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  1. "The Stag is blessed with a crown of forked lightning. The Caribou's hooves roar over the land like thunder. The Elk's voice the screaming wind of the tempest. The Storm Moon has risen above murky summer skies!" Excerpt from the Legend of the StormTreader, Guardian of the Storm Moon __________________________________________ ________________________________________ A painting of the mythical StormTreader Faerie When the final lunar phase of the spring months has passed, the kin of the Mother Circle know that the harsher times of the lunar calendar is upon them. The clouds churn into great veils of shadow and storm, washing the land with a cleansing rain. When the sky illuminates with the crash of thunder, it is said that the mythical StormTreader stags are clashing their antlers together. Rain cascades over the earth like a tide to cleanse the remnants of the old and warn of the scorching summer months to come, and lightning strikes the land to smite wayward, trespassing spirits of draoi and evil spirits. To honor the story of this fable, the Mother Circle gathers for a grand hunt and the creation of the Lunar Year's Tempest Crown. The tradition begins with two hunting parties representing the Wind and Rain of a summer storm. Venturing into the wilds, the hunters harvest a deer, elk, or caribou to obtain the antlers required for the creation of the Tempest Crown. Then, a grand reenactment of the clashing of horns is held between two chosen warriors of each hunting party. Using only the horned helms they have created, they endure combat during the first summer storm until one of the crowns break. The remaining artifact is exalted as the year's Tempest Crown, a symbol of the Circle's resilience during real and spiritual storms. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ A sketch of a druid having won the Tempest Crown "When lightning strikes, kin beware; For the draoi and slothful druid Are one in the same in the eye of the storm." The faerie stags themselves are believed by the Mother Circle to be pure faerie spirits of justice, and enactors of Cerunnos' will. While not associated with the Pantheon of the Wild Hunt, they are considered stalwart protectors of the Court of the Fae Queen and help ensure that malevolent faeries that cross into the mortal realm are kept in line, never overindulging in their unknowable mischief and tricks on descendants. To witness the passing of a white stag is to see a StormTreader in the flesh, an incredibly rare sight and an omen of nearby danger. The Mother Circle considers these faeries to be the first children of Ameathon, and will often keep antlers from hunts and present them to the most honorable and tested warriors of the Grove to symbolize their dedication to the glades of Cerridwen. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
  2. "She is the breath of life in our lungs, the rain that both mourns the fallen and nourishes the living. She is the kaleidoscope of colors in spring, the heartbeat of the world. Her name is Cerridwen, Queen of the Fae." [Link] -From the writings of Aerendyl, Archdruid of Song __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Revived from an age of dormancy, the eldest circle is comprised of druids from many paths and creeds united in devotion to the preservation of the Balance. Believing that all life is merely borrowed from the Faerie Queen, these faithful druids commit their living years to the preservation of the Balance, stewardship of the wilds, and the proliferation of a culture of reverent storytelling until the Great Mother calls them to give back that life afforded to them and take rest within the boughs of her enchanted court deep in the Eternal Forest. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ From merciful healers to inviolable guardians, the Mother Circle druids serve nature in lockstep with the dual ordinance of the King and Queen in the woods, Cernunnos and Cerridwen. Believing that the will of the Aspects can be discerned by the natural phenomena of the lunar cycle, astral events, and seasonal change, the circle observes the progression of the Lunar Calendar; a timetable of twelve moons and occasionally a rare thirteenth moon that is divided into three seasons that reflect the promises of the Great Mother: Birth, Life, and Decay. The Phases of Birth The Phases of Life The Phases of Decay The beginning of the The middle of the The end of the Calendar, calendar, the emergence Calendar, the arrival Summer’s degradation into Of Spring from Winter of Summer from Spring Autumn and Winter _______________________ _______________________ ________________________ The Crystal Moon The Storm Moon The Crimson Moon The Painted Moon The Lion Moon The Pumpkin Moon The Flower Moon The Ocean Moon The Night Moon The Cloud Moon The Fox Moon The Wolf Moon The Fae Queen’s Moon _______________________________ A rare thirteenth moon that sometimes arises during the lunar calendar, and is considered most sacred of the thirteen. During its arrival, it is believed that the souls of departed druids and wandering faeries are summoned to Cerridwen’s Court deep in the Eternal Forest, guided by the light of the full moon. On the night of its arrival, the druids celebrate the Gathering of the Lights, a ritual that involves the interpretation of constellations and the ascension of faerie fire lanterns carrying prayers to the Aspects into the night sky. "With blade and bow, O Father, may I remain humble in harvest Grant my feet and arrows swiftness, may my eyes and sword be sharp When the heart is pierced, the throat cut May your arrow loft this animal's spirit to the Forest In their rebirth, may I remember this hunt Keep me their memory, the animal honored And in your will may the Wild Hunt forever come” [Link] The Huntman’s Creed Honored equally, Cernunnos is worshiped as the Protector of the Fae Queen’s Court and Master of the Wild Hunt; a recurring age of great autumnal change, harvest, predatory drive and perseverance. The beginning is marked by the arrival of the Fox Moon and ends at the final waning crescent of the Wolf Moon, during which time the circle honors the arrival of the Centaur King’s chiefest huntsman including both Mani and faeries alike. Thought to bear star-tipped arrows that shatter the mortal coil and reap souls to return to the ever-cycling flow of life, the Mother Circle recognizes Cerunnunos as the artist of constellations and chronicles the celestial signs diligently. The Astral Observatory doubles as a graveyard for departed druids of the Order, where their specific constellations can be viewed in the reflected firmament upon the mirror sheen of the observatory’s viewing pool. Druids seeking spiritual purpose from the Huntsmaster himself may dedicate themselves to further service through induction into the Wildwood Rangers, a loose fellowship of druids whose duties are to roam the realm, seek out threats to the Balance before catastrophe strikes and fiercely protect any who dare threaten the glades of Cerridwen’s Devoted. The Rangers are encouraged to remain active in exploration and stewardship, scorning slothfulness and exclusivity. Requiring only to follow the ethics of Cernunnos’ Huntsmen and memorization of the Creed, the duties of the Ranger remain a popular purpose for Mother Circle druids to pursue. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Druids of the Mother Circle, collectively known as Cerridwen’s Devoted, are considered equal among their peers. Nominated by existing archdruids or the whole circle in absence of leadership, the Circle is organized by three roles of oversight. The number three is thought to be sacred among Cerridwen’s Devoted, harkening to the lunar cycle and the three promises of the Great Mother. The Mother’s Song Aerendyl Hawksong Responsible for cultural worship, inspiration and guidance of the Circle’s learning Druids, and outreach to nations and realms The Mother's Mercy The Mother's Wrath Suika Lorenthus Vanari Amethyst Vanari Responsible for the advisement of Responsible for the detection the focus in the Circle's efforts of threats to the Circle to preserve the Balance and preservation of unity The Mother Circle Druid Inaugurated either by attunement through the Rite of Rebirth or through three basic trials, these druids actively participate in the Circle’s core duties and assigned missions. Foreign druids may choose to complete the following tasks to attain recognition as a part of Cerridwen’s Devoted: the performance of the Rite of Rebirth, the leading of a hunt with the recital of the Huntsman’s Creed, and a held sermon on the lunar calendar, fae, mani or Aspects. Some may choose to take the Ilmyumier markings of the Circle, which depicts three blue faerie roses woven together in any place of choosing. The Dedicant Those prospects who have pledged to follow the path of druidism are known as dedicants. Through years of diligence in studies and tasks, the dedicant is prepared by their guide and mentors within the circle to be presented to the Aspects through the Rite of Rebirth, in which the King and Queen in the woods will pass their final judgment. The Sylvan Warden -Vacant- To manage and coordinate the Wildwood Rangers, a symbolic figurehead is chosen to organize outings and communicate with the three Archdruids. Keeping the tasks and missions of the Rangers enigmatic to outsiders, the Warden’s primary role is to keep the Rangers engaged. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rite of Rebirth [Link] When a dedicant has fulfilled the requirements of dedicancy, the circle gathers in the Mother’s Sorrow to immerse the druid in the living waters of the grove. Believing that Cerridwen herself labors to offer descendants a renewal of life through attunement and the gifts, the Lyric of Rebirth is sung in prayer as the dedicant is presented to the Aspects for judgment. This rite is also performed to usher the souls of departed druids to the Eternal Forest. Sounding of the Horn [Link] To herald the season of the Wild Hunt, the massive horn of the Circle is blown at the height of noon on the first day of the Fox Moon. The druids have infused the horn with potent gifts, so much so that nature itself quakes in fervor at the call of the Centaur King’s Huntsmen. While primarily used for ceremonial purposes, the horn will sound when the grove is threatened to instill druidic energy in the environment and prepare the glades for battle.
  3. The Irongut Clan History of the Irongut Clan The Ironguts are among the oldest of the Dwedmar clan. Since the reign of Urguan, many Ironguts have held positions of great influence and power, including Kingship, Lordship, and some are even numbered among the Order of Ascended. With these positions, the Ironguts have helped shape the world we see now. Through the forging of great weapons, the exploration of cavernous ruins, and the deep investigation of the arcane, the Ironguts have become highly regarded among the Dwedmar. Ancient History: Modern History of the Clan: Clan Culture and Tradition: Forging of Weapons: It is tradition that those with the skills to use the forge will often make their own weapons. These weapons are a symbol of the Clansman's style of fighting and often have a symbol of the creator upon them somewhere, identifying them as that specific person. Many famous weapons are under possession of the clan, for example the famed blade of Dwain I Irongut, Mourgil, which is now in the hands of Balek Irongut. The Creation of Personal Relics: For the Irongut clan, written history is often closely tied to physical artifacts, called relics. While every Clan of Urgan holds relics important to their own clan history, the Ironguts often create personal relics to commemorate important events or personal turning points. These personal relics, though not valuable to the clan as a whole, hold great sentimental value to the creator and his close family or friends. For instance, an Irongut might forge a new axe to commemorate his appointment to Clan Elder. This axe, though not a relic of the clan as a whole, still holds great sentimental value. Beard Braiding: For the Irongut clan, the beard is a symbol of wisdom and prowess. Because of this, members of the Irongut Clan take great pride in their beards. Members of the Irongut clan grow their beards long and are careful not to burn them in the forge or tear them in battle. Furthermore, Ironguts will arrange their beards into braids, which they adorn with rings of metal or other decoration. Bearers of Magic: According to Legend, Ironguts are the direct descendants of the goddess Belka, which has given the Ironguts the unique ability to use voidal magic. Whether or not this is true, it is an undeniable fact that Ironguts have a natural affinity for voidal magic, and every member of the clan is encouraged to learn some type of magic. Any member of the clan has the right to learn magic, so long as the member is within good standing of clan law. Funeral Customs: The Irongut Clan has a long and unpleasant history with necromancers. In order to prevent the defilement of the dead, members of Clan Irongut are cremated after they die. Irongut funerals generally take place in two stages: First comes the wake, where the body of the deceased is laid out and people are given the chance to speak of the deceased, say their goodbyes, and celebrate the life lost through song, food, and drink. Following the wake, the body is placed on a pire, doused in oil, and burned. After the body is completely burned, the ashes are gathered and placed in the Irongut Urn. Clan Crest and Colors: The Irongut crest is composed of a sword and a mug of beer, and the clan colors are silver and blue. It is not unusual for the Ironguts to incorporate the Irongut crest or colors into their decoration. Everything from weapons to books of knowledge, if they are the product of an Irongut, can be expected to bear the crest and colors of the clan. Ironguts take great pride in their clan identity, and will not hesitate to show it! The Clan Trials: The Irongut Clan trials revolve around the three major pursuits all Ironguts seem to share a love for, often referred to as the clan pillars: Knowledge, Adventure, and Craftsmanship. Iroguts of any age have pursued at least one of these three pillars. The trials work to prove that an Irongut has the capability to uphold their clan’s legacy by pursuing these three sacred goals. The Trial of Knowledge: The trial of knowledge is the first of the three Irongut Clan trials. In this trial, a beardling must prove they are capable of contributing to the Irongut trove of knowledge by writing three books. The clan father or clan elder overseeing the trials will determine if the quality of the books contents is enough to pass the trial. The Trial of Adventure: The trial of adventure is the second of the three Irongut Clan trials. In this trial, a beardling must go out beyond the lands of the Ironguts and partake in some grand adventure. The adventure itself may be of any nature, but it usually involves some kind of long journey. When the beardling feels like they have undergone a satisfactory adventure, they will return to their overseer and the overseer will determine if their adventure is sufficient enough to pass the trial. The Trial of Craftsmanship: The Trial of Craftsmanship is the last of the three Irongut Trials. In this trial, a beardling must craft for themselves a beard ring. This ring can be made of any material and hold any design, but it should contain some personal symbolism of the crafter. Once the beardling has finished their ring, they present it to the overseer and explain the symbolism behind it. Once this task is completed, the beardling is promoted to a full member of the clan. Clan Organization Clan Hierarchy and their Rights: The Irongut Clan is based on a hierarchy. Each position in the hierarchy comes with certain obligations to the clan, but is also granted certain rights. Clan Father: The Clan Father is the leader of the clan. He is charged with representing the clan in all political matters and acting as the head of the clan for internal matters. Within the Irongut Clan, the Clan Father is the highest authority. Clan Father Rights: Clan Fathers enjoy all the rights of a clan elder Right to Final Say - Clan Fathers have the right to pass judgement on any matter of dispute within the clan. Their word is final in nearly every matter. Right to Adopt - Clan Fathers have the right to accept outsiders into the clan, making them clan beardlings, at their own discretion. Right to Relics - Clan Fathers have the right to hold all clan relics, or to entrust them to the elders, at his own discretion. Right to Treasury – Clan Fathers have the right to dispense funds from the clan treasury as they see fit, so long as those funds are put towards the betterment of the clan. Clan Elder: The title of Clan Elder belongs to the wisest among the Ironguts. Elders are usually older dwedmer, who have shown great dedication to the clan through their actions. They function as trusted advisors to the Clan Father and help work to better the clans standing. Clan Elder Rights: Clan Elders enjoy all the rights of a clan member Right to Represent - Each elder has the right to speak for the Irongut clan whenever the Clan father is unavailable. Right to Remove - Each elder has the right to call for a vote to remove the Clan Father. Right to Initiate - Each elder has the right to oversee a beardlings clan trials and accept or reject their efforts. Right to the Armory - Each elder has the right to access the Irongut Armory in order to arm themselves and their clansmen Clan Member: The Clan Member is the most common rank in the clan. This title belongs to Clan Beardlings who have passed their clan trials and earned their place in the clan. Clan Member Rights: Clan Members enjoy all the rights of a clan beardling Right to Speech - Each member has the right to speak at clan meetings and participate in clan votes of any nature. Right to Materials - Each member has the right to take any materials they may need, either from the Irongut Farms or from the clan’s stockpiles, provided they do not steal away all of one resource. Right to Facilities - Each member has the right to make full use of the facilities offered by the hold, including the forge, library, and magic workshop. Clan Beardling: The Clan Beardling is the lowest tier on the Clan Hierarchy. Beardlings are either young dwedmer born into the Irongut clan, or dwedmer that have been accepted into the clan by right of adoption. Though they bear the Irongut name, beardlings are not yet full members of the clan. Clan Beardling Rights: Right to Hearth - Each beardling has a right to housing in the Irongut Hold Right to Food - Each beardling has a right to take their own food from the Irongut farms. Right to Free Pursuit - Each beardling has a right to pursue whatever trade he wishes, so long as that trade is not illegal in nature. Right to Trials - Each beardling has a right to undertake their Clan Trials in order to become a full clan member. Clan Roster: Clan Father: Falk Irongut (TheFirstShroom) Clan Elders: Dwain II Irongut (Hiebe) Dimlin Irongut (Beamon4) Balek Irongut (Hobolympic) Hogarth Irongut (Jordan1917) Clan Members: Sharr Irongut (lordbobby123) Grandor Irongut (SaltyVibes__) Dwalin Irongut (Cordial__) Almaic Irongut (Volous) Clan Beardlings: Dverga Irongut (Clayphish)
  4. High Goblinism “Kul-gâdhûmûrz kul-tiirûrz.” “To be foul is to be righteous” At the epoch of Pestilence, a diseased and wretched scaddernak stalked the cavernous depths of Vailor, tended to for centuries by loyal Goblin followers. This apocryphal beast, Gâdhm’Fiz, tainted from birth with the touch of Orgon, the only of it’s brood to survive, bore the first and the last strain of his plague. As the newly hallowed Ailfather, Kinul sought to bless this corrupted creature, a parasite miraculously taking form within the scaddernak’s guts; upon the passing of seven years, it spat a gray paste with the form of a Goblin, one destined to be Khlaar-Kinul. Decades passed with the Goblin knowing little of his nature, wandering aimlessly on a multitude of paths, though never far from fate. Ignorant until the destined moment was upon him, suffocating in a barrel of Guzzoline, a voice bellowed from within: “Son of pestilence, feel no sorrow, hear my benevolence, limp to morrow; skin bubbling oil, black as night, lead troubling toil, prove your right.” The deal was struck, the Goblin’s soul became as scarred as his flesh, permanently twisted by the influence of the Ailfather. His wretched path was made clear, of which he pursued with the utmost zeal, quickly advancing his knowledge in Shamanic rites with the Gâdu wisdom of his teacher, Krothuul’Ram. This prophesied Yeller, wrought upon the world bearing the name Gâdhm, meaning be ugly, be nasty, be foul, embodies this as the highest principle. System of Belief “Gâmumizubu, gaakh burizizhu shum.” “Our illness, may it burden us greatly.” Among Goblins it’s common to see highly intelligent tinkerers, craftsmen, inventors of some renown; this is simply one side of the Goblinic spectrum, labeled as ‘Low Goblins’ by their deplorable cousins. High Goblins, those who dedicate themselves to the tenets of Kinul, thrive as vermin compared to the rest of Orcish society, pledging their life to filth and wretchedness. Through this covenant they personify the Ailfather himself, each layer of dirt a shield, every ailment a medal, carrying his blessing wherever they may fester. Deep beneath the earth, obscured from the oppressive light of the sun, High Goblin’s dwell among the caverns and sewers of Almaris, the most ‘high’ at the dankest depths, their stockpile of refuse unnoticed by the wary eyes of descendants. Likewise protected from all manners of hostile fauna and flora, these Goblins form their own eco-systems within each hovel, a niche which they may dominate despite their decrepit stature. Rapidly developing beyond basic survival, all manners of animals and fungi are bent to their Gobbish will, domesticating the colossal insects and vermin rarely seen by surface-dwellers. Despite this mastery of their environment, High Goblins rarely bother with the tedious process of creating their own tools and weapons. Finding greater fulfillment in reusing and repairing items tossed aside by others, perceiving the worn and broken objects as living beings with their own insightful stories and tales. They find immense pride in the use of skeletal remains, their religious artifacts mainly consist of bone, this is however the opposite for metals, preferring to leave such reflective materials embedded in the walls of their caverns. Iron is left to rust, copper to tarnish, representing blood, its purity, but also its vulnerability. The most devout of these cretinous Goblins artificially weaken themselves in some fashion, whether it be a lame appendage, sporting helmets adorned with horns, or dousing themselves in flammable oil; it is all considered honorable amongst their kind, the purpose only to ludicrously prove the dishonor of their enemy, if they’re desperate enough to use such a thing against them. Though they’re not reckless, these weaknesses are often supplemented by giant fauna or companions, much too cautious to do battle alone, especially when outnumbered. Goblinic Pantheon “Ufurnar bûf, tugûr larg lat durbûrz” “Fear not failure, for it will only make you stronger.” Kinul - Greater Spirit of Disease, Pestilence, and Failure Appears as a wailing man with limbs constantly growing then falling off due to necrosis. Gâdkrank | The Ailfather - After the defeat of Orgon at the hands of mortal champions, a power vacuum within the spirit realm quickly became apparent as spirits of all natures battled for the remains of Orgonic spiritual energy; the realm of disease shattered completely, leaving room for one spirit to conquer the seat of Pestilence. Kinul, previously a lesser spirit of necrosis, dueled what remained of Orgon’s power within his own realm, honorably transcending to the form of Greater. Upon his ascent, Kinul was all too aware of the lingering anxiety brought about by the plague, biding his time, he fully committed to reorganizing the fractured realm. Seeking allies among lessers and greaters alike, securing the loyalty of Krap and a sordid alliance with Gazigash, solidifying his hold upon the title of greater. With the Blood Mother as his bride, Kinul moved to return disease to the land, inklings of his influence, dribbled throughout the mortal plane. Krap - Lesser Spirit of Garbage, Refuse, and Vermin Appears as a grim faced rat upon a throne of trash, a shadow obscuring his form. Dalgumgoth | Debris Marquis - Fixating upon what descendants could not help but spread, measly colds, coughs, but by large waste; Kinul fostered Krap as harbinger, a principled champion of the natural dregs of the mortal plane, he inspires the lowest of ‘beings’ to the heights of the Ailfather. Through garbage his pestilent influence spread with ease, festering within the sodden streets, Krap thrived. Gazigash - Greater Spirit of Blood, Bones, and Flesh Appears as a woman made of blood adorned with bone jewelry. Grishkranklob | The Blood Mother - For eons Gazigash’s daughters have been struck by the disease, incapable of escaping the natural illnesses descendants suffer, through these unsavory relations the Blood Mother fell for Kinul. If not for his honor, a trait rarely observed in spirits, a desire for an ally beyond the Naakh-za-Barash, only just tolerating her subjugation at the hands of Leyd. High Goblins, commonly covered in pimples and festering wounds to a lesser extent, believe pus to be an expression of their relationship. Throqugrizh - Lesser Spirit of the Heartbeat and Blood Flow Appears as a gray-skinned Hobgoblin with elongated teeth and claws, adorned in bone jewelry and wearing a mask across the upper half of their face. Grishakrug Lûb | The Leech Daughter - Believed to be the first issue of Kinul and Gazigash, High Goblins are hesitant to explain the true nature of this, beyond the simple truth of familial relation. Though some insight could be construed from the fact that healthy blood flow prevents potential disease and illness, conversely, poor blood flow leads to these. Scorthuz - Greater Spirit of Cleansing, Purity, and Purging Appears as a watery mass that takes many forms Bûthûrz Bagronk | The Pools of Fair-mind - Not explicitly worshiped, though High Goblins have a strong sense of cultural purity, however antithetical it may be to the conventional concept. Acting as a mediator between the two factions within the greater pantheon, supposedly disrupting tensions escalating towards spirit war on multiple occasions. Favoring the idea of Goblinic castes, Scorthuz merely tolerates the High Goblin’s existence, however would jump at the opportunity to purge them from the mortal realm. Freygoth - Greater Spirit of the Wild, Animal Instinct, and Beasts Appears as any natural creature. Skessagith | The Emerald Despot - A great oppressor, consuming the surface world with her verdant tendrils, commanding agents of the wild to assault the cavern homes of mere Goblins. Gripping the minds of descendants with overgrown mantras, ‘Do not litter; leave no trace!’, the words of a people who the High Goblins believe will not be remembered. There is little to none of Freygoth’s faithful among them, preferring a variety of her lessers. Naztkrank - Lesser Spirit of Scaddernaks Appears as a ginormous scaddernak guarding over a multitude of smaller scaddernaks in an endless desert. Nauthrakûrz | The Endbringer - A lesser patron of the High Goblin pantheon, believing his kin, the foul and pestilent scaddernak, Gâdhm’Fiz, to be an ancestral spirit of great notoriety. A prophecy known by all High Goblins is the soon return of this dreadful beast, to wreak havoc upon Freygoth’s domain by the will of it’s father, the Endbringer. Certainly not the end of the world, but the one to bring an end to this viridescent age, precipitating one of deserts and badlands. Akezo - Greater Spirit of Health, Vitality, and Healing Appears as a winged serpent surrounded by a blue aura. Nûtdarûk | The Miserable Wyrm - The sapphire serpent, feared and despised by all High Goblins, due to his aromatic miasma and healthful guise. Like Freygoth, the worm binds the vast majority of descendants to a creed, one of vigor and strong constitution, denying the burden of the Ailfather’s blessings. To worship him is to be a snake yourself, rearing your head to strike at the hearts of Kinul’s children, anathema to High Goblin kind.
