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  1. THE JULI c. 1780“A Young Selie boy" ORIGINS, FROM THE GROTTO The Juli find their start in the time of Horen - Though humanity traces their lineage from Horen, the Juli trace theirs from the Anointed Julia of Paradisus. In her most notable miracle, the Anointed Julia protected an expectant mother from the ails of corruption. There were, however, two miracles that day. The light that shone from the ring not only revealed the necromancer for what it was, but it also blessed the unborn bairn of the mother. Months later the mother would give birth to triplets; Ifiemi, mother of the Ifie, Selam, mother of the Selm, and Selassie, mother of the Selie. The girls born with deep black skin, hair, and eyes also came out of the womb with golden bands, a sign that they had been touched by the Anointed Julia. Ifiemi had a golden band around her waist, Selam around her left leg, and Selassie around her right arm. Once the triplets were of age they joined the Anointed Julia in Paradisus as her attendants and confidants. Ifiemi served as her protectorate, Selam her handmaiden, and Selassie her scribe. Eventually the triplets would each have triplets, and those children would each have triplets, and their numbers grew in size, all except for Selassie. After the death of their beloved holy mother, the Anointed Julia, the cult of Juli was formed and this is where the Juli get their name. Fearing persecution and with nothing left for them in Paradisus, the Juli fled the famed city in search for new lands. The light of the Anointed Julia led them to the Grotto of Merkai. As the Juli entered into this new land, the Anointed Julia closed the foliage behind them and hid them from those who would seek to do them harm. c. 1620 “Anointed Julia, Protectorate of Merkai” The light of Anointed Julia stood foot at the gates of Merkai. Though they were isolated, the few pure-hearted outsiders, Canonist or not, who did not wish to do the Juli harm could spot the Anointed Julia’s golden rings in the Peacock feathers and sunflowers that marked the gates of Merkai. At the center of the Grotto of Merkai stood a large bubbling spring that met the sea. It was here that the Anointed Julia came to Selassie and pointed out the origins of her birth. It’s said that the Anointed Julia had emerged from the gurgle of the water with drops of pure light dripping from her figure. It was here that the first gift was given. Selassie entered the waters of Merkai and re-emerged renewed and youthful again. What she did not know was that she also grew pregnant. In her palm she held the mother of pearl, a large iridescent white stone that represented Tranquility, Purity, and Governance. c. 1620 “Birth of Anointed Julia” The Juli, free from their plight, sought to make a home for themselves in the Grotto of Merkai. They built domed homes and towers in the style of Paradisus, but they forgot one thing. One night, a group of leopards strolled into their settlement. As screams let out, Ifiemi and her children and children’s children sprang into action. They soared their large spears through the black of the night, killing all the leopards but one. Spear nor sword could not pierce the hide of this white leopard. This is when the Anointed Julia gave her second gift. A light shined down on the White Leopard, setting the creature on fire instantly. The only thing remained was its white hide, which could not be pierced by any man made tool or weapon. The hide represented Reverence, Protection, and Strength In celebration, the Juli held their first traditional feast: the feast of leopards. Here they danced, drank, and ate in merriment. During the feast it began to rain, casting Merkai into darkness as it extinguished every lamp and fire. The rain slowly turned into a storm as strong winds and gray clouds rolled into Merkai. Selam, refusing to let the weather destroy their festivities, kindled a torch to re-light the lamps of Merkai. As she raced into the thick of the storm from lamp to lamp while her flame dwindled, a loud boom could be heard throughout Merkai. The torch erupted into a large column of fire that was impervious to rain and storm. This was the Anointed Julia’s third and final gift: the eternal flame, which represented Resilience, Harmony, and Progress. With the three gifts from the Anointed, Selassie, Selam, and Ifiemi became the three beloved: defenders and founders of Julianism. One night, Selassie received a vision from the mother of pearl: flee. When the undead spread across Aegis, Merkai was one of the last places still standing, but they did not stop them from permeating the thick foliage in search for death. Selam lit fire to the Grotto with the eternal flame, destroying Merkai and the undead that had overran it. Ifiemi used the white hide as a raft for the Juli to escape on. And Selassie used the mother of pearl to guide a way to new lands. It was here on the raft that Selassie gave birth to Inan. With the birth of Imani, GOD delivered the Scroll of Divulgence to the Juli. Since then, the Juli have forever hidden themselves from Horen and his men. Though the Grotto can never be restored, they now take comfort in the isles that dot the coastline of each new land they arrive to. Their black towers and homes, reminiscent of Paradisus, appear to be rock formations jutting out of the water, but if you listen closely you can hear singing at night. CHURCH OF JULIARD The Church of Juliard is a monotheistic religion. Julinists believe in the one true living GOD who is the all-father and creator of the universe. Julinists recognize that he is the innate source of good and those that practice good deeds follow the virtues set by GOD. Despite the earnest virtues of some heretics and pagans, this will not earn them a voyage into the Seven Seas alongside GOD as they will be sent to the vast, a perpetually dark desert where damned souls die. Those who do practice and adhere to the wisdom of GOD will gain a voyage into the Seven Seas. Within Julinistic faith, the Seven Seas is depicted to be the far horizon where the sky meets water, while the vast is an intermediate space where souls eventually fade away. It is important to note, however, that Julinists do not seek out converts. The faith is passed down through the matrilineal line as the light was passed through the Beloved sisters. Those who wish to convert by their own will are accepted into the fold, but the light will not pass through them in the way it does for the Juli. Julinists practice Julianism, which is similar to Canonism but differs in interpretations of the first family of humankind. Though the races of Elves, Humans, Orcs, and Dwarves trace their lineage to the four sons of the first-coupling, Julianism highlights and prioritizes the sanctity of the Anointed Julia. The four sons came from GOD’s creation while the Anointed Julia came directly from GOD. The four sons and their lines were cursed while the Anointed Julia remained untouched. For this reason, it is clear she is anointed by GOD and the closest to purity. It is believed by Julinists that Julia is the daughter of GOD and thus was his to marry to Horen. Through marriage they are both venerated, but Julia is depicted as an extension of GOD on Eos and Aos whereas Horen is simply her husband. Their duties were shared but wholly different. Despite mistranslations, incorrect interpretations, and being cut entirely from Canon lore, the Church of Juliard mostly agrees with the scrolls. There is, however, a missing scroll that serves as the main doctrine for Julianism: the Scroll of Divulgence, which marks the Juli as GOD’s chosen people and saviors of humanity as they carry the light of GOD through the Anointed Julia. The Quattor is the place of religious worship for Julinists. A typical Quattor is a round domed (with a hole in the middle of the dome) room submerged into any body of water. At night, the waters will rise within the Quattor as the Moon stretches out over the Quattor. There are four spires attached to each Quattor, each spire holding an effigy of a Beloved. Carved from the blackest stone the Beloved Selassie sits in the north spire with a white stone held at her heart, the Beloved Selam sits in the west spire with a torch raised in the air, the Beloved Ifiemi sits in the east spire with a cloak draped over her, and the Beloved Inan sits in the south spire with a chalice at his heart. In the middle of the Quattor sits a wide hole in which kindling lit by the eternal flame is submerged by water yet still burning. c. 1680 “Saint Luliya” THE ANOINTED Ant. Julia - Golden Ring Patron of Marriage, Light, and Women Mother of the Juli THE BELOVED Blv. Selassie - Mother of Pearl Patron of Tranquility, Purity, and Governance Mother of the Selie Blv. Selam - Eternal Flame Patron of Harmony, Resilience, and Progress Mother of the Selm Blv. Ifiemi - White Hide Patron of Reverence, Protection, and Strength Mother of the Ifie Blv. Inan - Golden Chalice Patron of Priesthood, Childbirth, and Wisdom Revealer of the Scroll of Divulgence SAINTS St. Horen - Golden Laurel Revealer of the Scroll of Virtue Patron of Humanity, Covenants, Men St. Adamma - Whetstone Patron of Labour, Craftsmen, and Builders St. Luliya - Golden Crown Patron of the Poor, Abandoned, and Vengeance BLESSED Bl. Owyn - Flaming Sword Revealer of the Scroll of Spirit Patron of Purity, War, and Fire Bl. Godfrey - Silver Scepter Revealer of the Scroll of Gospel Patron of Dominion, Glory, and Justice Bl. Sigismund - Iron Globus Cruciger Revealer of the Scroll of Auspice Patron of Clairvoyance, Wisdom, and Sight ISOLATION AND PROTECTION Though the Juli have rarely had much contact with other people, the Ifie are trained in various forms of combat. From spear wielding to the longsword, they are prepared to defend their faith and homeland. The favored weapon of the Juli are their circlets. Circlets are sharp circular hand-held weapons that come in a few different sizes. The hand circlet is used to slice and stab through close combat, the circlettes are thrown at long distances and cut through their victims, and the circline is a long pole with a curved metal head that acts in similar manner to a scythe. The metals vary in colors but typically take on a bronze-ish hue after undergoing a glazing process. c. 1700s The Juli are well versed in the manning and controlling of ships. Often frequenting water-heavy areas, it’s a necessary component of everyday life. Most children exit the womb knowing how to swim and quickly take to sparring in the shallow waters of beaches and lakes. Though their ships are not equipped with canons, they’re extremely light and fast giving them an advantage in travel time and getting away. Due to their reclusive nature, the Juli are rarely seen on horseback but have been seen with a leopard