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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. server will face its own trolley problem very soon


    1. Neviah


      And it’ll be either hilarious or devastating to watch yeah

    2. UnusualBrit
  2. Sink or Swim.


    No-one escapes the lore games

    1. Trinn


      are you okay joel

    2. Elennanore


      He is not okay

  3. snoren rn

    1. Javert


      Can't believe I'm saying this but. Based Dingo?

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      introducing the new breathe strips (tm) to help stop your nasal congestion and give you a better sleep. 100% guaranteed to stop snoren habits for good!

  4. so et training sessions are lit @Final

  5. so here comes another 53 week no battle or outcome war? 




    1. Nooblius


      It’s what we like to see.

  6. so how much time till the helves **** up and actually get genocided by whoever wins the war?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wendigo


      We always prevail.

    3. excited



      It's easy to prevail when you don't PK, it's like dealing with Ghouls roflmao.

    4. ShameJax


      i mean you didnt prevail when connor williams was slain earlier today

      and no, ooc complaining when an admin tells you off by sending logs does not count

      and no, oocly lying to your own people is not a good thing

  7. so we can’t have shitty flintlocks but we’re allowed giant bear companions that teleport to people

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Temp


      I don’t think many people did get the point, Grim.

    3. James


      My point still stands for the latter as well ?

    4. WuHanXianShi14


      guns that shoot bears

  8. sorry guys it was me :/

    1. Jonificus



  9. step 1 to being a good roleplayer

    if you're an elf dont emote your ears twitching PLEASE

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Raomir


      its kinda cute tho :3

    3. Medvekoma


      @Raomir Ow0 *snuggles up to you "What is this?" Nudges at your bulge. :3

    4. Harri


      what if a fly lands on them and you reflexively twitch them to get it off

  10. stop making repfarms using muskets it's performative activism rep

    1. Kaiser


      hanrahan is a menace and must be stopped

    2. Hanrahan


      am not.......

    3. monkeypoacher


      [poll] arquebuses

  11. telanir is an unironic accelerationist

  12. the age of heroes will only exist when military order roleplay is restored to glory and discord is not used to vc during events and conflict

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. seannie


      i loved getting message spammed by teutons in the lotc teamspeak during warclaims

    3. rukio


      The age of heroes will never return. 

    4. UnbanCharlesTheBald2021


      I will revolutionize military order roleplay. 

  13. the biggest racket on lotc is the skinning community. how u going to let someone charge you a mid-range game for a pixel skin.


    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      how else am i gonna flash my cash

    3. Smmer
    4. Crevel


      $5 AUD Steam gift card, take it or leave it.

  14. the erper shall be smited under the brutality of ecw

  15. the joy of being a hater is what maintains my drive and passion for the server

    1. Lhindir_


      Idk if that’s a flex lol

    2. ScreamingDingo


      @Lhindir_simply just establishing my existence as an emotional vampire

    3. Lhindir_
  16. The next few weeks are going to be so exciting!!

    If you thought the forums were rowdy now it's gonna be AMAZING soon :3 :3 :3

    1. Ford


      You’re such a ******* ho, I love it

    2. DahStalker
  17. the oppression exuded by the forum moderation is something that disgusts me and i demand its immediate removal

    1. rukio


      Remove forum mods. Add rukio13

    2. Harold


      You deserve everything you get for removing our subrace you monster

    3. Viraj Dobrial

      Viraj Dobrial

      who is screamingdingo

  18. The person below me is a disgusting degenerate.

  19. the problem w/ meta is entire nations running off it, not defending from a raid like come on

  20. think dwarves might be seeing doubles :)

  21. think the only thing more annoying than these ads are my signature and print screen links not working properly

  22. think the real issue w/ conflict on this server is the people who preach dynamism are normally those who refuse anything bad to happen to them by any ooc means possible.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Shmeepicus


      2 hours ago, Burnsider said:

      My favorite part of LOTC nowadays is when you let your character lose, but then the other side gets mad at you for not losing in the way they wanted you to. Come on, now, you got the win.

      Does this actually happen?! 

    3. Burnsider


      Happened when my last character died, for example.

    4. rukio


      @Burnsider See, I don't really believe in playing to lose because a lot of people are negative energy even if you do lose. I don't, however, usually kill the person I'm in conflict with anymore unless they're doing something *really* dumb or being a skyrim bandit npc where you beat them down and they cower then try to backstab or w/e. I think its more fun for both sides if you let them live, maybe take a finger or something at most, unless they're some serial killer or w/e where it doesn't make sense to let them live. 

  23. Third time is the charm, isn’t it?

    1. Sorcerio


      I love Minecraft roleplay.

    2. Nug


      watch your back story boy.....

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