  5. FOUNDING OF ST. CAROLUS UNIVERSITY Haense during the Golden Age of the Old Academy ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TO ALL CITIZENS OF HAENSE, The Academy of Haense has seen stagnation and little use in recent decades. As I am writing this missive, to be distributed among Haense itself, I - Felyx Francys Colborn - am working to re-establish the Haense Academy to rival and perhaps surpass the Elysium University. With this goal in mind, and with the Justiciar, the Patriarch of House Colborn, and the Crown Prince himself to aid in reconstruction, we heartily invite anyone interested to attend orientation and the upcoming book club events(https://discord.gg/F3HuaCT2qR)! Those of the Child-Kingdom of Hoonseti-Rooska have already been invited, although there truly are NO enforced age gaps to be a student! There will be small, intimate events to promote learning and discussion at the Eve of reconstruction, with the final aim being a fleshed-out curriculum and graduation possibility with diplomas hopefully someday be recognised by the Holy Crown of Haense itself! I hope to see you around. The first events are already being drafted. Drop by the Old Academy on event-times if you are interested! Est. 423 E.S. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  6. “Though the night has darkened, and the forge has long since chilled, I do not despair Though sorrow has been wrought, and struggle lie ahead, I shan’t ever falter For as long as stars still adorn the sky above, and the rock does not give way beneath my feet The Line of Gotrek will endure, as we always have.” MUSIC The Starbreakers Kazamar Kornazkarumm Named from the title of their progenitor Gotrek ‘the Starbreaker’ the Starbreakers are an Elder Clan of Cavern Dwarves known for their history as some of the greatest smiths and scholars in Dwarven history. Distinguished by their skin color (or lack of) of light grey, their darker hair colors, and eye colors ranging from amber and brown, to sky, or steel blue. Beyond this all Starbreakers are of the same blood, as adoption is forbidden except in very specific circumstances. Over the centuries they have thus developed a strong focus on family values, this is a defining trait of their clan which is shared by almost all their number. Though they are all well read, personalities vary widely, from wizened, kind, and understanding, to the more ambitious and volatile of their number. Despite this highly polarized nature, they are more often than not unified due to their close-knit traditions, and will stubbornly defend their kinsmen over all other loyalties. They are prideful of their long history, and credit their clan’s founder with the invention both Runesmithing(a talent unfortunately lost to the clan, many years ago) and golemancy, which is still in practice. It is these deeds, and many others that the Starbreakers hold great value in, leading to particularly noteworthy ancestors in their clan’s history being venerated almost to the level of Paragonhood, at least by members of said clan. A smithing family first and foremost, it is of little surprise that Starbreakers who have been raised according to traditional doctrine, follow Yemekar with a borderline fanatical devotion, given his nature as the smithing-God and father of the Brathmordakin. Other popular Gods (though never venerated above the Forgefather) are Anbella, whose role a mother and protector of children earns her great praise from the Kornazkarumm, and Ogradhad who is also commonly prayed to by the more scholarly members of the Clan, as greedily seeking knowledge is a common trait among them. Gotrek, the first of their number is also worshipped more often than not, and is seen as everything a modern Starbreaker should aspire to be. Wayward Starbreakers(those not necessarily raised within the clan) tend not to follow such a zealous practice, but even they respect the Progenitor and Forgefather above all others. Customs and traits Ashen skin A trait common to many Cave Dwarves, but most of all the Starbreakers, is their skin color being of similar shade to the stone in which they reside. The exact color can vary from a dark, almost coal gray, to a lighter, ‘colorless’ gray or somewhere between. This does not act as dark skin among surface dwellers, and in fact often acts in exactly opposite a manner. Starbreaker skin can best be described as the lack of a pigment, and though a tolerance can be built up over time, it is not unusual for Starbreakers to suffer a form of photosensitivity referred to as ‘sun-sickness’. This is not extreme in any regard, and in most cases is simply poorer eyesight above ground as well as itchy, or burned skin in direct sunlight. The cure for this is simple, wear a cloak, as it is never wise to leave home without one regardless. Dark hair Though not an absolute by any means, the dominant genes of a Starbreaker often surface in the form of hair color, even with Dwarves of other Elder Clans, a Starbreaker’s hair tends to be of darker shades, specifically black, with a coal-like color being the most common variant. Starbreakers of the past were occasionally born with brown hair, however the family branch known for this has long since died out. Height and build As Cave Dwarves, it should be known that the Starbreakers are not the tallest folk. While Mountain Dwarves can reach up to heights of 5’1, a Starbreaker has never been recorded of going over 4’6. However their build is hardly as lacking. Do not let their height fool you, the Kornazkarumm are often just as hardy, and just as physically tough as their more surface-inclined kin. It is not unusual for them to spend many hours in the forge, and just as many in armor in an attempt to familiarize themselves with it. As such, it is common (though not always) for Starbreakers to be of athletic builds, as such a driven folk are not as prone to feasting as other Dwarves. Stoneblood and Ironblood Terms coined by Jorvin Starbreaker after the trial and execution of Torkan Silverfinger, the phrases ‘Stoneblood’ and ‘Ironblood’ refer to the two dominant schools of modern Starbreakers. The stoneblood, or amber-eyed Starbreakers take after Kazraden, who all modern clan members are descended from, whereas Ironblood or blue-eyed Starbreakers, take traits more akin to those of Kalmania, wife of Kazraden who was according to legend, born a member of Clan Ironborn. Stonebloods will often be of leveler heads, and more keen to diplomacy and neutrality then they would be to wage war, whereas Ironbloods will often take a more direct solution if offered, and though they are not any less wiser than the rest of their clan, they tend prone to outbursts of anger, as well as gravitating towards grimmer personalities. This does not mean Ironblooded Starbreakers are inherently untrustworthy and in fact, if their ambitious and aggressive nature are kept wisely in check, they can grow to be quite competent leaders. Stonebloods, in stark contrast, are quicker friends and more forgiving foes, as utterly destroying an enemy, and destruction outright should only be done when all other means are exhausted. It is these individuals, who think before they act, that prove to be great golemancers, and men of knowledge. Family values It is of no surprise that Clan Starbreaker, being a blood clan with such an focus upon it, remains a close-knit family. Loyalty to one’s clan should supercede that even to one’s kingdom, and be second only to one’s Gods. Betrayal of the clan is a most grievous sin that will result in immediate expulsion, and disowning. Secondly, a Starbreaker is to remain as steadfast and respectable as possible in public, lest shame be brought upon the Clan, any action which possesses even the potential to dishonor the clan’s name should not be acted upon, and it is expected for a Starbreaker to put the interests of family above that of their own. Secrecy While not an official tradition of any sort, the Starbreakers are often to focus inwards, sooner settling disputes between themselves than in any sort of court. This is also in no small part out of fear for the Clan’s name, as one can only imagine the damage that would be wrought upon their honor should their dirty laundry be aired in public, not to mention how improper it is. Almost ironically however, it is because of this, conjoined with the Clan’s controversial history that has led them to be viewed as suspicious to outsiders, a distrust which is mutual in many regards, as the Clan’s inner workings are not oft to be shared with outsiders. Neutrality Starbreaker neutrality is a fickle thing and one should not take at face value. To be ‘neutral’ as a Starbreaker is not to sit upon the sidelines, and let the world tick by without your intervention, but instead to raise oneself above petty games and politics, to not throw the first punch, for when you strike let it be only for a righteous cause, and may you strike with all your mustered fury. A Starbreaker’s voice is not to be bought and sold like cattle, but instead offered when wisened council is required. Even still, should the Dwarven realms be threatened, let the sons of Gotrek be the first to raise their arms as it is Yemekar’s will that Urguan’s folk be protected, and the underrealm they reside in defended, to the last drop of blood. However, should kin-strife once more take hold of the Dwarves, it would be better to await it’s end than sully one’s blade with Dwarven blood. Should a tyrant arise however, once more may the Kornazkarumm be spurred into action. Clan Prayer Eng: Yemekar guide my hammer, in battle as in the forge. If I fight, let it be for a cause that is just, and if I fall in battle, and death steals my soul, may the stars forever shine over Gotrek’s line. Dwe: Yemekar akhoral thas ord, nir Krazdran as nir da kadrel. Kolun tha Krazdran don it mer yoth yir yol-mer reeth nar thorok. Kolun kavir agolam thas dwedohin, dar da kor morred vekaan. Clan Trials Trial of Blood The first and most important of the trials, it is performed either ceremonially a year after the birth of the Starbreaker in question, or for the more wayward sons of Gotrek, immediately after they are brought to the clan hall. This trial’s purpose is to determine ‘worth of blood’ and to ensure the person in question possesses blood from Gotrek the Starbreaker, a requirement. The ritual is performed by slicing open the young Starbreaker’s hand with a runic dagger, should the blade glow brightly, they are immediately inducted into the clan. If it does not glow, then the person in question has failed the ‘blood test’ and is barred entry from Clan Starbreaker. Trial of Creation Occurring as a ‘coming of age’ ceremony, when a Dwedki grows into an adult (anywhere between the ages of 16-20) the trial consists of using the particular talent and knowledge of the beardling in question to create an item of value. While this does not necessarily pertain to forgework, it is encouraged to be so, in keeping with clan customs and traditions. Trial of Knowledge After the creation trial has been completed, it is wise for a Starbreaker to immediately begin working on the next, as it will often take several years to complete. The Starbreakers pride themselves as ‘the few and the wise’ and to ensure this remains the case, work must be done to instill them with both the want and desire to learn more. The budding Starbreaker will scour the lands, seeking to retrieve a single book containing knowledge of great value, be it magical, historical, or other. Should no such book be found, they must take it upon themselves to write it. Be it recording a legend passed down over the campfire for centuries, or writing down an alchemist’s greatest recipe. When such a book has been found, it is to be brought to the Clan Lord, and it’s quality judged, should it pass, the trial is completed, and the individual has but one step left. Trial of Courage Having proved themselves wisened, and dedicated to their craft, the Starbreaker has but one trial left, a final grand tribute to Yemekar, the Father-God of the Dwarves. It is all well and good to bring new creations into this world, but equally crucial to protect what has already been made, as such the Trial of Courage is simple. Be it in the field of battle, or otherwise, save the life of one who has not lived theirs to its fullest. When the deed has been done, the individual has proven themselves capable in the utmost regard. Each trial is performed with the intent of bringing the Starbreaker closer to their progenitor and by extension, their Ancestral God Yemekar. Industriousness, perseverance, wisdom, and the iron-clad determination to do what must be done for the betterment of the family, and Dwarves as a whole. These are the virtues that make a Starbreaker what they are. History Elder Histories: Aegis-late Atlas Modern History: Late Atlas-Current Family Chronicle To those of you who have read through all that, I applaud you, and now that we are at the end, I am sure you are curious to learn more, perhaps you are even wayward children of Gotrek yourselves? If you’d like to find out, below are some notable Starbreakers you might wish to speak to, and more importantly, an application. Thank you for reading, Narvak oz Kornazkarrum! Please note this post isn’t (completely) done, normal members, and artifacts will be listed at a later date. Clan Lord/Father Titles used interchangeably, ‘Lord’ being preferred when the Starbreaker in question themselves are not a father Jorvin Starbreaker (DixieDemolisher) Seo#0650 Clan Elders Kazrin Starbreaker (DrHope) Stromnikar Starbreaker (Dungrimm) Crevin Starbreaker (Mavromino) Dangren Starbreaker (Dtrik) Application Name: Username: Character’s age: Biography: Skin: (If you do not possess one, don’t worry! We can fix you up) Ancestry: (If you don’t know who your character is related to, that’s fine! We’ll figure it out Discord:
  7. Kingdom of Lechia LECHIAN CULTURE SUBGROUP OF LECHITIC PEOPLES HISTORY THE ORIGINS Depiction of Lech and his two brothers, looking for a place for a new settlement The Lechian people derive from the group of Lechitian peoples. According to the so called pre-Lechitian myth, the founders of the three main Lechitian cultures, (Lechian, Ruthian that is similar to the Raevir, and Tschech) came to the continent of Vistulia in search of a place to settle. The second oldest of those three brothers, named Lech has followed a huge white eagle to its nest. That is where he established his first village in order to let the Lechian culture grow. Since that day the Lechitic coat of arms is a mighty white eagle. With an established capital that Lech named Gniezno, the Lechian culture flourished and developed vigorously. The first Lechitic leader established the first state structures and customs but was of pagan faith for it took several decades for him and his people to convert to Canonism, which came from their cultural cousins - the Tschechs. EARLY YEARS OF CANONISM IN LECHIA Depiction of Prince Mieszko's baptism After centuries of slow development, the first monks of the Canonist Church arrived on the continent of Vistulia. According to old documents they were led by Vojtech, of Tschech origin, as Tschechs have accepted Canonism before the Lechians. Thanks to his diplomatic skills, Vojtech convinced Mieszko to accept baptism, marry a canonist Tschech princess, and at the same time incorporate Lechians into the canonist community. As a new ruler within the canonist church, Mieszko united the Lechian tribes and conquered far more land than any of his ancestors. The country stretched from the sea in the north to the mountains in the south. Vojtech, who stayed at Mieszko's court for some time has crowned him as a prince, as Mieszko found himself unworthy of being a King. This gave rise to the first dynasty of Lechia - Piast. As new cultural norms grew, churches were built, a network of stone roads developed and the first church structures were established in the capital. Unfortunately, the times of peace passed after the missionary Vojtech's expedition to the northern tribes, who bestially murdered him and quartered his corpse. Mieszko still remembered Vojtech's merits and set off to the north to fight for justice. The soldiers of Mieszko had no mercy on the pagans and slaughtered the population of the local settlements in the same bestial manner while imposing the Canonist faith on the survivors. Despite the long process of converting the Lechians to the true faith, which sometimes met with armed resistance from the native believers, Mieszko's reign is remembered as decades of peace. TIMES OF KING BOLESLAW AND HIS SONS Depiction of Boleslaw and his sons, arriving at Krakovia The times of Boleslaw the First echoed among the Lechitian tribes. Immediately after his coronation, he began a period of conquests, and greatly expanded the dependent territory of Lechia. As the first of the Kings, since his father did not accept the title of the King of Lechia, he ordered to make a sword intended for coronation of further Kings, and a Crown decorated with many precious gems. The sword called "Szczerbiec" ("Chipper") played a significant role in the reign of Boleslaw and later his sons, as it became a symbol of Lechian nationalism and a sign of victory over foreign powers. Legends say that it took its name from the moment when Boleslaw chipped it against the gate of the capital city of a neighbouring state, to mark Lechitic annexation of the border areas. Unfortunately, he did not enjoy his reign long after this event. King Boleslaw died three years later of an unspecified illness. For Lechia there came a time of sorrow, as Boleslaw had many sons and each of them claimed his father's crown. Having divided the country into parts, a fratricidal struggle for the crown of Lechia began. The eldest of the brothers, Mieszko III occupied the capital and held it for many years. The brothers from the western, northern and eastern parts meanwhile held talks about a new order after the end of the civil war. The quarrelling brothers chose as ruler someone who had never known a taste of power - Kazimierz, the youngest of the brothers, who ruled over no province. Mieszko III, faced with the overwhelming power of the united brothers, renounced the crown and the Bishop of Krakovia crowned Kazimierz as the new King of Lechia. The times in which Kazimierz reigned were the best in the history of his family. He rebuilt the destructions of the civil war, developed the monetary system and established the first university in Lechia. He died at the age of 70, leaving no male descendant. JOGAILAN RULE AND LECHIAN DECLINE Depiction of Wladyslaw proclaiming the Union After Kazimierz's death, the only person of his blood was his daughter Hedwig. She married a powerful leader of a neighbouring country, and united the two countries in a personal union. Despite the power of the great state, pagan tribes still lived in the north and invaded the lands of Lechia. To remedy this, Wladyslaw, for that was the name Hedwig's husband, called upon the help of the strong Waldenian Order. He was unable to foresee the cunning and guile with which the Knights operated, and allowed them to occupy the land of the pagans so that they could continue to help the Lechians spread Canonism. Soon after, the knights turned on Wladyslaw and formed an alliance to help them conquer the lands dependent on the Jogailan dynasty. At that time, there was great social unrest in Lechia, with tendencies calling for the introduction of sanoism, priorism but also absolute power in the government. There were many clashes between Lechitic priorists and sanoists, who had two different concepts of the state. The Sejm (the equivalent of the Duma in Haense or the parliament in Oren) rejected all attempts to reform the state, thus stagnation deepened and Lechia was exposed to blows from the outside. The powerful alliance formed by the Waldenians, and the neighbouring powers as well as, the constant skirmishes with them caused the disintegration of the state. Lechia has not appeared on world maps since then, yet the people still remember their roots and will never abandon them. CULTURE OF LECHIA WAR CULTURE Depiction of Lechian warriors going on a hunt Lechians are known for their fighting stubbornness. This is due to their culture, which grew up on warrior values because of the many threatening neighbours around their state when it still existed. Young Lechians were trained from the age of 16 to become infantrymen, archers or horsemen. Women could also train if they wished to, but they usually stayed at home and took care of the hearth and home. Among Lechitic soldiers the highest value is honour, which should never be tarnished. There are many chronicles about the heroic deeds of the Lechians in their fight against the invaders, especially about the skill of their cavalrymen, who, with much smaller numbers of troops, were able to destroy the Waldenian armies with very few losses. Lechitic troops were usually lightly armed with spears, short swords and shields, or short bows. There were also heavy regiments, such as the famous Husaria. The Hussars were an elite cavalry unit serving the Kings of Lechia. Known for their ornate armour and wings made of eagle feathers, they wreaked havoc on the battlefields. Depiction of Husaria PEASANT NATION Depiction of Lechian landscape Lechia was mainly located in the lowlands, which favoured the development of agriculture and peasant culture. The first Lechitic Kings issued various privileges for the peasants in return for their hard work for the homeland. The Lechitic peasants mastered the so-called three-field system on the basis of which all farms, private and state, operated. In the fields, peasants worked from dawn to dusk, in every season except winter. They worked hard at harvest time, and 1/3 of the harvested crop was to be given to the local overlord - a baron, count or duke. Local peasants were also very fond of animal products, so they bred a variety of pigs, cows and sheep from which they could obtain the materials they needed. A highly prized product among the middle class was bee honey. Only trained peasants were allowed to own and run an apiary and extract honey from it for personal and commercial use. Another highly popular occupation among the villagers was brewing. Many peasants were employed in private breweries where they produced high quality alcohol in the form of beer, vodka or wine. One of such brewery brands is Harnaś Brewing Company, owned by House Jazlowiecki. Depiction of a Lechian town Cities founded by various Lechitic noble families were usually located on hills, slopes or cliffs, where danger could come from one side. The wealthier towns were surrounded by a wall, usually made of stone or bricks, and there usually was a drawbridge leading to the gate with at least one tower. In every town there was a church or chapel where local people could worship God and pray for a successful harvest. The houses of Lechitic families were made of stone, wood and thatch as a roof, as these were commonly available raw materials. Wealthier families from the middle and high nobility could afford to build houses from more expensive materials such as white stone or expensive varieties of wood, unattainable for ordinary peasants. It was not very often that you could see noble houses within the walls of cities, as high ranking families usually had their own estates that operated independently. The same applied to the castles of local rulers. They were usually solitary standing on advanced rock formations where it was difficult for enemies to get to during an attack. Depiction of a Lechian castle A typical Lechitic castle was surrounded by a thick wall made of stone bricks and was dominated by the roofs of towers and the main building where the throne room and the feast hall were located. In the castle there was usually a small chapel, and in front of the bridge leading to the castle there was a small settlement for the castle workers - guards, priests and officials. A life in a noble keep differed from village life, as there the king's representatives came and there the future of the region was debated. RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Depiction of a Lechian