or two. THE SELIE, SELM, AND IFIE The Juli typically find themselves in warmer cultures near the ocean. While they enjoy the beautiful things of life, they understand that life is fleeting and would be ready to leave their possessions behinds in a moments notice. Men and women wear fairly loose clothing in layers, the more layers showing how wealthy you were. Head coverings are stylistic along with makeup. While jewelry is very common amongst the Juli, it is not ornately made into different shapes but comes in the form of bands. It would be uncommon to ever find a piece of jewelry not in the form of a circle. The Juli age like normal humans but retain their youthfulness for much longer as a 60 year old Juli could easily pass for 40. The Juli can be divided into three cultures that work into one functioning society. Though work is not restricted by these cultures, the tribe they’re born into is what they were “destined” to do. Tribes pass through the matrilineal lineage of families; depending on what tribe the mother was a part of determines what tribe the bairn would be a part of. THE SELIE, Our Leaders From Beloved Selassie The Selie are by-far the smallest group amongst the Juli. Typically taking on roles of governance, the Selie are political, religious, and local leaders. Due to their duties to Juli society, their main priority is in service of others. They rarely have children if at all and often marry outside of their tribe. The Juli are ruled by a monarchy which passes down to whichever elected kin the monarch chooses. While nobility isn’t a concept, there are esteemed families within the Selie that have large monopolies over certain sectors of government. Featurally, the Selie are known for their round faces and long locs of hair. Different hairstyles show off their families and heritage. Selies who go on to be priests have access to a special herb that turns their hair and sometimes eyes white. Like Selassie, almost all Selie have a scar in the shape of a band on their right arm as the birthmark is passed down. Very few are born with their bands being made of gold, those who are born with gold bands are said to be filled with more light than others. c. 1400 “First Queen of House Mann” THE SELM, Our Builders From Beloved Selam The Selm are the largest group amongst the Juli. Typically taking on artisan and craftsmen roles within society, the Selm are the backbone of the Juli economy. The Selm have the most freedom when it comes to their occupational status and are commonly known to travel amongst the line of Horen. With the Selm holding the knowledge of the outside world around them, they find interesting ways to make their money from selling secrets or even people. The Selm also act as the architects of Juli cities, which are designed after Paradisus so they say. Featurally, the Selm are known for their flat faces and round, short bodies. The Selm are the most adorned group as they gladly wear fine headdresses and jewelry. Like Selam, almost all Selm have a scar in the shape of a band on their left leg as the birthmark is passed down. Very few are born with their bands being made of gold, those who are born with gold bands are said to be filled with more light than others. c. 1700s “Portrait of Eskender Liya” THE IFIE, Our Protectors From Beloved Ifiemi The Ifie are the second largest group amongst the Juli. Typically taking on militaristic and sportive roles in society, the Ifie are the protectors of the Juli. The Ifie serve in the larger Juli guard but also work as mercenaries for hire. The Ifie are also extremely intelligent. Skilled in naval warfare, astronomy, and mathematics, the Ifie make formidable opponents on the battlefield and the war room. Many Ifie have chosen the route of scholars rather than warfare. Featurally, the Ifie are known for their slender frames and short deep red hair. The Ifie wear what is most comfortable for them but typically always wear some form of protection. Like Ifiemi, almost all Ifie have a scar in the shape of a band on their torso as the birthmark is passed down. Very few are born with their bands being made of gold, those who are born with gold bands are said to be filled with more light than others. c. 1780s “The Scholar, Makonnen Zuri” ARCHITECTURE Juli architecture is modeled after the city of Paradisus. It was a welt kept secret amongst the builders of the Selm tribe who had hoped that by building paths into the sea that they'd find a way to reach GOD. c. 1820 “Great Quattor of the Beloved Sisters” DIALECT The Juli pick up on languages quickly but always talk in a very particular way not similar to any other human. On top of them speaking very fast, they often over-enunciate consonants at the end of the sentence and often drop the r from various words. For example, a Juli would pronounce “Church of Juliard” as “Chutch of Juli-ed” PHRASES & WORDS Mo/M’ - My Asu Ashi - God Mama - Mother Baba - Father Liji - Child Hujambo - Hello Kwaheri - Bye Asu jambo - Good Morning Usu jambo - Good Night Asu - Day Usu - Night Moto - Beautiful Zaidi - More/Very Gawa - Go Asante - Thank you Karnibu - You’re Welcome Anu Chupi - Curse Word Jalme - King Jalkia - Queen Weupe - Outsider “ Asu jambo mo jalkia, we found weupe at the gates of usu. Good morning my queen, we found outsiders at the gates of night. ” NOTABLE JULI FAMILIES House Mann, Selie ruling family of the Juli. House Liya, Selm merchant family. House Zuri, Ifie family with skilled fighters and generals. Male Names Abai, Addisu, Afework, Ajani, Aklilu, Alimayu, Anbassa, Bemnet, Biruk, Cherenet, Dejen, Desta, Eskender, Fikru, Fikremariam, Gebre, Haile, Isayas, Jember, Kassahun, Kebede, Kidus, Lami, Makonnen, Mesfin, Neberu, Negash, Tafari, Yafet, Zelalem. Female Names Abeba, Akutasgm Amhara, Ayana, Belkis, Dinkinesh, Fana, Gelila, Genet, Genzebe, Habesha, Hamelmal, Hirut, Iniku, Jahzara, Kelile, Kelemi, Luliya, Marye, Mariam, Mihret, Negassi, Nebiri, Rahwa, Rebka, Samrawit, Sebie, Selam, Selassie, Taitu, Zeudi. OOC: If you have thoughts, suggestions, or are interested developing this culture further PLEASE reach out to me: erostea#3429
  2. For the confirmation of Rochir Enderial Hawksong _______________________________ The symbol of Machana's Dance has been embossed into the parchment On the first elven day of the new elven year, the House Hawksong announces the examination and confirmation of Enderial. Through exemplary demonstration of the bloodline's sacred art of Rochannyer, the prospect knight of the house may earn the right to wield the Lance of Faorarr Tahorran'len, the First Rochir, and joust for his place among the Lances of the Rochirran. In his success he will be knighted as a Rochir of House Hawksong. Dress code: Formal ____________________________________________________ Itinerary Rochannyer Demonstration As an examination of the art of Rochannyer. The prospect knight must complete a performance to heirloom music in traditional Hawksong training to exemplary perfection to prove themselves ready to wield the lance of Faorarr. The Joust When the examination is passed to the standards required, a joust between prospect and a senior Rochir will be observed. The Ceremony Should the prospect succeed, the Rochir will be knighted before the House and his lance will be recorded in the House registry to stand the test of time. The Reception Provided by the BAYOU BEER GARDEN™, a reception for merriment, drinking, dancing and games will take place in the tavern. _________________________________________________________ Formal invitations are sent to the esteemed friends of the House The Clan Mossborn of Hefrumm The Calith Talonnii Pamphilos and the Bronzed Lords of Sulianpoli The Lady Snow and Lady Lynx of the Vale The Clan Starling Primarch Net'seth and the Clan Loa'chil The Norväyn Seed and their Wolven knights Brewmistress Wyn Arvellon and Seed
  3. "And now the Winter Moon settles behind the horizon. The light of the stars dim; the hour is near. Then the curtain of night swallows the skies, black and hungry. The Wolf Moon has risen, the end of the Wild Hunt is nigh." Excerpt from the faerie tale of Cerridwen's Wintersleep ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ An artists' depiction of the Wolf Mani Morea swallowing the Moon The final moon of the Lunar Cycle is also the darkest time of year both literally and spiritually for the druids of the Mother Circle. Once the Moonmoth Faeries make their pass under the light of the previous Winter Moon, it is believed that they whisk away the weak and old as a flurry of a thousand pure white snowflakes; peaceful, deadly, and beautiful. As the Winter Moon sets, the final hours of the lunar year chase away the last golden rays of the winter skies, daring not to rise again until the first breaths of spring. It is when the long, frigid and hungry nights of deep winter arrive that the cold Wolf Moon rises, along with the final reaping of Cernunnos' Wild Hunt. Thought to be chiefest among the Centaur King's Huntsmen, the Wolf Mani Morea arises as a frozen shadow and swallows the lingering life not meant to recieve the Breath of the Springmother in the new year. In this, Morea is believed by the Mother Circle to be the enactor of Cernunnos' Bounty and a symbol of the inevitabilities of life; the eventual cost of death for that which is of the Balance is certain. In the Tale of Cerridwen's Wintersleep, it is storied that Cerridwen grants Cernunnos and his Wild Hunt pantheon her own bounty: the willing sacrifice of a part of herself to ensure the Wild Hunt leaves behind a healthy, strong generation to be reborn. Morea leaps from the shadow of the setting Winter Moon and swallows the last lunar phase, named the Wolf Moon after this faerie tale. Blessing given, the Fae Queen falls into a deep, death-like sleep. The warmth of the SpringMother is gone, there is little fruit and prey, and the world seems to hold its breath. In the shadows, the Packlord Morea and his IceFang faeries stalk the realm unseen, concealed beneath the shadow of the new moon and the beginning of the new lunar cycle. _____________________________________ ______________________________________ The faeries are depicted as the terrible spirit of hunger itself, with long arms and ravenously sharp claws and eyes like stars; a mirror of Cernunnos' arrows. They are the fear of those that have not accepted death, and the awful, violent fury of the hunt they have evaded for too long. On the eve of the new lunar cycle, the druids of the Mother Circle place things that are in excess, such as old trinkets, food offerings, or memories of the past year that they wish to grow and move on from. With these offerings, a bonfire is lit to destroy them in an offering to Cernunnos, the light from the pyre symbolically keeping the faeries away as they seek out the excessive and the lazy.
