was not his body, his heart which struggled; but his very soul. His connection beyond, that which made him whole. He attempted to reach The Sunlit Lord, his connection burning within; and fading away in an instant. Like a match dropped into water, a flame snuffed within an instant upon his call. His emerald mists manifested for but seconds before trickling out, the last time he would ever be able to call upon them. It was not just this, but a connection deeper as he who graced him with trial, learning, and blessing too had his torch of life snuffed from him. "Oh, Jack." He murmured. "What happened to you?"
  9. *Onon, as per always with his lacking ability to read was left to mumble quietly under his breath as he slowly, and almost painfully so to anyone without a patience of someone as old as himself read thru the misive* "Complacency had always Been our downfall. Even better to see people band together against the ever growing darkness too." *Mused the haenseni Wood elf, after a moment of thought admiting to himself* "If not for my curent aligances it would have Been tempting to join... I must say that much. Perhaps I shall pay them a visit regardless?" *With that conclusion. The Mali started heading off, that was to be seen when he had the moment for it.*
  10. ((more Hesthor/Scorthuz shamans. +1 ))
  11. Alara Camian who had only vague memories of Waibiao - more than any of her many nieces and nephews, certainly - received the missive and smiled softly. The original, she placed before the statue of High Keeper Alisa Camian which stood in the Hearth Temple, and burned it over a red candle as an offering. A copy of the letter, however, she committed to her library, where it might be forever immortalized in the collection of her otherworldly patron...
  12. 16th of Suns Smile, 112 B.A In honor of the late Queen Sybille I, a grand hunting festival will be held following the funeral of her Majesty. A multitude of events shall be available during the festival for all inclined attendees to enjoy. Market A small market will be set up, and any merchant who wishes to attend should send notice to Lavanya Aruna Novellen. Memorial pieces will also be available for attendees. Fishing competition Fishing was one of her late Majesty's earliest pastimes, used as a mechanism of bonding between herself and her late husband. A lighthearted fishing competition will be held prior to the hunts kick-off, with prizes to the winners. The Hunt For the main event of this festival, a grand hunt will take place within the surrounding forests of Portoregne. The thick tropical underbrush is home to many beasts and creatures, including a rather tempestuous tiger which has been terrorizing the local ranch animals. As a thank you to those brave hunters who seek to fell the beast, all products from the animal will be available for the participants troubles. Memory sharing of Sybille I Those who knew her majesty are encouraged to share your favorite memories of her in life as we gather for drinks and merriment in the Hungry Hippo Tavern following the successful hunt. SIGNED, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Alexandros II, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Prince of Providence, Duke of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Count of Pompourelia and Kositz, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baron of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lord of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Keeper of of St Lothars Hold, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Lavanya of Cresonia, Queen-Consort of Balian
  13. Cresence Sythaerin bids 800 mina
  14. why arn't we doing story team SCP games, that game is fire!
  15. Yesterday
  16. The sounds of chains and distant footsteps reverberated through his door. "Destiny burned bright, this night." a soft spoken voice said. Then, silence.
  17. I would love to see this as an addition to Voidal Magic, seems like a very interesting addition in my opinion great job +1
  18. Alejandro, the Master of Hunts, read over the missive with a furrowed brow, "Voidal magic.. Hrm.. As long as it is kept under control, I suppose, I will put up with it." The missive is set aside, upon the ever growing pile of letters and documents within his office, and he rises to continue planning his next hunt.
  19. Some were in the birch woods. Balled up in madness was a woman with all lost. Such term defined her, as she crossed dunfarthing she saw this missive… and then the fires. Her anger grew and swelled before…. Just tears. Sofiele only could cry and yell as she threw the missive away across the pond. The woman who was once a calm yet kind warrior. Felt cold, angered yet distressed, and confused of all the emotions she’s never learned to understand. But how do you come to heal from forsaking your own emotions for a purpose? ”I- I- Have to find the light…” then she continued to wander back into these woods.
  20. A dwarf dwelled in dark places, thinking back on that fated day which had changed everything. "Perhaps redemption is not beyond us..." he contemplated.
  21. Ramona grins quite pleased indeed. How birds have taken over, haps horses are next
  22. I believe @GMROis leading them now, I would suggest reaching out to him. Great to see you around old friend, hit me up on discord at yopplwasup to catch up.
  23. Somewhere within the hallowed halls of the God-Eater, Azdromoths loyal Forgelord is interrupted in it's peerless craftswork by a hooded acolyte. The robed figure reports to the Tyrant of the Forge, tells of news from the dual-Kingdom, upon which the thing grins broadly, and speaks. "Well now, it seems that your old friends are active. Shall I pay them a visit, and see if these new Marian Knights live up to the legacy of their forebears, oh Ironclad Blacksmith?" With a flick of the wrist, the acolyte is dismissed, and the Forgelord prepares for to wander once more.
  24. Farian-Chief av Gylldene once again just so happens to be there as Ellenore enjoys her wyvern meat and Elderberry wine, apparently. As he is offered the invitation, his eye of animatii creation glances over the Balianite royal parchment once again, its travel pausing once again as it addresses Ellenore as "his", "royal majesty", and "Eiriksdóttir", one of which would be correct. "I don't believe it's an error of the hand, High Keeper. Perhaps the stamps they use for their missives are out of date. Regardless, the Balianites have been good allies to us. It would be amiss for us to not attend their Queen's funeral." He would offer a nod to her as he joined in searching for his clan member, Sera Gylldene.
  25. THE CITY OF NEW VALDEV A CALL TO MERCHANTS; OPPORTUNITY AWAITS! Issued by the Office of the Grand Maer 532 E.S. Hear ye, all merchants and shopkeepers of Aevos, The Royal City of New Valdev has proven, since its reconstruction, to be a hub of lively activity and business since its reconstruction. However, we find that we have yet to extend our hand in offering to those merchants, both native and foreign, to sell their wares within the walls of our great northern capital. Thus, we invite any and all interested to make a substantial amount of coin to come and survey our available stalls for purchase. With the daily bustle of citizens and visitors that pass long our streets, we can ensure a substantial boost in profit for all who decide to do their business here. Available Stalls (at the time of this publication): Stall VI Stall VII Stall VIII Stall XII Stall XVII Stall XVIII Stall XIX Stall XXI Stall XXII Stall XXIII Stall XXIV Stall XXV Please contact Grand Maer Ioanna Kortrevich (@MunaZaldrizoti), Lord Treasurer Mikhail Colborn (@Kaladin Stormblessed), or any available steward for stall inquiries! Prices range from 15 - 20 mina! Signed, Her Ladyship, Ioanna d’Arkent-Kortrevich Grand Maer of New Valdev.
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