monastery Lechians are a people proud of their religious affiliation. Processions and solemn masses for the homeland and the king were very common during the time of their state. The king, according to official state propaganda, had authority from God, and additionally filled important places in the government with church officials. The most important seat of the church in Lechia was Krakovia where the Archbishop resided. There was also the cathedral of the Virgin, where the kings of Lechia were crowned. The Church in Lechia strictly outlined the rules of morality and punished the disobedient. Despite this, the church was highly respected by peasants, the middle class and the nobility. Many Lechians turned away from the church when they secretly formed alliances and agreements with the Waldenians regarding their position after they occupy these lands. Today, despite the diaspora in which Lechians live, the church still plays a significant role in their lives TRADITIONS Depition of Krakovia before an upcoming fair Dożynki Originating from the provincial part of Lechia - Dożynki (in common the Harvest Festival) played a great role in the life of small towns and villages. Dożynki were a special time of the harvest where people gathered in squares or clearings and set up poles with colourful streamers, tables with white tablecloths and surrounded everything with bales of hay. In the middle, a bonfire was lit over which meat bought by the peasants to celebrate the success of this year's harvest was roasted. On the tables, however, there were colourful vegetables and fruit, and everything in the theme of the harvest. Drowning of Marzanna Drowning of Marzanna was an important part of the Lechian folklore. When winter ended and spring began, children from towns and villages made puppets stuffed with hay and decorated them to resemble women. Drowning the puppet in the river, or sometimes burning it, symbolised the passing of winter and the arrival of spring. The death of Marzanna was to symbolise the passing of the month associated with death and the arrival of new life in spring. Night of Kupała Lechian customs and rituals related to the Kupała Night were supposed to ensure health and fertility. Fires were lit, in which herbs were burned. Various kinds of fortune-telling and dancing took place during the joyful games. Girls would throw garlands with lighted candles into the rivers. If the garland was fished out by a bachelor, it meant a quick marriage. If it floated, the girl would not marry soon. If it burned, drowned or became entangled in rushes, it boded ill for old age. It is thought that these are probably the remains of old pagan spring rituals, that Lechians have incorporated into their culture after converting to Canonism. LECHIAN LEGACY Depiction of City of Krakovia, seat of House Jazlowiecki in the Margraviate of Lvinsk Although centuries have passed since the fall of Lechia, the spirit of the Lechians has never died. The first verse of their favourite patriotic song says "Jeszcze Lechia nie zginęła, kiedy my żyjemy" - "Lechia is not yet lost, as long as we live". The most widely known family that still maintains the Lechitic legacy and culture to this day is House Jazlowiecki. It first became famous for the military genius of the founding fathers of the family - Aleksander Batory and Mikhail Svarogovich, who fought alongside Wilheim and Tylos Barclay, as well as Bogdan Canoslav in the War of Two Emperors. After many years of separation, the two brotherly families of Batory and Svarogovich were united under one banner. To this day, memories of nearly 200 years ago are still vivid among family members. After decades of effort, the Lechians have finally won a place to live where they could propagate their culture and traditions in harmony. The Margraviate of Lvinsk, was a refuge for Lechians, where everyone was welcome, native or foreign. Under the rule of Venerable Borys Jazlowiecki, the first Margrave of Lvinsk, and August Jazlowiecki, the first Baron of Triglav - the Margraviate constantly developed. After the fall of Savoy, Jazlowieckis decided to take their fate in their hands and openly asked King of Oren, Frederick I about the possible relocation. Thanks to his wife being a Savoyard, and the prestige their family earned through the years in the southern realm, King Frederick didn't even think but allowed them to settle in the western part of his Kingdom. Under the rule of Margrave Jazlowiecki, the Lechian culture was safe and ready to flourish once more under a new banner. After years of prosperity, came the Harvest Revolution, which drove the Lechians from their home. The treacherous de Vilains, whom the Jazlowieckis saw as friends, deprived them of their home. But GOD watched over them and crushed the oppressors that drove them out of Eagle's Retreat. Thanks to the pious Prince of Merryweather, Ottomar II, into whose hands the land that once belonged to Grodno fell, through goodwill and respect was returned to its rightful owners. From this moment onwards, the House of Jazlowiecki became an integral part of the United Kingdom of Aaun. Lvinsk, Grodno, Warsovia, Triglav, Wolavia & Viska Coats of Arms SARMATIAN CULTURE Depiction of traditional Lechian noble outfits Sarmatism is a culture developed by the Lechians during the Jogailan rule. It presupposed a golden liberty for the nobility, which allowed them to meddle in the interests of the kingdom without the right of intervention by the King. The nobility would gather for Legislative Sejm, which allowed for new laws, reforms or even the writing of a constitution. However, the Golden Liberty assumed a right of veto on the part of anyone in whose veins noble blood flowed. The representatives of the high nobility bought off the lower-born and less wealthy nobles to vote no and use the veto, which broke up the sejm and prevented state reforms. Very characteristic was the nobleman's dress worn during Sejms, called Kontusz, and sabres or maces at its belt. Golden Liberty also had other drawbacks. The nobility, enjoying a high degree of autonomy, built their manors in forested retreats around which stretched hectares of land subject to them. The manorial system developed by the Lechian nobility was based on the principle of serfdom, that is, the forced and enslaved labour of peasants. Farmers were not allowed to leave their lord or his land under any circumstances, and were only exempt from work on church and national holidays. Multigenerational families poured their sweat and blood on the land of the Lords, getting nothing in return. The end of Sarmatism and Golden Liberty is marked by the fall of Lechia and a peasant uprising, which in its fury slaughtered and hanged the Lords mercilessly. SONGS AND MUSIC The songs of the Lechians are very distinctive. Their music is usually grave, but there are also more cheerful songs, to which you can dance despite the message. This state of affairs stemmed from years spent in the diaspora - scattered to the ends of the world, with no place to live. Without a piece of land, a homeland to call their own and with fading sense of independence, the Lechians carried the light of Lechia in the form of poems, books and, first and foremost - songs. What did the Lechians write songs about? There were many themes - love for a girl, love for the homeland, grief for the homeland or a call to arms in an attempt to reclaim lands seized by invaders. The music is usually played on the piano or violin, as these were instruments considered highly esteemed in the circles of Lechia's upper nobility. One of such songs is "Warszawianka" or in common "The song of Warsovia": I. ‘Tis the day of blood and honour Let it break our bloodstained chains! Like a dragon our white eagle Looking straight has soared above and excited with this hope calls upon us from above: Raise oh Lechia! Break your shackles! It’s your triumph or your death! Chorus: Hey who’s Lechian grab your weapon Lives our freedom, Lechia lives With this word of pure excitement May our trumpet always sound May our trumpet always sound II. Dearest Lechia all your children, are in better place today, since those days when all their battles were fought in Savoyard name they have waited for two decades sent across all human lands today Mother, who will fall in thy bosom shall be found Chorus III. Sound oh bugles, roar oh canons Forward children join the fight Led by honour and our glory Triumph gleams in steel so fine Soar our eagle, high above us Spread our glory, Lechia’s might Those victorious shall gain freedom Those defeated gained it now. Chorus Words of some other Lechian songs can be found below: Lechian Anthem: Gaude Mater Lechia - Rejoice Mother Lechia Duma Rycerska - Pride of Chivalry The Camp Prayer (one of the few songs you can sing along in common) LANGUAGE All letters of Lechian alphabet The Lechitic alphabet consists of 36 characters and resembles the Ruskan and Raevir languages in places. Although these groups did not have much in common, they managed to develop similar words and phrases. Good examples are the words "Good - Dobry" and even the negation "No - Nie". In many books you can find basic words and phrases in this language. Example of a Lechitic dictionary OOC: Culture is still a WIP
  8. The path of the Aspect's Chosen is not paved with fame and fortune. It is a quiet, woodland stroll, of silent suffering and wordless joy. The service that druids provide to the Balance, and subsequently the Aspects, is a long, storied, and arduous tale. There have existed druids so dedicated and steadfast in their attunement that we continue to pass their teachings on today, tomorrow, and ever more. There have existed druids so disturbed and troubled by their attunement that we pass on the story of their struggles in tandem. This is as it should be, for there is no great spiritual harvest without there also being a great spiritual winter, and the fulfillment of the complex flow of Balance is unachievable without equal portions of joy and lamentations. It is not without great caution that the Verdant Path is offered, yet it should be equally so that great caution is taken when withholding the path from the inhabitants of the realm. In this belief, perhaps the small yet industrious bee may offer their wisdom. The duty of the bee is immense; without the support of its kin the bee would die without the products of the hive. The flowers would go untended, their plants withering without the careful attention of their striped friends. The bear would never know the sweetness of the hive's determined industry, and the bird may never take nourishment that is the sacrifice of the bee. For the continuation of this harmony that is Balance, it is paramount that the role of the Student, the Druid, the Guide, and the Grove is defined to the best of literature's means in which it may serve as the pillars of the Druid's values, goals, and purpose. The Student The King and Peasant are not so much unalike, for both may thirst for the rivers of spiritual knowledge. To take the path of Dedicancy is that which is truly sacred: it is the agreement to learn, to submit one's self to strife and challenge in the hope of achieving deeper understanding of our tumultuous world. The Students are those among us that may make great discoveries, face indescribably challenging conflict, and learn lessons in which they foster a great desire to share. The Student's role is to learn, but it is also their sacred, unsung, and perhaps unintentional role to teach their Guide. To assume that a Student's Guide has experienced every challenge and hardship is not only irresponsible but demeaning for both. The seed is the representation of the potentiality of life, such as the student is the representation of the potentiality of great knowledge. Guides need only to foster their growth, and learn from their journey so that the next seed, or Student, may be just as enriched as their elders. The process itself of becoming a Student is very easy, and can be taken by anyone of good character and pure intent. When a seeker has discovered the inspiring acts of a druid and gained a thirst for deeper understanding, they may beseech the druid for their tutelage. In this gesture, the Student may be unknowingly granting the greatest honor achievable for a Druid: the affirmation of the value of their teachings and a desire to learn from that Druid. From there, their path may begin through a series of tasks and lessons that pertain to real, current duties of the druidic community of the time. The Student will immerse themselves in the realm of Balance's struggle, and gain valuable insight before the Student is attuned into the Great Family. These tasks may range from challenging, quiet, cerebral and physical. In preparation for the Student's body and soul to serve a the greater call of nature, they must incorporate themselves in the daily struggles of existing Druids. This should not be a path unhappily followed, for should a Student find that there is no value in that which is being taught it is just as vital to allow them to stray from the path or seek another Druid. While the desired understanding can and has been attained by a single Guide's teaching, it is an unnatural restriction to expect it totally from each Guide and Student relationship. The Seed, or Student, must be allowed to grow in accordance to what answers they seek, and secrecy will stifle their potential growth to an unknown severity. The Student is the Spring season of the cycle of the Druidic cycle. The Druid To willingly suffer on the behalf of those that cannot speak is to love purely and justly The baptism of a graduated Student in the energies of attunement is a right of passage all within the Great Family have taken. The great equalizer of druids is the process of Attunement, for once the path is taken and endured, they join a family of those that can see, hear, and feel that which was previously unknowable. Every druid, newborn and elder, hears the same voices, delights, and anguish of the natural world. It is the light of perspective that shines upon Druids and allows their individual strengths to blossom, and give a kaleidoscope of culture and meaning to an otherwise overwhelming sense of perception. Elders have often said that the culmination of all hopes, fears, struggles and bonds they have nurtured and severed bombard the mind of the newborn druid like a great tidal wave. Here, the Aspects are presented the soul of the Student and examine the dedication of the oath they have sworn to nature. All unsung accomplishments, the quiet deeds of kindness, and grand victories for the preservation of the Balance are seen and heard by the Mother and Father. If the Student has satisfied the tenets of each Aspect in Balance, they will bathe the Student in the first and most important gift of all of the gifts: Perception. Emerging from Attunement, which is often but not necessarily done within a quiet and secluded pool in a grove or the wilds, is akin to second birth. Where there was silence and lack of life now there is song, color and feeling. Attunement is never ceasing, for it is an eternal state of awareness in the delights and distress of all living things. It can be maddening, even fatally so. This is where the Great Family emerges like the eye of a hurricane for their young brother or sister. Druids have been acutely conditioned to recognize anguish, and some have mastered the arts so finely that they may enlist the help of that very thing they protect to support the newborn druid in kind. Even where druids may not possess the means to sway the song of the world so potently, they may possess other skills or acts of care in which to comfort and support the new Druid. As a mother and father of the physical world would hope that their children care for each other, so too should we assume that the Aspects would hope that their druidic children would care for each other. This is the core concern that arises when Druids murder or maim Druids: it is as symbolic violation of nature itself. The Role of the Druid is to practice. Attunement enables the Druid to reach for the Gifts that have been freely offered to us by the Aspects. While the Gifts can make the task of the Druid easier, it is not that which makes impossible solutions possible. The acquisition of the Gifts does not place the Druid in any state of higher or lower authority over Druids that do not possess the same Gifts, they are truly and simply Gifts. The beauty of receiving a gift in the physical realm is the sense of gratitude and appreciation for the self, and even so the desire to share the Gifts persists among the Great Family of Druids. Abuse of the gifts is an unfortunate reality that most Druids are aware of. It has, as well, created a platform for heated debate among Elder Druids, Students, and every Druid in between. The voice of the Student or Dedicant should never be silenced in a flawed desire to pursue perfect dialogue, for they may offer the most valuable insight and perspective simply unavailable to those who have been Attuned. Allow Students and Druids alike to voice their concerns among the matter of ongoing debates, great or small, difficult or easy. The Druid is the Summer season of the Druidic cycle. The Guide There can be no preservation of the Balance without the guidance of Spring's youth, for Winter always comes for the old. The progression of Druid to Guide is much like observing the flight of the songbird, and knowing that at one point that bird did not know how to fly. Yet, it is still very much a songbird, an equivalent to the bird that is still within its egg, unborn and innocently naive. Much like the adult bird in this scenario, it is the role of the Guide to harbor growth and learning within that unhatched egg, so that one day a songbird may fly onto great things. It is also the duty of the Guide to ensure that a Student does not anguish unnecessarily or cruelly, but to allow them to face challenges in spirit of the Balance and in pursuit of ensuring the next generation may bring renewed sanctity to the journey of Druidism. Should the Guide find their spirit weary by the sheer amount of Students, it is the most honorable choice to refer the Student to another Guide. The Guide is a fount of knowledge both abstract and representational, but varying between Guides. It is not expected for a single river of the realm to offer water to every living thing of the world. Therefore we must allow many streams, or Guides, to quench the thirst of many kinds of students. Perhaps a callow teaching when pondered at first, but it is also of principal value to understand the innate wisdom of the Guide. For one who has lived and seen many things on their journey, it is also their discretion to deny a Student's request to learn. This should not be done without great consideration or reason, for it is an observable fact that when we stifle or prevent the learning from an otherwise valid druidic candidate we invoke the ire of talented minds upon ourselves. The ability to teach should never be conflated with an absolute requirement to teach. Additionally, most Guides are nominated to teach through great meetings between Druids called Moots, but it is by no means a requirement to begin passing knowledge to the next generation. The Aspects, through their notorious silence, have clearly spoken in disinterest as to what a descendant may refer to themselves before taking the Verdant Path. The Guide may offer the Verdant Path to peasants, Kings, men, women, elves, orcs, dwarves etc. The state of existence is of no matter to the Aspects that grant us our abilities. Their chiefest interest in this world is and has always only been the Balance, and it is also the duty of the Guide to ensure that other Guides may hold themselves to the standard in which the Aspects have placed faith into and expect from Druids. The Guide will teach the Guide as fervently and kindly as they would their Student. The Guide is the Autumn season of the Druidic cycle. The Grove The Grove will envelop the weary druid and comfort them, nursing their spirit back into vitality The Grove is perhaps the simplest structure of druidic culture, but has been long and unintentionally involved in political affairs that the Druid should not strive to mingle within. At the core, the Grove is a sanctuary of flora and fauna that provides shelter, nourishment, and physical rest for the Druid. This allows a great many of druids to mingle beneath great canopies and among fantastic creatures, as well as pool the resources of gifts into a convenient place for Students, Druids, and Guides alike to access. Where the more intricate function of the Grove comes in is in management of the site. Typically a grove is maintained by the permanent residence of one or more druids, with some taking on various jobs. Historically, these have been called Archdruids, but there are many names that one may give the caretaker of the Grove such as Raithean, Keeper, etc. Speaking in terms of relevant change that this grants the Druid, there is very little. The Archdruid is granted no additional gifts from the Aspects, nor does their state of awareness within the confines of attunement alter for better or worse. Archdruid, much like Guide, is simply the title of a very important job that facilitates the cooperation of all Druids among the realm. The Grove is a beacon for Druids and Students to come home to, but there must exist one or more to remain and keep the fire lit. Caution is taken when an Archdruid is selected, for it is something that must be agreed upon by many that the person in question possesses the ability to remain steadfast in times of quiet or strife. Groves typically hold vital structures within its suggested borders, including a library or information hub, an attunement pool, memorial grounds, and Moot room. Of course, many groves hold further spaces for other purposes needed for cultural ideas or otherwise, but most have generally followed this list. These give a great feast of tools for the Druids to utilize, particularly on the topic of meetings, public attunement, and historical archives. Arguably the most important function of the Grove is to facilitate the formation of the Moot, or meeting. Students, Druids, and Guides will gather within the Moot area and will discuss threats to the realm, coordinate festivals or events, and consolidate gifts to share with other Druids. There has been a need to discuss any potential harm caused by Druids, for there have existed and will continue to exist those that abuse or otherwise twist nature to serve their own desires. These accursed Druids are known as Draoi, taken from the elvish tongue as a title for an evil or otherwise harmful Druid. While genuine Draoi are fairly few and far between, it is important for Druids to convene and discuss potential conflicts of interest as to better understand how to prevent or rectify the presence of a Draoi. For the Druid, the Grove is a safe haven to rest from the tiring duties throughout the realm. It is not extended only for those that are on the Verdant Path, however, and frequently they have been used to offer refuge for citizens of natural disaster, war, or to simply offer food and comfort for the unfortunate. For this reason, it is a duty for all druids to protect and defend them wherever they may be constructed, be it in the wilds or in the nations of descendants. As nature has given us the means to survive, Druids will continue to offer that survival to all. The presence of one grove or many groves should not indicate a fracture in how the Verdant Path is joined, maintained, and protected. A Grove within the harsh desert serves the same purpose as the Grove within a glade of the mali’ame, a people historically very supportive of the Druidic Mission. Because the main purpose of the Grove is to support Druidic growth, the presence of many groves should serve as a testament to mission success. It should be the ultimate goal of the Druid to exist in harmony with all Groves, and allow the wayward druid to find their calling among all or none should they choose. Welcome, and indeed celebrate the Druid that serves many Groves, for the Balance is granted greater protection through it.
