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๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

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Status Updates posted by ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

  1. What city in Anthos do you miss the most?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Imam Faiz Kharadeen
    3. Zarsies


      Salvus was the place to be. Dark Brotherhood LYFE

    4. Supah


      What Drake said, I miss Asulon.

  2. *Lore idea* Metztli isn't impressed with the Kharajyr failing to uphold her glory. She makes a new race, less smart, but more strong. Not smart enough to defy, but strong enough to work. Gnolls? Should I write it or not? Plz no plagiarism.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. knightly11 | lotc_fox

      knightly11 | lotc_fox

      can kha just go extinct yet

    3. argonian


      im pretty sure adam barnett is the last kha

    4. Rassidic


      foxify , you erp'd with one why are you chatting

  3. Visiting the forums is like going back to France 1790's. Mostly everyone talks so polite but at times the passive-agressive hostility gets real

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Is it difficult to spell it as 'implying'?

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      And the meme goes right over Gaiu head.

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Also how do you have any idea how people spoke in 1790 France or how passive aggressive they were?

  4. Playing a Gobo is like playing LoTC in hard mode... Small, get picked on by other races. Not many understand you. Must I go on? Spread the word... Stop Gobo abuse, the Goi needs em.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nug


      do 2x2 eyes and get all the hoes

    3. Nug


      heck u skale

    4. cman64


      why dont they try to gather into a new city

  5. Wait so, is Auto-Armoring before PvP still a thing? Please tell me "No".

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Arkelos


      Lil more from menarra "auto-armoring is because most people work hard on their skins and want it actually visible, and some of those skins include armor, but if you're carrying gear which the only use is in PVP, you have the full disposal of your inventory available to you."

    3. Dougstalicious


      assume everyone has armor and you won't have a problem

    4. Birdwhisperer


      It's also so mages who aren't RPly wearing armor can still represent their magic in some way mechanically.

  6. Honestly, with all of these spread out RP communities, I don't know what to Roleplay, any ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ark


      Humans are fun, lots of conflict going on.

    3. LPT


      Orcs are slowly gainign a population, tons of fun RP that is underappreciated

    4. ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      I am an Orc, Jaden, I mean for a side character :P

  7. Renn Sterling is such a gentle fellow

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sythan


      Fite me then mayte!

    3. Gone


      Sturlen (I just wanted to join in)

    4. ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      I thought it was Steirlung? Lol?

  8. I was so excited for Star Wars Battlefront III. But then I saw the EA logo... >.>

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Catarrh


      So... what does it have?

    3. hellfiazz


      It's got multiplayer and player-made "missions". It's basically a Battlefield reskin.

    4. Catarrh
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Merkaken
    3. KarmaDelta


      LOL. Oh god, that bait.

    4. Merkaken


      I could have sworn you were going to say something about Supremacy being a GM.

  9. Can't log into the server this weekend, but you bet your ass I'll be prowling the forums as usual :D

  10. Lord of the Craft application Tips #1: If your application contains the words; Orcs, my, and parents in the same sentence, then your application will most likely get denied.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Backup Lago

      Backup Lago

      Parents killed my orcs.

    3. FORƎST


      orcs were my parents...

    4. bickando


      my parents killed orcs

  11. Thinking about making a druid side character.. should I do it? How's the druid RP currently?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NomadGaia


      You need to know how to occupy yourself. The playerbase is pretty great and large.

    3. ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      Venombug it's just a side character for when I want to play something else other than my Orc. It's not that I can't find Roleplay, it's just that I want something slightly different

    4. Birdwhisperer


      We need more manly druids. Make a manly man druid.

  12. Fak u skewl. Messin' wit me LoTC...

  13. My head feels like a Mental Mage is bombarding my mind... I hate being sick on the weekends.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ivran


      Feeling the same way atm. ;w;

    3. Mining


      My head feels like I been klompin with some orcs. Jks, my heads still attached

    4. ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      My head feels like an Orc smashed his Warhammer over my helmet.

  14. The Super Bowl and no school tomorrow. Let's go Patriots!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Huh


      *cough* *cough* Seahawks.

    3. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      If he lives anywhere near me.. snow. And lots of it.

    4. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      Why won't it snow here too.. -__-

  15. Tythus Vs. Gabe Newell who wins?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Geo


      You do realise Tythis IS GabeN, right?

    3. Free The Hobbits
    4. monkeypoacher


      GabeN still wins economically.

  16. Admit it, you'd smoke with Mizu too

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ausbrig renegade

      ausbrig renegade

      >partaking in such degenerate acts

    3. Ford


      i actually vape :^ )

    4. ausbrig renegade

      ausbrig renegade

      DOesnt surprise me you moor

  17. People need to some how RP or give an OOC notice that they are armed to the teeth. Such as *crosses his arms, his bastard sword sheathed proudly upon his back* or something. Just so people can know if they're visibly armed or not

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      You can always emote looking them over for any obvious weapons.

    3. Space


      Can we stop calling them bios? Info. I want appearance, not life story.

    4. Destroyer_Bravo


      My bio is a sentence about Rap'Lur

  18. We should get Double XP weekend for our rollbacks

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lima


      It was /just/ to lumberjacking.

    3. Tom_Whiteman



    4. Order of The Stolen Coin

      Order of The Stolen Coin

      Buy Doritos for double XP

  19. Guns don't kill people, I do. ???


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. A Spooky Witch

      A Spooky Witch


    3. ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

      He shalt return in the new map, maybe.

    4. Travista


      That's so E.D.G.I.E of you to say.

  20. Guys! Did you know that nations are run through Skype?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thatpyrodude
    3. Ford


      what am i still doing here??????????

    4. Petals4013


      *gives negative attention*

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