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Status Updates posted by Unwillingly

  1. when are the vampires and werewolves coming back

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cloakedsphere


      4 hours ago, Unwillingly said:

      it really is a shame because I am a filthy werewolf + vampire trope enjoyer, it feels like there's not many dark magic groups atm (naz and necro I think are doing good, mystics? not sure, and bms I hardly count) and it always felt like the vamps and wws were among the ones that were good at fostering a tight-knit community and culture that could be interacted with more depth. the naz had a political meeting with zarsies' silit group some time ago and i really enjoyed the RP even if they were shelved some short time later

      Werewolf and vampire groups were secluded before and you never saw interactions outside of these tight-knit communities with regular players. The number of times I ran into either of those groups was quite literally 0 in a 3+ year span. 

      I will say there are quite a few dark magic groups currently existing. Clearly the necromancer group with the recent addition of ghouls has seen a large uptick in members and naz (as you're aware) are quite active recently as well after the passing of the rewrite. Mysticism is also active to an extent. The real groups that are lacking are the presence of "good" or "holy" magic(s) in general. Sakuragakure has the largest active group of holy mages and even then, they are usually outnumbered 10 to 1 when just fighting the necromancer groups alone. The rest of the holy mage groups just do tailored dungeon battles put on by ET and dont do anything else relevant or have left the server because their paladin rewrite got denied.

    3. alexmagus


      When you rewrite them

    4. Islamadon


      all these replies but the answer remains . . . when people make a proposal that isn't weird . . .

  2. who is the player who just combed through my profile and upvoted 130+ of my forum posts

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unwillingly


      28 minutes ago, rukio said:

      im gonna vote u off the server to save u 

      u cant do this to me I'm actually having fun on LOTC again :(

    3. rukio


      dont log in rn unw

    4. Shmeepicus
  3. crowposting hours

  4. where is daal

    1. Turbo_Dog


      The 9th of January 2024 in Hallowcliffe waiting for you to throw your flask at him again

    2. Unwillingly


      it shall be done

  5. damn mods really didn't like satinkiras thread 

    1. Netphreak


      Tbf what do the mods like? Besides what's against community wishes? Idk; woopsie daisy

    2. satinkira
  6. man what the hell man

  7. I think we should take all villain application supporters and put them in a mortar and pestle and grind them up until nothing but a fine powder is left

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MeteorDragon


      What're their signs and symbols?

    3. ClassyDryad


      Fire & Earth Poison 3
      Fire & Earth Impediment 2

      Fire & Earth Reduction 1

      Fire & Earth Order 1

    4. christman


      what if i put you in a mortar and pestle. how would that make you feel. think before you speak #bebetter.

  8. merry belated christmas

    1. satinkira


      merry christmas boss

  9. place block break block place block break block place blo

  10. i dont want it to be dark by 5pm :(

    1. Tabby64


      HUH thats until way later in the year. . . bro is in the arctic


    2. Unwillingly


      im in wisconsin and in the winters its pitch black by 5pm

    3. Tabby64


      oh yeah but not yet. . .

  11. they ******* killed satinkira

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yagi_Kamisama


      i can't see this post what does it say

    3. Neviah


      AGAIN? no way!!

    4. M1919


      they hit the satinkira, turn on the news it doesn't matter which channel

  12. this guy will never bowl another strike lol

    1. Nectorist


      just bowled another strike

  13. tonight.

    1. Traveller



    2. Unwillingly
  14. the last player retention report we had was in 2021. id be curious to see what those stats look like now in 2023, its a shame we no longer get community team stat reports for new players, always looked forward to seeing those

    1. Nug


      no shade but i cant imagine its much better,,, map hype was nice for a moment 

    2. Laeonathan


      what'd you expect, 50 % doesnt even log in once. If I look at all these steam games, where 90 % dont even have the basic achievements I am not suprised... regardless it would be fun to see, you're right

  15. 1.18 texture pack recommendations pls

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      painterly pack 



    3. Islamadon


      vanilla tweaks (customize ur vanilla experience and clean it up)

    4. Milenkhov


      x32 faithful sharp (milen edit)
      x64 faithful sharp (milen edit)
      default sharp (milen edit)
      headlesshorses 1.18.2 port

  16. loud minority btw

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AnonymousAlexa


      @itdontmatta  what happened to the polls being anonymous?

    3. Rigorous


      As much as I dislike CRP default, if the consensus is to keep it, I'm not going to impose anything else on anybody else.

    4. itdontmatta


      @AnonymousAlexaif you read the post you can see that I made a false statement. I plan on running a few statistical analyses on the responses. 