  4. Cooking the Gemeye Way By Basra Gemeye (written by VerminHunter) Preface This cook book has been recently unearthed from the ruins of the Gemeye clan, which lay hidden underground for hundreds if not thousands of years. The Grand Library has restored this book to the best of its ability, and has put it for within its shelves for anyone to learn from. May the cultural legacy of the dwarves be preserved. Miner’s Supper Soup Prepare a rock pot, the type of rock is up to your taste. Add water and bring it to a boil. While your water is boiling prepare Miner’s Helmets. Once the water is at a rolling boil add the mushrooms to the pot. After 10 minutes, or once the mushrooms are tender, remove the mushrooms and let them rest. They will be used for garnish later. While the water is still boiling, add some bone broth to it and stir. Bone broth made of Deep Toad or Hyfowl are prefered, but any bone will do. To make your soup more creamy, dissolve some of your preferred moss paste into the boiling soup. Once it is at your preferred consistency, you may plate and serve. [source] Deep Toad Tongue Steak The fibrous tongue of a Deep Toad is incredibly tough, but it is also delicious. Start by chopping a medallion of the tongue of your desired size. Be sure to drain it of the blood. Blanch your cut, put it into cold water and bring it to a boil. As soon as it reaches a boil, skim the scum and drain the water. The water can be used for your Miner’s Helmet farm. Once the meat has been blanched, sear it upon a salt block. If you are low on lard or oil, this method is great since salt blocks do not need to be oiled. Be careful to slowly heat the salt block since a rapid change in temperature may cause it to explode. Sear the toad tongue till a golden brown. Seasoning can be added at any point during the cooking process. [source] Blind Cave Fish Pickings Blind cave fish possess a great number of bones, so this method is the best way to cook it while not having to worry about choking on bones. Take the fish fillets and simmer, not boil, for 5 to 10 minutes on depending size. Water or broth can be used to simmer it. Once that’s done, remove the fish fillets and let them rest so that the meat can firm up. Once the fish is cooled, pick the meat off the bones along with the grain. Once the meat is picked you may fry it, or mince it to make fish cakes. [source]
  5. On The Blah [!] The following excerpts switch between a large, scrawling orcish script and a surprisingly legible common [!] Dah Blah iz’ag uld wey uv Ork zpeekyng agh wroightyng, azh dat komz vrum dah Uld Blah uv Krug ‘imzelf! Awl Urukz blah dah Blah, doh et iz divvrent vor eech bruddah ohr ziztah. Kor’garr ‘az bin tuld dat Kor’garr ‘az ‘eavy Blah, buht doze loike dah Gulden Rex Zhot’Rax ‘ad veri leetle acczint. The above is an example of especially strong Blah, the orcish dialect, in writing. Blah is a composite language with two main sources; Firstly, it is based on mangled common due to our thick tusks hindering the ability to pronounce words clearly. Secondly, orcish culture uses various words and phrases from the proper language of Old Blah as a way for the common orc to praise the spirits in their day to day life. Old Blah is a very obscure knowledge passed down from shamans to their apprentices, and it is quite rare to see one speaking it outside of ritual. Blah can also be seen in writing, usually by orcs who have not been taught proper reading and writing of common. Instead, they simply spell out words phonetically and ignore most rules of grammar. In either speech or text, Blah varies widely from person to person, every individual having their unique struggles with making certain sounds. It is important to note the cultural traditions of Blah. Since it is seen as a way to praise the spirits and Krug himself, Orcs will be offended by a brother or sister refusing to speak in Blah. Another taboo is for those not of Krug to attempt speaking blah in the presence of proper orcs. Such mistakes are typically corrected with a closed fist or snarl of disapproval. [OOC] On common words and phrases from Blah: Here is a list of some common terms encountered in Blah. Since old blah was a very rudimentary language, many common similes will find themselves represented by the same word. For example, the words mind, think, and know would all translate to “gruk”. Similarly, “grukk’d” could mean thought or knew, and the terms for head, thinker, or brain are represented by “grukker”. General Conversation: Ug = Hi, Hello, Hail Throm'ka = Formal greeting / welcome Yub = Yes Ukee = OK, Okay Nub = No, Not Gug'ye = Goodbye Lat = You Latz = Your, You're Mi = Me, I Agh = And Rulg = Thank you Dabu = Yes, My pleasure (Obedient, Respectful) 'Hozh = Good Nub'hozh = Bad Bub'hozh = Great, Big Body Parts: Grukker = brain, head, mind Peepurz = Eyes Zniffa = Nose Zowndurz = Ears Glok = Spit Fra = Feet Grish = Blood Teef = Teeth or Tusks (or money) Objects: Blarg = House, Home Mojo = Magic Uzg = World Goi = City Luzk = Axe O'lig = Bow Ligz = Arrow Zult = Sword Ztik = Staff Ztabba = Knife Zmazha = Hammer Zpyke = Spear Zteemiez = Redstone technology Wagh = War Votar = Hunt Peepurz = Eyes Zniffa = Nose Buurz = Dark/black Greenz = Drugs, usually Cactus Green Grog = Drinks, usually alcoholic Grub = Food Grubbins = Raw foodstuff Cultural Terms/ Occupations Iilzpak = Orcish Zodiac Hur'Mauk = Ceremonial Duel of Honor, Non-lethal Mat'Mauk = Lethal Duel of Honor Teeflyngs = Smaller bits of money Tunzantar = Tinker Zhomo = Shaman Iilzhonal = Starwatcher Haruspex = Artist Ruka = Worker, Laborer Mau'Kor = Chosen of Kor/Ancestral Historian Ztargush'Stroh = The spiritual afterlife/ "Starlit Path" Living Things Buub = Pig Brudda = Fellow Orc Ziztah = Fellow Feorc Ztowt, Gazat = Dwarf Twiggiez, Treeuggerz, Albai = Elf Zquealz, Zmawlz = Halflings Quickzpawn, Pinkeh, Zhara = Human Nuutzhara = Ascended Nubded = Undead Buubzhara = Zombie Pigman Howlur = Wolf Momo = Mother Popo = Father Rex = War Uzg Leader Wargoth = Clan Leader Kub = Child Foul Language Zog = damn Zoggin’ =damned, cursed or condemned Zkah, Zaahkah = General curse words Pushdug = Stinky Glob = Fool Git = An Amateur, Someone Inexperienced Concepts/Actions Blah = Talk, Speak, Orcish Language Gruk = Understand, think, thought Klomp = Fight, possibly ceremonial Krimp = Control somebody, Stun, Snare, Capture, Defeat Flat = Dead, Kill Wagh = War Peep = See, Look [OOC] On Orcish numbers: Orcs use a standard base ten counting system, much like the other races of Almaris. However, foreigners to orc culture can quickly become confused by the naming system for digits, where those larger than five start with the prefix of “H”. In text, the numbers are represented through a written title or a corresponding system of letters. For example, the number One or 1 would be written as Azh or I. Two or 2 would be Dub or II, and so on. The counting system can be found below. Azh = One = I Dub = Two = II Gakh = Three = III Futh = Four = IV H' = Five = V H'azh = Six = VI H'dub = Seven = VII H'gakh = Eight = VIII H'futh = Nine = IX Azhty = Ten = X Dubty = Twenty = XX Futhty = Forty = XL H’ty = Fifty = L Azh’Kint = One Hundred = C Dub’kint = Two Hundred = CC ...And so on.
  6. An artists' depiction of the Court of the Faerie Queen "She is the breath of life in our lungs, the rain that both mourns the fallen and nourishes the living. She is the kaleidoscope of colors in spring; the heartbeat of the world. Her name is Cerridwen, Queen of the Fae." Mythology of the Mother Circle Oft regarded as the orchestrater of the druidic gifts herself, Cerridwen has been a lauded symbol of motherhood, guidance, and life itself. The Mother Circle has cultivated a rich culture in reverence to the Aspect of life, and hosts many notable shrines and sacred glades dedicated to her role in the Balance. Even if she is as silent as her equal counterpart Aspect, Cernunnos, the evidence of her eternal role in the Balance is just as clear and colorful. While the Father's symbol is fire, the Mother's is water. Her seasons are spring and autumn, when the flowers and harvest are at their strongest. In the mythology of the Mother Circle, Cerridwen holds dominion over all living things, but particularly of the fae who are thought to be the richest representation of life's potential. As such, the lunar calendar is a visible symbol of Cerridwen's three eternal promises: birth, life, and decay. The Lunar Phases and the Fae Moons The calendar is separated into three seasons to represent the flow of life. Additionally, each Archdruid of the Grove represents a lunar season. The Moons of Birth - Spring to early Summer, depicted as the Waxing Moon The Moons of Life - Summer to early Autumn, depicted as the Full Moon The Moons of Decay - Autumn through Winter, depicted as the Waning Moon Rarely, a thirteenth moon will be visible during the lunar calendar. Known as the Fae Queen's Moon, it is believed that Cerridwen's influence over the realm reaches a crescendo at the height of the full moon, calling the wandering fae and the souls of deceased druids home to her court in the Fae Realm. Phenomena of whimsical and beautiful natural wonder are storied to emerge on this sacred night, bathing the world in the pure light of the Mother's radiance. Depiction and Worship The Mother Circle traditionally displays Cerridwen as a winged being of wondrous bioluminescence, crowned with wisps and butterflies. When depicted in physical means either through statues or shrines, she is also seen as a green lady with misty eyes and wild tresses of ivy. Chiefest of the sacred places within the grove is known as the Mother's Sorrow, where the Cerridwen's glowing gaze looks down upon the pool in which the Rite of Rebirth, or Attunement, is performed. Here, a descendant is born again, bathed in the tears of the Mother. Just as in the labors of childbirth, Cerridwen baptizes her newborns in both tears of joy and tears of sorrow, for even druids will too decay, and suffer the eventual toll of death. The druids of the Mother Circle believe that all life is merely borrowed from Cerridwen, and in time it must be given back. The crying statue of Cerridwen within the Mother's Sorrow, overlooking the Attunement pool In addition to the physical worship of the Aspect, the Mother Circle believes the Fae Queen's pure spirits, known as faeries or the fae, are the manifestation of a mother's specific lessons, cherished traits, or even enactors of the will of the Aspects themselves. While not truly worshiped in the same manner as the Aspects, they are revered as sacred beings and are sometimes claimed to be seen fulfilling phenomena in nature. The StormTreader Stags, for example, are pure white faeries of deer that are believed to the source of lightning when they crash their antlers to smite the souls of draoi or evil spirits.
  7. "And then comes the kiss of winter, pure and silent. They come as flurries, frozen tears of the Faerie Queen, beautiful and deadly; and the soul is ferried onto the next rebirth." Excerpt from the druidic Faerie Tale of the MoonMoth Midwinter marks the rise of the Night Moon for the Mother Circle, and the arrival of the first snows that blanket the realm in frosted, shimmering powder blankets. The days become short, and long nights of cold darkness arrive in which the Night Moon is named. As the third Moon of Decay and the third cycle of the Wild Hunts of Cernunnos, the MoonMoth faeries are storied to cross into our realm and enact the Horned Lord's will of death. They are depicted as pristine white-winged moths of winter majesty, as small as mice. Disguised as an alluring, shimmering flurry of snow, they swarm the dying and sick in numbers uncountable and freeze the soul in silence. Then, the faeries steal away the dead upon winter winds and back to Cerridwen, where life is reborn during the Moons of Birth. A painting depicting Cerridwen, the Faerie Queen with a cloak of MoonMoth Faeries For the druids of the Mother Circle, the mythology of the MoonMoth faeries parallels with the yuletide tale of Cerridwen's winter slumber. When the Centaur King's hunts reach their crescendo, the Faerie Queen falls into a deep sleep to prepare for the Moons of Birth. It is during this time in the lunar calendar that the Mother Circle exchanges gifts and festive greetings, for the completion of the Lunar Cycle is as revered as the start. It is thought that to be selfless and generous even during a time of scarcity earns the favor of the Aspects, and ensures prosperity and rebirth when the snows eventually melt. Paramount above all is the acceptance of death, however, and the druids will often leave offerings to their dead within the garden of memories.
  8. "You can't see it... but you can see where it's been. It's the lightning that starts the forest fire, or the rain that will douse it. Fate's a funny thing... but I've seen stranger." A Huntsman's Grimoire on the Faerie Legend of the Windrunner One of the more abstract faerie tales regarded by the Mother Circle is the story of the Windrunner, oft depicted as either an eerie winged beast as the shadow of death, or as a guardian of the harvest boughs and abundant life. The Mother Circle druids regard this faerie as a Fae of the Wild Hunt, but more specifically one of the hunter's preservation and destruction of life. Some have claimed to be haunted by the cold eyes of the faerie after surviving a near-death experience, courting with paranoia of the thing after cheating death. Thought to be associated with the wordless will of fate within the Balance, the faerie is believed to manifest as the creeping cold of winter, or the autumn feast for the hunter. One will never give unless the other takes, as it is with the Balance and the perpetual flow of time. The Mother Circle, during the height of the Crimson Moon's passing, a great feast is held. It is a time of thanksgiving and toasts to good health and fortitude for the coming winter, but also a day to remember those whose fates had been decided. The toll of death is best not forgotten, for the harvest of the now is seldom achieved without sacrifice. At the end of the feast, offerings are given to the sculpture of the faerie in hopes that the rejection of excess might align themselves further with the Balance, and to honor the aspect Cernunnos and his Wild Hunt. As it is in the Huntsman's Creed, the druids of the Atoll remain humble in harvest. Only when the dead have been honored and the feast concluded, the Mother Circle druids prepare for the frosts and hardship left behind from the Crimson Moon's arrival.
