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"Brethren an Sisters under the Brathmodrakin, yesterday we won a great victory in the field. Our valor, courage, duty and honor has not gone unoticed. We by fulfilling our duties an promises can rest assured t'at our souls will not be lost in the great beyond. Today we are soldiers, tomorrow we are heros, only in death are we legends. 


For Keng, for Kin, for Clan, for Kengdom for Brathmordakin an for Uruguan!!!


Ut vellar!! Ut vellar!!" 


The young dwarf man declared in the squares of Uruguan. Still with his bloodsoaked legionaires armor. The comraderie and strength between all of the dwedar legionaries made them do the good fight. They held the line together and they all made it to the end. Grelu knew this was his duty, his calling, he will serve til death and beyond. He will not fear death, he will respect death, he will value his kin above personal glory and he will serve. 

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"GOTT is with us! Victory is with us!" the Duke of Kanunsberg of Minitz bellowed, raising his blade high with his fellow brethren.


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A elf had flicked the blood of a slain Veletzian off her blade, the fool had spent too long aiming his crossbow to notice the lithe figure sliding a masterwork blade through his daemonsteel armor and into his heart in the heat of combat. Her shattered silver eyes crossing the battlefield, until those mirrors reflected a familiar blue. A blade of undeniable value and renown, she knew the enemy, and she saw his target, the king whom was mowing down the enemy forces. The woman took after the man charging the leader, and her shoulder met his side, pushing him off course with her allies, keeping him from his prize. However the fog of war soon came, as Veletzians rescued their Ferryman ally- right as her emerald blade came for his throat. She hunted the man until his retreat down a well, watching his flight from the battle. She chose not to follow the snakes into their den, and instead to lay claim to their objective- the keep.

"How fitting that the rats flee into the sewer, next time however, I will not allow any to escape." The woman affirmed, as she left to burn the corpses and leave them with their last rites- spotting the forms of many a ferryman fall from the wall- including some who had personally made themselves her enemy... "Choosing to be a villain really hasn't worked out for many of you has it? May your souls find peace beyond the veil... Though I doubt it."

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Ser Audo Weiss navigated the rubble from the strikes of the artillery. The squires and knights had rallied well, many manning the artillery early on which had wrought such destruction. He brought Wustenlowe fought, his poleaxe, which still gleamed red and raw and ready. "Va ve Maan." He muttered.

Another war - another day.

In some ways, it was all he knew. And in some more twisted way, he found it to be his place. His single gaze, distant, lacking his more personal self, peered out across the soldiers milling around. His knights - his squires - his son - his wife: he would have to catch up and ensure each survived the battle.

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Credit to @MadOnefor the picture


"Make sure you're getting this light." Patriarch Josef posed with his spyglass for his battlefield portraitist, admiring the work of his trebuchet and cannon teams.

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As Demitrey Denodado walked through the holes in Blackwater Keeps walls, flashbacks of battles past began to cross his vision. As he looked to the gate, he saw the gate to Amaethea’s keep, and a large Mori borrowing its way through the tight corridor with men ready to fight it with spears and polehammers.


More rubble would fall from the ruined wall, which would catch his attention. When Demitrey looked to the wall, though, he saw the ruined walls of Savoy, where Brothers of Brev martyred themselves for the survival of others. 


He stumbled back down the steps of the courtyard, away from the sounds of cracking lightning from the magic the Brothers of Brev used in Savoy. When he turned to face the stairs, however, he saw the gardens of Karosgrad, which he was walking into. Before him would be the sight of the Grand Ballista, crushed by the dead Giant Centipede that he and Skaul @JesterMilk had skewered, while fire erupted all around him. 


The man stood still in horror as visions of the past continued to play across his eyes, until a gentle hand patted his shoulder. He jumped and turned around, only to see his daughter Maria @Myrthe standing there, and from her, the flashbacks that had surrounded him faded away.


“Ah, Hija..! Y’am so happy to see vy. Vy did great today.. Are vy ready to head home?”

Edited by Nymstra
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From within the Chapel of Saint Johann in Minitz, a blonde monk of previously-noble origins knelt before the altar. In his hand was a prayer rope, his fingers going through each knot slowly, he mouthed the words "GOD, Lord of Horen, have mercy on us sinners" over and over as he prayed for the victims of the war as the days of the siege passed. He moved not from his place in the temple, with neither food nor water, he fasted for those who fought with sword and spears, for both the Aaunish and the Haeseni, as well as for the Veletzians and the Ferryman, so that GOD may show them their error and bring them to repentance.


Every now and then, small teardrops rolled down his face, and he read from the Scroll of Gospel "Lo, wickedness cannot undo what wickedness has done. Your home shall never return in your life. But know that God is great, and the waters of Gamesh are His creation."



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"If I die here on this day, at least I'll have died a free man."

But Jean de Rennes did not die that day - chanting prayers to the Lord, the foreigner charged out of the trenches and across the scorched earth of no-man's land; alongside men of Merryweather, who had once been valued allies of his House; and by the side of King John of Aaun, his benefactor, to breach the vipers' den together.

