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Status Updates posted by Space

  1. Thinking of joining a human guild. What one should I go for?

  2. If 12 people on doesn't mean bring on 4.0, I dunno what will, even if it IS like 9 in the morning EST.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. KarmaDelta


      The server was down for me so I couldnt continue my quest to leave poop in front of Syrio's home. God damn it, I couldn't find it in Alras at all. MY QUEST HAS ONLY BEGUN!

    3. Space


      Who the **** has school at the beginning of august? I thought the earliest it started in America was mid august, or like, next week?

    4. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      They started school here last week

  3. http://imgur.com/a/owpUq Screw it, I'm a **** distruber.
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. shiftnative


      I don't accept any accusations or evidence when provided via status's - it's inflammatory and potentially harmful to those accused (Private PM's > all)

    3. monkeypoacher


      Space0faids can you add me to that chat? :)

    4. KarmaDelta


      He'll give you aids doe. You want dat?

  4. Wtf birdwhisperer, if I had know you taking me off mod queue would of made me have to wait 2 weeks more, I would of never wanted it. :P

  5. RIP me. Gaius, what should my thesis about Saladin be, if you're there?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Well then, you could also do research specifically on Saladin and Richard Lionhearted's interaction because Western Europe gawked at the level of chivalry and gentlemanly behavior between the two.

    3. Space


      I think I will do that, buddy. Maybe not just between Saladin and Lionheart, but include some of the other 'honourable' things he did. Gotta extend that word count, yo. Thanks.

    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Space, if you are interested - Dante Alighieri included Saladin in his limbo for his chivalry and generosity.

  6. If the Conservatives win another election I'm moving to France.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. excited


      i disagree i personally welcome our new squid overlords

    3. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      Do you actually think that conservatives are completely against technology or are you asking that sarcastically?

    4. Space


      I honestly don't know the central tenant of conservatism. I am basing my knowledge on it off of wikipedia and the actions of the Conservative Party of Canada, who are distinctly anti-science.

  7. I don't think the 'Inquisition of all false gods' things works on LotC due to the fact that you can see the magic the other dieties have given people.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Avacyn


      no because druidism is paying reverence to the aspects and basically worshipping them as more powerful than the creator

    3. Birdwhisperer


      The Aspects are the Creator.

    4. Ark


      not in canon! + we'll still probably execute you if we find idols -shrug-

  8. http://gyazo.com/d17f74939913d8672da6314faf3b0754 Does Tythus actually keep any money from LotC? I thought profit was banked or something, incase there's a month when LotC doesn't get enough money.
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. mitto


      i read BNK melts steal beams for some reason http://i.imgur.com/pwEsiHj.jpg

    3. 501warhead


      No, the techies did not. The Paypal is in Tythus' name so it's impossible for the Techs/Devs to take any form of money from it (and trust me, tythus isn't stupid enough to hand that out.) No idea if there's any profits going on here, info like that is above my paygrade (so to speak)

    4. 501warhead


      I will say that the server is expensive and there's no denying it.

  9. If you complain about tavern RP you should just be euthanized then and there. No trial, no leniency; Judge, jury, and executioneer are all covered when you do that.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. meg


      Sir, please Sir. I think you need to calm down, Sir.

    3. Jonificus


      SIR. I will have to fire three warning shots into your chest if you don't cooperate with me here, sir!

    4. Space


      le sigh fms, le sigh.

  10. What should I get? McDonalds, Harveys, Pita Pit, or Shwarma?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. excited


      Now I'm hungry Space... Thanks

    3. Publius


      Shwarma x10000

    4. Catarrh


      I was really craving pita pit last night. Buffalo chicken, jalapeno ranch, jalapenos and feta cheese.

  11. Wow, so basically the Amyas took away the only interesting part of their roleplay and just made a generic military order? :^)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Travista


      At least they're not snow elves....

    3. Niqux


      there was no reason for amyas to remain without any real threats to the church.

    4. Devland99
  12. So Drone414's Paladin is also a Dark Shaman? Is that like... CANON?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Space


      wow never trust ooc chat apparently



      Easy mistake, many dark arts people often have pseudonyms to avoid meta; one could easily see dark shamanism on 'Errant' and Xan Paladanism on 'Skale' and assume they're one and the same. 

    4. Space


      That's lame.