  9. WHAT ARE ORCS? ORCS are the sons and daughters of KRUG, one of the first brothers that each race is descended from. They have three sub-races: goblins, uruks, and ologs. They follow the faith of spiritualism culturally, as their ancestor KRUG and his first children did. They are known for their shamanism, size, and mightiness, along with their diverse and unique culture. Orcs have a bloodrage due to the curse that every descendant received; if they have not killed someone in a long time, they will be blinded with wrath and aim to kill anything that moves. But due to their blessing, Orcs will show honor even where there is none. WHAT IS SPIRITUALISM? Spiritualism is the belief in and worship of the spirits (beings that range from ancestral orcs to immortal god-like elementals). The common practice for ORCS is to have a couple of patron spirits that they worship and use to shape their everyday lives. For example, a blacksmith would worship Gentharuz or Azog, thanking them for the ability to smith a great weapon or hoping to smith as well as they could. WHAT DO ORCS LOOK LIKE? ORCS range in size due to their many sub-races and their naturally denser muscle mass. All of them have two things in common: their tusks and pointed ears. Orcs are also known for their unusually diverse range of skin color. Due to KRUG being burned by the fires of Iblees, he had turned green. However, many of the orcs of today are highly distinct in their skin color, being able to range from a sea blue to even a crimson red. WHAT ARE THE SUB-RACES OF ORCS? GOBLINS are the smallest of the three, standing from 3' 6" to 6', with a physique similar to that of an average elf or human. They are the smartest of all descendants. URUKS are the most common subrace, range in height from 6 to 8 feet, with physiques that are typically large at around 600 pounds due to their denser muscle mass. Uruks can vary in their physique. They are twice as strong as the other descendants, though they have the same mental capabilities as the others. OLOGS are the largest of the three sub-races. They are 8 to 10 feet tall, weigh up to 1000 pounds, and require a creature application (CA) to play. They are also the dumbest of the races, having the mind-set of an average child. They are four times as strong as other descendants. ORC CULTURE ORCS are known for their unusual culture, built around hard work, spiritualism, and their bloodlust. They worship the spirits and follow what their ancestors have done for them, trying to do the same. To prove to KRUG that they are worthy, to show honor in their lives, and to make their ancestors, spirits, and their brethren proud. An ORC is blessed with honor, and the way they show this honor is by not beating the weak, as well as not killing children. If an ORC is seen not upholding the standards they are supposed to promote, they will face punishment. By banishment or worse.
  10. HOUSE STAFYR INTRODUCTION & FOREWORD By Arthur K. Stafyr 23rd Lord & Guardian of House Stafyr The legacy of the House of Stafyr is a rich and prestigious one. One of the oldest families in humanity, we Stafyrs have weathered the rise and fall of many an empire and kingdom alike. From windswept Shadowcastle to glacial Nenzing, my family has seen it all. Our eternal virtues of Law, Honor, and Loyalty are what have held us together. Our history is part and parcel to who we are. Yet, in recent years, the several lines of Beorn have been scattered like chaff in the wind. The heritage which we champion has begun to slowly fade from living memory. In an uncertain world, we cannot forget what makes us that which we are. Let the culture, customs, and traditions of the Almannir tribes and of the Stafyr family not go unrecorded. I pen this ethnography and history, the latter of which I have edited and modernized from the works of Leopold, Count of Nenzing and Nikolas Flynn Stafyr so that our name might not be forgotten. Indeed, I further write this compendium with the help of my Uncle Thondorus, and my beloved Elia, so that it may be spoken by living tongues once again. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ALMANNIR Almannir Horsemen in the Highlands of Aegis, c. 572 On Almannir History An excerpt about the Almannir people and their history by the current keeper of the Book of Tales, Thondorus II. of House Stafyr Foreword This brief summary shall give the reader some insight in the ancient and thus far very unclear history of the Almannir people. The contents are based on a combination of collected records, fragments of history and a more proper translation of the stories in the Book of Tales. A degree of conjecture is present, but the reader must forgive as this history is many centuries old. Without further ado, I bid the reader an enticing or equally boring read. Overview Etymology and meaning History: Foundation, Aegis, transition into modern records (the Verge) The five Houses Altbaum, Altbom, Oldtree Steinkachel, Stoakachl, Stonetile Weidenfrau, Wiidafrou, Meadowswife Steinfeuer, Stoafyer or Stafyr, Stonefire Rettersmann, Rettersma, Saviour The Galdr The Book of Tales and its stories Closing statement Part 1: Etymology and Meaning Part 2: History: Foundation, Aegis and The Transition into Modern Records (the Verge) Part 3: The Five Houses As described in the preceding part, five Houses led Almania at its peak with the first one being of kingly status. Unfortunately the records are quite limited as to what are their traditions and customs but a few basic pointers may be given. Part 4: The Galdr Part 5: The Book of Tales Closing Statement This brief excerpt should give some insight into the history of the Almannir, their origin and who they were. It is by no means exhaustive and there are many more secrets to be found within the fractured sources spread through the libraries and memories of the people all around. What matters the most, is that the people descending from these heroes of olden days remember their roots and never forget their origin. History is part of who you are. THE HISTORY OF HOUSE STAFYR The Siege of Schattenburg, c. 1435 The Birth of House Stafyr (UNKNOWN - 1353) The Rise of Saint Godwein (1353 - 1426) Clash of Brothers (1426 - 1435) The Golden Age of Stafyr (1435 - 1464) The First Falcon’s Fall (1435 - 1521) Stafyrian Renaissance (1529 - 1718) The Bear’s Regency and the Erichian Era (1718 - 1744) The Second Falcon’s Fall (1744 - 1794) THE THREE LINES OF BEORN An Artist’s Depiction of the Siblings Galtor and Sybilla as Youths The three familial lines of House Stafyr all descend from the children of Beorn Stafyr, the founder of the House. They are aptly named Hanethor, Galtor, and Sybilla. While there have been known to be Stafyrs who have broken the stereotypes associated with their lines in the past, the Three Lines of Beorn are often associated with the particular characteristics and occupations for which they are renowned. Hanethorian Line Galtorian Line Sybillan Line ALMANNIR & STAFYR CULTURE Leana & Katherine Stafyr Riding Horses, c. 1732 By Katerine Ruthern nee Stafyr (@Sirenscall) THE TRADITIONS OF HOUSE STAFYR Over the centuries, House Stafyr has developed for itself a set of unique ceremonies and traditions. Many of these are Almannir in nature, though several are unique to the Stafyrs as an ancient family in their own right. Though the customs and traditions of Stafyr are vast, I shall endeavor to document the most important to which almost all are accustomed. Even among our disparate members and branches, these coming of age rituals are all widely acknowledged. Coming of Age 1.) The Hatching (Age 13) 2.) The First Pilgrimage (Age 16) 3.) The Falcon’s Flight (Age 16+) Almannir Funeral Rites Equestrian Festivals Mummer’s Shows Almannir Lullabies CULTURAL HERITAGE Over the centuries, House Stafyr has developed for itself a set of unique ceremonies and traditions. Many of these are Almannir in nature, although nearly a half millennia of nobility has led to the adoption of some which are unique to the Stafyr family. Traditional Foodstuffs Clothing Jewelry & Regalia The Men of Stafyr The Women of Stafyr THE VIRTUES OF HOUSE STAFYR St. Godwein Imparting the Virtue of Law Unto Ser Edmund, c. 1418 The House of Stafyr is renown for the motto which it has championed throughout the ages, this being the phrase “Licent, Honorem, Pietas.” Roughly translating into “Law, Honor, and Loyalty” in the language of Flexio, a true Stafyr from any branch of the House will always strive to live by these virtues to the best of their ability. To live by these virtues is of paramount importance to any Stafyr. Failure to abide by these virtues will rarely fare well for a Falcon, often proving to be their downfall. This is a recurring theme throughout Stafyr history, as its members strive to emulate the lofty example set by Saint Godwein of Huntshill throughout his life. Though there have been definitive villains throughout the House’s history, those who have remained true to these virtues have thrived and prospered. ‡ LICENT ‡ ‡ HONOREM ‡ ‡ PIETAS ‡ THE LORDS OF STAFYR Ser Edmund and Ser Farley: A Clash of Brothers, c. 1428 Beorn Stafyr Born - Unknown Death - Unknown Titles: 1st Lord of Stafyr and Guardian of House Stafyr. Hanethor I. Stafyr Born - Unknown Death - 1349 Titles: 2nd Lord of Stafyr and Guardian of House Stafyr. Master Thondorus Stafyr Born ~ 1300-1305 Death - 1355 Titles: 3rd Lord of Stafyr, Founder, Master and Bailiff of Rivacheg Master Graveth I. Stafyr Born ~ 1320-1323 Death ~1380-1390 Titles: 4th Lord of Stafyr, Master and Bailiff of Rivacheg Saint Godwein the Honest of Huntshill Born ~ 1360-1365 Death - 1426 Titles: 5th Lord of Stafyr, Marquis of Schattenburg, Baron of Feldkirch, Baron of Huntshill, Lord High Treasurer and Grand Justice of the Holy Oren Empire. After his death sanctified as the Patron Saint of Honesty, Woodworkers, Fungi and Skin-afflictions. Lord Edmund I. Stafyr Born - 1392 Death - 1435 Titles: 6th Lord of Stafyr, Lord of Geminine, Marquis of Schattenburg, Baron of Feldkirch, Lord Privy Seal of the Holy Oren Empire, Noble Ser of the chapter of the Lion, Knight Commander of Renatus. Lord Farley II. “The Young Lord” Stafyr Born - 1431 Death - 1464 Titles: 7th Lord of Stafyr, Count of Shadowcastle, Baron of New Huntshill and Fieldchurch, Lord Privy Seal of the Holy Kingdom of Oren, Warden of the South. Lord Symon “The Bread Count” Stafyr Born - 1445 Death - 1509 Titles: 8th Lord of Stafyr, Count of Werdenberg and Shadowcastle, Baron of New Huntshill, Fieldchurch, Commander of Eastgate and Master Keeper of the Imperium Tertius. Lord Athelstan II. Stafyr Born - 1460 Death - 1535 Titles: 9th Lord of Stafyr, Count of Werdenberg and Baron of Katzburg. Lord Thomas Stafyr Born - 1474 Death - 1515 Titles: 10th Lord of Stafyr, Count of Werdenberg, Baron of Katzburg and Waldstadt Lord Jakob II. Stafyr Born - 1477 Death - 1521 Titles: 11th Lord of Stafyr, Baron of Waldstadt. Lord Altaron II. Stafyr Born - 1529 Death - 1599 Titles: 12th Lord of Stafyr, Baron of Arnaut and Master of Coin for the Archduchy of Lorraine. Lord Eadwulf Stafyr-Thurant Born - 1579 Death -1622 Titles: 13th Lord of Stafyr, Duke of Raetia and Baron of Thurant Lord Kristoff Ludvic Stafyr-Grauspin Born - 1592 Death - 1632 Titles: 14th Lord of Stafyr, Viscount of Grauspin, Ambassador and Emissary of Haense Lord Sergei Heindrik Stafyr-Grauspin Born - 1621 Death -1707 Titles: 15th Lord of Stafyr, Viscount of Grauspin, Baron of Thurant and