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Status Updates posted by Kaun

  1. Flays walk into the Malinorian Inn demand 5k minas and then PvP for not having enough....

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The Dennis
    3. seannie


      and if a bunch of guys can actually manage to demand this, this sure shows the worth of dem elves eh eh eh

    4. Bircalin


      This is pretty much asking for an argument to ensue. To prevent anything further happening, I'm going to lock this for the time being.

  2. Why are NO Gms manning the Dwarven siege equipment? And only Orenian?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rhia


      Im trying to log on now, I just got home.

    3. Emenzi


      The event has been up for two weeks, it's been common knowledge.

    4. Shar'ku/jenspelao
  3. Official Count on Viewer Sights on Hackers!: 11 Total Hackers during the battle. 2 Rebel Hackers and 9 Orenian Hackers.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. wealthypiano
    3. Mingpow321


      Very anger, much real tears. Plix remove butthurt.

  4. Would anyone like to help me think up some lore for a new Magic type I plan to write about?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Supremacy


      I'll help you if you wish. That being said to shove all subtypes into one magic isn't exactly... Sensible.

    3. Dalek348



    4. PtahWithin
  5. Just thought of this. If the Cloud Temple Monks heal people even in deah, doesnt that make them necromancers?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ever


      Hey, I'm just sayin', you stab the people that bring us back, the PARTY ENDS

    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Actually, the recreate life altogether, no reanimate it. They create a duplicate of the person from their souls imprint everytime they die

    4. excited


      Err, I doubt it my char's met a real Necromancer *shudder*

  6. Wilven Monks, Healers or Necromancers? You decide :P.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Amorphbutt



    3. Blundermore


      Difference between necromancers and resurrection is that necromancers control the wills and actions of their victims.

    4. The Fact Core
  7. Do Druids need a gigantic tree or any eventline/lore event need one? Just made an absolutely massive tree.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kaun


      best i can do with chunks not staying loaded

    3. InfamousGerman


      malinor forever

    4. Kaun


      The Great Tree hath a purpose now.

  8. My brother is about to find out the one thing to make my temper thermometer burst... Mess with me when I'm tired.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kaun


      Being tired enforces my Grammar Nazi. *Personal*

    3. Eetswa


      Get real mad, get really angry and show your brother who is boss. Fist through the wall, power up, tensing and fly-kicks I want to see the whole package baby.

    4. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer


      the strongest fighter in the sonic fighting academy

  9. 1 explosion was enough ski, 50 was far too much, you blew people from the cave off the mountain still.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kaun


      funny to some, annoying to the rest. Only 8 people of like 40 lived through the spamming of the explosion.

    3. Sporadic


      Sometimes you die a glorious death with your sword held high. Sometimes you're just target practice.

    4. Naj


      Dude it was fun that event was awesome far better than some others. We weren't meant to win

  10. http://gyazo.com/8a6dc1aa1cb25fbf04bbcb7c2db02c8d No more Necro-Healers! This is in the lore of all priest healing!
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kaun


      I've seen a necro-healer... Someone's breaking rules without out a teacher if its not one of you.

    3. Demotheus


      find out who >.>

    4. Slic3man



  11. Humans complain of not defined Creator lore? Well, here thou art, behold thy Creator: Kaun! http://imgur.com/rCcXtou

  12. Is there a forum to post religions on?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. everblue2er101


      If you mean ingame religions, it depends on what you want to do with it.

    3. Kaun


      It is In gae reigions Aron, and what do you mean depends on what I wish to do with it everblue?

    4. Kaun


      It is In gae reigions Aron, and what do you mean depends on what I wish to do with it everblue?

  13. *Starts makinga potion, someone walks in on near completion. Person-"What ye doin der'?" Kaun-"Making somethi-" He looks at the potion and says, "Crap.." BOOM! The potion explodes covering his house and nearby places.. Please, dont mess with Alchemysts whenworking... just... please?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      *grabs water bucket "TRY ME! I WILL PWN YOU UP"

    3. EmeraldStag


      *looks at them* I see children playing with water and plants. :P Real men fight with swords.

    4. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      *tosses bucket at Emerald* Oh really?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Drelik


      Remember Aegis? PvP was default and people loved the server

    3. PtahWithin


      People loved Aegis because at the time the majority of the playerbase weren't assholes.

    4. Nug


      The server has changed, most people from Aegis don't play anymore, new people play now. Most of the new players don't enjoy PvP. :I

  14. Alot of people want to know what year it is well, I have an estimate from my character who was 1243 at the begining of Aegis. He is 1492 now. So around 1458 is the current year.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      Your time might be a tad off...

    3. Rilath


      Yeah, you can't be older than the age of the world. Not technically possible.

    4. VonAulus
  15. Possible 4.0 Malinor Wall Sneak! http://gyazo.com/06872481979f655ca802ac823b9bdbcb

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      Wooden walls are and always have been a horrible choice.

    3. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      *Begins fan girl screaming* Its so beautiful!

    4. Samoblivion


      Stone, yes please!

  16. Stop necromancying old topics people.... I've seen like 10 just today... gawd...

  17. Plea halp, its a LoL promotion thingy. http://christmas.riotpromotions.com/9ebBOG

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Space


      Not when they give the people who click on them adware and spyware.

    3. Dreek
    4. Heff


      Its worth a try if u wanna get raped, stalked, aids, and your computer broken

  18. @Techies/Devs/GMs/Admins How many keys are required for the largest of the key packs? It was mentioned more keys redeemed at once means better rewards, whats the key amount for the highest rewards?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sythan


      I heard 20 also.

    3. mitto


      ^ can i get confirmation on this?

    4. BartOhYeah
  19. 21 people online! :' (

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShadowoKing


      Think people fed up with temp or just busy with exams.

    3. MonkeyCoffee


      That's the highest for today!

    4. Bethykinss


      Mmmhmm, definitely the highest for today!

  20. When you have 282 kills in one life as Demoman of TF2..... You know you are good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cappy



      Achievement/idle servers


    3. MonkeyCoffee
    4. Kaun


      Actually, its spawn camping :3

  21. Forum Moderator, please remove Gronkk's post.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aislin


      I feel cyberbullied

    3. gam


      Now I'm so curious. What did it say?

    4. Aislin


      I suggested "Gronkkdanistan" as the name for new Malinor city.

  22. Who is the current leader of the Cloud Temple Monks?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eleatic


      Esch leads us OOCly, mind you.

    3. Kaun


      I need to meet with some of you guys whenever we can. I'll rply send a bird to you if I get your MC name.

    4. Eleatic


      Escharian & Lord__Byron/Borgtrek7.

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