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Status Updates posted by Dtrik

  1. If it is winter, I want snow covering the ground. Make it snow, and maybe a bit of slowness for being outside.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sporadic


      It SHOULD be snowing. It just doesn't cover the ground cuz that's harder to code and would just serve to annoy people after a while.

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Spor, pls make it cover ground. We need our immersion.

    4. Stevie


      why is it snowing its july

  2. I will be back in school before 4.0 comes out, sad face

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Only because it would take many summers for 5.0 to come out.

    3. White_Moose
    4. shiftnative


      @Darkdragon274: We provide a completely free service and our time here is spent out of love for the idea of it - no one profits from LoTC and it has proven difficult to provide a demanding server white creating an entirely new one.

      It's what you do with what's given that makes the biggest difference.

  3. When edgy people metagame do they send birds or bats?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tom_Whiteman


      They usually send a dragon or a kraken. Or spiders. Or in drfate's case, cockroaches.

    3. monkeypoacher


      falcons or eagles

    4. Space


      Sand rats.

  4. The transition from dwarven ascent to normal American english in my writing/type is surprisingly easy this year.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dtrik


      I spent time typing erotica stories, so type up some stories.

    3. Ark


      ew dwarf porn, it's like hairy midget porn. :(

    4. Dtrik


      I only wanted to do one part of the story, but a certain person wanted an entire short story made. lol

  5. I cannot wait to be able to make a sword of thorns.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blundermore


      I've had the thorns recipe since thales :p

    3. Blundermore


      At least the enchanting one. Didn't know you could put it on swords though, seems kinda pointless

    4. Mephistophelian


      Blunder, it's a special wooden sword that's all fancy n stuff.

  6. Players) "ET never do events for me"

    Me) "Have you messaged any ET about an idea"

    Players) "Yea, I messaged [player not on event team anymore]"

    Me) "Come up with a concept and the event team will help in creating an event line for it"

    Player) Ends up writing copy paste undead/hunt/magic event with lore breaking items

    Me) "Wut"

    |Time Jump Event Is Occuring|

    Player) Tries to be the main focus since he knows what is going to happen

    ET) Has to tell people to stop talking in looc about memes

    |Event is over|

    Players talking in looc) "So I also cut a horn off of that demon lich dragon halfling, can I get a rename item too?" Then begins to spam the message

    ET) Logs off after the event, having enough of the playerbase for the next day and a half.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MangoArt


      I hope this isn't about the Ork event... 

    3. Bangi


      being upset about meme's is understandle but I find your, and most et's attitude towards 'event's' to be horrid. Players shouldn't have to ask for events, you should just make them and try to involve people who haven't necessarily been in one before or recently. It's not that difficult.

    4. J


      Welcome to the et bud. Been like that for years. I made a small memey ms paint comic a while ago about it

       Id find it but on my phone

  7. I wish we did not have an ultra sensitive community so we could down vote people again.

  8. If when a person dies their soul goes to the void and I use the energy within the void to conjure a spell up, is that not necromancy?

    1. Dyrr


      wha-... no, wait ye-... what

    2. Birdwhisperer


      I don't think souls go to the void?

    3. tnoy23


      They do not.

  9. Some people have the cutest avatars and I hate them for it >.

  10. I see some applications for staff and I really want to support them but then I realize that if they do get the position that is one less person rping in the community.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      At least you can get a pocket GM to give sharpness swords, that is always a plus.

    2. Snoop


      Really? Like who?

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Like the one who got demoted for giving op enchanted swords to the dwarves.

  11. In the dwarven government, loving the politics.

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost
    2. cruzazul
    3. Dtrik


      I organized a full agenda and we discussed everything and had no one act stark.

  12. Remove james27049 from application team! He abuses!

    1. James


      Love you 2 doug

    2. Dtrik
    3. ShameJax


      Remove him now!

  13. I get all of my information from Fox News

    1. xenenxnennxnx


      What's the issue w Fox News and not the other news stations?

    2. oblivionsbane


      They are infamous particularly for twisting the truth.

    3. xenenxnennxnx


      You mean all news

  14. Hi Guys! I am a new member of the Event Team, woot! With that I want to be able to provide events for multiple groups. If you want to add me on discord to get in touch with me it is Dtrik
    #2019 Add me to your group chats if you want. I will reply to them as soon as possible.

    1. ScreamingDingo
    2. J


      good luck with it my friend

    3. Ford


      prepare yourself

  15. Tythus's name is Karl

    1. Kvasir


      we've known this for a long time


    2. Llir


      wow ur gonna get banned for doxxxxing

    3. Dtrik


      I do not have any ships to dock kowaman.

  16. Malus cogito. Non amant. Non laudant.

    1. James


      Hoc autem non est ex Deo

    2. Dtrik


      Quid sunt vocos. 

    3. James


      Deus Vult


  17. Only on the internet will you see grown children laughing about others losing pixels but then will turn around and be mad when they have the possibility to lose their pixels.

    1. Hiebe


      Not my made up magic stuff

    2. WuHanXianShi14


      you say internet like its a niche place instead of something like 60% of teenagers in the world have access to


      this is peak humanity

    3. J
  18. Ginger is just the n-word rearranged 

    1. dogbew
    2. Algoda
    3. MangoArt


      Someone wrote ginga referring to something else today and I told them “Thanks for not using the hard r”


  19. Arya becomes Captain Crunch and  begins her spin off series with the Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack to find the Candy Island west of Westeros.

    1. Shmeepicus


      don’t kill me pls ?

    2. Dtrik


      Drogon did his spin off series as Toothless in How to Train Your Dragon.

    3. drfate786


      Yes, Astrid is actually Dany’s corpse.

  20. 11 hour shift killed my knees

    1. LPT


      Like mother like son ;)

    2. Dtrik
  21. (Lotc change) Imperialism -> Socialism -> Communism

    1. Volutional


      This made me laugh, thanks. You clearly aren't aware this is a video game.

    2. Tethras


      Yep, but it's funny how many theories you can apply to it. Such as Pavlov's theory, cultural capitals, ect.

  22. Ef es fer dwarves dat pvp default together, U es fer minas or die, En es gimme dem and gimme dem now. 'ere under t'e Grand Kingdom.

    1. Shadeleaf


      Thats sadly accurate

    2. Dtrik


      I know T-T

  23. I think rp would be better if people dialed it down on how smart their character is. Forgetting someone you saw a long time ago kill someone or not know how to spell perfect common. Simple things that could be tweaked. Would be nice, but dreams are dreams.

    1. excited


      I tried, but then people abused it by using that advantage to be a pain in the anus for their superiority complex. *sob*

    2. monkeypoacher



      I RP mistakes a lot, but when I do people call me on it OOCly. It's kinda funny.

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