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Status Updates posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. 30k xp mining in 8 hours. I am ded. Only halfway to being able to mine diamond. The grind! THE GRIND!!!

    1. Nolan_


      leave it to the professionals 

    2. Bvie
    3. Nekkore


      The dreeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmm

    1. HardstyleRaver2


      Dark elves master race

    2. Mabah


      Corn master race

    3. BrandNewKitten


      All hail the corn! It's glorious corn empire shall rise to the heavens and make all thine pumpkins bow in allegiance to their glory. 


      Incoming halfling eventline. 

  2. What ever happened to that LOTC series or that YouTube guy? Do we have an unofficial media team still? 

    1. Space


      which one?

    2. Achilles
    3. Bobby123


      No the took down the media team, rip my brothers, i pray for the day they give us our right back!

  3. Can my forum rank be set to the proper nodes, FMs? I need Event & VIP50.

    1. Ducklingator


      Can my in-game rank be set to the improper nodes, Telanir? I need event, Aether VIP, Admin lead & 2Kawaii5u

    2. Nekkore


      Pretty sure that's not our jobs but more admins lol

    3. BrandNewKitten


      I am a builder but thank you

  4. Posted once. Posting again. Tweaking Arcanism a tiny bit and adding in some late game stuff. Have an idea pertaining to it? Message me or participate in the discussion on my profile!

    1. Destroyer_Bravo


      how much kinetic energy is behind an arcanism projection, and over what area is that energy applied

    2. Mephistophelian


      What late game stuff are you thinking of adding?

    3. Nug
  5. That's wrong, Unbaed. You were supposed to put -1

    1. UnBaed
    2. Vaynth


      The nerve. :(

    3. Summorox


      You ruined everything,Unbaed

  6. Do you think NPCs get lonely without us on?

    1. Suxals


      nah, they have all our minas, surely they are having a big party.

    2. warlord of filth
    3. garentoft


      the banker npc's have repo'ed everything.

  7. Half the server is high elven atm. 4/8 people

    1. mitto


      thats also all the active high elven populace

    2. Mariek


      If only we could attract them all to the city.  (Heres hoping the new city does).

    3. BrandNewKitten
  8. Instead of fixing my laptop to play LoTC I bought a very nice ipad during quarantine and have been teaching myself to illustrate. 

    I do miss RPing magic tho.

    1. Aislin


      That's awesome! Please send me your drawings, illustration is a far more powerful magic than whatever degenerate magic on LotC is going round right now!

    2. BrandNewKitten


      Holy **** it’s my troublemaking friend Aislin! 

    3. DahStalker


      You have to show us some of your drawings sometime!

  9. Hello lovey people ? The east coast has treated me well but I cannot wait to be home on the west coast. Many happy thoughts from the tepid boy adorned in many sun-toasted freckles. ☺️ See you soon. 

  10. Props to Mystery and Dingo! I think we were all impressed with the delivery of that voidal tear event! Thank you!

    1. ScreamingDingo


      All props legitimately go to @Tha_Mystery_Man . I don’t deserve any praise for it, just helped a member out when he didn’t realise how much he bit off.



    2. CanadianKiwiFlight
    3. MunaZaldrizoti
  11. Can an LT or Story (whoever actually handles lore now) point me to the info I need in order to reorganize/rewrite Arcanism/Celestialism? Have been waiting on all these voidal changes for 3 or so months now. I may not be active but I have been around for this. Just not sure what I should be doing to fit the system. (I’d like the magic I spent like 6-7 years on to live a healthy life so it is fun for me to return every now and again.) 

    1. Areon


      I’d offer to help if they contact you.

    2. Auriel_


      ^ here to send copious amounts of moral support 

    3. Princeton
  12. Hey ? Anyone know any good art commissioners? I have a few past DnD characters I would like art for. 

    1. _NotChris



      He does some awesome stuff, artwork and skins. Hit him up 

    2. Arkelos


      Numirya#5929, shes AMAZING.

    3. Korvic


      Blue Budgie#9655 Does great semi-realistic/concept style artwork.

  13. Anyone else playing Outer Worlds?

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      was considering it

    2. warlord of filth
    3. BrandNewKitten


      Yeah! It is a lot of fun so far!

      one quirk I have noticed so far is that nothing respawns. I think once you kill something it remains dead and if you put something in a container it just stays there...

      Yeah! It is a lot of fun so far!

      one quirk I have noticed so far is that nothing respawns. I think once you kill something it remains dead and if you put something in a container it just stays there

  14. Me when guns get accepted: https://imgur.com/a/B3r7GWA

    1. BrandNewKitten
    2. Ducklingator


      this is me when guns get accepted


    3. Sorcerio


      I dream of playing a Wonk Armsdealer 

  15. Nice forum avatar 

    1. Zarsies
    2. BrandNewKitten


      @Zarsies it took more work than you’d think to find it.


    3. Princeton


      Thanks dads 😌

  16. I like it +1

    1. Werew0lf


      not my thing I’m just formatting

    2. BrandNewKitten


      Oh! May I know who is the writer? I am OG creator of the magic & wanted to tip my hat at them.

      your formatting is very nice though!

    3. Werew0lf


      ill let the writer decide if they want people to approach them about it beforehand or wait until its posted

  17. LOTC is much better than trying to Rp with testificates...

    1. Kaiser


      pffft, sure it is... *Plays with his single player functions*

    2. BrandNewKitten


      *is talking with a testificate*

      Can I trade you one iron for some bread.

      *testificate walks away.*

      Hey were are you going? Grrrr...

      *Iat hits the testie only to be confronted by a huge fricking golem.*

      ... Crap.

  18. Everyone should go check out the Event team apps, including mine. These are the people that might be working part of the server. Share your opinion :D

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Builders needed, actors out of jobs :3

    2. BrandNewKitten


      Good thing I want to be a builder <3 :)

  19. Today I am finally an adult and can now legally smoke, vote, and go into adult shops. YES

  20. I really want to buy Dragons Dogma

    1. Salamandra


      Do it, amazing game, though the graphics aren't the best

    2. Salamandra


      Do it, amazing game, though the graphics aren't the best

  21. When I write a lot in one day it just makes me antsy to write some more. If I could compile all my LOTC writings I would have a very strange but very sizable book.

    1. jamesb


      I read would buy that book. 

    2. BrandNewKitten


      Just off the top of my drive I have 30k words. Not too shabby https://gyazo.com/58d773e710a1360513354b635ed0c782

  22. Does anyone know how to unbind a soul pillar?

    1. _SteelMemes_


      You just replace it with another one.

    2. Zarsies


      Just bind another soul pillar to that number, and you're good!

  23. Does anyone else ever play single player and RP like it's a zombie apacolypse? Oh... Just me then...

    1. gingernut97


      I like to hide away in my room and pretend no one exists.

      I am a very lonely person.

    2. BrandNewKitten


      I like to build barricades in my city and populate it with villagers only so I can watch them become infected and run away... By the end nothing exists but zombies, burnt houses and explosions...

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