Lord-Marshal of Haense. Lord Leopold Kristoff Stafyr-Grauspin Born - 1688 Death - 1718 Titles: 16th Lord of Stafyr, Count of Nenzing, Viscount of Grauspin, Baron of Thurant, Lord-Palatine and Chancellor of Haense Lord Erich Stafyr-Grauspin Born - 1712 Death - 1744 Titles: 17th Lord of Stafyr, Count of Nenzing, Viscount of Grauspin, Baron of Thurant, Royal Envoy of Haense, Commandant of the Brotherhood of St. Karl Lord Alaric Leopold Stafyr-Grauspin Born - 1735 Death - 1775 Titles: 18th Lord of Stafyr, Count of Nenzing, Viscount of Grauspin, Baron of Thurant, Commander of the Royal Expedition to Athera (1756) Lord Hektor Stafyr-Grauspin Born - 1755 Death - 1794 Titles: 19th Lord of Stafyr, Count of Nenzing, Viscount of Grauspin, Baron of Thurant Master Damron Stafyr-Beron Born - 1735 Death - 1807 Titles: 20th Lord of Stafyr and Guardian of House Stafyr. Master Morvon Stafyr-Beron Born - 1787 Death - 1856 Titles: 21st Lord of Stafyr and Guardian of House Stafyr. Master Nikolas II. Stafyr-Beron Born - 1827 Death - 1884 Titles: 22nd Lord of Stafyr and Guardian of House Stafyr. Lord Arthur Konrad Stafyr-Beron Born - 1868 Death - 1929 Titles: 23rd Lord of Stafyr, Baron of Thurant, Palatial Secretary, Royal Inquisitor, Chief Jovenaar of Haense Lady Elia Eryka Stafyr Born - 1871 Death - Titles: 24th Lord of Stafyr, Baroness of Thurant, Curator of the Haeseni Crown Jewels Lord Edmund II. Hannes Stafyr-Beron Born - 1895 Death - Titles: 25th Lord of Stafyr, Baron of Thurant Lady Katrin Eryka Stafyr-Beron Born - 1928 Death - Titles: 26th Lord of Stafyr, Baroness of Thurant THE STAFYR HEIRLOOMS The Vault of Old Nenzing, c. 1745 ‡ ANCIENT HEIRLOOMS ‡ ‡ MODERN HEIRLOOMS ‡ APPENDIX OF HISTORICAL WORKS [[THANKS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:]]
  11. One morning, Garedyn The Green carried a stack of freshly purchased books from the market to the Grand Library, for them to be stored and preserved so that the Lore Master Ogradhad could guard them for the future generations of dwarves. As he went his way to librarian's office, everything was eerily still and quiet. He simply thought the librarian was out for a meal, so he continued inside. As he entered it, the sight of the office caused him to drop the books from his hand with his jaw agape. The office was empty, all bookshelves, chests were devoid of tomes. The original publications of books had gone missing. The decades, if not millenia, of effort in restoring, gathering and protecting the original books in the name of the Brathmordkin Ogradhad had vanished in an instant. The hours and days he spent consulting the books for his studies of medicine and his faith remained, but their original, primary sources had disappeared. Those original works written by and for dwedmar were no longer within the protection of Ogradhad. A fury welled up in him, before the cool breeze in the empty library turned his fury into grief. He took some parchment and ink, and began to write. A Scholar's Lament -By Garedyn The Green (Written by VerminHunter) A drought, A drought from the stream that nourishes the dwed. A Land, A land once rich land upon which light can't be shed. The knowledge is gone, The black swans crow songs, The dawn wanes withdrawn The nights growing long. A plauge, A plauge from which the true is now unclear. A void, A void that is now filled with copied smears. The Lore Master weeps, The sown can't be reaped, The throas will ring deep, The wise fall asleep.
  12. >───⇌••⇋───< “Come, little leaves,” said the wind one day. “Come over the meadows with me and play! Put on your dresses of red and gold, for Summer is gone and the days grow cold. Soon as the leaves heard the wind’s loud call, down they came fluttering, one and all; Over the brown fields they danced and flew, singing the sweet little songs they knew. -George Cooper ━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━ The warmth of the summer’s days soon came to an end and the seasons began to change. The Autumn sun spread a carpet of leaves, by hundreds, all dressed in colors of yellow and crimson as the village prepared for the harvest. The wilds, too, prepared themselves for the coming changes. Busying themselves with preparing a safe haven and foraging for food to store before Winter came. Changes were brought upon the realm after the ending of Ostara. The leaves transitioning from shades of green to vibrant colors or crimson and yellow as those of the fold prepare for the Rite of Mabon. [Art by Mathias Zamęcki] ━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━ • Offerings• Baskets full of herbs and fruits foraged from the first day of fall will be brought to the ritual grounds. Members of the fold will also bring stacks of wood and other materials foraged from abandoned structures to add to the stacked fire pit. An act of parting from the plethora of goods provided by past seasons. ━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━ • Ritual• On the first day of Autumn, members of the fold will gather to head out into the lands to forage wood and other materials from abandoned structures or fallen trees to bring back to the village. Members will gather beneath the glowing moon at dusk. At the start of the festival the Autumn Raithean will call upon members of the circle to stack their foraged goods into the pit where everyone will gather ‘round and chant to the Horned Father while the Autumn Raithean lights the pit ablaze. During the months of Autumn, Father Circle druii will feed the flames of Mabon to keep them lit throughout the changing season. ━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━ • Rite• At the end of the Autumnal months, members of the fold will gather around the fire once more. To mark the end of the Equinox, the Autumn Raithean will bring black water from the Father tree to douse the dancing flames. ━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━ Eretria Arvellon - Raithean of Autumn
  13. In the story of Nailah, the fox faerie tale, it is told that the Vixen Trickster has lead victims astray, never to be seen again in the forest. Some claim that great discoveries of wealth are the meddling ways of this spirit of hunt and ambush, scorning their rivals for unimaginable luck. Perhaps a whimsical story about the realities of life, but a wholly merry gathering for the Mother Circle none the less. Crafting a mask in honor of the Mani or Fae, the druids gather beneath the glowing glade of the Moonlit Forest for an evening of riddles, games, and drinks. Dressed in white and fall colors, a grand masquerade is held beneath the full moon. For the final celebration of the Fox Moon, a circle of the masquerade goers partake in the Chimes prayer. In tales of Nailah and the will-o-the-wisp, the nine lights are said to tempt travelers off their path and into an unfortunate death with the distant chiming of bells. By celebrating games in her likeness and chiming the bells, the gathered might have sharpened their wits to keep them safe during the final days of the Fox Moon and the beginning of the hunts. [Saturday, 5pm EST at the Atoll Grove]
  14. Epiphytes of Hefrumm Ever since their subrace’s creation caused by the actions and lifestyle of Glin Treebeard, the forest dwarves have had a big cultural connection with the aspects and the fae realm. As dwarves, most forest dwarves worship the dwarven deities, the Brathmordkin. These two factors caused the eventual assimilation of the aspects and the fae realm into the Brahtmordakin mythos in multiple different ways. Some saw the aspects as Anbella, some saw them as different entities that served her, that they were her avatars, that they are allied, and more. History of Epiphytes of Hefrumm In Hefrumm, the first forest dwarf nation to ever be created, this assimilation continues. Hefrumm’s religious culture is witnessed through the perspective of the seers as they are the main teachers of the community in cultural and religious matters. Under this perspective the dwarves of Hefrumm see the aspects as entities that serve the balance of the tribunal, a tripartite of the three Brathmordakin Anbella, Belka, and Dungrimm. By serving the tribunal the aspects serve Anbella’s balance, a type of balance in nature which is required as part of Yemekar’s balance, a balance of existence which dwarves believe to protect. Hefrumm’s seers also see the realm of the Fae as the realm of Anbella. When there is a Fae related issue that tends to be an indication of Imbalance in Anbella’s balance, hence the damage is seen as a warning of something worse to come if not restored. When nature acts in ways that it harms Anbella’s balance this nature is called feral. Hefrumm’s dwarves are extremely devout followers of Brathmordakin and aspect teachings. This was due to the founder being a druid, and also a dwarven Paragon (dwarven saint), Bjor Cottonwood. All this devout belief in the Brathmordakin and in the aspects causes interesting cultural relations to Fae beings compared to other dwarves. Forest dwarves have always been keen on fae since the early years of the Treebeard clan, some dwarves were druids and such. It was not until the Seers chapter in Hefrumm was formed that it started to be seen as a gift of Anbella. This positive attitude of the community towards the change allowed the epiphytes that were in Hefrumm and that had gone through Seer training to create a holy ceremony, Communion of Anbella. In the communion of Anbella the epiphyte takes the initiate to be turned. All initiates are per the ritual told of all consequences and possibilities. Some say that this ritual kills the body of the dwarf, some say it kills the dwarf it self, and other say that the dwarf is just more wooden now it does not change the dwarfness; The way most Hefrumm culturally see it is as a show of devotion, a sacrifice of the body to lend in service of Anbella and her balance. In essence, they become paladins of Anbella’s Balance. Hence, those that do the ritual already have the mindset of dedicating their lives to Anbella’s balance, something most Hefrumm have as they believe that they are responsible to keep it. An epyphyte ‘born’ from another epyphyte’s fae tree/shroom is considered their rootbrother/rootsister or sporebrother/sporesister. These bonds between fellow epiphytes eventually created the Green Collective, an order in Hefrumm dedicated to the protection of the rights of epiphytes. Noticeably the epiphyte dwarves tend to be the ones that use these rights the most as they are the ones whose rights are trying to be protected by Hefrumm. Nonetheless, the Green Collective is allowed to be led by a non-dwarf and some of their rights also help non-dwarf epiphytes. The Green collective differentiate between three types of epiphytes; those that worship the brathmordakin which are usually but not only dwarves, those that just follow the aspects, and those that have not been educated in any religious form, these later ones being what is considered feral. A epiphytes of the Brathmordakin can agree and understand the beliefs of a epiphytes educated in the fae, however, they would not be able to understand or relate to a feral epiphytes. This leads to feral epiphytes being allowed in the Green Collective but never welcomed as they are seen as a potential threat to the stability of the Green Collective and the safety of their Fae gardens. [!] Romanticized depiction of a epiphyte Hefrumm seer. Religion and beliefs Most epiphytes of Hefrumm are worshipers of