  9. Credit to @LaffenOutLoud for the original Tiva post. Along with all the people that he credited. The Growth of Tiva The Tiva Expansion V. 1 [!] A book would be delivered to all major Elven settlements for placement within their library. Tiva was once the sacred language of the Mali’ame, and many of its meanings were lost to time. My former chief, Skylar Taliame’onn, took it upon himself to try and compile meanings so that we could continue to use the language. I made it my life’s purpose to help expand the knowledge of Tiva and scoured all references, including seed chiefs and any book I could get my hands on, in order to make the language of Tiva more comprehensive. This book contains all my findings, compiled into one place. The contents of this book are split into the same segments as the original book and are as follows: Tiva’lye – Flowers used to identify yourself Tiva’annil – Flowers used to guide people or denote an area Tiva’illern – Flowers used in ceremonies (parties, marriage, funeral) Saner’tiva – Flowers used to communicate ideas Tiva’lye This is worn by Mali to describe physical, mental and emotional features about themselves, and others. These flowers tend to be the most commonly repeated flowers inside of a Tiva wreath. True Calling - Oregano - Worn by Scholars - Mugwort - Worn by those who have second sight or fortune tellers; can also be worn by those who have good insight - Bittersweet - Worn by those that judge and guardsmen - Orange blossom - Worn by artists - Carrion - Worn by criminals - Spider Flower - Worn by politicians - Hops - Worn by brewers or bartenders - Sweet Woodruff - Worn by teachers or mentors Personality Traits - White Jasmine - Honorable -Queen of the Night- Elegant - Hou-zi-faced Orchid- Funny - Yellow Jasmine - Heroic - Spearmint - Clever - Echinacea - Athletic - Juniper Berry - Humble - Catnip - Manipulation, manipulative - Oak leaf - Strength, unbreaking - Chamomile - Calm, balance - Patchouli - Greedy - Aloe - Sensitive - Savory - Creative - Water Lily - Feminine strength, inner peace - Red tulip - Passionate - Thyme - Comfort - Valerian - Cowardice - Borage - Blunt - Parsley - Rebirth - Bluebell - Humility - Mint - Virtuous - Wisteria - Long Life/Immortality - Lemon balm - Sympathy - Olive - Peace and Wisdom - Heather - Admiration - Violet - Loyalty - Belladonna - Silent/silence, worn by the deaf or mute -Dog Rose- Worn by the blind - Sea Holly - Hope - Lily-of-the-valley - Sweetness - Goldenrod - Justice - Hollyhock - Ambition / ambitious - Holly - Worn by individuals that are considered wise - Clematis - Mental beauty, complimenting an individual’s intelligence - Lemon balm - Sympathy - Violet - Loyalty - Birch Leaf - Weak-willed - Honeysuckle - Pure happiness - Purple hyacinth - Sorrow - Hyssop - Sacrifice - Palm fronds - Freedom - Angelica - Inspiration - Dill - Hatred of evil - ElderBerry - Good health, used to boost immunity Tiva’annil This branch of Tiva is used to denote traits about an area or guide people inside of a destination. Area Traits - Lady’s Slipper - ‘Step softly here’ - Rafflesia arnoldii - Home of the halflings - Snowdrops - ‘Azdrazi sighted here’ - Tarragon - ‘There are monsters here’ - Sage - Placed in places to ward off evil Tiva’illern The most sacred branch of Tiva. Holds flowers used in ceremonies and denotes flowers that are important to the Aspects. Events - Myrtle - Good luck in love, and in marriage. Used to decorate marriages - Lady’s Mantle - Traditionally given to widows at a funeral - Parsley - Used to decorate festivities, festive, or means an individual likes to party Saner’Tiva This is the most literal chapter of Tiva, used to give literal meanings and small phrases. This is often to compliment or reinforce ideas that are already within the Tiva wreath. Love Language - Yellow tulip - ‘Your smile is sunshine’, ‘you’re my sunshine’ - Red Salvia - ‘You’re in my thoughts’ - Blue Salvia - ‘Forever mine’ - Ambrosia - ‘Return to me’ - White Clover - ‘Think of me’ - Forget-me-nots - ‘Do not forget me’ - Bachelor’s button - Forever alone - Passionflower - “You’re beautiful” - Fennel - Worn by those that ‘get around’ - Cherry Blossom - Platonic “soulmates”, given to people who are considered to be your friends for life - Yellow Carnations - Rejection - Mimosa Flower - Secret love/ secret affair - Camellia - Longing - White rose - Given to those you think you are worthy of courting Insults - Black Rose - Wishing death, of the worst kind. Use your imagination here. - Pine leaf - ‘You are hopeless’ - Thistles - ‘You talk too much’ - Rhododendron - ‘Watch your back’; out to get someone - Crab’s blossom - Corrupt of the heart / heartless - Basil- Deceit or deceitful - Buttercups - Childishness - Wormwood - Dirty, gross - Tansy - Declaration of war - Apple Blossom - Fading hope, forsaken - Yellow Rose - Infidelity, jealousy - Wallflower - Worthless Misc. - Hydrangea - Thankful for understanding - Butterfly weed - ‘Accept the consequence of your actions’ - Acanthus - ‘It’s not about fixing, it’s about letting go’ - Coreopsis - ‘The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit’ (Patience) - Speedwell - ‘Feel Better soon’ - Green Clover - Somewhat unique in Tiva as each petal holds a different meaning, the first petal means integrity, the second means faith, the third means love, and the fourth means good luck. You are considered lucky if you find a clover with four leaves. - Edelweiss - Ultimate devotion, love, and courage; when delivered to an individual it means that you would go to any length to ensure they are safe and loved. Conclusion With the expansion, the language of Tiva is not forgotten and becomes more prevalent as the years go by. With a better understanding of Tiva comes a better understanding of our culture. Giving a voice to the voiceless. With this notion, I hope that our ideas may flourish and our community will thrive like a grassland of brilliant minds. Written and compiled by Ehrendil Taliame’onn With notes from Briar Taliame’onn ( @briarthorn ) and Skylar Taliame’onn along with several seed chief’s input. (Also some help from the amazing @Tigergiri for formatting and conclusion <3 )
  10. A leather-bound tome lies unattended. The pages are stark and clean, suggesting a recent publishing, or attempts at preservation. You pick it up, curious at the title- what are Long Pigs? The answer is likely not what you hoped. To Cook a Longpig Authored by Barbog, Grubgoth of the Iron’Uzg Translated by the Orcish Cultural Revival And Purity project (OCRAP) For too long, brothers and sisters of the Uruk-hai have been left in the dark by the master butchers and Grubgoths of Uruk society. Perhaps these were never meant to be left secret, or forgotten by the masses, but as times and traditions change, so too has our knowledge of the past. Whilst many brothers may still seek out and butcher the longpig like in days past, there is a distinct lack of etiquette about it, and the dishes prepared (if they can even be called such) featuring longpig are woefully inadequate at best, and a slap in the face of Glutros at worst. I shall do my part in redeeming my misguided brothers, sisters, and any who fancy a decent meal of the most coveted meat. TO BUTCHER A LONGPIG As we all know, there are many types of longpig in the world. From the gamey, lean cutlets of the Mali, to the chewy gristle notable in Dweddish meat. Each variety of longpig brings unique textures and exotic tastes to any dish, but all maintain similar anatomy- and thus, similar cuts. Below is a detailed sketch, drafted by a close friend and confidant- whom I paid in meals, of course! The following parts have been carefully labelled and separated on the drawing; Head, ears, jowl, snout, neck, blades, shoulders, hock, back-fat, arms, hands, ribs, flank, belly, loin, rump, lower hock, leg, shank, and feet. Please take careful note of abnormal, non-descendent races. As one might expect, the belching Wonk or the limber Hou-Zi will undoubtedly be cut differently, as their anatomy grows further from traditional longpig cuts. The Musin shan’t be more than a snack. TO MAKE A MEAL OF LONGPIG Whilst cooking the meat itself is none too dissimilar from a hock of lamb or pig belly, one must be careful when selecting your sides! Longpig has a very distinct tone, and, due to its exotic nature, should not be wasted on unfitting dishes. My personal recommendations are as follows: HUMAN - As time-tested-and-true as beef or pig itself. While certainly a cut above livestock, if not just for the hunt involved in procuring this meat, I personally feel that you have better options. Truly, Longpig is meant to be a rare delicacy, and the abundance of humans leave this rather paradoxical- and the tastes and textures themselves are certainly nothing to write home about. If you were to create a barbaric or uncultured dish, then human meat suits perfectly. Burgers and bacon, perhaps, but leave serving longpig before a king to the Mali or Kha. ELF - As much as they may protest when alive, when you get down to the fundamentals- the flesh itself- they’re really all quite similar. Indeed, the tender, gamey, supple meat of the Mali are among my favorite dishes. I cannot speak highly enough of the feasts I have turned the odd botanist or researcher into. Perhaps it is their natural femininity, or their inclination to bookish things, but elves have an unrivaled, juicy tenderness. The finest of red wines, and the most expensive, outlandish sides could never be enough to compete with the meat itself- but perhaps they may make it better by comparison. DWARF - As the stout, tough race toils hard in their mines and are born with muscles taut as stone, so too is this reflected in their meat. If you wish to cook evenly and deeply with this longpig (or shall we call them shortpig?) , then a good tenderizer and elbow grease is required. I can assure you, though, that they make a most excellent brisket if you do, and there is no better iteration of pulled longpig meat, than that painstakingly torn from the Dwed. HALFLING - While it wounds me as a friend of the Weefolk to have to record an entry that may be mistaken as encouraging their slaughter, I only do so in the highest regard as an objective chef. They are, as one may expect, quite similar to the flesh of the human that some allege they originate from. They have more ‘earthy’ notes to them, which some have suggested come from the divergence of ancestry. This pairs well with heady beers and hard liquors. Should you come across the meat of the half-men, I can only suggest one thing; avoid the feet. They are tough, covered in calluses many, many layers deep, and unlike shucking a clam, does not reward you with good grub. WONK - Their anatomy is, quite simply, repulsive to most casual consumers. Even the meat itself is slick and slimy, and the only cure is to char it into a brick- a cardinal sin that no true cook should ever commit. You have two options when it comes to the Wonk as longpig. You may either attempt to recreate certain seafood dishes with Wonk meat, leveraging that sliminess as one might the slippery raw squid, or slick watery vegetables. This, in my opinion, is the best choice for most of the Wonk’s body… except for their hock, leg, and shank. These are fatty and have a texture somewhere between soft fish and poultry. Best when sauteed and stewed! Fun fact: Wonk legs do not stiffen up as fast as most animals upon their demise, and may even twitch when heated up in cooking! HOU-ZI - An odd choice- and I say that proceeding the Wonk! Whilst there are similarities between the Hou-Zi, and races such as halflings and humans, they are an entirely different beast- No offense to Hou-Zi intended! Truly, they ought not be hunted for their meat, as it is rather bland and chewy in the most unpalatable way. Instead, the true delicacy of the Hou-Zi is in the mind… And I say that in the most physical sense. Chilled Hou-Zi brains. Do not question it, merely enjoy it. KHA - Whilst Kha are very few and far between these days, I would argue that only makes the already-exotic taste of the meat feel only that much more so! Truly, in days where Kha would roam our borders in droves, were days where the Ilzgûl blessed our civilizations. There is something so… utterly indescribably, in the juices of Kha meat. I cannot stress this enough- this meat NEEDS to be served rare, if not raw. Any dangers of undercooked meat are well worth the suffering when beer-basted Kha precedes it. MUSIN - Musin themselves have little meat, and are best served as a side of their own. However, should you find yourself with many little mouse-meals, you may find that they are best incorporated as half-dish. Meals such as a mushroom-and-musin kebab, or a chunky stew, would be a wonderful use for these little snacks. SEZZIKBEKK - While their bodies are quite unappealing at first glance, they hold much meat in their more ‘avian’ parts- the thighs, breast, and (on some specimens with less-twisted appendages), wing-meat. Whilst these may be used as a replacement for more common fowl, such as chicken or partridge, they truly shine when deep-fried. Indeed, while I find few things more delicious in this world than Krugtucky Fried Chicken, I have found their equal in Fried Sezzikbekk. TO PLATE A LONGPIG This will, of course, vary by the meat itself, and how you cook it. Humans, halflings, dwarves, and the like will be suitable as plain affairs- one would not be remiss to see human sliders on a plain ceramic tray, and for good reason. For more ‘exotic’ meats, then rest assured, I recommend firmly to play this up in their presentation. Sauteed wonk with a smooth Teriyaki sauce, Musin kebabs wrapped in palm leaves with carefully-threaded skewers connecting the cutlets, and Deep-Fried Sezzibekk stacked like a tower, with garlic powder and shredded kaktuz sprinkled from high above. All of these are presentations I have seen with my own eyes, and they never cease to entertain and enthrall even the most well-fed of critics. Go with your intuition here, but I must repeat from earlier; do not waste your longpig. The taking of a life is much more special here- a cow or chicken are penned and dumb, and the act of bringing one to your table is of absolutely no note. The battle that wins you a prime dish-to-be of longpig, however, means that the meat itself deserves a higher level of respect. Perhaps you may attempt to recreate aspects of that very battle in your plating, but at the very least it makes an entertaining story to share. AFTERWORD Whilst my advocacy for the consumption and proper preparation of longpig cannot be understated, I do not intend for this book to inspire my brothers and sisters to become butchers for the sake of sport. It is the very act of a well-fought battle that makes the meat taste that much more succulent, the comedy of serving a belly cut deep by your friend’s arrow, that is to truly ‘make the meal’. To turn them into common chattel is right-out. Livestock has grown complacent, boring, and dare I say, a turn-off to many chefs. Respect the intent behind serving longpig, by not abusing the source the Ilzgûl have so generously provided. They are the sustenance after a battle, not some simpering beast to be penned and bred for grub alone. But, above all else; Cook well, my friends. -Barbog
  11. BENEATH THE WILLOW TREE For the brave souls lost to us. Come hither, my darling And join me upon the hill Battle rages across the ground Clashes of might and will Smoke and flame billows Up towards GODAN’s skies Watch as steel meets flashing steel Hear the orphan’s cries Come hither, my darling As we tread this bloodsoaked ground Find your heart and listen To the hallowed sound Deep in the wood Where meadow meets glade There, you shall find it Sitting beneath a willow’s shade Come hither, my darling What is it you hear? The sound of memories long faded Words once held dear Echoes of those long past Sit deep in your heart Gone but not forgotten Never truly apart Come hither, my darling And sit beneath the willow tree Is it not peaceful? Here, you are entirely free GODAN, save the Brotherhood Protect them from melancholy So they may dance forever Beneath the willow tree SIGNED, Her Royal Highness, Klara Elizaveta, Duchess of Baranya
  12. VE BLAUWMS I HANSETI-RUSKA, VOLUME TWO Va Birodeo Herzenav ag Edlervik, This document is a continuation of VE BLAUWMS I HANSETI-RUSKA, VOLUME ONE. Please read the first volume before the following. FLOWERS Ve Daffodil This flower is most commonly found in shades of white, yellow, or a mixture of the two. However, they can be spotted in red, pink or orange. Signifying rebirth, new beginnings, beauty, admiration, truth, and honesty, these flowers are perfect for gifting. One should be wary of pairing them with other flowers that may have other meanings (see first volume), for then the humble daffodil becomes a token of death and vanity. Ve Crocus Symbolizing rebirth, romantic devotion and joy, the crocus comes in a variety of different colors. Often found in shades of lavender, pale pink or white, these flowers only bloom when spring is near. These flowers make perfect gifts, not having any of the pesky double meanings that can easily trick the ignorant and ill prepared. Ve Cyclamen Blooming in white, pink, lavender and red, the cyclamen symbolizes devotion, empathy, and sincerity of the heart. Perfect for a loved one, the cyclamen is one of the easier flowers to grow. It is planted as bulbs, giving them the perfect heartiness to survive in the climate of Hanseti-Ruska. Ve Kaffir Lily Often growing in red, white, orange and yellow, kaffir lilies are signs of purity and commitment. These flowers are perfect to use in cathedrals, basilicas and churches. Using them in religious ceremonies, such as weddings and baptisms, is said to impart good luck on the attendees. Ve Phlox Symbolizing unity of souls, love, sweet dreams and proposal, phlox is the perfect flower to give to your potential spouse. This flower comes in white, purple, blue, red and pink, making it a popular flower to use in weddings. Ve Andromeda Blooming in pink, white and deep red, the andromeda is a harbinger of spring, only blooming when the weather just starts to turn. As such, this flower carries meanings of rebirth and new beginnings, perfect for a gift to someone one wishes to make amends with. Ve Iris This species of iris only blooms in periwinkle, a mixture between blue and purple. Traditionally symbolizing valor, wisdom and faith, this flower is perfect as a gift for any soldier either going to or returning from war. This marks the end of VE BLAUWMS I HANSETI-RUSKA, thank you for reading. SIGNED, Her Royal Highness, Prinzenas Klara Elizaveta, Duchess of Baranya
  13. VE BLAUWMS I HANSETI-RUSKA, VOLUME ONE Va Birodeo Herzenav ag Edlervik, The following document contains the different types of flowers within Hanseti-Ruska that hold importance to the culture of the kingdom. To be used at the people’s discretion, these blooms can be used for bouquets or Hauchmetvas Wreaths that one might wish to bestow a special meaning to. FLOWERS Ve Camellia Traditionally found in hues of white, red or pink, the camellia is one of the flowers that can bloom in Hanseti-Ruska’s harsh climate. Notoriously hard to grow, the camellia can only be found in select regions of the kingdom unless they are grown within greenhouses. Whilst white camellias symbolize adoration for someone well-liked, pink and red camellias display a longing for someone who is missed. Ve Snowdrop The snowdrop is commonly meant to symbolize purity, innocence, sympathy, rebirth and hope, this purely white flower is perfect as a gift for a young woman. The people of Hanseti-Ruska should be aware, be they lay person or nobility, that some snowdrops tend to be larger with a slight green hue. It should be noted that if the slightly green snowdrops are gifted to someone, the intent behind the gift is to subtly call into question all the qualities a snowdrop usually embodies, implying that the receiver has none of those qualities, or even the opposite of them. Ve Lenten Rose The lenten rose, like the snowdrop, is another flower that carries hidden meanings. Blooming in red, purple, yellow, green, blue, lavender and pink, they are often said to symbolize hope. That said, one should never gift a green lenten rose to anyone they hold interest in. The green color of the flower blends into the delicate stems, indicating the gifter has not thought of the receiver in any capacity other than in passing. Ve Holly Bush Holly is often used to portray fertility and long life. Often, those who cannot afford proper medical care bathe their infants in water that has recently been boiled with holly and allowed to cool. It is whispered to protect the children from harm, as a good luck charm. Ve Jasmine The fragrant white flowers of jasmine are often used to make perfumes, though the meaning of the blooms are wonderful all on their own. Often given with the meaning of love attached to them, jasmine also symbolizes beauty, good luck, appreciation and purity. However, one must beware when gifting these flowers. If paired with a snowdrop, especially a green snowdrop, the combination signifies promiscuity on the part of the receiver. It can be counted as a great insult. Ve Witch Hazel It is whispered, perhaps heretically so, that witch hazel has the uncanny power to divine the future or to reveal the truth. Perhaps rightly so, witch hazel holds a horrible reputation. Although useful in some medical instances, it should never be gifted to those you hold in high esteem. It can be used to indicate the gifter believes the receiver is lying, either in general or more specifically. It is seen as uncouth to gift the plant to even one’s enemies. Ve Aconite This stark purple bloom often signifies misanthropy, caution, and death. The plant is incredibly poisonous, causing pain in the stomach, vomiting and nausea if ingested. One should be especially careful when handling it, and it is the height of disgrace to gift aconite to a living person. On the other hand, this flower is one of the best to use in funeral processions. Volume Two of VE BLAUWMS I HANSETI-RUSKA is soon to follow. SIGNED, Her Royal Highness, Prinzenas Klara Elizaveta, Duchess of Baranya
