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Status Updates posted by Icarnus

  1. stop quickbanning people because someone gets their feelings hurt. you aren’t entitled to a good time 24/7 on the internet

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Icarnus


      I don’t condone or support toxicity at a level of apparent harassment but what we see so often is far from it, never said I wasn’t all for encouraging a friendly community but pampering with bans isn’t the way you go about it.

    3. Maclunkey
    4. Nectorist


      Have to agree with Mudboy here. Anyone’s personal issues on the internet can be solved with a simple press of the power button. As for toxicity, LoTC is not just a cesspool, but a breeding ground, for behavior that these quickbans won’t come close to solving. Don’t try to convince us otherwise.

  2. What will happen when the LOTC year hits the late 1600's and guns are developed?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Icarnus


      I would never like to see any modern technology on lord of the craft. This server is intended for medieval roleplay and that alone.

    3. Neri


      @Agiantpie - there's tons of cannons on ships around, and you can make TNT/gunpowder in crafting, which is why I presumed otherwise.

    4. AGiantPie


      Yeah, fair enough. We're allowed to make explosives you're just not allowed to have the ludicrous idea of trying to propel objects with said explosives

  3. Oh my **** misstoni the champion of oren

  4. hey guys new player looking for a group

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Christ


      2 options. Either play my kid if I’m unbanned or quit lotc. Get a life loser

    3. Mj.


      You can join me and the flays no problem bro!!

    4. argonian


      wem marches on oren

  5. If you're a real fan which one did he dislike of the three?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. devvy


      @Hero_ please stop commenting on my posts and status updates.

  6. To all you skinners out there, what is your favorite website to use to make skins?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trinn


      MCSkin3D xoxoxoxo 

    3. Gangrel1230


      photoshop professional x

    4. Kim


      paintool sai and Mcskin3D C=

  7. Vipers? They're no trouble as you can see them coming, its the shallow garden snake of whom you must be wary of.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rukio


      Garden snakes don't exist and garter snakes are harmless to humans....

    3. nordicg_d


      lorraine was full of snakes... but icarnus was special.

  8. scouring for a group to join 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KeatonUnbeaten


      ^ what the norlander said, buddy

    3. LatzMomo


      Nordengrad has a tight knit community and it's refreshing to play peasants ?

    4. oblivionsbane


      Make a heartlander and join the glorious Imperial Legion, the direct military serving the his Imperial Majesty the emperor!

  9. in the past few days I’ve modreq’d 3 times and all of them went unanswered for over an hour with multiple GM’s online

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. argonian


      because you’re irrelevant LAL

      all my modreqs get answered the moment i send them

    3. Kaelan




      that’s unlucky

    4. Keening


      how could they let this happen

  10. why doesn't anyone ever rp americans / the best culture

    1. Chaw


      i wish all americans would die

    2. mitto


      cowboy culture 

    3. rukio


      its not in lore?

  11. Hey pal, this isn’t a shot but a genuine q. Shows that you were online just 2 hours ago. Is it really such an arduous task to pop on discord and enable the devs to do their jobs? 

    1. monkeypoacher




      the ssh access...


      hand it over.



    2. Xarkly


      He doesn't care

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      why do actual stuff when you can pretend you’re doing it lol

    1. Harri


      it's funny, they stole a lot of the textures for gems for example

    2. Icarnus




      it's funny, they stole a lot of the textures for gems for example

      Really? I would assume for such a 'Ground breaking' mod, they would go completely fresh not to get on anyone's nerves

    3. Harri
  12. you know I'm always down for a little, dab roleplay

    1. Jaigalar


      i love dab roleplay

  13. My shining star, when will you return.

    1. Guest


      @Gusano Arentonio baby come back 

    2. garentoft


      true heroes only return when they are needed

    3. Guest


      i need u to love me.

  14. who are u

    1. Delrof


      genuinely forgotten who you are sry

    2. Icarnus


      I haven't forgotten you

    3. Delrof


      <3 I did not mean to offend it's been a long time

  15. hey man ?

    1. Kaelan


      Hey my dude! How’s a going!

    2. Icarnus


      great. facetime later? 

    3. Kaelan


      Of course

  16. one day you will place your last minecraft block without realizing it

  17. i think its time to move away from the minecraft platform and migrate lotc to Roblox. thoughts?

    1. Chimp
    2. Malgonious


      You may be on to something.

  18. Would anyone like to partner up with me in making skins? I mainly need a shader. If you're interested, contact icarnus_ on skype and we'll work out the details.


    I think everyone on lotc should watch this video.

    1. Reeg_


      Dang, I wish I had that when I did a swords research project a few years ago. I might have to check out that game when it comes out, too. 

    2. Medvekoma


      are u tryin to tell me plate is better than assassin ledur?

  20. https://m.imgur.com/gallery/jBMZE

    Coalition forces attempting and failing to eat Oren, circa 1617, colorized.


    1. TJBMinecraft


      i cant see the image


    2. _pr0fit


      When Icarnus tries and fails to make a good meme, Circa todays date, not colorized since it's in color already

  21. Can we get old formatting back? Coming from a group leader having to completely format again from a google doc on the forums is a pain

    1. Esterlen
    2. Kaldwin_


      dont have to worry about that cus im about to usurp u pal B^)

  22. I lost 30,000 bucketmommy's in the blink of an eye, and the whole server just ******* watched.

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