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The Wedding of Erich Erwin Barclay and Margot Brianna Beckham de Frand

3rd of Tov and Yermey, 380 E.S






Artists’ depiction of Erich Barclay and Margot de Frand


In the sight of GOD, the pair of Duke Erich Barclay and Fair Margot Beckham de Frand are to be wed within the coming days of the warm summer. With great joyousness, all Haeseni people are all cordially invited to spectate the merry ceremony that will take place within the Chapel of Blessed Nicolas in the Duchy Reinmar. After the wedding, all are asked to join the newlyweds in the traditional Reinmaren celebration and revelry with the wedding joust and feast following. The ceremony will begin on the 2nd of Wzuvar and Byvca, 378 ES (OOC: Wednesday July 7th, 5:30pm EST).


Whilst all are invited to attend, the following have received special invitations:



The Noble Pedigree of House Barclay

His Holiness Tylos I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon @rep2k
His Royal Majesty, Georg I Barclay, King of Sutica and in Atheran Salvus and his Royal Family of Barclay @MadOne


The Right Honourable, Aimee Carrion-Tuvyic née de Frand, Countess-Dowager of Dobrov and her noble pedigree @Levicourpos

Agnes de Falstaff  @EmiliainWonderland

Gray Beckham



His Royal Majesty, Heinrik II, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his Royal Family of Barbanov. @Rudi

His Highness, Vytrek Tundrak, Prince of Fenn and his subjects @Monkee

His Highness, Leopold de Joannes, Prince of Sedan and the Lords of Sedan @Dogged

His Grace, Ruslan Baruch, Duke of Valwyck and his noble pedigree @Sarmadonn

The Grace, Maric II var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his noble pedigree @GMRO

The Right Honorable, Jan Otto Kortrevich, Count of Jerovitz and his noble pedigree @Luminaire

The Right Honorable, Kazimar Ludovar, Viscount of Seswesk his noble pedigree @HogoBojo

The Honorable, Isaak I Amador, Viscount of Aurveldt and his noble pedigree @Pureimp10

His Lordship, Stefan II Vyronov, and his noble pedigree @Wolfey34

His Lordship, Hildrebrand Mondblume, and his noble pedigree @Limo_man

His Highness, Franz Barbanov, and his noble pedigree @Gusano


His Excellency the Lord Palatine of Hanseti-Ruska, Adrian Colborn, and his family @JuliusAakerlund

His Excellency the Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska, Igor Kort @erictafoya

Henry Bishop, Hauptmann of the Reinmaren, and his family @Javert

Otto Wittenbach, President of the Northern Geographical Society, and the rest of the NGS @Etow

Fionn Castaway, Patriarch of House Castaway and and his family @Fionn

Ser Zodd Calliban, Crow Knight of Hanseti-Ruska @AdmiralLB

Duncan of Kaminus @Dymase


Signed by,


 His Majesty, Heinrik II, Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Ulgaard, Lahy, Sorbesborg and Slesvik, Duke of Carnatia , Margrave of Korstadt and Rothswald, Count of Chatnik, Nenzing, Graiswald, Karikhov, Baranya, Kvasz, Kavat, Karovia, Kovachgrad, Torun, Turov, Kaunas, Alban, Reza and Markev, Viscount of Grauspin, Baron of Antioch, Thurant, Rytsburg, Venzia, Esenstadt, Krepost, Kralta, Varna and Antioch, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector of the Highlanders,

His Grace, Erich Erwin Barclay, the Lord Treasurer of Hanseti-Ruska, Duke of Reinmar, Count of Kretzen, Baron of Freising and Sigradz, Lord of Wilheburg and Freisburg, Chief of the Reinmaren.


 Margot Brianna Beckham de Frand

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