the Tribunal Brathmordakin and the other Brathmordakin. Due to this they have a bias towards dwarves as they are beings that fufill Yemekar’s balance, which requires Anbella’s balance. Since the community of epiphytes are able to grow and thrive in Hefrumm this is seen as an indication that their ways are beneficial for the balance of nature and their fae plants. Despite the fact that most known epiphytes do not eat meat, Hefrumm epiphytes still hunt. Hefrumm is a tribal community founded on the concept of collective greed. Since members of Hefrumm work for the collective greed not for the individual epiphytes of Hefrumm tend to join hunts and other events even if they themselves will not eat the meat. [!] Depiction of a Hefrumm epiphyte hunter. Epiphytes' Rights in Hefrumm Due to Hefrumm’s view of epiphytes, there was a political will for Hefrumm to pass laws giving epiphytes rights. The rights given by Hefrumm to the epiphyte through the Green Collective Act were as follows: -=- Right to be protected from physical harm and persecution -=- -=- Right to work in Hefrumm -=- -=- Right to trade -=- -=- Right to Parent (have an adoptive family) -=- -=- Right to Ancestry (An individual has the ability to identify as the race they were born in) -=- -=- Right to live in Hefrumm -=- -=- Right to vote for a Chosen of the collective -=- Thanks to these rights and to these shared goals and beliefs the epiphyte of Hefrumm were able to quite easily mingle with the rest of Hefrumm society. The rights given to the epiphyte by Hefrumm allowed dwarven epiphyte to reach the heights of Hefrumm society, becoming a seer, being a clan chief, becoming the high chief of Hefrumm, all are things that dwarven epiphyte by the right of being considered as one’s race and not just as a epiphyte can do and has been done. [!] Depiction of High Chief Karl Blackroot. Relations to other dwarf groups Hefrumm is a nation inside the Nation of Urguan, the Kingdom of the dwarves. Due to this fact epiphytes of Hefrumm could deal with dwarves from the capital in their day to day. The opinions of the dwarves of the capital on epiphytes vary, some see it the same way as Hefrumm, some do not care, and some dislike it. Since some dwarves do not share the forest dwarf understanding of the aspects and the fae, there are cases of dwarves seeing the epiphytes as a curse or disease. This has caused cases of discrimination against epiphytes in the capital of the dwarves. However, the discrimination is always extreamly limmited as epiphytes are part of Hefrumm’s culture and a depiction of the way these forest dwarves view life, and those that discriminate against epiphytes need to tiptoe in their actions. [!] A slanderous depiction of a horde of epiphytes taking over the realm. Related posts: Legal Rights of the Green Collective https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/196376-the-green-collective-act/ History of the forest dwarves https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/215313-history-of-the-forest-dwarves-tome-of-hefrumm/ Green Collective post https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/204297-the-green-collective/ Epiphyte lore https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/187145-%E2%9C%93-ca-race-lore-epiphytes/?tab=comments#comment-1744396
  15. Royal Poetry Volume 3 - Katerina Foreword Upon closer correspondence with Haeseni Royalty and the people within Haense, Felyx becomes inspired to write yet another addition to the Poetry Series. This hobby of his has been expanding, and may be something serious simply by handing these works to their respective muses, who hold great power. Nevertheless, as the young Colborn sits down to put quill and ink to paper, he is reminded by the semblance that the name "Katerina" holds against his first poem's "Karenina", thus silently vowing to match his previous standards to fit at least a single aspect of the many diamond fractals of an equally incredible individual. 'Katerina' Waves and waves of light are shimmering Into which, no man may see. For the pond of life within this vessel As a fiery summer's breeze grow free. The eyes of the maelstrom The onion layers of sun will capture - Out of melted icy footprints The mind shall drift to what entraptures. Allusions of flame dancing on a red wall Bring forth slender fingers around gold to linger. Yet as men stand tormented in transparent halls, A graceful figure here shall make its stand. Age has a number that ripes like fine wine Which, as poured, pours into many souls in time, To form a web of fine gold strands - And band us together lest we fall from our climb. The slender hand arches up, to clutch her Lorraine For belief alone may keep us all sane - So our trust placed in her to guide us the way, By the mercy of God we shall not astray. Blunt as a mace, her protection can kill Those who threaten her kin of the Land. In snow-capped red dress, and golden necklace Her temper comes forth like winter's fury unmanned. In time the laughter-lines grow, A temper subsides and a gold heart does show, With firm slender hands she holds her Lorraine, Within her still waves, to lap up her pain. As strong as a comet, a will resolute Within you'll find diamonds before it is spent For within us she sees just who we are Through countless ages and not just one scar, So let yourself be healed by the Lady; "Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov-Bihar" Afterword There is only one copy of this poem in circulation (IRPLY) and it is the original, signed by Felyx Colborn himself. What has been writ cannot be undone, and more royal poems are sure to come... Signed,
  16. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ A painting of the sunken city of merfolk faeries " It is a realm not quite near, and not quite so far... In those sunken, forgotten halls The Ocean's daughter mourns evermore. " Excerpt from the Faerie Legend of the Sea Maiden During the third and final full moon of the summer months, the Mother Circle reflects upon the legend of the Sea Maiden, a mermaid queen fabled to be the source of all ocean treasures. There, deep in the cerulean city of the ocean's splendor, she guards and keeps the tides, waiting for a day that shall never come. When the the world was young, and the seas without graveyards, a Son of Malin ventured into the surf with silver sails to glide over the water's surface as a shooting star in the night sky would. His hair was as pearly as the sea-foam upon the shore, and his eyes glimmered with the wondrous blue of the deep ocean. From her young throne, the Sea Maiden, Queen of Sirens and Mermaid Fae gazed up from her throne and knew that no pearl, no shell nor jewel was fairer than he. Yet, when the Sea Maiden erupted from the surface to meet her beloved... He denied her. For the elf with a mane of stars and eyes of tempest sought not love nor beauty... He sought glory that she could not give. Then, the world experienced the first cataclysm of the sea's legendary rage. As the sailor departed, the white hull of his vessel trailed a terrible, sorrowful storm. The tides swelled as the Ocean's daughter wept day and night. Even the land trembled beneath the black clouds; wailing, tumultuous pain of love that will never be. The typhoon raged across the land and deposited all of the riches of the ocean onto white shores. Pearl, fossils, coral, and shells and jewels like a kaleidoscope of treasure showered the shores of Kings and peasants alike. The Sea Maiden had rejected all of the Ocean's wealth that day. Her heart longed not for the shimmering coat of pearls and gems, but for the diamond-hair of her sailor. Still, she sings a mourning song in the depths of the sea, hoping that one day her sailor might return and join her atop the Cerulean Throne. It is rumored that sirens and mermaids are drawn to sailors, so that they might lure them into the abyss to bring the Sea Maiden her true love in which she searches for even still today. An artists' depiction of the Mermaid Queen To celebrate the fable of the Sea Maiden, the Mother Circle holds a great Ocean Ball at the end of the summer cycle. Donning sea-side treasures such as pearl, abalone, and coral are seen as a gesture of good fortune, as the Sea Maiden supposedly sends trinkets into the surf to those that reject fame and glory for the quieter fates of life.
  17. Felyx F. Colborn, a Voice for Reform! Simple contemporary oil painting of Felyx F Colborn Introduction Felyx, born in the Second age 64, did not come into the world in a noble household. He worked for everything he has gotten so far, and will continue to serve his Kongzem to the best of his ability. The combined efforts of House Colborn now mean that Felyx is granted a unique position to let his voice be heard. As a child, he worked to start the St. Carolus University which still exists today, has participated in medic lectures, climbed to the rank of Armsman and Officer Cadet by now in the BSK Haeseni Army, and is an avid Adventurer and Poet to the Royal Family. Felyx made many friends during his time, be it commonfolk and nobility alike, and has expanded his horizons by carefully listening to minorities such as Orcs and Elves in Hanseti-Ruska. This has given Felyx the confidence he needs to run for Alderman on this day. Aspirations and Pledges I, Felyx Francys Colborn, do so pledge to honour our community of evolving peoples in-tune with their conservative roots by working with the Duma to issue reforms that benefit the Kongzem in the long-term. I will be your elected dreamer of a brighter future for Haense and, with the know-how and tools I have amassed so far, vow to work hard to listen carefully to anyone who would give me feedback or advice, and implement reforms that I deem necessary for the prosperity of Haense to Krusae Zwy Kongzem! More specifically, I, Felyx will pledge to work on Seven primary points: Promote Crown-endorsed reforms to stimulate political interest of the People of Hanseti-Ruska. Introduce non-politically aligned Commonfolk Societies for greater multi-social representation in our Motherland. Stand for greater Diplomatic cooperation, including a Worker’s Exchange Programme between allied nations to foster more open-minded generations who are willing to accept the diversity of Hanseti-Ruska and Almaris as a whole. Promote theological debates led by the Church across various beliefs, using a novel, proposed technique, coined: “Deep Listening”. Work to integrate the aforementioned “Deep Listening” into the Duma, which will hopefully bridge divides between opposite opinions to reach compromises. Introduce a Koeng or Koenas Royal Jubilee, in coordination with the BSK, every 5 years to celebrate the efforts of the Crown. Introduce a “World Pilgrimage” with the consent of the Church, in order to become aware of different and opposing cultures and beliefs, to reinforce Godan’s virtues and learn to live harmoniously with others despite opposing views. These are just a chunk of ideas I have deemed worthy to put to paper. Being a soldier of the BSK, I find it important that we can avoid War as much as possible. However, peacetime is never a reason to stop training and drilling diligently. I will take my discipline and dedication from the Army when pursuing my goals within the Duma. With great Passion Felyx Francys Colborn stands by his values, and hopes to work alongside Duma members with his Aspirations, by the pleasure of the Electorates of Hanseti-Ruska!