  13. BRULES WATCHES GIZZY GAZZA LOOOOOOOOOL. https://gyazo.com/a3f7310e7d2f64ec9bb30e206fe0f864

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. LPT


      Also @Harrison_ I've hated youtubers like that since I was like 11 or whatever age around that I played minecraft at. Except Tobuscus, he was aight. Still found him anoying, but I dealt with it because he a decent songs sometimes. 

    3. mmat


      @Kimbap Speak for urself m8

    4. Kim


      @iMattyz just because youre not famous doesnt mean you need to take it out on me :o

  14. how is wanting to make a kurish group anymore offensive than a turkish group

  15. are there any kharajyr frost witches/kharajyr hoping to become frost witches? hmu if so, asking for a, uhm, friend.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. zaezae


      Give me rep you *****.

    3. Angmarzku


      Kha frost witch, yuck. 

    4. Space


      stop kink shaming

  16. can we please wipe persona time it's shameful

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Elfen_


      Then don't? It's a command you got to type. 


      Other people like seeing they have a billion hours invested into a server on a game.

    3. ShameJax


      I, too, would be shameful of 5000 hours on LOTC. Seriously that's over 200 days.

    4. GodEmperorFlam


      Space, if you don't want to see your time played, maybe you should just not log in anymore :)

  17. 7drHiqr.gif

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Charles_The_Bald2


      I didn't know I had a chat with you man

    3. Charles_The_Bald2


      the only person i talked during the event was priceflash, who was trying to dox me btw

    4. Charles_The_Bald2


      [2016-08-12 7:40:36 PM] dan mather's son: i'm surprised you just didnt buy the lotc database
      [2016-08-12 7:40:47 PM] dan mather's son: that's probably the easiest way lmao
      [2016-08-12 7:40:58 PM] dan mather's son: it was leaked like late 2015
      [2016-08-12 7:41:02 PM] dan mather's son: you can buy it for like 20 dollarsor are you priceflash ?

      [2016-08-12 7:43:13 PM] dan mather's son: how'd u get their accounts tho lmao
      [2016-08-12 7:43:34 PM] dan mather's son: i had cookies forum account like 1 month ago and changed charoodler to forum lead
      [2016-08-12 7:43:40 PM] dan mather's son: or wait
      [2016-08-12 7:43:41 PM] dan mather's son: like 4 months ago

  18. yo guys what about her emails

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Space



    3. mmat
    4. Ford


      neoliberalism was a mistake

  19. how is people staying one age a problem?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Space


      ok but the counter is that you can have both


      or that by not pking you might make that story and roleplay but you leave the opportunity for future




      we give pretty ultimate freedom to people on their characters withing reason, maybe this is on the boundary but i think the lack of forced auto aging is something you can argue in favour of

    3. Algoda


      I dont see a problem, as you know what you are signing up for when you freely make your human character and spend time grinding on that human character. Humans have short life-spans and have always had short life-spans. If you really are angry about loosing grinding progression, to which i agree there is a problem as i dont like the curent profession system, make an elf or dwarf and do the grinding there.

      Shame you can't edit these posts lel. But to fix my previous statement; I dont see a problem with aging, but i do see a problem with the proffessions being affected by aging. 

    4. Space


      I don't care about grinding

  20. WOOT GO TEAM CANADA! Mfw it isn't even live.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      CANADA CAN GO AND * Yells in her pillow *

    3. everblue2er101



    4. Space


      12 in rank for metals. I am talking about the woman's soccer game. If they win against USA they get to face Japan in gold.

  21. I think Volutional has a crush on every female of the server :P.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Space


      Erryone has a crush on you Panda.

    3. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      but they are cute~

    4. Space


      By every female I mean Bethina.

  22. From the way I see it, there are 2 types of RPers. One group, is the ones who are more comical then anything. They enjoy roleplaying a quirky character. Then, there are the serious ones. They enjoy RPing the serious, well thought out characters.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Space


      Serious RP man. It's the way to go. i want to be emmersed in this enviroment.

    3. Space


      Serious RP man. It's the way to go. i want to be emmersed in this enviroment.

    4. Space


      Serious RP man. It's the way to go. i want to be emmersed in this enviroment.

  23. Dragon Age 2 > Skyrim

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Antharin


      I loved the social system of Dragon Age: Origins. Skyrim is cool too, that is because there's more money in it.

    3. craotor


      Witcher>Skyrim and Dragon age 2

    4. yekim8


      Dragon Age Origins > DA 2

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