  14. The Noble Felines and Canines [!] A colorful oil painting displaying a few of the Noble dogs, of gentry houses. Small scripture at the bottom would read [!] "410 E.S: the Noble way of raising pets" The Royal Class Raised from the finest line of animals seen, The most pampered and well groomed of animals that are seen often to be well trained and cared for with the utmost respect by servants and handmaids. The royal breed of dogs and cats are known to be those belongings to the royal family. They have silky coats and bows in their hair. They are the Royalty of Haense as much as their owners and are to be treated with the same respect. Specifically seen in the royal family is the crow. Not only serving as a mascot to the grand city it also serves as a beautiful specimen. With jet black feathers and a long beak. They have made wonderful pets for the family since the beginning of times. [!] Painted with expensive oils and fine brush work. A portrait of two royal dogs in bright and vibrant paints. This is the true display of a royal animals life. [!] The Noble Class Raised by hand of a purebred breeder and cared for with similar mannerisms to the royal pets. The Noble dogs and cats alike are seen with well maintained fur and often taken on walks by the house serventry, where a royal pet might receive his or her own room, a noble dog would be trained to sleep at the foot of his master, at the bottom of the bed. All Canines and Felines should be taught the respectful training of silence and proper animal ediquide. Should the noble animal be seen jumping around and barking like a madden street creature, his or her title may be revoked and tossed to the streets! [!] A colorful display of a few troublesome kittens from noble pedigree. The paintings fine brush strokes help the message across [!] The Peasant Class Seen on the streets and Alleyways leaves the most common street Dog, probably a mix or even could contract some illness. These Dogs and cats are stereotypically seen as aggressive and hungry, they are the lowest of the line and often found eating a dead animal. How undignified they are without proper care they have matted hair and no training at all. [!] A poorly painted portrait of a lower class maiden feeding the street creatures [!] Proper Animals out of the usual Certain animals can be seen that are not under the usual Class of dog or cat. Such as Queen Emma of SA.60 seen with her royal hermit crabs. Most exotic and inciting animals belong to the royal classes. However on occasion it's seen that a lord or lady be seen with an animal of different nature than the usual. However the pet's behavior always reflects on the owner. A lady's jumpy dog who cannot be silent should be turned away and shunned until the problem has been fixed. However it's seen as an incredibly disrespectful and terrible show of a short fuse and ugly act to strike an animal in any sort of way. Only a true villain would dare harm an innocent animal defenseless and poor of care. [!] A rather average painting would display a small boy feeding a few dogs in the garden. [!] Signatures Her Ladyship, Analiesa Vasilia Ludovar, Lady Chamberlin
  15. ”One day he will return, and on that day, we will be there to welcome the Infernal king” ~The Infernal Knights~ Iblees will return, A prophecy, no, a Certainty. Born from the moment Iblees was locked away, a conviction of his return. A grand prophecy, empowering all who serve the demons. An infernal source of power that drives all those who believe, all those who know. The Infernal Knights are an order of wretched beings powered by sheer force of will and faith, all of them pledged their souls to the High lord Iblees himself. They fight for their Infernal Lords with steel and fire. They would happily die if it meant the service of the demons. Moz Strimoza is their heaven and Demon’s are their halfgods. The world will Burn…. History 43 years ago the Inferi hordes were stopped in the Korvassa desert, they returned to their realm but not without leaving a giant amount of destruction and chaos, the land around the Korvassa desert started to split open deeming its inhabitants to flee. The entirety of Arcas fled to Almaris seeking a new fresh life, but the cataclysmic event awoke something in the shadows of the dark, lingering evil that was waiting to come out. 5 years later… A white haired elf, hailed from a bustling city, one day ventured deep into a dark forest, his white locks brushed in the wind. After a long walk he came into an open spot in the middle of the dense forest. On the other side of the opening was an elder figure who arose from the bushes. Both figures approached the middle of the open spot in the forest, wind mildly blazing past their air. In the middle was a ominous rock, black as the night, a pentagram carved into it. The elf looked at the man and the man looked at the elf, they clasped hands with determination. “Old friend…” These were two regulair descendants, void of power. But together, in that forest the two friends founded The Infernal Cult, wrought in the strongest foundation: faith, soon many more gathered. They began slaying those deemed unworthy, spilling blood for infernal gods, creating chaos wherever they could, corrupting the world. They began their eternal search, longing to serve their rightful masters. But misfortune struk, The Chasm of the Unholy, an ancient and holy place for the Infernal Knights was brought down, layed in ashes of its previous cinders, sleeping. Therein the cult slept, slept for multiple years, but one man stood up. Another man stood up, one by one the Cult stood up from the shadows, they gathered to reignite the flames of the past. To relit the ashes so that the ashes may turn into a greater flame, mightier, stronger and more demonic than before. ‘The order of Infernal Knights was born!” ~ Clothing The Infernal Knights are never seen without armor. Lower ranked Knights will often be seen wearing chaotic, rusted symbols and armor, usually black and dark metals. But due to the chaotic freedom of their wears they can represent pretty much anything as long as it honours the Infernal gods. The higher you climb up the ranks the more organized the armor looks, don’t get me wrong, they look chaotic alright. On the contrary, those higher in command, wear armor representing some of the commanders from the last inferi war. All the armor usually appear quite demonic, meant to honour their gods, often Inferi symbols can be found and the suits of armor are usually quite spiky and rugged to simulate the chaotic nature of the Inferi. ~ Food The Inferi have a delicate yet brute menu when it comes to food. While they do eat regular food, the Infernal often dine at the meat and blood of their enemies. They took the habit of ripping your opponents in half and consuming their flesh from the demons, though, made more suited for descendants. The Infernal knights like to dine on their enemies and drink their blood after a victory, many different parts of their enemies are prepared and consumed as if a feast to celebrate their victory. It is accustomed to drink blood of those same corpses as well, alcoholic substances might occasionally be added if the mood is right for it. While they eat their enemies, a lot of the corpses are left to sacrifice to their gods. Even though they like to consume their enemies nice and fancy they do stick to their Inferi masters and rip the skin straight off freshly perished corpses. Usually to intimidate the enemy. Though, in the end, to their sadness, they eat cooked meat, to avoid consuming too much raw meat and catching ill. ~ “Cower in fear as you watch the flesh being ripped of your allies bones by the looming knights in the fire, Watch in horror as you know you will be their next meal” “We are but pawns, mere tools. We will live for our gods, and we will die for our gods” Religion The Order of the Infernal Knights is a religious group of knights who dedicate their entire lives to serve Iblees. They believe Iblees is the one true god, meant to rule all. By serving Iblees, they consequently also serve the pentacle and all Demons, under them. The Infernal Knights believe themselves lowly in comparison to the demons. They are perfect beings as Iblees intended to. That is why they try to pick up as much of the Infernal culture as they can, for example, as mentioned before. Eating their enemies. Anything Infernal is holy to them, Moz Strimoza is their heaven. Demons are their Demi-gods, to die for the Inferi is an honour for all Knights. ”To only place thyne eyes on the mere sight of an Infernal being is one of the greatest blessings one can receive” The Infernal Knights believe they might be able to please any Infernal gods or even Iblees himself by sacrificing non-Believers to them ceremonially. Usually meaning the death of an enemy or someone who does not think of the demons as good, paired with a prayer. The bodies will then usually be eaten or used to be thrown into the mouth of Moz Strimoza. An uncanny, endless pit, murals covered with what seems to be Moz Strimoza’s land itself. They believed it is to be a portal holy, wherein they threw the bodies or residu of bodies they had consumed in the hope that the demons of Moz Strimoza may be able to claim their souls. Several members of the old Inferi cult have ventured down, yet none have returned so far. They are believed to be in Moz Strimoza now. The Infernal Knights believe that Iblees is destined to one day return to this realm to destroy it with chaos and rebuild a paradise for the Inferi. The Order seeks contact with the Inferi or its allies so that they can serve the Inferi. They have never seen any Inferi, though their purpose is to serve them, until they have contact from the Inferi they go by the lead of the Zealots. Spiritual leaders who are chosen because it is believed that they are the best to interpret the Inferi’s will and lead the Order. They seek to free the High lord of Moz Strimoza and ready the world for Iblees to make it as easy as they can for him. ~ “Marching Knights, everywhere. All demonic in stature, chains could be heard everywhere, every step set determined, meaning to kill for their lord. We knew. The Infernal Knights were coming…..” Hierarchy The Infernal Knights are a force of chaos and violence, not stopped until death. But like the Inferi, the Infernal Knights have hierarchy. The Infernal knights are an army of veteran knights, often previously a soldier before joining the order, or trained in the order itself. Led by the hardest veterans of worshippers, solely powered by faith and sheer force of will. They have an iron resolve to serve their lords and keep true to the hierarchy, obeying all who stand above them. The Knights have no particular weapon, all knights using their own respected weapon. Ranks The Scourge - The apprentices The Scourge, or, the apprentices are newly joined members of The Infernal Knights, they are those who wish to serve, but are often not trusted completely yet, therefore they are not yet Infernal Knights or Sorcerers. The apprentices are the biggest bunch of the cult, many aspiring to be completely trusted into their knighthood, gaining access to all the Order's knowledge. Until they are trusted they will attempt to prove themselves by attending missions and assignments and are trained in combat by the Knights. Although the Apprentices are not trusted completely yet by the upper ranks, they are all valuable members of the order. Without the power and will of the aspiring Apprentices and their sheer numbers, the Order would not be where it is today, therefore they are given the name: “The Scourge” To give them a collective identity and the enemy a force to fear. The Scourge wears an individual set of armor each. Over the years tailored to their specific needs and desires. Some sorcerers need less plating, some want spikes on their shoulders, all examples. This makes each Apprentice unique, this is to represent the minions of The Inferi, all unique in their own terrifying ways. An Apprentice loses their individuality when becoming an Infernal Knight/Sorcerer. Some of The Scourge can be promoted to Lieutenants, these are more trusted Apprentices, but are not yet let into the Infernal knighthood. They are long time apprentices or those trusted a great deal by the Infernal Knights. Sometimes let in on some knowledge/missions. And also given the right to lead the scourge should a higher up be unavailable. *Scourge Lieutenant The Infernal Knights - Sorcerers The Infernal knights/Sorcerers are the most elite group of the Order, feared the most in the Order for their terrifying protruding presence. A rank holy to all apprentices. One becomes an Infernal Knight or Sorcerer when the Apprentice/Lieutenant has proven their worth. An Infernal Knights is like a brother to the other Infernal Knights and sorcerers, they have fought beside them for an incredibly long time now and they are a trusted member of Order, allowing involvement of all the secrets of the order. They are now one of the highest ranking Individuals, there are not many Infernal Knights/Sorcerers. When an apprentice/Lieutenant gets promoted to the status of an Infernal Knight or Infernal they lose their Individual set of armor (they can keep it off course, but it’s just armor), in return they are given the Infernal knights set of armor or the Infernal sorcerers set of robes, showing their status to the rest of the Order. On top of that a Knight or Sorcerer is given a title, a name suited to their personalities or achievements, defining them as an individual knight or sorcerer of the Order. *An Infernal Sorcerers set of robes. Infernal Knights wear great, decorated, plated armor giving them strong protection. They are usually already strong enough to wear the heavy armor comfortably due to the training they received as an Apprentice. An Infernal Sorcerer is a spellcasting member of the Order. They usually fight from distances with their magic supporting the Infernal Knights and The Scourge on the front. The Infernal sorcerers are usually given robes with light plating to allow better movement and less carrying weight for they are usually weaker due to their abilities, unable to effectively carry heavy armor. The Infernal Lords - Zealots The Infernal Lords are the three leaders of The Order of the Infernal Knights, they are treated as Zealots, spiritual leaders. Interpreting the will of the gods, deciding what actions the gods would want them to take. They always consist of three members, avoiding any possible corruption to ensure the well being of the Order. The Infernal lords do most jobs in the Order, amongst which leading most missions and assignments, and directing the Order to keep a chaotic yet organized group that can effectively carry out their duties, an Infernal lord's job is a tough one, but they are veterans amongst the Order, guided for decades by their religion. Atop all that they ensure their religion remains intact and honourable as intended and needed, making sure all aspects of their religion will be kept and held properly. The Infernal Lords armor is close to an Infernal Knight one’s, but still with their respective differences like a crown shaped helmet and greater fur collar. There are at this current time 2 Infernal lords who are still seeking for a third member worthy and willing of taking on the task. They are the original two founders of the cults. ~ Purpose The purpose of this lore is a necessary rewrite of the old Inferi cultist’s lore, a premature version of the intended and still developing cult in a stage where there was little time to develop decent lore. This lore is a rewrite hoping to have picked up on the experiences made in the cult last year of its existence and in the hope of sparking the culture a new life. This lore also follows the same reasons the original Inferi Cult was created. To create a group of Inferi Worshippers to allow people wanting Inferi Worshipping rp to do so, and to create a new villainous threat on the roads and cities. I hope you had as much fun reading the lore as I had writing it. OOC applications are: Closed (For ooc application contact Minth_11 / Minth#6303) [Do not metagame this information] Writer: Minth
  16. el’Sirame - Seed of the Forestborn The Forest Shepherds, Priests, and Green Dragons of Siramenor The Lore of the Forestborn Haelun Mali’ame. The mother of Wood Elves and Seeds as we know them today. Long ago, when Malin first ruled the Elves under one united Kingdom, Irrin Sirame was born. She bore no noble blood, and lived amongst the common folk. In her earlier days, she served the Kingdom as a sentinel, quickly rising through the ranks as she defeated foe after foe, and claimed victory after victory for the Elven people. Seeing her prowess, the Elvenking himself granted her a place upon the High Council of Malinor, the first of common-blood to ascend to such an honored place at Malin’s table. When the days of the great Elven schism bore down upon Malin’s Kingdom, Irrin Sirame led her followers into the wildlands, deep into the woodlands of the world. These folk would soon be known as the Mali’ame. Under her guidance, they spread over the wildlands, claiming their homes among the forests, the plains, the coasts. The mother of Mali’ame spent many years traveling between these places, appointing chieftains of the tribes that settled throughout the land, creating the first Seed of the Mali’ame. To these Seeds, she passed on her devotion to the Aspect, and ensured that the memory of Malin’s teachings would endure for centuries to come. Despite bringing the Seeds of the Mali’ame into existence, she had no tribe of her own, none to carry on her ideals beyond the Seeds she helped make. Irrin vowed to take no husband, to mother no children. No tribe can claim her bloodline, for there are none in all the land that carry it. But now, centuries later, a simple ‘ame and her family seek to continue her legacy. The Sirame were founded in the year 1760, as a tribe of ‘ame who seek to emulate the mission of Irrin Sirame- to preserve the sacred worship of the Aspects, and to carry on the ways of the Mali’ame through times of peace and war alike, through the prosperous, or grave. Many are priests, or devout- studying the ways of the Mali’ame culture, teaching them to all who may seek to know the ancient ways. Wherever the forest folk roam, they seek to nurture and guide the future generations. Beliefs and Traditions Religion “May the mother give me the grace to spread life and light through this land, and may the father grant me the strength of spirit to protect it...” - An excerpt from the prayers of the mali’ame Following in Irrin Sirame’s footsteps, the Sirame hold a steadfast belief in the Aspects, as was the faith of the elvenking himself, and of the mother of Mali’ame herself. To them, the Mali’ame are inseparable from the ways of the wild faith- their way of life is entirely dependent on the wilds, as it should remain. While the Seed primarily worships the Aspects, their attention is not solely focused upon them. The Seed knows that the Mani, the animal spirits of the wild, hold an important place in the natural world, and will sometimes lend their prayers and offerings to them and respect those that follow them. The Seed holds no patron Mani themselves, as many Seeds do. While traditionally, ‘ame have sought to bring others into the fold through sermon and teaching, the Sirame are the sort to lead through their own example. They believe that only action will truly bring faith to the other Mali’ame, and remain fiercely devout through all, showing the power of faith in this world. Values Tradition sits at the heart of the Sirame, as their purpose is to continue the life’s work of Irrin Sirame. Their values and beliefs line with the old ways of the Mali’ame, and of the forestborn herself. Faith One of Irrin’s most steadfast pursuits in her lifetime was the spreading of the worship of the aspects. The Elvenking himself was devout in their worship, although he was no Druid. As one of his faithful lieutenants, Irrin followed in his steps. When the others turned their back on the worship of the huntsman and the mother, none were more furious than she. She dedicated her life to keeping the faith of her people alive, and so the Sirame adopted this hallowed belief. Unity The most prosperous days of the Elven people have been in the ages of unity, when ‘ker and ‘ame and ‘aheral stood side by side, marching forwards into the coming dawn. Malin knew this, and thus his people knew peace and prosperity like no other. Irrin Sirame believed in this too- in the memory of the united Kingdom. While no King can lead again, the seed of Sirame believes in a united Elven people all the same. Stewardship To always ensure that there is a safe home for the Mali’ame, no matter how the world may look. There must always be a place where the culture of the forestborn may endure, free from the shackles of others. Safe. Free. and Balanced. The Sirame must lead others to this home, if necessary. Fortitude We are long lived. Our eyes take in centuries of life, and with it, centuries of hardship, and loss. As Mali, we must have the resilience to endure all that the arduous road of life has to offer in our long lived days. This does not mean to remain untouched, or unbothered, but to bounce back- to tackle life with renewed vigor once you fall. Connection to the Wild Above all else, the Sirame believe in a deep, spiritual connection to the wilds around them. The forests are a sacred land, and all the life in them as well. They hunt, as their ancestors did, and pay homage to their fallen spirits. To fell a tree is to kill a piece of the forest, and so they live in burrows, intertwined within their roots, surrounded and protected by them. A Canonist prays in a temple, and a member of the Sirame prays deep within the woods, far from the sight of civilization, shaded by the branches of the trees that they so deeply revere. Appearance and Ilmyumier Dressings, Clothes Members of the Seed can come from many various walks of life, though they typically dress in traditional Mali’ame attire, seeking to be role models to other ‘ame. Robes, tunics, and other dressings of greens, reds, and even yellows. They wear no shoes, seeking to be connected to the earth and the world around them. Oftentimes, they will incorporate pieces of nature into their attire as well- flowers, leaves, and others. Ilmyumier The Sirame takes the mark of Taynei’hiylu, the green dragon spirit, using it as their symbol and ilmyumier. The depiction of the green dragon wraps up and down one arm entirely, snaking over the flesh in flight. The ‘ame may adorn themselves over the rest of their body in viridian flame, should they wish to, but it is not required. The mark of Taynei’hiylu mark is meant to represent wisdom and strength, and their connection to the forest. Another mark members may receive however, is the spring mother's wreath, a mark placed upon the palm of an ‘ame, meant to represent the peaceful ways of the tribe, and the harmony that they seek. However, this mark is not exclusive to members of the clan, and may be offered by the clan as a status tattoo to a peacekeeper.