  18. The Ashen Realm of Nor'asath The final stone set Nor’asath a home for the formerly scattered cultures of Ker. On a path of a dominant land of Ker those of Velulite faith and the might of the collective clans By the decree of the lands, Primarch Netseth Loa’chil and the High Priestess Irlu Celia’ilum call upon those who wander the world within the new Nor’asath. A place to regain one semblance of their culture: music, art, and combative tradition. To all of those seeking connection, opportunity, family, and history you are welcome within these walls. Should your clan or following require a home you are welcome to bring your strength to a greater hegemony. Under the light of Luara and the accompanying stars, One takes the mantle of Primarch. To guide us further one takes the mantle of High Priestess to embody all that Velulaei stood for. A Sovereign of their mountain-wielding powers bestowed and earned. An ideal of competition is resolved. And faith that blessed Velulaei and her follower's weary bodies to lords of their mountain. Opportunity awaits within the southern hinterlands to build upon its foundation strength and culture for now by Velulaeis mandate by calling upon our people's merit to lay the bricks toward our glorious eternal place upon these lands. Come home lliran Coords are -2624, 1679 cya there.
  19. Royal Poetry Volume 1 - Karenina Foreword One day, when Felyx Colborn was attending a Royal Birthday, he happened to chance on the longest-reigning Queen of Haense; Emma Karenina Barbanov-Bihar. Inspired by the singular name: "Karenina", a poem enters the mind of the Colborn, itching to be written down. So, with the goodwill of the Prior-Queen, he sets to work... 'Karenina' Graced beauty kills the beholden. She is more deadly the longer she lasts. She is the Northern wind that tugs your clothes like an insistent lover. Her soul, a vast landscape with rays of sun illuminating the fractals of a thousand crystals. Ageing and Ageless her temporal eyes stare unflinchingly into the past. Her beauty is a curse that sinks wayward souls deep into an icy abyss. Her beauty is a blessing that keeps those who manage to endure afloat to marvel at her bliss. Yet those who stare deep into her soul have the bone hand of Death tugging them onwards. She has many children, to which she grants her good looks fatally as her icy kiss. Beneath the surface of her kin lie the currents of eternal layers. A heart locked within flesh and bone, its key locked deep within the crevice of the soul. Where the realm of intellect begins, names command her power. She knows; kin to the icy lady who resides in the halls of the onion towers. Her being, her spirit, her soul an onion of layers - invaluable to the support of the perennial Kings. Of which she is bound, a curse, a "God bless" to the golden marriage rings. A rosy smile behind a crimson scarf, as red as blood flashes by. Her own kin is the Land on which the wheels of her carriage roll smoothly, and her people whose spirits fill the entire sky. Her name, on the tip of your tongue as if from a childhood dream long gone by. "Emma Karenina" Afterword There is only one copy of this poem in circulation (IRPLY) and it is the original, signed by Felyx Colborn himself. What has been writ cannot be undone, and more royal poems are sure to come... Signed,
  20. "Deep in that realm, the Prince does slumber With royal mane of leaf and umber. When the days turn long, the sun's veil of fire awakens summertime from the Lion's choir." Excerpt from the Faerie Tale of Majira, the Midsummer Prince _______________________________________ ________________________ The Sixth Moon of the Lunar Calendar of Faeries is known as the Lion Moon, named for the likeness of the druidic fable of Majira, a great lion thought to guard the Court of the Fae Queen. Majira slumbers most of the year at the entrance to the Verdant Glade, where he rests after his yearly roar that brings the crescendo of summer to the realm. He is thought to be the father of the PrideMother fae spirits, roaming hunters of mischievous faeries and trespassing spirits of draoi, and a patron of wild and domesticated feline companions to descendants alike. With Majira's watchful eyes holding the light of dusk and dawn, it is storied that witnessing reflective eyes of cats big and small is a sure sign that there are foul magics or dark spirits afoot. When the Stormtreader stags cascade their cacophony of thunder and rain during the Fifth moon of the calendar, Majira will awaken and loft his head high. His roar shakes the realms of the Forest and Descendants, rich ribbons of summertime season weaving nature's crescendo into the land and sky. Exhausted, the Great Lion shakes his mane, billowing sweltering breeze to shoo away summer storms that have overstayed their welcome. The oceans begin to stir with life, and the world bears summer fruit of sweet nourishment. Then, the Midsummer Prince returns to rest, so that he might regain his spirit to bring the next year's summer. The Pridemother's Chant, Song of the Midsummer Dance Lye orrarae, Maln! (We hunt, Father!) Lye orrarae karinte, Maln! (We are going hunting, Father!) Il'Kaean narnae, larionn'an, lye orrarae karinte! (Come with us, sisters, we are going hunting!) Lye! Uhierae, ehierae! Lye! Uhierae, ehierae! (The people!) (We seek, we find!) Maruriar, Maln! (Roar, Father!) Lye! Haelun, kaean annil! Lye! Haelun, myumier ito! (The people!) (Mother, guide us! Mother, carry us (to it)!) Ito orrarae! (Here, we hunt!) Oh, draoi uhierae! (Oh, we hunt evil!) A painting of Mother Circle druids partaking in the Midsummer Dance In the Mother Circle, a great celebration is held in honor of this story during the phases of the Lion Moon. Known as the Midsummer Dance, performers travel dressed as Majira and his pride of daughters to spread the joys and beliefs of summertime according to druidic values. The chiefest display involves firedancing, a great demonstration of the story of Majira in the form of a traveling performance and feast. Adorned in bright summer colors and masks of the Midsummer Prince and his hunting pride of daughters, the druids of the circle travel the world to instill strength and faith into those that aim to preserve nature. Summer fruits and laurels are few of many gifts brought to a communal feast, while stories of great accomplishments for the preservation of the balance are shared. While Summer is indeed a season of vitality and strength, it is also a season where the weak perish. When the Mother Circle celebrates the Midsummer Dance, they are praying for the wisdom and strength of the hardy spirits of summer. Wise druids know that no season truly holds an era of quiet when it comes to the protection of the balance, and the summer heat often proves harshest to many. Celebrating the Midsummer Dance and feast forges bonds that many wish to maintain in solidarity of the hard work yet to come.
  21. B.S.K NOTICE & ALL YE HAESENI CITIZENS ________________________________________________ (OOC: Such Noticeboard maye be found pinned across the streets of Haense) DEARE Citizens of Haense and Members of the Crown's Proud Brotherhood of St. Karl, It gives me great pleasure to announce a Joint-B.S.K and Colborn organised Beer Night and Brawl at the Old Stout Crowe Tavern. This is a chance to Drink and converse with Friends and Strangers, lift your mood, and partake in a jolly good fistfight supervised by the B.S.K. For the right honourable individuals less interested in a round of fisticuffs, ye shall have time to tell and listen to stories from many an individual, playe tavern games, and p'rhaps trade and make connections with people! There's plenty to go around! So do not forget to attend, and bring your friends for a spiffing time! (OOC: Event will take place in the Old Stout Crow Tavern in Haense at 3pm EST on Wednesday 29th of June, 2022 - Hopefully to be repeated :)) Signed Cordially,
  22. Introduction: This documents aims to create an Anthology of poetry written by and created by various Forest Dwarves. However this does not mean however that works by other dwarves, or even other races will be entirely excluded. The goal of this project is to immortalize the unique culture of the Forest Dwedmar, so that future generations of dwarves can learn of their traditions, beliefs and way of life. The Poetry Collections of a Forest Dwarf is assembled by Garedyn The Mossy. ❃ Poems: 1. The Firefly Queen: -By an unknown Forest Dwarf (Written by VerminHunter) Oh, my Firefly Queen, Your subjects gather at night, They flicker, wishing to be seen, awestruck by your beauty and light. Oh, my Firefly Queen, Your shine never wanes, and sun makes the dark green. The night cannot bind with its chains. Oh, my Firefly Queen, It is now early and bright, I dearly miss your glean, But I know you will return tonight. ❃ 2. Elegy for our Kin: -By an Elder of The Mossborn Clan (Written by VerminHunter) Risen from soil, Suckled on dew, The ground you toiled, Your spirit, it flew. Wrinkles of rings, Spirit like a spring. You are not alone, though we remain, The King on his throne, wants you to join him in reign. When the orchids will bloom, Ye armoured entombed, Our love won’t be torn, When you are reborn. ❃ 3. Sunflower: -By Sir Borris Kortrevich (Written by tcs_tonsils_ (mc)) As golden the afternoon sun, you outstretched Yourself high into the air. Tall and beautiful, you Tower above everything and everyone. Green leaves topped with a yellow brimmed hat. ❃ 4. A Forest Poem: -By Nivndil Duskhollow (Written by unknown) Puerith’leyu. The trees they stand, A clamour of souls. Their voices born on Winds, are old. Boughs up high, Fairy halls. Roots below, Silent foot-falls. They stand and wait, For times unborn. To whisper secrets, Before words were forged. Amongst their trunks, Beneath canopy dome. To Bate in twilight, The trees my home. ❃ 5. Gold of Woods: -By Garedyn The Mossy (Written by Vermin Hunter) Hand made by countless hands. Over plains, lakes and lands. None compare to its splendour Every wants you from ages yore, Yellow, rich, golden and delicious. ❃ 6. Mushroom: -By Garedyn The Mossy (Written by Vermin Hunter) There was once a shroom on a tree, With a red cap for all to see, A dwarf took a bite. He then caught a fright, He fell, clutching his heart, to his knees. ❃ 7. Wooden Bastion: -By an admirer of trees (Written by Vermin Hunter) Your hide is amazing and so tough Rings of age showing your wisdom Standing tall, never falling Enduring all with pride Leader of the wood Strong and mighty Stoic Grove A brave Oak ❃ 8. In The Sky: -By an unknown Forest Dwarf (Written by Vermin Hunter) Night swallows fly by, So late at night in the sky, Speeding with the wind, Agile and graceful, They are boundless, like comets Unfettered, unchained. To be one of them, One has to let go of all The price of freedom ❃ 9. Omen: -By an unknown Forest Dwarf (Written by Vermin Hunter) The silence of leaves The stillness of trees We must appease the raven The lack of game No wild to tame We must appease the boar The dryness of air, No water in the lair We must appease the pike The crackling roar The burning floor We must run from our home. ❃ 10. Bloom: -By a Garedyn The Mossy (Written by Vermin Hunter) Petals The fields shift hue Their scent is lifted up How wonder full, fields of beauty Blossoms.