Instead of death, on that day he knew victory.


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Wrotek sat down, the tension of battle leaving him. Now at the camp, he inspected his spoils of war. The mercenary wasn't used to the feeling of national pride shared by the rest of the army, but charging alongside Aaun and the coalition to victory?  That was a something worth treasuring.


That and the heaps of loot they had claimed, of course. "Heh. Bardzo dobry."

Edited by TheGentleDuck
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Amidst the chaos of war - Gob Ztabba-Zniffa a deformed goblin with aspirations as big as his nose hopped onto the mighty war machine as the order to charge was given. He had loaded every boulder and stone of this machine, coughing and licking every single one in hopes to make the enemy all the illnesses he has. But now it was HIS turn! "ZHOOT MI WIT DA BIG WAGH ROKK THROWAH!" the little goblin screamed to Sibyl Gwyneth, The Crown Princess of Balian @HIGH_FIRE admits the chaos who had been firing every shot of this machine - each of them striking true! With a confused look the princess nods, aiming the goblin-shaped terror at the Keep as he filed his teeth to be even sharper. The last TWFUNG! of a war machine followed by a scream echoed among the sounds of battle as a green blur zoomed it's way over the two armies. One would think it would be the end of this goblin but no! Thanks to Sibyl's great aim and the lack of any walls the screaming shot found it's target - it's pointy hat finding itself in the gut's of a Veletzian soldier next to Ser Gaspard. Quickly did the small goblin act - His large nose bent unnaturally and armed only with his sharp teeth, he bit Ser Gaspard and shook his head like a blood-hound trying to break the man's arm. Was it not for the quick advance and battle-prowess of the Coalition army, Gob would have died there - yet he survived as his fellow bannermen cut through the opposition. He even got a cool sword! Too bad he's too small to wield it... 

Edited by MrMojoMordor
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Isurus would begin his sword training. A large dark purple bruise would be seen eclipsing the left side of his face centering on his temple. "For my family... for Norland... and for the Covenant!" He'd shout to force himself on as his body ached from the hours of holding the heavy longsword. He will be ready.

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6 hours ago, oryP said:

The Count of Marsana held his blade high after the decisive victory in Breakwater. "The ******* fairies never stood a chance against the Covenant of..." He counted on his hands. "Eight!"


Lalina stood alongside the Count as she had followed him during the battle and helped him load the trebber they had been assigned together. Full of sweat and relief in her visage after it was all over. The girl cried out in victory amongst the rest.


"I thought I was going to die so many times, m'Lord. But it is not over yet I assume" she laughed.

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Angr Stonehammer walked alone at night long after the battle, the only sign of his presence being the silver glow of his golemantic eye piercing the darkness enshrouding the ruined keep. He rummaged through the rubble of the collapsed ramparts whilst everyone else had long returned to their cities celebrating over tankards of ale and slabs of cooked meat. "Dah victors soh easileh forget dah lives ov dah fallen, as ef d'ey were mereleh cattle tae slaughtahr." He grumbled to himself, pulling the corpse of a ferryman out from beneath a wooden support beam and setting them down onto a makeshift sled to tug them down the hill. "T'es es not honor. Even t'ese savage brigands deserve respite ahnd burial befur d'ey are tae beh bid 'pon en dah Khazadentrumm. Weh 'av ah duteh tae uphold respect fer our opponents, even aftah d'ey are dead and regardless ov whethah d'ey would du dah same." Angr stopped before a row of Ferryman and Veletzian corpses he had lined out earlier in the night and deposited the new corpse at the end beside their comrades. He briefly took a sip from a silvery flask, then poured the rest out into the empty pit he had dug for a mass grave. Throughout the rest of the night, few may have heard prayers from a priest of Dungrimm and the clanging of a metal spade far out in the fog over the loud cheering and partying of the allied forces.

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"The Dragon will behead the Bull. GOD will see to it. 

For Heirnich, for Edmund, for Walter and for Leopold."


Aleksander Jazlowiecki said as he walked out of the ruins of Fort Breakwater, the mighty keep was conquered. The Lechian soldier then glanced at his comrades by the fireplace, the same men he fought with against the Veletzians. On that day, they were the victors, but their fight was far from over.


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Belekar Starbreaker has not left the forge for days following the battle. His hands, once stained black with powder from manning the cannonry, now stained by soot and grime as he beats out dented helms, sharpens dulled blades, and pries apart broken rivets in chestplates and pauldrons. There is much work to be done, much work that he normally enjoys. Yet his face is... Unhappy.

By all accounts, this should have been his finest hour.

He brought low the Breakwater Walls, partaking in the greatest artillery bombardment civilization had ever seen.

He marched with the largest united army seen since the Mori wars.

He fought alongside his Clansdwed, his Adunian compatriots, every person he loved and swore loyalty to, all at once.

And he won.

He should be ecstatic.

So why was there a bad taste in his mouth?

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