  17. —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 year, 2nd Age 15th. Down below are the collective words that were spoken during the fourth moot of collective Drui, Dedicants, and Citizens of Nevehlen that gathered together under the father circles Tree to speak of important matters, information that everyone within the Vale needed to be aware of, and new pressing concerns. Allowing all those that missed out on the meeting to be informed of the passing discussions. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Miven Caerme’onn - “Alright! Welcome, welcome. This our…forth. Forth I think Father Circle moot we’ve had here in Nevehlen.” Miven Caerme’onn - “A lot of new folks here, so for those of you who are new, the Raitheans will address some issues, or topics and then welcome you all to comment on them. At the end, the floor is open for you lot to bring up any pressing new topics that you believe the Circle should be aware of. Any other matters, feel free to find Raitheans on a later day.” Miven Caerme’onn - “If everyone understands that, we’ll begin! First moot points will be pressing matters, the voidal blighted lands, preparations against Azdrazi attacks and conflicts with other darkspawn.” Miven Caerme’onn - “Let us start with blighted lands, ti?” Ahn Gulr - “YUB” Evar’lae Amayril - “TI” Lle’sil - “Ti!” Roylan Grant - “Aye.” Miven Caerme’onn - “The father Circle has had four scouting missions out in the blighted lands, and of the four, three we managed trekking through. During those we tried healing, we’ve tried burning land and flora, nothing worked.” Miven Caerme’onn - “The last scouting mission we didn’t make it out of our own gates and we were attacked outside our northern walls. A hoard of mages and behemoths, protecting some orb. We fought, we killed them all, and as soon as this protection was gone, the orb tried to escape.” Miven Caerme’onn - “The orb was destroyed, however, with this brought new theories as to how we can cleanse the land or bring thoughts of studying the orb.” Miven Caerme’onn - “And for clarify, the orb is destroyed. When they are destroyed, they will have harmed warriors. Frostbite, and blight that can be healed.” Yae’vel Caerme’onn - “Our warriors are strong, but some will be hurt on these expeditions. These tainted monstrosities continue to threaten our way of life and the balance, but wwe continue to fight. I am proud of each and everyone one of you.” Malii-evarir at this point arrived into the moot and slipped onto the stands to witness it. Miven Caerme’onn - “That said, the next couple of elven years Father Circle Drui will go in the blighted lands, and outskirts again.” Miven Caerme’onn - “We need to find more of these orbs, should they be on the outskirts, and study them the best we can.” Miven Caerme’onn - “Does anyone have anything they’d like to note on this particular issue? And the blighted lands?” Evar’lae Amayril - “Stay the **** away from the ocean.” Axilya - “And stay the **** away from the middle.” Miven Caerme’onn - “Fisuli first, then Varan and Lle’sil.” Yae’vel Caerme’onn - “We do not have such…rules. Speak your mind and you will be addressed as such. The raising of hands is…mhmm how do I say? Dumb. We are equals in our protection of the balance.” Lotus Lorenthus - “She just said you don’t have to raise your hand.” The Kodiak Druid - “I do what I please. And. I like raising my hand.” Fisuli - “I first ask, have you already tried removing corrupted material from the hollow before purifying it?” Miven Caerme’onn - “I’m ne sure if any have trie that. Something we can do on our next trip, bring blighted flora on the outskirts and heal. Ahernan for the suggestions.” The kodiak druid - “Were these necromancers with you spoke of prioersister bear? If so, you recongize this is awfully odd. Orb of theirs exploded into frost, has an alliance between the frosty-women and the necromancers been considered? After-all, I assume they both want to end all of us anyway.” Miven Caerme’onn - “One moment! I believe fisulii had more to add.” The Kodiak Druid - “Ayal” Fisuli - “I believe that could be a simple test to see the nature of the connection of the orb. If that doesn’t work, dousing the object in auric oil or other ways of breaking a voidal connection might work.” Fisuli - “If we could confirm such a connection is causing the abnormal ability of the hollow to resist purification than we could focus our efforts on that. If not if might suggesti something more potent than the orbs at play.” Miven Caerme’onn - “Ayric oil, to the land has unfortunately proven not useful. It’s only good against creatures. Necromancers did ne have an orb, a group of voidal magi and voidal behemoths had this orb. The necromancer situation is solely them needing life to thrive - our glade, our kin.” Miven Caerme’onn - “Varan, I saw your hand was up?” The Kodiak Druid - “Ahh- Makes sense.” Fisculii - “Oh, and I suspect if we break an orb within the hollows we might elicit a rather…voilent reaction. If there connections are complex enough. I am not entirely certain, but it is worth being wary of. I believe that is all I have to say. Lotus Lorenthus: - “I can most likely figure out who the necromancers are. It would cost a lot, though…” Miven Caerme’onn - “Voilent reaction wherever you find the orb. Thankfully those who smashed it on our lands were covered head to toe and were protected.” Miven Caerme’onn - “We’ve two locations as to where the necromancers are coming from, both that the gladeguards of nevaehlen, and Father Circle drui will be scouting.” Varan - “I just ask if you have any shards of the orb that I could study.” Lotus Lorenthus - “And the frostwitches? I also know how I can find them. But as said before, it’d still cost a lot for me.” Roylan grant - “I believe I have already brought up the discovery of a library that I have heard of to you Miven, which books filled the shelves that were identical to each other. That might be another place we could try to hunt down and locate if we venture out there again.” Ilra Ba’kana - “I am not sure if it is connected - However I may know where we can find another orb.” Miven Caerme’onn - “Ne, it completely exploded into frost. Varan. But we the next time we encounter one where we are more prepared, that’ll be wise to try and get it.” Miven Caerme’onn “Oh- ti, ayla. “Aimed towards Roylan. “Marayla, ti. Definitely something I asked you to share with the other Gladeguards, Father Circle Drui and Wild chiefs. Mind sharing with the other folk here what you and the others discovered?” Roylan Grant - “Apologizes, I was noting down for our own moot minutes. I found from a trusted source that there has been groups that went to the voidal hollow. From what I have heard the shelves were all filed with the same tone that was filled with runes that couldn’t be understand from the inside. I have unfortunately not been able to locate or get ahold of these books. But if we can find the library the book could be another item for us to research.” Miven Caerme’onn - “Sulian! And ahernan Roylan.” Directed at another. “You still wished to comment?” Ilira Ba’ikana - “Ti - I am ne a hundred percent sure if we speak of the same types of orbs, however I do know of an orb that may be related that could be studied. I do also believe I know of which tomes Roylan speaks of, and I know of two people that have been trying to study the tome to offer more answers.” Miven Caerme’onn - “If you speak of the orb that attacked Taevas, it is something different, unless you experienced another orb?” Miven Caerme’onn - “As for the tomes, it’d be great if you both share what you know at the end of the moot, maybe compile informationsssss and put it in a journal?” Otter - “Dunnae ief oi’m allowed ta speak er nae, bu’ief iets ta same tomes oi’m thinkin’ o’, oi’ve one ien me own possession. Ta writings are considered undescriphreable, I was visited t’is librareh meself w’ere oi graded iet.” Wynanya Melphestays “-The NGS is in possession of a similar tome, which they have believed inscribed with unseen runes that, as of two years’ past, they counne read, too. They may’ve made a breakthrough since.” Miven Caerme’onn - “Marayla brother otter! That be very helpful if you could share.” Ilra Ba’kana - “I suspected that may be the case- but I figured I should mention it just incase. I know of nothing of the tomes myself, apart from the fact that one was brought into my home in the hollow, and that they’re illegible. I also known of someone studying them trying to read them in order to better combat whatever is going on, though I had no idea it was related to the voidal tear, of course I an certainty reach out to them an compile a journal of what they know of so far.” Otter - “Ta Mother Circle worked on t’is issue some years ago - t’ey are confirmed t’at iets impossible after Sister Jackdaw nd Brother Bluejay both took ah crack at iet….Though perhaps, iet ies ah different book.” Miven Caerme’onn - “That’d be appreciated, aheran! Haelun, you had something to add?” Miven Caerme’onn - “Then we’ll move on to the next topic.” Tailesin - The lynx druid - “I did, yes. Down. If these books are voidal related. We could try and ask a trusted void mage to read it. Or two other options. Be it something who is…erh. Moonstruck? The idiots who drunk a lot of voidal horror blood. A seer might be able to read it since I know they have some weird abilities to see things, might be a include weird writing? Not sure though. Either way. One of those three might be able to read the book.” Wynannya Melphestaus - “If they’ve found someone to read the voidal tablet, it may apply to the same sort of read these books. Could write them quickly, to find out.” Meteor Druid Edrahil - “I wouldn’t get our hopes up about these books. Writing pertaining to the void has a history of being incomprehensible.” Miven Caerme’onn - “I’m ne sure what a seer is, but ti, if we have any iran with that ability those are great suggestions sister lynx.” Miven Caerme’onn - “I agree Wynanay. When we aren’t fighting, it’ll be good for those to keep busy studying the books either way. The Lynx druid - “Yup.” Miven Caerme’onn “Moving on! Since we’re coming close to how long we keep these moots, I’ll make sure to address this next bit as clearly as I can. We’ve both the dragonkin and then the darkspawn to look out for, as we always have. But more than ever should we continue to train, gather knowledge, smith gear, and be ready to fight. Our last few attacks have been successful.” Miven Caerme’onn - “Any who have information on these creatures, be sure to share them amongst your kin. Our librarian book lari Nalaya has been working hard keeping all our records, be sure to give her what you can as well.” Miven Caerme’onn - “Any pressing comments on necromancers, darkspawn, or dragonkin?” Scoria Memoras: - “I would like to get some input on the death pillar I found awhile back. I still am convinced that is is related to mystics or voidal mages, but haven’t been able to get it clarified.” Miven Caerme’onn - “Fee free to show or tell the Gladeguards or Father Dircle Drui what you knew about this pillar Scorai.” Miven Caerme’onn - “I think for now, since the blighted lands was our biggest topic, we’ll move on to nominations and wrap up the moot. Is everybody okay with that?” Evar’lae Amayhil - “Nominations?” Miven Caerme’onn “Nominations.” Evar’lae Amayhil - “Nomainations Indeed.” Lynx Druid - “I enjoy shorter moots.” Meteor Druid - “For what?” Lynx Druid - “I remember a six elven hour moot.” Fisculii - “Nominations.” Otter - “T’at was nae too long ago.” Scoria Memoras - “Perhaps that is so. Miven, can I borrow some of your time after this to explain what I saw to you?” Archeila Jupiter - “What are the..Nominations?” Miven Caerme’onn - “We’ve some Drui amongst our Circle who’eve been with us for awhile, and the Raitheans would like to nominate them for Guide. That means, they’d be teaching either dedicants, or Drui through the ways of the Father, keeping in mind our tradiations and preparing students for iminations trials to join the Father Circle once attuned.” Evar’lae Amayrill - “Ooooh.” Miven Caerme’onn - “With the completion of their Father Circle trials, we want to nominate Sister Snow, and Sister Lynx during this moot as guides of the Father Circle. Should they accept. Liri is ne here, but - We’ll vote for Liri and see if she accepts, but do you accept the nominations.” Evar’lae Amayrill - “Call me bias, but I accept.” The Lynx Druid - “Huh? Wha? Oh, I’m already an old person but…I suppose knowing how to teach youngin’s going by the Father Circle traditions would probably be useful. Sure…why not. Though this ain’t an invitation to pester me!” Valmuel - “Just bribe her with snacks if ya do pester her.” Otter - “OI get first dibs on pesterin’ Sister Lynx! Form ah line after meh.” The Lynx Druid - “Snacks don’t work on me, that’s a Liri Thing.” Evar’lae Amayril - “Oh wait, you mean does Lynx accept nominations? I thought you were asking if we were accepting her as a nominee.” Roylan Grant - “I certainly vote for them to be accepted as well, if it was not for Liri and Tailesin I would never of found this place and been among all of ya lovely people. Aye, it be a shame not to vote for them!” Yae’vel Caerme’onn - “I believe it may easier to see if any object. Speak now if ya object to the nomination.” Miven Caerme’onn - “Then lets start with Talesin, Sister Lynx. Ti or ne for her becoming a guide. Those who are Father Circle Drui, or Students of a Father Circle drui may vote now.” Evar’lae Amayril - “Wait what if I’m a student of Liri, who’s not a father circle guide? Do I abstain?” Miven Caerme’onn - “You abstain ti.” Gilliaen Caerme’onn - “Ti.” Evarlae Amayril - “What am I saying, I am a student of Liri, but do I abstain? Alrighty.” Meteor Druid Edrahil - “Ti for Me.” Brother Spore - “Ti, might as well.” Talim - “I vote for Ti, I have ne been here long, but they have been one of the most dependable Mali I have known.” Miven Caerme’onn - “Marayla! With majority vote, ahernal ito, Sister Lynx and Ahernan! Now for votes on Sister Snow, Liri. If she were to accept, to or net for guide.” The Lynx Druid - “Given she’s my wife, I think it would be heavy bias if I voted.” Evar’lae Amayril - “Still gotta abstain.” Meteor Druid Edrahil - “True, we don’t need a biased nae vote. Ti for me.” Eritrea Arvellon - “Aye!” Miven Caerme’onn - “Then let that end the votings! I’ll bring the news to Sister Snow. For any Father Circle Drui who’ve completed their trials interested in becoming a guide, we can discuss in the coming days what’s expected and bring it to a moot vote during out next moot.” Miven Caerme’onn - “That’ll be the end of the moot, Aspects guide you all, and ahernan for attending.” —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To Summarise all that had been discussed for those that do not wish to read everything that had been discussed word by word, and simply skipped to the end of the tome like most commonly do. Writings shall be placed below to breach each subject broached and what they pertain to. Though for greater understanding please read the words captured in the pages before skipping through to the end of this book which you may have done here. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary Subject One: Discussion of the Voidal blight and what has been done, and future plans on the subject. Tying to an orb that was found and destroyed in the most recent ventures, with suggestions given by Fisculli to test it. Along with a book that was noted by Roylan Grant, The Otter Druid, Ilra Ba’kana, Wynanya Melphestays and several others that were discovered within the place. Discussions were had on what to do, and what research can be done. With brief mentions of the necromancers and potential, and very likely allegiances between them and the Frost witches of the north. Summary Subject Two: Darkspawn, Adrazi, and Necromancers. A bit scattered instead of located solely within the second subject, these sources of threats have been breached and mentioned multiple times within words. With warnings and reminders to stay armed, be prepared, and keep training so when we need to deal with them again we will be able to. Finally a mention from Scoria detailed a tower of a sort that they discovered but didn’t go into much detail. Summary Subject Three: Nominations for the Druid Lynx, and the Druid Snow to place them as guides and instructors within the circle was held. With resounding positive appeal for both individuals marking them as active teachers of Vale, should they so wish to take up the position. Tailesin had done so. Liri had not been at the moot at the time to accept. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This collective discussion of words has been scribed by Roylan Grant, Dedicant of the Wicker, Gladeguard of HALERIR'ELAME, Aspirant of Sirame and Ranger of the Wild lands. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. Moda i ve Kort Published under the Mistress of the Wardrobe 12th of Tov ag Yermey, 407 E.S. PENNED BY THE HANDS OF HER GRACE, MARIE LORRAINE RUTHERN AND MISS AMELYA EVELOT COLORS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SYMBOLISMS IN THE ROYAL COURTS OF HANSETI-RUSKA A depiction of a Prinzenas donning red for her Hauchmetvas. VA VE EDLERVIK, Since the revival of Ruskan fashion during Koenas Annika’s reign, and the birth of it brought about by Duchess-consort Ingrid Barclay, the color of a lady’s clothing has held great significance within the Courts of Hanseti-Ruska. Subsequently, any considerate lady of the courts should want to understand what meaning her attire holds. A key element in that meaning is the hue of her garbs, which may bear many underlying hints to a lady’s noble, marital, or even emotional status. As written by Koenas Annika: “Colors which people often wear speak a message to those around the wearer and can represent a multitude of things.” Haeseni fashion has since then risen to unprecedented peaks. As such, Prinzenas Nikoleta and her assistants, under the caring gaze of Her Majesty, Koenas Emma, shall dutifully honour the beloved legacy of Ruskan fashion by pursuing the regulation and restoration of fashion principles to energize the Haeseni Courts once more. Without further ado, we present Moda i ve Kort: the colors and their meanings within Hanseti-Ruskan fashion. This document is an essential read for any lady of the Courts. RED Donning the color red bears a multitude of symbolisms, though the primary ones are passion and love. This color also symbolizes an openness to courtship, hence why all Haeseni debuts wear it on their fourteenth name day, or Hauchmetvas. Brighter reds, however, are reserved for younger women who are seeking courtships and marriages, while darker reds and wine-like colors are reserved for married women so that they may represent their devotion to their spouses through their chosen attire. In fact, an older woman who is spotted donning darker shades of red during the Haeseni social season, Lifstala, would be perceived as a loving wife who is quite content with her marriage and the subsequent match she achieved from the season prior. However, should an older woman be seen donning brighter shades of red, it would be deemed inappropriate and shameful. For the men of Haense, the color red does not hold as much meaning within their wardrobes. It may symbolize strength or devotion to their spouse, though the shades of red they find themselves wearing, bright or dark alike, share these universal meanings. Haeseni men are allowed more leverage; all shades of red are appropriate for them to wear. ORANGE Adorning the color orange signifies determination and ambition. It provokes these feelings from the hopefulness of yellow and passion of red to create the perfect shade of combined sensations. Most frequently worn by those within the upper classes, it is meant to be honored by its symbolism of resilience and determination. Orange also displays a possessed strength both mentally and physically through its vibrance. Since orange dye is a luxury in clothing from its rare ingredients, those who wear it show a much higher degree of wealth. An individual donning this color would most certainly be deemed an ambitious individual, and one not to be interfered with, either. YELLOW Wearing the color yellow displays a yearning for hope or friendship primarily. Should one be seen wearing yellow at a ball or an outing of some kind, it would symbolize the wearer’s desire for friendship. Additionally, donning yellow can symbolize hopeful tidings, hope for one’s good health, etcetera. The color yellow, in these circumstances, serves as a beacon for the desire of friendship and hope for the future of the person that wears it, essentially. Alternatively, this color may also demonstrate a state of mourning. Particularly, those who adorn themselves with a single yellow accessory, such as a flower pinned atop one’s shirt or dress, would be perceived as mourning. Aside from mourning, yellow may also be paired with black during any occasion, as those are the two national colors of Hanseti-Ruska. GREEN Dressing oneself in green may exhibit many characteristics of the wearer, such as one’s wealth, desire for fertility, or love of nature and the outdoors. Green is quite an attractive color in the courts, for those who wear it may be presenting a green-thumb, an exuberant amount of wealth, or even their own pregnancy and impending motherhood. It is also considered to be quite the lucky color, especially for expecting mothers, as many are seen wearing it during or around the birth of their child since the color itself symbolizes fertility. Should any lady of the courts expect a pregnancy, they would most certainly don green apparel for good luck regarding the birth and well-being of their child. BLUE Wearing blue attire is very common among all the classes but still shares many distinct meanings. Blue often signifies someone with a broadened imagination, strong confidence, and a gracefulness to them. The different shades of blue can often dictate its meaning from the affordability of each recipe. A muted or dull blue suits the lower class while a rich or deep blue is only befitting of those that come from royal and upper class nobility. The color blue also exhibits truth, as many partners wear it as a sign of fidelity or faithfulness. PURPLE The adornment of the color purple establishes one’s royal or high noble status within the courts due to its symbolism of regality and luxury. Since the dye required to make purple garbs is quite rare, queens, princesses, and those from ducal families should be the only ones wearing this lavish shade. Otherwise, it would be deemed improper, pretentious, or even rude for someone of a lower class to adorn themselves with this hue. There are exceptions, of course, as those who bear magic in the courts may also wear this shade regardless of their status. Due to the color’s underlying meanings of mysticism and wonder, mages and the like are free to wear purple in the courts should they choose to do so. These rules do not apply to lighter shades of purple, however. Adorning oneself with shades of lilacs and lavender are permissible amongst the lower nobility, and can symbolize the youth and purity of the wearer. PINK Those who showcase the color pink in their apparel express delicate youth and purity, similarly to lighter shades of purple. Pink can be adorned by any class but should not be worn by married women. It would be deemed highly inappropriate if a married woman wore pink as it would be implied that she was wedded but also a child. Moreover, a combination of red and white’s symbolisms are also exhibited when one adorns oneself with shades of pink, in which love, purity, and innocence are expressed. Pink is most often donned by children, but can be worn by anyone of any class if they are unwed. BLACK Should one don black as the primary color of their outfit, it would symbolize that they are in a state of mourning. It is important to note, however, that this color should not be worn outside of mourning unless the wearer is a clergy member. Doing so would indicate that the wearer is of holy status when they are not, which would be deemed improper within the courts. This rule does not apply to accents, though; black accents are appropriate with any garb. Further, black and yellow may be paired together, since these are the national colors of Hanseti-Ruska as previously mentioned. Since the color black is most frequently worn by members of the clergy, this color also symbolizes piety and wisdom, of which all clergy members should possess. Occasionally, the color black may also embody one’s power as well. WHITE The color white is the primary symbol of purity, innocence, and holiness within the Hanseti-Ruskan courts. Adorning oneself with it could imply a plethora of symbolisms, such as a purity and devotion to Godan, hence why it is often worn on religious holidays and wedding days. However, it is crucial to note that it would be considered inappropriate to adorn white as the primary color of an outfit unless it is a religious holiday or the wearer’s wedding day in particular. On the contrary, wearing white as an accent is entirely appropriate and can serve as a symbolism of one’s innocence, purity, and love for Canonism. BROWN Dressing in brown has the least amount of significance with its representation of simplicity. It is one of the most affordable colors to wear, seen regularly among the lower classes. The color lacks much of its symbolism through its earthy tone that's easiest to obtain. If someone of the upper class is seen wearing brown, it shows humility through their lack of lavish and rich colors. When brown fabric is utilized in one’s attire, it is most often seen in tunics, cloaks, or girdles instead. FINAL REMARKS Acknowledging what each color in one’s garb symbolizes is an essential part to understanding Hanseti-Ruskan fashion and courtly etiquette. Not only may it start a cordial conversation, but it properly exhibits one’s status in the presence of the Royal family and within the courts, which is, of course, common courtesy. It should be noted that the colors that may be deemed inappropriate for casual wear (such as purple, depending on the wearer’s status), can be donned if it is part of a wearer’s family colors or crest, but at family events only for the purpose of exhibiting family pride. This is the only occasion when such is appropriate; otherwise, the lords and ladies of the courts should practice etiquette and awareness with the colors of their attire. With the revival of fashion etiquette and color symbolisms, the Mistress of the Wardrobe and her assistants shall continue to dutifully ensure that these standards of fashion are upheld within the courts. SIGNED, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Queen Emma Karenina HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Princess Nikoleta Barbara, Duchess-Consort of Akovia Mistress of the Wardrobe HER GRACE, Marie Lorraine Ruthern, Duchess-Consort of Vidaus Lady Chamberlain of the Royal Courts of Hanseti-Ruska Miss Amelya Evelot Ward to the Mistress of the Wardrobe