  23. Larihei of War ______________________________________________________________________________ Since even the most ancient times, that Antediluvian age, when the great seas had yet to rise and swallow the vast lands, separating the many continents, when those most blessed and everlasting yet roamed the cihi streets, and Acalanti had yet to sink beneath rolling tide, Haelun'or had been a great cihistate. it was by the actions of brave, singular individuals, those with the deepest of convictions and power of self and actualization that had always steered the course of our eternity. Through their deeds, history is forever marked, and eternal they live. Not simply in the depths of some unknowable history, but in the world, in your deeds, in your very blood. Living! Is even the most ancient memory! For this fact, we know we may easily come to see deeper truths of not just what has composed us, but through what paths most natural would lead us, in this continual 'growth', or progress forwards from an initiatory state, one must first attain that, which makes the foundation for this state! To initiate from great foundation, one may achieve ever greater heights, through the ever-perfection of the growing ways of what had composed them. This is the role of that great, singular individual. To bring about this state. Not as mere benchmark, but also springboard. For, if one, of blessed birth, had followed truly the way of her mothers or fathers, to whom they were at least acquainted with at birth, and assuming the blessing of good names and deeds of their parents, they would find themselves inheritor of this near limitless source of knowledge, strengths, and eternal glories of the paths walked by those before you. To be the great individual, is to be the Mali on the ascent. To go forwards, always, into the great light of eternal progress and perfection. That your conviction drives before you what must be taken to reach that higher state, to bring those eternal glories to you and your name to those around you, and shape the world so through all, you may achieve that most immortal Kleos, so all after you are touched by your light for all time. In this way, our greatest lady, Tahu'Larihei acted, as that Hero, who had risen truly, through word and wit, spear and shield, health and progress. This of course, logically, is the way one achieves that eternal perfection. Ever-striving, ever-growing, so your own Kleos grows, and it is your example followed by that blood enriched by your inclusion. It is within our cihi that every Mali'thilln is the champion of an ancient unbroken legacy. For this, we seek to act in ways which bring blessing to those around us, those of the most Silvered blood. Yet, in this same swipe, that hero, just as lady Larihei lifts her blade to defend what is true and pure, so too must that individual, COURAGE welled in his heart, heft his spike to any challenge. To take what he needs by that spike, be it fine silver nibbed pen or spear of Cruel Bronze. Do not shun the ways of our forefathers, for it is only quite literally true, that your ancestors too, stood shoulder to shoulder besides the Silvered Maiden, to face all trials, so you may have chance to enjoy Blessed Life. Gather your spike in your hand Go forth and take it That divine glory most eternal For what is one without Kleos, but merely one passing with the wind ________________________________________________________________________________ If you aren't a hero to your people, what are you? -Amberlan Aldin, ancient Sillumiran Defender of Elcihi'thilln
  24. "The Stag is blessed with a crown of forked lightning. The Caribou's hooves roar over the land like thunder. The Elk's voice the screaming wind of the tempest. The Storm Moon has risen above murky summer skies!" Excerpt from the Legend of the StormTreader, Guardian of the Storm Moon __________________________________________ ________________________________________ A painting of the mythical StormTreader Faerie When the final lunar phase of the spring months has passed, the kin of the Mother Circle know that the harsher times of the lunar calendar is upon them. The clouds churn into great veils of shadow and storm, washing the land with a cleansing rain. When the sky illuminates with the crash of thunder, it is said that the mythical StormTreader stags are clashing their antlers together. Rain cascades over the earth like a tide to cleanse the remnants of the old and warn of the scorching summer months to come, and lightning strikes the land to smite wayward, trespassing spirits of draoi and evil spirits. To honor the story of this fable, the Mother Circle gathers for a grand hunt and the creation of the Lunar Year's Tempest Crown. The tradition begins with two hunting parties representing the Wind and Rain of a summer storm. Venturing into the wilds, the hunters harvest a deer, elk, or caribou to obtain the antlers required for the creation of the Tempest Crown. Then, a grand reenactment of the clashing of horns is held between two chosen warriors of each hunting party. Using only the horned helms they have created, they endure combat during the first summer storm until one of the crowns break. The remaining artifact is exalted as the year's Tempest Crown, a symbol of the Circle's resilience during real and spiritual storms. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ A sketch of a druid having won the Tempest Crown "When lightning strikes, kin beware; For the draoi and slothful druid Are one in the same in the eye of the storm." The faerie stags themselves are believed by the Mother Circle to be pure faerie spirits of justice, and enactors of Cerunnos' will. While not associated with the Pantheon of the Wild Hunt, they are considered stalwart protectors of the Court of the Fae Queen and help ensure that malevolent faeries that cross into the mortal realm are kept in line, never overindulging in their unknowable mischief and tricks on descendants. To witness the passing of a white stag is to see a StormTreader in the flesh, an incredibly rare sight and an omen of nearby danger. The Mother Circle considers these faeries to be the first children of Ameathon, and will often keep antlers from hunts and present them to the most honorable and tested warriors of the Grove to symbolize their dedication to the glades of Cerridwen. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
  25. "She is the breath of life in our lungs, the rain that both mourns the fallen and nourishes the living. She is the kaleidoscope of colors in spring, the heartbeat of the world. Her name is Cerridwen, Queen of the Fae." [Link] -From the writings of Aerendyl, Archdruid of Song __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Revived from an age of dormancy, the eldest circle is comprised of druids from many paths and creeds united in devotion to the preservation of the Balance. Believing that all life is merely borrowed from the Faerie Queen, these faithful druids commit their living years to the preservation of the Balance, stewardship of the wilds, and the proliferation of a culture of reverent storytelling until the Great Mother calls them to give back that life afforded to them and take rest within the boughs of her enchanted court deep in the Eternal Forest. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ From merciful healers to inviolable guardians, the Mother Circle druids serve nature in lockstep with the dual ordinance of the King and Queen in the woods, Cernunnos and Cerridwen. Believing that the will of the Aspects can be discerned by the natural phenomena of the lunar cycle, astral events, and seasonal change, the circle observes the progression of the Lunar Calendar; a timetable of twelve moons and occasionally a rare thirteenth moon that is divided into three seasons that reflect the promises of the Great Mother: Birth, Life, and Decay. The Phases of Birth The Phases of Life The Phases of Decay The beginning of the The middle of the The end of the Calendar, calendar, the emergence Calendar, the arrival Summer’s degradation into Of Spring from Winter of Summer from Spring Autumn and Winter _______________________ _______________________ ________________________ The Crystal Moon The Storm Moon The Crimson Moon The Painted Moon The Lion Moon The Pumpkin Moon The Flower Moon The Ocean Moon The Night Moon The Cloud Moon The Fox Moon The Wolf Moon The Fae Queen’s Moon _______________________________ A rare thirteenth moon that sometimes arises during the lunar calendar, and is considered most sacred of the thirteen. During its arrival, it is believed that the souls of departed druids and wandering faeries are summoned to Cerridwen’s Court deep in the Eternal Forest, guided by the light of the full moon. On the night of its arrival, the druids celebrate the Gathering of the Lights, a ritual that involves the interpretation of constellations and the ascension of faerie fire lanterns carrying prayers to the Aspects into the night sky. "With blade and bow, O Father, may I remain humble in harvest Grant my feet and arrows swiftness, may my eyes and sword be sharp When the heart is pierced, the throat cut May your arrow loft this animal's spirit to the Forest In their rebirth, may I remember this hunt Keep me their memory, the animal honored And in your will may the Wild Hunt forever come” [Link] The Huntman’s Creed Honored equally, Cernunnos is worshiped as the Protector of the Fae Queen’s Court and Master of the Wild Hunt; a recurring age of great autumnal change, harvest, predatory drive and perseverance. The beginning is marked by the arrival of the Fox Moon and ends at the final waning crescent of the Wolf Moon, during which time the circle honors the arrival of the Centaur King’s chiefest huntsman including both Mani and faeries alike. Thought to bear star-tipped arrows that shatter the mortal coil and reap souls to return to the ever-cycling flow of life, the Mother Circle recognizes Cerunnunos as the artist of constellations and chronicles the celestial signs diligently. The Astral Observatory doubles as a graveyard for departed druids of the Order, where their specific constellations can be viewed in the reflected firmament upon the mirror sheen of the observatory’s viewing pool. Druids seeking spiritual purpose from the Huntsmaster himself may dedicate themselves to further service through induction into the Wildwood Rangers, a loose fellowship of druids whose duties are to roam the realm, seek out threats to the Balance before catastrophe strikes and fiercely protect any who dare threaten the glades of Cerridwen’s Devoted. The Rangers are encouraged to remain active in exploration and stewardship, scorning slothfulness and exclusivity. Requiring only to follow the ethics of Cernunnos’ Huntsmen and memorization of the Creed, the duties of the Ranger remain a popular purpose for Mother Circle druids to pursue. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Druids of the Mother Circle, collectively known as Cerridwen’s Devoted, are considered equal among their peers. Nominated by existing archdruids or the whole circle in absence of leadership, the Circle is organized by three roles of oversight. The number three is thought to be sacred among Cerridwen’s Devoted, harkening to the lunar cycle and the three promises of the Great Mother. The Mother’s Song Aerendyl Hawksong Responsible for cultural worship, inspiration and guidance of the Circle’s learning Druids, and outreach to nations and realms The Mother's Mercy The Mother's Wrath Suika Lorenthus Vanari Amethyst Vanari Responsible for the advisement of Responsible for the detection the focus in the Circle's efforts of threats to the Circle to preserve the Balance and preservation of unity The Mother Circle Druid Inaugurated either by attunement through the Rite of Rebirth or through three basic trials, these druids actively participate in the Circle’s core duties and assigned missions. Foreign druids may choose to complete the following tasks to attain recognition as a part of Cerridwen’s Devoted: the performance of the Rite of Rebirth, the leading of a hunt with the recital of the Huntsman’s Creed, and a held sermon on the lunar calendar, fae, mani or Aspects. Some may choose to take the Ilmyumier markings of the Circle, which depicts three blue faerie roses woven together in any place of choosing. The Dedicant Those prospects who have pledged to follow the path of druidism are known as dedicants. Through years of diligence in studies and tasks, the dedicant is prepared by their guide and mentors within the circle to be presented to the Aspects through the Rite of Rebirth, in which the King and Queen in the woods will pass their final judgment. The Sylvan Warden -Vacant- To manage and coordinate the Wildwood Rangers, a symbolic figurehead is chosen to organize outings and communicate with the three Archdruids. Keeping the tasks and missions of the Rangers enigmatic to outsiders, the Warden’s primary role is to keep the Rangers engaged. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rite of Rebirth [Link] When a dedicant has fulfilled the requirements of dedicancy, the circle gathers in the Mother’s Sorrow to immerse the druid in the living waters of the grove. Believing that Cerridwen herself labors to offer descendants a renewal of life through attunement and the gifts, the Lyric of Rebirth is sung in prayer as the dedicant is presented to the Aspects for judgment. This rite is also performed to usher the souls of departed druids to the Eternal Forest. Sounding of the Horn [Link] To herald the season of the Wild Hunt, the massive horn of the Circle is blown at the height of noon on the first day of the Fox Moon. The druids have infused the horn with potent gifts, so much so that nature itself quakes in fervor at the call of the Centaur King’s Huntsmen. While primarily used for ceremonial purposes, the horn will sound when the grove is threatened to instill druidic energy in the environment and prepare the glades for battle.
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