  17. chilly down with fire gang!

  18. Hello Mordhaunt,
    I write to you today with a sincere request.
    I see you currently play a  Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast  and would like to express my greatest interest in playing a Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast.

    please write back to me if you are willing to bestow me with a  Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast. thank you

    1. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter


  19. be the edgelord you were always meant to be

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer
    3. Java17


      Thanks unwillingly 

    4. Morigung-oog


      Conceal those feels

      Don't let them show

      Edgelord go!

      Edgelord go!

      Can't hold back the cringe anymooooore

      Edgelord go!

      Edgelord go!

      Channel angst and slam the door!

      I must care

      My parents the orcs did slaaaay

      Let the goons rage on.


      The lore never bothered me anyway.

  20. qotd: what kind of moral compass does your character have? this could include their general perception of the world, other people, moral dilemmas, etc

    1. ColonelKuehl1


      Netseth: His morality shifted constantly having probably done more with his life than most Elves even beyond his age. He started out being far more upstanding, though his rule made him jaded if not a hint more ruthless. Overall though he has a pretty simple world view, often finds people fight over stupid things and goes more by a mentality of "Hey dude, you disagree with me I disagree with you and thats cool, but if your disagreement is to obnoxious ill beat the shit outta you and it wont be a close fight." So more laid back, not afraid to bite back when needed XD


      As for Zavar my Goblin um um... pancakes. 

    2. Morigung-oog


      Valindra: Originally a gremlin who wanted nothing more than to live a fulfilling life, she has become jaded, warped and selfish. Set in motion when she joined a group of mercs on Axios, she slowly became less lawful, more chaotic and resorted to petty banditry. This only worsened on the side of respect for people when she became an Izkuthii, as she no longer carried any sort of compass when it came to non-lethal villainy, though was kept on a short leash with the lethal side due to the PK Clause. Upon losing Izkuthii, Valindra joined up with Haelun'or and became used to the concept of taking lives, though always saw what she was doing as selfishly necessary, using reasonings of 'Because they were a threat' to 'because I needed to set a precedent'. Celia'nor encouraged her chaotic behaviour until she returned to Haelun'or, where she is once again kept on a tight leash. 


      Right now, Valindra views herself as little more than a tool in the hand of those who command her, and uses this excuse to get away with her string of crimes with little to no remorse. Due to the way she has been treated in the past [countless betrayals of her trust], she tends to view everyone as fair game, believing that they will all one day betray her on account of matters she considers trivial.


      Tl;dr, Alignment wise, Valindra varies from Lawful Evil to Chaotic Evil at the best of times, though when she is grounded, she can drift into Neutral and [very rarely] good tendencies.

    3. Mannamannaa


      ...For Kor'garr? Find Out IRP.


  21. qotd: who is a player/character that's helped mold or influence the development of your own character, for better or worse?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. amongus


      gamerdude09's duncan is actually the reason my character's a bard >:) i was a lil noob looking for something to do and his book club RP had me writing poems as a joke and it just kinda stuck with the character.

    3. Air


      Lhindir's character Khroll shaped my current main Ante'ahern to be a proper alchemist from a young age and molded a lot of his views. The rp build up was great and some of the most fun I have had on this character.


      And an honorable mention is Diogen's fw, when he instilled a deep fear of frost witches onto the aforementioned character due to keeping him prisoner in Serheim for a few irl days and forcing him to eat people. Wasn't as impactful but the mental scarring it gave him became a reoccurring problem for him in roleplay which I had fun with.

    4. Acostrob


      MCVDK's Demitryus. He met Ifan at one of his lowest points in life, and set him on a straight path. Of course this path did not include anything good, but it served a great deal in how Ifan grew as a character, and ultimately it has led him to where he is now

  22. qotd: how does your character cope with trauma, grief, or their overall mental wellbeing? do they dissociate? resort to alcohol or drug abuse? project it on others? etc

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TheDrHedgehog


      Samuel bottles it up and works a lot in the hopes of forgetting about it completely

    3. Adelemphii


      My snow elf fishes all day, every day.

    4. Amayonnaise


      Avyn writes. She is a big scholar, and finds writing her thoughts helps her process and heal.


      Noruiwyn is an ex chaos demon, and thus has lingering instabilities. She has a large pool of patience despite this, but certain things can tick her off and then she just explodes. Following any angered bout, she tends to struggle with returning to her more reserved 'patient' self, and generally needs a few days before she feels 'normal' again. She tends to linger around specific people who help her calm down and feel normal :)

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