  19. The Mercatore Minority | The Culture of Mercatore Mercatororen Gutxiengoa | Mercatororen Kultura INTRODUCTION Unbound by borders and forfeit of state, there stood a people of wandering traders and joyous traditions, uncontested and unopposed for long before the times of the Second Age. Although tragedy strikes on all beings following the paths of life, the people of Mercatore found their tragedies at the hands of other cultures. Some opted to run, others stood and fought a fight they knew they couldn’t win. Guided by Mother Mercatore, those who yearned for peace named themselves the “M. R. A.”, believe in the very extremes of their ideology. When peace approached, the peace-yearners would time and time again feel betrayed by their closest allies. Regardless of affiliation, and regardless of ideology, the men of Mercatore, or the Mercatorii, remain close and brotherly, aiding themselves in times of need although dramatically different in essence. A single people, united by a motto; “Viva la Mercatorii, Erlojuak Mesede Egiten Digu, Mercatore!” (Viva la Mercatorii, The Clock Benefits Us, Mercatore!) TORRESK (Demonym: Torreskian) The people of Torresk, are what many call the modern-day Mercatorii. What was one a subsect of three cultural groups, soon became one amalgam in order to survive in the modern day. A people with a storied history of mercantile travel and their unyielding loyalty to a singular uniting cause. Once categorized as friendly, hospitable, and not easily angered outside of select circumstances, are now stereotyped as an aggressive race of unyielding terrorists. A Torreskian man, out on the farm. Torreskian Physique Torreskians, or Mercatorii, are most known for their thin frames, and slender facial structures. Slightly hooked noses are notable, and prominent chins. Their skin tone ranges from light olive to medium tan. Hair colour is typically a light to dark brown, with eyes being hues of brown and green. Curly hair is seen over straight hair, and men are renowned for their difficulty to grow a beard. A Torreskian woman will often reach an average height of 4’11 - 5’8, with a life-expectancy of 68 years. A Torreskian male will often reach an average height of 5’3 - 6’1, with a life-expectancy of 50 years. The height of a Torreskian depends heavily on their family backgrounds. The bloodline of farming families, and people who work in and around the main hubs of Merctorii life will be taller. While those of mercantile families will tend to be smaller. Unfortunately, many Torreskians are at risk of developing Rosacae. Mostly due to their diet, and frequent sun exposure. Many older Torreskians will fare the red scarring. Torreskian Music & Art Music Arimaren Muska, Music of The Soul, is an upbeat form of musical presentation. Traditionally using hand-crafted fiddles, metal-drums and the iconic Mercatorii trumpet. This is the most common, played at celebrations, weddings and parties. Mercatorren Valsa, The Mercatore’s Waltz, is a piece of music often played at Weddings, and funerals. Described as a celebration of love and life, it is a group dance. A man and a woman, to cast good luck upon their futures. Art Two prominent styles exist in Mercatorii culture. That being Milite, and Post-Milite. While Milite has begun to fade out of popularity with many new-aged Mercatorii, it is still used widely by classic painters. The Milite style of painting starts with a white canvas being painted grey, being left to dry, before painting resumes. Brushstrokes are refined, and smooth, with a solid color shape being formed first, then shaded. The first solid color shape will be the head, going down to the arms and torso, and so on. Milite style often only focuses on a singular person, with the little background being painted. The individual is focused on, with each brushstroke serving a purpose. "A Fine Lady," A piece used typically when talking about Milite works. The Post-Milite style involves yet again a painted grey canvas, however it is not left to dry this time. Quick unrefined brush strokes are used to hastily capture what is in front of the artist, or in their mind. Post-Milite styled paintings do not focus on the individual, instead using background and ill detailed persons to send a message, or describe an idea. "The Mercatorii’s Dance" A piece used typically when talking about Post-Milite works Torreskian Wear Women Women of the Torreskian culture are bound to a degree of modesty, however their clothes remain practical for the variety of roles they must play. Hair is rarely cut, and will always be tied back into a bun or a plait. Long white pieces of fabric are used to cover the top of the woman's head. Often, their shoulders will be adorned with a red shawl - tied around their front. Two young Torreskian women preparing for a day's work. One common dress for the Torreskian women is a white blouse with baggy sleeves and fitted cuffs. Optionally, the women may embroider the shirt with any patterns they deem fit. Atop this, is a black - or any darkly coloured - vest, that will rest on the hipline. Women will then don a red ankle length pleated skirt, white socks, and a set of abarkas (laced shoes). An alternate outfit, often seen in those who adhere to a farming lifestyle is the same loose fitting blouse and long skirt. However, it is missing the tight fitting vest and brightly coloured nature of its sibling attire. The skirt will often be a neutral colour, and aprons may also be placed over the top of these skirts. Torreskian youth getting dressed for Gurtza. Men Similar to the women, Torreskian men often wear concealing clothing. Hair is styled into a shortcut, with their face remaining clean shaven. Beards are seldom seen in Torreskian culture. Hair coverings, similar in nature to the women, are prominent too. The men often don red berets. Like the women, it is likely to see a man harbouring a red shawl over their shoulders. Two Torreskian voluntary soldiers prior to a raid. The most prominent clothing of the Torreskian men is the is a loose fitted, and white, shirt that is held in place by a ribbon like belt of varying colours. Greens and reds are mostly popular with the Torreskian youth, while older men may don a brown or black belt. White pants that reach the shin are tucked into a set of white socks. From there, brown, cuffed boots that reach the knee are to be worn. Optionally, the men may decide to pair the their clothing with a black, open vest. Often, those who do, will forfeit the cuffed boots for a pair of arbarkas. A father and son sharing a drink wearing the open vest. Torreskian Cuisine Food in the Torreskian culture is a vital component of their customs. Any and all celebrations are to be followed by a surplus of food and a grand feast. Friends are made at the dinner table, and family is strengthened through the art of food. Women are not the only gender to be seen in the kitchen, either. When Torreskians cook, the entire household is involved. The cuisine of the Torreskian people is varied, consisting mostly of fish, grilled through the use of hot coals. Meats are seldom used, however Lamb is a notable exception. Vegetables such as sweet chillies, red peppers and tomatoes are commonplace in any good Torreskian meal, and beans are a must have. A fresh catch being prepared. Notable Torreskain Dishes Oktasas A traditional Torreskian fish stew. The dish is made from stewed fish necks served with a white wine, garlic, flour, and olive oil sauce. Often the dish is served with a green sauce made from olive oil, flour, garlic, and parsley Sralo Sralo is a typical food similar to the traditional corn tortilla. Made of corn flour, water and a bit of salt. It is round and is cooked in a warm metal plank, named a talo burni. It can be eaten alone, with various toppings, and is also used as a wrap for various foods. Piperade Piperade is a typical Torreskian dish prepared with onion, green peppers, and tomatoes sautéd and flavoured with red Espelette pepper. It may be served as a main course or as a side dish. Typical additions include egg, garlic or meats such as ham. Religion Contrary to popular belief, the religion of the Mercatorii has not always been canonist. During the days of the MRA they subscribed to a different Cannon of the religion. However, historically and in the modern day, Modern-Torreskians partake in ‘Heriotza-Kultza’. The practise of worshiping the Patron saint of the culture, Mother Mercatore. After the conclusion of the third hour, many young Mercatorii returned to their traditional beliefs. Heriotza-Kultza focuses heavily on the idea that Death is not the end to the Mercatorii people, Mother Mercatorii once was felled by death, but it is through those who remember and know her that she continues on. LANGUAGE Basic Words & Phrases Despite the various subraces of the Mercatore people, they all share the same language. To the common folks ear, one may mistake Mercante for a Rosnian speaking Hyspian, however they differ greatly. Almost entirely unrelated to the common tongue, those who are not raised on the Mercante, have great difficulty learning the language. Kaixo - Hello Agur - Goodbye Eskerrik asko - Thank you Barkatu - Excuse me Topa - Cheers Eskutitza - A letter / Missive Bai - Yes No - Ez Once one has mastered the language, however, they must also take into account the phrasing many Mercatore people use within their language. Seldom will a Mercatorii, usually a member of the older generation, say what they mean directly. Instead, coating their speech in metaphors and poetic advice. Nola bizi, hala hil - How you live is how you will die. Aurrera begiratzen ez duena, atzean dago - Those who don't look forward, stay behind. Apaizaren eltzea, txikia baina betea - The priest's pot is small but full.
  20. Moda i ve Kort Published under the Mistress of the Wardrobe 10TH OF VZMEY AG HYNK, 403 E.S. THE REVIVAL OF WALDENIAN FASHIONS IN HANSETI-RUSKA A STUDY ON THE WALDENIAN FASHIONS OF HAENSE PENNED BY THE HAND OF HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, PRINCESS PETRA EMMA VA VE EDLERVIK, Recently, it has come to my attention that the Haeseni women of Waldenian and Reinmaren descent feel that their fashions are underrepresented in the royal courts of Haense. Considering the Waldenian and Reinmaren people have contributed to the formation of significant Haeseni subcultures, it would be an injustice to let them fade with time; Thus, I’ve written this study on the garbs of what the Waldenian and Reinmaren women of Haense wear, so as to preserve these beautifully ingrained cultures and to honour them appropriately. With the publication of this study, it is my hope that Waldenian and Reinmaren fashion is revived within the courts of Hanseti-Ruska. FRAUENTRACHT - AN OVERVIEW “Frauen” and “tracht” - Directly translated from Waldenian, meaning ‘woman’ and ‘to wear’ respectively, this encompasses what a woman wears in accordance with her social status and occupation in the Waldenian and Reinmaren cultures. This style of clothing is characterized by its unique assembly of patterns, plaited trims, intermixing of materials like silk, velvet and gold, high collars, puffed sleeves, and dress ‘guards,’ which are colourful bands of differing fabrics that may line one’s collar, skirt, or sleeves. Within Frauentracht, a lady’s status and wealth shall determine the overall quality of her wardrobe, though it is imperative that modesty is practiced and maintained, no matter her status. I. THE DIRNDL A DIRNDL is a casual Waldenian gown comprised of four main elements: a blouse made of silk, lace, or cotton (depending on the wearer’s status), a bodice to secure the blouse beneath it, a full, circular-cut skirt in which the bodice is sewn to, and an apron that is worn atop the skirt. Depending on her relationship status, the ribbon that secures the apron to the skirt may be tied in an array of different ways: If the apron is tied on the left, it symbolizes that the woman in question is open to courtship. If it is tied on the right, it insinuates that the woman is currently courting or already married. If the apron is tied in the center, it symbolizes the wearer’s youth. If it is tied in the back, it indicates the wearer’s status of widowhood. Bodices on the dirndl may also be accentuated with colorful fabrics, shawls, embroidery, plaited ribbons, trim, or lace. Typically, the more decorated bodices demonstrate ones’ higher status and wealth. Fine fabrics and intricate embroidery are usually reserved for women that hail from high-ranking families. Women of lower status should be inclined to adorn the bodices of their dirndls with ribbons or lace only. To keep warm in the winter, women tend to stitch wool or cotton to the inside of their dirndls. Oftentimes, they will also style themselves with coats that are cut much like the dirndl, though the neckline is usually much higher and might be lined with fur if one is wealthy enough to afford it. Wool or cotton mittens of a matching colour may be worn as well. Note that these dresses are intended for everyday wear and are informal. Should one show up in court donning one, it would seem impolite and improper. A depiction of two young Reinmaren women wearing brightly coloured dirndls. II. THE KAMPFRAU DRESS THE KAMPFRAU DRESS is a traditional Waldenian gown, typically identified by the gathered, poofy waistline and ‘slashed’ patterns that are neatly embroidered into the skirts of the gown. These slashed patterns can be embroidered using silk, velvet, wool, or linen, depending on the wearer’s wealth and status within nobility. Some may also include “gollars” which fold over the shoulders and line both the neckline and upper collar, as seen in the depiction above. This type of gown is also characterized by puffed-up sleeves, in which fabrics such as silk, wool, or velvet are gathered and stitched together to form the shape of each puff respectively. An excess of finer fabrics on the sleeves usually indicates the wearer’s wealth or status. Moreover, the inner stitchings of the skirt and sleeves may be lined with fur or wool to fend off any northern chill. The Kampfrau dress can also come in a variety of colours, though the most common shades are green, blue, and white as per the house colours of the notable Waldenian and Reinmaren lines within Haense. Higher-ranking women within nobility are encouraged to don only the finest of fabrics when fashioning themselves with the Kampfrau dress, specifically silk or velvet. Regarding wardrobe etiquette, it would seem improper for them to don fabrics like wool or linen, which are reserved for the lower classes. III. THE BAUSCHIG GOWN THE BAUSCHIG GOWN is a formal Waldenian gown intended to be worn by those of royal or high noble status only. It is one of the most iconic staples of Reinmaren and Waldenian fashion, most notably denoted by a few distinct characteristics: a tall collar of velvet or silk, an open, straight-laced bodice to secure the chemise under the dress in place, and intricate, detailed embroideries lining the sleeves. A band known as a “brustfleck,” which is usually bejewlled or embroidered with silk or gold, covers the top half of the bust. The designs of the sleeves slightly vary, though they are typically puffed as per the gown’s name, which translates to “puffy.” The sleeves also might have an array of embroidered patterns, and are segmented with bands of differently coloured fabrics and materials. Velvet and silk are the most common and used interchangeably, denoting the wearer’s high status. The skirt of the gown is most often pleated, garnished by guards of differing colours at the hem of the skirt. Some dresses may not have high collars or puffed sleeves. The overall design of the dress is quite versatile and can be spruced up with various embellishments like embroidered patterns and gemstones should the occasion call for it. A depiction of a noblewoman donning a traditional bauschig gown. IV. HATS AND HEADDRESSES THE WULSTHAUBE is a Waldenian headdress that can be fashioned by any woman of any ranking. It includes three main components: a thin “schleier” (veil) typically made of silk or linen, an “unterhaube” (undercap) to keep the wearer’s hair in place, and a “wulst” (padded cushion) to secure the placement of the undercap and veil. Usually, the intricacy of these headdresses is what separates the common people from the nobility. A wulsthaube that is greatly embellished with jewels and threads of gold typically symbolize one’s royal or high noble status. Fine floral prints and embroidery are not uncommon among the higher classes either. A depiction of a Reinmaren Duchess wearing a wulsthaube embroidered with delicate golden thread. For the lower nobility and common people, wulsthaubes are typically limited to simple fabrics like linen and wool, though they may style themselves with silk for special occasions like weddings, balls, and court. The wulsthaube is quite a popular staple in Waldenian fashion, as it promotes both modesty and privacy for the wearer. They are quite versatile, can be worn for many occasions, and are most commonly seen throughout Haense. THE TELLERBARRET, or “platter hat,” is another traditional Waldenian headdress, often seen in many shapes, sizes, and colours. They are typically pinned into a lady’s hair and are worn flat atop the head. The Tellerbarret may also pair with a wulsthaube or a goldhaube, as seen in some depictions. A depiction of a Reinmaren noblewoman styling herself with a velvet tellerbarret and a Kampfrau gown. Undecorated wool tellerbarrets are often fashioned by the lower classes, though a few plumes may be added depending on the wearer’s taste. Tellerbarrets that are garnished with pearls, gemstones, or golden thread are strictly reserved for high nobility and royalty. Upper classes may also choose to style their tellerbarrets with extravagant plumes and luxurious fabrics like velvet. THE GOLDHAUBE, or “gold hat,” is an extravagant Waldenian headdress reserved for duchesses, princesses, and queens only. It is secured to the wearer’s head with pins and is intended to keep a lady’s updo in place whilst displaying her status and wealth in a public setting like court. The goldhaube is quite expensive to make, considering the cloth it is made of is pure woven gold. A symbol of utmost wealth and status, the goldhaube can also be richly bedecked with pearl or crystal beads in an array of different patterns or shapes. A depiction of a Waldenian duchess fashioning herself with a velvet tellerbarret and a bejewelled goldhaube simultaneously. The goldhaube headdress can be adorned alone or can be paired with an extravagant tellerbarret made of fine velvet. However, it is up to the wearer in question to ensure that the prestige, modesty, and elegance of the goldhaube is upheld. V. HAIRSTYLES The intricacy of a lady’s hairstyle is not as prevalent within the Waldenian and Reinmaren cultures since the hair is often pinned beneath a lavish hat or veil of some kind. However, there are a few distinct hairstyles that are fashionable amongst the Waldenian and Reinmaren ladies of Hanseti-Ruska. THE BRAIDED KNOTEN is the hairstyle most frequently donned by the Waldenian and Reinmaren women of Haense. The bun-like do can be fashioned by any lady, though if the woman is of high status, she may thread pearlescent beads into her braids accordingly. Otherwise, she may style her braids with simple ribbons and thread. A proper depiction of the braided knoten hairstyle. The hairstyle is quite versatile, as it can be donned during day-to-day activities by any lady of any age. When styled with ribbons, coloured thread, or pearls and beads respectively, it is appropriate to wear at court or other formal events like balls. THE GEFLOCHTENER SCHWANZ, known as the “braided tail” in Common, is an elongated braid that rests upon the lady’s back. This hairstyle is also quite versatile, as it can be styled in many differing fashions for many occasions. The braid can be styled with ribbons or with strings of delicate pearls depending on the wearer’s status. A caul, which is a disk-shaped piece of netting utilized to further embellish one’s hairdo, is also quite popular with the geflochtener schwanz. Two differing variations of the hairstyle are depicted here. It’s important to note that cauls and pearlescent beads used to style one’s hair are reserved for the upper classes only. Common ladies should refrain from using such materials and instead use colorful ribbons and threading to embellish their hairstyles with. CLOSING REMARKS With the recent resurgence of fashion etiquette and reform, it is my hope that the broadening horizons of culture and fashion are eagerly accepted by the Haeseni within our courts. With that being said, those within the courts should be mindful of their status and remember to appropriately dress in accordance with such, as per the expectations of Frauentracht. Wardrobe etiquette is an outward representation of the utmost respect, not only for yourself, but for your fellow courtiers, and will ultimately be enforced by the Mistress of the Wardrobe. SIGNED, Her Royal Highness, Petra Emma, Duchess of Karosgrad Her Royal Highness, Nikoleta Barbara, Duchess-Consort of Akovia, Mistress of the Wardrobe [OOC]
  21. The Waldenfest held on this, the year of our descendancy, 54 S.A., was an amazingly consequential moment for our peoples. It pleases me to a high mesure to have been able to convene with my kinsmen of a culture I had not previously known was so vastly spread among such a number of descendant Houses. To start my message, I begin with a congratulations in the most significant respect to my dearest childhood friend Ulrich Lothar von Alstriem (@LithiumSedai). We have come a long way from loitering around Karosgrad’s garden market or racing around Sutica’s capital, and it makes my heart glad to note your growth into all of the various positions you now hold. The most relevant of which to this letter being Lord Vandalore. Being the newly instated leader of our culture, it now falls to you to consider the following topics: Within the 2nd Waldenic Diet of 54 S.A, the question was raised as to whether or not His Grace, Eirik Baruch of Valwyk (@Gusano), ought to have been eligible as an elector and legitimate nominee to the moot. The proceeding vote resulted in a rejectant outcome as we all remember. Despite this, I, Erwin Bishop, call for our Lord Vandalore Ulrich Lothar Von Alstriem, to instantiate Eirik Baruch based on the following principles. 1) The foundation of Lord Baruch’s ties to Waldenian culture, and therefore his interest in the moot, is the fact that the Noble House of Baruch is descended from the Royal lineage of Rovin, who happened to be present during the original Waldenfest around 200 years ago. However, descendancy from bloodlines, whether Royal, Noble, or even Waldenic, is not enough in itself to justify claiming one’s self to be truly Waldenian. It must also include active participation in cultural practices. This was the justification for your denial of electorship for Roberta de Chalons. It nevertheless stands as a significant factor in decision making which must be shown reverence. 2) By personal first hand testimony, His Grace has, as the leader of Aryian culture, attested to the fact that he and his kin consider the Ayrian culture to not be its own independent group, but rather a sub-branch of the greater Waldenian peoples. His special request of presence at the Waldenian Diet exemplifies not only his interest in the workings of our correspondences, but also his willingness to contribute to our progress in the form of diverse points of view and worldly knowledge. 3) I personally - with the example of being born and raised in the Duchy of Reinmar by my fiercely Waldenian father Henry Bishop (@Javert) - can vouch for the adherence to some foundational Waldenian principles; such as their form of speech, in my observation, with a clear disdain for flattery, and a high respect for the conveyance of direct and simple ideas. Furthermore their clothing styles certainly embody the classical highlander motifs similarly shared by members of House Barclay and Mondblume. Whilst these observations might be less objective than the other points, who knows what other pillars of Waldenian culture are exemplified everyday within the Duchy of Valwyk and the entities within its sphere of cultural influence? For these reasons, my Lord Vandalore, I implore you to at very least, allow Lord Eirik Baruch a seat in all of our future moots and conventions, so that he himself may pursue an intention to further integrate Ayrian culture and peoples into our activity. Signed,
  22. Greater Mani Link to Source:Link "I still do not know how to explain it. We hailed him as our mightiest hunter, who's strength was untested. We hunted beast, after beast, savoured meat and left unworthy trophies for the winters to claim. Yet it all changed, when the storm came, sudden. Unrelenting. Blinding us, halting our advance. The cold seeping the strength from our very bones. I hid, I burrowed under the snow, fear gripping my heart while the leader of our band found himself face to face with a beast. A beast with eyes of red, glinting with challenge." -The mad ramblings of a cowardly hunter. Since ages past, when men first started to adapt, to change, and create things outside of their forms. Ganshara was there to witness it, to watch over them, to see the first of humanity rising for the front with their desires and wants. Patiently watching, taking in the actions of what was once more primal creatures slowly starting to adapt to change. The prince did not go into a fury whence the men that had grown hunted its kin, for it knew the need of the hunt, for survival, to feed and keep your kind fed and watered. Especially in the frozen lands that it called its people's home. Yet when the very same people began to swell with pride, with their ego grows too high, when they begin to squander the very bounty that they had claimed....He grew. Frustrated. And thus began the days when he would come out and challenge those hunters, those men who knew naught but pride, bringing the storm, the blizzard and his might to face them and see how long they hold onto their pride and folly as they were brought under heel. Ganshara is known through the ramblings of broken men, who hid and barely survived through the biting cold to tell their tale. All but broken with the strength they once held warped from their bodies leaving them weak and unable to continue as they had. Taken as a legend some youth's, with eyes of wonder seek the stories as a challenge to claim for their own. But those wise of mind and word take the tales as a warning that they are, not to be too proud, not to let themselves lose themselves in their own arrogance. But to keep to their path, and take only what they came for. Lest they bring the wrath of the land upon them. Ganshare himself, as the oldest and largest of his kin, their prince and guide, is not too different in stature and appearance to his other kin by overall shape. But where he differs is in size, standing taller than all over kin, with tusks of a bright white lustier that matches the beauty of pure snow, fur so thick that very little can pierce their hide. While the bright red shine of his eyes seemed to focus with smouldering attention. Lesser Mani Sed'nakki, Princess of Walrus Link to Source: Link "Our ships kept taking on water and sinking despite the fact that we were nowhere near the shallows. We had nothing to hit, nothing to crash our hull into, to scrap ourselves upon. Yet somehow we still did. We couldn't stop it from happening, it was though we were being punished for something we had done. Until one day, it just stopped happening, as quickly as it came. Was it all just our incompetence, or was this a warning? And if so. What for?"-Words from a Sailor of Norland after many unexplained sunken ships sank to their depths. Sed'nakki is not one to be tested, but is also not one to be act unless roused either. She enjoys her peace, her relaxation upon the ice and her feasts within the wild for her and her children. Yet when the ice and waters that she and her children call their own is threatened, she is roused, seeking out the bodies that men use to spread out into the waters and skewering them in retaliation, in warning, keeping herself out of sight, in the depths. Only letting her tusks rise up to pierce their vessels and watching from afar to see if they heed the warning. Should they not, she will return, and repeat, again, and again, until the warning is taken and kept. But that does not mean she can not be reasoned with, should a gentle and pure soul seek her out. As had happened in the past, they can quell her fury with gifts, offerings, but most importantly, by delivering her warnings and calling back the men that had driven her to that state. She often guides wise women, children, and weathered men through words passed by the water to deliver these words. Rarely revealing her full form outside of all but the purest. Her true form is massive and intimidating. bringing fear just from the sight of her as her tusks tower over any weapon or blade that one might be able to wield to try and test them. Her skin a deep grey that allows her to slip under the waters without being seen. Knowing the reactions her form may bring from the sight of her she rarely allows herself to be seen by men. Bai'Janik, Prince of PenguinsLink to Source: Link"I saw...I saw lush fields, full of wheat, flourishing food and gentle swaying trees. A soft, golden land of wheat and green trees. It was beautiful! If only that was the only thing I had seen.... Why did it show me that? A land full of smoke, filth, and oil? Why was I shown something so bleak?"-Words from a woman who saw herself as a Seer in HaenseThe lord of his raft and his waddle sits comfortably in the middle of the scales of balance, gazing towards the beauty that is nature and watching over it, while baring his back to all that is civilization and the poison it brings to what he deems to be truly beautiful. He is a bird with a desire for beauty, of art, and seems it in all of the earthy creations he sees while resting in the pure white snow and ice of his flock. All the penguins, travelling through the seasons and nesting, from the different appearances, and colours, all fall under his sway, his views. And they know it. Giving them the courage to enter villages and attempting to nest in their very homes as if it was their own at times. Rare is it that the lord is roused to anger, most not bringing themselves to harm his kindred due to their rather captivating appearances, yet when he is roused, either from harm befalling his kin, or for the poison that plagues his view to getting too strong he will act. History has shown this to appear in several fashions, yet the most common, and the most remembered time he came out and showed his mark was when both of his loves were stained at once. Men had gathered waste yet they had no way of disposing it, no way of removing it without contaminating their own towns or the food supply they had in the rivers. Instead of seeking ways to safely deal with them...they took the waste upon their ships, and headed to the north, headed into the could. And dumped it. Poisoning the waters and making them slick, and in the process, marking a raft of penguins that had been nearby. When the ship returned with the men who had taken this task, their eyes had clouded over, and they could barely speak. Carrying the lesson not to repeat what had been done with them.
  23. Join us by replying to this post with "I love you Steven."
  24. -=✥=- -=✥=- The Agnethe people, also known as the Agnes, is an indigenous community who have inhabited the North-west region of Almaris for centuries. Because of the harsh weather condition in the region, they have developed unique ability to survive and thrive in extremely cold environments. Despite facing numerous challenges throughout their history, the Agnethe people have managed to preserve their rich cultural heritage and contribute to the wider Highlander culture of the region. In modern usage, they are an ethnolinguistic group native to Dunbar (Dùn Barr), Sutherland (Cataibh), and Helmsdale (Bun Illdh). -=✥=- -=✥=- History The Agnethe people are indigenous to Almaris and are concentrated in Barton and Sutherland, located in the north-west corner of the continent. Despite being close to other civilisations such as the Nedvedmorians and Norlanders, they have lived in relative isolated with minimal interference from outsiders. However, the Agnethe people have faced a series of disasters since the 14th year of the Second Age, starting with a blizzard and avalanche that wiped out much of the population in Barr and Suther. The remaining Suther people fled to Rendenford and New Esbec, while the Barrach people moved northwest of their original land. In the 19th year, a Skanarris troop attacked the Barrach settlement, killing many and forcing the rest to flee to Providence. Later, during the Three Kingdoms War, many Agnethe people were killed and the surviving children were sent to orphanages. In the Year 32 of the Second Age, a group of Agnethe people mostly of Suther descent set up the Sutherland Corporation, lead by Chairman Daibhidh MacFhilib Sutharlainn, starts to thrive in the Morantir (Almaris) continent by trading. In the Year 42 of the Second Age, the Sutherland Clan, and the Dunbar Clan merged into one united clan under the United Clans of Barr and Suther. In the same year, the Sutherland Corporation, which was a multinational business venture, and Daibhidh MacFhilib Sutharlainn, who was the Clan Chief of the United Clans of Barr and Suther, made an agreement with the King of Norland, Vane Freysson Ruric, to create a new political entity in the southeastern part of Raenrland. They signed the Helmsdale Agreement, which allowed Norland to sell the lands of Rath and Vestlandet to the United Clans and established the new merchant colony. The colony attracted many Sutican and Urguani people who moved in to cultivate the land. In Year 45, Daibhidh Sutharlainn invoked Article 6 of the Helmsdale Agreement and reorganized the merchant colony into a Barony of the Kingdom of Norland called the Barony of Dùnrath. The barony was granted a high degree of autonomy under the Kingdom of Norland through the Helmsdale Agreement and the Rathonian Diplomatic Agreement, which granted the barony independence in all Legislative, Administrative, and Judicial matters and partial independence in Diplomatic matters. Therefore, the Barony became "A Political Entity of the Kingdom of Norland with a high degree of autonomy." This is when the Agnethe people having their state. However, this state is multicultural due to the multinational nature of the Sutherland Corporation. The Sutherland Clan has been the dominating clan of Dùnrath since then. In year 122, the Rathonian People’s Council announced the creation of the title of Baron of Svealand for the rightful chieftain of the Dunbar Clan, where Marsaili Barrach (Marsley Dunbar) revived the Dunbar Clan. -=✥=- -=✥=- Language The Agnethe people have their own language called Agnesa or Oraid a’ Tuath, meaning ‘Northspeech. The indigenous people have used the language for centuries, but after the catastrophic Avalanche that occurred in the 14th year of the Second Age, most of the native speakers perished, making Agnesa an endangered language. However, with the creation of the Sutherland Corporation, the language regained some degree of recognition in the corporate world. It is not an officially recognized language in any nation and settlement on Almaris until the creation of the Barony of Dùnrath. This language was protected by the United Provinces of Dùnrath by the Language and Culture Act (65 S.A.), where along with the Common Language, and de facto Sveasspråk, is a official language of the United Provinces. Agnesa is equivalent to the modern-day Scottish Gaelic language (Not Scots, nor Scottish English), with certain terms translated into LOTC terminology. For more information about the language, Click here. -=✥=- Common Traits Tartan clothing is a traditional clothing style associated with Agnes and Agnethe culture. It consists of a patterned cloth woven from wool and dyed with natural plant-based dyes, featuring distinctive stripes and checks in various colours. There are different colours of tartan clothing and they are coloured based on the family colour (Blue and Black for Sutherland, Blue and White for Dunbar, Red and Yellow for Helmsdale, etc.) , the tartan clothing is often used to represent a specific family or group affiliation. Tartan clothing can be worn as kilts, a type of knee-length skirt worn by men, or dresses and skirts by women. It is also used to make a variety of other clothing items, including trousers, jackets, and scarves. Agnethe Highlanders lived in isolated valleys, glens, and lochs, often relying on subsistence agriculture and raising livestock. The harsh climate and terrain made life difficult, and the Agnethe Highlanders developed a strong sense of self-reliance, community, and loyalty to the clan, the culture, and the people. The majority of Agnethe Highlanders have lighter shades of brown, red, and blonde hair, with blonde being the most common colour. However, black and dark brown hair is also present, especially among those with Dunbar and Helmsdale ancestry. As for eye colours, blue and green were the most common among the Agnethe people, although brown and hazel were also present. However, because many Agnethe people marry non-Agnethe people (mostly Norlanders and Orenians) , the demographic has grown diverse in recent years. The Agnethe people tend to be taller and bigger in size compared to other highlanders due to their unique genetics, nutrition, and environmental factors. Moreover, Agnethe people do not have technical last names like other instead they use a patronymic (or sometimes matronymic) naming system, their last names are determined by their father (or in some cases, mother). Their last name will typically be their father’s first name with a Mac- prefix for boys and Nic- prefix for girls. For example, a man with the given name "Aonghas" (Angus) who is the son of a man named "Daibhidh" (David), would have the surname "MacDhaibhidh" (MacDavid), which means "son of David". Similarly, a woman with the given name "Mairi" (Mary) who is the daughter of a woman named "Kushina" (Cairistìona), would have the surname "NicChairistìona" (NicChristine), which means "daughter of Kushina". Furthermore, the Agnethe people can choose to have a Clan name, which is using the name of the clan as their third name. -=✥=- -=✥=- Society Similar to the Norlandic people, the Agnethe people operate under the clan system. However, there are some differences between the Agnethe clans and the Norlandic clans. The main difference being that the Agnethe clan system is relatively looser than the Norlandic Clan system. Historically, a clan was made up of everyone who lived on the chief's territory, or on territory of those who owed allegiance to the said chief. Through time, with the constant changes of "clan boundaries", migration or regime changes, clans would be made up of large numbers of members who were unrelated. Often, those living on a chief's lands would, over time, adopt the clan's name. A chief could add to his clan by adopting other families, and also had the legal right to outlaw anyone from his clan, including members of his own family. Nowadays, anyone who has the chief's surname is automatically considered to be a member of the chief's clan. Also, anyone who offers allegiance to a chief becomes a member of the chief's clan, unless the chief decides not to accept that person's allegiance. -=✥=- -=✥=- Religion The Agnethe believe in Ùna, the goddess of wisdom. She is pictured as the mother of all knowledge, the guardian of intellect and the bringer of enlightenment. Her followers believe that she embodies the essence of intelligence and innovation. It is believe that many centuries ago, in the small village of Helmsdale, the snow never seemed to stop falling. It was a constant struggle for the villagers to keep their homes warm and their bellies full. But one day, a girl arrived, shrouded in a cloak of snowflakes. She has white hair, white skin, and light blue eyes, very uncommon in the Agnethe tribes. The villagers were wary at first, unsure of what to make of this stranger. However, the girl, whose name was Ùna (Agnes), soon proved to be a kind and wise soul. She listened to their problems with patience and offered them advice and guidance. Ùna showed the villagers how to build sturdy homes with strong Pine Wood that could withstand the harsh winters. She taught them how to store and preserve food for the long, cold months ahead. And most importantly, she united the Suther people, who are the farmers; the Dunbar people, who are the warriors, and the Helmsdale people, who are the miners to form a close community and support each other through the toughest of times. After she left the town, the snow began to melt and the spring flowers started to bloom, Ùna disappeared as quietly as she had arrived. The villagers searched for her, but she was nowhere to be found. It was as if she had been a fleeting dream, a figment of their imaginations. The lessons of Ùna then became a core belief of the Agnethe people, and this ethos strongly influenced many geo-political decisions made by them. They continued to support each other through the hardships of winter, and they remembered the goddess who had shown them the way. Though she was gone, they knew that her spirit would always be with them, guiding them through the toughest of times. -=✥=- -=✥=- Cuisine Agnethe cuisine is hearty, and it is becoming more diverse since the proclamation of Dùnrath, as more ingredients and foodstuff is introduced and since then influencing the cuisine. The most important part of the Agnethe food and drink culture is Whisky. It is a distilled spirit made from malted barley and water, has played a significant role in Agnethe culture and cuisine for centuries. It is known as the drink of the Rathonians as the country is known for its production of high-quality whiskies. Agnethe producers produces many of the most famous whisky brands, such as the New Sutherland, the Challenger, and the Dancing Lady. Furthermore, dishes such as Haggis, a foodstuff made from sheep's offal (heart, liver, and lungs) mixed with oatmeal, onions, and spices, stuffed into a sheep's stomach and boiled. Shortbread, A buttery and crumbly cookie made from sugar, butter, and flour, often shaped into fingers or rounds, and Bannock Bread, a type of flatbread made from oatmeal or barley flour, are popular dishes within the people. -=✥=- Major Agnethe Clans The United Clans of Barr and Suther In Year 32 of the Second Year, as The Highland Cleansing ends, the two main Agnethe clans, Clan Sutherland and Clan Dunbar decided to form a union between them as the United Clans of Barr and Suther, and established themselves as sister clans. Besides their own possessions, they also collectively lead the United Provinces of Dùnrath. Clan Sutherland (Clann Suthar) The progenitor of Clan Sutherland is unknown, as there were no sufficient writing materials to determine the founder of the clan, but it is widely believed that the progenitor of the Clan is named Martainn. The seat of the clan is currently the Helensburgh Castle in Norraberget. Historically the Sutherland Clan is renowned for their expertise in trading and commerce, and they are also skilled craftsmen, with a particular expertise in distilling some of the most iconic drinks of the Agnethe people, namely whisky. As they have lived in the Barr, Suther, and Helmsdale region for centuries. They have a rich history of distilling alcohol from various ingredients, including barley, rye, and other grains. In recent history, they have been successful in establishing trade deals with other nations and settlements. The trade deals have helped them to expand their economy and increase their wealth. They have also formed alliances with other trading organisations to strengthen their position in the region. For example, during the time that the Sutherland Trading Company was active, they were allied to many settlements such as Elysium, the Barony of Rhein, and subsequently include clans such as the Redfist. Clan Dunbar (Clann Barrach) The progenitor of the Clan Dunbar is also unknown for the same reason as Clan Sutherland, and Neis, 1st Baronet of Dunbar, is currently the recognised progenitor of the Clan. The seat of Clan Dunbar is currently Fort Östlandet (Cille Fearann an Ear) in Svealand. Clan Dunbar is historically known as the warriors of the Agnethe people. Men and Women of Clan Dunbar are trained in the art of combat from a young age. They are known for their fierce determination and bravery on the battlefield, and their strategic thinking and cunning have helped them win many battles. Despite their prowess in battle, the members of Clan Dunbar hold themselves to a high standard of honour and respect, and are refused to harm non-combatants, or plundering and looting cities after their victories. However, Clan Dunbar people went into diaspora after the defeat in the Highland Cleansing and fled mainly to the Holy Orenian Empire, specifically Rendenford and New Esbec. These people then were persecuted by the Orenian Authorities due to their different beliefs and culture. Which led to some of them joining the Urganian side in the War of Wigs. -=✥=-
  25. ((saturday the 23 is the official opening 6 pm est)) Hello people of Almaris, we of the Grand Trog, are excited to announce that our wonderful Grand Trog is finally open for use!. I know many of you are probably curious, possibly even dying to know what this place is. Supply and Demand, On Command! In Simple terms, the Grand Trog is a Bazaar, filled with the very light and merchantry soul that fuels Almaris. Founded for those that wished to be in a healthy environment of competition and strived to carve their place within this world of glinting gold. Need a place for a more permanent shop? Go set up on the glistening sacred river, perhaps you want something not so grand? Make a shop inside of one of our many miniature stall’s. Gambling and Grizh! The Grand Trog does not just offer any old bazaar experience, for who would we be as salesmen, without some sources of entertainment! Do you wish to test your luck with the dice? Perhaps you're certain of your skills as a dealer or gambler, then come on down and spend those hard earned mina’s at the tables. Perhaps you want to test your eye’s and aim, then come test your skill at the archery range! Maybe you think your blade and hammer is a worthy foe against those in the ring, try your luck as a champion of the fighting pit’s! Artists show your craft! Perhaps though, you are far more of a charismatic individual, preferring stage and song, rather than blade and bow. Then hop onto the roof’s and play a tune, show your talents to the world as we hold a show of talents! Of course, song and dance is not the only thing we have that is a talent, there are those that work with their hands, and what kind of Bazaar would we be if we did not allow a show of such fine craftsmanship! Alongside the talent show, we will also be holding an artisan competition, to see who holds the best piece of work. Not only will it be hung up on the wall for display at the bar, but, they will also get a chunk of Boomsteel as an award. This, combined with several other perks at the Bazaar, will surely make this Grand Opening something to remember. With drink’s, hookah, and food, nothing is like it. Now you may be curious, where can you find this glorious place? Well, simply take the trail to the Iron Uzg, and you will find us right outside of their gates, a bazaar of wonder and glory ready to sell and take in merchants.
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